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The Register, 1975-03-04

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VOLUME XLVI NUMBER 45 A&T State University, Greensboro MARCH 4, 1975

Chemistry Department DeLauder Replaces Sullivan

By Sidney Marable alumus, was an instructor for graduate program in the At the end of the fall four years at A&T before being Chemistry Department by having semester of 1074, Dr. Walter appointed as acting chairman. more students and more research .Sullivan left as chairman of Prior to his coming to A&T, capabilities. He pointed out that the Chemistry Department. At DeLauder did post doctoral the _ department was only as the beginning ot the spring research in France and did his 'strong as its faculty, "Astrong and :: semester of 1975, Dr. William B. graduate studies at Wayne State qualified faculty makes the job ' §' DeLauder, was appointed acting University in Detroit, Michigan. of department chairman easier. chairman. DeLauder stated that he You must have active DeLauder, a Morgan State would like to strengthen the involvement in the running of the department," said Delauder, De Lauder's hometown is Organization Elevates Frederick, Maryland. He and his wife, Vernel, have two children. Their daughter, Ellen, and their Spruill To Presidency son, William, Jr., are both in the Greensboro public schools. Dr. William DeLauder photo by Carter

Dr. Albert W. Spruill, Graduate Schools is an professor of education and organization of deans and dean of the Graduate School representatives of all graduate was elected president of the schools throughout the Southern region and selected areas outside Lorey Hayes Will Appear Here Southern Conference of Graduate Schools during its Fourth the continental United States. Its Annual Meeting in February. basic aims are to share ideas The student centers of also directed "Medea" in her demand for individuality and relating to graduate studies; to A&T and UNC-G will present senior year at A&T. self-expression within society's The organization, Joseph A. Walker's newest improve and elevate advanced "The River Niger" is a bounds. play , "The River Niger", on convening in Atlanta, Georgia, realistic family drama, firmly The play opens with Jeff's work in all graduate fields, and March 13 at the War Memorial elevated Dean Spruill to the rooted in the contemporary homecoming from military to generally promote the quality Auditorium. presidency following his service Black experience but with a service and develops around the of master's., advanced and Lorey Hayes, an A&T Theatre as vice-president of the graduate universality that distills the fears, subsequent confrontation of doctoral training in the region. graduate, will perform in the tensions between generation, group for 1973-74. In this role, appetites, frustrations, and production. Lorey was active sexes, comrades, and one of his responsibilities was to Others elected to serve with in a number of plays presented vulnerabilities of the entire human family. philosophies. Within the context develop the convention program Dean Spruill are Dr. Henry in the Paul Robeson Little of dramatic and human for the Fourth Annual Meeting. Cobb, dean of the Graduate Theatre. Johnny Williams, Harlem confrontation, the stunning The Wallace, N.C, native had house painter, poet, devoted Dr. Spruill succeeds Dr. Charley School at Southern University, vitality and integrity of each Louisiana, vice- president, and parts in the Harrison Player's husband, father, and friend, is individual and of the family as a Scott, dean of the Graduate Dr. Joe N. Gerber, dean of the production of Who's Afraid of the central figure of the play. whole in this powerful work, forge School at the University of Johnny's quest for a battlefield Graduate School of Stephen F. Virginia Wolfe?" and possibilities for reconciliation Alabama. on which to fight for the rights Austin State University in Texas "Marat/Sade". She was also among hearts and minds. elected Miss Junior. The Southern Conference of as Secretary-Treasurer. of all Black men is In addition to acting, Lorey counterpointed by his son Jeff's Mutilation Of Books Is Serious Problem

By Rosa Smith Binford H. Conley, director of society are the reasons." what the students are doing to Library Services, states that the He stated that teacheres can themselves. If the mutilation and the theft overall problem is "inadequate help solve this problem by calling Conley stated that the library of materials in the Bluford interaction between ourselves and informing the library of has recently received a letter Library do not end, the students and the students we serve. When assignments that a class may have of this institution will be from the director of UNC-G's students have problems they to read over a short period of library. In this letter was a bill of jeopardizing themselves. time; if this type of assignment is don't complain to us directly, approximately $400 of fines but they go outside the library made, then materials for such an that A&T students have refused (to complain), " Conley stated. assignment are usually stolen. to pay. He said, "If students went to He added, "The students can There is a formal agreement the right person or persons, they help solve the problem by could usually find what they're understanding how serious it is among the institutions of this, looking for." and by deciding that they will do area to serve any visting student Conley asserted that the something about it." with an identification card. If the problems of theft and mutilation Asked what efforts were being student does not pay his fine, the of books and articles are very made to end the problem, he home institution is billed. serious. Over the last several reported. "The University Conley said, "This makes for years this problem has increased Council has appointed a poor relationships among the in most universities and colleges, committee to look into the institutions. Ripping them off is but there tends to be a higher problem and they are preparing a nol the answer." set of signs that will deal with I He concluded, "Students are increase here at A &T, according 1 to Conley. the whole question of theft and the primary source of action and they must look into the problem When asked whal were the mutilation. They are utilizing their ovi approach to the and do something about it. The causes of theft and mutilation, library will welcome a student's situation. This might be a Conley answered."The condition willingness to get himself and beginning of the realization of Lorey Hayes Binford Conley of society and the disregard for other students involved." Page 2 The AAT Register March 4. 197S »:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• a-a-a-a-a-aVe r.«*ww«..Kw Produce Or ship Out | m^Q Steps Backwards

For the many veterans who depend on the veterans' By Blannie E. Bowen nation drew almost 9,500 fans. constantly violated without office and the post office on campus for responsibility of Thursday 's opening round drew a penalties being assessed against Following the 1971 CIAA mere hahdful of fans as well. the violators. handling their money, a large majority of veterans are jBasketball Tournament at the All figures may have been Instances where Morgan's highly dissapointed with the service that has been offered Greensboro Coliseum, seven inflated even in any manner you Marvin Webster was "given " the choose to observe the attendance. to them. schools left the CIAA to begin Tournament's most valuable the 'Mid-Eastern Athletic is a sorry fan-drawing player over A&T's Allen Spruill First of all, there are too many people in these Conference (MEAC) with the city for colleges because of the' do not help the image of the positions that are passing the responsibility for making start of the 1971-72 school year. professional atmosphere and the conference. Four tournaments interest in professional teams. sure that the checks are picked up and prompt distribution Durham was a little bit better Poor officiating in the have been played, with Durham Delaware-Morgan game was of the checks is effectively handled. being the host city in 1972 and and there are no professional teams to compete against the allowed in order for Webster and In talking with the head personnel at the main post 1973. Baltimore was host city in Morgan to play A&T in the finals 1974 and 1975. colleges. According to the rules upon which the MEAC was to draw fans. Webster was office, the break-down concerning the veterans' checks is Four tournament champions awarded the MVP to enhance his have been crowned: A&T in established, the venture as the concentrated on our campus somewhere between our MEAC has failed. national recognition as the 19 72; A&T in 19 73; nation's top player. post office pick-up system and the veterans' office in East Maryland-Eastern Shore in 1974 Some MEAC officials are Hall. and A&T for a third time in four beginning to recognize this There is now rumor of a failure possibility and are looking tournament next year between The image that is projected to the community and to years, 19 75. Four most valuable players for new heights to conquer. the Major College NCAA the new veterans, is one of deep concern and proper have been named as well and two Players from MEAC teams Division I MEAC champion vocational guidance for the veterans. have come from losing teams: consistently fail to make the. against the Small College NCAA Robert Lewis of Howard, 1972; grade as professionals. Division II CIAA Champion. The reality that exists, or is projected, is one of June Harris of A&T, 1973; Talvin Most of the /conference's The MEAC takes one step unconcern and 1 aissez-faire attitudes. Skinner of UMES, 1974 and problems on poor forward and one step backward!: Marvin Webster of Morgan 1975. leadership and planning. It looks as though the backward There have been statements made, that the veterans at Conference rules and goals are steps are taking precedent now. When the MEAC was organized, A&T are not going to, or continue to, be subjected to membership in the National. inadequate and erroneous mismanagement of the Collegiate Athletic Association government subsistence, that they are rightfully entitled to. (NCAA) Division I was a primary goal. Money was also a With the conditions of the economy and the various primary objective along with liabilities that each individual veteran bears, be it rent national recognition. payments, Duke Power- payments, or adequate food As far as the NCAA Division I, and national recognition are supplies for his family or himself, these people who show concerned, only Howard, UMES no concern or just wait for other organizations to do their and A&T have achieved any work, some veterans are saying, either produce or measure of national attention. Howard has achieved fame shipout!! through its one-sided losses to sch o o I s like Virginia Commonwealth and Carolina. The old cliche is still true; people act funny when you A&T played in Madison Square Garden during the East Coast play around with their money. Athletic Conferen ce (ECA C) Tournament a few years ago. The end product is called Bad Business. The Aggies have also lost to some notable major college foes as Marshall and Mercer. UMES Daryl E. Smith was the first Black college in the National Invitational Tournament (NIT) last year. The money end of the MEAC has caused the most concern. Attendance' at the four The A&T Register Tournaments has been far less than expected. Friday . night's' semi-final Published twice weekly during the school year by action in Baltimore drew an estimated 6,000 fans. Saturday's students of A&T State University. To receive the Register, please send $7.50 to THE A&T REGISTER, Box E-25, Greensboro, North Carolina 27411, to cover mailing and handling cost. Education May Become A Luxury Member: Aassociated Collegiate Press By Rosie A. Stevens Duke University's response to the dearth of funds is an interesting one. Rather than raise Editor Michael Braye student fees, they chose to eliminate a program or two and to solicit funds from old patients News Editor Rosie Stevens at the medical center. The reason for this response, a loss of approximately fifty million Senior Associate News Editor Patricia Everett dollars in funds and investments, has some repercussions likely to be felt by many who are Junior Associate News Editor Michael Hailey entering that university and other private and state supported institutions. Business Manager Gregory Phillips On the undergraduate and graduate levels, enrollment seems verylikelyto shrink rather Acting Advertising Manager Robert Beasley than grow. This fact seems to be stemming from the current economic situation, one that is Office Manager Patricia Ingram steadily worsening. Money is tight so that many people will choose options other than Production Manager JohnE. Williams education at the post-secondary level. As one person has expressed it, education would Sports Editor Blannie Bowen become a luxury. Feature Editor Mary Cropps At the same time fees for higher education will be forced up by a sky-rocketing inflation, Circulation Manager Doris Forbes further discouraging people from attending school. Then there is the factor of financial aid Wire Editor Benjamin T. Forbes becoming increasingly less as university endowments, coming mainly from investments, are Chief Photographer Lance VanLandingham lost on Wall Street. Advisor Mrs. Loreno Marrow The problem is very sticky when a huge number of people receive financial aid. With a Distribution Manager Romeo Morrisey large number of students here receiving substantial funds, a problem is definitely created. Those who have not applied early may not receive aid. This situation has some special repercussions for Blacks who are attempting to pursue an

REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY education. While few Blacks have five or six thousand dollars to obtain a year of graduate * National Educational Advertising Services, Ine * education, fewer institutions have money to offer teaching or research assistantships or 360 Lexington Ave, New York, N. Y 10017 fellowships. This definitely places a limit on the number of Blacks who pursue this degree. Black Ph.D.'s will be a rare commodity. March 4. 197S The A&T Register Johnson Leads Aggie Attack Campus Haps The Student Union Advisory Board will present a dance By Craig Turner Sinclair Colbert. trailing 42-32. in Moore Gym on March 5, 9 p.m. - 1. Admission is $1.00. It was Colbert's early play off Things seemed to tighten up A small group will provide the music. A&T opened the semifinal the offensive boards that enabled in the second half after the first action in last week's MEAC A&T to ease to a workable 20-10 five minutes. Howard went to a This is the last call for Junior and Senior students basketball tournament as the ton. lead with 15:27 left in the half. running game that caught A&T interested in pledging AJpha Kappa Mu for the spring seeded basketball team in the league.. Those rebounds accounted for not back on defense. The Bison The Aggies lived up to their took the lead, 50-49 at the 10:57 semester. Please contact Orrin R. Haywood, Room 120 A&T's running-style game and Curtis Hall before March 7,1975. reputation by upending upset forced Howard into a man-«to« mark. minded Howard, 78-74. man defense. Both teams traded:'- baskets ' .All Organizations that paid to have their Queens The fourth-seeded Bison had After a timeout, Howard for the next four minutes with stopped South Carolina State the switched to a 2-3 zone to shut the lead changing hands four pictured in the Yearbook are asked to have these Queens previous day 92-87 in the off the taller and more physical times. A&T finally took a report to the main lobby of High Rise at 3:00p.m. opening round; and> for at least 18 Aggies. The strategy worked as marginal lead, 64-59, by going Thursday, March 6,197 S.­ minutes of the second half of the Bison reeled off 12 straight back to its original game plan. their game against A&T, they points to pull to a 26-24 But as the tempo speeded up, Mary King Rhodes will speak and present a appeared as if the string of deficit. along with the clock, that lead documentary on Africa and Bangladesh, Wednesday 8. victories would continue. Colbert went to the bench soon vanished into a 73-72 p.m.,Student Union Ballroom. The Bison opened the contest with his third foul with over nine deficit for A&T with top in a 2-1-2 zone defense and man of the game Johnson, fouling minutes remaining. Allen Spruill There will be a meeting of all candidates that filed caused early Aggie turnovers. and Johnson maintained the out also. A&T switched to a rotational A&T advantage till halftime It was then when the Aggies for entry in the Annual Spring SGA Election, March 17, at offense that opened up shots for although Howard had -seemingly put the game away. Colbert 7 p. m. in Room 212 ofthe Union. forward Ron Johnson and center taken the momentum by only drove inside for a layup that gave the Aggies the lead. Stanley M.E.N.C. will present a double feature movie - Truck Parham hit two free throws 24 Truner and Coffy plus cartoons in Harrison Auditorium, seconds later and Ray Perry gave Wednesday, March 5. ME AC-CIA A Will Clash A&T the final margin of victory. Ron Johnson )ed the Aggies S.U.A.B. is sponsoring a free movie.'Night ofthe Living into the MEAC championship Dead, in Harrison Auditorium, March 6. Next Year In Tourney with 26 points with Allen Spruill contributing 12. Vadnay Cotton By Benjamin Forbes Percy Peele, a graduate of and Gerald Glover had 16 apiece Who's Who pictures will be taken in the Union Thursday NCCU3 commented, "I don't for the losers. and Friday until noon. For the past two years, the believe the MEAC will be hurt MEAC Basketball Tournamenthas any if the two conferences, been held in Baltimore, Md. played. I think it would be great!" The tournament had been held in Another Morgan State student Durham, N.C... two years prior to said he believed the new the Baltimore tournaments. Next arrangement would work. "It year, however, changes will be will give things a change of Jubilant Aggies Take Crown made. These changes will pace," he added. involve the two most noted Most of the fans seem to feel By Blannie Bowen Some 9, 674 persons watched without any fancy moves or Black College conferences in the the same way about "the new Nothing but smiles, cheers as A&T won its third MEAC anything. Spruill's lay-up sailed area: the MEAC and the CIAA. arrangements. Whether the and chants, "Aggies are number Tournament title in four years. into the press row as Webster erased," Next year the four best teams MEACCIAA clash will be a failure or one," could be heard Saturday Complete jubilation describes all it completely. from each conference will be success is yet to be seen. night in Baltimore's Civic Center of the persons except for one Instead of fuming and getting battling itoutfor the tournament following A&T's 70-65 win over Aggie who even smiled with the upset about the rejection, Spruill crown. The tournament is MWfMMaMINMaMMWMM Morgan State in the fourth crowd. walked calmly to half-court and scheduled for the Greensboro We have a winner in our Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference looked H the scoreboard with a Coliseum. It is expected that the Early in the contest, Allen name THE Aggie contest. Tournament. Spruill drove on Marvin Webster tournament will draw record He is the one and only '(See Spruill Page 4) crowds. It is also hoped that, if Kaufman Ried who lives in »»»»»»»»). *•*•**** •••••••• the tournament is a success, a 3207-A Scott Hall. large television pack may be in He achieved this astounding The i the works. feat while retrieving Some of the fans at this year's his pet rat from Gtwrch of Conservation; MEAC tournament voiced their the ravenous jaws of a i! support of the CIAA-MEAC I! Invites You To Be An il Joe Kool Fans... Tournament. cockroach. Commenting on Ellsworth Crichlow, his new found wealth, he j; ORDAMED MINISTER jj Washington, D.C, said that it said, "I always had to pay just to be allowed to walk ; And Acquire The Rank i! NOW AVAILABLE, A ONCE IN A LIFETIME wouldn't be good for the MEAC out of the dorm. I normally OPPORTUNITY! EACH PRINTED INDIVIDUALLY! since it is in division I of the DOCTOR NCAA. He added that, if there ran!" abate would be good competition, he OF HATUREPEDICS jj •"r,-"»,~ Tn-- I wouldn't object. •**» < i Our fast growing church is act-; Have your t-shirt, !! ively seeking anvironmant-con- j W.L. Williams from Norfolk sweat shirt, jacket State said he thinks the !> cious naw ministers who believe <; '.! what wa believe: Man should ax->; MEAC and CIAA should remerge ',' ist in harmony with nature. We ;; or whatever graced and form a new league. "I think !' are a non-structured faith, unden- <| with a full size the two conferences oughi to ', > ominational, with no traditional •', play the tournament." ', '< doctrine or dogma. Benefits for <; ' > ministers are: <' print of the "It won't hurt either 1. Car Emblem and Pocket1' conference. A lot of people don't ..O. || KOOLEST gc ( a chance to see small colleges, 2. Reduced rates from many') Black colleges in particular, hotels, motels, restaurants, •; CHARATER' car rental agencies, ate. <| perform", stated Rodney Smith Our directory lists over •; ever to hit campus. a native of Baltimore. 1,000 prestige establish-'; Two Morgan State students merits extending on auto- •' Order yours today! said they felt it would be more malic cash discount. •; 3. Perform marriages, bap- •' exciting to see the two leagues tisms, funerals and all other ! j battle it out. They did not wish me E. MARKET ST. ministerial functions. to be identified. BftSIMMOAO. NX. 27491 4. Start your own church and •' Another fan, Mel Wo Burke, a 275 .2559 apply for exemption from •' property and other taxes. <' graduate of Fayed,-ville State, !>acouat with td; |! Enclose a free-will donation for •• said he was a!! for the 20% color, ;! the minister's credentials and poe- • > tournament. ;'ket license. Your ordination is <• $.50 each (cheap) 10% b**ck and white ;! recognized in all 50 states and <> Raymond Harrison, another AAT students oaljr inquire at the Register Office fan from Baltimore eagerly almost foreign countries. Church.' j', of Conservation. Box 375, Mary staled that he was "all in favor of wnamQ*£ca*wmHLiiM, ' I Esther, Florida 32569. it." cmjmm/potmujni tuvmMmmxM. PORTRAIT* i %s%\%s+*%\\%*\%\%\\\%%++\\\%X • •*•••••*••••••• •Mm— Liana i m+emmtmnit FW 4 The A&T Register March 4. 1975

• • "^fAjPffi, * >''''''' m Spruill Freaks Past § " The Big Dummy ' When things got close, ties at (Cont inued From Page 3) 33,59,61 and 63, it was James tremendous smile. Sparrow, Raymond Perry, When Webster's name was Sinclair Colbert, Stanley Parham, called to receive, the and Ron Johnson who combined Torunament's Most Valuable with Spruill on baseline and Player award, Spruill smiled other perfectly executed drives again. His smiling face could not to win the title. reveal his thoughts, nor his Eight straight points by emotions. Jethro Crum kept Morgan in the The crowd booed heatedly as game; but Sparrow, Colbert and Wmmm its hero Spruill accepted a grave Spruill hit for seven as the clock setback with pride and dignity. ran out. Voting for the "MVP" was done Webster scored 13 and at the half of this contest and collected 21 rebounds, but he Spruill had only eight points to only hit six of 15 shots as _Webster's seven. Colbert and collapsing More importantly, voting was teammates kept the 7-1 giant also done spanning the previous busy and out of position. Billy games where Webster played Newton hit 17 for Morgan as photo by Carter three to only two for Spruill. Crum got 12. Why then was the crowd Spruill collected 29 for the upset because Spruill did not get . ~» TONY AWARD WINNER game.hitting 14 of 26 shots while the MVP? >?;:£ BEST PLAY 1974 From a 36-30 A&T lead at the Sparrow and Johnson collected Let's give TIME MAGAZINE AWARD half, things fell into place for the 18 and eight, respectively. TomMAllow CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD A&T Coach Warren Reynolds New Bern star. Imagine Spruill DRAMA DESK AWARD "freaking" and scoring 15 ofthe was voted the top coach while Spruill, Johnson and Webster America first 19 Aggie points in the second half. As he came out of joined teammates Shepherd and his bag of moves, Spruill ripped Fred Simmons of Delaware State 11 straight points for A&T from on the All-Tournament team. a hand! 16:27 to 8:31 for a 51-46 Aggie As Webster received a 1 lead. Spruill got all of A&T's goal-tending call; following a THE points in this stretch. Spruill driving lay-up, one During the last eight minutes, Washington Post reporter RIVER Spruill scored eight more points remarked, "Just look at that and collected seven of his 10 big dummy (Webster). Spruill has NIGER rebounds. As super as Spruill used him all night long. I can't Win. «i (Win) tV was, it took a team-effort to beat believe Spruill has done this to Joseph A.Walker the Bears. him." *mm0&0**r*fmmmmmmm0mtm » 1 A Guide to Good Eating You Are What You Eat! Good Nutrition Is What

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