716,T86 7T6,T86 Aq
E AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA u No. r718, KRISHNA STREET, T, NAGA& CHENNAT - 600 017 Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2017 'Y, Amounts in Rs. As at 3lst'Ivlarch' OF FUNDS Schedule As at 31st March, 2017 'OURCES 20L6 )roject Fund 1 716,t86 7,036,274 Total 7t6,t86 t,o36,274 qPPTICATION OF FUNDS -oans & Advances 150,112 lash and Bank Balances 566,074 7,036,274 Total For and on behalf of the Board of Trustees As per my report of even date annexed For Kondasomi & Associotes Chortered Accountonts Firm Regn. No.0730045 Dr.M. Kandasami B.Com, FCA, DISA, Ph.D. Managing partne M. No.02195: aq AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA E No. L718, KRTSHNA STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAT - 600 017 l- schedulesannexedtoand formingpartofaccountsfortheyearended3lslMarch2ou Amounts in Rs. ichedule particulars Balance as at 3lst Balance as at 31sl March,2OL7 March,2017 1 Project Fund Opening Balance of Project Fund I,036,274 Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income (320,089) 7I6,!8G Total 7L6,L86 2 Current Assets Loans and Advances AdVance vidhai 750,1,L2 t50,It2 Tota! L50,Ltz 3 Cash and Bank Balances Cash on Hand Bank Balance Axis Bank- 915010059125383 566,074 566,074 ! 6r- =' Total 566,074 566,074 !o AGARAM FOUNDATION - FCRA No. L7/8, KRISHNA STREET, T. NAGAR, CHENNAT - 600 017 Incomd and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March 2OU o^oun)l i, particulars Schedule For the year ended For the year ended 31st March,2017 31st March, 2016 NCOME Programme Income 668,110 Other Income 42,301, Total 710,4L1 EXPENDITURE Program Expenses 1,030,500 i?t Total 1,030,500 Excess of Expenditure over tncome (320,089) (Transferred to Capital Fund) For and on behalf of the Board of Trustees As per my report of even date annexed For Kondosami & Associotes Chorteted Accountonts Firm Regn No.0130045 --B.Com, FCA, DIS& Ph.D., Place l Chennaitl 600 034 R.S.
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