He Vigilance Commission Alleging Gating His Role in at Least Half a Court on Two Occasions
' / =+4 2 ! > > > 3#"637 4&8 +,33+ ( 1+02 #% ,+0. #) BA/;4A5;B $3&+;3&3,5+A 34$93+/;. ! "#$%& ' % ' "'$&( ($# ! (!"( %;;4&+ ;/$A3%$3.2;3 ;$+;&3;23 # $!)( ("$ 5 & 5 6 33/ ': ? " 9 , ))9 )*4: & ) + +, R 3.45 New Delhi. India on Thursday gave green signal to the meet- day after the Modi ing following Pakistan Prime AGovernment confirmed Minister’s September 15 letter External Affairs Minister to Prime Minister Narendra Sushma Swaraj’s talks with her Modi seeking the resumption Pakistani counterpart Shah of dialogue between the two Mehmood Qureshi on the side- countries. lines of the upcoming United On Friday, the MEA said, Nations General Assembly “After Imran Khan’s letter, we (UNGA) in New York next thought Pakistan is moving 3.45 week, India on Friday called off towards positive changes, a the meeting citing Pakistan’s new beginning. But now it n a significant development, complicity in the “brutal” seems behind their proposal Ia French media report quot- killing of three policemen in were evil intentions.” ed former French President Jammu & Kashmir as well as India is also furious over Francois Hollande as purport- the release of postal stamps glo- the release of 20 special stamps edly saying that the Indian Government nor the French partner who was given to us.” rifying Kashmiri terrorist by Islamabad glorifying Burhan Government proposed Government had any say in the The Congress and other Burhan Wani. Wani — the Hizbul Reliance Defence as the part- commercial decision.” Opposition parties latched on Accusing Pakistan and Mujahideen terrorist killed by ner for Dassault Aviation in the Dassault Aviation, the to the report and stepped up Prime Minister Imran Khan of security forces in 2016 — in the 58,000 crore Rafale jet fight- makers of Rafale, had chosen their attack on the Modi “evil designs” after three police- guise of solidarity with er deal and France did not have Reliance Defence as its partner Government over the deal.
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