Tr:E New Zealand Gazette. 1737
.JUNE 24.] TR:E NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1737 MILITARY AREA No. 6 (WANGANUI)-continued. MILITARY AREA No. 6 (WANGANUI)-contitwed. 460471 Prout, John William, clerk, 18 Matipo St., Palmerston North. 626355 Rose, Royce Clements, labourer, Rangataua. 589628 Puddle, Eric George, cordial-manufacturer, 35 Liverpool St. 460688 Rose, Thomas Edward, bank officer, 109 Featherston St., 590641 Puklowski, Clarence Roy, farmer, Whakarongo. Palmerston North. 514840 Purvis, Thomas Dalway, company secretary, care of P.O. 599571 Ross, Roy Douglas, farmer, 553 Main St., Palmerston North. Box 3, Raurimu, Main Trunk Line. 550142 Rosser, Cecil, factory-manager, 65 Albert St., Palmerston 479517 Quartley, Sydney Lamont, dairy-farmer, Fitzherbert West, North. Rural Delivery, Palmerston North. 626982 Rosson, Robert, farm hand, care of E. F ..Patchett, Foxton. 590688 Quigan, Patrick Joseph, labourer, 60 Savage Cres., Palmers 482105 Rothery, Raymond James, barman, 279 Somme Pde. ton North. 533119 Rowe, Bernard Charles James, dairy-farmer, Rongotea. 463937 Quin, Francis Xavier, police detective, 40 Pascal St., 460690 Rowe, Cyril Edwin, lorry-driver, Piriaka. Palmerston North. 542130 Rowe, Donald Buchanan, farmer, Kopane Rural Delivery, 529796 Quinn, Henry William Leonard, grocer, 322 Ruahine St., Palmerston North. Palmerston North. 466484 Rowse, Harold William, compositor, 95 Marne St-reet 590234 Quinn, Noel Thomas, upholsterer, 70 J ellicoe St. Extension, Palmerston North. 580356 Rabbits, Norman, bricklayer, McKenzies Rd., Milson, 473158 Royal, William Alan, motion-picture projectionist, Kent St., Palmerston North. Levin. 475651 Raine, Thomas, bank officer, Rangatira Rd., Hunterville. 549942 Roydhouse, n-Ialcolm, labourer, 14 Savage Ores., Palmerston 625746 Ram, Tulsi, labourer, care of P.A. Chapman, Turakina. North. 595910 Ramsbottom, Huon, grader-driver, Pokaka, Main Trunk 524335 Rush, Clarence Parker, farm-manager, care ofW'.
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