N em SSoutb Ealt~.

No. 1.



'THURSDAY, 23 JUNE, 1932.

1. OPENING OF PARLJA.MEKT:-The Oouncil met at Twelve o'clock at Noon, Pl1rsuant to Pl'oc1amation of His Excellency the Governor, which was read by the Clerk of the Parliaments, by direction of the President, as follows:- "NEW SOUTH VVALES, } By His Excellency Sir PHILIP "VVOOLCOTT G"n1E~ Knight "to \vit. Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knig'ht Commander· of - the - liest (r>.8.) Honorable , Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Air Vice~Marshal ou "PHILIP GAME, the Retired List of the , -.Governor of uGollernor. the State of and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia. "IN pursuance of the power and authority vested in me as such Governor afore­ "said, by vlrtu.e of an Act 'passed in the second year of the Reign of His lntc "Majesty lS;:ing Edward the Seventh, being 'An Act to consolidate the Acts "relating to the Constitution,' I do hereby proclaim that a Session of the "Legislative Council and Legislatiye Assembly for the State of New South ., "Wales for the despatch of business shall commence and be holden on Thursday, "the twenty-third day of June, at 12 o'clock noon, in the buildings known as the ''Legislative 'Council Chambers, in Macquarie-street, in the City of ; "and Members of the said Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly, "respectively, are hereby required to give their attendance at the said time and "place accordingly. "Given under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this scventcenth day of June, "in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two, <'and in the twenty-third year of His Maj esty's Reign. 1')3~ :IJ:i~ :E.xce!!egci~ Qg$nagd, "B. S. B. STEVENS. "GOD SAVE THE KING!" jJ{embers present;- The Honorable "\Villiam Ainsworth, the Honomble Carl Adrinn Akhurst, F.I.I.S., the Honorable Anthony Alexander Alam, the Honorable George Staolwr Archer, the Honorable James Ashton, the Honorable George Black, the Honorable Sir Henry Yule Braddon, R.B.E., the Honorable vVilliam Brennan, the Honorable William Brooks, the Honorable Francis lIenry Bryant, the Honorable George Patrick Buckley, the Honorable Nicholas James Buzacott, the Honorable Joseph Farrar Coates, the Honorable James Matthew Concannon, the Honorable John "Villiam Cowburn, the Honorable John Culbert, the Honorable John Michael Davoren, the Honorable George Alexander Dewar, the Honorable "Villiam Thomas Dick, B.A., the Honorable Thomas Patrick Doyle, the Honorable GeorgJ }!'rederick Earp, C.B.E., the Honorable Thomas Falkingham, the H~norable .T ohn Gibson Furleigh, the Honorable Ernest Henry Farrar, the H~)llorab~;:. Robert George Dundas FitzGerald, the Honorable ",Vil1iam James Gibb, th;:: Honorable Donald l£cLennan Grant, the Honorable James Joseph Gl;a,vcR, th1 Honorable Catherine Elizabeth Green, the Honorable Herbert Middleton Hawkin;.; the Honorable Alfre~l Maca!'tney Hem~ley, tp.e HOl!ora~le Simon !!icke;v', ~hr 77925 2 MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE ~LEGISLATlVE OOUNOIL. (23 JunB, 1932.)

Honorable John Fortunatus Higgins, the Honorable Henry Edwin Horne, the 'Honorable Edvmrd ,T ohn Kavanagh, the Honorable John Keegan, the Honorable John Kilburn, the Honorable Robert .Ar~l1Ur King, the Honorable William Eames Kirkness, the Honorable William Fleming Latimer, the Honorable James Denis Lyons, Major-General the Honorable James "William Macarthur-Onslow, V.D., B.A., LL.l)., Majp~-Gel1eral the Honorable- James Alexander Kenneth Mackay, C.B., v.D./-b.B.E., the Honorable' Edward Crmvfbrd Magrath, the Honorable Robert Mahony, the Honorable Henry Edward Manning, R.O., B.A., LL.B., the Honorable John Bertie Martin, tb,e Honorable Alan William McNamara, the Honorable James Mark Minahan, the Honorable Sir James Anderson / Murdoch, K.B.E., O.M.G., the Honorable Thomas George Murray, the Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Oonor, LL.B., the Honorable JJoh;n Francis O'Regan, the Honorable John Francis O'Reilly, "the Honorable JOhil.J"oseph O'Reilly, the Honorable Sir John Beverley Peden, KO.M.G., KO. (President), the Honorable John Whitehead Percival, Lieutenant-Oolonel the Honorable Thomas Alfred John Playiair, D.S.O., O.B.E., V.D., the Honorable Frank Pollard, the HonOl'able Daniel Rees, the Honorable William Elliott Veitch Robson, B.A., the Honorable James Ryan, the Honorable Lionel William Ryan, the Honorable Robert Emmet Savage, the Honorable Thomas Mitchell Shakespeare, the Honorable Andrew Sinclair, the Honorable Gilbert Jamieson Sinclair, the Honorable Samuel James Smith, the Honorable Thomas J anuarius Smith, the Honorable Frank William Spicer, the Honorable Robert Sproule, B.A., LL.B., the Honorable John Bligh Suttor; M.Am.I.E.E., A.M.LE. (Aust.), the Honorable· Oolin Tannocl;:, the Honorable Sir Allen Taylor, Kt., the Honorable John Tl'avers, the Honorable Arthur King Trethowan, the Honorable Frank Edgar Wall, M.D., the Honorable Ellen Webster, the Honorable John Henry Wise, the Honorable George W_rench, the Honorable Arthur William Yager. . . ·Members absent:- The Honorable Oharles Brill Bridges, the Ho;norable Sir Joseph Hector Carruthers, R.O.M.G., M.A., LL.D., the Honorable Stanley Llewellyn Oole, the Honorable Lawrence Ootter, the Honorable William ,Edward Dickson, the Honorable James Fox, the Honorable Edward Grayndler,. the Honorable John Hepher, the Honorab1e Thomas Douglas Percy Rolden, the Honorable 8ir Norman 'WIlliam Kater, Kt., M.B., Oh.M., the Honorable William Patrick Kelly., the Hono~~ble J olm Lane Mullins, M.A., the Honorable Daniel l1:alone, A.M{I.E. {.Aust.), the Honorable Joseph Michael Martin, the Honorable Pat~ rick Michael McGirr, the Honorable George Mullins, the Honorable George Nesbitt, the Honorable Robert PilIans, the Honorable Frederick· Roels, the Honorable Duncan }'1:alcolm Smith, M.A., the Honorable Sir J oynton Smith, R.B.E., the E:onorable Thomas Storey, the Iionorable Thomas James Tyrrell, the Honorable GeOl'ge Henry Gisborne Varley, the Honorable Thomas Waddell, the Honorable 'Yinter David Warden, the Honorable Albert O~lru·les Winis.

2. OOMMISSION '1'0 OPEN I-? AllLLUfEN'l';-The Prcsident acquainted the House that His E~celIe;ncy the Governor, n9t deeming it fit to be personally prcsent here his day, had been pleased to cause a Commission to be issued, under the Public Seal of the State, appointing the Honorabl~ Sir John Beverley Peden, KO.M.G., President of the Legislative Council, the Honorable James- Ryan, Assistant lVIinistei' -in -th~ 1f:cgisl~ltiy-e .Counci.a,. 'and the IIonorablc Broughton Barnabas O'Oonol', LL.B., Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Council, Oommis­ sioners in order to the opening and holding of this Parliament. 'The Commissioners being' seated, one on the right and the other on .the_1eft of the Ohair, the P,·esid.ent directed the Usher of the Black Rod to let the Assembly know· "the Oommissioners desire their immediate attendance in this House." And the Usher of the Black Rod having returned, and "eported that he had duly delivered such Message,- 'And the Assembly being come,- Mexnbers of both Houses being seated at the l'equest of the President,­ 'The President said,- ''Honorable Members of the Legislative Council, and Members of the Legisla.. . '~tlve Assembly,-His Excellency the Governol', not deeming it £,t to be personally "present here this day, has been pleased to cause a Oommission to be issued, ",under the Public Seal of the State, constituting us Commissioners to do all ((things _nec,essary to be performed by the Governor in the lla~~ and on the '" '1;lart of His Majesty the Ring, or in the nallle and on the part of" Ris Excellency , -"the- Governor of the State, in order to the opening and hoTding bf this "Parliament, to delivcl' a Message to the Legislative Assembly, and to do all "such-other things as may be specially necessary to enable Parliament to perform "acts which admit of no delay, as will more fully appear by the Commission "itself, which must now be read." ,,'" ' 3 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (23 June, 1932.)

Whereupon the Olerk, by direction of the President, read the said -(Jonunissiori~ as follows:- "George. V, by the Gmce of God, of G"eat Britain, Ireland, and the Eritish "Dominions beyond the Seas~ King, Defende1' of the Faith, Ernperor of "India. "To all to whom these presents shall come,- . "G1'eeting: "WHEREAS by Proclamation made on the seventeenth day of June, 1932, His "Excellency Sir PHILIP WOOLCO'l'T G,UrE, Knight Grand Oross of Our Most "Excellent Order of the British Empire, Knight Oommander of Our Most "Honorable Order of the Bath, Companion of Our Distinguished Service Order, --- "Air Vice-Marshal on the Retired List of Our Royal Air Force, Governor of Our "State of New South \Vales and its Dependencies in the Oommonwealth of ".Australia, did, in pursuance of the power and authority vested in him as "Governor of Our said State, by virtue of an Act passed in the second year of "the reign of His late Majesty King Edward the Seventh, being 'An Act' to "Oonsolidate the Acts relating to the Oonstitution,' proclaim that a Session of the "Legislative Council und Legislative Assembly constituted under the said Act, and ((compo.sing the Parliament of Our said State of New South Wales, should .. tcommence and be holden on Thursday, the twenty-third day of June: And "whereas for certain causes, Our said Governor cannot conveniently be present "in person at the opening of the said Session: Now know ye, that we, trusting "in the discretion, fidelity and care of Our tl'usty and well-beloved the. Honorable '~Sii' J olm Beverley Peden, President of the said Legislative Oouncil, the c1Honorable James Ryan, Assistant Minister in the Legislative COUI\qil of Our "said State, and. the Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Oonor, Members of the . "said Legislative Oouncil, do, with the advice of Our Executive Council of Our "said State, give and grant by the tenor of these presents unto the said Sir John "Beverley Peden, James Ryan, and Broughton Barnabas O'O'onor, so being "such President and MemberS" of the said Legislative COllncil, or any two of "them, full power in Our name- to open and hold the said Session of the said "Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly on the said twenty-third day of "June or subsequent day, on qur behalf to do all things necessary to be done "in Our Name, 01' in the name of Our Governor of Our said State, in and about "the opening and holding of the said Parliament, to deliver a Messag~ to the "Legislative Assembly, and to do all such things as may be specially necessary "to enal:lle P:adiament to perform acts which admit of no delay: Oommanding "also by the tenor of these presents all whom it concerns to meet in the said "Parliament, that to the said Sir John Beverley Peden, -James Ryan, and ."Broughton Barnabas ,0'00nor, 01' any two of them, they diligently- attend "in the premises in the form aforesai.d. "In testimony ,yhereof, we ha've caused these, Our Letters to be made "Patent and the Public Sea~ of Our said State, to be hereunto affixed. "Witness Our trusty [lnd well~beloved Sir PI-lILIP VVOOLCOTT GABlE, Knight "Grand Cross of Our :Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, "Knight Oommander of. Our Most 110no1':1ble Order of the Bath, Com­ "panion of Our Distinguished Service Order, Ail' Vice-Marshal on the "Retired List of Our Royal Air Force, Governor of Our State of New "South Wales and its Dependencies in the Oommonwealth of Australia, "at Sydney, New South Wales, aforesaid, this seventeenth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thqusand nine hundred and thirty-two, and in the twenty-third year of Our Reign. ''PHILIP GAME, Governor. "B. S. STEVENS." 3. COMMISSIONERS' MESSAGE TO THE COUNCIL AND ASSEMBLY;­ The President then said,- ('Honorable Members of the I-,cgislative Council and liembers of the Legis1ative Assembly- "We have it in command from His Excellency the Governor to acquaint "you that His 'Excellency desires that you take into your grave consideration "such matters as may be submitted to you." '13.:onorab1e :Mcmbcrs of the r~egislativc Assembly,- "It being necessary that a Speaker of the Legis1ative Assembly be TIrst "chosen, it is His Excellency's pleasure that you, gentlemen of the Legislative "Assembly, repair to your, own Ohamber and there proceed to the election of "one of your numbel' to be your Speaker. "We are further commanded to acquaint you that His Excellency desires "that'such measures may be taken by you as may be deemed expedient to meet _"the exigencies of the Public Sel;vices, and to deal with such other matters as . "my 'A_dvisers deem necessary." . , The Assembly thep, withdrew,

.." ------_.. --- ~-----.------~ 4-" MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF" THE LEGISLATIVE COUNGIL. (23 June, 1932.)

4. COJ\flIlISSION '1'0 Aol\IINISTER 'rHliJ OATH:-The President having then produced a Cor.nmission, constituting himself and other Members of the Legislative Council, therein named Oommissioners, to administer the Oath required by law to h3 taken by Members of the OoullciI,- The said Oommission was, by direction of the President, read by the Clerk, as follows :-

'lBy His Excellency ',Sir PHILIP vVOOLCOT'f GAME, [(night Grand 01'088 of the UMost E:ccellent Ot'der of tlie B1'itish Ernpi1'C, Knight Gomnta:nder of the a1lfost Hono1t1'able 01'dm' of ihe Bath, Oompan·ion of the Distinguislwcl uService Ot'del', Air Vice-]}[m'shal on the Retired List of the Royal Ail· .-- "11101'ce, GOVC1'nor of the State of New South ·Wales and its Dependencies, uin the Oommonwealth of A ustmlia. "To all to whom these presents shall come,- U Gneting : "IN pursuance of the authority in me vested in that behalf, I, Sir PHILII' "\YOOLCOTT GA::\lE, as Governor of the State of New South \Vales, do, with "the advice of the Executive Council thereof, hereby authorise the Honorable . ,"Sir- John Beverley Peden, President of the Legislative Oouncil of the said "State, the Honorable James Ryan, Assistant l\:finister in the Legislativo "Oouncil, 'and the Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Conor, members of the "said Legislative Council, 'or anyone or more of them, to administer, to all "01' any members or member of the said Legislative Council, the Oath or "Affirmation of Allegiance to His l\iajesty the King, required by law to be "taken or made and subscribed by every such member before he shall be "permitted to sit or vote in the said Legislative Oouncil. "Given u~~9r my hand and the Public Seal of the State, at Sydney, in the "State of New South Wales aforesaid, this seventeenth day of June, in "the year of our Lord one thousavd nine hundred and thirty-two, a:nd "in the twenty-third year of the Reign of His Majesty King Georg(~ "the Fifth, "PHILIP GAME, "Governor, "By His Excellency's Oommand, "B. S. B. STEVENS." The H;puse then adjourned, on motion of l\£r. J. Ryan, until Four o'clock, p.m., This Day. i- The House having resumed,~ D. Omn.!ISSION OF THE PRESIDENT TO ADMINISTER THE OATH:-The President having announced thnt he had received a fresh Oommission~ authorising him to ftdminlster the Oath required by law to be taken by Members of the Legislative Oouncil before they can sit or vote therein,- The snid Oommission was, by direction of the President, read by the Clerk, as f01l0ws:- "By His Excellency _Sir PHILIP 'VOOLCOTT GAME, Knight Grand Cross of the ~'l11ost ]iJ:c.celle.1Jt' 01'dpr of the' British ·Entpi1'e, Knight Oommander of th'~ "l1£ost Honourable 01'rle1' of the Bath, Companion of the Distinguished aSel'vice Order, Ab· TTice-lIlapshal on the Retired List of the Royal Air . '~Force, Govm'l1.Ol' of the State of New South Wales twd its Dependencies, "in the C01nllwnweaUh of A usimlia. "To 'all to whom these presents shall come,- uGreeting: "IN pursuance of the authority'in me vested in that behaH, I, Sir PHILIP "WOOLCO'fT G"ULE, Governor of the State of New South Wales, do, with "the advice of the Executive Oouncil thereof, hereby authorise the Honorable "Sir John Beverley Peden, President of the Legislative Oouncil· of the sai<1 "State to admi.nister, from time to time as occasion may require, to any membel' "of the said Oouncil, to \vhom the same shall not have been previously· admin­ "istered, the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to His Majesty the King, "l:eqtlircd· by law to be taken 01' ulnde and subscribed by eyery such membel' "before he :shall be permitted to sit or .vote i~ the said r~egislative~G:l~mcil. '~Given ·under l~y hand and the Public Seal of the State, at Sydn~y, in the. "State of New South ,Vales aforesaid, this seventeenth day of June, in "the ;year or our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two, and "in- th.e hvent,r-third year of the Reign of His Majesty King George {'the Fifth. "PHILIP GAME, "Governor. • "By His Excellency's Oommand, "B."S. B.STEVENS." 5 MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE OOUNOIL. (23 June, 1932.) .

(), NEw ME:MBERS:-The President "announced the receipt of a communication, dated 17th June, 1932, from His Excellency tHe Governor, intimating that the Oath of Allegiance had been taken and subscribed before His Excellency by the lludcl'mentioned gentlemen on the 17th instant, viz. :-;-:-Henry Edward Manning', K.O., and Herbert :1Hddleton Hawkins. . ~ \Vhel'eupon the abovementioned-Meinbers produced their Writs of Appointment to the Legislative Council, which thej-". handed to the- President, and presented themselves a-t the Table and subscribed the Roll.

7. MEUBERS RESIGNlm :-Thc President reported the receipt of communications from His Excellency the Governor, dated 17th June, -1932, and 20th June,- 1932, respectively, intimating that the Honorable F, S. Boyce, ICO., and the Honorable J. A, Browne, LL.B., K.O., had conveyed to His Excellency the resignation of '\ their seats in the Legislative Council from the above dates, which resignations '~,., had been accepted. \ 8. LEAVE OF AnSENCE '1'0 MEMnERs,:-The President announced to the House the ',,- receipt of communications from His Excellency the Governor, dated respectively , 10th May and 11th June; 1932, intimating that leave of absence had been granted to the :Honorable Sir Joseph Hector Oarruthers, K,O.M.G., for foul' months, to take effect from the 13th J\iay, 1932, on the grounds of ill-health, and to the Honorable Sir Norman William Kater, Kt., for six months from the 23rd June, 1932, to enable him to attend the Imperial Economic Oonference at Ottawa.

tr' 9. I ... APSED BILJ.JS OWING TO DISSOLUTION Ol~ PAUJ.JIAUEN'l':-The President reported 'Lhe l'eceipt of, and read, the following Messages from 13;is Excellency the Governor:-- (1.) Mortgages Taxation Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message. , Govern01', A Bill, intituled ~'An Act to impose taxatiol1,- upon mo1'lgages~' to amencZ th} Real Property Act~ 1900, and certain other Acts~' and /01' pw'poses consequent . t.I.,c':eon or inc·idental thereto; and for purposes mentioned therein/~-as finally pase9d by the Legislative Council and Assembly, h~ving been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency desires to inform the Legislative Council. that he has accepted the opinion of the Orown Law Officer that this

Bill h~s lapsed by reason of the dissolution of ParUament, and, consequently, " he ,is l.l.nable to assent to it, Government Hou8e~ Sydney, 16th June, 1932. (2.) Nurses' Registration (Amendment) Bill:- ,--,- PHrLIP GAME, ]1essage. " (tovernoJ". / , \A Bill, intituled frAn Act to pl'ovide that the feds paid to certain membe1's o!the j Yurses' Registration Boat'd shall be paid out of the funds of that BOMd; to ",«t011'd section seventeen of the NU1'8es' Regisi1'ation Act, 1924; and for c .-: - Pl{1'l-,r;l)es,-- connected therewith,"-as finally passed by the Legislatiye Oouncil " :_ al1el-JisseIlLjjJly, 11flving been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excel1enc,~ desires to inform the Legislative Oouncil that he has accepted the oP~J'fi'of the Orown Law Officer that this Bill has lapsed by reason of the -a'issolution 0,£ Parliament, and, consequently, he is unable to assent to it. , Government H'luse, . Sydney, 16th June~ 1932. (2.. ) Finance (Family Endowment Tax) Bill:- PHILIP GAlfE, ][essago .. G-ove1'n01', A Bill, jntituled "An Act to declare the rates at which cont1'-ibut-ions if) the Family Endowm'ent Fund are to be made by employers in 'J'9spect of wages 1Jaid afta the thirty-fil'st day- of Decentber, one tho'USancl nine hund1'ed and thirty-one~' to provide fol' the payment of certain sums in Ueu of conil'ibutions by the Cl~wn.; fwd fm' IJU1'poses connected the1'ewith;"'-as finally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, having been presented to the Goyernor f01' the Royal Assent, His Excellency desin;s to inform the, Legislative Oouncil that he has accepted the opinion of the Orm'ln l,aw Officer that this Bill has lapsed by reason of the, dissolu,tion of P,al'IiflmE-nt, and, consequently, 4e 'j~ 1!:~abl~ tQ assent to it: (fove1'nmcnt House~ Sydney, 16th JUl1e~ 1D32.


({.J Family El1dowment (Amendment) Bill:-",. :i:>mLIP GAME, Message. Gove'rnor. A Bill, intituled uAn Act to maJce-'{urthel; provision 1'ega1'ding the Family En.dowment Fund~' ta amend the Family 1J1ridowment Act) 1927-1931, and certain other Acts in eel'tain respects,,' and for pU1poses connected therewith,u-as finally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and A~sembly, having been presented to the Go~'ernor for the ROYal Assent, His Excell~hcy desires to inform the Legislative Oouncil that he has accepted the opinion of the Crown Law Officer that. thi~ Bill has lapsed by reaSon of the dissolution of Parliament, and, consequentl;~r~ l1e is unable to assent to it. ' / Government 11 ouse) Sydney, 16th J"ne, 1932. / (5.) Public Health (Inspectors' Salaries) Amendment Bill:- r-.'

PHIL~P GA:M;E, lIfessage. ~-~ ,.. A Bill, intituled "An Act .to 1'elieve th';' ;OpnsoUdate.cl :R~venue F.~ftd from ·ce1'tain. payinenls; to amend ti~e Public Health Act, 1902.; and. the: Sydney Oorporation Act, 19.02/' qnd tOl' PU-)'POSBS cQ,rmec.ted therewith/'-as nnaIly 11assed by' the Legislative Oouncil and Assembiy, having been presented to the . _- .Governor. for the ROYQ.I Assent, His..EJ<;:cellency ,desires to inform the Legislative COllll'cil that he has accepted the opinion of ' tIle Crown Law Officer that this Bill has lapsed- by reason of the dissolution of Parliament, and, consequently, he i~ unable to assent to it.

o Go'iJe"i'nment IIouse, Sydney, 16th June, 1932. -i. : ~6.) Ooal Industry Bill:-:

PHILIP GAME, M~Jage. Goveriwr. A Bill, iritituled ((An Act to pro'1.iide few: the" constitution of a Coal -Industry Board, and to define its pow~rs, functions, ancI duties;·to m·ake further provision for lhe reU1tlation of the coal-minh1,O indusi1'Y, inchtdf,n,q provisions as to the efficient workino of coal and ds~ to its Eale -und disposal, q,nd fhe 1'ecovery

:. ahd'sale of by-products j1'01n·coal y• fa iuthorise tho Coal Incb.tsfry Board to clos!! <, ,. -i1iinBs ancl to regulate 01' 1'csi1·ici the'output of miJws,· to cG·niro} t!Lf} 90nditions ., of employment, to sottlc· industrial disputes on the coal-fields; and t.~ p1'omote the welfare of pasons engaged in the coal-mining indusl1'y~· fa amend the Indusft'ial A1'bitmtion Act, 1912, and cM'tain othel' ACts; and Jar pUl'.poses connected there­ with/'-as finally v.assed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, having beel! presented to the Governor·· for the Royal Assent, His Excellency desires to info.rm the Legislative Oouncil that he has accepted the opinion of the Crown "-~"- Law Officer that this Bill has lapsed by reason of the dissol11tion of I Parliament, &nd; consequently, he" is unable to assent to it. ;' GOV61'nment \ House, J .\' Sydney, 16th June, 1932. '~ .,\ /' -- ...... 10. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT-NEW Am'IINISTRATION:-:M~;·.Manning inf(ormed t4e.House that on the 13th May, 1932, the H6'liorable Bert:t;~;m Sydney Bu·2·nsdaIe Stcven~, M.L.A., was commissioned by His Excellency the'Governor to :fo?ru~_Mi?istry, and that on the 10th Maya new Government ,,-:us,·lconstituted as follows :-~ . The Honorable Bertram Sydney Bal'nsdale Stevens, J\([.L.A., Premier and Colonial Treasurer. . . Lieutenant-Oolonel the Honorable Michael Frederick Bruxner, D.S.a., M.L.A., Deputy-Premier, Minister for Transport. and Local Government. The Honorable Reginald Walter Darcy Weuver,' M.I::..A., Secretary for Public Works and Minister for Health. ' Oaptain the Honorable Frank Augustus Chaffey, :1LL.A., Colonial Secretary and Secretary for Mines. . The Honorable Ernest Albe*t Buttensha\v, M.L.A., Secretary for Lands. The Honorable David Henry Drummond, M.IJ.A., Minister for Education. The Honorable Sir Daniel Levy, M.L.A., Attorney-Genera( and Minister OI Justice. ' 'i'he Honorahle John Montgomery Dunningham, M.L.A" lfinister for Labour ana Industry. .. The .Honorable Hugn Main, M.L.A., Minister for Agricplture and Min~ster for Forests. The Honorable James .. Ryan, M.L.C., Vice-President of the --Executive Oouncil. '., - r,;;,

After th.e r,esult of the G,eneral Elections was known, the Ministry, was recon- stituted and is now composed of the following;- . 1'ho Honorable Bertram Sydney Barnsdale Stevens, M.L.A., Premier and Colonial Treasurer. Lieutenant-Oolonel the Honorable Michael Fl~ederick Bi'UxIWr,. D.S.O., M.L.A., Deputy-Premier and Minister for Transport. The Honorable Reginald Walter Darcy Weaver, M.L.A., Secretary for Public vVol'ks and Minister for Health. The Honorable I-Ien.ry Edward lliaiming, K.O., M.L.C., Attorney-General, and Vice-President of the Executive Oouncil. The Honorable Ernest Albert Butt-enshaw, M.L.A., Secretary for Lands. Captain the Honorable Frank Augustus Chaffey, M.L.A., Colonial Secretary. The Honorable David Henry Drummond, M.L.A., Minister for Ed.ucation. The Honorable John Montgomery Dunningham, M.L.A., Minister for Labov.r and Industry. The Honorable Hugh Main, M.L.A., Minister for Agriculture. The Honorable James Ryan, M.L.C., Assistant Minister in the Legislative Oouncil. The Honorable Joseph Jackson, M.L.A., Minister for Local Government.. The Honorable Roy Stanley Vincent, M.L.A., Secretary for Mines and Minister for Forests. The ,Honorable Lewis Ormsby Martin, M.IJ.A:, Minister of J tistice. The -Honorable Eric Sydney Spooner, M.L.A.:, Honorary Minister assisting the Colonial Treasurer. The Honorable 'Herbert Middleton Hawkins, M.I~.C., Honorary Minister assisting the Minister for Labour and Industry. His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Premier, had been pleased to appoint him as Attorney-General and Vice·President of the Executive Oouncil and also as the Representative of the Government in this House. Thereupon certain Honol'able Members congratulated the new ::Members of the Legislative Oouncil o~ their appointments. T:he llew l.{embers made their ackllo~vledgment~ ..

11. PAPERs:-Mr. J. Ryan laid upon the Table the undermentioned Papers:- .g~~e!;t~~:\~! y~~;~~;~.ions uuder Statutes administered by the Registrar· (2.) Report of the Transport Commissioners of New South Wales for the quarter ended 31st March, 1932. (3.) National Relief Fund of New South Wales-Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for 1931. (4.) Newcastle District Abattoir and Sale-yards Act, 1912-Report in regard to the variation of the provisions of section 22 _of the Act. Ordered to be printed. (5.) Statement of Oontracts quoted for Railway TranSpOl't by the exercise of the powers conferred on the Board of Oommissioners by the Government Railways Acts, 1912-1930, during the month of May, 1932. (6.) Public Service Act, 1902-Amendment of Regulations Nos. 56, 122, 126 and 172. (7.) Supreme Court-Rule made by the Judges for the admission as solicitors of clerks articled to solicitor~ practising -in the Territory of the Seat of Govern­ ment. (S.) Sydney Oorporation Acts Cas amended)-By-laws Nos. 10 and 23. (9.) Local Government Act, 1919-(a) Amendment of Ordinances; (b) Certi­ fied copy of Agreement between the Electric Lig'ht and Power Company (8.cone), Limited, and the Oouncil. of the Shire of Upper Hunter relating to a franchise for the supply of electric current for lighting and for power in portion of the Shire. (10.) Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1924-3'1- (a) By-law-Water, sewerage, and drainage rates for 1932-1933. Cb) Amendment of By-law No. 59-Supply of watcr by measure, (c) By-law No. Gge-Repeal of By-law No. 69. (d) By-Iaws-Oharges for services in respect of lands not ratable. (e) By-law No. 89-'\¥ater services supplying from the Lower Canal. (11.) Public Works Act, 1912-Noti-6.cations of l'esu.mption or appropriation (.1: land under, for- (a) Railway from Uranquinty towards Moon's Siding-. (b) Boosting Station at Kurri Kurri in connection with Hunier District Water Supply. (c) Waratah Stormwater Dl'Ullage. (d) Upper Murray River storage. (e) Ca!difl !ltQrmw~te! Qhannel, 8 MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE OOUNCIL • . (23 June, 1932.)

(12.) Public Works Act, 1912, and Local Government Act, 1919-Notifications of l'esumption or appropriation of land under, for the following Councils :-­ Mosman Municipal Council; Canterbury Municipal Council; Bankstown Muni­ cipal ·Council; Paddington l\1:unicipal Council; Erina Shire Council (3); Willimbong .8hire Couneil. (13.) Public Works (Port Kembl. Electricity) Act, 1929-Notifications of resumption of easements under for- (a) Homebush Stormwater Drainage (2). (b) Mudgee Scweragc. (c) Werris Creek Water Supply. (14.) Careless Use of Fire Act, 1912-Amcnded Regulations re burning-oft operations in Hume and 'Veddin Shires. (15.) ·Police Regulation. (Appeals) Act, 1923-Additional Regulation. (16.) Orown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913- (n) Notice of intention to declare that OrO\\,11 Lease 1925/7, Conditional Purchase 1927/42, Conditional Purchase 1927/6 and Additional O-:m­ ditional P.nrchase 1929/49, Land District of Tarce, shall cease to be voidable. (b) Oopies of Gazette Notices setting forth the mode in whioh it is proposed to deal ,vith the dedication of certain lands, in accordance with the 25th section ol the Act. (c) . Abstract of Orown lands intended to be dedicated to public pur-poses in accordance with the 24th section of the Act. (17.) vVestern Lands Act, 1901-Particulars of Special Leases issued under 1/ rrq section 28A. (18.) Proclamation regarding the appointment of the 1Ionorable Sir Philip \Vhistler Street, R.O.M.G., Ohief Justice of the Supreme Oourt of New South \Vales, as Lientenant-Governor of the State. ~b~

12. PRO FORMA BILL-LAW OF EVIDENCE BILIJ:-l\.1:r. Manning having presented a niU, and moved, That this Bill be now read a first time,- Question put and passed. And Bill, intituled i( A Bill to a.mend the Law of Evidenco/'-read a first time.

The House adjourned at Eleven minutes after Five o'clock, p.m., until To-morrow at Four o'clock, p.m. , W. L. S. COOPER, Olerk of Parliaments. ., ·-~, 9 . MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE LEGiSLATIVl, COUNCIL. (23 June, 1932.)


, FRIDAY, 24 JUNE, 1932.


1. Mr. MANNING to move, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the unde1'l11entioned Bills through all their stages during one sitting of the Oouncil, viz. :- (1.) Prevention and Relief of Unemployment (Further Amendment) Bill. (2.) Finance (Family Endowment Tax) (No.2) Bill. (3.) Public Health (Inspectors' Salaries) Amendment (No.2) Bill. (4.) Supply (No.3) Bill. (5.) Oloser Settlement Appropriation Bill. (6.) Loan Bill. (7.) Family Endowment (Amendment) (No.2) Bill. (8.) Unemployment Relief Tax Bill. (9.) Public Service Salaries (Amendment) Bill. (10.) Industrial Arbitration (Eight Hours) Amendment Bill. (11.) Nurses' Registration (Amendment) (No.2) Bill.

2. Mr. MANNING to move, That the Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Conor, LL.B., be Chairman of Committees of the Whole House.

3. Mr. MANNING to move, That the Standing Orders Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz. ;-The President, Mr. Buzacott, Mr. Dick, Mr. Earp, Mr. Simon Hickey, Mr. Kavanagh, Mr. Robson, Mr. A. Sinclair, Mr. Waddell, and the Mover, with leave to sit during any adjournment, and authority to confer upon subjects of mutual concernment with any Oom­ mittee appointed for similar purposes by the Legislative Assembly.

4. Mr. MANNING to move, That the Library Committee of this House for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz.:-The President, Mr. George Black, ::Mr. Travers, Mr. Magrath, Mr. Concannon, Mr. Robson, Mr. Sproule, Mr. Coates, Major~General Mackay, and Sir Joseph Carruthers, with leave to ., sit during any adjournment, and. authority to act jointly with the Library Committee of the Legislative Assembly, in accordance with the resolution of 7th August, 1862.

5. Mr. MANNING to move, That the Printing Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz. :-Mr. Heorge Black, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Dick, Mr. Higgins, Mr. Malone, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Travers, Mr. Varley, Mr. Yager, and the Mover, with the following duties and powers, and to whom shall be referred all Petitions presented to the House, and all Papers laid upon the Table as Returns to Addresses or Orders of this House. It shall be the duty of such Oommittee to report from time to time which of the ;Petitions and Papers referred to them ought, in their opinion, to be printed, and whether in full or in abstract; and it shall be in the power of the Committee to order such Petitions or Papers, or abstracts thereof, to be prepared for the printer by the Clerk in -attendance upon such Oommittee.

6. Mr. MANNING to move, That the House Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz. :-The Pl'esident, Mr. Nesbitt, Mr. Malone, Mr. Farrar, Mr. Tyrrell, Mr. Akhurst, Mr. Oulbert, Mr. Bridges, Mr. Kavanagh, and Mr. Buzacott, with leave to sit during any adjournment tmd authority to act in matters of mutual concernment with any Oommittee appointed for similar purposes by the Legislative Assembly.

7. Mr. MANNING to move, T.b.at, unless otherwise ordered, this House shall meet for the despatch of Business at Four o'clock, p.m., on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in each week.

8. Mr. MANNING to move, That Government Business shall take precedence of General Business on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and. that General Business shall take precedence on Thursday in each week.
