September 8, 1986
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y James Madison University Monday, September 8,1986 Vol.64 No.3 JMU develops Constitution celebration By Kyra Scarton Madison, who framed the Constitution, JMU has Orange County, about an hour from Harrison- editor developed a yearlong schedule of almost 50 events, burg. -, When students returned to JMU this fall, they divided into educational, promotional or celebra- And the university plans to seek recognition out- were greeted with what soon will become a familiar tion programs. side the Shendandoah Valley for its work with the sight. "It's more than what I thought it was going to Constitution. Decorating the front of the student handbook be," said Mark Warner, director of the Constitu- Former Chief Justice Warren Burger retired and the general catalog this year, red and white tion Bicentennial Program. "It's been one of those from the Supreme Court this summer to serve as stripes wave like a U.S. flag. pleasant kind of jobs where everyone's been will- chairman of the national bicentennial committee. In the upper left corner of the blue background ing to help." Although the national committee serves more as stands an outline of the Wilson Hall cupola. A The bicentennial logo has become one of the a "clearinghouse" to coordinate events draft of a colonial document, headed "We the hottest properties on campus as faculty and staff throughout the country, JMU will appeal for na- People," sits beside it. request to use it for programs within their depart- tional recognition, Warner said. No decision The words circling the illustration explain it all: ments. In October the university postage meter will would be announced until January. "Legacies of Madison, Celebrating the Constitu- carry the design. "It would be nice, but it's not going to affect tion's Bicentennial." Programs continually are being added to the what we're going to do," he said. "We're still go- Just little more than a year remains until Sept. .JMU schedule, which will culminate with ing to do everything we said we're going to do 17, 1987 — the 200th anniversary of the signing of weeklong events concluding Sept. 17, 1987. whether we get national recognition or not. the U.S. Constitution. University officials also are working for programs In honor of the university's namesake, James to be held at Montpelier, Madison's estate in See CONSTITUTION page 2- SGA outlines '8&'87 goals By Kristy Kaplan SGA reporter Ad hoc committees, student volunteers and the university club are priorities for the Student Government Association this year. "I'm looking forward to a very" productive year working together with the JMU student body," SGA president Greg Gromada said. Gromada called the ad hoc com- mittees, which are appointed by the SGA president, this year's "big issues." Those committees are designed to meet the needs of the students, he said. Five committees, which cover housing, graduation, the health center, the bookstore and banking, have been established this year. The housing advisory committee will be a sounding board for student input on housing. It will work with the Office of Residence Life to keep the administration aware of student Staff photo by STEVE EATON needs. The committee will meet with Dr. Valley Day William Bolding, director of Mary Anna Frye of Edinburg sits with her handmade dolls at JMU's seventh Valley Day held Saturday residence life, to discuss any new policies of concern to students, Ann- on the field by Godwin Hall. See additional photos on pages 12 and 13. See SGA page 2*- Tough JMU lost Its first football game Putting A writer takes a look at JMU of the season on a UMass field It off students' procrastination. loss goal with :04 left. 17 Page 2, The Breeze, Monday, September 8,1986 Constitution *»• (Continued from page 1) Across the country, celebrations will mark other No plans have been approved, but the university phases of the Constitution's 200th birthday. is seeking a speaker to address an ides of the Con- "The national recognition not only will help the On Sept. 25, 1789, the Bill of Rights, the first 10 stitution, such as "church vs. state," Warner said. program, it'll help James Madison University." amendments to the document, was submitted to Bicentennial medallions are being created to give JMU officials will be in Charlottesville ,at the the states from Congress. special speakers when they visit campus. end of September when Gov. Gerald Baliks opens The Constitution was ratified June 21, 1788. • two radio series by WMRA. the state bicentennial commission. Virginia ratified the Bill of Rights in 1791, mak- Each series consists of 26 shows, the first in two- Heading JMU's Campus Program Committee ing the amendments part of the Constitution. minute segments, the second in nine-minute are Dr. Sidney Bland, history professor, and Dr. At JMU, the celebration opened this summer segments. Cameron Nickels, English professor. Chairing the with freshman orientation and the adoption of this The programs will address different aspects of Montpeber Committe are Dr. Martha Caldwell, year's cover design. Even stationery has been the Constitution and all will be developed by art professor, and Fred Hilton, university printed to promote the program and bicentennial students. The shows might be broadcast via Na- spokesman. , mugs and bumper stickers are scheduled to be on tional Public Radio to 310 affiliate stations nation- Working with local legislators, JMU will seek a sale in the bookstore by December. wide. joint resolution from the General Assembly The bicentennial theme is being merged into an- • a slide/tape show. recognizing the university as the official bicenten- nual events at the university, including this year's The show is being developed with the National nial university in the state, Warner said. fine arts festival and next year's arts and sciences Trust for Historic Preservation and will be shown Warner also said be is unaware of any programs symposium. at both JMU and Montpelier. being developed at other Virginia colleges or "We do not want to saturate, we want to have a • a speech about James Madison. universities. ^—, positive input," Warner said. "We don't want Dr. Carlton Smith, professor of history and this Although JMU's program is planned to con- people to say, *Hey, let's get this thing over year's Madison Scholar, will lecture about clude Sept. 17, 1987, national events are expected with.' " Madison during the final week of the program. to last through 1991. ■ Smith also wrote a 28-page booklet about A national holiday has been proposed for the Events scheduled for the year include: Madison which was included in this year's 200th anniversary date of the signing. • a nationally known speaker for Founders Day. freshman reading list. /I SGA ■> (Continued from page 1) being instated. Interviews are being free check cashing for all students. will be open from 6 to midnight conducted by university officials, Students who do not have accohnts Thursday through Saturday. Marie Johnson, administrative vice and Gromada or Johnson are includ- there can cash checks for amounts president, said. ed. Kathy Say ko, legislative vice presi- between $10 and $200 while those dent, is organizing the upcoming The graduation committee was set Other suggestions include a with accounts can cash checks up to up to "search out the needs of the SGA senate elections. courier to pick up medications and their account limit. "We want to get strong students for graduation," Gromada take lab work to and from the SGA treasurer Greg Usiskin is said. people,"she said. "A lot of people hospital, a health center receptionist planning several workshops, in- are running so far, and I think that "I want to see what students want, to free the nurses from that duty and cluding one for front-end budgeted will make it more of a challenge and get tha(. feedback and put it all a referral list of doctors in the Har- organizations to explain the SGA's encourage people to be more active. together?* risonburg area. contingency account. Gromada said he has heard many Representatives from each hall, The bookstore and banking ad- Other SGA plans for the year in- different ideas about changes, in- visory committees were set up to pre- the Greek community and com- cluding the day and time of the clude a student volunteer drive. muters will be elected Sept. 23. sent ideas, and in some cases, help Gromada will push for more ceremony, and would like the com- with the operation of these campus Declarations of intent must be com- students to volunteer timi the mittee to look into it formally. facilities. community. pleted by Thursday, Sept. 18 and Gromada said he would like to see Johnson said the bookstore com- turned in to the SGA office. Sunday graduation, but it probably Gromada said he wants to •tudy Sayko also is working to reinstate mittee is "kind of like a marketing "what students are doing no, would not be feasible this year. group that will advise and consult on and voter registration. Sept. 20-22 are Schedules have been set and reserva- how we can improve it. We to National Voter Registration Days, changes in the bookstore." increase campus involvement/n the tions made and would be difficult to Bookstore renovations will begin community." 7 and Sayko wants to work with the change. in March and the committee will political organizations on campus to The health advisory committee have some say in what changes are The university club is ano/ther im- get more students involved in voting. will examine the health center and - made, she said.