

Members Present: Vu Nguyen (Chair), Michael Pratt, Brett Rahtz, Tamara Fleet, David Scholz, Daisuke Aoyagi, Marc Langston

Members Absent: Alek Palmersmith

Staff Present: Jeni Kitchell, Kimberly Scott, Stephen Cummins, Jennifer Mays

Staff Absent: None

Others Present: Emily Foxworthy, Mark Plenke, Brandi Aranguren, Priya Trivedi

I. Call to Order a. Vu Nguyen called the meeting to order at 10:03 am. II. Approval of Minutes a. , 2017 – approved 7-0-0 III. New Business a. Action Items i. New Program Proposal Vote – Delta Sigma Pi Competition Team – failed 0-7-0. The board feels there isn’t a true competition or performance component to the conference, nor did is it integrally related to the function of instructional offerings. b. Discussion Items i. 2017-18 Work Study Requests total $163,450 - Presentations 1. BSS – Anthropology Museum $15,000 in support of second gallery space. 2. BSS – Outdoor Classroom $11,189 in support of the Ecological Reserves programs. 3. BUS – SAGE $5,000 in support of the three main competition events that are delivered via the program. 4. CME – Orion $6,880 in support of utilizing a new call-center model for advertising sales. Mark Plenke presented. 5. ECC – Engineers for Alternative Energy (EAE) $1,000 in support of maintaining and servicing the Solar Charging Station and compile usage data. 6. NSC – Food Insecurity Prevention Program $10,000 in support of the food program services in the community. Priya Trivedi and Emily Foxworthy presented.

IRA Board Meeting: April 12, 2017 Page 1

7. NSC – Hands On Experience $8,000 in support of delivering the programming to elementary school students. Brandi Aranguren presented. ii. The Orion – status update – Mark Plenke presented. Yearend Research Foundation indebtedness will be $35K. Paying down debt has taken longer than anticipated due to less ad revenue generated. Will need another one-time allocation of ~$40,000 for 2017-18, then a likely base allocation adjustment in 2018-19. iii. 2017-18 Baseline Budgets 1. Annual Program Overviews - tabled IV. Old Business a. Discussion Items i. UBO IRA funding - tabled ii. Allocating to programs instead of deans - tabled b. Action Items V. Announcements VI. Adjournment a. Michael Pratt adjourned the meeting at 10:54 am.

Upcoming Dates:

3 – EP III presentations

IRA Board Meeting: April 12, 2017 Page 2