Draft minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 12th February 2020 at 7:45 pm, Harvington Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs. Dr. Davies (Chairman), Ms. Smith, Mrs. Allison, Mr. Dorrell, Mr. Colebrook, Ms. Adkins, Mr. Baugh, Mr. Richardson In attendance: Ms. Robinson (Acting Clerk),County Cllr. Mr. Hopkins, Dist. Cllr. Mr. Thomas, Police representatives x 2 and two parishioners.

112. Apologies: Mr Langley.

113. Register of Interests: none

114. Dispensations: none

115. Reports received from: County Cllr. Mr. Hopkins: Cllr Hopkins apologised for missing the last meeting. He has been liaising with Highways about flooding in the area and they are looking into drainage issues. He will report back with his findings. He has received reports about mud on the road due to the Crest Hill development. WCC Highways are keeping an eye on this matter. WCC full council meeting tomorrow, at which there will be a 4.4% increase in council tax. He added that 2% of this is for Adult and Community Services. Junction crash - there is to be a meeting for which WCC Highways have requested data on speeding. WCC Highways Design Team to come up with some options to improve this junction. Any Parish Councillor could attend. Police: Crime update: 01/02/2020 Male impersonating an Npower representative knocking on doors, 31/01/2020 two domestic incidents, 28/1/2020 outbuilding burglary, 28/1/2020 Incident resulting from mud on road by Crest Hill development, 24/1/2020 domestic involving assault with a weapon, 23/1/2020 Poaching, 12/1/2020 and Highways incident - car failed to stop – believed to be linked to a burglary in Gloucestershire, 8/1/2020 Poaching and 18/12/2019 Anti-social behaviour at the school. Information on the road traffic accident 5/01/2020– ongoing investigation. Incident details: Three cars involved in a crash at the junction of the B4088 Road with Village Street. Dash cam incident –Car (with dash cam) coming out from Golden Cross, car behind overtook at speed. Police informed meeting of ‘Operation Snap’ – an online form can be completed, and pictures/video of car incidents/fly tipping/litter can be uploaded. This can be done anonymously. Councillor Colebrook asked for ‘Operation Snap’ to be flagged up in the Village News. Short discussion about spam calls with caller pretending to be BT. Councillor Smith commented on a burglary a few doors away from her and thanked the police for dropping by with a crime prevention pack. District Cllr. Mr. Thomas: Informed meeting of WDC’sDRAFT Strategy and promises for the coming 4 years, of which there are twelve main ones. He mentioned a white-water rafting facility on the river Avon near and multi-use cycling attractions. An Active Travel Officer is to be employed to unlock some of the issues that exist in cycle/walking/running path connectivity. This role has a legal/planning function. WDC are creating some policy terms of what good design should look like linking in with the review of the SWDP, mentioning cross district good practice examples. This will help developers understand what WDC hope to see. Ongoing issue with traffic through Evesham – needs all stakeholders to come together to look at this. Proposal for a Summit in the Summer to invite WCC Highways, Highways , Midlands Connect and Nigel Huddleston and and Economic Development and WDC Planners. Improving connectivity between some of the railway stations. Parkway is opening on 23 February, WDC intend to pilot a bike hire scheme. Perhaps starting with Pershore train station which is about a mile away from the village centre.


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Reducing the average household black waste by at least 10% by 2024 through targeted campaigns. Hoping to pilot the project with at least 5 communities using community fridges? Pledge to create ten hectares of new wetlands in Heart of England Forest, other projects around biodiversity. Budget – going to give a little extra more funding to Citizen’s Advice Bureau, targeting toward Droitwich where the need is particularly high. Wychavon District Council tax will remain the same for this year resulting in a very small deficit of £37,000. This is manageable due to reserves.

Public Question Time: meeting suspended at 8.10 pm, reconvening at 8.15 Notes appended to these minutes.

116. Minutes: With one amendment to the timing of the public question time from 8.55 to 7.55 the Council resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held 15.01.20 were an accurate record, duly signed by the Chairman.

117. Clerk’s report: a) Community Recognition award application submitted. Nominee is now aware of his nomination and has been informed by Wychavon District Council that he is in the top 3 out of 20 nominations received. Award ceremony is on 15th March. Thanks to Councillor Colebrook for compiling the application. b) Reported to Highways loose 30mph sign, as you enter the Village from the Lenches direction which requires attention. Footpath by School has been reviewed by Highways, considered safe. Encroaching hedge on path opposite Walnut Close reported. c) Amenity contractor up to date public liability certificate received. d) Kompan Ltd unable to locate the keys (they borrowed) to bollard and playing field gate. Both replacement keys have been cut and an invoice sent requesting payment. e) Phone box has been decommissioned and Councillor Colebrook will put up a sign informing the public that the parish council now own the box.

118. Reports received from representatives: a) Cross Parish Cycleway & Pathways project: Cllr Smith attending AGM meeting tomorrow. At the AGM will be election of officers. The group plan to move to charitable status. Their strategic plan for next 12 months will be presented at the meeting with a revised constitution. Cllr Colebrook noted that the issue from Norton down to The Valley was still not sorted. b) CALC update – Councillor notebooks received. Cllr Colebrook raised the issue of permitted development prior notification (section Q) where agricultural buildings can be converted to dwellings. Legally Parish Council does not need to be notified. CALC will take this to national meetings (at NALC) and to the Government minister responsible. CALC are looking into investing their reserves in the Churches Charities & Local Authorities Scheme (CCLA) as they wish to get increased interest on their money. Councillor Colebrook wants to make sure CALC are carrying outDRAFT due diligence before making this decision. If appropriate, the parish council could follow suit with the CCLA. Councillor Thomas added that Wychavon District Council had invested money with CCLA and had a good relationship with them. Dist. Cllr Thomas advised them to speak to Vic Allison. Action: Finance Group to take forward.

119. Planning applications noted: a) Application No: 19/02685/HP – 26 Orchard Place, Harvington. Permission granted. b) Application No: 19/02515/CU - Pennine House, Leys Road, Harvington. Permission: Granted. c) Application No: 19/02691/GDPE - 1 Blakenhurst, Harvington - Prior approval not required. d) Application No: 19/02278/OUT - land rear of Sefton, Station Road - Application withdrawn.

120. Financial Matters: 120.1 Resolved to approve schedule of payments, expenses and bank reconciliation agreed and signed. (Appendix 1) ______

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120.2 Council agreed to vire £90 to from contingency budget heading to Clerical/Admin expenses.

121. Finance & General Purposes minutes noted, and the following items considered: 121.1 Chain of Office: to consider quote received for professional valuation charge. Item was cleaned in error and payment paid of £75 after discussion with Chairman. Agreed that professional valuation was unnecessary. 121.2 Annual Play Inspection for the play equipment sited at the Orchard and on the Playing field area - two quotes received. Agreed to insure with The Play Inspection Company.

122. To consider suggestion of a skate park in Harvington – Cllr Mrs. Allison spoke to a resident who would like a skate park in Harvington. He was advised to write to the Council about his idea and said he’d like to be involved if the idea was approved. Dist. Cllr Thomas mentioned the possibility of accessing Community Legacy Grant monies. Action: Clerk to write to the resident to inform him it will be considered at the next meeting.

123. Correspondence received: a) a) Crest Hill development - 17/00097/FUL - land east of Bromley Close and off Crest Hill, Harvington and 19/02552/FUL. Parishioner has written in with concerns regarding planning breaches with unloading vehicles on the highway and mud on the road. County Councillor Mr. Hopkins has passed this issue onto Highways. Councillor Mr. Thomas added that the District Council do keep an eye on developments, but it is difficult to pursue every minor breach. b) Village Street development Letter from resident received that refers to the developer’s leaflet which has been sent to all parishioners asking for their feedback. Council want to discover outcomes of the consultation which include the bus stop and will then formulate a response. Parish Council are committed to keeping the bus shelter. This matter will be on agenda for next meeting. Action: Thank resident for his letter and inform him that the Council would like to know the outcomes of the consultation before formulating a response. There followed a discussion as to why the developers want to demolish the shelter. It would be helpful to find this out for discussions and formulating a response.

Meeting closed at 8.55 pm.

Public Question Time – 2 parishioners in attendance – matters raised: Parishioner reported that Harvington Lane’s footpath/cycle way very overgrown. Councillor Hopkins will report the matter.______Correspondence received that has been circulated to members by email that does not require a decision unless requested as an agenda item. Weekly CALC updates provided via email to all members. Weekly Worcestershire Roadwork Report via email to all members. SWDP review briefing DRAFT CPCPP Notice of AGM - email circulated

Appendix 1 - Payments February 2020 Chq. No./Receipts Details Receipt Net VAT TOTAL R19-11 Worcestershire County Council 364.00

2422 WDC Annual charge Bin – Leysfield. 75.81 15.16 90.97 2423 Printing of Newsletter 110.25 2.10 112.35 2424 Maintenance to Playing Field and equipment. 790.00 158.00 948.00 DD Tower Trophies – cleaning of Chairman Chain. 75.00 15.00 90.00 TOTAL 364.00 1051.06 190.26 1241.32 ______

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Summary of A/C. Harvington Parish Council Feb 2020 Budget Receipts/ Under/Over % Spent 2019/20 Payments Spend Receipts Precepts 40000.00 40000.00 Interest 20.00 0.00 Lengthsman - Worcs CC 1842.00 1428.00 WCC Amenity 715.00 727.75 Grants 39.00 14284.00 VAT - Recoverable 6000.00 7379.66 Others 0.00 1084.44 Total 48616.00 64903.85 Payments Staff costs 9750.00 7657.89 2092.11 79% Chairman’s Allowance 200.00 11.99 188.01 6% Training 400.00 0.00 400.00 0% Subscriptions 950.00 951.89 -1.89 100% PC Insurance 1000.00 981.24 18.76 98% Audit Fees 480.00 480.00 0.00 100% Grants 5000.00 1250.00 3750.00 25% Donations 500.00 454.00 46.00 91% VH Insurance 870.00 869.11 0.89 100% HT Insurance 202.00 0.00 202.00 0% Administration 0.00 0.00 0.00 Clerical/Admin Expenses 500.00 502.70 -2.70 101% Village News 1100.00 992.25 107.75 90% Website 200.00 180.00 20.00 90% Village Amenity 0.00 0.00 Amenity/Verge Mowing 5108.00 3770.00 1338.00 74% Roadside weed treatment 375.00 70.00 305.00 19% Village Environment DRAFT0.00 0.00 0.00 Street Lighting 3000.00 0.00 3000.00 0% Maintenance assets 500.00 50.00 450.00 10% Planters 1500.00 1345.00 155.00 90% Litter/Dog bins 1000.00 243.31 756.69 24% Xmas Tree 800.00 565.00 235.00 71% Lengthsman (PC Contribution) 1000.00 490.00 510.00 49% Jubilee Orchard 0.00 0.00 0.00 Annual Grassland maintenance 145.00 145.00 0.00 100% Boundary Restoration 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 0% Mowing Paths 320.00 240.00 80.00 75% General maintenance 500.00 282.00 218.00 56%


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Annual ditch /Hedge clearance 80.00 80.00 0.00 100% Safety Inspection 70.00 68.50 1.50 98% Playing Field 0.00 0.00 0.00 Field Maintenance 1312.00 984.00 328.00 75% Walkway maintenance 195.00 0.00 195.00 0% Hedgerow maintenance 80.00 0.00 80.00 0% Fertilising 295.00 0.00 295.00 0% Weed control 240.00 0.00 240.00 0% Safety Inspection 79.00 79.00 0.00 100% Maintenance/repairs 891.00 675.00 216.00 76% New Play equipment 15716.00 15716.00 0.00 100% Miscellaneous 0.00 0.00 0.00 Neighbourhood Plan 383.00 0.00 383.00 0% Projects 2019 9000.00 2019.12 6980.88 22% Contingency 450.00 129.95 320.05 HarvingtonTrust 0.00 754.25 0.00 SUBTOTAL 65191.00 42037.20 9403.19 WCC PPP3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% WCC PL 1842.00 1540.00 302.00 84% WCC Path work allocated 2018- 19 800.00 0.00 800.00 0% WDC (Fl.Allev.grant phase 1+ 2) 2228.25 266.00 1962.25 12% WDC - Neighbourhood Plan 1935.12 372.00 1563.12 19% WDC - NHB Play 14284.00 14284.00 0.00 100% VAT 0.00 8393.71 0.00 TOTAL 86280.37 66892.91 Treasurers Account. B/F 01.04.19 4312.73 Income received 64903.85

- Minus payments 66892.91 Minus transfer to Instant Access -3694.81 S/L fee 18/19. Plus transfer from instant Access 23420.00 Total DRAFT22048.86 10.01.20 23866.45 min unpresented payments -1817.59 Total 22048.86 Less grant allocations 1962.25 Fl. Allev 1563.12 WDC NP WDC 0.00 NHB 800.00 WCC Path Work (2018-19) Sub total 4325.37 TOTAL remaining 17723.49 Bus. Instant Access 45770.09


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