Congressional Record-Senate. 3667
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1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3667 7298. Also, petition of 2,450 citizens of the thirteenth con MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. gressional district of Michigan, urging the United States to A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Over recognize the Irish Republic ; to the Committee on Foreign hue, its elll'olling clerk, announced that the House passed Affairs. without amendment the bill ( S. 3721) providing for the erection 7299. By l\Ir. CURRY: Petition of the directors of the Cllam of additional suitable and necessary buildings for the National ber of C-Ommerce of Sacramento, Calif., favoring a minimum Leper Home. Army strength of 150,000 enlisted men and 13,000 officers ; to The message also announced that the House had passed the the Committee on l\lilitary Affairs. bill ( S. 3220) to amend sections 2, 5, 11, 12, 15, 19, 29, and 30 7300. By l\Ir. KISSE.L: .Petition of Rodgers & Hagerty (Inc.), of the United States warehouse act, approved August 11, 1916, New York City, N. Y., urging modification of the present immi with amendments, in which it requested the concurrence of the. gration law; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali Sena~ · zation. The message further announced that the House had passed · 7301. By Mr. PORTER: Petition of 869 signers, residents of bills of the following titles, in which it requested the. concur Pittsburgh Pa., indorsing House Joint Resolution 412, for the rence of the Senate: relief of Austria and Germany_; to the C-Ommittee on Foreign H. R. 12053.-An act to define butter and to provide a standard Affairs. therefor ; and 7302. By Mr. RIORDAl~: Petition of sundry citizens of the H. R.14302. .Ah act to establish and promote the use of the eleventh and nineteenth congressional districts of New York, official cotton standards of the United States in interstate and urging that aid be extended to the people of the. German and foreign commerce, to prevent deception therein, and provide for Austrian Republics'; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the proper application of such standards, and for other pur 7303. By 1\fr. TREADWAY: Petition of the town of Han poses. cock, Mass., making recommendations with · reference to _the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. existing coal situation; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr. WILLIS presented a resolution of the Akron (Ohio f Chamber of Commerce favoring the passage of the so-called ship subsidy bill, which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr. LADD presented a memorial, numerously signed, of SENATE. sundry citizens of Mandan, N. Duk., remonstrating against the THURSDAY, February 15, 19~3. passage of legislation providing for compulsory Sunday ob servance in the District of Columbia, which was referred to (Leg~lative day of Tuesday, February 13, 1923.) the Committee on the District of Columbia. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the l\1r. KEYES presented communications in the nature of pe recess. titions of the congregations of the Atkinson Congregational Mr. SMOOT. Mr. President, I . suggest the absence of a Church of Atkinson, the Congregational and Baptist Churches quorum. of New Ipswich, the Congregational Church of Henniker, the The VICE PRESIDENT. -The Secretary will call the roll. Congregational Church of' Gilsum, and the trustees of the The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Sena New Hampshire Congregational conference, held at the South tors answered to their names : Congregational ' Church of Concord, all in the State of New Ashurst Gerry McKinley Smith Hampshire, praying an amendment to the Constitution regu Ball Glass McNary Smoot lating child labor, which were referred to the Committee on Bayard Gooding Moses Spencer the Judiciary. Borah Bale Nelson Sterling Bursum Harreld New Sutherland Mr. RANSDELL presented a .memorial, numerously signed, Calder Harrison Nicholson Swanson by sundry citizens of New Orleans, La., remonstrating against Cameron Heflin Norris Townsend Capper Hitchcock Oddie Trammell / the passage of legislation providing for compulsory Sunday Caraway Johnson Overman Underwood observance in the District of Columbia, which was referred to Colt Jones, N. Mex. Owen Wadsworth the Committee on the District of Columbia, and the body of Couzens Jones, Wash. Page Walsh, Mass. Culberson Kellogg Phipps Walsh, Mont. the memorial was ordered to be printed in · the RECORD as Curtis Keyes Pittman Warren follows: Dial Ladd Pomerene Watson PETITION TO CONGRESS. Dillingham La Follette Ransdell Weller Ernst Lenroot Reed, Mo. Williams To the honorabie the Senate and House of Representatives of the Fernald Lod_ge Reed, Pa. Willis United States: Fletcher McCormick Robinson Believing (1) in the separation of church and the State; Frelinghuysen Mccumber Sheppard (2) Tbat Congress is prohibited by the first amendment to the George McKelJar Shields Constitution from enacting any law enforcing the observance of any religious institution, or looking toward a union of church and State, The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-seven Senators have an or of religion and civil government ; swered to their names. A quorum is present. (3) That any such legislation is opposed to the best interests · of both church and State; and DEPARTMENTAL USE OF AUTOMOBILES. (4) That the first step in this direction is a dangerous step and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica should be oppos1>d by every lover of liberty ; . We, the undersigned adult residents of New Orleans, State of tion from the president of the Board of Managers of the Na Louisiana, earnestly petition your honorable body not to pass the tional Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, transmitting, in compulsory Sunday observance bill (S. 1948) which aims to regulate response to Senate Resolution 399, agreed to January 6, 1923, Sunday observance by civil force under penalty for the District of information relative to the number and cost of maintenance of Columbia. privately owned passenger-carr_ying autom~biles in use by the Mr. REED of Pennsylvania. I ask unanimous consent to National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and its present and have embodied in the RECORD in 8-point type a con branches, which, with the accompanying papers, was ordered to current resolution of the Legielature of Pennsylvania regarding lie on the table. the installation of the modern mail-tube system, and I also re SENATOR FROM OHIO. quest that the memorial be referred to the Committee on Post Mr. WILI.. IS. I present the credentials of Hon. SIMEON D. Offices and Post Roads. FEss, Senator elect from the State of Ohio, which I ask may be The memorial was referred to the Committee on Post Offices read and placed on file. and Post Roads and ordered to be printed in the RECORD in The credentials were read, and ordered to be placed on file, 8-point type, as follows : as follows: No. 2. IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF OHIO. IN THE HouSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES : Jamtary 29, 1923. This is to certify that at a regular election held in the State of Ohio Whereas the sentiment of Philadelphia, like that of the othet· - on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1922, SIMEON D. Fmss was duly elected a Senator from said State to represent said State in the Senate cities of the country where the modern mail-tube system has of the United States for the· term of six years, beginning on the 4th ·been tested, is emphatically in favor of it, as indicated by the day of Marci;t, 1923. _ press and by public expression, by the great business organiza Witness his excellency our governor, Ba1·ry L. Davis, and our seal hereto affixed at Columbus, Ohio, this 8th day of December, in the year tions, by city councils, and by the public generally: Therefore of our Lord 1922. be it [SEAL.) HARBY L. DAVIS, Governor. Resolved By the governor : (if the senate concur), That this legislature asso HARVEY C. SMITH, - ciates it elf with the public's progressive demand for the use Seoretary of State. - and extension of such service as a necessity of· the past office CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE. 3668 FEBRUARY 15 1 and a relief to the congestion of the already overcrowded Whereas the c001ditlons heretofore stated in this memorial have been greatly augmented, on account of excessive freight rates obtaining from thoroughfares of our larger cities ; and be it further the State of Idaho to eastern mark ts, being practicany prohibitive, Resolved, That the Secretary of the Commonwealth be re-, until the products grown upon Federal reclamation projects. have rotted quested to forward a copy of this resolution to the Vice Presi in the fields, for the reason that they wo'uld not bring sufficient sumir to pay transportation charges; and dent of the United States and the Speaker of the Federal House WhereaS' justice and' a desire to show our appreciation to tllo e who of Representatives for presentation to Congress. have struggled for years to. subdue the desert llllcl to improve our coun THOMAS H. GABVIN • try and it citizenship impels us to ask that the Congress of the United States of America, by act of Congre s postpone all payment. s over Chief Clerk of the House of RepresentativesM due upon reclamation projects and' spread all of the remaining pay• 'I'he foregoing resolution. was concurred in by the senate Feb ments to tall due~ together with said· dne paymentB'r over a period of 40 years, to the end that the Government may have returned to it ruary 6~ 1923. by the citizens who have in most instances undertaken to reclaim desert WM. P.