BIBLIOGRAPHY There Are Very Helpful Bibliographies of Older And

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BIBLIOGRAPHY There Are Very Helpful Bibliographies of Older And BIBLIOGRAPHY This Bibliography is taken from Mysticism And Prophecy The Dominican Tradition by Richard Woods OP (1998) Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd ISBN 0-232-52225-1 There are very helpful bibliographies of older and recent works in English in Benedict Ashley OP, The Dominicans and Spiritual Direction in the Dominican Tradition (see below). W ith regard to m ore specialist areas, particularly in the medieval tradition, extensive bibliographies can be found in the books by Tugwell, M cGinn, and Noffke. The following works represent a basic list of reference works, some of which are listed in the books just nam ed. I have also included works that were published afterwards or which are useful sources in regard to subjects in this volum e. I . ) GENERAL Ashley, Benedict, OP, The Dominicans (Collegeville, M N: Liturgical Press, 1990). An excellent brief history of the Dom inican Order. Sim ilar to the short history by Hinnebusch, it is fuller and m ore accessible as well as up- to-date. ______, Spiritual Direction in the Dominican Tradition (New York: Paulist Press, 1995). Bedouelle, Guy, OP, In the Image of St Dominic: Nine Portraits of Dominican Life, tr. Sr M ary Thomas Noble (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1994). Fine short essays on nine Dom inican saints and saintly figures: Jordan of Saxony, Peter of Verona, Thom as Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, Fra Angelico (John of Fiesole), Bartolom eo de las Casas, Catherine de Ricci, M artin de Porres, and Henri Lacordaire. Short excerpts from their writings or about them are included. Although popular rather than academ ic in intent, the essays are carefully researched and annotated. Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renato and Szell, Tim ea (eds.), Images of Sainthood in M edieval Europe (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1991). A valuable collection of essays about m edieval spirituality, including an excellent discussion of Dom inican spiritual direction of Beguines by John Coakley. Flannery, Austin, OP (ed.), Saint Dominic and His Family (Dublin: Dom inican Publications, 1998). A wonderfully illustrated collection of brief lives of Dominic and outstanding representatives of the Order of Preachers. Gardeil, Ambroise, OP, The Gifts of the Holy Ghost in Dominican Saints (M ilwaukee: Bruce, 1937). Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald, OP, 'Character and Principles of Dom inican Page 1. Section Ten: Bibliography 1pirituality' in Townsend, pp. 57-82. Hinnebusch, W illiam A., OP, The Dominicans: A Short History (New York: Alba House, 1975). __________, Dominican Spirituality: Principles and Practices (W ashington, DC: The Thomist Press, 1965). Somewhat dated, but still an im portant source for understanding Dominican spirituality up to the Second Vatican Council. __________, The History of the Dominican Order, 2 vols. (Staten Island, NY: Alba House, 1966 and 1973). A classic and indispensable work by the late Dom inican historian which traces the history of the Order from its beginnings to 1500. Jarrett, Bede, OP, The English Dominicans (London, 1921). A classic work by one of the outstanding Dominicans of the century. Journet, Charles, The Dark Knowledge of God, tr. Jam es F. Anderson (London: Sheed and W ard, 1948). A small gem of a work which sum m arizes the main lines of Christian apophatic theology. Little, Lester K., Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in the M iddle Ages (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1978). Contains excellent m aterial on the historical context of the early Order. Lossky, Vladimir, The M ystical Theology of the Eastern Church (Cam bridge and London: Jam es Clarke and Co., 1957). An im portant source for understanding the development of the spirituality of the early Church. ______, The Vision of God, tr. Asheleigh M oorhouse, preface by John M eyendorff (Bedfordshire: The Faith Press, 1963). Louth, Andrew, Denys the Areopagite (London: Geoffrey Chapm an/W ilton, CT: M orehouse Barlow, 1989). The Origins of the Christian M ystical Tradition (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981). M artin, Raymond M ., OP, Tae Historical Developm ent of Dom inican Spirituality' in Townsend, pp. 27-55. Ruusbroec, John, The Spiritual Espousals and Other W orks, intro. and tr. Jam es W isem an OSB, preface by Louis Dupre (New York: Paulist Press, 1985). Page 2 Section Ten: Bibliography 1chillebeeckx, Edward, OP, 'Dom inican Spirituality, or The Counter-Thread in the Old Religious Story as the Golden Thread in the Dom inican Fam ily-Story', Dominican Topics in South Africa, M arch, M ay, and August, 1975. Sells, M ichael A., M ystical Languages of Unsaying (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994). A recent and im portant work on apophatic theology. Terrien, Samuel, The Elusive Presence (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1978). A profound and sem inal biblical study of the hiddenness' of God. Townsend, Anselm, OP (ed. and tr.), Dominican Spirituality (M ilwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1934). Translation of La vie spiritualle 4 (Aug. 1921). Excellent articles from early in this century by French Dom inicans including Petitot, M artin, Garrigou-Lagrange, Bernadot, Cathala. Tugwell, Simon, OP, The W ay of the Preacher (London: Darton, Longm an and Todd, 1979). _______, W ays of Imperfection (Springfield, IL: Tem ple gate, 1985). W oods, Richard, OP, Christian Spirituality: God's Presence through the Ages (Allen, TX Thomas M ore, 1996). A single-volum e handbook detailing the origin, developm ent, and history of Christian spirituality from New Testament tim es to the present. II . THE EARLY DOM INICANS Texts: Early Dominicans: Selected W ritings, ed. Sim on Tugwell op (New York: Paulist Press, 1982). Koudelka, Vladim ir, OP, Dominic, ed. and tr. Sim on Tugwell OP (London: Darton, Longm an and Todd, 1997). Com m entaries: Bedouelle, Guy, OP, Saint Dominic. The Grace of the W ord (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987). Bennett, R. F., The Early Dominicans: Studies in Thirteenth-Century Dominican History (Cam bridge: The University Press, 1937). An older but still very readable and excellent study of the early Order. Page 3 Section Ten: Bibliography d'Avray, D. L., The Preaching of the Friars: Sermons Diffused from Paris before 1300 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985). An essential resource for serious study of the origins and early history of m endicant preaching. Although restricted to the thirteenth century, d'Avray provides valuable information on later periods. Tugwell, Simon, OP, Saint Dominic (Strasbourg: Editions du Signe, 1995). A superb and beautifully illustrated booklet by a m ajor historian of the Order. Vicaire, M .-H., OP, Saint Dominic and His Tim es, tr. Kathleen Ponds (Green Bay, W I: ALT Publishing Co., 1964). The Genius of Saint Dominic, A Collection of Study-Essays (Nagpur, India: Dom inican Publications, 1981). W eisheipl, Jam es, OP (ed.), Albertas M agnas and the Sciences, Commemorative Essays (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of M edieval Studies, 1980). III . ST THOM AS AQUINAS Texts: St Thomas Aquinas, Faith, Reason and Theology, Questions 1-IV of his Commentary on the De Trinitate of Boethius, tr. with intro. and notes by Arm and M aurer (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of M ediaeval Studies, 1987). Thomas Aquinas: The Gifts of the Spirit - Selected Spiritual W ritings, ed. and intro. Benedict Ashley OP, tr. M atthew Rzeczkowski OP (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1996). Albert and Thomas: Selected W ritings, ed. and intro. Sim on Tugwell OP (New York: Paulist Press, 1988). Com m entaries: Barron, Robert, Thomas Aquinas: Spiritual M aster (New York: Crossroad, 1996). A recent and very readable presentation of Thom as as a spiritual writer based on his teaching as a whole. Chenu, M .-D., OP, Towards Understanding St Thomas, tr. Albert Landry OP and Dom inic Hughes OP (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1963). Essential work of historical exegesis regarding the developm ent of Thom as' thought. Davies, Brian, OP, The Thought of Thomas Aquinas (Oxford and New York: Clarendon Press, 1992). An excellent overview of the philosophical and Page 4 Section Ten: Bibliography theological teaching of Thom as. Fatula, M ary Ann, OP, Thomas Aquinas: Preacher and Friend (Collegeville, M N: Liturgical Press, 1993). Fox, M atthew, Sheer Joy (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1992). A weighty collection of excerpts from Thom as' works arranged in an innovative dialogue between the Angelic Doctor and the acknowledged leader of the 'creation spirituality' movem ent. Grabmann; M artin, The Interior Life of Thomas Aquinas, tr. Nicholas Ashenbrenner (M ilwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1951). Hanky, W . J., ‘God in Himself.' Aquinas' Doctrine of God as Expounded in the Summa Theologize (Oxford University Press, 1987). Contains im portant insights on the Neoplatonic elem ent in St Thom as' thought. M cNabb, Vincent, OP The M ysticism of St Thomas Aquinas in Thomas Aquinas, ed. Alfred W hitacre (St Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1925). O'M eara, Thomas E, OP, Thom as Aquinas, Theologian (Notre Dam e: University of Notre Dam e Press, 1997). A very recent work by an outstanding contemporary historian and theologian. Petitot, Hyacinth, The Life and Spirit of Thomas Aquinas, tr. Cyprian Burke (Chicago: Priory Press, 1966). Pieper, Josef, The Silence of St Thomas, tr. John M urray SJ and Daniel O'Connor (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1965). Superb short work on Thomas, with an emphasis on his negative theology. Principe, W alter H., Thomas Aquinas' Spirituality, Etienne Gilson Series, No. 7 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of M edieval Studies, 1984). Torrell, Jean-Pierre, OP, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volum e I: The Person and His W ork, tr. Robert Royal (W ashington, DC, The Catholic University of Am erica Press, 1996). First of two-part work under translation. Volume Two will concern Thom as' spiritual writings. W eisheipl, James A., OP, Friar Thomas D'Aquino: His Life, Thought, and W orks (W ashington, DC: The Catholic University of Am erica Press, rev.
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