Marian Antiphon for Eastertide: REGINA CÆLI ()

trans. Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia! For he whom you did merit to bear, alleluia! Is risen, as he promised, alleluia! Prayer to God for us, alleluia!

Recessional: Chorale Fantasia on (Hermann Schroeder)

the Solemnity of the of Confirmation May 31, 2020


Agnus Dei: from Community (Richard Proulx)


(Sunday, May 31, 2020)

11:00 am

Music during the Communion Procession: Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist / We now implore the Holy Spirit (Dieterich Buxtehude) Prelude: Komm Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott / Come, Holy Spirit, Lord God (Dieterich Buxtehude) Communion Psalm: THIS DAY WAS MADE BY THE LORD Entrance: INTROIT ANTIPHON Romans 5:5; 8:11 (Christopher Walker) with Psalm 147

[1] The love of God has been poured in - to our hearts

[4] through the Spirit of God dwelling within us, al-le - luia. Greeting

Penitential Rite Gloria: Stirling Bridge Gloria (Old Scottish chant) Prayer after Communion  Blessing Dismissal: Deacon- Go in peace, alleluia, alleluia!


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Sanctus: from Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Collect  First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104 (Richard Proulx) Mystery of Faith: from Community Mass (Richard Proulx)


Second Reading: I Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

Sequence: Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

Please remain seated and sing stanzas alternately with the cantor.

Amen: from Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Cantor [1] Come, Holy Spir - it, come! [2] And from Thy celes - tial home Lord’s Prayer [4] Shed a ray of light di - vine! Embolism All [1] Come, Father of the poor! [2] Come, source of all our store! [4] Come, within our bos-oms shine. Rite of Peace Cantor [1] Thou, of comforters the best; [2] Thou, the soul’s most wel - come guest; [4] Sweet refreshment here be - low;

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All [1] In our labor, rest most sweet; Laying on of Hands [2] Grateful coolness in the heat; [4] Solace in the midst of woe. with Holy Chrism Cantor [1] O most blessed Light di - vine, : N.__, be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. [2] Shine within these hearts of Thine, Newly-confirmed: Amen. [4] And our inmost be-ing fill! Bishop: Peace be with you. All [1] Where Thou art not, we have naught, Newly-confirmed: And with your spirit. [2] Nothing good in deed or thought, Music during the Anointing: [4] Nothing free from taint of ill.  Veni Creator Spiritus (Gregorian chant) Cantor [1] Heal our wounds, our strength re - new;  (Rev. James Chepponis) [2] On our dryness pour Thy dew;  Verset on Veni Creator Spiritus (Jeahan Titelouze) [4] Wash the stains of guilt a - way:

All [1] Bend the stubborn heart and will; Universal Prayer [2] Melt the frozen, warm the chill;  [4] Guide the steps that go a - stray. Offertory : COME, HOLY GHOST [tune- LAMBILLOTTE] Cantor [1] On the faithful, who a - dore [2] And confess Thee, ev - er - more [4] In Thy sev’nfold gift de - scend; All [1] Give them virtue’s sure re - ward; [2] Give them Thy salva - tion, Lord; [4] Give them joys that never end. Amen. Al-le - lu-ia! Gospel Acclamation: Renaissance Alleluia (Gary Penkala) - Stand.

Gospel: Saint John 20:19-23 Homily

THE ORDER OF CONFIRMATION Renewal of Baptismal Promises [Candidates stand] All respond “I do” to the Bishop’s five questions; then:

Bishop: This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord. All: Amen. 4 5