Takoma Academy Graduates One Hundred Thirty-Four ELAN E ROGERS Associate Editor

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Takoma Academy Graduates One Hundred Thirty-Four ELAN E ROGERS Associate Editor Columbia vUnion A SUPPLEMENTisitor TO THE REVIEW AND HERALD Takoma Academy Graduates One Hundred Thirty-Four ELAN E ROGERS Associate Editor DR. DALE HANNAH, Sligo frogs), ceramics, greeting cards, ity in jobs other than at TA. Of church pastor, challenged the Christmas cards; attempted a de- course, they were supported by one hundred thirty-four seniors coupage project; organized a the workers, planners, and idea- who graduated from Takoma Money Club, Writer's Club, and makers. Academy to "Think big, and stand Ushers Club (which ushered for The Class of '74 had outstand- tall." He told them to have goals, Takoma Programs for three ing musicians. One of them, Syl- and to strive for those goals—to years); held benefit programs, in- via Delle Araujo, has achieved keep a vision. cluding taco dinners, films, and a recognition as a violinist. Others He was talking to the right "Let's Swing a Deal" program. are involved in orchestra, band, group. The Class of '74 had The Class of '74 turned just about and chorale. chosen as its theme, "Some men anything you could think of into What about scholarship? see things as they are, and say, a money-making project! The 1974 TA chapter of the 'Why?' I dream of things that At first they were planning a National Honor Society had a never were, and say, 'Why not?'" class trip to the Bahamas. Then record membership of 69, thirty- —Robert Kennedy. they got a bigger dream. "In- one of them seniors. Six seniors There's no question that the stead of a class trip where all you received scholarships from Co- members of this class are dream- do is enjoy yourself, let's go to a lumbia Union College. Seniors ers. That became apparent with missions project and help peo- walked off with other honors: "Me . .," a collection of prose, ple," was the class sentiment. Al- Leif Christiansen and Rhonda Ar- poetry, and insights written, pro- though that dream never mate- nold, Class of '74 valedictorian, duced, and published by the Class rialized, it was an attempt at a received citizenship awards from of '74 in 1971, when they were meaningful program. Civitan, and Arlinda Nelson won freshmen. Today the book is be- The Class of '74 had its core the Civitan essay contest. ing sold nationwide in hardback of leaders—the "dependable mi- Not all the ideas of the Class version by Vantage Press. nority," as they are known at TA. of '74 found fulfillment, but in the Another dreamer indication They led in Student Council activ- words of Rhonda Arnold, "It has was projects. The Class of '74 was ities; got involved with TA's two been said that it is better to have noted for its projects! They publications, The "Takoman" dreamed of a thousand things washed cars; sold "sophrogs" yearbook and the "Globe" news- and fulfill one of them than not (stuffed cloth bean-bag type paper, and assumed responsibil- to have dreamed at all." Prepared by Department of Communication—Charles R. Beeler, Secretary; Elane Rogers, Associate AUGUST 15, 1974 Sanitarium Pathfinders' parade float. Float entered by Takoma Park Adventist organizations. Its theme: Today's Challenge—Tomorrow's Freedom. It featured the four freedoms made famous by F. D. Roosevelt's speech: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom From Want, and Freedom From Fear. Adventists Win Parade Trophies Sligo Pathfinders won three awards for their participation in the Takoma Park Fourth of July parade. The Sligo Teen Pathfinders took the first place trophy for civic units with their marching group. Sligo Challenger Pathfinders ranked second in the same cate- gory. The Teens' theme float received a third-place trophy. Its theme was "The King Is Coming." It featured white-robed angels with trumpets, a large painting of Sligo Teens Christ, and the song of the same marching group. title. Hundreds of hours went into making the float. The work was done by George Bestpitch, Jim Graham, Mrs. Betty Manchak, artist Alan Forquer, and seven of the Pathfinders. Other Adventist units in the parade were: a large float pre- pared cooperatively by the sev- eral denominational organiza- tions in Takoma Park, which won first award for theme floats; a float entered by the Sanitarium Constellation Pathfinders, which took second place for theme floats; and floats entered by the Prize-winning float of the Sligo Teens. Takoma Park Pathfinders, and Columbia Union College. KIT WATTS Publications Editor 2 v Flag bearers of the Sligo Challengers. Sligo Church bers of the professional community. Pastor Arthur Ward gave warm words ctilegheney east of welcome to all assembled. Church and community members alike pledged their talents of time and means as Dr. Cain stressed the importance of organ- Harrison called for a planning com- izations such as the Adventist Com- mittee. munity Services being first on the scene Dr. Robert Dunn, director of pre- after a flood, hurricane, or similar ventive medicine for the Washington calamity. Adventist Hospital, joins Dr. Harrison Other guests included: Carl Cottel- and Folkenberg as they lead our ese, Pottstown Civil Defense director; church in meeting the health needs James Rodgers, Acting Pottstown Chief of the community. Ingathering: of Police; George B. Setter, representa- LUCILLE A. HERRON To Get You tive of the American Red Cross; Harry Communication Secretary In the Mood Riegel of the Amity Township Vol- Brinklow Emmanuel Church unteer Department; and Donald SEVENTY - EIGHT - YEAR - OLD Thomas Yanos, West End Fire Chief. Gamble is known as Mr. Ingatherer at The mass feeding was the result of the Trinity Temple church, Newark, the coordinated services of Ethel Webb, New Jersey, where he is a member. president of the Pennsylvania Fed- alieghterlY Last year he raised more than $3,600 eration of Community Services; Ruth for Ingathering. That wasn't unusual Robbins, Virginia Federation; 011ie for him. His record for nine previous west years is: $1,000, $1,300, $1,500, $1,600, B. Anderson, past president of the $1,800, $2,300, $2,500, $2,900, $3,000. Allegheny East Conference Federation; He says, "It gets better and better." and Dorothy Gamble, current presi- dent. Gordonsville-Calvary How does he do it? Holds Rededication Rite He spends long hours, several days W. D. LEWIS a week, getting only small change and THE Gordonsville, Virginia, Calvary passing out thousands of pieces of lit- church has just completed a program erature. He is well known in the com- Emmanuel Church Plans of sanctuary improvement. Under the munities where he works. The people Community Health Care leadership of their present pastor, know him and expect to see him. Melvin Warfield, this work was com- At the close of the Ingathering cam- A BANQUET featuring community pleted, and on June 8, 1974, Confer- paign last year Trinity Temple church health care was held recently in the ence President H. L. Cleveland, Con- honored Gamble at a special social lower auditorium of the Emmanuel ference Treasurer J. A. Washington; occasion. Young and old paid tribute church of Brinklow, Maryland. More and assistant to the president J. H. with solos, poems, personal testimo- than one hundred guests attended. Lester were present for a rededica- nies, and a standing ovation. He was The banquet theme was ably pre- tion service. named Mr. Ingatherer and presented sented by guest speakers Dr. D. War- Other district churches came and a beautiful plaque bearing the inscrip- ren Harrison, medical missionary from participated in the rite. Cleveland tion "Mr. Ingatherer," his picture, and Africa, and Elman J. Folkenberg, delivered the main message during the date of the presentation. He also originator of the Five-Day Plan. Other the morning worship. His subject was received a personal gift from members guests included: James Farmer, execu- True Worship, and how God wants of the congregation. tive director of the Montgomery His people to turn aside and be re- Gamble responded: "I love Ingather- County Action Committee; Winona charged for His work. ing for Christ. I feel it's a privilege to Lodmell, R.N., of a northern Mary- J. H. LESTER give others opportunity to help God's land Health Clinic; and many mem- Communication Secretary great cause." Maybe that's his secret. WILLARD D. LEWIS Clip and Mail This Coupon Communication Secretary COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE YOU REVOLVING FUND Community Services Columbia Union Conference of SDA Demonstrates Mass Feeding CAN HELP 7710 Carroll Avenue Takoma Park, Md. 20012 FIFTEEN hundred people were fed Build churches in seven minutes as one of the main and schools. I would like more information about features of the recent camp meeting Your money, the Revolving Fund. by the Allegheny East Conference Com- deposited with the ❑ munity Services Department. Columbia Union Enclosed is $ to be John E. Collins, director, explained, Revolving Fund, earns deposited in the Columbia Union Con- you 5 1/4 per cent "In times of disaster, the Community ference Revolving Fund at an interest ratd interest and, through per cent. I wish this money to Services mass-feeding program is essen- of 51/4 the fund, helps finance be deposited for a period of CI, 2, 3, tial in alleviating suffering among the church building 5, 10, 15) years. stricken victims." projects. You may Guest speaker for the occasion was specify the length of Paul T. Cain, regional director of the time you wish your Name deposit to remain. Federal Disaster Assistance Agency Clip and mail Street (FDAA) with offices in Philadelphia. this coupon. 3 v City State Zip leave the church. She chose the former, took her daughter, Ljiljana, and re- ohio turned to Cleveland where her daugh- ter has now been baptized.
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