Police Suspect Deaths Are Murder-Suicide

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Police Suspect Deaths Are Murder-Suicide 20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Nov. 29,1989 GIVE YOUR budget a CARS I HOMES I HOMES I ROOMS [ ^ C A R S break ... shop the classi­ I FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE fied columns FOR SALE Targeted Win Charity MANCHESTER-1 room, CARS T-BIRD, 1983, V6, loaded, kitchen privileges, bus I 53K, one owner, stereo, / line. $350 monthly. CARDINAL FOR SALE wire wheels. $5,200.646- Share utilities. 645-8358. BUlOK, INO. 5265.________________ Neighbors want Celtics pull together CHEVY-1975, El Camino. Teachers’ fund APARTMENTS 1989 Century Coupe $11,980 Runs excellent. $1,500 I itl 1988 Skylark Sedan Special $8,590 BOB RILEY group home closed/3 to beat the Nets/11 IFOR RENT 1988 ChevS-10 Ext Cab P/U $10,980 or best offer. Call 871- L x n helps needy students/3 1988 Rjnliac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 OLDSMOBILE 0014 after 4pm. 3-4-5-7 room apartments. 1987 Oldsmobile Rranza $6,490 259 Adams St., MERCURY, 1979 Mo­ $560-$600-$670-$750. 2 1987 Buick Riviera T-Type $11,890 narch. 4 door, 6 cy­ months security. No CARPENTRY/ CONCRETE 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 Manchester linder, air, new brakes. pets, call 646-2426 Mon- REMODELING 1987GMCS-15SplP/U $6,380 649-1749 $500/best offer. 643- day through Friday 9-5. 1987 Chav S-10PAJ $6,280 1714.________________ Get that chimney repaired 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14,995 1987 Dodge Shelby 2 $7,995 M ANCHESTER-Four 1986 Buick LeSabre Coupe $8,480 FORD, 1971, Maverick. before winter! Can now 1989 Olds Trole-0 $17,995 Needs body work. rooms, uutllltles, park­ KITCHEN & BATH 1986 Buick Century Sedan $7,480 1987 R)rd Mustang GT $11,995 ing for two. Non for a free estimate. Fully Runs. $99. Call 647-1824. REMODELING 1986 Chev Monie Carlo $7,890 1987 Olds Calais $6995 smoker. Completely insured. 1986 Merc. Grand Marquis $9,980 1987 Chevy S-10 Blazer $9,995 From the smallest 1986 Dodge 600 Sed $5,895 renovated. Washer 1985 Ford LTD $4,995 TALAGA MASONRY 1986 ftinliac Trans Am 26K $9,480 hookup. Dryer fee. repair to the laraest 1986 Olds 98 $9,995 1986 Buick Century Sedan $7^60 ITRUCKS/VANS $725. Security 1 Va renovation, we will do a 643-8209 1986 Cadi Fleetwood $13,995 months. 649-3087._____ complete job. Start to 1985 Buick Skylark $4,995 FDR SALE 1984 Buick Century $5,980 1986 Porsche 944 $16,995 I COVENTRY-QuIet neigh­ finish. Free estimates. 1984 Audi 5000S $6,995 ELECTRICAL 1984 Chevrolet Celebrity $3,995 JEEP PIck-up with snow borhood, one bedroom Heritage Kitchen 1982 Ford Mustang $3,495 1986 Chevy Eurosporl $6,995 HlanrljPBtpr Imift apartment, carpeted. 81 Adams St., Manchester 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo $6,995 plow. Readyforwlnter. $450 per month. 2 & Bath Center 649-4571 1987 Pont. Bonneville $9,995 A rebuilt engine. Low MANCHESTER $120,000 DUMAS ELECTRIC mileage. Best offer. months security. No Come visit our showroom at: Service changes, 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 dogs. 742-0569._______ Call 646-6388 or 647-1955 DO YOUR OWN THING!! 254 Broad Street additional wiring and 1986 Olds Delta Sedan $7,995 Manchester to leave a message. Be your own boss. This well established 6 room heated apart­ repairs on existing CLYDE Thursday, Nov. 30,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price; 35 Cents ment. $800 with secur­ 649-5400 restaurant features pizza, grinders and serves ity. No pets. 646-2426. homes. Quality work at CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. dinners. Located in a high traffic, well-ex­ Weekdays, 9-4._______ affordable prices. ROUTE 83. VERNON HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Entirely owner operated. 84 Unc. Continental $8,995 posed area. Here is an opportunity to take 2 bedroom Flat. $625 per month. Heat and hot Cleaning. Hauling, CarpenUy, Remodelling 27 years exp. Call 84 Buick Century Wbg $5,995 Sell Your Car over a going business in a busy area. Call us water Included. 1 year Reasonably Priced Joseph Dumas 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 Free Estimales lease. No pets. 646-4525. 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $6,895 for information and details. All Calls Answered 646-S253. i «Nk- AVAILABLE Rick's Handyman & 85 Electra 4 Dr. $9,995 Cops seek suspect D.F. REALE, INC. lmmedlatelv-3 bed­ Carpentry Service MISCELLANEOUS 85 Caprice Wbgon $6,895 room apartment. Se­ 646-1948 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 t REAL ESTATE curity and references SERVICES 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $8,995 175 Main St., Manchester required. $495monthly. 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 6 4 6 -4 5 2 5 643-1577.____________ MANCHESTER-MaIn I PAINTING/PAPERING 86 Cenluiy Wagon $7,495 Street apartment for SNOW PLOWING 86 Chevrolot Celebrity $7,195 4 Linesns — 10 Days HISTORICAL center Commerdal and Residential 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,495 in home shootings NO money down on this rent. Call 529-7858 or older 5-5 Victorian Du­ chimney with 11 acres. 563-4438.____________ McHugh Himself Snow blower senrices available. 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 50C charge each addi­ plex. 2 new heating Combine restoration Call Mike 6494304 5 room Duplex near hos­ I Painting & wallpapering at 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,895 By Dianna M. Talbot arc not aware of them yet. Wood see anything, according to police. systems, 2 cor garage. with modernatlon and pital. $625 per month. Mon-Sal 9am-9pm tional line, per day. You Needs paint and paper. you'll have this lov­ its best Free Estimates. Fully 86 Rant Grand Am SE $8,495 Manchester Herald said. No motive for the shootings is Later, he found a broken glass in the References ond secur- 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr. $9,995 $154,900. Blanchard & ingly restored 1735 Ity required. 647-0422. 1 Insured. Establisheed 1974. LOW R ATES can cancel at any time. known, he added. “Right now we Rossetto Realtars," home with 5 fireplaces, 87ft)ntiacTrans Am $11,495 Please see SHOOTING, page 10 6 room Duplex. $700 plus 643-9321 Police arc investigating a scries of don’t have much information to go We're Selling Houses" beehive ovens, wide SORRY, by.” 646-2482.0___________ floorboards, beautiful security. Avollable Need repairs around the 872-9111 incidents in which someone who January 1st. 649-4992. In ih'. latest shooting, which oc­ JUST LIstedI Neat, clean wainscoting, new foun­ home? Call an expert NO REFUNDS OR drove by houses in the Manchcstcr- TODAY and affordablel 3 bed­ dation, new kitchen, MANCHESTER-Large, 3 Wall Papering and Painting you'ii’ find fhe help you Bolton area has aimed a rifle at the curred Wednesday at 9:40 p.m., a rooms, dining room, new roof, new furnace, bedroom Duplex. 30 years Experience need In Classified. 643 S c h a lle r's ADJUSTMENTS homes and fired a bullet. bullet passed through the vinyl garage, eat-ln kitchen new baths, and new Children welcome. 2711. siding on the front of a home at 507 electricity In this en­ Available December 1. Insurance, References and Index with appliances, hard­ Q uality Although no injuries have been Lake St. It proceeded into the wood floors, newer fur­ chanting home over­ $675 monthly plus utlll- Free Estimates Pre-owned Auto nace and roof on beau- looking rolling open tles. 649-9443.________ reported, damage has been caused to kitchen, where it passed through a 20 pages, 2 sections land for perfect tran- MARTY MATTSSON LAWN CARE Value Priced tlful lot In South ONE bedroom apart­ 6 4 9 -4 4 3 1 some of the homes. Police arc wor­ cabinet and broke a glass, exploding Windsor. Excellent aulllty! $479,000. Anne ment. $550 monthly, ye­ ried that a future shooting could in­ upon impact, police said. Classified 18-20 Miller Real Estate, 647- 83 Olds Ciera CLASSIFIED yalue at $149,900. Call arly lease. Security jure people who arc inside a home Inside the cabinet, bullet frag­ Comics 17 8000.D AT.A/C.PS $2,900 Noreen Reilly. deposit, references re­ W EKLFS PAMTWG CO. YARD MASTERS that is targeted, said Gary Wood, Focus 16 RE/M AX East of the quired. No pets. Peter­ ments were found amid pieces of Q uillty work at a LEAVES RAKED &REMOVEC 86 Ford Tempo 643-2711 police spokesman. broken glass, police said. A small Hiah School World 15 RIyer, 647-1419.0 man Real Estate. 649- raaaonable pricel Trees cut, yards cleaned, AT.A/C.PS Local/State 3-5 I CONDOMINIUMS Intarior S Exterior $4^495 PERFECT Starterl Mint 9404. Lawns, Brush removal, Police think the same person, hole, the size of a .22 caliber bullet, Lotten/ 2 Free Eailmataa condition Ranch In FOR SALE gutters cleaned, driveways 86 C h e w /a using a .22 caliber high-powered was found in the home’s vinyl 1 NationANbrid 6 .7 . 9. 18 1 beautiful South Wind­ I CONDOMINIUMS Call Brian Welgle sealed. - - _ ATSter50'-yu,995 rifle, has fired a bullet through the siding. Obituaries 2 sor. Totally remo­ EXCELLENT Town- 6 4 5 -8 9 1 2 643-9996 siding of at least four homes in the Ooinion 8 house! One bedroom, IFOR RENT 84 Chevy Celebrity At the lime, Stanley Ozimek, a delled Interior and fab­ area since August, he said. resident of the house, was inside the Soorts 11-13 ulous location mean fully appllanced, flow­ AT.A/C.PS $2,900 ing lay-out with spa­ BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom “There may be more homes” home.
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