US 20060224962A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0224962 A1 Ostojic et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 5, 2006

(54) CONTEXT NAVIGATIONAL METHOD Publication Classification FOR ACCESSING CONTEXTUAL AND PRODUCT WIDE CHOICES VIA REMOTE (51) Int. Cl. CONTROL G06F 9/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl...... 715/716; 715/825: 715/822; (75) Inventors: Bojana Ostojic, Kirkland, WA (US); 715/841; 715/854 Christopher Glein, Seattle, WA (US); Kort Sands, Seattle, WA (US) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: LEE & HAYES PLLC An exemplary method includes selecting a media content 421 W RIVERSIDEAVENUE SUTE SOO item displayed on a , issuing a command via a remote control and, in response to the SPOKANE, WA 992.01 command, displaying a on the graphical user (73) Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA interface wherein the context menu comprises one or more options for actions related to the selected media content item (21) Appl. No.: 11/095,746 and one or more options for actions unrelated to the selected media content item. Varioius other exemplary methods, (22) Filed: Mar. 30, 2005 devices, systems, etc., are also disclosed.


Modern Jazz: A Collection of Seattle's FineSt Jazz 9 tracks, 61:35 514 518 AOpalachian Soul Camp 554 Add to Queue Noteriety 722 After Hours 7:56 Rainy States 4.59459 Enlah 7:19 The MyStagogue 8:40 Somnannulist 646 Incompatibility 500 739 Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1

Exemplary Context with Display and Remote Control

100 Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1

Exemplary Remote Control 200

Rec Rew Replay

Pause Back

More info Other Functions


DVD Menu

Enter Clear

Fig. 2 Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1


314 318

Select Media using Green On Your Remote Control



414 418 Albums Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1

512 Exemplary U500 Resertda, ZZ Modern Jazz: A Collection of Seattle's Finest Jazz

514 ... . 9 tracks, 61:35 518 Appalachian Soul Camp 5.54 Add to Queue Noteriety 7:22 Edit After Hours 7:56 Rainy States 4.59 Enlah 7:19 The MyStagogue 84O Somnamulist 646 Incompatibility 500 Blue 7:39

618 Appalachian Soul Camp 554 Track O1

Hans Teuber Modern Jazz: A Collection of Seattle's Finest Jazz Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1

Exemplary U 700 Now Playing Modern Jazz: A Collection Of Seattle'S 714. FineSt Jazz - Volume One. HanS Teuber 718 View COver Moder 2ZZ View Gueue Shuffle Repeat Visualize Edit Oueue Appalachian Soul Camp Buy Music OO OO Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 6 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1 Example of 2' Context 800

Play Queue-lt-Up Add to Playlist Copy to CD or Device Open with . . .

Create Short Cut Delete Rename Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 7 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1

Exemplary U 400 My Music 414 \ Modern Jazz: A Collection of Seattle's 418 Finest Jazz

Sync List Advanced Tag Editor Find Album Info

Open Containing Folder Patent Application Publication Oct. 5, 2006 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2006/0224962 A1

Exemplary U 1000

Create GUID for 1021 App.'s Menu item 1052 Picture Details d 1023

Bridhtness Create Key in System Registry ) 1054 )

US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006

CONTEXT MENU NAVIGATIONAL METHOD FOR 0006. As described herein, various exemplary methods, ACCESSING CONTEXTUAL AND PRODUCT WIDE devices, systems, etc., aim to improve a user's experience CHOICES VIA REMOTE CONTROL outside of the 2" context or in instances where a user must navigate a plurality of graphical user interfaces. RELATED APPLICATIONS SUMMARY 0001. This application is related to U.S. Patent Applica tion entitled, “Enabling UI template customization and reuse 0007. The techniques and mechanisms described herein through parameterization', to Glein, Hogle, Stall, Mandryk are directed to context menus. An exemplary computer and Finocchio, filed on Mar. 30, 2005, having Attorney implementable method includes selecting a media content Docket No. MS1-2488US (which is incorporated by refer item displayed on a graphical user interface, issuing a ence herein); U.S. Patent Application entitled “System and command via a remote control and, in response to the method for dynamic creation and management of lists on a command, displaying a context menu on the graphical user distance user interface', to Ostojic, filed on Mar. 30, 2005, interface wherein the context menu comprises one or more having Attorney Docket No. MS1-2489US (which is incor options for actions related to the selected media content item porated by reference herein); and U.S. Patent Application and one or more options for actions unrelated to the selected entitled “System for efficient remote projection of rich media content item. Various other exemplary methods, interactive user interfaces, to Hogle, filed on March 30, devices, systems, etc., are also disclosed. 2005, having Attorney Docket No. MS1-2491US (which is incorporated by reference herein). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS

TECHNICAL FIELD 0008. Non-limiting and non-exhaustive embodiments are described with reference to the following figures, wherein 0002. Subject matter disclosed herein relates generally to like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout the COInteXt menus. various views unless otherwise specified. 0009 FIG. 1 is a diagram of an exemplary context that BACKGROUND includes a display to display a user interface and a remote 0003 Recent technological innovations are turning the control for input and interaction with the user interface. home computer into a multimedia center. For example, the WINDOWSTM XPTM MEDIA CENTER EDITION 2005(R) 0010 FIG. 2 is a diagram of exemplary remote control operating system (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash for use in the system of FIG. 1. ington) is an operating system that enables users to enjoy 0011 FIG. 3 is a diagram of an exemplary user interface entertainment, personal productivity, and creativity on a that displays a menu of Some options related to media personal computer in an easy, complete, and connected way. COntent. This operating system includes features that allow a user to store, share, and enjoy photos, music, video, and recorded 0012 FIG. 4 is a diagram of an exemplary user interface TV via a personal computer. In essence, such features create that displays a menu of options related to music and that a so-called media center personal computer (PC). Media displays music content items (e.g., album covers). center PCs represent the evolution of PCs into digital media 0013 FIG. 5 is a diagram of an exemplary user interface hubs that bring together entertainment choices. A media that displays a menu of options related to music and that center PC with the WINDOWSCR) XPOR MEDIA CENTER displays a list of tracks for a music album. EDITION 2005TM operating system can even be accessed or controlled using a single remote control. 0014 FIG. 6 is a diagram of an exemplary user interface that displays a menu of options related to music and that 0004 With respect to use of a remote control for input, the user experience differs in many ways when compared to displays information about a track of a music album. the user experience associated with input via a keyboard and 0015 FIG. 7 is a diagram of an exemplary user interface a mouse. Thus, a user interface and associated input methods that displays a menu of options related to music and, in typically associated with a 2" context may not provide the particular, to a music album and that displays information user with a good experience when implemented in a “10' about a track of a music album. context”, i.e., where input is via a remote control. Indeed, use of a UI and associated methods developed for a 2" 0016 FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating a context menu as context, when used in a 10' context, may deter use. typically found in the 2 context. 0005. In general, a user's visual experience in the 10' 0017 FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating various exemplary context is in many ways more critical than in the 2 context. context menus that are optionally Suitable for use in the The 2 context is more akin to reading a book (i.e., “normal' context described with respect to FIG. 1. text and image presentation) and being able to point at the 0018 FIG. 10 is a diagram of an exemplary user inter text or images with your finger while the 10' context is more face that includes an exemplary context menu, a block akin to watching TV, where a remote control is aimed at a diagram of an exemplary method and an exemplary context device, where viewing habits for users are quite varied and menu hierarchy. where viewers are more accustomed to viewing images, single words or short phrases, as opposed to lines of text. 0019 FIG. 11 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary Without a doubt, the advent of the 10' context has raised new computing environment, which may be used to implement issues in the development of user interfaces. various exemplary methods, etc., described herein. US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006

DETAILED DESCRIPTION user interface may be displayed. As such, a hierarchy exists as to the various pages. In general, a user navigates by 0020. In the description that follows, various exemplary jumping from one page to another (e.g., “back”, “forward'. methods, devices, systems, etc., are presented. These “next, etc.) or by selecting an item listed on a page's main examples rely on various exemplary application or inter menu. Thus, a user is typically required to leave one page faces that include exemplary methods, properties, etc. to when a desired functionality is not available on that page. facilitate user list creation or list management. As described Under such conditions, a user with experience will typically in the Background Section, issues exist in the 10' context when compared to the 2" context and, exemplary technology navigate more quickly than one that has not encountered the presented herein is particularly useful for user interfaces for organization or interconnectedness of pages or functions. the 10' context; however, Such exemplary technology may 0025. As described herein, various exemplary methods, be used for other contexts. In particular, such exemplary devices, systems, etc., provide one or more context menus to technology may be used where a user navigates by pages and enhance use of systems that rely on a plurality of pages or options presented via one or more context menu enhance the graphical user interfaces. Such exemplary technology is user's experience. particularly useful when implemented in the 10 context. 0021 FIG. 1 shows an exemplary context 100 that has a General User Interface Guidelines context boundary 102 (e.g., 10' or other distance). The 0026. In the 10' context, the display may be a TV display, context boundary 102 is typically defined by a distance or a computer monitor display or a projection screen display. distances between a user and a user interface (UI). The With the advent of HDTVs, LCDs, plasma monitors, exemplary context 100 is akin to a distance typically found interoperability (TV or computer monitor) is often available in viewing TV. In the exemplary context 100, a display 110 in a single display. displays a UI 112 and a remote control 120 communicates with a controller for the display via a communication port 0027 General guidelines include text and graphics that 114 (e.g., a remote sensor), which is typically a wireless are sufficiently large for display using lower clarity and communication port (e.g., infrared, etc.). The port 114 may resolution associated with a conventional TV display, cau be unidirectional from the remote control 120 to the port 114 tion when relying on fixed widths; size and position graphics orbidirectional between the port 114 and the remote control relative to the screen resolution; avoid use of fine details that 120. The port 114 could be a peripheral device, or could also may blur on a conventional TV display; where limitations of be built into either a computer or a monitor (as shown). The interlaced scanning are present, size all lines, borders, and controller or host for the display 110 may be a computer text to at least two pixels wide; and be aware that bright located proximate to the display 110 or located remote from colors tend to over-saturate on a conventional TV display. the display 110. An exemplary method may receive a 0028. With respect to text, it is recommended to size all command via a sensor for receiving signals from remote text, especially for critical content Such as buttons and links, control. Such a method may receive the command directly to at least 20 points. In addition, it is recommended to use from the sensor or via an intermediary. For example, recep lists of short phrases rather than paragraphs; move larger tion of a command may occur at a host device via a remote blocks of text onto secondary pages; edit text to remove any device in communication with Such a sensor. Various com nonessential information; to use adequate contrast between munication techniques exist to allow a computer to provide text and its background, and to use light and dark values to display information to create a UI. Create COntraSt. 0022. A user interface that works well at a distance of 0029. With respect to a for UI buttons, an about ten feet should account for the fact that a typical exemplary Scheme may use a basic look for buttons asso remote control (e.g., the remote control 120) is smaller and ciated a particular application (e.g., a basic look for links, easier to use than a conventional keyboard and mouse; option buttons, check boxes, sorting controls, controls to set however, it generally provides a more limited form of user the view, etc.). Where more than one application requires UI input (e.g., due to fewer keys or buttons). And while a display, each application may have its own look. Such a greater viewing distance provides a more comfortable expe scheme provides a user with a consistent experience and can rience, it can necessitate features that provide a visual design help enable the user to quickly identify which items on the style to ensure clarity, coherence, and readability. page are functional or used for navigation. 0023. In both the 2 context and the 10' context, the user's 0030. It is recommended that buttons be clearly visible expectations, mobility, habits, etc., should be considered against their Surroundings and that the functions that they when constructing a user interface (e.g., the UI 112). With respect to expectations, the 10' experience is more like perform be inherent or obvious. For example, a on a watching television than using a computer. As a result, users button may describe its function. For example, users can be expect a dynamic, animated experience. They expect that the expected to understand the function of "Save Settings” or input device will make their experience simpler, not more “Play DVD' more easily than “OK” or “Go”. complicated. They may also expect applications to be more 0031. It is recommended that when a user focuses on a convenient, simpler to learn, and easier to use than appli button, the button be highlighted in a visually distinct cations controlled by the keyboard or mouse. manner, making it more visible than buttons that do not have 0024. A particular approach to the 10' context uses a the . A highlighting effect can be achieved by changing plurality of pages or graphical user interfaces that a user the background color of the button, or by placing a brightly navigates. Each page may include a certain set of options, colored border around the button. typically presented as a list of items in a menu. As the user 0032 For consistency and ease of use, a single consistent selects options from the menu, events may occur or another style of highlighting is recommended for each application US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006

(e.g., a highlight color that complements the colors of a running on a host computer, and two emitter ports. In particular design). Highlighting is part of a dynamic user addition, the sensor normally requires a device driver that experience; users generally notice highlights not just may support the Plug and Play specification. A USB cable or because of their contrast with other elements, but because of other cable may enable users to place a sensor near a monitor the movement of the highlight as they navigate around the so they can point the remote Substantially at the monitor page. when sending commands to the host computer. Alterna tively, the sensor might be mounted in the front panel of the 0033. In the 10 context, navigation should refer to not computer by the manufacturer, mounted in or on a monitor, only movement between pages or screens, but also move etc. ment between selectable elements within a page. With respect to a remote control, users generally navigate by 0038. Input from a remote control is typically processed using the arrow buttons on the remote control to move the as follows: the sensor receives the signal and forwards it to input focus to a particular item and then press "enter to act a device driver on the host computer; the device driver on the focused item. For most Uls, it is typically recom converts the input into a message (e.g., WM INPUT, mended that the focus is always on one of the items in the WM APPCOMMAND, WM KEYDOWN, WM KEY UI. PRESS, or WM KEYUP message); the host computer soft ware places these messages in a message queue to be 0034. In the 10' context, it is recommended that page processed; and the foreground application processes mes layouts be simple and clean, with a coherent visual hierar sages of interest. For example, a digital media streaming chy. A consistent design, from page to page, may include application could process the messages corresponding to the aligning UI items to a grid. It is further recommended that transport buttons (Pause, Play, Stop, Fast Forward, and readability take precedence over decoration and that the Rewind) but optionally ignore messages from the numeric inclusion of too many extraneous visual elements be keypad. avoided. 0039 While remote control design may vary by manu 0035. As already mentioned, in the 10' context, a plurality facturer, most remote controls have a set of standard buttons of pages, screen or graphical user interfaces are often used. that fall into four categories: navigation buttons (e.g., Further, each page often includes a menu or items with eHome, Up, Down, Left, Right, OK, Back, Details, Guide, specific functionality. Thus, if a user desires different func TV/Jump), transport buttons (e.g., Play, Pause, Stop, tionality, then the user typically has to navigate to a different page. Again, in Such a system, a user gains experience via Record, Fast Forward, Rewind, Skip, Replay, AV), power repeatedly navigating the plurality of pages and, hence, an control buttons (e.g., Volume--, Volume-, Chan/Page--, experienced user typically has a better impression of the Chan/Page-, Mute, DVD Menu, Standby) and data entry system and can more readily access functions, media, etc. buttons (e.g., 0, 1, 2 ABC, 3 DEF, 4 GHI, 5 JKL, 6 MNO, Various exemplary methods, devices, systems, etc., 7 PQRS, 8 TUV, 9 WXYZ, Clear, Enter). described herein can facilitate access to features and 0040. In addition to required buttons, a manufacturer may enhance a user's experience through use of one or more incorporate optional buttons. Optional buttons may include context menus. Further, such exemplary technologies can shortcut buttons (e.g., My TV. My Music, Recorded TV, My allow even a novice user ready access to a system’s func Pictures, My Videos), DVD buttons (e.g., DVD Angle, DVD tionalities. Audio, DVD Subtitle), keypad buttons (e.g., ii, ), and OEM-specific buttons (e.g., OEM 1, OEM 2). Various Example of a Remote Control applications may not rely on the presence of these “optional 0036) The appearance of a remote control may vary from buttons. manufacturer to manufacturer; however, core functionality 0041 An exemplary remote control typically includes is typically constant. FIG. 2 shows an exemplary remote various keyboard equivalents. For example, Table 1 shows control 200 and various buttons and associated functions a remote control button, an associated command and a some of which are described below. keyboard equivalent. Note that the keyboard equivalent, in 0037 As already mentioned, the remote control interacts Some instances, requires multiple keys (e.g., the keyboard with a sensor. A typical sensor may include the following equivalent for “Fwd on the remote control requires three hardware: a receiver component that processes input from keys “CTRL+SHIFT+F). Further, due to the nature of the remote control; a circuit for learning commands (e.g., media consumption in the 10' context, some remote control infrared communication commands); a universal serial bus buttons may not have standard keyboard equivalents (e.g., (USB) connection that sends input notifications to software “Rewind”).


Remote Control and Keyboard Equivalents

Keyboard Button Command equivalent



0042. With respect to “mouse equivalents, most mice items in focus belong (e.g., for music: bum a CD/DVD, etc); have limited functionality. In general, mice are used for and a third tier may include choices that pertain to global pointing and for selecting. A typically mouse has a left product-wide choices that can be run/experienced concur button and a right button, where most users have become rently with the items/experience in focus (e.g., while in accustomed to the standard “left button click” to select and music: access to Instant Messenger to start a conversation “right button click” for display of a context menu. while still in music). In Sum, a tiered approach may include 0043. As described herein, an exemplary remote control a spectrum of choices or functionalities ranging from media includes one or more buttons or other input mechanism(s) content specific to global, where there is no relationship to that issue a command or commands for display of one or particular media content in focus. Various exemplary con more exemplary context menus. For example, an exemplary text menus optionally allow third parties to plug-in their remote control may include a “More Info' button or a application specific choices into Such menus to offer addi “Details’ button, that when depressed by a user, issue a tional navigational options. command or commands that cause display of a context 0046) With respect to tiers, an exemplary context menu menu. The relationship of Such exemplary context menus to may include at least one option from a media content related an overall hierarchy of pages or graphical user interfaces is tier of options, at least one option from a user experience discussed in more detail below. Further, a relationship of-media content related tier of options, and at least one between media content in “focus’ and one or more exem option from a global tier of options wherein the global tier plary context menus is also discussed. of options typically includes at least one option unrelated to 0044) Without such exemplary context menus, a user may the selected media content item. For example, Such a media experience difficulty or limitations when trying to associate content related tier of options may include an option to play specific navigational choices with content in focus because media content; such a user experience-of-media content as the focus moves from the content in focus to a naviga related tier of options may include an option to store media tional choice, the context of the previously selected content content; and Such a global tier of options may include an is lost. Various exemplary context menus mitigate this issue option to invoke a messenger service. Of course, other types by associating the media content in focus with navigational of tiers, options, etc., may be used in conjunction with an choices displayed in Such menus. Various exemplary context exemplary context menu. menus allow for additional exposure of navigational Examples of User Interfaces and Various Exemplary Tech choices. nologies 0045 Various exemplary context menus allow access to 0047 FIG.3 shows an exemplary user interface 300 that multi-tiered choices of navigational scope for media content includes a title 312, a menu 314, an information area 316 and via, for example, a remote control. In a system with three a display area 318. The title 312 indicates that the UI 300 is tiers of navigational scope, a first tier may include choices for a starting point and hence includes a 314 for that pertain specifically to an item in focus (e.g., for a music use in navigating various types of media, Such as, but not Song: play it, view details of it, etc.); a second tier may limited to, radio (My Radio), video (My Video), pictures include choices that pertain to the experience to which the (My Pictures), television (My TV), audio/music (My Music) US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006 and other programs (More Programs). The information area the track, the track number, a rating of the Song, a graphic 316 displays useful information, in this instance, navigation of the cover of the music CD, name of the artist (“Hans information for launching an Internet Surfer application. In Teuber') and the title of the music CD. Referring again to this example, the display area 318 displays information for the menu 614, items such as "Buy Music' may be helpful helping a user navigate the menu 314. when a user accesses a music database, for example, via the 0048. The exemplary user interface 300 is devoid of Internet. In this particular example, the user has selected the specific media content, however, upon selection of an item “Play' item on the menu 614. or option in the menu 314, a new user interface will be 0053. In response to the user's selection of “Play” from displayed. FIG. 4 shows an exemplary user interface 400 the menu 614 of the user interface 600, another user inter that corresponds to the “My Music' item of the menu 314 of face is optionally displayed. FIG. 7 shows an exemplary the user interface 300 as indicated by the title “My user interface 700 that includes a menu 714 and a display Music'412. area 718 that displays information pertaining to the song 0049. In the aforementioned MEDIA CENTER EDI “Appalachian Soul Camp' on the “Modern Jazz' music CD. TIONR) operating system, an option entitled “My Music' The menu 714 includes various items or options such as offers a user access to, for example, personal or online music “View Cover”, “View Queue”, “Shuffle”, “Repeat”, “Visu collections. A user may copy a music CD into a library, alize”, “Edit Queue”, “Buy Music', etc. Thus, the exemplary create a playlist on the fly just like a jukebox, save as a user interface 700 may represent a final stop along a user's playlist, or edit album details such as ratings, etc. Albums path to listening to a song on a music CD. As described may be browsed by album cover or alternately by artist, herein, an alternative path from display of media content Songs, genres, or searched. Support for audio CD burning, items to consumption of content or optionally other actions for example, using a third party application, may be is also provided. accessed. As described with respect to the system of FIG. 1, 0054 FIG. 8 shows an example of a user operating a user a user may use Such an operating system (or Suitable UI interface in the 2" context 800. Again, in the 2" context, a framework) to browse, organize, and play music by issuing keyboard and a mouse are typically used for input. As commands via a remote control. shown, a user 801 views a user interface 810 and navigates 0050 Referring again to the user interface 400, a menu the user interface 810 using a mouse 802. In this example, 414 displays various items or options germane to actions for the user 810 selects a media file 812 and then depresses a music and organization of or searching for particular music. right to issue a command that causes a context In this example, a display area 418 displays the user's Small, menu 814 to be displayed on the user interface 810. The but high quality, library of music CDs or albums, which are context menu 814 includes various items or options that considered media content items. Thus, the exemplary user pertain to the media file 812. In the 10' context, as already interface 400 displays media content items, i.e., a music CD explained, a user's experience differs significantly from that entitled "Caboclo' and a music CD entitled “Modern Jazz: of the 2" context. In particular, the user generally does not A Collection of Seattle's Finest Jazz'. According to the navigate user interfaces using a mouse but rather using a exemplary technology presented herein, a user has several remote control. options for managing the media content items displayed in 0.055 FIG. 9 shows the exemplary user interface 400 of the exemplary user interface 400 (and the media content FIG. 4, which includes display of media content items (i.e., associated with the media content items). One option is a music CD “Caboclo” and a music CD “Modem Jazz”). demonstrated in FIGS. 5, 6 and 7 while another option is Also shown in FIG. 9 are a monitor 110, a display area 112, shown with respect to FIG. 9. a sensor 114 and a remote control 120. In this example, a 0051. In FIG.4, the user has selected the “Modern Jazz” user selects media content displayed on the user interface music CD, upon making this selection, a user interface will 400 as presented on the monitor 110 using the remote control be displayed that includes more information about the 120. Then the user has the option of proceeding as previ selected music CD. FIG. 5 shows an exemplary user inter ously described with respect to FIGS. 3-7 and another face 500 that displays in a title area 512 a small graphic of option that includes pressing a button on the remote control the cover of the music CD, the title of the music CD, the 120 to issue a command that causes display of an exemplary number of tracks on the music CD and the total playing time context menu 921 on the exemplary user interface 400. Once of the music CD. A menu 514 displays various options for the context menu 921 is displayed, the user may select any initiating actions such as “Play”, “Add to Queue”, “Edit” of the various items or options to thereby cause display of and “Delete'. A display area 518 displays song titles for the additional items, for example, consider the Sub-context 9 tracks and the playing time for each track. A user may menu 923 that pertains to the “Add to' item. select a particular track (e.g., “Appalachian Soul Camp'') and enter play or another Suitable commandon, for example, 0056. The exemplary context menu 921 allows a user to a remote control. Alternatively, a user may select “Play” by pass certain user interfaces or procedures by pressing a button on a remote control (e.g., a “More Info' button). from the menu 514 and cause the entire music CD to be While the example of FIG. 9 shows the exemplary user played or selected Song(s) to be played. interface 400 of FIG. 4 as a base interface in which the 0.052 An exemplary user interface 600 corresponds to a context menu 921 is displayed, such a context menu may be user's selection of the song “Appalachian Soul Camp'. A displayed whenever media content (e.g., actual content or menu 614 displays various items or options such as “Play”. one or more media content items) appears in a user interface. “Add to Queue”, “Buy Music”, “Edit” and “Delete'. Of For example, the user interfaces 500, 600 and 700 all display course, other items may be displayed as appropriate. A at least one media content item. A user may thus focus on display area 618 displays the Song title, the playing time of any of the displayed media content items in Such interfaces, US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006

depress a button on a remote control and thereby cause options may exist Such as, but not limited to, the "Messen display of one or more exemplary context menus. ger' item (e.g., for an instant messaging service, etc.). This item can allow a user to invoke a communication interface. 0057 Consider the exemplary user interface 500, which For example, a user may be viewing a sporting event in displays a list of Songs, i.e., audio items that represent audio full-screen mode and desire to contact a friend about a score, content. A user may select a song from the list and depress a statistic, etc. Without leaving the full-screen mode, the user a button on a remote control to thereby cause display of a presses a button on a remote control to cause display of an context menu wherein one or more items in the context exemplary context menu that includes a messenger or other menu pertain to actions applicable to the Song (e.g., play, add communication item. The user selects this option, which to queue, buy, etc.). The context menu may also include invokes a communication interface, and then sends a mes other items that pertain to actions not specifically related to sage to the friend. After sending the message, the commu the Song (e.g., communication interface, audio settings, nication interface and the context menu close. All of these visualizations, etc.). actions may occur without the user having to exit the 0.058 FIG. 10 shows an exemplary user interface 1000 full-screen mode for viewing the sporting event. Thus, the that displays a full-screen image “For Sale'. Upon issuance user's experience is enhanced with minimal disturbance to of a command, an exemplary context menu 1021 appears on viewing media content. the user interface that is visible with respect to the full 0063 With respect to a messenger service, while gener screen image “For Sale'. While the exemplary context menu ally unrelated to media content, such a messenger service is 1021 includes solid fill, a context menu may have a trans optionally used to send or share media content. For example, parent background and text characteristics that are fairly the WINDOWS(R) messenger for the WINDOWS(R) XP certain to allow a user to view the context menu items with operating system allows for sharing of pictures or other files. respect to a displayed image (i.e., displayed media content). A user may use Such a messenger without experiencing file In instances where displayed media content does not occupy size constraints that may be encountered when transferring the full-screen, an unoccupied portion of the screen may be a file or files using an email system. A user may use Such a used to display the context menu. messenger service to gain access to a variety of features 0059) The full-screen image “For Sale', may be a pho (e.g., video, talk or text conversation, determining who is tograph accessible via the “My Pictures' menu item or online, etc.). option of the exemplary user interface 300 of FIG. 3 (i.e., 0064. An exemplary method allows a user to view a base the “Start” screen). The aforementioned MEDIA CENTER graphical user interface that includes a context menu and to EDITIONTM operating system includes such a start screen select a messenger service option from the context menu to that allows a user to view photo collections by folder and thereby invoke a messenger service that causes display of a sort by date and folder; import photos from digital cameras foreground graphic while still displaying at least part of the or memory cards and view as a slideshow; and add a music base graphical user interface. In such an exemplary method, Soundtrack, Zoom effects, etc. In addition, enhanced photo the base graphical user interface optionally displays a full editing technology may be accessed to rotate, crop, fix color screen image (e.g., picture or video). In another example, the on photos, etc. Printing media content may also occur via base graphical user interface displays less than a full-screen user command. An exemplary menu may allow a user to image (e.g., picture or video) whereby the foreground share photos online via user input, for example, using a graphic does not interfere with the image (i.e., displayed in remote control. a region not used by the image). Thus, in some examples, a 0060. The exemplary context menu 1021 includes a pic messenger service may cause display of an overlay graphic ture details item, a create CD/DVD item, a messenger item or may cause display of a graphic in a region not occupied (e.g., for a messenger service), a settings item and an "other by a media image (e.g., in a manner whereby the graphic application' item. Any of these items, as appropriate, may does not obscure the media image). allow for display of one or more sub-context menus. Further, 0065 FIG. 10 also shows an exemplary method 1050 for the items or options displayed may vary depending on the entering information in the context menu, in particular, particular user interfaces being used to display media con entering an item in the context menu 1021. The exemplary tent (e.g., a full-screen image) or a media content item (e.g., method 1050 includes a create GUID block that creates a an image of a cover for a music CD). For example, if a user GUID (e.g., a globally unique identifier) for an applications interface displays a menu that includes items such as “Play”. context menu item. The exemplary method 1050 also then an exemplary context menu may display items other includes a create key in system registry block 1054 for the than “Play”. application. Together, these two actions allow a user or an 0061. With respect to sub-context menus, a scenario application developer to customize an exemplary context appears where the “Settings' item of the context menu 1021 menu. An application listed as an item in a context menu allows for display of a sub-context menu 1023. In this may be a third-party application, for example, an application example, the sub-context menu 1023 displays a brightness that is not native to the operating system or a user interface? item, a contrast item, an image item, a color control item and media framework. an OSD item. A user may select any of these items, for 0066. As described herein, various technologies allow for example, using a remote control. Such an exemplary context display of one or more exemplary context menus. Such menu hierarchy allows a user to retain a particular graphical technology is advantageous where a user interacts with a user interface while being able to determine various options. device via a remote control, for example, in the aforemen 0062) While such options are preferably related to media tioned 10" context. The 10' context generally relies on a content viewed or a media content item selected, other plurality of graphical user interfaces and commands that US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006 allow a user to navigate the plurality of graphical user computer environment be interpreted as having any depen interfaces. However, at times, navigating away from a dency or requirement relating to any one or combination of particular graphical user interface is undesirable. Various components illustrated in the example computer environ exemplary context menus allow a user to explore options ment. without navigating away from a particular graphical user 0071 FIG. 11 illustrates an example of a suitable com interface. puting system environment 1100 on which various exem 0067. An exemplary method includes selecting a media plary methods may be implemented. Various exemplary content item displayed on a graphical user interface, issuing devices or systems may include any of the features of the a command via a remote control and, in response to the exemplary environment 1100. The The computing system command, displaying an exemplary context menu on the environment 1100 is only one example of a suitable com graphical user interface wherein the context menu comprises puting environment and is not intended to Suggest any one or more options for actions related to the selected media limitation as to the scope of use or functionality of the content item and one or more options for actions unrelated invention. Neither should the computing environment 1100 to the selected media content item. In such an exemplary be interpreted as having any dependency or requirement method, the graphical user interface may be a single graphi relating to any one or combination of components illustrated cal user interface of a hierarchy of graphical user interfaces in the exemplary operating environment 1100. that pertain to audio or visual media. Thus, through use of 0072 Various exemplary methods are operational with Such an exemplary context menu, a user may initiate actions numerous other general purpose or special purpose comput associated with other graphical user interfaces without navi ing system environments or configurations. Examples of gating away from a current graphical user interface. Such an well known computing systems, environments, and/or con exemplary context menu can also allow for initiating an figurations that may be suitable for implementation or use action related to a selected media content item while still include, but are not limited to, personal computers, server displaying a particular graphical user interface, i.e., naviga computers, hand-held or laptop devices, multiprocessor sys tion to another graphical user interface is not necessarily tems, microprocessor-based systems, set top boxes, pro required. grammable consumer electronics, network PCs, minicom 0068 An exemplary method includes displaying media puters, mainframe computers, distributed computing content using a graphical user interface, issuing a command environments that include any of the above systems or via a remote control, in response to the command, displaying devices, and the like. For example, the exemplary context an exemplary context menu on the graphical user interface 100 of FIG. 1 may use a remote computer to generate wherein the context menu comprises one or more options for information for display of a UI wherein the displayed UI actions related to the displayed media content and one or operates in conjunction with a remote control or other input more options for actions unrelated to the displayed media device. content and executing an action unrelated to the displayed 0073 Various exemplary methods, applications, etc., media content while still displaying the media content on the may be described in the general context of computer graphical user interface. Such a graphical user interface may executable instructions, such as program modules, being be a single graphical user interface of a hierarchy of graphi executed by a computer. Generally, program modules cal user interfaces that pertain to audio or visual media. include routines, programs, objects, components, data struc 0069. An exemplary system includes a sensor to receive tures, etc., that perform particular tasks or implement par signals transmitted through air (e.g., the sensor 114 of FIG. ticular abstract data types. Various exemplary methods may 1), a computer to receive information from the sensor, an also be practiced in distributed computing environments operating system for operating the computer, a hierarchy of where tasks are performed by remote processing devices that graphical user interfaces wherein at least some graphical are linked through a communications network or other user interfaces allow for selection of visual media content communication (e.g., infrared, etc.). In a distributed com and initiating actions for display of selected visual media puting environment, program modules may be located in content and at least some graphical user interfaces allow for both local and remote computer storage media including selection of audio media content and initiating actions for memory storage devices. play of selected audio media content (e.g., the graphical user 0074. With reference to FIG. 11, an exemplary system interfaces 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 1000) and wherein for implementing the various exemplary methods includes a reception of a signal by the sensor causes the computer to general purpose computing device in the form of a computer call for display of an exemplary context menu on a graphical 1110. Components of computer 1110 may include, but are user interface wherein the context menu comprises options not limited to, a processing unit 1120, a system memory for actions associated with more than one of the graphical 1130, and a system bus 1121 that couples various system user interfaces. While various examples refer to media components including the system memory 1130 to the content context menus, other examples may include “con processing unit 1120. The system bus 1121 may be any of text menus for non-media content items. several types of bus structures including a memory bus or memory controller, a peripheral bus, and a local bus using Exemplary Computing Environment any of a variety of bus architectures. By way of example, 0070 The various examples may be implemented in and not limitation, Such architectures include Industry Stan different computer environments. The computer environ dard Architecture (ISA) bus, Micro Channel Architecture ment shown in FIG. 11 is only one example of a computer (MCA) bus, Enhanced ISA (EISA) bus, Video Electronics environment and is not intended to Suggest any limitation as Standards Association (VESA) local bus, and Peripheral to the scope of use or functionality of the computer and Component Interconnect (PCI) bus also known as Mezza network architectures suitable for use. Neither should the nine bus. US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006

0075 Computer 1110 typically includes a variety of example, the magnetic disk drive 1151 and the optical disk computer readable media. Computer readable media can be drive use the data media interface 1140. any available media that can be accessed by computer 1110 0078. The drives and their associated computer storage and includes both volatile and nonvolatile media, removable media discussed above and illustrated in FIG. 11, provide and non-removable media. By way of example, and not storage of computer readable instructions, data structures, limitation, computer readable media may comprise com program modules and other data for the computer 1110. In puter storage media and communication media. Computer FIG. 11, for example, hard disk drive 1141 is illustrated as storage media includes both volatile and nonvolatile, remov storing operating system 1144, application programs 1145. able and non-removable media implemented in any method other program modules 1146, and program data 1147. Note or technology for storage of information Such as computer that these components can either be the same as or different readable instructions, data structures, program modules or from operating system 534, application programs 1135, other data. Computer storage media includes, but is not other program modules 1136, and program data 1137. Oper limited to, RAM, ROM, EEPROM, flash memory or other ating system 1144, application programs 1145, other pro memory technology, CD-ROM, digital versatile disks gram modules 1146, and program data 1147 are given (DVD) or other optical disk storage, magnetic cassettes, different numbers here to illustrate that, at a minimum, they magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic are different copies. A user may enter commands and infor storage devices, or any other medium which can be used to mation into the computer 1110 through input devices such as store the desired information and which can accessed by a keyboard 1162 and pointing device 1161, commonly computer 1110. Communication media typically embodies referred to as a mouse, trackball or touch pad. Other input computer readable instructions, data structures, program devices (not shown) may include a microphone, joystick, modules or other data in a modulated data signal Such as a game pad, satellite dish, Scanner, or the like. These and other carrier wave or other transport mechanism and includes any input devices are often connected to the processing unit 1120 information delivery media. The term “modulated data sig through a user input interface 1160 that is coupled to the nal” means a signal that has one or more of its characteristics system bus 1121, but may be connected by other interface set or changed in Such a manner as to encode information in and bus structures, such as a parallel port, game port or a the signal. By way of example, and not limitation, commu universal serial bus (USB). A monitor 1191 or other type of nication media includes wired media Such as a wired net display device is also connected to the system bus 1121 via work or direct-wired connection, and wireless media Such as an interface, such as a video interface 1190. In addition to acoustic, RF, infrared and other wireless media. Combina the monitor 1191, computers may also include other periph tions of the any of the above should also be included within eral output devices such as speakers and printer, which may the scope of computer readable media. be connected through a output peripheral interface 1195. 0.076 The system memory 1130 includes computer stor age media in the form of volatile and/or nonvolatile memory 0079 The computer 1110 may operate in a networked such as read only memory (ROM) 1131 and random access environment using logical connections to one or more memory (RAM) 1132. A basic input/output system 1133 remote computers, such as a remote computer 1180. The (BIOS), containing the basic routines that help to transfer remote computer 1180 may be a personal computer, a server, information between elements within computer 810, such as a router, a network PC, a peer device or other common during start-up, is typically stored in ROM 1131. RAM 1132 network node, and typically includes many or all of the typically contains data and/or program modules that are features described above relative to the computer 1110. The immediately accessible to and/or presently being operated logical connections depicted in FIG. 8 include a local area on by processing unit 1120. By way of example, and not network (LAN) 1171 and a wide area network (WAN) 1173, limitation, FIG. 11 illustrates operating system 1134, appli but may also include other networks. Such networking cation programs 1135, other program modules 1136, and environments are commonplace in offices, enterprise-wide program data 1137. computer networks, intranets and the Internet. 0077. The computer 1110 may also include other remov 0080 When used in a LAN networking environment, the able/non-removable, Volatile/nonvolatile computer storage computer 1110 is connected to the LAN 1171 through a media. By way of example only, FIG. 11 illustrates a hard network interface or adapter 1170. When used in a WAN disk drive 1141 that reads from or writes to non-removable, networking environment, the computer 1110 typically nonvolatile magnetic media, a magnetic disk drive 1151 that includes a modem 1172 or other means for establishing reads from or writes to a removable, nonvolatile magnetic communications over the WAN 1173, such as the Internet. disk 1152, and an optical disk drive 1155 that reads from or The modem 1172, which may be internal or external, may be writes to a removable, nonvolatile optical disk 1156 such as connected to the system bus 1121 via the user input interface a CD ROM or other optical media (e.g., DVD, etc.). Other 1160, or other appropriate mechanism. In a networked removable/non-removable, volatile/nonvolatile computer environment, program modules depicted relative to the storage media that can be used in the exemplary operating computer 1110, or portions thereof, may be stored in a environment include, but are not limited to, magnetic tape remote memory storage device. By way of example, and not cassettes, flash memory cards, digital versatile disks, digital limitation, FIG. 11 illustrates remote application programs video tape, solid state RAM, solid state ROM, and the like. 1185 as residing on the remote computer 1180 (e.g., in The hard disk drive 1141 is typically connected to the system memory of the remote computer 1180). It will be appreciated bus 1121 through a data media interface such as interface that the network connections shown are exemplary and other 1140, and magnetic disk drive 1151 and optical disk drive means of establishing a communications link between the 1155 are typically connected to the system bus 1121 a data computers may be used. media interface that is optionally a removable memory 0081 Although various exemplary methods, devices, interface. For purposes of explanation of the particular systems, etc., have been described in language specific to US 2006/0224962 A1 Oct. 5, 2006

structural features and/or methodological acts, it is to be from a user experience-of-media content related tier of understood that the subject matter defined in the appended options, and at least one option from a global tier of options claims is not necessarily limited to the specific features or wherein the global tier of options comprises at least one acts described. Rather, the specific features and acts are option unrelated to the selected media content item. disclosed as exemplary forms of implementing the claimed 13. The computer-implemented method of claim 12 Subject matter. wherein the media content related tier of options comprises an option to play media content. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising: 14. The computer-implemented method of claim 12 Selecting a media content item displayed on a graphical wherein the user experience-of-media content related tier of user interface; options comprises an option to store media content. 15. The computer-implemented method of claim 12 receiving a command issued via a remote control; and wherein the global tier of options comprises an option to in response to the command, displaying a context menu invoke a messenger service. on the graphical user interface wherein the context 16. A computer-readable medium having computer-ex menu comprises one or more options for actions related ecutable instructions for performing the method recited in to the selected media content item and one or more claim 1. options for actions unrelated to the selected media 17. A computer-implemented method comprising: content item. 2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, displaying media content using a graphical user interface; wherein the graphical user interface comprises a single receiving a command issued via a remote control; graphical user interface of a hierarchy of graphical user in response to the command, displaying a context menu interfaces. on the graphical user interface wherein the context 3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 wherein menu comprises one or more options for actions related the one or more options for actions related to the selected to the displayed media content and one or more options media content item correspond to options for actions asso for actions unrelated to the displayed media content; ciated with graphical user interfaces of the hierarchy of and graphical user interfaces. 4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein executing an action unrelated to the displayed media the context menu allows for initiating an action related to the content while still displaying the media content on the selected media content item while displaying the graphical graphical user interface. user interface. 18. The computer-implemented method of claim 17, 5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein wherein the graphical user interface comprises a single the one or more options unrelated to the selected media graphical user interface of a hierarchy of graphical user content item comprises an option for a messenger service. interfaces that pertain to audio and visual media. 6. The computer-implemented method of claim 5 wherein 19. The computer-implemented method of claim 18 selection of the messenger service option invokes a mes wherein the one or more options for actions related to the senger service that causes display of an overlay graphic that displayed media content correspond to options for actions overlays a media image. associated with graphical user interfaces of the hierarchy of 7. The computer-implemented method of claim 5 wherein graphical user interfaces. the graphical user interface displays a media image and 20. A system for multimedia comprising: selection of the messenger service option invokes a mes a sensor to receive signals transmitted through air, senger service that causes display of a graphic that does not obscure the media image. a computer to receive information from the sensor, 8. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein an operating system for operating the computer; the graphical user interface comprises a single graphical user interface of a hierarchy of graphical user interfaces associ a hierarchy of grahical user interfaces wherein at least ated with an operating system. Some graphical user interfaces allow for selection of 9. The computer-implemented method of claim 8 wherein visual media content and initiating actions for display the context menu comprises an option for invoking an of selected visual media content and at least some application that is not native to the operating system. graphical user interfaces allow for selection of audio 10. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 content and initiating actions for play of selected audio wherein the receiving occurs via a sensor for receiving media content; and signals from the remote control. wherein reception of a signal by the sensor causes the 11. The computer-implemented method of claim 10 computer to call for display of a context menu on a wherein the receiving occurs at a host device via a remote graphical user interface wherein the context menu device in communication with the sensor. comprises options for actions associated with more 12. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 than one of the graphical user interfaces. wherein the context menu comprises at least one option from a media content related tier of options, at least one option k k k k k