1434 the .Belfast Gazette, November 21, 1930
1434 THE .BELFAST GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 21, 1930. of the Will of the said Kennedy Burnside, and (Northern Ireland), 1929 (hereinafter referred to in a cause wherein Mary Burnside is Plaintiff, as "the Act"), the Ministry of Home Affairs for and Reverend Alexander Theodore Rentoul is Northern Ireland has made an Order, dated 22nd Defendant, the Creditors of the said Kennedy day of October, 1930, declaring all the provisions Burnside, late of Avonrath, Ballyronan, in the of the Act to be in force in the Town of Maghera, County of Londonderry, Farmer, who died in or in the Magherafelt Rural District, on and after about 'the 1st day of November, 1928, are, on the 1st day of January, 1931. or before the 6th day of March, 1931, to send Applications for Licence to trade in accordance by post, prepaid, to Robert Diamond, Esq., with the provisions of Section I (1) and (2) of of Cathedral Buildings, Donegall Street, Belfast, the Act in the aforesaid town from the 1st of in the County of the City of Belfast, the Solicitor January, 1931, or within one month thereafter, of the Defendant, the Executor of the deceased, must be made in writing to the Council of the their Christian and Surname, addresses and above-named Rural District not later than the descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, 1st day of December, 1930. a statement of their accounts, and the nature Form of Application for Licence can be had from of the securities (if any) held by them, or in the undersigned. default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded (By Order) from the benefit of the said Order.
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