Minnesota House 2011 Committees

Ag & Rural Development Environment, Energy & Ways & Means Education Finance Policy & Finance Natural Resources Chair MaryLiz Holberg Chair Chair Chair Denny McNamara Vice Chair Downey Vice Chair Kelly Vice Chair Paul Anderson Vice Chair Torkelson Minority Lead Carlson Minority Lead Greiling Minority Lead Eken Minority Lead Hilty Energy Members Abeler Huntley Members Anderson, P. Members Anderson, B. Minority Lead Wagenius Anderson, B. Kahn Anzelc Franson Environment Anderson, S. Kiffmeyer Bills Fritz Members Anderson, P. Beard Lanning Brynaert Hansen Beard Brynaert Lenczedwski Davnie Hosch Dill Buesgens McNamara Dittrich Kath Draz Carlson Nornes Downey Kiel Fabian Champion Pelowski Erickson LeMieur Falk Cornish Rukavina Fabian McElfatrick Hackbarth Davids Sertich Loon Morrow Hancock Eken Slawik Mariani Persell Hansen Garofalo Smith Myhra Poppe Knuth Greiling Wagenius Petersen Schomacker Persell Gunther Westrom Quam Shimanski Quam Hackbarth Slocum Swedzinski Scott Hamilton Ward Torkelson Hornstein Woodard Vogel Howes Ward Winkler Minnesota House 2011 Committees

Health & Human Services Transportation State Government Finance Reform Capital Investment Policy & Finance Chair Steve Gottwalt Chair Lanning Chair Larry Howes Chair Mike Beard Vice Chair Mack Vice Chair Benson Vice Chair Scott Vice Chair Murdock Minority Lead Liebling Minority Lead Kahn Minority Lead Hausman Minority Lead Hornstein Members Abeler Members Anderson, B. Members Banaian Members Benson Barrett Banaian Carlson Buesgens Benson Bills Clark Champion Franson Downey Draz Eken Fritz Gauthier Fabian Gauthier Gruenhagen Greene Gunther Hausman Hosch Hayden Hackbarth Kiel Huntley Leidiger Hansen Leidiger Kiffmeyer Lillie Hayden Morrow Loeffler Lohmer Kriesel Murray Lohmer McElfatrick Lanning Nelson, M. McDonald Murphy, M. Myhra Sanders McElfatrick Murray Nornes Shimanski Moran Simon Rukavina Vogel Murphy, E. Slawik Scalze Norton Stensrud Sertich Peterson, S. Urdahl Swedzinski Quam Winkler Ward Minnesota House 2011 Committees

Commerce & Civil Law Redistricting Regulatory Reform Rules & Legislative Administration Chair Torrey Westrom Chair Sarah Anderson Chair Joe Hoppe Chair Matt Dean Vice Chair Draz Vice Chair Fabian Vice Chair Sanders Vice Chair Daudt Minority Lead Lesch Minority Lead Murphy, M. Minority Lead Atkins Minority Lead Pelowski Members Gruenhagen Members Clark Members Anderson, D. Members Anderson, S. Lillie Hilstrom Daudt Anderson, S. Banaian Mack Hilty Garofalo Anzelc Benson McNamara Holberg Hoppe Crawford Brynaert Murphy, E. Hoppe Hortman Daudt Hamilton Nornes Hortman Loon Dittrich Hilstrom Norton Mahoney Marquart Johnson, S. Hoppe Paymar Mazorol Poppe Kieffer Howes Peppin Peppin Scott Lillie Kelly Scott Peterson, S Loon Knuth Thissen Runbeck Mazorol Laine Westrom Scott Mullery Simon Murdock Wardlow Nelson, M. O'Driscoll Stensrud Tillberry Minnesota House 2011 Committees

Taxes Property Tax Division Higher Education HHS Finance

Chair Chair Linda Runbeck Chair Bud Nornes Chair Jim Abeler Vice Chair Loon Vice Chair Crawford Vice Chair Dettmer Vice Chair Kiffmeyer Minority Lead Lenczewski Minority Lead Marquart Minority Lead Rukavina Minority Lead Huntley Members Anderson, S. Marquart Members Barrett Members Atkins Minority Lead Early Childhood Slawik Bills Myhra Benson Banaian Members Anderson, D. Buesgens Paymar Daudt Benson Franson Crawford Rukavina Dettmer Daudt Fritz Davnie Runbeck Dittrich Doepke Gottwalt Doepke Sertich Koenen Hancock Hamilton Downey Tillberry LeMieur Mazorol Hayden Draz Wardlow Lenczewski Morrow Hosch Erickson Loeffler Norton Laine Garofalo Mahoney Pelowski Lanning Gottwalt McDonald Poppe Liebling Hortman Petersen Vogel Lohmer Kiffmeyer Wardlow Mack Knuth McDonald Koenen McElfatrick Lesch Murphy, E. Loeffler Schomacker Mack Minnesota House 2011 Committees

Public Safety & Crime Prevention Policy and Finance Legacy Division Veterans Division Judiciary Chair Tony Cornish Chair Chair Bruce Anderson Chair Steve Smith Vice Chair Woodard Vice Chair Kiel Vice Chair Kriesel Vice Chair Shimanski Minority Lead Mullery Minority Lead Dill Minority Lead Koenen Minority Lead Johnson, S. Members Gauthier Members Cornish Members Anzelc Members Anderson, D. Gruenhagen Greene Davids Champion Hilty McFarlane Dettmer Cornish Johnson, S. McNamara Falk Gruenhagen Kelly Murphy, M. Kahn Kriesel Kieffer Peppin Kath Laine Kriesel Torkelson LeMieur Lesch Leidiger Wagenius Lohmer Liebling Mariani Winkler O'Driscoll Mazorol McDonald Persell Schomaker Moran Slocum Nornes Tillberry Slocum Vogel Smith Wardlow Minnesota House 2011 Committees

Jobs and Economic Gov Operations & Development Education Reform Ethics Elections Chair Bob Gunther Chair Chair Steve Smith Chair Joyce Peppin Vice Chair McFarlane Vice Chair Doepke Minority Lead Paymar Vice Chair Murray Minority Lead Minority Lead Mariani Members Atkins Minority Lead Nelson, M. Mahoney Jobs Members Barrett McFarlane Erickson, S. Members Beard Minority Lead Clark Benson Moran Kelly, T. Falk Housing Carlson Murdock Loeffler Greene Members Dill Crawford Myhra Hancock Howes Davnie Norton Hornstein Kieffer Greiling O'Driscoll McFarlane Leidiger Kath Petersen O'Driscoll LeMieur Kieffer Peterson, S. Quam Mullery Kiel Woodard Sanders Murray Scalze Paymar Simon Sanders Urdahl Scalze Sertich Stensrud Swedzinski