Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 297 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018) Techniques and Translation Ideology Analysis in a Political Interview Subtitle Raden Rama Widya Kartika Yudha Teguh Setiawan Applied Linguistic Applied Linguistic Yogyakarta State Uiversity Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—The impact of translator’s technique used, and translation should be able to convey all the source language ideology would be undeniably significant to the translation messages (SL) into the target language (TL) naturally and product. Thus, this research focuses on the analysis of the correctly as they are written in ordinary language. In this translating process of technique and ideology translator used case, the translation should include the transfer of cultural to transfer meaning in the target language in a political significance from the source to the target language to give interview that is “Interview with Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto with Babita Sharma from BBC News July the concept of an identifiable reader and which is familiar to 11, 2014” Subtitle. The aim of the study is to identify and them [1]. Translation is not new subject anymore. In a loose describe the technique and ideology translation in “interview definition, the practice of translation is done daily anytime with presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto with Babita and by anyone in everyday life. Today many things are Sharma from bbc news july 11, 2014 “subtitle. The researcher translated from one language (source language) to another used simak catat method to collect the data and then did data language (target language).