Savannah Nuwagaba c/o United nations Children’s Fund, Plot 9 George Street, P.O Box 7047, kampala, Uganda [email protected]; +256775625205


• Jan 2013 - 2017 PhD in Mathematical Sciences, University. • Jul 2011 - 2013 Msc in Biomathematics (Cum Laude), . • Aug 2010 - Jun 2011: Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematical Sciences , African Institute for Mathematical Sciences(AIMS), South Africa.

• Aug 2006 - Aug 2009: Bachelor of Science with ; Mathematics and Chem- istry, Makerere University, Uganda.


• 2017: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Rwanda; Tutoring, and co-supervising Master’s students’ essay projects. • 2013: Stellenbosch University; Tutoring and offering extra mathematics lessons to under- graduate students.

• 2009-2010: Bweranyangi Girls’ school; Teaching Mathematics and Chemistry and being in charge of Games and Sports.


• September 2017: Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology,University of , South Africa. • July 2017: Economic Forum, Kampala, Uganda. • December 2016: Science Forum South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

• September 2016: Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology,Centre International de Rencontres Mathmatiques, Aix-Marseille University, France. • October 2015: The digital Education show Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa. • June 2015: Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting 2015, Lindau, Germany.

• April 2015: Gender Summit Africa 5 under the theme ‘Poverty alleviation and economic empowerment through scientific research and innovation: Better knowledge from and for Africa’. • August 2014: 9th general assembly of the Forum for African Women Educationalists, Nairobi, Kenya. • 2013/2014: South African Young Scientists Summer Program, University of Free State, South Africa; during which applied systems analysis was emphasised for problem solving • October 2012: South African Mathematical congress, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

• May 2011: Clinic on the Meaningful Modeling of Epidemiological Data, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Africa. SKILLS:

• Communication skills enhanced through teaching and giving talks such as TEDx, Science SLAM, FAMElab and science communication workshops. • Leadership and organisational skills developed through the many leadership positions I have held and science communication, women empowerment and career guidance events I have organised with colleagues.

• Programing using LateX, Microsoft word, ppt for text making and Microsoft excel, Matlab, Python, Sage, R and statistica for numerical computations and data analysis. • Co-curricular activities such as singing enhanced through in six years of class work on reading and writing music, and games and sports enhanced through training and participation in national and international sports events.


• May 2016: National Famelab (Science communication competition) runner-up in South Africa. • April 2015: Faculty for the future fellowship by the Schlumberger Foundation for PhD study at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. • Jan 2013: DAAD scholarship for PhD study at Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

• Jun 2011 - 2012: Bursary at Stellenbosch University, department of Mathematical Sciences, South Africa. • Aug 2010 - Jun 2011: Scholarship at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Africa.


• Nuwagaba, S., Zhang, F. and Hui, C. (2017) Robustness of rigid and adaptive networks to species loss. PLoS ONE, 12: e0189086.

• Nuwagaba, S., Zhang, F. and Hui, C. (2015) A hybrid behavioural rule of adaptation and drift explains the emergent architecture of antagonistic networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282: 20150320. • Nuwagaba, S. and Hui, C. (2015) The architecture of antagonistic networks: Node degree distribution, compartmentalization and nestedness. Computational Ecology and Software, 5: 317-327. • Hui, C., Minoarivelo, H.O., Nuwagaba, S. and Ramanantoanina, A. (2015) Adaptive diver- sification in coevolutionary systems. In: P. Pontarotti (ed.) Evolutionary Biology: Biodiversi- fication from Genotype to Phenotype. Springer, Berlin, pp.167-186. ISBN: 978-3-319-19932-0.