Deep learning at Microsoft

• Microsoft Cognitive Services • Skype Translator • Cortana • Bing • HoloLens • Microsoft Research

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft Cognitive Services

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit ImageNet: Microsoft 2015 ResNet

28.2 ImageNet Classification top-5 error (%) 25.8

16.4 11.7 7.3 6.7 3.5

ILSVRC ILSVRC ILSVRC ILSVRC ILSVRC ILSVRC ILSVRC 2010 NEC 2011 Xerox 2012 2013 Clarifi 2014 VGG 2014 2015 ResNet America AlexNet GoogleNet

Microsoft had all 5 entries being the 1-st places this year: ImageNet classification, ImageNet localization, ImageNet detection, COCO detection, and COCO segmentation

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Image Similarity

Goal: given query image, find similar images. • Customer: Anonymous ISV (Azure Partner) • Task: given a retail image, find same product on competitor websites (to compare price). • Existing solution: solely based on mining text information from the websites of Target, Macy, etc. • Customer asked for individual similarity measure (e.g. texture, neck style, etc).

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Bing / Bing Ads

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft Translator

Power point-plug in for translating speech to subtitles Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft’s historic speech breakthrough

• Microsoft 2016 research system for conversational speech recognition • 5.9% word-error rate • enabled by CNTK’s multi-server scalability

[W. Xiong, J. Droppo, X. Huang, F. Seide, M. Seltzer, A. Stolcke, D. Yu, G. Zweig: “Achieving Human Parity in Conversational Speech Recognition,”]

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft Customer Support Agent

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)

• Microsoft’s open-source deep-learning toolkit • • Created by Microsoft Speech researchers (Dong Yu et al.) in 2012, “Computational Network Toolkit” • On GitHub since Jan 2016 under MIT license • Python support since Oct 2016 (beta), rebranded as “Cognitive Toolkit” • External contributions e.g. from MIT, Stanford and NVidia

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)

• Over 80% Microsoft internal DL workload runs CNTK • 1st-class on and Windows, docker support • Python, ++, C#, Java • Internal == External

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit CTNK – The Fastest Toolkit

Caffe: 1.0rc5(39f28e4) CNTK: 2.0 Beta10(1ae666d) Benchmarking by HKBU, Version 8 MXNet: 0.93(32dc3a2) Single Tesla K80 GPU, CUDA: 8.0 CUDNN: v5.1 TensorFlow: 1.0(4ac9c09) Torch: 7(748f5e3)

Caffe CNTK MxNet TensorFlow Torch FCN5 (1024) 55.329ms 51.038ms 60.448ms 62.044ms 52.154ms AlexNet (256) 36.815ms 27.215ms 28.994ms 103.960ms 37.462ms ResNet (32) 143.987ms 81.470ms 84.545ms 181.404ms 90.935ms LSTM (256) - 43.581ms 288.142ms - 1130.606ms (v7 benchmark) (44.917ms) (284.898ms) (223.547ms) (906.958ms)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit “CNTK is production-ready: State-of-the-art accuracy, efficient, and scales to multi-GPU/multi-server.” speed comparison (samples/second), higher = better [note: December 2015] 80000


60000 Achieved with 1-bit gradient quantization algorithm 50000



20000 only supports 1 GPU


0 CNTK Theano TensorFlow Torch 7 Caffe 1 GPU 1 x 4 GPUs 2 x 4 GPUs (8 GPUs)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Superior performance Scalability What is new in CNTK 2.0?

Microsoft has now released a major upgrade of the software and rebranded it as part of the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit. This release is a major improvement over the initial release. There are two major changes from the first release that you will see when you begin to look at the new release. First is that CNTK now has a very nice Python API and, second, the documentation and examples are excellent.

Installing the software from the binary builds is very easy on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows. CNTK Other Advantages

• Python and C++ API • Mostly implemented in C++ • Low level + high level Python API • Extensibility • User functions and learners in pure Python • Readers • Distributed, highly efficient built-in data readers • Internal == External

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)

• CNTK expresses (nearly) arbitrary neural networks by composing simple building blocks into complex computational networks, supporting relevant network types and applications.

• CNTK is production-ready: State-of-the-art accuracy, efficient, and scales to multi-GPU/multi-server.

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit MNIST Handwritten Digits (OCR)

1 5 4 3 Handwritten Corresponding Digits 5 3 5 3 Labels 5 9 0 6

• Data set of hand written digits with 60,000 training images 10,000 test images • Each image is: 28 x 28 pixels Multi-layer perceptron Deep

784 pixels (x) Model

. .

Weights i = 784 O= 400 400 + 400 bias

28 28 pix D a = relu 784 i = 400 D O= 200 200 + 200 bias a = relu 400 28 pix 10 nodes i = 200 D O= 10 10 + 10 bias a = None 200

z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8 z9

푒푧i softmax 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.01 9 푧j σ푗=0 푒 Label One-hot encoded (Y)

1 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 5 3 5 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 9 0 6

28 x 28 pix (p) . Loss = − σ9 푦 푙표푔 푝 Cross entropy

28 28 pix ce function 푗=0 푗 푗 error

28 pix Predicted Probabilities (p) Model 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.01 (w, b) CNTK Model

Example: 2-hidden layer feed-forward NN

h1 = s(W1 x + b1) h1 = sigmoid (x @ W1 + b1)

h2 = s(W2 h1 + b2) h2 = sigmoid (h1 @ W2 + b2)

P = softmax(Wout h2 + bout) P = softmax (h2 @ Wout + bout) with input x  RM and one-hot label y  RJ and cross-entropy training criterion ce = yT log P ce = cross_entropy (L, P)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit CNTK Model

example: 2-hidden layer feed-forward NN

h1 = s(W1 x + b1) h1 = sigmoid (x @ W1 + b1)

h2 = s(W2 h1 + b2) h2 = sigmoid (h1 @ W2 + b2)

P = softmax(Wout h2 + bout) P = softmax (h2 @ Wout + bout) with input x  RM and one-hot label y  RJ and cross-entropy training criterion ce = yT log P ce = cross_entropy (P, y)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit CNTK Model ce cross_entropy P softmax

bout + h1 = sigmoid (x @ W1 + b1) h2 = sigmoid (h1 @ W2 + b2) Wout • h 2 P = softmax (h2 @ Wout + bout) s ce = cross_entropy (P, y) b2 +

W2 • h1 s

b1 +

W1 •

x y

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit CNTK Model ce cross_entropy • Nodes: functions (primitives) P • Can be composed into reusable composites softmax • Edges: values bout + • Incl. tensors, sparse Wout • h 2 • Automatic differentiation s • ∂F / ∂in = ∂F / ∂out ∙ ∂out / ∂in b2 + • Deferred computation  execution engine W2 • h 1 • Editable, clonable s

b1 +

W 1 • LEGO-like composability allows CNTK to support

x y wide range of networks & applications

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Authoring networks as functions

ce • “model function” cross_entropy • features  predictions P softmax • defines the model structure & parameter initialization bout + • holds parameters that will be learned by training Wout • h2 s

• “criterion function” b2 +

• (features, labels)  (training loss, additional metrics) W2 • h1 • defines training and evaluation criteria on top of the model function s • provides gradients w.r.t. training criteria b1 +

W1 •

x y

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Authoring networks as functions

• CNTK model: neural networks are functions • pure functions • with “special powers”: • can compute a gradient w.r.t. any of its nodes • external deity can update model parameters

• user specifies network as function objects: • formula as a Python function (low level, e.g. LSTM) • function composition of smaller sub-networks (layering) • higher-order functions (equiv. of scan, fold, unfold) • model parameters held by function objects

• “compiled” into the static execution graph under the hood

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Layers lib: full list of layers/blocks • layers/ • LSTM(), GRU(), RNNUnit() • Stabilizer(), identity • ForwardDeclaration(), Tensor[], SparseTensor[], Sequence[], SequenceOver[] • layers/ • Dense(), Embedding() • Convolution(), Convolution1D(), Convolution2D(), Convolution3D(), Deconvolution() • MaxPooling(), AveragePooling(), GlobalMaxPooling(), GlobalAveragePooling(), MaxUnpooling() • BatchNormalization(), LayerNormalization() • Dropout(), Activation() • Label() • layers/ • Sequential(), For(), operator >>, (function tuples) • ResNetBlock(), SequentialClique() • layers/ • Delay(), PastValueWindow() • Recurrence(), RecurrenceFrom(), Fold(), UnfoldFrom() • models/ • AttentionModel()

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit CNTK workflow

Script configure and executes through CNTK Python APIs… reader network trainer • minibatch source • model function • SGD • task-specific • criterion function (momentum, deserializer • CPU/GPU Adam, …) corpus • automatic execution engine • minibatching model randomization • packing, padding • distributed reading

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit As easy as 1-2-3 from cntk import * # reader def create_reader(path, is_training): ... # network def create_model_function(): ... def create_criterion_function(model): ... # trainer (and evaluator) def train(reader, model): ... def evaluate(reader, model): ... # main function model = create_model_function() reader = create_reader(..., is_training=True) train(reader, model) reader = create_reader(..., is_training=False) evaluate(reader, model)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Workflow

• prepare data • configure reader, network, learner (Python) • train: mpiexec --np 16 --hosts server1,server2,server3,server4 \ python

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Prepare data: reader def create_reader(map_file, mean_file, is_training): # image preprocessing pipeline transforms = [ ImageDeserializer.crop(crop_type='Random', ratio=0.8, jitter_type='uniRatio') ImageDeserializer.scale(width=image_width, height=image_height, channels=num_channels, interpolations='linear'), ImageDeserializer.mean(mean_file) ] # deserializer return MinibatchSource(ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs( features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), ' labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes) )), randomize=is_training, epoch_size = INFINITELY_REPEAT if is_training else FULL_DATA_SWEEP)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Prepare data: reader def create_reader(map_file, mean_file, is_training): # image preprocessing pipeline transforms = [ ImageDeserializer.crop(crop_type='Random', ratio=0.8, jitter_type='uniRatio') ImageDeserializer.scale(width=image_width, height=image_height, channels=num_channels, interpolations='linear'), ImageDeserializer.mean(mean_file) ] # deserializer return MinibatchSource(ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs( features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), ' labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes) )), randomize=is_training, epoch_size = INFINITELY_REPEAT if is_training else FULL_DATA_SWEEP)

• automatic on-the-fly randomization important for large data sets • readers compose, e.g. image  text caption

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Distributed training

• prepare data • configure reader, network, learner (Python) • train: --distributed! mpiexec --np 16 --hosts server1,server2,server3,server4 \ python

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Workflow

• prepare data • configure reader, network, learner (Python) • train: mpiexec --np 16 --hosts server1,server2,server3,server4 \ python • deploy • offline (Python): apply model file-to-file • your code: embed model through C++ API • online: web service wrapper through C#/Java API

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

CNTK Unique Features

• Symbolic loops over sequences with dynamic scheduling • Turn graph into parallel program through minibatching • Unique parallel training algorithms (1-bit SGD, Block Momentum)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Symbolic Loops over Sequential Data

extend our example to a recurrent network ()

h1(t) = s(W1 x(t) + H1 h1(t-1) + b1) h1 = sigmoid(x @ W1 + past_value(h1) + b1)

h2(t) = s(W2 h1(t) + H2 h2(t-1) + b2) h2 = sigmoid(h1 @ W2 + past_value(h2) @ H2 + b2)

P(t) = softmax(Wout h2(t) + bout) P = softmax(h2 @ Wout + bout) ce(t) = LT(t) log P(t) ce = cross_entropy(P, L)

Scorpusce(t) = max  no explicit notion of time

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Symbolic Loops over Sequential Data

extend our example to a recurrent network (RNN)

h1(t) = s(W1 x(t) + H1 h1(t-1) + b1) h1 = sigmoid(x @ W1 + past_value(h1) + b1)

h2(t) = s(W2 h1(t) + H2 h2(t-1) + b2) h2 = sigmoid(h1 @ W2 + past_value(h2) @ H2 + b2)

P(t) = softmax(Wout h2(t) + bout) P = softmax(h2 @ Wout + bout) ce(t) = LT(t) log P(t) ce = cross_entropy(P, L)

Scorpusce(t) = max  no explicit notion of time

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Symbolic Loops over Sequential Data

extend our example to a recurrent network (RNN)

h1(t) = s(W1 x(t) + H1 h1(t-1) + b1) h1 = sigmoid(x @ W1 + past_value(h1) + b1)

h2(t) = s(W2 h1(t) + H2 h2(t-1) + b2) h2 = sigmoid(h1 @ W2 + past_value(h2) @ H2 + b2)

P(t) = softmax(Wout h2(t) + bout) P = softmax(h2 @ Wout + bout) ce(t) = LT(t) log P(t) ce = cross_entropy(P, L)

Scorpusce(t) = max  no explicit notion of time

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Symbolic Loops over Sequential Data

extend our example to a recurrent network (RNN)

h1(t) = s(W1 x(t) + H1 h1(t-1) + b1) h1 = sigmoid(x @ W1 + past_value(h1) @ H1 + b1)

h2(t) = s(W2 h1(t) + H2 h2(t-1) + b2) h2 = sigmoid(h1 @ W2 + past_value(h2) @ H2 + b2)

P(t) = softmax(Wout h2(t) + bout) P = softmax(h2 @ Wout + bout) ce(t) = LT(t) log P(t) ce = cross_entropy(P, L)

Scorpusce(t) = max

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Symbolic Loops over Sequential Data ce cross_entropy P h1 = sigmoid(x @ W1 + past_value(h1) @ H1 + b1) softmax h2 = sigmoid(h1 @ W2 + past_value(h2) @ H2 + b2) b out + P = softmax(h2 @ Wout + bout)

Wout • ce = cross_entropy(P, L)

h2 s z-1 • CNTK automatically unrolls cycles  deferred computation + • • Efficient and composable b 2 + H2

W2 • h1 s z-1 + •

b 1 + H1

W1 •

x y

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 3 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6 • CNTK handles the special cases: • past_value operation correctly resets state and gradient at sequence boundaries • non-recurrent operations just pretend there is no padding (“garbage-in/garbage-out”) • sequence reductions

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Batch-Scheduling of Variable-Length Sequences • minibatches containing sequences of different lengths are automatically packed and padded time steps computed in parallel

sequence 1

sequence 2 sequence 3 padding

sequence 4 sequence 7

parallelsequences sequence 5 sequence 6

• speed-up is automatic: Speed comparison on RNNs

Optimized Optimized, multi Naïve , Single Naïve sequence >20 Sequence, 1 0 5 10 15 20 25

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Data-Parallel Training

• Data-parallelism: distribute minibatch over workers, all-reduce partial gradients

node 1 node 2 node 3

S all-reduce

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Data-parallel training

• Data-parallelism: distribute minibatch over workers, all-reduce partial gradients

node 1 node 2 node 3

ring algorithm O(2 (K-1)/K M)  O(1) w.r.t. K

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Data-parallel training how to reduce communication cost: communicate less each time minibatch • 1-bit SGD: [F. Seide, H. Fu, J. Droppo, G. Li, D. Yu: “1-Bit Stochastic Gradient Descent... Distributed Training of Speech DNNs”, Interspeech 2014] GPU 1 GPU 2 GPU 3 • quantize gradients to 1 bit per value • trick: carry over quantization error to next minibatch 1-bit quantized with residual

1-bit quantized with residual

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Data-Parallel Training How to reduce communication cost: communicate less each time

• 1-bit SGD: [F. Seide, H. Fu, J. Droppo, G. Li, D. Yu: “1-Bit Stochastic Gradient Descent...Distributed Training of Speech DNNs”, Interspeech 2014] • quantize gradients to 1 bit per value • trick: carry over quantization error to next minibatch communicate less often

• Automatic MB sizing [F. Seide, H. Fu, J. Droppo, G. Li, D. Yu: “ON Parallelizability of Stochastic Gradient Descent...”, ICASSP 2014]

• Block momentum [K. Chen, Q. Huo: “Scalable training of machines by incremental block training…,” ICASSP 2016] • Very recent, very effective parallelization method • Combines model averaging with error-residual idea

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Benchmark Result of Parallel Training on CNTK

• Training data: 2,670-hour speech from real traffics of VS, SMD, and Cortana • About 16 and 20 days to train DNN and LSTM on 1-GPU, respectively

1bit/BMUF Speedup Factors in LSTM Training

60.0 54.0 1bit-average 50.0 1bit-peak 43.7 40.0 BMUF-average 27.3

30.0 25.5 BMUF-peak 14.1 13.8 8.1 20.0 4.1 10.8 3.7 6.9 6.7 8.0 10.0 3.3 5.4 2.9 0.0 4 GPUs 8 GPUs 16 GPUs 32 GPUs 64 GPUs

Microsoft Credit: Yongqiang Wang, Kai Chen, Qiang Huo Cognitive Toolkit Results

• Achievement • Almost linear speedup without degradation of model quality • Verified for training DNN, CNN, LSTM up to 64 GPUs for speech recognition, image classification, OCR, and click prediction tasks • Released in CNTK as a critical differentiator • Used for enterprise scale production data loads • Production tools in other companies such as iFLYTEK and Alibaba

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Where to begin? On GitHub:

Tutorials: (latest release) (latest)

Azure Notebooks: Try for free pre-hosted

Seek help on Stack Overflow: (please add cntk tag)

Seek help on Stack Overflow: (please add cntk tag) Where to begin? Tutorials: (latest release) (latest) Where to begin?

Azure Notebooks: Try for free pre-hosted

Where to begin? On GitHub:

Tutorials: (latest release) (latest)

Azure Notebooks: Try for free pre-hosted

Seek help on Stack Overflow: (please add cntk tag)

Seek help on Stack Overflow: (please add cntk tag)