State of OFFICIAL ELECTION PAMPHLET November 8, 2016

Decide Alaska’s FutureVote Region II • Municipality of Anchorage • Matanuska-Susitna Borough

PAGE 1 2016 REGION II Table of Contents General Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Alaska’s Ballot Counting System...... 3 Voting Information...... 4 Voter Assistance and Concerns...... 5 Language Assistance...... 6 Absentee Voting...... 8 Absentee Ballot Application...... 9 Absentee Ballot Application Instructions...... 10 Absentee Voting Locations ...... 11 Polling Places...... 12 Candidates for Elected Office...... 13 Candidates for President, Vice President, US Senate, US Representative...... 16 Candidates for House District 8...... 40 Candidates for House District 10...... 43 Candidates for Senate District F, House District 11...... 47 Candidates for House District 12...... 53 Candidates for House District 13...... 58 Candidates for House District 14...... 61 Candidates for Senate District H, House District 15...... 65 Candidates for House District 16...... 71 Candidates for House District 17...... 76 Candidates for House District 18...... 79 Candidates for Senate District J, House District 19...... 83 Candidates for House District 20...... 87 Candidates for House District 21 ...... 90 Candidates for House District 22...... 94 Candidates for Senate District L, House District 23 ...... 98 Candidates for House District 24...... 103 Candidates for House District 25...... 107 Candidates for House District 26...... 111 Candidates for Senate District N, House District 27...... 115 Candidates for House District 28...... 121 Ballot Measure 1 – 15PFVR...... 124 Ballot Measure 2 – SJR 2...... 133 Alaska Judicial Evaluation and Retention System...... 138 Judicial Retention Candidates, Supreme Court...... 140 Judicial Retention Candidates, Court of Appeals...... 144 Judicial Retention Candidates, Third Judicial District...... 146 Alaska Public Office Commission...... 183 Political Party Statements...... 184 Permanent Fund Corporation...... 188 Note: Sample ballots are included with candidates for elected office and judicial retention. Maps are placed with appropriate state house and senate candidates

This publication was prepared by the Division of Elections, produced at the cost of $.71 per copy to inform Alaskan voters about issues appearing on the 2016 General Election Ballot per AS 15.58.010 and printed in Portland, Oregon.

PAGE 2 2016 REGION II Alaska’s Ballot Counting System

Your Vote is Secure!

Alaska uses three different methods to count ballots: ❖ Hand-count ❖ Optical Scan ❖ Touch Screen equipped with voter-verifiable paper audit trail

Alaska’s ballot tabulation system has a paper trail of every ballot cast. Each precinct receives paper ballots that are either hand-counted when the polls close or counted using an optical scan unit as the voter inserts the ballot into the optical scan. In addition, during federal elections, each precinct has a touch screen voting unit equipped with a voter-verifiable paper trail that allows the voter to verify the printed version of the ballot prior to casting the ballot.

The ballot tabulation system used in Alaska to produce and count ballots is federally certified and is thoroughly tested prior to each election. It is a stand-alone system that is not connected to the internet or to a network.

Each optical scan and touch screen voting unit, along with their corresponding memory cards are tested prior to the election. A functionality test is conducted to ensure the equipment is in proper working order. Two different logic and accuracy tests are performed, by two different bi-partisan boards, on memory cards to ensure the cards are counting the ballots correctly.

In addition to the pre-election testing, the division is required by law to conduct a verification of machine counts by hand-counting ballots from a random sampling of precincts. In fact, through this verification, 5% of the ballots cast in each of the 40 house districts throughout Alaska are hand-counted after the election to verify the election results are accurate. If we find a discrepancy of more than 1% in the hand-count verification, we are required to hand-count all of the ballots cast in the district.

With all the testing, security and verification processes used by the Division of Elections during each election, you can go to the polls knowing that your vote is secure and that it will be accurately counted and reported.

PAGE 3 2016 REGION II Voting Information General Election Day is November 8, 2016

Polling Places The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. To locate your polling place please call 1-888-383-8683. In Anchorage, please call 269-8683.

Bring Identification to the Polls You MUST be prepared to show one form of identification. You may use the following ID:

• Voter ID Card • Current and valid photo ID Card • Birth Certificate • Driver’s License • Passport • Hunting or Fishing License • State ID Card • Military ID Card or, you may use an original copy of one of the following documents if it contains your name and current address:

• Current Utility Bill • Bank Statement • Other Government Document • Government Check • Pay Check

Questioned Ballots If your name does not appear on the precinct register or if you do not have identification, you may vote a questioned ballot. Your voted ballot will be placed in a secrecy sleeve and then sealed inside a completed questioned ballot envelope. The information you provide on the outside of the questioned ballot envelope will be used to determine your voting eligibility and to update your voter registration. If for any reason your questioned ballot is not fully counted, you will be notified in writing.

Marking the Ballot When voting, fill in the oval next to the choice you wish to vote for.

Mark only one choice in each section. If you mark more than one choice, that section of the ballot will NOT be counted. You do not have to vote each section.

If you make a mistake marking your ballot, DO NOT erase or correct the ballot. Return your ballot to an election worker and request a new ballot. Sections with eraser marks or where more than one choice is selected will not be counted.

Campaigning Prohibited Campaigning is not allowed within 200 feet of any entrance to a polling place during the hours the polls are open. This includes any discussions about candidates or issues appearing on the ballot or displaying campaign items such as signs, bumper stickers or buttons.

PAGE 4 2016 REGION II Voter Assistance and Concerns

Assistance While Voting If you need language or other assistance during the voting process, you may have a person of your choice help you as long as that person is not a candidate for office in the election, is not your employer, agent of your employer or agent of a union you belong to. You can have help during each step of the voting process, including inside the voting booth with reading or marking the ballot. The election workers at the polling place are available to help you as well. This is your right under federal law.

Alaska Native Language Assistance Bilingual outreach workers and poll workers have been hired by the Division of Elections to provide language assistance in rural areas where there are limited English proficient Alaska Native voters. Before Election Day, bilingual workers make announcements, provide election information to their community and are available to provide language assistance for any voting related activity, including voter registration, absentee voting and to assist with all information in this pamphlet. On Election Day, bilingual workers will provide language assistance at the polling place with the voting process, including translating the ballot.

If you need the name of the person who has been hired to provide language assistance in your community, please contact the Division of Elections. For Alaska Native language assistance call, toll free 1-866-954-8683.

Touch Screen Voting Machine On Election Day, each polling place will have a touch screen voting machine. The touch screen voting machine is intended for the blind, disabled, and for voters who do not read well. It allows voters to vote unassisted through the use of magnified, high contrast and audio ballots. In rural areas where there are limited English proficient Alaska Native voters, the touch screen voting machine will also have an audio translation of the ballot in Alaska Native languages. Voting an audio ballot may take 15 – 20 minutes. If you need to vote using the touch screen voting machine, let the election board know.

Visually Impaired Voters Magnifying ballot viewers are available at all polling places and absentee voting sites. Audio recording of this pamphlet is available at each Regional Election Office, from the Alaska State Library, Talking Book Center, located in Juneau and on the Division of Elections website. Telephone the library at (907) 465-1315 or toll free (888) 820-4525 for information.

Hearing Impaired Voters For questions or to obtain election information, you may contact the Division of Elections through our TTY telecommunications device by calling (907) 465-3020.

Physically Disabled Voters If you have difficulty gaining access to your polling place, or if you have questions about the accessibility of your polling place, please contact the Division of Elections. We make every effort to ensure that polling places are accessible to all Alaskans.

Concerns, Comments, Questions If you have any concerns, comments or questions, please contact a Division of Elections Office.

Director’s Office Region I Region II (907) 465-4611 Juneau: (907) 465-3021 Anchorage: (907) 522-8683 Toll Free: 1-866-952-8683 Toll free: 1-866-948-8683 Toll free: 1-866-958-8683 Mat-Su: (907) 373-8952

Region III Region IV Native Language Assistance Fairbanks: (907) 451-2835 Nome: (907) 443-5285 Toll free: 1-866-954-8683 Toll free: 1-866-959-8683 Toll free: 1-866-953-8683

PAGE 5 2016 REGION II Yup’ik Glossary: Bristol Bay Yup’ik, Chevak Cup’ik, General Central Yup’ik, Hooper Bay Yup’ik, Norton Sound Yup’ik, Nunivak Cup’ig, Yukon Yup’ik

Sample Ballots Audio Ballots Toll Free Number Online Audio Glossary



Gwich’in Athabascan Glossary:

Language Assistance Resources are also available in Spanish and Tagalog for the Aleutian region

PAGE 7 2016 REGION II Absentee Voting

If you do not want to go to your polling place to vote on Election Day, the below voting options are available.

Voting at an Absentee Voting Site Beginning October 24, 2016, you may vote at an absentee voting site. Ballots for all 40 districts are available at all Regional Elections offices. In addition to the Regional Elections offices, there are many other voting sites throughout Alaska that will have ballots for their house district. For more information or for a list of absentee voting locations visit our website or contact a Regional Elections office.

Voting By Mail or Electronically To vote by mail or electronically, you must submit an application.

Receiving a Ballot By Mail You must complete an absentee ballot application to receive a ballot in the mail. When completing the application, you can request a ballot for a specific election or for all elections in the year. Your application MUST be received by October 29, 2016 to receive a ballot for the General election. Apply early to ensure timely delivery of your ballot. When returning your voted ballot, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day.

Receiving a Ballot By Electronic Transmission There are two ways to vote electronically. You may apply for a ballot to be sent to you by FAX or online delivery. For the General election, you may apply between the dates of October 24, 2016 through 5:00pm Alaska time on November 7, 2016. Your voted ballot may be returned by mail or electronically. If you return your voted ballot electronically, it must be received no later than 8:00pm Alaska time on Election Day. If you return your voted ballot by mail, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day.

If you have questions about voting by mail or electronically, please contact the Absentee Office at (907) 270-2700 or Toll Free 1-877-375-6508.

Special Needs Voting If you are unable to go to the polls due to age, serious illness or a disability, you may have a personal representative pick up and deliver a ballot to you beginning 15 days before an election at an absentee voting site or on Election Day at the polling place. Your personal representative can be anyone, except a candidate for office in the election, the voter’s employer, an agent of the voter’s employer, or an officer or agent of the voter’s union.

For more information about absentee voting, contact any Division of Elections office or visit our website at:

PAGE 8 2016 REGION II State of Alaska Absentee Ballot Application See instructions for application deadlines– APPLY EARLY 1. Send ballot(s) for:  All Elections in Calendar Year  Primary (August)  General (November)  REAA (October)  Special Election To request an absentee ballot for city/borough elections, you must apply directly to your city/borough clerk’s office. 2. You MUST complete this section:  Yes  No I am a citizen of the .  Yes  No I am at least 18 years old or will be within 90 days of completing this application. If you checked NO to either question, do not complete this form as you are not eligible to register to vote. 3. Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial: Suffix (Sr., Jr., Etc.):

4. Former Name (if your name has changed): *Voter Number (if known): 5. Alaska Residence Address Where You Claim Residency – You MUST provide an Alaska residence address. Do not use PO, PSC, HC or RR:

ALASKA House # Street Name Apt # City State * Keep my residence address confidential. Your mailing address in number 6 must be DIFFERENT from your residence address in number 5 to be confidential. 6. Permanent Mailing Address: If your permanent mailing address is the same as your residence address, write “same as above”.

7. *Identifiers – You MUST provide at least ONE: Alaska Driver’s License  I have not been issued a SSN SSN or Last 4 of SSN: / / or State ID Number: or AK driver’s license or State ID. 8. *Date of Birth – You MUST provide: / / Gender: Male Female Month Day Year 9. Political Affiliation – For political affiliation choices in Alaska, see instruction Box 9 for additional information. Write political affiliation:______. 10. Will you be traveling, working or living outside the United States or in a remote area of Alaska with limited mail service? –  Check this box to have your ballot sent beginning 45 days prior to a primary, general or statewide special election (not available for REAA elections). 11. Military and Overseas Voter ONLY – Check One:  I am a member of the Uniformed Services, Merchant Marine, or commissioned corps on active duty or an eligible spouse or dependent.  I am a U.S. Citizen temporarily residing outside the U.S. or other U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. Military and Overseas voters ONLY, how do you want your ballot sent? Select one below:  Mail - Provide ballot mailing address in #13  Online Delivery - Provide email address in #14  Fax - Provide fax number in #14 12. *Primary Election Ballot Option – You MUST select ONE ballot option or you may not receive a ballot. Your political affiliation that you are registered with 30 days before Election Day determines your primary election ballot option. See Box 12 in the instructions for additional information.  Ballot with Alaska Democratic Party, Alaska Libertarian Party and Alaskan Independence Party candidates and ballot measure(s).  Ballot with candidates and ballot measure(s).  Ballot measure(s) ONLY (no candidates). 13. Ballot Mailing Address – Ballots will not be forwarded by the USPS. Provide an address where you want your ballot mailed. If you do not provide a ballot mailing address, your ballot will be sent to your permanent mailing address listed above.

14. Contact Information – Include all state and international prefixes: Daytime Phone: ______Evening Phone:______Email Address:______Fax Number:______15. Voter Certificate. Read and sign: I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that: The information on this form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and I am eligible to vote in the requested jurisdiction, I am not requesting a ballot from any other state, and I am not voting in any other manner in this (these) election(s). I further certify that I am an Alaska resident and that I have not been convicted of a felony, or having been so convicted, have been unconditionally discharged from incarceration, probation and/or parole. I am not registered to vote in another state or I have taken the necessary steps to cancel that registration. WARNING: If you provide false information on this application you can be convicted of a felony and/or misdemeanor. (AS 15.56.040; AS 15.56.050) *Signature______Date______Your signature must be a handwritten signature. A typed or digital signature is not valid.

Registrar / Agency / Official – Check ID and complete: Name or Agency:______Voter # or SSN______

*Items are kept confidential by the Division of Elections and are not available for public inspection except that confidential addresses may be released to government C06 (Rev.02/12/2016) agencies or during election processes as set out in state law.

PAGE 9 2016 REGION II State of Alaska - Division of Elections Absentee Ballot Application Instructions Under state law, this application registers you to vote or updates your registration and allows you to request absentee ballots for all federal and state elections in the current calendar year.  If you are registered to vote, your application requesting a by-mail ballot must be received 10 days prior to Election Day.  If you are registering to vote, your application MUST be received or postmarked 30 days prior to Election Day, except in U.S. presidential elections. In a presidential election, you may initially register to vote and participate in the presidential race, so long as your completed application and any supporting documentation requesting a by-mail ballot is received 10 DAYS prior to Election Day.  Military and Overseas Voters: When requesting your ballot by fax or online delivery, your application and any supporting documentation MUST be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time the day prior to Election Day. Box 1 Indicate elections you wish to participate. Box 2 If you check no to either question, do not complete this form as you are not eligible to register to vote. Box 3 Provide your current name (Last, First, Etc.). Box 4 If you are registered under a different name, provide your former name. Provide your voter number if known. Box 5 Alaska residence address: Provide a physical residence address in Alaska. Your application will be denied if you do not provide a residence address or you provide a mailing address such as a PO Box, HC Number and Box, PSC Box, Rural Route Number, Commercial Address, Mail Stop Address or an address outside of Alaska. If your residence has been assigned a street name and house number, provide this information or indicate exactly where you live such as, highway name and milepost number, boat harbor with pier and slip number, subdivision name with lot and block, or trailer park name and space number. If you live in rural Alaska, provide the community name as your residence address.  If you are temporarily out of state and have intent to return, you may maintain your Alaska residence as it appears on your current record. If you provide a new residence address, it must be within Alaska. Active military members and spouses are exempt from the intent to return requirement.  When using this form to register to vote from outside the state of Alaska, you must enclose proof of Alaska residency such as a current copy of your Alaska driver's license, hunting or fishing license, student loan or college tuition documents, proof of employment in Alaska, military leave and earnings statement or other documentation reflecting Alaska as your place of residency. Box 6 Provide your current permanent mailing address. Box 7 You must provide either a state issued identification number, Social Security Number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you have never been issued one of the identification numbers, indicate this by checking the appropriate box. When registering to vote, your identity must be verified. To have your identity verified at the time you register, submit a copy of one of the below. If you do not provide proof of identification, you may be required to meet certain identification requirements at the time of voting.  Current and valid photo identification  Passport  Birth certificate  Driver’s license  State identification card  Hunting and Fishing license Box 8 Your date of birth is required. Provide your gender. Box 9 Write your political affiliation. Recognized political parties are parties who have gained political party status under Alaska Statute. Political groups are parties who have applied for political party status but have not met the qualifications. Alaska political affiliations are as follows: Recognized Political Parties: Political Groups: Other:  Alaska Democratic Party  Alaska Constitution Party  Veterans Party of Alaska  Nonpartisan (not affiliated with  Alaska Libertarian Party  Green Party of Alaska  UCES' Clowns Party a political party or group)  Alaska Republican Party  Twelve Visions Party of  Undeclared (do not wish to  Alaskan Independence Party Alaska declare a political affiliation) Box 10 Check this box if you will be living, working or traveling outside the United States or in a remote area of Alaska with limited mail service. A ballot will be sent beginning 45 days prior to a primary, general or statewide special election (not available for REAA elections). Box 11 Military and Overseas Voters – Select the option that best describes you. Indicate the method that you would like your ballot delivered. Box 12 To vote in a primary election, you must select a ballot option. Your political affiliation that you are registered with 30 days before Election Day determines your primary election ballot option. You MUST select a ballot option that corresponds to your political affiliation. If you are registered nonpartisan or undeclared and do not select a ballot option, your application will not be processed for the primary election.  Any registered voter may select the Alaska Democratic Party, Alaska Libertarian Party and Alaskan Independence Party candidate and ballot measure(s) ballot.  Only voters registered Republican, Nonpartisan or Undeclared may select the Alaska Republican Party candidate and ballot measure(s) ballot.  Any registered voter may select the ballot measure(s) ONLY ballot. This ballot has ballot measure(s) only and no candidates. Box 13 Provide your ballot mailing address. Ballots will not be forwarded. Provide an address where you want your ballot mailed. If you do not provide a ballot mailing address, your ballot will be sent to your permanent mailing address. Box 14 Provide contact information so the division can contact you if we need additional information to accept your application. Box 15 Sign and date. You can mail, email or fax your signed application using the contact information below: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: 1-907-270-2700 Division of Elections Toll Free Number: 1-877-375-6508 (within the U.S.) Absentee and Petition Office Fax Numbers: 1-907-677-9943 or 1-855-677-9943 (toll free within the U.S.) 2525 Gambell Street, Suite 105 Anchorage, AK 99503-2838 Email Address: [email protected] Native Language Assistance Toll Free: 1-866-954-8683 (within the U.S.) C06 (Rev. 02/12/2016)

PAGE 10 2016 REGION II Absentee Voting Locations Absentee Voting Locations Absentee Voting Locations Ballots for all districts are available at Division of Elections offices during the following times: BallotAbsentees for all Voting districts Locations are available at Division of Elections offices during the following times: October 24th–31st and November 7th, Monday through Friday, 8:00am–5:00pm OctoberSaturday,Ballots for2 4November thall–31 districtsst and 5 Novemberth ,are 10:00am available 7–th4:00pm, Monday at Division and through Sunday, of ElectionsFriday November, 8:00am offices 6th–,5:00pm 12:00pm during the–4:00pm following times: ElectionSaturday, Day: November 7:00am 5–th8:00pm, 10:00am –4:00pm and Sunday, November 6th, 12:00pm–4:00pm OctoberElection 2Day:4th– 317:00amst and– November8:00pm 7th, Monday through Friday, 8:00am–5:00pm th th Saturday,ANCHORAGE November 5 , 10:00am–4:00pmFAIRBANKS and Sunday, November 6 , 12:00pm–JUNEAU4:00pm ElectionANCHORAGERegion Day: 7:00am II Elections– 8:00pm Office FAIRBANKSRegion III Elections Office JUNEAURegion I Elections Office Region2525 Gambell II Elections St., Suite Office 100 Region675 7th Ave.,III Elections A2 Office RegionMendenhall I Elections Mall Annex Office ANCHORAGE2525 Gambell St., Suite 100 FAIRBANKS675 7th Ave., A 2 JUNEAUMendenhall Mall Annex RegionNOME II Elections Office WASILLARegion III Elections Office Region I Elections Office th NOMERegion2525 Gambell IV Elections St., Suite Office 100 WASILLARegion675 7 Ave.,II Elections A2 Office, Mat-Su Mendenhall Mall Annex 103Region E. Front IV Elections Street, SuiteOffice 230 1700 Region E .II Bogard Elections Rd. Office,, Suite MatB102-Su 103 NOME E. Front Street, Suite 230 1700WASILLA E. Bogard Rd., Suite B102 Region IV Elections Office Region II Elections Office, Mat-Su 103 E. Front Street, Suite 230 1700 E. Bogard Rd., Suite B102 Ballots for all districts are available on Election Day from 7:00am-8:00pm at the following airports:

Ballots for all districts are available on Election Day from 7:00am-8:00pm at the following airports:

ANCHORAGE (main terminal car rental lobby) FAIRBANKS JUNEAU BallotsANCHORAGEKETCHIKAN for all districts ( mainare availa terminalble caron Electionrental lobby Day) from FAIRBANKSKODIAK7:00am- 8:00pm at the followingJUNEAUSITKA airports: KETCHIKAN KODIAK SITKA (main terminal car rental lobby) Ballot sANCHORAGE for all districts are available at the following locationsFAIRBANKS during the specifiedJUNEAU times: KETCHIKAN KODIAK SITKA Ballot s for all districts are available at the following locations during the specified times:

ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS BallotsUAAANCHORAGE for all Student districts Union are available at the followingCityANCHORAGE Hall locations during the specifiedFAIRBANKSUAF times: Wood Center 3211UAA StudentProvidence Union Dr. City632 WHall. 6 th Ave. UAF Wood Center 3211ANCHORAGE Providence Dr. 632ANCHORAGE W. 6th Ave. FAIRBANKS NovemberUAA Student 7th ,Union 8:00am –5:00pm OctoberCity Hall 24th–November 7th NovemberUAF Wood 7Centerth, 8:00am –5:00pm November3211Election Providence Day: 7th ,7:00am 8:00am Dr. ––8:00pm5:00pm OctoberMonday632 W. 6 –2thFriday4–November , 8:00am –75:00pmth ElectionNovember Day: 7th ,7:00am 8:00am––8:00pm5:00pm Election Day: 7:00am–8:00pm MondayElection –Day:Friday 7:00am, 8:00am–8:00pm–5:00pm Election Day: 7:00am–8:00pm November 7th, 8:00am–5:00pm October Election 2Day:4th– November7:00am–8:00pm 7th November 7th, 8:00am–5:00pm JUNEAUElection Day: - Downtown 7:00am– 8:00pm MondayPRUDHOE–Friday BAY, 8:00am–5:00pm Election Day: 7:00am–8:00pm State JUNEAU Office - Downtown Building PRUDHOEServiceElection AreaDay: BAY 107:00am Camp– 8:00pm StateWilloughby Office Ave., Building 8th Floor ServiceOld Spine Area Rd. 10 Camp Willoughby JUNEAU - DowntownAve., 8th Floor PRUDHOEOld Spine Rd. BAY OctoberState Office 24th Building– November 7th NovemberService Area 5th –108th Camp, 8:00am –8:00pm OctoberMondayWilloughby –2Friday4 thAve., – November 8:00am 8th Floor– 5:00pm7th NovemberOld Spine Rd.5th– 8th, 8:00am–8:00pm MondayElection –Day:Friday 8:00am 8:00am–5:00pm–5:00pm OctoberElection 2Day:4th – 8:00amNovember–5:00pm 7th November 5th–8th, 8:00am–8:00pm Monday–Friday 8:00am–5:00pm Election Day: 8:00am–5:00pm

Ballots for individual districts are also available in many other communities throughout Alaska. For a Ballots complete for list individual of absentee districts voting are locations also available visit the in manydivision’s other web communities site or contact throughout one of theAlaska. Regional For a Electionscomplete listOffices of absentee. voting locations visit the division’s web site or contact one of the Regional BallotsElections for Offices individual. districts are also available in many other communities throughout Alaska. For a complete list of absentee voting visit the division’s web site or contact one of the Regional Elections Offices.

PAGE 11 2016 REGION II Polling Places

Polling Place Changes District/Precinct Precinct Name New Polling Location 11-085 Trunk Fire Station No. 51 1911 S. Terrace Court Palmer, Alaska 15-315 Muldoon No. 2 Muldoon Town Center 1251 Muldoon Road Anchorage, Alaska 17-410 University No. 2 Alaska Housing Finance Corp. Building 4300 Boniface Pkwy. Anchorage, Alaska 19-500 North Mt. View No. 1 Mt. View Boys and Girls Club 315 Price Street Anchorage, Alaska 21-635 Turnagain No. 3 Our Lady of Guadalupe 3900 Wisconsin Street Anchorage, Alaska 24-700 Huffman No. 1 Salvation Army Korean Corps Community Center 2100 DeArmoun Road Anchorage, Alaska 26-810 Huffman No. 3 Alaska Zoo 4731 O’Malley Road Anchorage, Alaska How to Find Your Polling Place If you are not sure where your assigned polling location is, you have the following options: • Scan the bar code on your voter ID card. • Locate your polling place by entering your address online at:

• Call the Polling Place locator at: 1-888-383-8683, or in Anchorage, call 269-8683. • Call your regional elections office:

O Region II – Anchorage House District 7-8, 10-28 907-522-8683, or Toll Free 1-866-958-8683

You can also see if you are registered and check your registration information online at the above web address!

PAGE 12 2016 REGION II Candidates for Elected Office General Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016

United States President and Vice President Darrell L. Castle and Bradley N. Scott, Constitution Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, Democrat Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, Libertarian* Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente and Michael Steinberg, Non-Affiliated Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, Green Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence, Republican*

United States Senate United States Representative Breck A. Craig, Non-Affiliated Steve Lindbeck, Democrat Ted Gianoutsos, Non-Affiliated Jim C. McDermott, Libertarian Ray Metcalfe, Democrat Bernie Souphanavong, Non-Affiliated Joe Miller, Libertarian , Republican , Republican Margaret Stock, Non-Affiliated

Alaska State Senate

SENATE DISTRICT D SENATE DISTRICT F SENATE DISTRICT H David S. Wilson, Republican* Tim Hale, Non-Affiliated Kevin D. Kastner, Republican , Republican , Democrat

SENATE DISTRICT J SENATE DISTRICT L SENATE DISTRICT N , Democrat Tom Johnson, Non-Affiliated* Vince Beltrami, Non-Affiliated Forrest J. McDonald, Democrat Catherine A. “Cathy” Giessel, Natasha A. Von Imhof, Republican* Republican

Alaska State House

HOUSE DISTRICT 7 HOUSE DISTRICT 8 HOUSE DISTRICT 10 Sherie A. Olson, Democrat* Gregory I. Jones, Democrat* David Eastman, Republican Colleen Sullivan-Leonard, Republican* Mark A. Neuman, Republican Patricia Faye-Brazel, Democrat

HOUSE DISTRICT 11 HOUSE DISTRICT 12 HOUSE DISTRICT 13 DeLena Johnson, Republican Karen Perry, Constitution Dan Saddler, Republican Bert Verrall, Non-Affiliated Cathy L. Tilton, Republican Gretchen L. Wehmhoff, Democrat

HOUSE DISTRICT 14 HOUSE DISTRICT 15 HOUSE DISTRICT 16 Joe Hackenmueller, Non-Affiliated Gabrielle “Gabby” Ledoux, Republican Don Hadley, Republican , Republican Patrick M. McCormack, Democrat Ian Sharrock, Non-Affiliated , Democrat

HOUSE DISTRICT 17 HOUSE DISTRICT 18 HOUSE DISTRICT 19 Andrew L. “Andy” Josephson, Harriet A. Drummond, Democrat , Democrat Democrat Michael W. “Mike” Gordon, Republican

HOUSE DISTRICT 20 HOUSE DISTRICT 21 HOUSE DISTRICT 22 Les S. Gara, Democrat , Democrat Dustin T. Darden, Alaskan Independence* Marilyn Stewart, Republican Jason S. Grenn, Non-Affiliated Liz Vazquez, Republican

HOUSE DISTRICT 23 HOUSE DISTRICT 24 HOUSE DISTRICT 25 Timothy R. Huit, Republican Charles M. “Chuck” Kopp, Republican Pat Higgins, Democrat Chris S. Tuck, Democrat Sue Levi, Republican Charisse E. Millett, Republican

HOUSE DISTRICT 26 HOUSE DISTRICT 27 HOUSE DISTRICT 28 Chris Birch, Republican Harry T, Crawford, Jr., Democrat Shirley A. Cote, Democrat David M. Gillespie, Democrat , Republican Jennifer B. Johnston, Republican

*Indicates candidate did not submit pamphlet materials, did not fulfill requirements to appear in pamphlet or failed to meet statutory filing deadlines for submission. (AS 15.58.030 andAS 15.58.060)

PAGE 13 2016 REGION II GeneralGeneral Election Election Voter Turnout Voter Turnout

% of Actual Number of Registered Votes Cast Year Registered Voters who in General Voters Voted in Election General 1958 50,343 1960 62,177 1962 60,084 1964 68,858 1966 67,361 1968 84,902 1970 82,405 1972 98,581 1974 98,557 1976 207,190 127,877 61.7% 1978 238,434 129,705 54.4% 1980 258,742 162,653 62.9% 1982 266,224 199,358 74.9% 1984 305,262 213,173 69.8% 1986 292,274 182,526 62.5% 1988 292,441 203,433 69.6% 1990 300,467 197,540 65.7% 1992 315,058 261,427 83.0% 1994 336,226 216,668 64.4% 1996 414,817 245,212 59.1% 1998 453,332 227,156 50.1% 2000 473,648 287,825 60.8% 2002 460,855 232,852 50.5% 2004 472,160 314,502 66.6% 2006 466,258 238,307 51.1% 2008 495,731 327,341 66.03% 2010 494,876 258,746 52.29% 2012 506,432 301,694 59.57% 2014 509,011 285,449 56.08% Note: The numbers of registered voters in Alaska from 1958-1974 are unavailable. Therefore percentages of voters who voted in General Elections before 1976 cannot be determined.

PAGE 14 2016 REGION II Remember to Vote

Election Day

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Polls Open 7:00am to 8:00pm

PAGE 15 2016 REGION II United States President Darrell L. Castle, Constitution

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: A founder of the Constitution Party in 1992; 2008 Vice- presidential candidate; national Constitution Party vice-chairman (three terms).

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Darrell Castle and Associates Law Firm, based in Memphis, Tennessee, 1984 - present, works with poor and injured people.

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Founder of Mia’s Children Foundation, which provides services to homeless gypsy children in Bucharest, Romania. Local church leader.

STATEMENT: As President of the United States, Mr. Castle’s priority will be to strictly adhere to the Constitution in any proposed legislation or federal government policies, including the ending of unconstitutional wars and unconstitutional foreign aid. He will work to make sure that America’s veterans and military personnel receive the care and support they need for injuries Residence Address: 2586 Hocksett Cove and hardships they have incurred while serving in the Germantown, TN 38139 armed forces.

MAILING ADDRESS: 9245 Poplar Avenue He will work to withdraw the United States from the Suite 5 #156 United Nations and restore American Sovereignty. He Germantown, TN 38138 will also work to end the Federal Reserve System and restore the gold standard to strengthen the dollar, both Email: [email protected] home and abroad.

WEBSITE: He will work to withdraw the federal government from international legislation such as Agenda 21 and AGE: 67 begin the process of handing control of their lives and property back to the local people. PLACE OF BIRTH: Kingsport, TN Another priority of a Castle presidency will be to work SPOUSE’S NAME: Joan Weil Castle towards the ending of abortion in America by vetoing any funding for abortion providers such as Planned CHILDREN’S NAMES: Joanna Castle Miller Parenthood, as well as recommending to Congress (and working to make it happen) that they remove all Occupation: Attorney jurisdiction over such matters from the Supreme Court.

EDUCATION: Darrell Castle believes that “It is the nature of the State Ketron High School in Kingsport, Tennessee. B.A. in to seek dominance over the population. Freedom will Political Science and B.A. in History, East Tennessee not ultimately remain intact if we leave it unattended. State University, 1970. Juris Doctorate, Memphis State America needs forward thinking leaders. Self-hatred University, 1979. and appeasement only foster more disrespect. We must find a way to chart our own course in the world Military Service: as free and independent people.” ROTC - East Tennessee State University. USMC Combat Officer, Viet Nam, 1971 - 1973.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 16 2016 REGION II United States Vice President Scott N. Bradley, Constitution

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Business owner, author, and lecturer on American’s founding principles. Previously positions in corporate management and university administration.

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Founder and Chairman of the Constitution Commemoration Foundation, an organization which seeks to foster increased understanding and application of the original intent of the Founders of our Constitution. Formerly Executive Director of Trapper Trails Council of Boy Scouts of America. Author of book and lecture series titled: “To Preserve the Nation,” a work intended to illuminate the principles of sound government and liberty.

OTHER: Lifelong student of the political foundations of The United States, focusing on History and the Writings of the Founding Fathers of the nation.

STATEMENT: The United States Constitution is a written, binding contract between those elected to hold office, and the Residence Address: 1496 East 2700 North citizens of the nation. All who hold office are required North Logan, UT 84341 to take an oath to abide by the Constitution. The Constitution grants specific power, and withholds all MAILING ADDRESS: 9245 Poplar Avenue other power from the national government. Those Suite 5 #156 holding the reins of power at the national level have Germantown, TN 38138 forgotten the sound principles of proper government which are embodied in the plain English words of the Email: [email protected] United States Constitution, and we have strayed far into paths which undermine our liberty and our God- WEBSITE: given unalienable rights.

AGE: 64 I seek a return to the foundation principles upon which this nation was established, working to restore a PLACE OF BIRTH: American Fork, Utah national government which is constrained to act within the framework defined within the Constitution. This will SPOUSE’S NAME: Tamara L. Bradley protect our individual God-given unalienable rights, and allow us to preserve the blessings of liberty for CHILDREN’S NAMES: Heidi, Emily, Scott, ourselves and our posterity. Rachel, Michael This nation is mired in the morass of party politics. Occupation: Business Owner We continue to vote for the same two parties, with the same disappointing outcomes. EDUCATION: B.S. (Westminster College, Social Science), Masters in If you are tired of “politics as usual,” and have grown Public Administration (Brigham Young University), PhD weary of the agendas of the current two party system; (Constitutional Law, George Wythe University). seeing an ever increasing encroachment of big government in your life, regardless of the party which Military Service: holds power, join with me and others who love liberty Utah Air National Guard (nine years). more than the political process.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Vote for the restoration of the original principles of liberty. Candidate 2006 and 2010 My contract with America is my oath to the United States Constitution.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 17 2016 REGION II United States President Hillary Clinton, Democrat

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Chair, American Bar Association Commission on Women in the Profession; Co-Founder, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families; Chair, Legal Services Corporation; Co-Author, Handbook on Legal Rights for Arkansas Women

STATEMENT: I’ve dedicated my career to making a difference for children and families. From working with leaders in both parties to help pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program to standing up for human rights abroad, I know how to stand my ground—and how to find common ground.

This campaign is based on the notion that Americans are stronger together. We’re stronger when everyone can contribute to the economy and share in its growth, when we work with our allies to keep America secure, and when we’re united, not divided.

In our first 100 days, we’ll make the biggest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II. We’ll invest in Residence Address: 15 Old House Lane infrastructure, manufacturing, clean energy, and small Chappaqua, NY 10514 businesses. We’ll pay for our plans by making Wall Street, corporations, and the super-wealthy pay their MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 5256 fair share in taxes. , NY 10185 We’ll make college debt-free for all and tuition-free for Email: [email protected] the middle class. We’ll crack down on companies that ship jobs overseas, and reward companies that share WEBSITE: profits with their employees. We’ll make it easier to balance work and family. And we’ll bring opportunity AGE: 69 to communities that have been left out and left behind.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Chicago, Illinois Americans aren’t just electing a president; we’re choosing a Commander-in-Chief. We’ve laid out a SPOUSE’S NAME: Bill Clinton comprehensive strategy to keep America safe by defeating ISIS, standing with our allies, and respecting CHILDREN’S NAMES: Chelsea Clinton those who serve our country.

Occupation: We know that America’s best days are still ahead of Former Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate us. When Americans come together, there’s nothing we can’t do. EDUCATION: Wellesley College; Yale Law School

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: U.S. Secretary of State; First Lady of the United States; First Lady of Arkansas

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Attorney; Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas School of Law; Director, University of Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic; Children’s Defense Fund

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 18 2016 REGION II United States Vice President Tim Kaine, Democrat

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Civil Rights Attorney; Part-Time Professor, University of Richmond Law School

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Board Member, Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME); Board Member, Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation; Honorary Member, Virginia Foundation for Community College Education; Honorary Chair, United States Spain Council

STATEMENT: In my more than two decades in public service, I’ve never met anyone more qualified to be President than Hillary Clinton. That’s why I’m so humbled and grateful to be her running mate.

Growing up, I went to a Jesuit boys school with the motto “Men for Others,” where my faith became an organizing principle for my life. So during law school, I took a year off to volunteer with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras. I saw a system where only a few folks at the top had all the power, and everyone else got Residence Address: 1515 Confederate Avenue left behind. It was that experience that cemented my Richmond, VA 23227 commitment to social justice. I went on to become a civil rights lawyer – and later a city councilman, mayor, MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 5256 and governor – to help ensure everyone has the New York, NY 10185 chance to live up to their God-given potential.

Email: [email protected] That’s why Hillary Clinton and I have a plan to make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top. WEBSITE: We’ll invest in infrastructure, help small businesses, raise the minimum wage, and ensure equal pay and AGE: 58 paid family leave. And we’ll tackle other challenges— from reforming our criminal justice and immigration PLACE OF BIRTH: St. Paul, Minnesota systems to ending the gun violence epidemic to getting unaccountable money out of politics. SPOUSE’S NAME: Anne Holton If I’m good at anything in public life, it’s because CHILDREN’S NAMES: I started at the local level – listening to people and Nat, Woody, and Annella Kaine trying to find consensus. I’ve seen the progress that’s possible when we come together to overcome Occupation: challenges. We truly are stronger together. U.S. Senator and Candidate for Vice President

EDUCATION: University of Missouri; Harvard Law School

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: U.S. Senator; Democratic National Committee Chairman; Governor of Virginia; Lieutenant Governor of Virginia; Mayor of Richmond; City Councilman, Richmond

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 19 2016 REGION II United States President Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, Non-Affiliated

STATEMENT: I’m not a career politician. I’m just like you. I live in the real world, not a political one.

I don’t have to pretend to understand minority issues because I am a minority.

I don’t have to pretend to understand how to create jobs because I have created thousands.

I don’t have to pretend to understand the importance of paying a fair wage and providing health care benefits because I’ve witnessed the impact it has on the lives of the families of those I employed.

I don’t have to pretend to understand international relations because I’ve traveled extensively and both lived and worked abroad.

I don’t have to pretend to care about the environment because I’m actually doing something about it through renewable energy.

Other: I don’t even have to pretend to understand the cost of “Rocky” Roque De La Fuente is living proof that the education… because I have five children. American Dream can be achieved by those who are inspired to pursue it. He has an amazing record of And where I really differ: I don’t look at problems success. From earning an FAA license to fly single through a political lens; I look at them through a engine planes at the age of 20 to owning 28 automobile practical one. dealerships and becoming Chairman of the National Dealers Council for the third largest automobile Our Nation is at a crossroad. Einstein once said, “We manufacturer in the world by the age of 28, he’s in a cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we league by himself. He created a banking network in used when we created them.” I would suggest that it’s 1982 to help address Mexico’s economic crisis and also true that we cannot solve our problems with the established impressive real estate holdings throughout same people who created them. We’re suffering from the United States while creating thousands of new political gridlock fashioned by career politicians who jobs along the way. In 1992, Rocky became the first place party politics ahead of the people. Additionally, Hispanic American to serve as a Delegate-At-Large for our election process has been rigged to maintain the the State of California at a National Convention. He status quo. It’s time for change, and I will do everything holds a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics in my power to deliver it. (Magna Cum Laude) and an honorary doctorate from UNESCO.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 20 2016 REGION II United States Vice President Michael Steinberg, Non-Affiliated

STATEMENT: I envision a country where policy is based on the interests of the people rather than just a privileged few. Unfortunately, we have lost our way on that point in recent years.

I believe in the free market system, but the system must be fair. To grow the middle class, we need to create and keep jobs in this country that pay a fair wage and provide access to healthcare. We should support laws that encourage innovation and investment in durable goods, machinery and equipment. However, we must demand that the rest of the world conducts trade with us on a level playing field.

I also believe that every child deserves the opportunity to receive a quality education because to do otherwise is to sentence them to remain right where they are. We have grown stagnant as a nation, and upward mobility has been ground to a halt. We have to begin growing the middle class again, and education is the key.

As a Social Security Disabilities attorney for over 30 OTHER: years, I’ll work to ensure that Social Security Retirement Michael Steinberg is a married father of three. He and Disability programs, along with Medicare, remain has a Juris Doctorate degree and a BA in Economics. solvent and are operated in a professional, courteous Michael is a member of the Florida Bar and is licensed and efficient manner. to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States Federal Court of Appeals, the Additionally, our nation is facing a debt crisis. While we United States Circuit Court (11th Circuit), the United need to address waste and fraud in government, that States District Courts for Florida’s Northern, Southern is not enough. We need a tax policy that treats people and Middle Districts, and the United States Court of fairly and new jobs to increase tax revenues. Appeals for Veterans Claims. He practices law in the areas of Social Security Disability, Veterans’ Disability And finally, I’ll work hard to restore integrity to our Benefits, Private Long-Term Disability, ERISA and electoral system. Personal Injury. Community and professional service are extremely important to him. In that regard, he has longtime relationships with the Hillsborough County Bar Association, the National Organization for Veterans’ Advocates, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives, and the Hillsborough County Healthcare Advisory Board in Florida, and he has been active in politics for over 16 years.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 21 2016 REGION II United States President Jill Stein, Green

OTHER: She has a family cat named Willy.

STATEMENT: Jill Stein’s Power to the People Plan creates deep system change, moving from the greed and exploitation of corporate capitalism to a human- centered economy that puts people, planet and peace over profit. It empowers the American people to fix our broken political system and make real the promise of democracy.

This plan will end unemployment and poverty; avert climate catastrophe; build a sustainable, just economy; and recognize the dignity and human rights of everyone in our society and our world.

Stein’s Power to the People Plan includes:

A Green New Deal Create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation. Residence Address: 17 Trotting Horse Drive Lexington, MA 02421 Jobs as a Right Create living-wage jobs for every American who MAILING ADDRESS: Jill Stein for President needs work, replacing unemployment offices with 22 Kendall Rd employment offices. Advance workers’ rights to form Lexington, MA 02421 unions, achieve workplace democracy, and keep a fair share of the wealth they create. Email: [email protected] End Poverty WEBSITE: Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti- AGE: 66 poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity. PLACE OF BIRTH: Chicago, IL Health Care as a Right SPOUSE’S NAME: Richard Rohrer Establish an improved “Medicare For All” single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone CHILDREN’S NAMES: Ben, Noah with quality health care, at huge savings.

Occupation: Physician Education as a Right Abolish student debt to free a generation of Americans EDUCATION: from debt servitude. Guarantee tuition-free, world- MD, Harvard Medical School, 1979; BA, Psychology- class public education from pre-school through Sociology-Anthropology, Harvard University, 1973 university. End high stakes testing and public school privatization. POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Lexington Town Meeting

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Neurotoxicology, nutrition, music: guitar and percussion, hiking, camping, nature, dogs

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 22 2016 REGION II United States Vice President Ajamu Baraka, Green


SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Associate Fellow at Institute for Policy Studies - Washington D.C.

Residence Address: 3228 Verdant Dr., S.W. Apt 306 Atlanta, GA 30331

MAILING ADDRESS: Jill Stein for President 22 Kendall Rd Lexington, MA 02421

Email: [email protected]


AGE: 62

PLACE OF BIRTH: Chicago, Illinois

Occupation: Author

EDUCATION: University of South Florida 1982, BA, International Studies and Political Science; Clark-Atlanta University 1987, MA and ABD in Political Science

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 23 2016 REGION II United States Senate Breck A. Craig, Non-Affiliated

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Sr. Program Manager Sr. Project Manager Sr. ITC Consultant

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Project Management Institute – Alaska Chapter

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Hiking, Fishing, Gardening, Reading, Movies

OTHER: Breck is a Sr. Program Manager dedicated to delivering technology solutions to Alaska’s rural village schools. Breck has several decades of experience working on complex programs and projects around the world. He is a skilled negotiator who excels at solving complex problems and delivering lasting solutions with maximum benefit. He lives in Anchorage with his lovely and patient wife, Mary Sue. They treasure their family and friends, and enjoy the outdoors, movies, golf, and fishing.

STATEMENT: Residence Address: 2628 Redwood Street I believe in a strong and independent Alaska, free Anchorage, AK 99508 from the control by the 2-party machine in Washington D.C. I believe in a vision of Alaska that includes major MAILING ADDRESS: 2628 Redwood Street infrastructure energy, road, and rail projects for the Anchorage, AK 99508 Alaskan interior and western shores. I believe in expanding our military presence to include new Navy E-MAIL: [email protected] and Coast Guard bases in Alaska to protect our fishing grounds and Alaska’s Arctic waterways. I believe in Website: affordable Education opportunities for all Alaskans, especially the middle-class, who pay for everything and AGE: 59 get very little in return. I believe in promoting Alaskan entrepreneurship to help diversify our economy. I PLACE OF BIRTH: Moses Lake, WA believe in protecting our police and first responders by increasing our law enforcement presence, pay, and SPOUSE’S NAME: Mary McGraw Craig training to meet the growing threats from drug dealers and fringe radicals. I believe that Alaska deserves Occupation: Program Manager-Education inspired and unfettered leadership in Washington D.C. that answers to the Alaskan voters and no one else. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 3


EDUCATION: Cairo American College – 1971-75 High School Univ. of Colorado – 1987-1990 B.A. Political Science Western Governors University – 2010-15 M.B.A-IT

MILITARY SERVICE: USMC, 3 Years, Sgt E-5, Honorable Discharge

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 24 2016 REGION II United States Senate Ted Gianoutsos, Non-Affiliated

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Production Manager Business Owner, construction materials/solar energy

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Co-Founder, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Founding member, Alaska SeaLife Center Charter member, Vietnam Veterans of America, Anchorage Chapter 904 Founding member, Alaska Veterans Foundation Founding member, Veterans Party of Alaska Benefactor member NRA Life member, IWLA, NWF, NAS 4th Degree Knight of Columbus Lector, Holy Family Cathedral

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Alaska outdoors, Reading, Opera, Philanthropy

OTHER: For the past 54 years my love and wife Francoise and I have done everything TOGETHER, including our campaigns for senator and governor, and WE will put ALL of our substantial combined skills, talents, knowledge, abilities, and experience to the maximum Residence Address: 1441 E. 17th Ave. Apt. 10 service and benefit of our fellow Alaskans. Anchorage, AK 99501 STATEMENT: MAILING ADDRESS: 1441 E. 17th Ave. Apt. 10 I am running for US Senate only for ONE 6-year term Anchorage, AK 99501 to do TWO great things for Alaska: 1. Take far better care of Alaska’s veterans AND their families, and 2. Email: [email protected] Finally open ANWR, in the best and most beneficial way for America, Alaska, and wildlife, to fill our 3/4ths WEBSITE: empty Alaska oil pipeline. Please see my www. website for details. AGE: 74 That’s it! I have no interest whatsoever in sitting in the PLACE OF BIRTH: MA, USA. US Senate for 36 years, as father-daughter Frank and Lisa Murkowski have done serving themselves instead SPOUSE’S NAME: Francoise of serving Alaska. It is so obvious to all Alaskans that for father-daughter Murkowski, it’s always been about Occupation: Retired themselves, first and foremost, and never about Alaska.

LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: Enough of their hypocritical lies! Enough of their 36 17 wonderful years! years of ANWR failure! Enough of letting Alaska’s oil pipeline, one of the world’s largest, dwindle down, year ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: after year, to 3/4ths EMPTY, while father-daughter Anchorage, 1999-2016 Murkowski have been stuffing their pockets at Alaska’s expense! EDUCATION: Boston University, ’68 BS Serving Alaska and America in the United States USC ‘79, MPA Senate is a privilege and an honor, and should ONLY be undertaken by anyone for a SHORT time to actually MILITARY SERVICE: do great things for Alaskans and Americans, and then USAF, 4 years, Airman, 1961-1965 to get the heck out and go home. It’s not a dynastic opportunity to sit there decade after decade doing POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: nothing of real substance, while ripping off the taxpayer Project Manager/ Energy specialist, USDOI who foots the bill for senate self-service. U. S. Senate Candidate, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2014 Alaska Governor Candidate 2006 I will serve YOU for ONE term and leave, setting an example for those who follow!

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 25 2016 REGION II United States Senate Ray Metcalfe, Democrat

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Owner of Metcalfe Commercial Real Estate, Inc., 1974 to now.

Service Organization(s) Membership: Six months promoting Bernie Sanders for President, initiated the “Yes on One” ballot proposition attempting to overturn the Legislature’s oil tax giveaway.

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Continuing the momentum of Bernie Sanders’ agenda. Bernie’s agenda fits well with my hobby of 20 years; exposing political corruption wherever I find it, regardless of party.

OTHER: While in the Legislature, I chaired one hearing on ’s Permanent Fund Dividend Bill and was a primary author of the investment strategy for the Permanent Fund.

STATEMENT: I am Alaska’s anticorruption candidate, and a Berniecrat.

Residence Address: 10270 Arborvitae Drive Four years in Alaska’s Legislature opened my eyes; Anchorage, AK 99507 Alaska’s political machine, and America’s political machine, has become a system of mutual dependency MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 231007 between elected officials and large donors seeking Anchorage, AK 99523-1007 financial rewards. After contributing, large donors send paid lobbyists to remind those they helped elect what Email: [email protected] they expect in return. A never ending cycle of trading campaign contributions for appropriations infects both WEBSITE: political parties.

AGE: 66 Example: Today, politicians returning favors to the billionaires are blocking Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s PLACE OF BIRTH: Crow Reservation in Montana. student loan interest reduction proposal from passing. Warren’s Bill would enable over twenty million student Occupation: Real Estate Broker. loan borrowers to refinance their federal loan debt at today’s lower 3.9% interest. The reduced interest LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 47 Years. income to the federal student loan program would be replaced by requiring billionaires to start paying the ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: same federal tax rate on their net income that middle Anchorage, Juneau, Kenai. class Americans already pay.

EDUCATION: Just one example of corruption and greed standing in Two years Business and history at Eastern Montana the way of social justice and the American dream. College. Multiple real estate courses; brokerage, appraisal, finance, investment, real estate development, I spent three years helping Federal Investigators and and computing technology. Prosecutors with the investigation of Bill Allen, Ben Stevens, and six other Alaskan legislators caught POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: taking bribes to keep Alaska’s tax on oil far below what In 70’s and 80’s, Alaska’s Legislature. Later, spent three other countries get for their oil. I have made a career years helping the FBI investigate Alaska’s Legislature. of exposing political bribery. If elected, I will focus on Six convictions. Three lobbyists, six legislators, and what is good for all Alaskans, not the handful of big VECO owner Bill Allen. Alaskan contributors and billionaires from outside. If elected I will stand with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on most issues.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 26 2016 REGION II United States Senate Joe Miller, Libertarian

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: U.S. Magistrate Judge 2002-2004; FNSB Attorney 2002-2009, Adjunct Professor, University of Alaska 2004; State Acting District Court Judge 2002; State Magistrate, Superior Court Master 1998-2002; Intern, Alaska Department of Law 1994.

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Owner: Law Offices of Joseph Miller; Restoring Liberty; Heritage House.

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; MOAA.

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Fishing, hunting, amateur radio

OTHER: Life Benefactor Member, NRA; served on boards of Crisis Pregnancy Center, Hope Counseling Center, Friends Community Church, Alaska Legal Services; served Anchorage Downtown Soup Kitchen, foreign mission trips.

STATEMENT: Stop Congressional Abuses: Congressional insider trading and effective immunity from federal laws have created a wealthy Washington aristocracy, steeped in corruption. Congress must live under the laws it imposes on all of us.

Residence Address: 2321 Tribulation Trail Immigration: Obama’s illegal amnesty and refugee Fairbanks, AK 99709 resettlement programs must be defunded. Our immigration laws must be enforced. American workers shouldn’t lose their MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 83440 jobs to cheap, illegal labor. Fairbanks, AK 99708 Government Debt: It’s time to stop stealing from future E-MAIL: [email protected] generations. We must demand that our federal and state governments live within their means. Confiscating your money Website: with high taxes (or by eliminating the PFD) is the wrong answer.

AGE: 49 Native Sovereign Rights: The US Constitution recognizes tribes as sovereign. PLACE OF BIRTH: Kansas Fish & Game: The feds don’t share our values; they must get SPOUSE’S NAME: Kathleen out of wildlife management in Alaska.

CHILDREN’S NAMES: Kelsey, Katy, Joe, Jake, Josh, Sanctity of Human Life: Life is the foremost liberty. From Kassia, James, Kristianna the unborn to the elderly, we must protect our nation’s most defenseless. Occupation: Attorney; Publisher, Restoring Liberty Natural Resources: DC must release control of Alaska’s resources so we can establish a prosperous future for our LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 22 children.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Second Amendment: It’s essential to our liberty. We must Anchorage 1994-1998, Tok 1998-2002, Fairbanks 2002-present. resist all efforts to thwart this fundamental right.

EDUCATION: Military: We must honor our commitments to veterans who U.S. Military Academy, West Point, B.S. have risked everything to preserve our freedoms. Our military Yale Law School, J.D. must remain strong, free of neo-con entanglements and University of Alaska, M.S. Economics social experimentation.

MILITARY SERVICE: Surveillance State: Unconstitutional monitoring of our U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserves, 1989-1998; Captain; Armor private communications must end. Branch, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal with First Amendment: Our First Freedoms must be preserved Three Bronze Stars, National Defense Service Medal, Kuwait at all costs. Liberation Medal, Air Assault Badge, Parachute Badge. I stand ready to serve and fight tirelessly for you. I would be honored by your vote.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 27 2016 REGION II United States Senate Lisa Murkowski, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Appropriations Committee, Chairman for the Interior and Environment Subcommittee

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Lifelong member of the NRA and founding member of the Midnight Sun Republican Women’s Club

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Skiing, fishing, and hiking

STATEMENT: As a third generation Alaskan who grew up in communities across our great state, I am deeply committed to fighting for the issues that matter most to Alaskans.

As a resource-rich state, access to our land and resources is vital to protect the self-determination promised to us at statehood. As Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, MAILING ADDRESS: Lisa Murkowski for my mission is to provide safe, reliable and affordable U.S. Senate energy to all Alaskans and fight for access to our PO BOX 100847 natural resources across America. Anchorage, AK 99510 I am continually amazed by the courage and WEBSITE: perseverance of my fellow Alaskans and will continue to fight for the respect they deserve. I continue to AGE: 59 learn from the wisdom of the First Alaskans. Working together, we have preserved languages and improved PLACE OF BIRTH: Ketchikan, Alaska access to education and healthcare. Alaska is home to more than 20,000 active duty service members and SPOUSE’S NAME: Verne Martell 77,000 veterans. We must continue to strengthen and preserve Alaska’s strategic military importance and CHILDREN’S NAMES: Nic and Matt Martell implement reforms at the Veterans Administration so that the men and women, who dedicated their lives to Occupation: Senior U.S. Senator for Alaska us, receive the quality care they earned.

LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: I will continue to fight for the prosperity of our state 59 years, lifelong Alaskan and our nation. As parents, Verne and I want a vibrant future for Alaska where our sons can share ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Ketchikan, in opportunity, and someday raise their own families. Wrangell, Juneau, Fairbanks, and Anchorage It is the vision we all share for our children and for Alaska. Join me as we work together for the land and EDUCATION: the people we love. Monroe Catholic High School in Fairbanks, Bachelors in Economics from Georgetown University and a Law I respectfully ask for your vote. degree from Willamette University College

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: State House, 14th district from 1999-2002. U.S. Senator (AK-R) from 2002 to present

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 28 2016 REGION II United States Senate Margaret Stock, Non-Affiliated

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Associate Professor, U.S. Military Academy at West Point (2001-2006); Adjunct Professor, University of Alaska at Anchorage (2010-2012).

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Owner, Cascadia Cross Border Law Group, LLC; MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Class of 2013; Member, Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force on U.S. Immigration Policy, 2008-2011.

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Science Center Board Member, Challenge Alaska, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Alaska and American Bar Association committees, Federal Bar Association.

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Hiking, cross-country skiing, kayaking, backpacking, snowmachining.

STATEMENT: As an Independent I will place the interests of Alaska and our country ahead of party politics and corporate special interests. I am a pragmatic problem solver, not Residence Address: 8537 Cormorant Cove Circle a politician. Anchorage, AK 99507 Campaign finance reform is critical to returning control MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 240968 of Washington to the people. I am not accepting Anchorage, AK 99524 corporate PAC money. I support overturning Citizens United, banning lobbyist contributions while Congress Email: [email protected] is in session, and disclosing all political spending.

WEBSITE: We must elect Independents to end the partisan gridlock in Washington. Our Senators should actually vote AGE: 54 on the hundreds of executive and judicial nominees awaiting decision. Congress must protect our social PLACE OF BIRTH: Boston, MA safety net including Social Security from corporate privatization schemes. Congress must make sure that SPOUSE’S NAME: Neil O’Donnell Medicare/Medicaid works for all citizens and not just drug companies. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Catherine O’Donnell The federal government must understand Alaska’s Occupation: Attorney unique interests and avoid overreach. I will oppose laws that require Alaskans to do more and more with less LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 30 years and less money. I will listen closely to Alaska Native communities and collaborate with them to encourage ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: self-determination and support economic development. Anchorage 1986-present, including time away for military service and school. Alaskans value their Constitutional Rights to liberty, privacy, and to be free from government intrusion. I will EDUCATION: fight to protect all of our Constitutional rights, including Boston University (1981-1983), Harvard College (1983- Second Amendment rights, a woman’s right to make 1985, Bachelor’s Degree, Government), Harvard Law her own reproductive decisions, and marriage equality. School and Kennedy School of Government (1988- 1992, J.D. and Master in Public Administration); Army We need our government to work as the Framers of our War College (2006, Master). Constitution intended. To do this, we need a Congress that serves the people, not the narrow interests of a MILITARY SERVICE: political party or those with special access and power. Twenty eight years of service in Active Army and Army Reserve, Ret. Lt. Colonel.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 29 2016 REGION II United States Representative Steve Lindbeck, Democrat

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Anchorage Downtown Anchorage Rotary United Way of Anchorage Alaska World Affairs Council Anchorage Museum Association

Other: - In 2004, Steve’s wife Patty was diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer. The community rallied around them, and thanks to Patty’s perseverance, great medical care and a big dose of luck, Patty beat the odds and is thriving– she’s run 4 marathons since. - Made remarks welcoming new U.S. citizens at three naturalization ceremonies. - Taught approximately 2,000 students to cross- country ski over 21 years.

STATEMENT: Steve Lindbeck is running for Congress because Alaska faces economic challenges it’s never faced before – and the old way of doing things isn’t working MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 90025 anymore. Our state needs a congressman who Anchorage, AK 99509 understands the challenges we face and will provide the leadership needed to build a new future for Alaska. Email: [email protected] Steve will stand up against special interests and partisan gridlock and always put Alaskans first. WEBSITE: The son of a Pearl Harbor survivor, Steve moved to AGE: 61 Alaska at age nine when his father was stationed on Kodiak Island. He was the first in his family to attend SPOUSE’S NAME: Patty Ginsburg a four-year college, and during summers, he worked as a tour bus driver, furniture mover, sandblaster, and LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: cannery worker to pay his way through school. Over 45 years Steve has dedicated his life to working with people ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: across Alaska – as a journalist with the Anchorage Kodiak: 1964-1966 Daily News and Anchorage Times, as a vice chancellor Anchorage: 1968-Present (brief gaps for school) at the University of Alaska, and as Executive Director of the Alaska Humanities Forum, where he worked with EDUCATION: local leaders on cultural and educational projects in B.A. Political Science, Stanford University, 1980 villages and Native communities. As General Manager West Anchorage High School, 1973 of Alaska Public Media, Steve pulled the organization out of deep financial trouble and strengthened our vital BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: public television and radio networks. General Manager, Alaska Public Media Executive Director, Alaska Humanities Forum Steve understands we need new energy to diversify Vice Chancellor for Advancement, University of our economy and build a vibrant future for Alaska. As Alaska-Anchorage Congressman, Steve will work to support our small Associate Editor, Anchorage Daily News businesses, invest in infrastructure, make college affordable, fight for early childhood education and affordable childcare – to build a better future for our state.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 30 2016 REGION II United States Representative Jim C. McDermott, Libertarian

MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Air Force, 22 years, Master Sergeant

4 Air Force Commendation Medals, Small Arms Expert Marksman, National Defense Ribbon, Humanitarian Medal, Air Force Outstanding Unit, Professional Military Education Graduate Ribbon, Air Force Basic Training Ribbon.


BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: University Instructor, College Adjunct, Procurement, Military Leadership.

Special Interests: I attended the UAF Academic Leadership Institute 2015-2016.

Completing a North Central University Post Graduate Certificate: Organizational Development & Leadership.

Other: Taught at the University of Alaska Fairbanks 2008- RESIDENCE ADDRESS: 123 Chief Evan Drive 2016. Former Director Small Business Development Anchorage, AK Center here in Fairbanks, AK. Former UAA enrollment services specialist and college recruiter for DeVry MAILING ADDRESS: 123 Chief Evan Drive University. Retired member of the U.S. Air Force. Anchorage, AK STATEMENT: Email: [email protected] Military: Military action should only be employed when our homeland is threatened. We should not use WEBSITE: our military service members as the world’s police. I would like to see our military employed to help better AGE: 59 secure our own borders. Immigration: I believe we ought to allow for a more PLACE OF BIRTH: Savannah, GA free flow of immigration via work-visas for those who can find work & contribute to our society. Especially SPOUSE’S NAME: Janet McDermott recent university graduates with degrees in highly sought after fields of industry need. CHILDREN’S NAMES: James, Amy, David, Bridget, Drugs: I believe that marijuana ought to be regulated Brian, Toby, Suzanne in the same manner as alcohol. I would rather see some of our nation’s wealth spent on educating our OCCUPATION: University Instructor and people on the danger of alcohol & drug abuse, rather Small Business Mentor than spent on incarcerating our people for marijuana use & sales. The many billions of dollars saved can LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 25 years then be used to enhance our society and reduce the tax burden on our citizens. ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Law Making: We are a nation of laws but also a nation Fairbanks and Anchorage of redundancy within our legal system. We need to re- examine national laws to ensure only the needed & EDUCATION: relevant laws are in place. 1. Wayland Baptist University Bachelor’s of Science Crime: Let’s help law breakers through positive Occupational Education. rehabilitation programs, and not allow the worst of the worst to prey over other inmates. 2. University of La Verne Master’s of Science Business Foreign Aid: Our government needs to stop giving Organization Management with a Concentration in billions of our tax dollars to nations whose governments Information Technology. are hostile to our way of life and our cultural values. Government: End crony capitalism between big government & big business.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 31 2016 REGION II United States Representative Bernie Souphanavong, Non-Affiliated

OTHER: Educated by Dominican Sisters, Irish Christian Brothers and Jesuits College of Loyola of Chicago, Bernie has been a self-employed worker and independent achiever. Attracted by Alaska wilderness and distant boundaries, Bernie discovered Kotzebue in 1976. Northwestern Alaska is covered in tundra and frozen rivers trails along the lower Brooks Range between Ambler and Shungnak. From glorious northern lights winter to the midnight sun, muktuk, pilot bread, frozen caribou, sheefish and native cuisine; Alaskan spirit is now in his heart and belly. There’s no turning back; Alaska is home. Forty-one years later in 2016, with a lifetime of quiet successes, 3 adult children, and 3 great businesses, Bernie is joining Alaskan future builders.

STATEMENT: Beginning with Russian fur traders in the 1750’s, the 1896 gold rush and fish canneries in the 1920’s, to timber harvest of the 1940’s and the Prudhoe oil of 1970, Alaska has repeatedly relied on cyclic, boom and bust economies. Alaska’s new 2020 economy Residence Address: 2905 Tanglewood Drive needs to transition to stable, viable, job-based Anchorage, AK 99517 enterprises by protecting existing businesses and incubating new ones. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 190706 Anchorage, AK 99519 Congress is grid-locked; unable to govern with a budget sequestration guillotine hanging over itself. We must Email: [email protected] move beyond the political finger pointing for answers. Our conversation has to go beyond sustaining an WEBSITE: Facebook: bernieak3000 oil-fed economy. Legislators and bureaucrats have gone soft depending on oil-related jobs. The new AGE: 65 global economy of e-trade, software development, and pioneering AI research requires aggressive PLACE OF BIRTH: Laos approaches. Alaska has to compete with other states for these jobs. Federal appropriations are subjected to CHILDREN’S NAMES: Baruch, Jessica, Brandon partisan bickering; Alaskans must develop Alaska to transition from exporting jobs to importing jobs. Occupation: Self-Employed since 1980: Northland Soy, Bernie As an everyday worker like you, we want stability, Bungalow, 88Double Happiness, SBA 1986 Alaska steady growth, and affordable opportunities for Small Business Person a place we can call home. With no political party ties and obligations, I am like you; an independent LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 41 years Alaskan. Unlike career politicians, I will collaborate with everyone to help achieve an economy founded ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: on sustainable job expansion. Let’s aim for growth of Kotzebue, Eagle River, Anchorage tourism industry, infrastructure construction and a firm education foundation. EDUCATION: Illinois Institute of Technology; Loyola University of Vote Yes to the 2020 Economy. Chicago Vote for an independent business voice for our Alaskan delegation. SPECIAL INTERESTS: Send Bernie to Congress! Long Distance Cycling; Crosswords

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 32 2016 REGION II United States Representative Don Young, Republican

MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Army, 41st Tank Battalion, 1955-1957, Private First Class

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: U.S. House of Representatives (1973-Present) Alaska State Senate (1970-1973) Alaska State House (1966-1970) Mayor, Ft. Yukon (1964-1966) City Council, Ft. Yukon (1960-1964)

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Alaska Executive Board National Education Society (1963-1967) National Rifle Association Board of Directors

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Boone & Crocket; Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus; Elks; Ft. Yukon Mushers Association; Lions; Masons; NAACP; National Rifle Association; Safari Club International; Shriners

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, Hunting, Fishing, Mining, Trapping, Gun Collecting

Residence Address: PO Box 125 STATEMENT: Ft. Yukon, AK 99740-0125 Throughout my service to Alaska, I’ve worked to protect the unique beauty, abundant resources, and resilient MAILING ADDRESS: 2504 Fairbanks Street people of our state. Whether it’s protecting our economy Anchorage, AK 99503 from job-killing rules and regulations, empowering families and small businesses with new opportunities, or E-MAIL: [email protected] defending the constitution; I’ve always fought to do what’s right for Alaska. Website: While our state has experienced many successes AGE: 83 throughout our history, the work to protect Alaska’s future is far from over. We are faced with a barrage of SPOUSE’S NAME: Anne Garland (2015-Present) one size fits all, “Washington knows best” policies that Lula Fredson Young jeopardize our already sensitive economy, lock away our (1963-2009; Deceased) lands and resources, and ignore the needs of our people. After eight long years under the Obama Administration CHILDREN’S NAMES: Daughters Joni and Dawn, and no guarantee the landscape will be any different in 14 Grandchildren, 1 Great- 2017, now, more than ever, Alaskans need a proven and Grandson experienced fighter in congress to push back against the federal government’s heavy hand. Occupation: U.S. Representative With the confidence you’ve entrusted in me, and the LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 57 years relationships I’ve built in Congress, I’m strategically positioned to defend Alaska’s interests as a senior member ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: of two powerful committees and as the Chairman of the Ft. Yukon (1960-Present) Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs Subcommittee. Anchorage (1959-1960) Through these key positions and a deep passion for our people, I’m confident that Alaska will continue to shape EDUCATION: the many policy debates needed to build a stronger, more Sutter High School, 1947-1951, Diploma vibrant state for generations to come. Yuba Junior College, 1951-1952, AA Chico State College, 1952-1953 and 1957-1958, BA My motivation and enthusiasm for the Alaskan people remains as strong as ever. With your support I look forward to continuing our fight for Alaska’s future.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 33 2016 REGION II 36-R Hydaburg Thorne Bay Petersburg Coffman Cove Wrangell City and Borough 35-R Angoon Ketchikan Gateway Borough Juneau Borough and City 34-Q Port Alexander Pelican 33-Q Gustavus Haines Borough Skagway Municipality Sitka City and CitySitka Borough Yakutat City and Borough and City Yakutat Eagle Cordova Valdez Kaktovik 6-C Delta Junction North Pole 32-P 9-E Whittier Seward Fairbanks North Star Borough Anderson Houston Denali Borough Kenai Anchorage Municipality 31-P Homer 10-E Ouzinkie Nuiqsut Bettles Matanuska-Susitna Borough Tanana Borough Allakaket Anaktuvuk Pass Old HarborOld 32-P North Slope Borough Hughes Kodiak Island Borough Nondalton 40-T McGrath Barrow Huslia Galena Kobuk Kodiak Island Borough Atqasuk 37-S 39-T Nulato Pilot Point Bristol Bristol Bay Borough Lake andLake Peninsula Borough Selawik Aleknagik Chignik Wainwright Aniak Buckland Northwest Arctic Borough Port Heiden Anvik Holy Cross Koyuk Unalakleet To gia k Deering Kotzebue Stebbins Eek Sand PointSand Golovin Kivalina 38-S Quinhagak Nunapitchuk Platinum St. Mary's Nome Point HopePoint Alakanuk Te ll er Cold BayCold Shishmaref Aleutians East Borough Chefornak Nightmute False Pass Wales Hooper Bay 38-S Mekoryuk Unalaska Aleutians East Borough Gambell St. George St. Paul Atka Adak 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 City Borough Boundary Water Legend ´ Prepared by: Statewide Alaska Redistricting Board

PAGE 34 2016 REGION II State of Alaska Division of Elections House and Senate District Designations Based on “Proclamation of Redistricting” July 14, 2013

SENATE HOUSE DISTRICT HOUSE DISTRICT DISTRICT A 1 Downtown Fairbanks 2 Fairbanks/Wainwright

B 3 North Pole/Badger 4 Western Fairbanks

C 5 Chena Ridge/Airport 6 Eielson/Denali/Upper Yukon/Border Region

D 7 Greater Wasilla 8 Big Lake/Point Mackenzie

E 9 Richardson Hwy/East Mat-Su 10 Rural Mat-Su

F 11 Greater Palmer 12 Chugiak/Gateway

G 13 Fort Richardson/North Eagle River 14 Eagle River/Chugach State Park

H 15 Elmendorf 16 College Gate

I 17 University 18 Spenard

J 19 Mountainview 20 Downtown Anchorage

K 21 West Anchorage 22 Sand Lake

L 23 Taku 24 Oceanview

M 25 Abbott 26 Huffman

N 27 Basher 28 South Anchorage

O 29 North Kenai 30 Kenai/Soldotna

P 31 Homer/South Kenai 32 Kodiak/Cordova/Seldovia

Q 33 Downtown Juneau/Douglas/ 34 Mendenhall Valley Haines/Skagway R 35 Sitka/Petersburg 36 Ketchikan/Wrangell/Metlakatla/Hydaburg

S 37 Bristol Bay/Aleutians/Upper Kuskokwim 38 Lower Kuskokwim

T 39 Bering Straits/Yukon Delta 40 Arctic


Tina Ln Tina

State Hwy 1 Hwy State

Trunk Rd Hwy Glenn

S Glenn Hwy Glenn S

Marcell Loop S Woodworth Loop Hwy Glenn S N Trunk Rd Trunk N College Dr

N Rae Ln Dr Duchess Little Brook Ln Pr Dr Fishhook


E BogardE Rc

Kristan Ct Kristan Spr Mantanuska E E Cottrell-CampusE Dr

N Engstrom Rd Greenforest Dr Frontage Rd Frontage

ENelson Rd

9-E Northway Ln

Jim Cottrell Cir Cottrell Jim

Engstrom Rd Trunk S

Buckboard Rd Buckboard Rawhide Ln Rawhide E Settlement Ave Destin Dr N Roy Cir Audie St

N Calder Rd Double B St Way Timber E Seneca Dr Sebastian Dr Sebastian N Nadina St

Lea St Lea Jensen Rd Branding Iron Ln

Burlwood Ln Lower Rd

Twin Lakes Dr Lakes Twin Middle Mesa Dr Mesa Middle Finger Cove Dr Cove Finger Acorn St

Zephyr Dr

Shorewood Dr Shorewood

Lower Cir Lower

N Keith St St Hickory N Keith Rd Keith Upper Mesa Dr Mesa Upper

Springwood Dr Springwood Green Tree

Driftwood Cir

Lonesome Dr Oak St Oak Baron St Lagoon Dr

Gateway E Zephyr Dr Zephyr E

Legacy Ln Cir Leslie

Mosier Ct Mosier Dr View Lk Finger E Landmark Dr

N Landmark Dr Landmark N

Hart Lake Loop Lake Hart Dr Varden Dolly Shenandoah Dr

Dearborn Dr Dearborn

Gershmel Loop Gershmel Two Two Busy Ln Busy Two Two

HomebuiltCir Earl Dr N Earl Dr Earl N 11-F

N Lakeridge Cir Lakeridge N

N Hartley Dr Spr Hyer Pike Ave Pike

Bear St Rd Updraft Coggin Dr

E Fireweed Rd Dr Fetlock E

E Eek St Eek E N Hartley Cir Grantham Rd

Plymouth Cir Dr Yadon Dr Meadow E Sun Crest Dr Crest Sun E Rd Bogard E

N Country Ln Country N

Fireweed Dr Fireweed

Moose St PortageE Dr Rd Hyer E Hart Lake Loop Lake Hart E Blvd Bideford Colonial Dr Colonial Lakes

Beaver Ave Beaver N Skip Cir Serrano Dr

S Serrano Dr Serrano S S Sweetie Pie St S Sweetie Pie St Pie Sweetie S

Cottonwood Loop Cottonwood Charley Dr Charley

Caribou St Spruce Dr Ln Freedom E Oat St N Caribou St Caribou N MooseSt Paddock Dr Paddock

Alder Dr Alder Abby Blvd

Aspen St Dr Jerome

Bogard Rd Bogard Portage Trl E Nelson Rd

N Kipling Kipling Dr N Dr Stamper E Fetlock Dr

Pine St

N Iroquois Dr Iroquois N

Birch Dr Birch Hovey Dr Hovey Departure Ct Departure Hay St

Hay St Dr Lupine Blue E

Mayflower Ln Mayflower

N Charley Dr Aspen Ct Loop Cottonwood N Gastman Ct Gastman

Sams Dr Sams Lazy Eight Ct Eight Lazy N Luke St E Alder Dr

Dimond Way

Fernwood Dr Fernwood

Willow Dr Willow Dr Begich S

E Crane Rd Crane E Mitzie Ct Mitzie

Cedarwood Dr Cedarwood E Fattic Dr Fattic E

Sorrelwood St Birch Dr E

N Charley Dr Delta St Delta N Willow Dr Willow N

N Shoreline Dr S Harriette St

Merrill Cir Merrill

E Stoney Hollow Dr Hollow Stoney E Runway

Birc Dr Birc

Linlu Ln Linlu Crane Rd Crane

N Sierra St Dr Fair Country E Echo Ave Echo

Mosswood Dr Mosswood

E Highline Ln Highline E

E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy Palmer-Wasilla E

Kilo Dr Kilo

Gruman Cir Gruman

Curtis Dr Curtis Foxtrot Ave

Birchwood Dr N Tait Dr Tait N ECarefree Dr

Mariah Dr Mariah Tait Dr

EParks Hwy

E Ruth Dr Ruth E Wickersham Way Wickersham

Marks Dr Marks

Brianne Ln Brianne

Birch View Dr View Birch

Terrell Dr Terrell S Seward Meridian Pkwy

E Bogard Rd Bogard E

Palmdale Dr Palmdale Seward Meridian Rd

N Wasilla-Fishhook Rd Wasilla-Fishhook N S Davis Rd Dr Godfrey N Seward Meridian Pkwy

State Hwy3

Tanis Rd Dr Spruce N

E Meridian Prk Dr Gislason E E Old Matanuska Rd Matanuska Old E

Naomi Dr Naomi Jenks Dr

Tamarack Dr Tamarack E Beech Way Beech E

E Cottle Loop E Danny's Ave Danny's E

Davis Rd Davis

Anaheim Dr Anaheim

Bell Cir Bell

Southview Dr Southview E Kibby Dr Kibby E

Woodruff Loop Woodruff E Lakeview Rd Elderberry Dr Elderberry

N Woodfield Dr Dr Woods Whispering

E Longbeach Cir Longbeach E Mikey Ct Mikey Candywine Rd Fishhook

Regal Ct Odsather Cir

E Jude Dr Jude E

Fleet St Fleet

Marianns Pl Marianns Catalina Dr Catalina Hurd Cir Donovan Way N Zakandra Cir George Parks Hwy E Carson Rd

S Cotten Dr Cotten Dr Lakeview Rd Cir Quiet

E Seldon Rd Seldon E N Hurd Cir E Zak Cir Zak E Trent Cir

Wanamingo Dr Easement Trl Loop Serendipity E

N Williwaw Way

Hiawatha Dr

Aoki Dr

Groshan Loop Groshan

E Village Loop Dr Maney

August Cir August Dr Duane Alder Ln E Carlson Rd Carlson E

Grey Wolf Dr Sun Mountain Ave 12-F Ptarmigan Pl Ptarmigan Carr St

Enterprise St St Carr-Smith

Wasilla-Fishhook Rd Wasilla-Fishhook

Snowshoe Ln Snowshoe Helen Ln

Pioneer Peak Dr Peak Pioneer N Tanana Dr Tanana N

Arctic Fox Dr Fox Arctic Rd Totem Williwaw Way Williwaw N Williwaw Way Williwaw N Hurley Dr

Elsinore Way E Fairview Loop Fairview E

E Polar Bear Dr

E Caribou Loop Caribou E

Red Fox Dr Fox Red

N Saddle Horse Dr Horse Saddle N Valley Loop Rd Valley Loop Exn Loop Valley

Leatherleaf Loop Dr Patty

Fairview Loop Cir Rod

Easment Regine Ave Regine

Tattler Dr Tattler Togiak Ave

Schrock Pl Schrock

Pintail Dr Pintail

E Ridgeview Dr Ridgeview E

St John Ct John St

Woodcrest Dr Woodcrest Raven Dr Raven Holly Way

Banff Dr N Peck St

Lee St Lee

E Sue Ln Sue E Dan St Dan

Bull Moose Dr EMulchatna Dr

Bay View Dr View Bay Inverness Dr Inverness Chugach View Dr View Chugach

Scotwood Dr Scotwood

Susitna Dr Susitna S Chilligan Dr Chilligan S

Perin Dr Perin Brant Cir Brant Hematite Dr

Goldendale Dr Ave Susitna E Northstar Cir Northstar E E Glenwood Ave Glenwood E Althea St

Inlet Vista Cir

Eden Ct Eden

E Boitz Cir Boitz E

Creekside Dr Creekside Snow Goose Dr Goose Snow Jasper Dr Dr Susitna E

Agate Ln Agate Ruth St

Brennas Way Cir Vista Bluff

Burlwood Dr Burlwood

E Spruce Ave Spruce E Mulchatna Dr Mulchatna Eagle Vista Cir Vista Eagle W Edlund Rd Ravens Flight Dr Douglas Dr

Fern St S Fern St Chickaloon Way Chickaloon

Susitna Ave Susitna Krisun Dr

Forest Ave Forest Heather Way Heather

Snowbird Ln Snowbird

Century Dr Century

E RailroadE Ave

Santana Dr Santana

Hardrock Cir Hardrock Kristy Dr Kristy E Schrock Rd Dr Mint Well Site Rd Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Lucille St 7-D N Lucille St Lavender Ln

Lochcarron Dr Leota St Leota

E Seldon Rd Seldon E Letha Dr N Arbor Way Ave Glenwood

10-E Trail Cir E Luther Ave Luther E

N Patsy St Patsy St Cir Gerondale W

W Goldenwood St Goldenwood W Jackfish Rd Jackfish

Graybark Dr Rd Adson

Pinion Dr Pinion

Lazy K Ln K Lazy

Wilmington Dr Wilmington W Roy Rd Dr Pioneer Debra Cir Debra

N Eureka Cir Eureka N

W Lake View Ave View Lake W

Preston Ave St Beanie Heritage Dr S Cub Cir Bike Path Bike

Centurian Pl Weber Cir

Crestwood Ave Crestwood

Lookout Dr Lookout

Scheelite Dr Scheelite

Briar Dr Briar Sarahs Way Sarahs

Gail Dr Gail N Cache Dr Selina Ln

Gwene Ln Gwene S Twin Peaks Dr

W Nelson Ave Nelson W W Adson Rd Adson W

W Seldon Rd Seldon W Weeping Birch St

Commercial Dr Commercial Lone Cub Dr Cub Lone

Winter Ave Winter S Endeavor St

Wilder Ave Wilder

Lanark Dr Lanark

Holiday Dr Holiday

W Spruce Ave Spruce W Coleman Dr

Airway Cir Airway

Lucus Rd Rd Edlund Sands Dr Sands Lucas Rd

Tamar Rd Cataract St

Clydesdale Dr Clydesdale N Wards Dr Dr Gail W

S Bank Cir

Patricia Ave Patricia N Infinite Rd Dr Sands W

Home Ct Home St Riffle N Kerry Ln Ave Mystery

Tanaina N Intuition Dr

Suburban Dr Nicola Ave Nicola W W KanabecDr Wasilla

Rivulet Ave Rivulet Danielle Dr Melanie Ave Melanie W Tillicum Ave Tillicum W Lakewood Dr

Rapid St W Vaunda Ave Vaunda W

W Woodpecker Cir Woodpecker W

Alvins Aly N Fortune Cir Way Ryahs N

Gold Mint Dr N Kimberly St Dr Lucille Lake

E Schrock Rd Schrock E

Bike Path Bike W Baily Ave Baily W

N Dorothea Cir Dorothea N Easement Trl

W Discovery Loop Discovery W W Melanie Ave Melanie W

W Glacier Ave Glacier W

W Sunday Cir Sunday W

Ridgewood Dr Ridgewood

Trapline Dr Trapline

W W Trumpeter Ave Swan Kathy Cir Kathy

Roan Dr Roan Harness Dr

Spruce Ave Spruce

Success Dr Success W Schrock Rd Schrock W

Snowcrest Dr

That Rd That Shampine Ave Shampine Church Rd Jack Nicklaus Dr Hwy Parks W

Knik-Fairview S Redoubt Dr

N Church Rd W Stonebridge Dr Stonebridge W

N Arnold Palmer's St Dr Mack S S Surrey Rd

Mill Site Rd Site Mill W James T Cir T James W

Mack Rd Rd Bay Knik-Goose S L Wadkins Pl

Riverdell Dr

Sakai St Sakai N Pittman Rd Pittman N

W Autumn Ln Rd Surrey

W Stable W

W Fairview Loop Fairview W Tundra Rose Dr Way Marble N Sasha St W Demaree Cir

Seims St ofTop theWorld Cir

Lynn Dr Lynn Day Rd Day

Wren St Rd Lansing S

W Kurtis Rd Kurtis W S Clapp St W W RiverdellDr

Bluegrass Ln N Fireweed Fields Dr Rd Knik Old S

Lord Baranof Dr Baranof Lord

Chestnut Ln Chestnut Carl Dr Carl

Stanley Rd

Hayfield Rd Hayfield Teeland St Teeland

Saindon St Saindon

W Spence Ln Spence W Beacon St S Caryshea St Caryshea S

N Pittman Rd Dr Donovan

Daisy Cir Daisy

Lamont Way Lamont

Machen Rd Machen S Link St (Pr Rd) Bench View Dr View Bench

Aviation Ave Aviation

Ose St Ose

Overby St Overby

W Museum Dr Museum W Tweed Ct Tweed

VossDr W Palace Dr

N Edenfield Rd

MuffinSt Dr Murray S Bettina Way Rd Bay Knik-Goose

Tammy Ln Thunder Cloud Dr Cloud Thunder Country Dr Country

W Sprucewood Dr Sprucewood W Cardiff Ln Neuser Rd Neuser

W Riggs Cir Range View Dr View Range

Foothills Blvd

Paddy Pl Paddy W Stacy St Stacy W

S Cardiff Ln Sassy Ave Sassy

W Beverly Dr Beverly W Cir Gardner W

Reliance Rd Reliance W Summers Dr Summers W Roca Rd Roca

Suzanna St Ct Epping

Lakeside Dr Lakeside

Kianna Ave Kianna

W Lupine Ln Lupine W

Clayton St Clayton

W Sundance Cir Sundance W

Pittman Rd Pittman

Christina Ct Christina W Clarion Ave Clarion W

Meadow Lakes Meadow W Dora Cir

S Charles St Phenix Ave Dr Bromley W LollybrockW Dr

W Phenix Ave Phenix W

Dane Ct Dane

Stein Dr Stein

S Pinnacle Peak Dr Peak Pinnacle S

Stacey Ct Stacey

W Airpark Dr Airpark W

W Karsten Dr Karsten W Northern Rose Ln Rose Northern

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

S Conner Ct Conner S Dr Dory AycockDr DrBedrock

Overview Dr N Overview Dr Rd Lake Beverly

Kalmbach Jeep Trl A-St

C-St B-St

N Gavidae St Gavidae N Cape Birch Dr Birch Cape

W ParksHwy

Bryce Cir W Hollow Nook Dr Nook Hollow W

N Kim Dr Dr Aire Bel W Montclaire Ave Montclaire W

Wyoming Dr Rd Dora Calico Rd Calico N Kalmbach Lake Dr Lake Kalmbach N Barbi Dr Muir St Ave Phenix W

W Sunrise Pl N Wyoming Dr TrinityAve Bonaparte Ave Bonaparte

Vine Rd Ave Limberlost

Dewberry Dr Dewberry Dr Outrigger

State Hwy3

Knik Goose Bay Rd Bay Goose Knik W Shady Grove Ln Grove Shady W

Kathi Dr Ln Raspberry

N Upland Dr Calico Dr Calico


Starr Rd Starr

Valley View Rd View Valley

W Alta Cir Alta W Ave Mainsail

Countrywood Dr Cir Dandy W

W Greensward Dr Greensward W Dr Shelby

N Treasure St Foot Trl S Vale Ave Rd Bay Goose

W Irwin Cir Irwin W

W Karen St Karen W Ave Bavaria

Full Curl Ave Curl Full

Parks Hwy Dr Edelweiss

W Beverly Lakes Rd Lakes Beverly W N Anchor Cir Anchor N Ave Aeronautical W

Commadore Ln Commadore Loop Leopold Locksley Loop Locksley Bow St 7 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 36 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Bradley, Scott N. Young, Don Republican Clinton, Hillary Democrat Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Kaine, Tim McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District D Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Wilson, David S. Republican Baraka, Ajamu Write-in Trump, Donald J. Republican State Representative Pence, Michael R. District 7 (vote for one)

Write-in Sullivan-Leonard, Colleen Republican United States Olson, Sherie A. Democrat Senator Write-in (vote for one)

Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe SAMPLELibertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated


PAGE 37 2016 REGION II Togiak Ave N Peck St Sue Tawn Dr Voyles Blvd Althea St Hiland Rd Ruth St Oberg Rd LaceRd

Susitna Dr Edlund Rd Rd Oberg Brownie Dr Fern St Mile Hwy

Mulchatna Dr Mulchatna Well Site Rd

Lucille St Waterfall Dr Burlwood Dr Burlwood Aurora Ln

Amonson Rd Amonson

Aspen Ave Aspen

Judd Dr Judd Scenic Dr Wren Ln Crabtree St Crabtree

Tanaina Rd Adson Division St Lookout Dr Lookout

Middle Rd Middle Steeple Dr

Gail Dr Gail W Spruce Ave Spruce W Rd Apron SE

7-D Riffle St Riffle

W Skyline Dr Rd Citation

Eagle River Rd River Eagle Adrian Ave Adrian

Easement Trl Birchtree St Driftwood Bay Dr Fish Hatchery Rd Hatchery Fish Lower Eagle RiverTrl Darby Rd Darby Lee St

Church Rd Ave Mystery

N Church Rd Hwy Glenn New Baffin St Hiland Dr Bike Path Bike

12-F Aurora St

Loussac Ln Loussac

Old Glenn Hwy Glenn Old

W Autumn Ln St Lazy

Bluegrass Ln S Clapp St Way Iris Beach Lake Rd Rd Vfw Wasilla

Saindon St Loop Fairview W Vasili Dr Vasili 14-G

Machen Rd

Paddy Pl Paddy Foothills Blvd

Goose Bay Rd Bay Goose

Roca Rd Roca

LucyLake Dr W Lupine Ln Lupine W

Hayfield Rd Hayfield B-St Rd Frontage D St

W Airpark Dr

Vine Rd S Vine Rd Way Eyeore Ski Bowl Rd Bowl Ski

Beverly Lake Rd Lake Beverly W Phenix Ave Phenix W

Calico Dr Calico Edelweiss Dr Settlers Bay Dr

W ParksHwy W GreenswardW Dr

N Pittman Rd Pittman N Sylvan Ln Ruff Rd Ruff

Pittman Rd Sylvan Rd Necia Rd Hwy Glenn

Tote St Cir Lahti Stevens Rd Westbrook

S Knik-Goose Bay Rd Bay Knik-Goose S Norms Dr Norms Hentila St Hentila St 6th Arctic Valley Rd

Betty J St Dr Vecera

D St D 5th St 5th

Meadow Lakes Meadow Dr Amber Circle Dr

B St B

Hallie Dr St 1st Coronado St Dr Swan 1st St

Cormorant Way Rte Bravo Rte Loop Rd

Waldal Dr Roosevelt Rd Roosevelt Anchorage Municipality

13-G Muldoon Rd

Paradise Ln Paradise Larry Trl Leora Dr Totman Rd

N Cubs Cir Dr Satisfied Misty Lake Rd

Grady Hwy Grady

Goodwin Ave Goodwin

Sunset Ave Sunset

Hollywood Blvd Hollywood

Ladue Rd Ladue Patterson St Duben Ave Duben

N Gunflint Trl Gunflint N Oilwell Rd

Johnsons Rd Turpin St St Otter Trl End Trl

Skyview Dr Skyview W Nellie Dr

Farrel Rd Davis Hwy Davis Three Bee's Rd Bee's Three

Knik-Fairview Polaris Ln Powerline Rd Powerline

Twilight Dr Rd Access Vandenberg Ave Dr Craig

Northshore Dr Northshore Rohn Dr

N Tiger Lp Rd Debarr

E 4th Ave 4th E E 24th Ave 24th E

Anthony Rd Anthony

George Parks Hwy Ave Talley Wasey Way Wasey Hoyt St

Kenlar Rd Ln Tofson Arctic Orchard Rd Orchard Arctic

Hazel Ave Hazel Bragaw St 46th St 46th


Ella Mae Ella 20th St

W Big Lake Rd Lake Big W E 20th Ave 20th E

Majors Rd Ave Parsons

S Watson Dr 18th St

Peterkin Ave Peterkin

44th St 44th

E 15th Ave 15th E 2nd St 2nd Delroy Rd Delroy Dr Fighter

W HawkW Ln Larry's Ln Lewis Loop

W Frig Rd Frig W

Klutina Dr Klutina

E 20th Ave 20th E

Winter Trl Winter Orca St

3rd St 3rd

Lodge Dr 1 Hwy State

Viking Dr Viking Armstrong Rd Armstrong

Houston Rd Bay Goose Knik S S Shannon S St 7th

Aero Ln Aero Ingra St

Victor Rd St 4th W


26th St 26th S Babcock Blvd Ave Fairchild

A St E 3rd Ave 3rd E Arctic Warrior Dr Warrior Arctic

Wolf Rd Wolf

N Shore Dr Shore N

Loon Dr Loon C St

E St

N Beaver Lake Rd Lake Beaver N Terminal Rd Terminal

S Big Lake Rd Lake Big S I St K St

L St L

Godin Rd Godin Dr Garrett

Dawson St Dawson Dr Peninsula S

Gonder Rd Gonder

State Hwy 3 Rd Godin

Western Dr P St W 2nd Ave 2nd W

P St P

Rogers Rd Rogers

W Eds Ln Eds W

Seismic Trl Seismic

Point Mackenzie Rd Mackenzie Point

Atv Trl Atv Knapp Dr Knapp Big Lake

ScaulpRd Winter Trl

Chip Dr Chip S Don Young Rd

Cameo Dr Jeep Trl S Cameo Dr Cameo S S Big Lake Rd Lake Big S

MarionDr Jeep Trl

Burma W Lakes Blvd Lakes W N Big Lake Blvd

Jeep Trl

John's Way John's

Bryant Rd Bryant Rd Access Port

Horseshoe Lake Rd Lake Horseshoe Kuster Dr JeepTrl

Point Mackenzie Rd S Ridge Rd Alsop Rd S Twin Island Dr S Lost Lake Dr Lake Lost S S Purinton Pkwy Seismic Trl

Big Lake

Klebs Rd Klebs Port Access Rd W Point Mackenzie Rd Mackenzie Point W

Burma Rd Burma

S Dairy Loop Dairy S

Iditarod Trl Iditarod

Rains Dr Rains

Seismic Trl Seismic

Carpenter Lake Rd Lake Carpenter W Baker Farm Rd Farm Baker W

S Guernsey Rd Holstein Ave Holstein

Lynx Lake Rd Lake Lynx Guernsey Rd

W Alyshire Ave Alyshire W

W W PapooseTwins

Jenks Rd Jenks W Susitna Pkwy Susitna W Point MacKenzie

Mack Rd W Ashire Rd Ashire W


N Flyin Dr N Little Susitna Access Rd Access Susitna Little 8-D

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Iditarod Trl Iditarod Lake Creek Trl Alfred Creek Trl

Iditarod Trl 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Susitna 10-E

Winter Trl 8 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 38 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Young, Don Republican Bradley, Scott N. Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Clinton, Hillary Democrat McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Kaine, Tim Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District D Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Wilson, David S. Republican Baraka, Ajamu Write-in Trump, Donald J. Republican State Representative Pence, Michael R. District 8 (vote for one)

Write-in Jones, Gregory I. Democrat United States Neuman, Mark A. Republican Senator Write-in (vote for one)

Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa SAMPLERepublican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated


PAGE 39 2016 REGION II House District 8 Mark A. Neuman, Republican

OTHER: As a young man, the lure of Alaska drew me to this great state and still retains a tight grip. I met and married my wife, Adel, in 1983. We have raised 2 children, Matthew and Amanda. We actively participated in our children’s education at Big Lake Elementary before deciding to homeschool for about 10 years.

I worked in many areas of the construction industry: building homes; heavy equipment operator; and mechanic. I also started and ran a custom woodworking business for 11 years.

With our family growing, the commitment to make and keep Alaska’s economy strong has never been greater.

STATEMENT: I do not support using the Permanent Fund Dividend for government spending. Removing those funds from our local economy will be devastating to our local businesses. We must continue at this time to reduce the size of government, which would be even more difficult to do if we implement revenue with the Residence Address: 13768 W. Maplewood Drive Permanent Fund Dividend. The people have said Big Lake, AK “reduce spending first”.

MAILING ADDRESS: 13768 W. Maplewood Drive The time I have spent working and talking with the Wasilla, AK 99623 people of my District and around the state has been a positive experience. Learning to listen to the needs E-MAIL: [email protected] and implementing those needs is a great challenge but one we can handle together. It is imperative to find AGE: 57 new ways to diversify our economy.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Rice Lake, Wisconsin It is time to utilize more of our natural resources, add value to them and create jobs for Alaskans. Regulation SPOUSE’S NAME: Adel reform is one of my highest priorities, we must protect our economy. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: Arrived in Big Lake, Alaska 1981. I am a strong supporter of gun rights for the individual, sponsored and passed “stand your ground” law. I will EDUCATION: always be active in supporting fishing and hunting Attended Mat-Su Campus in the RHVAC program opportunities.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: This is a unique time in Alaska’s history as we have the Co-Chair House Finance best opportunity now to decide how much government we want in our lives. I have heard that you want much BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: less. Well, I do also, that is my goal. Owner Heirloom Wood Crafting Thank you for taking the time to become better SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: informed. My name is and I am asking NRA Endowment, Assembly of Sportsman Caucus, for your support. Big Lake Lions and various Community Councils throughout the District

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, Hunting, Fishing

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Trunk Rd Hwy Glenn Prdr N Trunk Rd Trunk N Valdez 11-F Gateway Lake Louise 9-E Mendeltna Fishhook Lakes

Charley Dr Nelchina 32-P

State Hwy3

E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy Palmer-Wasilla E Rd Davis

Bogard Rd Bogard

Fairview Loop Fairview

Wasilla-Fishhook Rd Wasilla-Fishhook Coles Rd Coles 12-F Anchorage Municipality

Lucille St Tanaina

7-D Snow Goose Dr Goose Snow

Eureka Roadhouse Gail Dr Gail


Adson Rd Adson

Tamar Rd Tamar Sitze Rd Sitze Church Rd

Mystery Ave Mystery Mack Rd That Rd That

Stanley RdDr Mack S

Paddy Pl Paddy

Hayfield Rd Hayfield

Sunrise Rd Sunrise Vine Rd Trl Easement

Pittman Rd Glacier View Knik-Fairview

W ParksHwy Hentila St Hentila

9-E S Knik-Goose Bay Rd Bay Knik-Goose S

Meadow Lakes Meadow

Leora Dr Leora Lincoln Dr Lincoln Ave Sunset

10-E Pine Dr

Hollywood Blvd Hollywood

Three Bee's Rd Bee's Three

George Parks Hwy Parks George la Rae Rd Rae la 8-D


Winter Trl Winter W Big Lake Rd Lake Big W

W HawkW Ln Larry's Ln

Houston Matanuska-Susitna Borough Wolf Rd Wolf Big Lake


Godin Rd Godin

Gonder Rd Gonder Zero Lake Rd Lake Zero

Rogers Rd Rogers Sutton-Alpine Blvd Lakes W Knik River 12-F Lazy Mountain

N Big Lake Blvd Rd Lake Big S

State Hwy 3 Cantwell McKinley Park 11-F Butte Fishhook Anchorage Municipality Buffalo Soapstone Buffalo 7-D Tanaina Hope Knik-Fairview Willow Houston Meadow Lakes Meadow Big Lake Chase Susitna North Susitna Talkeetna Point MacKenzie 8-D Point Possession Trapper Creek Susitna Petersville Beluga Skwentna Tyonek 10-E 6-C Matanuska-Susitna Borough Denali Borough Denali 32-P 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Kenai Peninsula Borough 37-S 10 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 41 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Bradley, Scott N. Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Clinton, Hillary Democrat Young, Don Republican Kaine, Tim Lindbeck, Steve Democrat De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 10 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Faye-Brazel, Patricia Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Eastman, David Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. SAMPLENon Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat


PAGE 42 2016 REGION II House District 10 David Eastman, Republican

MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Army and Army Reserve, 1999-2011, Captain

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Firefighter/EMT Alaska Fire Investigator Technician Military Police Officer Military Chief of Police (Provost Marshal) Military Court Martial Panel Member Military Judge (Summary Court Martial) Court Appointed Special Advocate for child abuse/ neglect Amateur Radio Operator (KL2HZ)

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Entrepreneur Lincoln Fellow, Claremont Institute for Statesmanship and Political Philosophy Alaska Disaster Medical Assistance Team State of Alaska, Emergency Management Specialist Chugiak Fire Department Public Information Officer

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Alaska Peace Officers Association National Eagle Scout Association Military Police Regimental Association American Legion Residence Address: 5610 E. Beaver Avenue VFW Wasilla, AK 99654 SPECIAL INTERESTS: MAILING ADDRESS: Lifelong Outdoorsman Freedom Loving Alaskans for David Eastman Wilderness Backpacking 3060 N. Lazy Eight Court, Suite 2, #332 Hiking Wasilla, AK 99654 Ski Patrol Fly Fishing E-MAIL: [email protected] Chess

Website: STATEMENT: Statesmen and authentic public servants devote themselves AGE: 35 to the next generation. Politicians, on the other hand, are focused on the next election. I aspire to be a statesman. It is PLACE OF BIRTH: Redwood City, California true, to those who protect it, freedom has a special meaning the protected may never know. As a military veteran, former SPOUSE’S NAME: Jennifer Eastman police officer and now as a firefighter, I am humbled to carry the torch once held high by better men than I, many of whom CHILDREN’S NAMES: Felicity, Baby gave their lives on our behalf, and left us a legacy of freedom and safety unknown in most parts of the world. As a police Occupation: Firefighter/EMT officer, I am familiar with the challenges that members of the Alaska law enforcement community face as they strive LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 13 years to protect the safety and property of Alaskans on a daily basis. As a firefighter, I welcome the opportunity to fight other ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: people’s battles for them, and to use my training to win those Eagle River/Mat-Su 2003-Present battles to protect lives and property. I will bring that experience and commitment with me to the state legislature. EDUCATION: Calvary Chapel High School ISP, 1995-1999, Diploma Experience and philosophy both lead me to the strong West Point (USMA), 1999-2003, B.S., Law conviction that Alaskan families are best served by limited Biola University, 2005-2008, M.A., Apologetics government and empowers them to exercise self-government University of Oxford, Graduate Fellowship, 2009, Law- and thus be able to enjoy the fruits of self-government Jurisprudence handed down to us by American’s founders. Parents should John Jay Institute, Graduate Fellowship, 2010, American be empowered to choose the very best education for their Institutions and Statesmanship children. Private enterprise should be empowered to create jobs through limiting excessive government regulation, and pursuing responsible resource development.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 43 2016 REGION II House District 10 Patricia Faye-Brazel, Democrat

Nationally-certified Vermont EMT; Kotzebue, AK EMS Burlington Police Commission Burlington Tax Board Planning/Development Manager, Maniilaq Houston Planning Commission

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Community Organizer, St. Albans Vermont Franklin County Court Diversion Franklin County Mental Health Emergency Crisis and Detox Founded Big Brothers, Big Sisters Franklin County Medical Coding, St. Peter’s Hospital Battered Women’s Program Coordinator, CCAP Consultant - Planning, Technical Advising, Intergovernmental Negotiations OAR, Matsu Regional Medical Center

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Lions International Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers member

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Micro-Farming Fishing Residence Address: 3453 North Rainbow Circle Sustainability Planning Houston, AK 99694 Community building

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 940107 STATEMENT: Houston, AK 99694 We are living in a critical and extraordinary time, and we have before us a transformative moment in Alaskan Email: [email protected] history. We are not left or right, rich or poor, old or young… we are Alaskans concerned about Alaska. We are all in WEBSITE: this together.

AGE: 64 While many feel that the voice of the average citizen has been lost and special interests have outright bought so PLACE OF BIRTH: Cohoes, NY many of our political representatives, there still remains a hunger for the visionary democracy we could, should, CHILDREN’S NAMES: Rebecca and can be. We deserve representation that works for all of us, and we will do it together. Occupation: Planner and Technical Advisor This election is not about any single candidate or this LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 19 years election cycle; this election is about challenging the same attitudes that have plagued the state for decades. In 2016, ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: this has become a year about taking back government for Kotzebue/NW Alaska 1997-2001 us, and we can reclaim a sense of direction and common Matsu Valley - Knik, Houston 2001-present decency.

EDUCATION: This is about us. It is about our children and grandchildren Columbia High School and what kind of state and what kind of planet we will leave SUNY-Albany for them. It will require us to stand up and say, enough is Goddard College enough – this state belongs to all Alaskans and not just UAF/UAS a few wealthy individuals and multinational corporations. We must lead by example and raise the next generation POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: with a sense of fiscal and moral responsibility. Coordinator, Jesse Jackson Presidential Campaign, Northern Vermont It will require us to stand up and call out the same slick Coordinator, Rainbow Coalition, Northern Vermont fixes and bandaids we have tried before. Director, Vermont Pilot Project, Criminal Justice System Let’s tell them ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Reform and Domestic Violence

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 44 2016 REGION II Knik River

Maud Rd Exd

S Lindsey Cir


Wolverine Jeep Trl Jeep Wolverine Walling Rd Walling

S Caudill Rd

Lazy Mountain Wolverine Rd Wolverine

N Marley Dr Ingolf St N Dewey Dr Dewey N Butte Rd Witherspoon Rd Butte

Placid Pl Rd Airman Butte

Lazy Ln Tatlow Dr Ave Sullivan Fritz Dr Fritz

N McKenzie Dr S Glengarry St Plumley Rd Plumley Brimar St Rd Melin N Koppenburg Rd

Idle DrIdle Family Cir Family Harding Dr Harding Marth Rd

Tustin Dr E Relaxing Rd Relaxing E

Aurora Ln Rd Maud

Browns Dr Browns

Spruce St Spruce

Smith Dr Smith

Cranberry St Cranberry

N Wolverine Rd Wolverine N

T and T Ln T and T

S Caudill Rd Caudill S

Walden Rd Walden

E Pint Cir Pint E Glenn Hwy Glenn

Alsek Cir Hwy Glenn Old

Kopenburg Terain Vehicle Trl Kathryn Cir Loop McKechnie Marilyn Dr Marilyn

Windless Dr Windless

Back Acres Ave Acres Back

Dilly Ave Dilly Elk Rd Elk Sutton-Alpine N Pegasus St Kuhn Dr S Old Glenn Hwy Sandy Cir

N Old Glenn Hwy Falk Ln

Our Rd Our

Smith Rd Smith

Jan Cir Jan

E Huntley Rd Huntley E Bradford Dr Bradford

Vista Cir Dr Holiday

Mothershead Ln N Klaus's Cir Dr Eugene

Vista Dr Dr Butte

Bushes Rd Bushes S Bodenburg Loop

E Republican Ln Republican E Helmaur Pl Helmaur

Wolverine Rd Dr Shawn

E Secretariat Dr Secretariat E

Goa Way Goa Clark Rd Clark

Diana Ave Ave Jupiter

N Wolverine Rd Mars Ave Trellis Ave

Devries Cir N Tick's Cir Dr Spiro Thor Rd Ln Peaceful Bodenburg Spur Rd

Mary St Bodenburg Loop

Curt Cir Curt Ln Robin

E Knik View Dr View Knik E

Teresa Dr Teresa Mc Combs Rd Combs Mc

Slumber Dr St Chugach E

Kristofer Ln Kristofer

E Lazy Lady Ln Lady Lazy E

Kathleen Dr Kathleen

N First St First N

Lawalter Rd Lawalter

Melanie Ln Melanie Nodding Ave Nodding

Outer Springer Loop Ave Depriest

Lepak Ave Lepak Nodding Ct Nodding S Airport Rd Cope-Industrial Way Airport Rd Badger Rd N Angus Loop Ave McKinley Doc E Thuma St S Eklutna St Caulkins St N Buffalo Mine Rd N Gulkana St Brooks Rd Hamann Rd

S Denali St

E Arctic Ave Arctic E Icy Ln Icy

N Chugach St Rd Crowther

E Soapstone Rd Soapstone E Verda Dr Verda

E Norman AveNorman E S Alaska St

3rd St N Alaska St Ave Elmwood E


Jensen Ave Jensen

Hilltop Dr Hilltop N Cobb St

Commercial Dr Commercial Collier Rd Collier Wilderness Ln Wilderness S Kaye Marie

N Terry Anne Cir N Glenn Hwy Loop Springer Inner

Foot Trl Foot

E Mikes Ln Mikes E

E Riverwood Cir Riverwood E Smith St Rd Rebarchek

InnerSpringer Loop

Lossing Rd Archie Rd Archie

Marsh Rd Marsh S Felton St

Glenn Hwy Glenn

S Williwaw Williwaw Dr S

Mystic Cir Loop Ranch Sky

N Caprice Dr Rd Leod Mc

Soapstone Rd Soapstone

Josselin Ln Josselin Rose Dr

Buffalo Soapstone Buffalo

State Hwy 1 Hwy State Didrickson Cir

Monte Carlo Ln Ln Drift Woodstock Dr Woodstock Norman Ave Norman

N Ryder Dr Rd Fishhook Palmer

N Farm Loop Rd Loop Farm N Helen Dr Helen Werner Rd Esty Dr

Britchenstrap Dr Dr Wondra E

N Bell St Ave Cienna

E Anne Ln Anne E

N Moffit Rd Dr Helen N

Scott Rd Scott

E Valley Crest Dr Crest Valley E

Germaine Ave Germaine

Eves Dr Eves Hay Rd Hay

N West Lake Ave E NormanAve S Low Rd Low S 11-F

E Koenen Rd Koenen E Campbell Rd Colleen St Dike Rd

Farm Loop Farm Hwy Hilsher

Max Dr Max

Yarrow Rd Yarrow

Lupine Rd Lupine

Easement Trl Easement

N Palmer-Fishhook Rd Palmer-Fishhook N E Larose Dr Larose E

Killarney Dr Killarney

Lani Dr Rd High

Sherrod Dr Sherrod Tazlina Dr Dr Almaden

Hassen Bey Dr Ln Arabian

N Shower Dr Prieta Loma

Yentna Dr Yentna S Felicia St Felicia S Jensen Rd Jensen Anjanette Dr

Rhonda Dr Dr Tern E Calero Dr Calero

Long Lake Con Lake Long Laurel Dr Laurel

Oakwood Dr Oakwood Kepler Dr

Crabb Cir Crabb

E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy Palmer-Wasilla E Bonnie Dr Bonnie Strand Dr Strand

49th St

WeltinWay Brandi Dr Tern Dr Trl Easement

S Blunck St Blunck S

E Colony Way Colony E Terry St Terry Jason Ct Jason Snicker Ave

S Glenn Hwy

Broadway Dr E F St GoldenDr Hills Hills DrGolden N

S 5th St 5th S

Seagull Dr Seagull

S 4th St

Maverick Dr Rd Matanuska E Bush Rd Ct Tern


Frontage Rd Frontage E SpringE CreekCir

Fishhook-Willow Rd Vroman Dr S Glenn Hwy

Kiva Way Kiva Westside Dr Westside Boyd Rd Boyd Pr Dr

Wendt Rd Wendt Michaelson

Prdr Tina Ln Sun Valley Dr Palmer Rd Rd Trunk N

Colony School Dr Trunk Rd E Farm Meadow Ave Meadow Farm E Hwy Glenn S


Mile 6 Rd 6 Mile Marcell Loop S Woodworth Loop Hwy Glenn S Doro Dr

College Dr

Duchess Dr Duchess New Hope St Hope New

Palmer-Fishhook Rd E Fireweed Rd Gold Bullion Blvd N Engstrom Rd Greenforest Dr

Ebtide Ct ECottrell-Campus Dr Tributary Ave Tributary

Northway Ln Rd Frontage

ENelson Rd Highlander Cir Ave Settlement

E Settlement Ave Audie St Spr Mantanuska E Lazer St Ln Rawhide

N Nadina St

Sebastian Dr Sebastian Calder Rd Calder

Mc Casey Dr Ridge Rd Aspen E Dr Tiffany N

Engstrom Exd Acorn St Dr Mesa Upper E Dale Cir Dale E

Zephyr Dr N Keith St Keith Rd Keith Middle Mesa Dr Mesa Middle

E Jean Dr Cir Lower

Conington Green Tree E Edgerton Parks Rd Parks Edgerton E N Hickory St Hickory N

E Byrons Way Byrons E

Springwood Dr Springwood Driftwood Cir Gylan Cir Gylan

Baron St Lagoon Dr St Oak

Pioneer Dr Pioneer

Wolf Lake Dr Lake Wolf George Parks Hwy Parks George

Legacy Ln Shenandoah Dr

Hart Lake Loop Lake Hart Ct Mosier Lower Rd

N Landmark Dr Landmark N E Fetlock Dr

Covington St Covington Steen Str Ct Tanya S

Pr Dr Dr Varden Dolly S Hornung Rd

E Beechcraft Rd Beechcraft E

Homebuilt Cir N Earl Dr Dr Wilderness E

Earl Dr Earl N Hyer Rd

Prdr Way Taxi Independence Ave Independence

Hyer Spr Hyer

Pike Ave Pike

Bear St Rd Updraft

Prdr E Altri Dr Hiett Dr Rd Hyer

N Hartley Cir Hartley N

Grantham Rd Grantham

E Sun Crest Dr Crest Sun E Dr Yadon Tex-Al Dr Tex-Al

Gershmel Loop

Alder Cir Alder Runyon Cir Runyon

Colonial Dr Colonial Meadow Dr Meadow

N Russet Rd Altra E E Hart Lake Loop Lake Hart E Fishhook Lakes


Bishop Dr Bishop Oat St

Porcupine Ave Porcupine

E AtkaDr E E Frost Cir Frost E Prdr Ave Beaver Abby Blvd

ETex-Al Dr

N Doris Cir Ave Rutan E Stamper Dr Stamper

Watana Dr Rd Bogard

Iroquois Ct Iroquois Hay St

Green St Ahina Cir Dr Serrano Hovey Dr Hovey BarneysCt

Prdr Ln Mayflower

Donna St Donna N Luke St

Alberta Cir Alberta Alder Dr Alder

Blue Fox Dr 12-F

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Big Rock Dr Rock Big Sorrelwood St

S Begich Dr Dimond Way

E McDowell Rd McDowell E

N Bear Den Cir Dr Willow E Pamela Dr Pamela E

WelchRd E Parks Hwy Merrill Cir Merrill

10-E Snider Dr Snider

N Sierra St Rd Crane

Charley Dr

Gruman Cir Gruman E Boulder Dr Boulder E

Kilo Dr Kilo Loop Fairview E

7-D E Shorty St Shorty E

Tait Dr Tait N en Dove Rd Dove en N

E Country Fair Dr Fair Country E Pamela Dr Pamela

Paulsen Pl Paulsen

Starwood Dr Starwood State Hwy3

Steven Dr Steven

Marks Dr Marks

Wickersham Way Wickersham Brianne Ln Brianne

ERuth Dr

Wasilla-Fishhook Rd Wasilla-Fishhook Seward Meridian Rd E Bogard Rd Bogard E Davis Rd Davis Knik-Fairview

E Fisher Rd Fisher E Tanis Rd

Naomi Dr Naomi

Tamarack Dr Tamarack Fairview Loop Fairview

Palmdale Dr Palmdale E Cottle Loop E Beech Way Beech E Anaheim Dr Anaheim

Lakeview Rd

Wasilla Candywine Rd

N Wasilla-Fishhook Rd Wasilla-Fishhook N Tanaina E Seldon Rd Seldon E Rd Davis S

S Vix Way Dr Woods Whispering Regal Ct Tanaina

Matanuska-Susitna Borough E Carney Rd Carney E 11 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 45 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Bradley, Scott N. Young, Don Republican Clinton, Hillary Democrat Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Kaine, Tim McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District F Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Hale, Tim Non Affiliated Baraka, Ajamu Hughes, Shelley Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R. State Representative District 11 (vote for one) Write-in United States Johnson, DeLena Republican Senator Verrall, Bert Non Affiliated (vote for one) Write-in Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted SAMPLENon Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian


PAGE 46 2016 REGION II Senate District F Tim Hale, Non-Affiliated

STATEMENT: As a center-right independent, I have the freedom to do what is right “for the good of the people as a whole.” (Article 1, Section 2 - Alaska State Constitution) I am not constrained by a party platform, which leaves me free to blend the best ideas from the Right and the Left.

As a lifelong Alaskan, I am committed to building a framework for a sustainable budget, and ending the boom-bust cycle of our dependence on oil revenue. I will tirelessly promote my balanced plan of spending cuts and revenue increases towards that end.

I will fight to increase Alaskans’ access to our public lands, responsibly develop our resources and diversify our economy.

I will defend the privilege of legal access to cannabis and the right to keep and bear arms.

I knock on a lot of doors, and one gentleman asked me what my campaign promises were. I had no answer for him, so I went home and wrote some down. I submit Residence Address: 17635 Marcus Baker Drive them here for your consideration: Palmer, AK 99645 I promise to do what I reason is right for our state and MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 2918 our district. Palmer, AK 99645 I promise to work with both sides on every issue, in E-MAIL: [email protected] the hope of finding a solution that leaves them both equally disappointed. Website: I promise to seek no more than two terms in the Senate, AGE: 38 and I promise to never let a lobbyist buy me dinner.

Occupation: Operating Engineer



OTHER: Tim Hale is a natural-born Alaskan, with 38 years residency. He was raised on Prince William Sound and graduated from high school in Valdez, where he participated in Boy Scouts and worked at the local trap shooting club. Tim also competed in cross country skiing and earned a state title in Academic Decathlon two years running. He was honored to be part of the team that represented Alaska at the National Academic Decathlon competition in Chicago, 1995.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 47 2016 REGION II Senate District F Shelley Hughes, Republican

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Gubernatorial Debates Coordinator; Campaign Manager. Current: Co-Chair, Transportation; Vice-Chair, Labor/ Commerce; Co-Chair, Unmanned Aircraft Task Force. Member: Military & Veterans Affairs, Community & Regional Affairs. Fish & Game, Corrections, Transportation Subcommittees. Outdoor Heritage Caucus. National: Citizens Initiatives Executive Committee.

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: National: Co-Chair Unmanned Aircraft Partnership; State Agriculture & Rural Leaders. Local: Resource Development Council, Alaska Tourism Board, Chambers, Mat-Su Business Alliance.

Service Organization(s) Membership: Palmer Lions; NRA; Alaska Outdoor Council; Safari Club; Alaska State Fair; Mat-Su Health Foundation; Republican Women Clubs; Northgate Alaska, Recover Alaska.

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Grandchildren, Outdoors, Church, Arts

STATEMENT: I am committed to protecting Alaskans’ wallets, working to Residence Address: 3020 N. 49th State Street rightsize government, and getting Alaska on a sound fiscal Palmer, AK 99645 path as we adjust to low oil revenues. As the candidate who knows the ropes, I can actually help move Alaska in the MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 1496 right direction. Alaskans are frustrated. I get it. Put me in Palmer, AK 99645 the Senate to bring renewed strength and a commitment to conservative principles. I’ve been pushing hard and holding Email: [email protected] the line as one of the strong leaders who has adamantly said no to turning on the tax and PFD spigot when millions WEBSITE: more in reductions are needed. I don’t play politics but work hard, burning the midnight oil, so businesses can thrive, families can prosper and children can succeed because of AGE: 58 increased opportunities and limited government.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Canton, OH Priorities: • Substantially reduce state spending and implement SPOUSE’S NAME: Roger, 38 years sound fiscal plan • Protect your pocketbook and PFD CHILDREN’S NAMES: Peter, Clara, Emily, Tyler • Make Alaska more job-friendly and pro-business: reduce hurdles Occupation: • Promote responsible resource and economic Past: Teacher, Private School; Stay-at-Home-Mom; Contractor, development Health Policy Director, Current: Project Consultant • Focus dollars on classrooms: public, private or homeschooling LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 40 years • Ensure safe roads • Strengthen public safety ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: • Tackle health care costs 1976-1990: Hoonah, Bethel, Fort Yukon, Seward; 1990-2016: • Ensure seniors and veterans can maintain quality of life Palmer • Preserve family values

EDUCATION: I am accountable, accessible and responsive. I have a solid Cuyahoga College, Valedictorian; UAA, BA, Summa cum conservative record. I have proven I work effectively and Laude; Western Academy; Univ VA Emerging Leaders. get things done. Always bearing in mind the Constitution, I work for you, not special interests. I’ll keep you informed as MILITARY SERVICE: I have my House district these past four years. I value your Vietnam Veteran spouse; military service: son, son-in-law; input. Please call me anytime (cell: 907-841-1634.) Founder, Alaska All Academies.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 48 2016 REGION II House District 11 DeLena Johnson, Republican

University of Alaska Anchorage, 1989-1991, BA Mathematics

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Palmer Mayor, President: board of the Palmer Museum of History and Arts, Mat-Su Marijuana Board, elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: President, Ethos LLC (1984-present) Property Development (1984-present) Commercial and Residential Rental Property (1985-present) Part Owner, Hot Air and Associates

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Mat-Su Business Alliance National Rifle Association Eagle River Chamber of Commerce Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club Valley Republican Women’s Club Lifelong member of Palmer History and Art Pioneers of Alaska Palmer Lions Club Residence Address: 944 S. Cobb Palmer, AK 99645 SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, Fishing, Health, Faith, Aviation MAILING ADDRESS: 944 S. Cobb Palmer, AK 99645 STATEMENT: Whether it was hunting our food, chopping firewood or E-MAIL: [email protected] hauling water for a bath, hard work and conservation was simply a way of life for my family. When I married Website: my husband Steve 35 years ago and left my hometown of Talkeetna I continued this legacy of hard work. AGE: 52 I graduated with a Bachelors in Math and an Associates in PLACE OF BIRTH: Portland, Oregon Electronic Technology from the Alaskan university system and put my education to work. SPOUSE’S NAME: Steve Johnson (Married 35 years) I home educated our five wonderful children, all of who have now returned to work in Palmer. I turned my passion for CHILDREN’S NAMES: Sven (27), Signe (24), restoring buildings into a profitable business. My proudest Jasmin (21), Kiersten (20), accomplishment professionally is the historic restoration and Stefan (19) of The Palmer Colony Trading Post. This property went from an eyesore to a local gathering place, housing the Occupation: Business Owner and Palmer Ale House and several other businesses. Palmer Mayor I have served two terms as Mayor of Palmer on a platform LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 49 years of conservative spending and economic generation, the same issues now facing our state. ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Talkeetna, 1967-1984 Our state budget needs to be reevaluated and built to Wasilla, 1985-1989 encourage growth, not to tax it out of existence. Palmer, 1989-present It has been an honor to serve Palmer as Mayor for six EDUCATION: years. I appreciate the trust Palmer has given me and I Su-Valley High, 1977-1981, Diploma will serve the constituents of house seat 11 with the same University of Alaska Anchorage, 1981-1983 conservative principles and leadership. Mat-Su College, 1984-1987, AAS Electronic Technology

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 49 2016 REGION II House District 11 Bert Verrall, Non-Affiliated

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Palmer Lions Club currently. Previously Mat-Su Softball Associate, Valley Golf Association, Palmer Little League

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Little League Umpire, former Palmer High Football coach, Palmer Lions Club, Palmer Playground, Golf, Halibut Fishing, House projects, Dogs.

STATEMENT: I am an independent running for office because I’m tired of politics as usual. Party politics and special interests have too much control in Juneau. Alaskans are left out.

I am frustrated with the legislature’s inability to deal with our state’s critical financial situation. Important decisions are not being made because Legislators have worried too much about keeping their elected position rather than doing their jobs.

So where do we start? Help me get elected to the State House. The 90 day session has been treated Residence Address: 113 W. Dolphin Avenue like a part time job, working Monday through Thursday Palmer, AK 99645 and then flying home on the state’s dime for weekend coffee. I’d like to see the Legislature work more like MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 4708 a slope job – legislators sent to a remote location to Palmer, AK 99645 work and getting that work done. It is not unreasonable to work 7 days a week while in session; that is what E-MAIL: [email protected] legislators have been elected to do.

Website: Alaskans are being asked to sacrifice during this period of financial crisis, and so should elected officials. How AGE: 58 much staff is needed in the Legislature and in the Governor’s Office? Government staffing cuts, pay, PLACE OF BIRTH: Palmer, AK travel, and hiring freezes should all be in effect. Elect me and I will lead by example. I’m not tied to special SPOUSE’S NAME: Tracy interests or party machines; however, I am strongly committed to the best interests of my community. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Alene, Valerie, Dennis Elect me and I will fight for working men and women, Occupation: Shop Steward public education, protecting the permanent fund, smaller government and your personal rights. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 54-Had to leave with my parents from 8th to 11th grade.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Born in Palmer, lived 1958-1964, Anchorage 1964-71, Palmer 1975-present with a little time away for college and short stints in Chicago and Albuquerque.

EDUCATION: Palmer High, Wenatchee Valley College, Mat-Su College.


The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 50 2016 REGION II Jim's Rd Jim's

Knik River Rd

Pr Dr Justin Rd Justin Buckshot Ln Buckshot Azuree Ave

Knik River Rd 9-E


Dock Cir Dock S Dock Cir Dock S

S Straight Cir Knik River Butte 12-F

Lazy Mountain Sherry Rd Sherry 11-F E Knik River Rd

Ivanhoe St Gateway Lakes Fishhook 14-G 7-D

10-E Birch Hill Dr Hill Birch

Maud Rd Exd Wasilla

Knik River Rd Knik-Fairview 13-G

Eklutna Lake Rd Pr Dr Pr

Knik River Walling Rd Walling

Ingolf St

Witherspoon Rd

Tatlow Dr Butte

Lazy Ln Sullivan Ave Sullivan Lazy Mountain

Idle Dr

Snoops Ln Rd Plumley Maud Rd Maud

Smith Rd Ln Corey Tustin Dr Smith Dr Smith

Alsek Cir Hwy Glenn Old Sullivan Ave Sullivan Marilyn Dr Marilyn Kuhn Dr N Old Glenn Hwy Rd Elk

Vista Cir Rd Our E Huntley Rd Huntley E

S Bodenburg Loop

E Republican Ln Republican E Clark Rd Clark Robin Ln

Mercury Ave Mercury Trellis Ave

Man-O-War Dr

Mary St Peaceful Ln Bodenburg Loop N Wolverine Rd Wolverine N

Deland St Mc Combs Rd Combs Mc

Outer Springer Loop

Grover Ln Grover

Thuma St Rd Popes N S Chugach St Trl Jeep

Wycoff Dr Icy Ln Icy Palmer

Crowther Rd Crowther River Dr

Glenn Hwy Ave Eagle E S Kaye Marie Inner Springer Loop Springer Inner

Josh Dr

Marsh Rd Marsh

Sky Ranch Loop Ranch Sky Mc Leod Rd Leod Mc

Scott Rd Scott Mystic Cir

12-F State Hwy 1 Hwy State

Drift Ln Drift

Rib Rd Hwy Glenn Eves Dr Eves

Farm Loop Farm

Hilsher Hwy Hilsher Colleen St Dike Rd

E Equestrian St Equestrian E Grow Ln Grow


High Rd High N Arabian Ln Arabian N

Anchorage Municipality

Calero Dr Calero Hassen Bey Dr Bey Hassen Kepler Dr

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Tern Dr Tern

49th St

Golden Hills Dr Hills Golden

Easement Trl Easement

E Matanuska Rd Matanuska E E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy Palmer-Wasilla E

Gateway Pr Dr

Westside Dr Westside

Tina Ln Tina

Trunk Rd Hwy Glenn S Colony School Dr Rd Trunk N Fishhook

Pr Dr

9-E Greenforest Dr

Wagon Rd Ct Kristan Audie St

N Nadina St Spr Mantanuska E Acorn St E Nelson Rd

Green Tree Dr Tiffany N

Twin Lakes Dr Lakes Twin Lower Cir Lower

Lagoon Dr Dr Mesa Upper N Hickory St Hickory N Zephyr Dr Zephyr N Landmark Dr

Lower Rd Fireweed Rd E

E Hart Lake Loop Lake Hart E

E Fetlock Fetlock Dr E

Hyer Rd Hyer Gershmel Loop

Yadon Dr Yadon

Bogard Rd Bogard Colonial Dr Colonial


E Portage Dr Portage E Oat St

Meadow Dr Meadow

Paddock Dr Paddock

Charley Dr Charley

N Caribou St Caribou N Ave Porcupine

Alder Dr Alder Dr Serrano Mayflower Ln Mayflower

N Shoreline Dr

N Charley Dr Dr Willow Dimond Way Dimond N Sierra St Linlu Ln


Kilo Dr Kilo Tait Dr

Gruman Cir Gruman

MariahDr Rd Village Eklutna

Terrell Dr Terrell

Seward Meridian Rd Dr Marks E Bogard Rd Bogard E

Davis Rd Davis Jenks Dr

Naomi Dr Naomi Paradis Ln Paradis

George Parks Hwy

E BeechWay E EJude Dr Rd Davis S

Fishhook Lakeview Rd Cotten Dr E Bogard Rd Bogard E Odsather Cir Hermon Rd Ave Rian

E Seldon Rd Seldon E Monron St

E Serendipity Loop Serendipity E

Hiawatha Dr Grey Wolf Dr Wolf Grey

Settlers Dr Dr Sullins E Carlson Rd Carlson E

Williwaw Way Williwaw Tulwar Dr Tulwar

E Parks Hwy

Songbird Dr Songbird

Ski Rd Ski

Reese Rd Reese

E Fairview Loop Fairview E Patty Dr Patty Valley Side Cir Side Valley

EStallion Cir

E Ridgeview Dr Ridgeview E Sue Tawn Dr

Tattler Dr Tattler Regine Ave

Goliath Dr Goliath

Wasilla-Fishhook Rd Wasilla-Fishhook St Lee Voyles Blvd

GreatlandDr Bay View Dr View Bay Althea St

Lace Rd Snow Goose Dr Goose Snow

Susitna Dr Ave Glenwood E Ruth St

Oberg Rd Dr Skyview

Fairview Loop Fairview Rd Oberg Chamber Ln E Burlwood Dr Burlwood E Fern St

Mulchatna Dr Mulchatna Peg St Bluff Vista Cir Vista Bluff Pilots Rd Pilots Kerbow LnRd Amonson

E Schrock Rd Cir Vista Eagle Well Site Rd Lucille St Ave Forest

Knik Vista St Aurora Ln Rankin Rd Rankin Sunset Dr

7-D Scenic Dr

W Gerondale Cir Gerondale W Davidson Dr

Bike Path Bike

Holiday Dr Rd Adson Old Cranberry Dr

W Gail Dr Gail W Edlund Rd Edlund Ike Walton Rd Wasilla

Sarahs Way Sarahs S Endeavor St Division St

W Seldon Rd Seldon W Lucus Rd Hwy Glenn New Old Glenn Hwy Glenn Old

J-K Ln J-K

Gail Dr Gail

W Spruce Ave Spruce W

W W Cache Dr

Sands Dr Sands SE Apron Rd Apron SE


Birchwood St Birchwood Tenada Ave Tenada

Patricia Ave Patricia Werre St

Adrian Ave Adrian

Rivulet Ave Rivulet Lake Lucille Dr Dr Suburban Knik-Fairview Birchtree St Rd Darby

Melanie Ave Melanie Easement Trl Mystery Ave Mystery Lake Dr Lake 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Shims St

W Schrock Rd Schrock W Church Rd Kathy Cir Kathy


W Glacier Ave Glacier W State Hwy 3 Hwy State Husky St That Rd That Loussac Ln Beach Lake Rd

Mack Rd Surrey Rd

S Mack Dr Mack S Mill Site Rd Site Mill

W Autumn Ln Rd Bay Knik-Goose S Sitze Rd Sitze Bluegrass Ln S Clapp St Loop Fairview W

E Schrock Rd Dr Lynn W Parks Hwy Wren St

N Pittman Rd Beacon St Ln Chestnut

Donovan Dr Donovan

Saindon St Saindon Tweed Ct Tweed

N Edenfield Rd Way Lamont

Roca Rd Roca Cardiff Ln Cardiff

Foothills Blvd Rd Bay Goose

W Lupine Ln Lupine W

Neuser Rd Neuser

W Sprucewood Dr Sprucewood W LucyLake Dr

13-G Paddy Pl Paddy

Meadow Lakes Meadow Range View Dr View Range

State Hwy 3 Hwy State

W Summers Dr Summers W Phenix Ave Lakeside Dr

Pittman Rd Pittman Eyeore Way Rd Hayfield

Overview Dr N Gavidae St Ct Stacey 12 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 51 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Young, Don Republican Bradley, Scott N. Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Clinton, Hillary Democrat McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Kaine, Tim Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District F Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Hughes, Shelley Republican Baraka, Ajamu Hale, Tim Non Affiliated Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R. State Representative District 12 (vote for one) Write-in United States Tilton, Cathy L. Republican Senator Perry, Karen Alaska Constitution (vote for one) Wehmhoff, Gretchen L. Democrat Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Write-in Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray SAMPLEDemocrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican


PAGE 52 2016 REGION II House District 12 Karen Perry, Constitution

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Gun Owners of America National Association for Gun Rights

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Constitutional Studies, Hiking, Art, Reading, Travel, Gardening, Swimming

OTHER: Sunday School teacher, campaign volunteer, football Mom

STATEMENT: As a Constitution Party member, I fervently pledge to protect all your liberties. I support the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Alaska Constitution as the founders intended them.

I am 100% Pro-Life, no exceptions. Every Life is precious and must be Constitutionally protected from conception to natural death.

I will follow the ISER/Goldsmith model to cut spending to sustainable levels with spending caps. This model has been presented to the Legislature and they continually ignore it. Clearly the GOP Senate Majority preferred taking 666 million from Alaskan families rather than from excessive state government spending. Residence Address: 20305 White Birch Road Chugiak, AK 99567 I refuse to balance the budget on the back of Alaskan citizens including your children and grandchildren. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 670523 Chugiak, AK 99567 We need to CUT government down to the right size! E-MAIL: [email protected] I will vote to restore and defend YOUR PFD! No sales tax! AGE: 59 No income tax! PLACE OF BIRTH: Oshkosh, Wisconsin I will never vote to cede State sovereignty. SPOUSE’S NAME: Rod Perry - an Iditarod-founding (1973) musher/author Federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care, etc. CHILDREN’S NAMES: 5 children I need your vote and support to win this fight. Occupation: Home Educator -26 years, housewife If you know people in following districts, encourage them to vote for our Sourdough Caucus: LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 34 years HD-9 Pam Goode ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1982-1984 HD-29 Barbara Andersen (write-in) Chugiak 1984-present HD-30 J.R.Myers HD-36 Ken Shaw EDUCATION: 1971-1975 Berlin High School, Berlin, Wisconsin: Diploma WE NEED NEW, HONEST LEADERSHIP! 1975-1980 University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh: BAE 1990-2013 Post graduate studies-teacher recertification Do you have concerns or issues to discuss? call-me/907-229-5447 POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Alaska Constitution Party: District Chair, Campaign Chair, Facebook: KAREN PERRY for House D12 Legislative watchdog My goal is to protect your liberty, privacy and freedom. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Teacher, Anchorage School District 1983-1985 I appreciate your vote on November 8. Home Educator (K-12) 1990-present

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 53 2016 REGION II House District 12 Cathy L. Tilton, Republican

STATEMENT: I am the “Common-Sense Conservative” for House District 12. Listed below are highlights of my positions and legislative accomplishments:

• As the current representative for House District 12, I have helped reduce state spending over the last two years. • As your legislator I introduced legislation to allow school districts to more carefully manage their personnel costs and legislation that would help municipalities encourage new investment and economic development. • I fully support existing Alaska gun ownership laws including the “Castle” and “Stand your ground” doctrines. • I passed HB 93 which is a bill directed at helping probationers and parolees stay employed in order to compensate victims and not re-offend. • I voted NO on SB 91 (the “omnibus” crime bill). SB 91 was strongly opposed by law enforcement and victim’s rights groups. • I support Chinook abundance research efforts MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 871753 so Alaskans will continue to have dependable Wasilla, AK 99687 access to this valuable and iconic resource. • I passed legislation that protects the state’s role in E-MAIL: [email protected] halibut management. • I introduced legislation that protected access to Website: our state lands and trails. • As a committee chair, I stopped a bill that would OTHER: have taken away the municipal property tax I am a lifelong Alaskan who grew up in Anchorage and exemptions for Alaska’s seniors. have lived in the MatSu area for over 30 years. Visit for a complete list of While growing up in Anchorage, I spent many of my my position statements. Feel free to contact me directly weekends and summers with my grandparents in at 907.406.2697 or [email protected] if you Chugiak learning skills like hunting and fishing and the have additional questions. importance of hard work and commitment.

After graduating from Service High School, I earned a certificate in Accounting and Travel from Alaska Business College.

In 1980, I moved to Big Lake where I began working for a local law firm and started my family. Later, I went to work for the Mayor of Wasilla soon after the City had been designated a first-class city.

As a lifelong Alaskan and long-time Valley resident, I KNOW THE ISSUES. As an active member of our community and MatSu legislator, I UNDERSTAND THE ISSUES. As your state representative, I will CONTINUE TO LEAD ON THE ISSUES.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 54 2016 REGION II House District 12 Gretchen L. Wehmhoff, Democrat


BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Adjunct professor – UAA Contract Negotiator – AEA Debate Coach English, Journalism, Debate teacher Journalistic Writing Coach Learning and Development Manager Mediator Hockey Coach Newspaper/Yearbook advisor Public Relations Director – Girl Scouts

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Alaska Courts Mediation Volunteer Alaska Long Term Care Ombudsman Volunteer Alaska Professional Mediators Alaska Women Political Action Alaska Writers Guild Arctic Winter Games Girl Scouts Journalism Education Association USATT

Residence Address: 22029 Newton Court SPECIAL INTERESTS: Chugiak, AK 99567 Table Tennis, Writing, Music, camping and ALASKA

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 672395 STATEMENT: Chugiak, AK 99567 I am looking forward to serving the people of Chugiak, Peters Creek, Eklutna, South Knik River, Butte, Gateway and Fairview E-MAIL: [email protected] Loop. I support community solutions and bi-partisan teamwork to create strong comprehensive fiscal plans instead of wasteful, Website: shortsighted spending sprees and misdirection of funds.

AGE: 57 I have spent my life working with people, completing collaborative projects and assisting in bringing people and PLACE OF BIRTH: Seattle ideas together. We can work together to support realistic and innovative transportation projects that create local jobs and SPOUSE’S NAME: Joe Stoltze support more of our businesses. Imagine a future regular bus and train schedules that move people (including tourists) to CHILDREN’S NAMES: Briannan work, school and medical services within and between the Municipality of Anchorage and The Valley safely during all Occupation: Mediator, Retired Educator workers’ hours.

LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 51 Thoughtful foresight can help create jobs and provide the dignified retirement housing communities and services ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Alaskans deserve. No Alaskan should wait on a list for services Anchorage 1965-1985 because we don’t have enough staffing or services to reach Kenai 1985-1987 them. Senior programs are strained as it is. We can’t wait for Anchorage 1987-1995 the surge in our older population before we take action. Chugiak 1995-present Education is the cornerstone of a strong society. Funding EDUCATION: early childhood education and maintaining strong public Master of Science – Negotiation and Dispute Resolution educational support directly benefits society through lower Creighton University School of Law – 2010-2012 crime rates, stronger economies and higher graduation rates. Alaska Teacher Certification We have the ability to support and train Alaskans through our University of Alaska Anchorage – 1983-1985 public schools and our unique university system. Our future Bachelor of Arts – Speech Communication Education literally depends on this. University of Denver – 1977-1981 A.J. Dimond High School – Graduated 1977 I am ready to serve you. Let’s start talking together for Alaska and District 12.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


VantageAve Roop Rd Roop

Imperial Dr

Berryhill Rd McIntyre Rd

Crystal CreekDr

CatesAve 12-F

Hamann Rd Homestead Rd Homestead Thornton St Wolf Dr Monron St Oriedner Rd Peter S Ezi St Gorsuch St

Settlers Dr Dr Frosty Dr Sullins Hiland Rd

Ski Rd Ski State Hwy 1 Hwy State Tulwar Dr Tulwar

Upper Terrace St

W River Dr

Reese Rd Reese Dr Songbird

Old Glenn Hwy Glenn Old Sun Valley Dr Cir River Sue Tawn Dr Myrtle Dr

Hilltop Dr

Voyles Blvd

Greatland Dr Greatland


Elder Dr Elder Sumac Dr Sumac

Lace Rd W Lake Dr

NorthwoodsDr Skyview Dr Skyview Sherman St Sherman Brownie Dr

Oberg Rd Mile Hwy Mile Jill St Chamber Ln Steffes St Greenhouse St

Kerbow Ln Waterfall Dr Deer Park Dr Park Deer Helluva St Bowery Ln 14-G

Glacier Rd Glacier Aurora Ln

Knik Vista St Sunset Dr Stewart Dr

Coral Rd Coral Mall Cir Mall Scenic Way ScenicScenic Dr Davidson Dr Ave Trailhead Hiland Dr

Eagle River Ln Lucas Ave Lucas Ike Walton Rd Dr Raven

Pleasant View Dr Blvd Ptarmigan

Middle Rd Middle

Jayhawk Dr Jayhawk Old Ridge Rd Ridge Old

Division St Rd River Eagle

Steeple Dr St 2nd

Lower Eagle RiverTrl

Kirk Ave Kirk J-K Ln J-K

Eaglewood Loop

3rd St 3rd

SE Apron Rd Apron SE Driftwood Bay Dr

Birchwood St Birchwood

H and H Ave H and H

E Stonehill Dr Stonehill E Three Roll Hill Roll Three

Adrian Ave Adrian Werre St

New Glenn Hwy Glenn New Dr Bernard

Talarik Dr Talarik E Eagle Loop Rd Rd Bowl Ski

Becky Ln Becky Savage Dr

Darby Rd Darby Jamie Dr

Monastery Dr Monastery Man O War Rd War O Man Knob Hill Dr St Second

E Lake Ridge Dr W Skyline Dr

Beverly Ave Beverly Birchwood Loop Rd Cir Don

Shims St Sroufe St Lee St

Husky St Ln Lugene DrTedrow Shasta Cir Shasta

Kantishna Dr Kantishna Toakoana Dr

Old Glenn Hwy Glenn Old

Terrace Ln Terrace Aurora St

Hillcrest Dr Hillcrest

Spring Brook Dr Brook Spring

Lassen St Lassen

Beach Lake Rd Rd Bowl Ski

Iris WayDr Maria Santa Rachel Ave

Eagle River Loop Rd Loop River Eagle

End St Dr Yosemite

Brooks Rd

Farm Ave Farm

Vasili Dr Vasili Glenn Hwy Glenn

Domain Ln Domain Rd Hesterberg Breckenridge Dr Breckenridge

Artillery Rd

Anchorage Municipality

Frontage Rd Frontage D St D

Ruff Rd

Frontage To Firing Ranges Rd Ranges Firing To Frontage

Stevens Rd Stevens Glenn Hwy Glenn

Stevens Rd Westbrook Tuma Rd Ave Beluga 6th St

Noone Rd 5th St

Arctic Valley Rd

Dyea Ave Dyea

D St D

Gulkana Ave Gulkana Kenai Ave Kenai

JuneauAve B St B

4th St 4th Davis Hwy Davis Access Dr

1st St 1st St 1st

13-G Bravo Rte

Warehouse St Warehouse N Warehouse St Warehouse N Circle Dr Circle


Roosevelt Rd Roosevelt Otter Lake Rd

Richardson Dr Richardson Frontage Rd Frontage

Lahunchick Rd Lahunchick

Grady Hwy Grady

A-1 Rd A-1 Totman Rd Peck Ave Peck

Heritage Center Dr Center Heritage Farrel Rd Farrel A-1 Rd A-1

Otter Lake Rd

Duben Ave Duben

Boundary Ave Boundary Circle Dr Bengel Way Ave Zuckert

Zeamer Ave Peck Ave Peck Spur Rd Spur

Wilkins Ave

Davis Hwy Davis

Grady Hwy Grady

Powerline Rd Powerline

Access Rd Access

Spur Rd Dr Provider Ladue Rd Ladue

N Tiger Lp Vandenberg Ave

27th St 27th Loop Rd Loop

Talley Ave

Taku Dr Taku Caribou Ave Caribou Ladue Rd Ladue

Urgent Fury Rd Fury Urgent 1st St 1st N Bliss St

Sijan Ave 46th St 46th

S Ella Louise Cir Louise Ella S

McPhee Ave McPhee

Ella Mae Ella St 29th

32nd St 32nd 33rd St 33rd

Parsons Ave Parsons

28th St 28th 20th St

Thompson Ave Thompson 19th St St 1st Ave Peterkin

45th St Arctic Warrior Dr Warrior Arctic

Slammer Ave Slammer Mountain View Dr View Mountain

Meyer St

30th St 30th 18th St

2nd St 2nd

Caribou Rd St 44th

47th St Ave Luke

W Gleason Ln St 35th

Kuter Ave Kuter

W Old Knik Harbor Dr Harbor Knik Old W 43rd St 43rd Reeve Blvd

Lewis Loop 24th St Jerstad Ave

37th St 37th

N Post Rd Post N

5th St 5th

Spar Ave Spar

9th St 9th

Viking Dr Viking 15-H Dr Airlifter

Fighter Dr Fighter Fairchild Ave

38th St 38th 23rd St 23rd

3rd St

7th St 7th Doolittle Ave W 5th St 5th W

S Shannon S

25th St 25th

39th St 39th

S Knik Goose Bay Rd Bay Goose Knik S 10th St

E Bluff Dr

Fighter Dr Fighter 26th St 26th

Arnold Ave

Terminal Rd Terminal

E Loop Rd Loop E E Whitney Rd Whitney E Tidewater Rd Tidewater

Knik-Fairview Ocean Dock Rd

S Halbert St S Alvin St

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Point Mackenzie Rd Mackenzie Point Goose Creek Rd

8-D Winter Trl Winter

ScaulpRd Jeep Trl Jeep

Vivian Blvd Vivian S Don Young Rd

Atv Trl Atv Matanuska-Susitna Borough S Lu Young Ln Trl Jeep

Cameo Dr Jeep Trl

S Cameo Dr Cameo S Vance DrVance Point MacKenzie 13 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 56 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Bradley, Scott N. McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Clinton, Hillary Democrat Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Kaine, Tim Young, Don Republican De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 13 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Saddler, Dan Republican Baraka, Ajamu Write-in Trump, Donald J. Republican Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe SAMPLELibertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated


PAGE 57 2016 REGION II House District 13 Dan Saddler, Republican

Co-Chair, Autism Task Force Member: Labor & Commerce; Military & Veterans Affairs; Labor & Commerce; Education committees Press Secretary to Governor; House Majority Deputy Director, Boards and Commissions

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: National Conference of State Legislatures; Vice Chair Resources committee; member Veterans Task Force

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: National Rifle Association; Chugiak-Eagle River Chamber of Commerce; Eagle River Rotary; Chugiak Senior Center; Alaska Veterans Museum; Anchorage Veterans Memorial; Association of U.S. Army; Air Force Association; Anchorage Republican Women’s Club; Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association, Alaska Airmen’s Association, Safari Club

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, flying, songwriting, history.

STATEMENT: Serving the people of Chugiak-Eagle River and JBER is the highest honor of my life. I’m committed to keep Residence Address: 13911 Knob Hill working hard to represent our community interests and Eagle River, AK 99577 conservative values in the State House.

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 771811 I’m a lifelong Republican and conservative, believing in Eagle River, AK 99577 limited government, strong national defense, individual liberty, and a loving God. I am pro-business, pro-family, E-MAIL: [email protected] pro-gun and pro-life. My family and I are closely involved in our local schools, service organizations, and business Website: and recreational groups, working to make Chugiak-Eagle River an even better place to live and work. AGE: 55 As your legislator I’ve focused on developing Alaska’s PLACE OF BIRTH: Ohio resources for a strong economy and good-paying jobs -- supporting our military families and bases for a strong SPOUSE’S NAME: Chris national defense -- reducing government spending to match our limited income -- insisting schools offer options CHILDREN’S NAMES: Danny, Peggy, Don, Sam and deliver results -- and giving special-needs Alaskans the chance for better lives. Occupation: Legislator Alaska’s economic well-being depends on maintaining LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 28 years our essential resource industries, progressing cautiously on a natural gas pipeline, cutting government to a more- ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: affordable level, and making sure any new revenue is Juneau, 1979-80 (summers) generated fairly and spent wisely. I’m confident Alaskans Anchorage, 1988-92 can advance together with prudence and optimism. Eagle River, 1992-present I’ve experienced Alaska’s economic ups and downs as a EDUCATION: private-sector employee and public servant for nearly 30 B.A., Journalism, Miami University, 1983 years. This experience guides my work in Juneau, making M.A. Journalism, Ohio State University, 1987 sure government supports and empowers citizens without micromanaging. Freedom and opportunity, not more POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: government, are keys to a better future. Vice Chair, House Finance Committee Co-Chair, House Resources Committee I would sincerely appreciate your vote, and the chance to Co-Chair, Joint Armed Services Committee continue serving you.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 58 2016 REGION II Pack Trl

12-F Cumulus Rd Cumulus

Upper Rd Mt Kiliak Cir

Eagle Vista Dr Talon Cir

Mariah DrThomas Rd Zuleika Rd

DeloresHarca Dr St List List Cir Anchorage Municipality 14-G Lower Kogru Dr

Eagle River Rd 13-G 12-F

Paramount Dr

VantageAve Roop Rd Roop

Imperial Dr Crystal Creek Dr Creek Crystal Denaina Dr

Berryhill Rd Cates Ave Cates

Hamann Rd

Wolf Dr Harp Cir Oriedner Rd

Hiland Rd S Creek Rd Sunny Glen Dr Glen Sunny

Upper Terrace St

W River Dr


Myrtle Dr Cir River Cotton Grass Dr Grass Cotton Elkhorn Dr Elkhorn

Eagle Glacier Loop Birdsong Dr Johnny Dr

Brownie Dr Birchwood

Upper Canyon Dr Mile Hwy Mile

Waterfall Dr

Hiland Dr Anchorage Municipality

Greenhouse St

Stewart Dr Stewart River Park Dr Park River

Preuss Ln Coral Rd Coral

Wren Ln

Driftwood Bay Dr Bay Driftwood Lucas Ave Lucas

Eagle River Ln Eagle RiverLn

Middle Rd Middle Old Ridge Rd Ridge Old New England Dr

Lower Eagle RiverTrl

Steeple Dr Dr Stonehill E

3rd St 3rd Kirk Ave Kirk

High Bluff Dr Pribilof Loop

Meadow Canyon Dr Canyon Meadow

Trail Bay Dr Bay Trail

2nd St 2nd E Stonehill Dr Stonehill E


Eaglewood Loop Eaglewood

1st St 1st DannyDr

Bernard Dr Bernard

Third St Third Talarik Dr Talarik

Savage Dr E Eagle Loop Rd Man O War Rd War O Man Ski Bowl Rd Bowl Ski

Jamie Dr Jamie W Skyline Dr Knob Hill Dr Stillwater Dr Colville St

Malaspina St

Don Cir Don

Broadwater Dr Broadwater Lee St

Lugene Ln Lugene Tedrow Dr

Lacey Dr

W Lake Ridge Dr Ridge Lake W Teklanika Dr Teklanika

Echo St Echo

Kantishna Dr Kantishna

Baronoff Ave Baronoff Toakoana Dr

Old Glenn Hwy Glenn Old

James Way James Aurora St Dr Katlian Willis Dr

Charity Ln Charity Yellowstone Dr Alice Loop Alice

Terrace Ln Terrace Loop Juanita S Old Eagle River Rd

Rachel Ave

Iris Way St Easy

Eagle River Loop Rd Loop River Eagle

Vfw Rd Vfw

New Glenn Hwy Glenn New

Brooks Rd Dr Yosemite

Carla St Carla

Konrad Dr Konrad Business Blvd Farm Ave Farm

Vasili Dr Vasili

State Hwy 1 Hwy State Glenn Hwy Glenn

Banff St Ln Domain Hesterberg Rd Hesterberg Breckenridge Dr Breckenridge

Artillery Rd

State Hwy 1 Hwy State Frontage Rd Frontage

D St Rd Bowl Ski

Frontage To Firing Ranges Rd Ranges Firing To Frontage

Ruff Rd Ruff Stevens Rd Stevens

Randall Rd Glenn Hwy Glenn

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

Westbrook 13-G 8th St Ave Dyea Stevens Rd Tuma Rd

Roosevelt Rd 6th St A St A

5th St Arctic Valley Rd

Davis Hwy Davis D St D

Noone Rd Ave Beluga

Gulkana Ave Gulkana Kenai Ave Kenai


2nd St C St C St 4th

Grady Hwy Grady

1st St Dr Richardson First St First

Rte Bravo Rte Warehouse St Warehouse

N Warehouse St Warehouse N Early View Dr Quartermaster Rd Quartermaster Bolin St Lori Dr Circle Dr Ave Campos Bryant St 14 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 59 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Bradley, Scott N. Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Clinton, Hillary Democrat Young, Don Republican Kaine, Tim Lindbeck, Steve Democrat De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 14 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Hackenmueller, Joe Non Affiliated Baraka, Ajamu Reinbold, Lora Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa SAMPLERepublican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated


PAGE 60 2016 REGION II House District 14 Joe Hackenmueller, Non-Affiliated

EDUCATION: Wayzata HS (MN), 1977 Univ of MN, BS Geology, 1981 Univ of MN, MS Geophysics, 1983 UAA, MAT (Science), 1983 UAA, Ed Leadership Endorsement, 1998 Alaska Type A (Teaching) and Type B (Admin)Certificates

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: ARCO Alaska Inc: Exploration Geophysicist, Facility Operator, Facility Planner Anchorage School District: Science Teacher, Instructional Coach, IT Supervisor

Service Organization(s) Membership: Hylen Crest Homeowners Board of Directors Anchorage Ski Club Friends of Eagle River Nature Center

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Skating, and spending time with my family.

Residence Address: 10129 Raven Crest Circle STATEMENT: Eagle River, AK 99577 It’s time to focus on the real issues in Juneau, and there really is only one. With the State facing a $4 MAILING ADDRESS: 10129 Raven Crest Circle billion deficit, we need representatives in Juneau who Eagle River, AK 99577 are willing to set aside party politics and work together to develop a long range fiscal plan that will ensure Email: [email protected] the prosperity of Alaska. That plan must include a balanced combination of strategic cuts and new WEBSITE: revenue sources to ensure that all Alaskans and the corporations doing business here pay their fair share. AGE: 57 I recognize that oil revenue is drying up fast, but we PLACE OF BIRTH: Minneapolis, MN cannot simply cut our way out of this deficit. We need to find creative solutions to diversify this economy. SPOUSE’S NAME: Shirley Greeninger Having worked in both the oil industry and public education, I appreciate the challenges presented CHILDREN’S NAMES: Paul Hackenmueller by shrinking budgets as well as the value added by Sarah Hackenmueller responsible investment in both the public and private Ellen Hackenmueller sectors. We need to make strategic cuts when necessary, but we also need to make sure we protect Occupation: the basic infrastructure that makes Alaska such a Geophysicist /Operator/Facility Planner, - ARCO Alaska, great place to live. 1983-1992. Teacher, Instructional Coach, IT Supervisor - Anchorage As a 32 year resident of Eagle River, I understand School District, 1995-2016 (Retired) the diverse interests of this community. I am running as a nonpartisan candidate to provide a common LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 32 years sense, independent voice for the people of District 14. I believe there are reasonable solutions to Alaska’s ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: fiscal problem. I believe the people of Eagle River Eagle River, 1984-present are ready to set aside partisan politics. And I believe working together matters.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 61 2016 REGION II House District 14 Lora Reinbold, Republican

Regional Affairs, Health & Social Services, and Military & Veterans’ Affairs, and Rules. Vice-President South Fork Community Council (2009-2012) Eagle River-Chugiak Parks and Recreation Board (2010-2012) Vice-Chair District 32(Eagle River), Republican Party (2010-2011) Governor Parnell’s Resources, Energy & Environment Transition Team (2010-2011) Board Member, Alaska Aerospace Corporation (2013-2014)

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: BioTech Sales Specialist, Johnson & Johnson/Centecor Pharmaceuticals Alaska District Manager, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Assistant Business Office Manager, NME Hospitals Operations Manager, Medical Park Family Care

Service Organization(s) Membership: Chugiak-Eagle River Chamber of Commerce

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Running, Skiing, Fishing, Hiking & Building Trails for Eagle River.

Residence Address: 17217 Yellowstone Drive STATEMENT: Eagle River, AK 99577 I’m Lora Reinbold, and I’m running for re-election to represent Eagle River in the State House. I’m an Alaskan, MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 772111 born and raised, with an extensive business background, Eagle River, AK 99577 and a track record of hard work, collaboration, and results! I have received the District & State Republican Party Email: [email protected] endorsement.

WEBSITE: I am a conservative and believe in smaller government, and an economy based on free market principles. Government AGE: 52 should be prioritized to the core functions of public safety, education and infrastructure. Individual rights must be PLACE OF BIRTH: Fairbanks, Alaska preserved, and dependence on government should be discouraged. SPOUSE’S NAME: Eric Reinbold I take my oath to uphold and defend the State Constitution CHILDREN’S NAMES: Rydell & Zachary seriously, and will fight to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

Occupation: Legislator, State of Alaska As your State House Representative, I’ve helped accomplish key goals: 1) secured a stable, fair, and competitive tax policy LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 44 Years to encourage business investment (SB21), 2) education reform, including freedom in educational choice & parental ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: rights (HB156), 3) limited the growth and cost of State Clear (1964-1969), Anchorage (1969-1989, 1991-2003), and government, 4) increased transparency and accountability Eagle River (2006-2016) through regulatory reform (HB140), and 5) pushed back on Common Core and other Federal overreach (HB278). EDUCATION: East Anchorage High (1978-1982), Oral Roberts University Looking forward, fiscal responsibility and economic (1982-87, B.S. Business Administration), University of Alaska development are my top priorities. We must strive to expand (1985, 2001) our economy, promote resource development and control spending. I look forward to working with other Legislators to POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: create a fiscal plan that sets out our long range economic Representative, Alaska State House (2013-Present). development plans and our spending priorities. A fiscal plan Committees Served: Chair, Administrative Regulation is a key element for a brighter future for Alaska. Review; Vice-Chair, Education; Vice-Chair, Labor & Commerce; Co-Chair, Joint Armed Services; Community & On November 8th, vote BOLD and re-elect Lora ReinBOLD!

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


D St

Ski Bowl Rd Bowl Ski

Frontage To Firing Ranges Rd Ranges Firing To Frontage

Ruff Rd Ruff Stevens Rd Stevens

Randall Rd

Glenn Hwy Glenn Westbrook

8th St Stevens Rd 7th St Tuma Rd


Stambone Rd Stambone 6th St

Davis Hwy Davis Access Dr Ave Dyea Arctic Valley Rd

Noone Rd

A St A

5th St Ave Beluga

D St D


Gulkana AveGulkana Akutan Ave Akutan

Juneau Ave Juneau

Kenai Ave Kenai B St B

Chilkoot Ave

5th St 2nd St

4th St 4th

Birch Hill Dr Hill Birch Sparta Way A St A

1st St First St First 13-G St 1st

Webb Ct

N Warehouse St Warehouse N Warehouse St Warehouse Rte Bravo Rte Smith Ln Centennial Dr

Circle Dr Bolin St Lori Dr Richardson Dr Richardson

Cherry St Ct Turf Shrub Ct Shrub Frontage Rd Frontage

Roosevelt Rd Roosevelt Otter Lake Dr E 12th Ct 12th E

Ladue Rd Loop Rd Valley St

Dunlap Ct Dunlap Pauline St Friendly Ln

Grady Hwy Grady Boston St

Lahunchick Rd Lahunchick

A-1 Rd A-1 Ave Peck State St

Farrel Rd Farrel State St E 16th Ave 16th E

Campos Ave Campos Muldoon Rd

Totman Rd GoodwinAve

E 14th Ave 14th E

Otter Lake Rd Rd A-1 Idaho St Boundary Ave Boundary

Bartlett Rd Dean Pl Bengel Way Story Ct

Zuckert Ave Anderson Cir Anderson Ave 6th E


Circle Dr Ave Duben

Old Harbor Ave Harbor Old E 4th Ave 4th E

E 17th Ave 17th E Peck Ave Peck

Marge Ct Marge Bike Path

Patterson St Cir Hunt Ermine St Spur Rd Spur Zeamer Ave

Fern Ln

Enlisted Hero Dr Hero Enlisted Turpin St

E 3rd Ave

Ladue Rd Mink Ave Mink E 16th Ave 16th E

Wilkins Ave Wilkins Ave 12th E E 11th Ave 11th E

Davis Hwy Davis Lilas Pl

Powerline Rd Powerline Beaver Pl Westover Ave Dr Donna Edward St Grady Hwy

SpurRd Atkinson Ave Access Rd Access Provider Dr Provider Norman St

Newell St

Greenbriar Ave Greenbriar Gray Loop Gray Miley Dr Miley

N Tiger Lp Ambush Rd Ambush Boniface Pkwy Vanderberg Ave

27th St 27th Vandenberg Ave

Debarr Rd Debarr S Tiger Lp Tiger S Davis St

Talley Ave Rd Ladue Dr Taku Stewart St

Anchorage Municipality

Urgent Fury Rd Fury Urgent Bunnell St Trumper Loop Trumper

McCarrey St 16-H S Pine St N Pine St St Carrey Mc Bliss St

Lane St Frontage Rd Frontage N Bliss St N Lane St Hoyt St Hoyt St

1st St 1st N Hoyt St Hoyt St 46th St 46th

37th St 37th Sijan Ave N Park St N Klevin St

E 8th Ave 8th E S Bragaw St

Parsons Ave Parsons

McPhee Ave McPhee

Thompson Ave Thompson

Sharp Ave Sharp Ave 9th E

44th St St 29th

32nd St 32nd Northway Dr 33rd St 33rd Irwin St 22nd St

Price St Peterkin Ave Peterkin

28th St 28th 20th St Mumford St E 15th Ave 15th E

Slammer Ave Slammer 19th St Taylor St

45th St

1st St 1st

Krista Cir Krista Luke Ave Luke 16th St


18th St Dr Warrior Arctic

Mundy Ave Mundy Ave Richmond 30th St 30th Lindbergh Ave Lindbergh

Kuter Ave Kuter Airport Heights Dr

47th St Dr Commercial Stoddard 35th St 35th 17th St

15th St 6th St 6th

43rd St 43rd Pease Ave Pease Reeve Blvd Kenney Ave Rampart Dr

24th St

Johnson Ave Johnson W Chipperfield Dr

Jerstad Ave

5th St 5th E 4th Ave 4th E Boram Dr

Gibson Ave Rd Post N

Spar Ave Spar

Viking Dr Viking

9th St 9th

Railroad Ave Railroad

State Hwy 1 Hwy State Merrill Field Dr Field Merrill 2nd St 2nd

15-H E 4th Ave 4th E

Finletter Ave St Sitka

36th St 36th Fighter Dr Fighter

12th St Concrete St

3rd St 3rd

38th St 38th Airlifter Dr Airlifter

23rd St 23rd Fairchild Ave St 4th

Ship Ave Ship Orca St Orca St

3rd St Nelchina St

39th St

E 2nd Ave 2nd E 11th St 11th Medfra St

8th St 8th

E 1st Ave 1st E Doolittle Ave St Ivy Latouche St

Karluk St Bullard Ave Bullard Craw Ave

25th St 25th Ingra St E 7th Ave 7th E

E Bluff Dr E 5th Ave 5th E Elder St Ave 2nd E Hyder St Bong Ave

Chenault Ave Andrews Ave Gambell St Ave 13th E

E 3rd Ave 3rd E 26th St 26th

Hollywood Dr Ave 6th E

10th St 10th

Fighter Dr Fighter

E 4th Ave 4th E Ash Pl Ash

Arnold Ave Denali St E 9th Ave 9th E

Cordova St Ave 12th E

E 11th Ave 11th E

E 10th Ave 10th E E 1st Ave 1st E

Terminal Rd Ave Creek Ship E Barrow St E Whitney Rd Whitney E E 2nd Ct 2nd E A St

B St

Terminal Rd Terminal

E Manor Ave Manor E B St B St

E Loop Rd Loop E E Cook Ave Cook E C St

Gull Ave Gull D St D St Tidewater Rd Tidewater

Whitney Rd Whitney E St

Ocean Dock Rd Ave 1st W F St W 6th Ave 6th W

W 5th Ave 5th W F St G St

H St

W 3rd Ave 3rd W W 4th Ave 4th W H St

I St Ave 10th W

W 2nd Ave 2nd W K St Private Pass Private L St

M St

W 11th Ave 11th W

W 8th Ave 8th W W 12th Ave 12th W

P St

W 7th Ave 7th W W 9th Ave 9th W

S St Stolt Ln Stolt 20-J

Winter Trl

S Don Young Rd Atv Trl Atv

S Lu Young Ln 8-D

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Point Mackenzie Rd Mackenzie Point

Point MacKenzie Jeep Trl Jeep 15 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 63 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Bradley, Scott N. Young, Don Republican Clinton, Hillary Democrat Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Kaine, Tim McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District H Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Wielechowski, Bill Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Kastner, Kevin D. Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R. State Representative District 15 (vote for one) Write-in United States LeDoux, Gabrielle "Gabby" Republican Senator McCormack, Patrick M. Democrat (vote for one) Write-in Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret SAMPLENon Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated


PAGE 64 2016 REGION II Senate District H Kevin D. Kastner, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Launch: Alaska (Mentor to startup businesses) – 2016, AMBIT Incubator (Advisor to a local software company) – 2012-2014, Alaska Hospitality Retailers (Board Member, Fundraising Chair) – 2014-present

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Rotary International – 2010-2011, Make A Wish Foundation (Wish grantor) – 2000-2001, NRA Member

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Fishing, hunting, automobiles, motorsports, flying and entrepreneurship

OTHER: Prior to moving to Alaska, I spent nearly every summer in Alaska since 1984. I also attended Wendler Jr. High for a semester in 8th grade and worked as an Anchorage Daily News delivery boy in the Muldoon area of East Anchorage.

STATEMENT: We must enact a lasting fiscal plan that provides certainty and stability for future generations. As a fiscal conservative I intend to turn the budget crisis Residence Address: 1119 Mila Street into opportunity using a common sense approach and Anchorage, AK 99504 strong commitment to getting the job done. I will work on these priorities and more: MAILING ADDRESS: 1119 Mila Street Anchorage, AK 99504 • Stop spending without measure and demand budget accountability. E-MAIL: [email protected] • Protect the Permanent Fund and PFD by implementing a long-term fiscal plan. Website: • Work to improve the quality and value of Alaska’s education system. AGE: 46 • Focus on public safety while defending due process and supporting victims’ rights. PLACE OF BIRTH: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • Defend public access to land and waterways for recreation and personal use. Occupation: Executive Director, Iron Dog • Safeguard the U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment. (The world’s longest, • Secure support for our military, veterans and their toughest snowmobile race) families. • Promote free market principles, responsible resource LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 19 development and entrepreneurs.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: A TURN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Anchorage (1995-2005, 2007-present) I have a proven reputation for building consensus EDUCATION: and delivering positive results. I have real-world small Putnam City West HS (Oklahoma City, OK), 1988, business experience and will work to reduce the scope University of Oklahoma, Mechanical Engineering of government in our daily lives. I truly understand studies (1989-1991), Oklahoma State University the meaning of diversity and have a proven record of (1991), Southern Nazarene University (1991-1992) support for our students and military.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: It’s your turn to elect a new Senator who will focus on Alaska Republican Party (Delegate, 2008, District your interests and demand a long-term fiscal plan to Chair 2012, 2016) protect our future and the economy. Let’s make East Anchorage and JBER a safer and even better place to live, work and play. Thank you for the opportunity to earn your vote.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 65 2016 REGION II Senate District H Bill Wielechowski, Democrat

- APA David P. Hutchens Public Service Award for leadership on Alaska energy issues, 2010 - “Katie’s Hero Award”, presented by John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted for anti-crime legislation, 2009 - Alaska’s Top 40 under 40 - Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, 2005 - Spirit of Muldoon “Hometown Hero,” 2002

STATEMENT: It’s been an honor to serve you. I’ve worked hard to stand up for you by putting people before special interests and getting things done for our neighborhood. Working with my colleagues across party lines I have fought to:

- Grow our state savings to over $16 billion, the savings we’re now living off of

- Cut state spending and unnecessary corporate tax breaks

- Create over 124,000 private sector jobs

- Pass comprehensive energy legislation that’s spurred new technologies, helped Alaskan families, created Residence Address: 1300 Farrow Circle thousands of jobs and saved the State millions per year Anchorage, AK 99504 - Improve Veterans’ benefits and employment MAILING ADDRESS: 1300 Farrow Circle opportunities Anchorage, AK 99504 - Restore municipal revenue sharing to help with E-MAIL: [email protected] property tax relief

Website: - Fight gasoline price gouging and overcharging by ENSTAR EDUCATION: Seton Hall University, School of Law, J.D.; B.S., Business - Pass legislation to crack down on gang members, Management/Finance, Magna Cum Laude sex offenders, drunk drivers and violent criminals Hokkaido University Faculty of Law, Sapporo, Japan - Protect our Second Amendment, hunting and fishing POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: rights - Former: Chair, Senate State Affairs Committee, Co- Chair, Joint Armed Services Committee, Co-Chair, - Protect the Permanent Fund Senate Resources - Northeast Community Council, Past President - Create Muldoon Park Strip and Russian Jack Springs - Anchorage Planning & Zoning Commission, 2004-2006 Polar Bear playground - Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development, Acting Chief of Adjudications, 11/03-1/04, Hearing - Start Muldoon Farmers Market Officer, 1999-2004 - Secure funding for Debarr Rd., Muldoon Rd., No. SPECIAL INTERESTS: Lights Blvd., Fire Stations 3 and 6, local schools, parks, Fishing, skiing, mountain biking Edwards St., 6th Ave., and more.

OTHER: I look forward to continuing to fight for your priorities: AWARDS: good jobs, safe streets, responsible development, - Charles Dick Medal of Merit - National Guard Association and protecting our Alaskan way of life. of the United States, 2013 - Legislator of the Year for United States - Vietnam I believe my community experience and results prove my Veterans of America, 2012 commitment to our neighborhood. Proven performance - “Legislative Champion” - Public Safety Employees’ beats promises. I have fought my whole life for working Association, 2008, 2012 families. I respectfully request the honor of your vote.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 66 2016 REGION II House District 15 Gabrielle “Gabby” LeDoux, Republican

Political and Government Positions: Alaska State Representative, 2005-2009, 2013-Present Borough Mayor, Kodiak Island Borough, 2001-2004 Board Member, Kodiak Electric Association, 1995-2000 Board Member, Northeast Community Council, 2010-2012 Board Member, Alaska Municipal League, 2003-2004

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Board Member, Armed Services YMCA Member, Military Committee, Chamber of Commerce Board Member, Alaska Youth & Family Services Board Member, Alaska Legal Services Corporation Member, Alaska Bar Association

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Mubuhay Lions Club, Member & Former Board Member Rotary Club of Anchorage Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Resource Development Council Alaska Support Alliance

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Travel, true crime novels, hiking and running.

STATEMENT: Residence Address: 8859 Cross Pointe Loop I have always been proud to serve you in the State Anchorage, AK 99504 House.

MAILING ADDRESS: 8859 Cross Pointe Loop I’m running for reelection because state government Anchorage, AK 99504 impacts the lives of each and every Alaskan. I want the next generation to enjoy the same opportunities E-MAIL: [email protected] that were there for me when I came here almost 40 years ago. Website: I go door-to-door more than any other elected official AGE: 68 and I know the families who call Muldoon and JBER home. It is a diverse community of hard working PLACE OF BIRTH: Baltimore, MD people who care deeply about the quality of life in East Anchorage. I served as Co-Chair of the House SPOUSE’S NAME: Kurt (deceased) Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee for two years, and am now Vice-Chair. I am also Co-Chair of the CHILDREN’S NAMES: Matthew, Sheree, Joint Armed Services Committee. I have a deep Daniel (deceased) personal commitment to fighting for our military service members and their families. I serve as Chair of the Occupation: Attorney House Judiciary Committee and as a member of the Labor & Commerce Committee. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 38 years I’m proud of the accomplishments we’ve achieved, ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: especially the new Alaska Code of Military Justice. Anchorage, 1978-1980 I’ve also made sure that our district receives needed Kodiak, 1980-2009 funding for roads, schools and parks. Anchorage, 2009-Present The experience and knowledge I have developed EDUCATION: serving in the State House will ensure that our area is School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, well represented in a time of shrinking revenues. 1970-1973, J.D. University of California Berkeley, 1968-1970, B.A. Your concerns are my concerns. I have fought hard for University of Southern Berkeley, 1966-1968 our district. With your blessing, I will continue to do so. La Mirada High School, 1962-1966 I take the faith that you place in me very seriously and I would appreciate your vote.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 67 2016 REGION II House District 15 Patrick M. McCormack, Democrat

• Washington High School (Washington, Kansas 1986-1987) • Nome Beltz High School (Nome, Alaska 1984-1986)

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: • Research Assistant, Lab Assistant and Technician at University of Alaska Anchorage Geomatics Department • Freight Payables Clerk, Sales Clerk at Spenard Builders Supply • Director, Supervisor, Guide at Nome Tour and Marketing • Field Laborer, Pump Station Technician, Deck Hand at Alaska Gold Co. (Nome, Alaska) • Grocery Clerk at Alaska Commercial Company (Nome, Alaska) • Burger/Fry Chef at Snack Shack (Nome, Alaska)

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Cycling, Walking, Writing, and Reading

STATEMENT: Alaskans are a courageous, bold, and hearty group. From the first Alaskans so many thousands of years ago, to the most recent transplant, people from all over the world call Alaska home. Alaskans give as much as they receive and Residence Address: 7623 Duben Avenue, Unit B for the most part, that balance has been a good fit. Anchorage, AK 99504 We are required by the Alaska Constitution to honor MAILING ADDRESS: 7623 Duben Avenue, Unit B specific commitments. Anchorage, AK 99504 Critical to Alaska’s economic vitality is quality education, E-MAIL: [email protected] which we are expected to provide. This is not an option… It is a constitutional mandate! Website: Patrick-McCormack-for-House-District-15 We are to develop, secure, and distribute Alaska’s share of its wealth: wealth that is responsibly managed, AGE: 48 years recorded, and maintained for public review and scrutiny. The economic vitality of Alaska and its people requires PLACE OF BIRTH: Jasper, Alabama transparency of financial stewardship.

SPOUSE’S NAME: Peggy McCormack We are to act humanely for the health needs of all Alaskans. When our fellow citizens struggle with mental CHILDREN’S NAMES: illness and drug addiction, every Alaskan is affected. • Delaney McCormack The price we pay to give attention to and care for • Madeleine McCormack these issues is a good and honorable investment: an • Caitlyn McCormack investment with long-term benefits to our communal health and economic vitality. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 32 years In short, we will meet the constitutional requirements ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: for quality education and healthy living. Reclaiming our • Anchorage 1999-2016 share of Alaska’s wealth gives every Alaskan the financial • Nome 1984-1999 wherewithal to do what has to be done: to build, secure, and maintain an infrastructure that is economically critical EDUCATION: to the vitality of Alaska and its people. • University of Alaska Anchorage (Anchorage, Alaska 1993-2016) Your vote validates the decisions of your elected officials.  AAS, BBA, MBA You want a constitutionally inspired decision maker. • University of Alaska Fairbanks (Fairbanks, Alaska 1989-1992)

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 68 2016 REGION II 14-G Rendevouz Cir Shamrock St

Muir Ct Klutina Dr Peck Ave Exn Ave Peck Evergreen St Vigor Cir

Centennial Cir Centennial Early View Dr Kushtaka Cir Early View Dr Steller Dr Gannett Cir

Cross Pointe Lp Centennial Dr Ave Williwa Dr Gayot E View Dr Cherry St

Vincent St Bolin St Dr T Owen Ct Miles

Brookview St Turf Ct Turf

Lori Dr Lori Ct Shrub Moss Ct Moss Elaine Dr Elaine Bryant St

Molly O Dr O Molly Pioneer Dr Popcary Dr Popcary Homecrest Pl Dr Kluane Dr Brookridge

Butte Cir

Williwa Cir Williwa


Rebel Ridge Dr Ridge Rebel

Pop Carey Dr Carey Pop

E 10th Ave 10th E Farrow Cir Ave 17th E

Cherry St Ave Ridgeway

Race Cir

Rangeview Ave Rangeview Ct 12th E Pussywillow St

E 4th Ave 4th E E 11th Ct 11th E Autumn Ln

Mason Dr Kathy Pl Dr Majestic

Eklutna St Cir Westview Yukla Cir

Dunlap Ct Dunlap Kim Pl Dr Resurrection

Valley St

E 3rd Ave 3rd E Standish St Ave 32nd E

Valley St Byrne Dr Pinnacle Cir

Jelinek Pl Northview Dr Loop Sycamore E 20th Ave 20th E

Zappa Pl Dr Greendale

Pauline St Friendly Ln

Peck Ave Peck

Williwa Ave Williwa

State St Ave Dipper Little

Northwind Ave Northwind Carolyn Cir Duncanshire Pl St Tikishla

Boston St Seclusion Dr

Parkway Dr Parkway Unname Chaimi Loop 13-G

Grand Larry St Ave 5th E

E 4th Ave 4th E Brink Dr

E 3rd Ave 3rd E

Halligan Dr Halligan

E 2nd Ave 2nd E

Ptarmigan Ct Ptarmigan

E 36th Ave 36th E

Brink Ct Brink

E 11th Ct 11th E E 10th Ave 10th E

State St Ave 10th E

Boundary Ave Boundary E 16th Ave 16th E Scenic View Dr View Scenic

Muldoon Cir Rd Muldoon Old

E 14th Ave 14th E E 12th Ct 12th E

Centennial Park Rd Park Centennial James Dr Eastbrook Dr Eastbrook Dr Dickson

Muldoon Rd Baltimore Pl Kalgin St Dr Mountain Regal Wildbrook Ct Wildbrook Robin St

Skilak Cir Island Dr Island Ave 32nd E

E 6th Ave 6th E Deborah Ln Creekside Dr

Idaho St Ave Dover

Creekside Center Dr Center Creekside Kulik Cir Patricia Ln Hennings Way Hennings

Michael Ct Ave Harbor Old Upland Dr

Maryland Ave Maryland

Creekside Center Dr Dr Dorothy Kodiak St Kodiak Ct Tyone Laron Ln Madelynne Dr Dean Pl Creekside St Tana Cir Lake George Dr Hiland Dr Tikchik Cir Irene Dr

Burton St St Diomede Chandalar Dr Sherrie St Ambler Cir 15-H

E 22nd Ave Corridor Utility 27-N Barboa Cir Barboa

E 21st Ave 21st E Tagalak Dr Patterson St Oklahoma St Paxson Dr Bike Path E Chester Heights Cir Heights Chester E Saturn Cir

Alaska Pl Ave 4th E Patterson St Yorkshire Ln

Gemini Dr Duben Ave Duben

Bike Path Ct Chester Madelynne Way Peck Ave Peck

Foothill Dr St Patterson

Banbury Dr Ryan Ct Meteor Ct Laser Dr Laser Patterson St Hunt Cir Ermine St Cir Banbury

Patterson Rd

Potomac Dr Potomac

Ermine St Scarborough Dr Dr Apollo Tamir Ave Tamir

Lunar Dr Lunar Baxter Terrace Cir Terrace Baxter

Marten St Brittany Dr

Jordt Cir Jordt

Cape Lisburne Loop Lisburne Cape Baxter Ct Baxter

Aces Cir Dr Fredricks Chelsea Way

Howard Ave Howard

Brittany Pl Brittany

Sherwood Ave Sherwood Trafford Dr Trafford Otter St Hunt Ave Hunt Dr Foxhall

Cherokee Way

Fern Ln Pl Pickwick Mink Ave Mink

Jay Cir Pl Gloucester

E 11th Ave 11th E

E 3rd Ave 3rd E

E 10th Ave 10th E

Kisling Ct Kisling

E 16th Ave 16th E

Mathies Ct Ave 6th E

E 12th Ave 12th E Elmrich Ct Elmrich

Turpin St Dr Hill Notting

All Star Cir Star All

Gold Kings Cir Kings Gold

E 4th Ave 4th E

Wolverine St Cimarron Cir Pitsenbarger Ct Pitsenbarger Cir View Queens

Dickerson Dr Dickerson Rosella St Kingston Dr

Tolhurst Ct Tolhurst Charing Cross Cir Krane Dr Krane Falke Ct

Summit View St Ct Barclay

Wilkins Ave Wilkins Lilas Pl

Donna Dr Donna

Colgate Dr Colgate E 31st Ave 31st E

Tulane St Dr Hampton

Village Pkwy Village E 35th Ave 35th E E 9th Ave 9th E St Micheals St E 8th Ave 8th E Beaver Pl Baxter Rd Donington Dr Ave 32nd E

Aldona Cir Franklin Cir

Bentree Cir Ave Mink

E 41st Ct 41st E

E Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern E

Eastwood Ct Eastwood

E 34th Ave 34th E Illian Ln Illian McLean Pl

Peppertree Loop Habicht Ct Edward St Ambergate Dr

Eastwood Loop Eastwood

Camrose Dr Camrose

Mila St Rd Airstrip Campbell

Markstrom Dr Markstrom

Atkinson Cir Atkinson Marik St

Whispering Loop

Whisperwood ParkDr Whisperwood Dr Doncaster Atkinson Dr Atkinson More Ln Vadla Way Vadla Ct 38th E

Atkinson Ave Carnaby Way

Staedem Dr

E 21st Ave 21st E St Defiance

Glenn Don Dr Cir Longoria

Kepner Dr Kepner

Access Rd Access

Winding Way Winding Elmendorf Dr Camden Cir Camden

Glenkerry Dr Glenkerry Image Dr

E 12th Ave 12th E

Bench Ct Bench Wayne St Success Dr SkwentnaDr Keyann Cir Keyann

Gainey Ct Nunaka Dr Kerry Cir

Jennifer Cir Jennifer

Cranberry Ave Cranberry Birchwood Ave Birchwood

Elmwood Ave Elmwood Driftwood Ave Driftwood

Fleetwood Ave Fleetwood St Norman Mirage Cir Greenbriar Ave Greenbriar

Honeysuckle Ave Honeysuckle Norman St Clark St Crique Pl Richardson Dr Reflection Dr Newell St Collie Hill Way

Newell St Cir 10th E Joyce St

Sylvia Sylvia Dr

Plymouth Dr Dr Miley Lee St Sapin Ct Sapin

Jasper Ln Jasper Bryant Ridge Pl

Hupkins Dr Dr Twining Lee St Riviera Way Riviera

Radcliff Dr Radcliff Eastgate Pl

Kennyhill Dr Kennyhill Sapphire Loop Sapphire

Alley Ct Chilkoot

College Dr College

Gate Keeper Ave Keeper Gate

Brewster Dr Brewster E 38th Ct 38th E

Winslow Dr Winslow Lynn Dr

E 6th Ave 6th E

Pembroke St Rd Lucky Bradford Dr Bradford

Mullins Dr Mullins Lynn Dr John Alden Dr Alden John

E 20th Ave 20th E Wells Cir E 32nd Ave 32nd E

Maudest Pl Maudest Rose St

Pilgrim Dr Pilgrim

Alora Loop Alora Boniface Pkwy Ave 40th E

Camelot Dr Camelot Gardner St Farmer Pl

Boniface Rd Lily St

Vanderberg Ave Ave 42nd E E 41st Ave 41st E

Hinkle Rd Leslie St Leslie Checkmate Dr

E 24th Ave 24th E Sunflower St

Camelot Dr Fjords Misty

Dirt Rd Dirt

E 26th Ave 26th E

E 22nd Ave 22nd E Sillary Cir Sillary

Glacier St Ct Regis

Rhyner Ct Rhyner Bisquier Dr Emmanuel Ave

Caribou Ave Caribou Lana Ct

Chena Ave Chena

16-H Knights Way Vandenberg Ave Vandenberg Ave 43rd E

Castle Ct

E 20th Ave 20th E

Marlowe Ave Marlowe E 4th Ave 4th E

Rollins Dr Rollins

Lionheart Dr Lionheart Dr Newcomb

Taku Dr Taku

Davis St Dr Briarcliff Dirt Rd Mills Dr Way Westminister Vance Dr Bryn Mawr Ct Mawr Bryn Bishop Way

Stewart St Ave 6th E Wesleyan Dr

Marion Ave Marion

Snow Cir Snow Kenai Ave Kenai

Leah Ct Leah Easthaven Cir

Bunnell St Cir Nash E 5th Ave 5th E Dirt Rd Pine St

Chena Ave Chena Pine St

Mellow Pl Pine St

Klondike Ave Klondike Mc Carrey St Carrey Mc Pine St McCarrey St S Pine St

Bliss St

San Antonio St Ave 20th E N Pine St

S Bliss St

Reka Dr Reka Camila Ct Camila

N Bliss St Lane St Dr Bliss

Private Aly Private

Klondike Ct Klondike

Diplomacy Dr Diplomacy

Lane St Ave 8th E

E 9th Ave 9th E

MalaspinaDr Russian Jack Dr Jack Russian

N Lane St Shaw Cir Dr Reka

Lane Cir S Hoyt St

Tudor Centre Dr Centre Tudor Ames Ave Ames Bunn St Cir Dolina Ray St Mlakar Dr

N Bunn St Hoyt St Ave Roberto San

Hoyt St Cir Sanya San Ernesto Ave Ernesto San

UniversityLake Dr E 2nd Ave 2nd E

N Hoyt St Rd Ridge Faculty

E 3rd Ave 3rd E Cir Tamarra E 4th Ave 4th E Ross Ct Ross Klevin St

Park St

Park Ln Park Elmore Rd

Katrina Cir Katrina

N Park St Dr Ambassador

E 5th Ave 5th E Golden Nugget Trailer Ct Trailer Nugget Golden

Klevin St Ct Trailer Totem

Sunset Trailer Ct Trailer Sunset

Hoyt St Hoyt

S Klevin St Ct Trailer Sunset Cir Rudakof E Tudor Rd Tudor E S Klevin St Dr Veco N Klevin St Ave 7th E Flower St S Flower St University Dr University Lake Dr N Flower St Bragaw Square Pl Demeure Pl Fine Arts Ln S Bragaw St Primerose Pl

E 2nd Ave 2nd E Bragaw St Primrose St Florina St

Thompson Ave Thompson N Bragaw St

Sharon Gagnon Ln Gagnon Sharon Norene St Dr Residential Nichols St

San Jeronimo Dr Jeronimo San Alumni Dr Nichols St Ave 16th E

Irwin St

Northway Dr Northway Rd Debarr Providence E Lp Parsons Ave Parsons Valarian St Ave 19th E Price St 19-J Arca Dr Dale St

Rodeo Pl E 20th Ave 20th E

Wintergreen St Ave Alexander Scoter Cir Scoter

Mumford St Dr View Mountain Arca Dr Glenn Way Glenn Columbine St Thorne Pl

Bailey Dr Columbine St Taylor Cir Taylor

Glenn Hwy Glenn

E 40th Ave 40th E

Taylor St Ct Jeanne Rosemary St

Henrys Dr Henrys Rosemary St

Krista Cir Krista Ave 41st E

Peterkin Ave Peterkin Kids Ct Kids Piper St

Providence E Lp

E 15th Ave 15th E

Kbl AptsLpKbl James Ct James

Karen Ct Loop Alumni

E 19th Ct 19th E Kinnikinnick St Ct Cassius

James Dr James Schodde St Pl Thunderbird Anchorage Municipality Goose Lake Dr 17-I

Bike Path Bike U A A Dr

Karen Dr Karen Goose Lake Park Lake Goose

Robin Dr Robin Airport Heights Dr Wright St

Widgeon Ln Widgeon

Commercial Dr Commercial Penland Pkwy Penland

E 42nd Ave 42nd E Richmond Ave Richmond Dr View Mountain Garden St

Roson Ct

Tarwater Ave Tarwater Rampart Dr Rampart Sunrise Dr Sunrise

Birchwood St Cir Alder

Seawolf Dr Way Spirit Folker St

Stoddard Alder Dr Ct 44th E

Alder Dr

Mallard Ln Mallard Aspen Ct Aspen

Merrill Field Dr Field Merrill Gosling Cir Career Center Dr Center Career

AlaskaRegional Dr Kuskokwim St Hickory Pl Porcupine Dr Porcupine Debarr Cir

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Laurel St

Aleutian St E 17th Ave 17th E

15-H W Campus Dr Providence Dr Providence

Logan St Lovejoy Dr E 20th Ave 20th E

Industrial Way Ave 16th E Reeve Blvd Porter Pl

Toklat St

W Chipperfield Dr Dr Oak E 17th Ave 17th E

Talkeetna St State Hwy 1 Hwy State

Elmendorf Access Rd Access Elmendorf Charter Cir Charter Young St Lake Otis Pkwy Sheldon Jackson St

Reeve Blvd Lake Otis Rd

E 40th Ave 40th E

Duke Dr Duke

Stanford Dr Stanford Emory St Emory

Railroad Ave Railroad N Post Rd Post N Wrangell St


E 24th Ave 24th E Yale Dr Fordham Dr Fordham Ave 37th E

Eastridge Dr Eastridge Knoll Cir

E 38th Ave 38th E

E 36th Ave 36th E Williams St

E 5th Ave 5th E

Morningtide Ct Morningtide

Viking Dr Viking Spar Ave Spar 2nd St 2nd Wrangell St Columbia St

E 15th Ave 15th E Cliffside Dr Scott St Unga St Dr Salem S 18-I Drake Dr Warwick Dr 16 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 69 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Young, Don Republican Bradley, Scott N. Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Clinton, Hillary Democrat McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Kaine, Tim Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District H Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Kastner, Kevin D. Republican Baraka, Ajamu Wielechowski, Bill Democrat Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R. State Representative District 16 (vote for one) Write-in United States Hadley, Don Republican Senator Sharrock, Ian Non Affiliated (vote for one) Spohnholz, Ivy Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Write-in Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. SAMPLENon Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat


PAGE 70 2016 REGION II House District 16 Don Hadley, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Public School Teacher 27 years, President Elmendorf Education Association 1972, Owner/Operator Northern Lights Vending, Licensed Health, Life, Variable Life, and Variable Annuity

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: American Legion, VFW, NRA Life, Past President United Methodist Men APUMC, Boy Scouts of America

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Reading, Politics and Government, World, state, and local news, cooking

OTHER: Proud father and grandfather

STATEMENT: I was born and raised a son of the Greatest Generation. I was born to serve which I have spent my life doing. To represent you in the State House will be my greatest opportunity yet. Government can and must provide opportunity and foster productivity. We make a living Residence Address: 3259 Wesleyan Drive by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Let us Anchorage, AK 99508 get Alaska moving, again.

E-MAIL: [email protected]


AGE: 74

PLACE OF BIRTH: Indianapolis, IN

CHILDREN’S NAMES: Ross (Zuraya) grandsons James & Sebastian Todd (Nicole) granddaughter Olivia

Occupation: Retired Educator


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1967-present

EDUCATION: Southport H.S. 1960, Diploma Butler University 1960-1965

MILITARY SERVICE: USAF 1965-69 Alaska Air National Guard 1971-92

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 71 2016 REGION II House District 16 Ian Sharrock, Non-Affiliated

STATEMENT: At age eighteen, I registered as an independent. Currently, 51% of District 16 voters are also independent. That’s more than twice any single party, who identify as impartial voters committed to choose ANY candidate that best represents how government should serve. Like many of this large majority, I’ve thought for years my ballot options were too limited, and now would like to fill that void.

Rather than campaign ‘against’ a Republican or Democrat, I am running as a choice, and a voice for voters who want to see policy-making without the polarization that has become too common in public discourse. I will represent my district as an independent by working with all stakeholders to honor common principles and develop policy solutions that will withstand the pendulum swing from one election to the next.

Put simply, my goal is to be a Statesman. As such I will be civil, and strong. I will ask tough questions, remain impartial, and offer outside-the-box ideas. My values are based in the principles of liberty and the rule of law, Residence Address: 1509 Atkinson Drive human potential, and responsibility. Anchorage, AK 99504 My vision for the state includes both a reduction in E-MAIL: [email protected] the cost and growth of government, as well as current residents and businesses helping to pay for state OTHER: operations. That vision also includes more cooperation Ian Sharrock is a lifelong Alaska resident, born at between development and conservation interests, as Providence Hospital in 1971. His family came to well as states’ rights strongly balancing federal actions. Anchorage in the 1920’s and he plans to always call Alaska home. Ian has lived in this precinct since 1999, If you are interested in financially and politically where he and his wife Carla Hollingsworth are raising sustainable solutions, please help elect this Non- their son Caleb. Partisan candidate.

Ian attended local Catholic and public schools, plus Many thanks, several years at the University of Alaska. Ian has worked Ian Sharrock primarily in residential construction, first framing homes, and for the last fifteen years making homes more energy efficient in many Alaskan communities. His joys are family, time at the lake, hiking, skiing, and photography in the Chugach and Talkeetna mountains, and studying Alaska’s history, economy and energy industry.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 72 2016 REGION II House District 16 Ivy Spohnholz, Democrat

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: House of Representatives – Appointed March 8, 2016

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: The Salvation Army, Director of Development University of Alaska Anchorage, Senior Development Officer Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis, Development Coordinator

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Foster Parent Foster Kids First Alaska Children’s Trust YWCA Alaska The Foraker Group Association of Fundraising Professionals Tanaina Child Development Center Alaska Women’s Lobby

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Love to enjoy Alaska’s great outdoors through hiking, hunting, berry picking, gardening, skiing, cycling and running.

Residence Address: 3473 Newcomb Drive STATEMENT: Anchorage, AK 99508 I have spent the last twenty years serving Alaska through The Salvation Army, Abused Women’s Aid MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 212495 in Crisis, University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska Anchorage, AK 99512 Children’s Trust and as a foster parent.

E-MAIL: [email protected] On March 8, 2016, Governor Bill Walker appointed me to the House seat left vacant by the passing of Max Website: Gruenberg. I serve on the Education and State Affairs Committees and the Special Committee on Military AGE: 43 and Veterans Affairs.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Nebesna We are at a critical time in the history of our state. We have enjoyed the bounties of our state’s resources for SPOUSE’S NAME: Troy Bowler decades, but with no end in sight for historically low oil prices, we have tough decisions to make. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Iris (18), Kim (18), and Maya (16) I am running for State House in District 16 with a vision for a sustainable budget designed to reflect the values Occupation: Nonprofit fundraiser of our state. Values like independence and personal freedom with an eye towards investing in our most LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: important natural resource—Alaskans. This means 1973-1991 and 1999 to present working across political line—in partnership with Republicans, Independents and Democrats—for the ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: good of our state’s future. Nebesna 1974-1974 Anchorage 1974-1991 Alaska has always been a place of hope and Anchorage 1999-present opportunity: a place where hard work and tenacity could realize real success. As a third generation EDUCATION: Alaskan, raising a fourth generation, I am committed Steller Secondary, West High School and SAVE II, to ensuring it remains a place where hard work can General Education Diploma, 1991 yield a good life for generations to come. University of Washington, Bachelors of Arts in Political Science, 1997, and Masters of Public Administration, 2014

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 73 2016 REGION II Marten St Dr Lunar

Brittany Dr

Cherokee Way Cherokee Hastings Ln Chelsea Way

Baxter Ct Baxter

Brittany Pl Brittany

Foxhall Dr Foxhall Campbell Airstrip Rd

Otter St Otter

London Cir London

Pickwick Pl Pickwick

Gloucester Pl Gloucester

Turpin St Dr Foothill Basher Dr

Notting Hill Dr Hill Notting Cimarron Cir

Tolhurst Ct Tolhurst KingstonCharing Dr Cross Cir

Citadel Ln Citadel Ct Barclay

Colgate Dr Colgate

Hampton Dr Hampton E 31st Ave 31st E E 16th Ave 16th E 27-N

Tulane St Rd Airstrip Campbell Village Pkwy Village E 15th Ct 15th E Beaver Pl Baxter Rd Jerde Cir Donington Dr

Aldona Cir

E 41st Ct 41st E


Eastwood Ct Eastwood

Illian Ln Illian McLean Pl

Ambergate Dr Eastwood Loop Eastwood

Campbell Airstrip Rd Airstrip Campbell

Atkinson Cir Atkinson Marik St

More Ln Way Vadla E 38th Ct 38th E

More St Dr Kody Kensington Dr

Atkinson Dr Atkinson

Camrose Dr Camrose Carnaby Way

Glenn Don Dr Cir Longoria St Defiance

Doncaster Dr Doncaster

Kepner Dr Kepner

Camden Cir Camden

Success Dr Dr Glenkerry

Wayne St Cir Ridgelake

Elmendorf Dr Elmendorf Kerry Cir Jordan Cir Jordan

Clark St Kenwood Cir Crique Pl

Miley Dr Miley

Image Dr Image Reflection Dr Nunaka Dr Nunaka Lochwood Cir

Sylvia Sylvia Dr Lee St

Jasper Ln Jasper

Sapin Ct Sapin

Craig Dr Craig

Richardson Dr Richardson Bryant Ridge Pl

Tudor Square Ct

E 43rd Ave 43rd E Riviera Way Riviera

Radcliff Dr Lee St

Chilkoot Ct Chilkoot

Sapphire Loop Sapphire Science Center Dr Center Science Twining Dr Twining

Penn Cir Penn Dr College

Gate Keeper Ave Keeper Gate

E 38th Ct 38th E

Kennyhill Dr Kennyhill Perry Dr Perry Pembroke St Boniface Pkwy Ave 32nd E Lynn Dr

Wells Cir

E 42nd Ave 42nd E Hinkle Rd Hinkle Maudest Pl Maudest Rose St Avila Ct E 40th Ave 40th E Morphy Ct Gardner St Farmer Pl Lily St

E 41st Ave 41st E Military Rd Leslie St Leslie 16-H

E 24th Ave 24th E Sunflower St Checkmate Dr

Sillary Cir Sillary E 22nd Ave 22nd E

Glacier St Ct Regis Rhyner Ct Rhyner

Emmanuel Ave Bisquier Dr E 26th Ave 26th E Lana Ct Knights Way

Palmer Ct

E 43rd Ave 43rd E

Castle Ct

E 20th Ave 20th E Marlowe Ave Marlowe

Rollins Dr Rollins Newcomb Dr Newcomb

Briarcliff Dr Briarcliff

25-M Mills Dr Way Westminister

Bryn Mawr Ct Mawr Bryn Vance Dr Bishop Way

Wesleyan Dr

Queens Ct Queens

Marion Ave Marion Snow Cir Snow

Leah Ct Leah Easthaven Cir Nash Cir Nash Pine St Pine St Pine St

Bliss St Bliss Cir

E 20th Ave 20th E

Reka Dr Reka

Diplomacy Dr Diplomacy Bliss Dr Bliss

Malaspina Dr Reka Dr Reka Russian Jack Dr Jack Russian

S Hoyt St

Tudor Centre Dr Centre Tudor

Dolina Cir Dolina Mlakar Dr

E 64th Ave 64th E

E 48th Ave 48th E

Laura Cir Laura Sanya Cir Sanya Ambassador Dr

UniversityLake Dr

Faculty Ridge Rd Ridge Faculty Bragaw St Tamarra Cir Tamarra Elmore Rd Klevin St Elmore Rd

Elmore Rd S Bragaw St

Katrina Cir Katrina Veco Dr Veco S Bragaw St

University Dr University Lake Dr Bragaw Square Pl Demeure Pl Fine Arts Ln Primerose Pl

Primrose St Florina St

Dowling Rd Dowling

Norene St Ln Gagnon Sharon Residential Dr Residential

Nichols St

Nichols St Ave 16th E Dr Alumni Providence E Lp E Providence

Valarian St Cir Scoter Dale St

Arca Dr View Cir

E 19th Ave 19th E

E 20th Ave 20th E Alexander Ave Alexander Grumman St

Wintergreen St Ave 18th E Doil Cir

E 17th Ave 17th E Alumni Loop Alumni

Columbine St Arca Dr Thorne Pl Cir Leonard Columbine St Ave 46th E Dr Gross

E 40th Ave 40th E Piper St

E 41st Ave 41st E Doil Dr Doil

Rosemary St St Lark Norm Dr Piper St Newt Dr

Providence E Lp E 15th Ave 15th E Kinnikinnick St Nadine St

Goose Lake Dr U A A Dr Sunchase St Bike Path Bike Goose Lake Park Lake Goose

Wright St

Airport Heights Dr Anchorage Municipality Mego St Clint Cir Clint

Sunrise Dr Sunrise

Widgeon Ln Widgeon Loretta Ln

Misty Springs Ct Springs Misty

Summer Sun Ct Sun Summer

Midnight Sun Sun Ct Midnight Summer Wind Ct Wind Summer Chuck Dr Chuck Raymond Dr Garden St Merle Cir

Tinian St

Kristen Kristen Cir Alder Cir Alder Folker St Birchwood St Folker St

Spirit Way Spirit S Tahiti Loop 19-J Seawolf Dr Alder Dr Vi St

Laurel St

Alder Dr Ln Mallard Fiji St Aspen Ct Aspen

Gosling Cir Career Center Dr

E 50th Ave 50th E Guam Ave Guam

Kuskokwim St Laurel St Tonga St Spruce Meadows Dr E 48th Ave 48th E Debarr Cir Laurel St SolomonAve 17-I

E 17th Ave 17th E Aleutian St Samoa St Providence Dr Providence W Campus Dr Loop Tahiti N Lovejoy Dr

E 16th Ave 16th E Logan St

E 52nd Ave 52nd E Winter Ridge Ct Ridge Winter

Misty Ct Tuttle Pl Porter Pl Ave Pago Pago

Toklat St Ct 49th E

E 42nd Ave 42nd E

E 17th Ave 17th E Oak Dr Oak Northrup Pl Lupin Pl

Talkeetna St Roger Dr Ct 54th E E 27th Ave 27th E

Highlands Apts Rd Dowling E

E 56th Ave 56th E

Charter Cir Charter Lake Otis Pkwy Ave Maple Greenridge Cir Greenridge Sheldon Jackson St Young St Ct 47th E

Lake Otis Rd Vanderbilt Cir Quinhagak St

E 40th Ave 40th E

Duke Dr Duke

Debarr Rd Debarr

Waldron Dr Waldron Campbell Pl Campbell

Knoll Cir St Emory Randolph St

Tudor Hills Dr Hills Tudor

E 24th Ave 24th E Petersburg St Tudor Hills Ct Hills Tudor

Yale Dr Dr Fordham Ave 37th E

Eastridge Dr Eastridge Sorbus Way Dr Wickersham

E 38th Ave 38th E Williams St Little Tree St

E 20th Ave 20th E Morningtide Ct Morningtide Sorbus Cir Columbia St Cliffside Dr Stanford Cir Scott St

Shepherdia Dr Ave 57th E Burlwood St Seaforth Pl Dow Pl

Drake Dr Dr Dimond Maplewood St Bartlett Dr Ave 58th E

N Salem Dr Salem N Trena St E 56th Ave 56th E E Tudor Rd Tudor E

Sitka St Parkside Dr Dartmouth Dr Ave 53rd E Meadow St

S Salem Dr Salem S Mac Innes St Windflower Cir

Stanford Dr Stanford Macinnes St Stratford Ct Stratford Crestwood St Ave 59th E Princeton Way

Dixie Ct Cache Dr E 24th Ave 24th E

Merrill Field Dr Field Merrill Larkspur St Rowan St Rierie Dr Rierie Bannister Rd Bannister Madison Way Purdue St

E 41st Ct 41st E Needle Cir Galewood St Ct 40th E Mockingbird Dr Winterset Dr Shelikof St Wentworth St Shelikof St Grape Pl Pavalof St Cottonwood St Wingate Cir Brayton Dr Frontage Rd

E 27th Ave 27th E Eau Claire Pl Crescent Dr Kupreanof St New Seward Hwy

E 26th Ave 26th E Locarno Dr E 15th Ave 15th E Chirikof Ct Chirikof Homer Dr Rakof Ave Rakof State Hwy 1 Bannister Dr

Zarvis Pl Zarvis Becharof St Orca St Orca Pl Seward Hwy Sprucewood St Brayton Dr Latouche St

Annapolis Dr

Vassar Dr Vassar

Staubbach Cir Staubbach E 13th Ave13thE Westmar Cir Latouche St Rosewood St

Nelchina St Ave Gotthard St

Redwood St MatterhornPl Way Geneva

Crescent Ave Crescent

E 19th Ave 19th E Dr Helvetia Homer Dr Lehigh Cir Lehigh

Medfra St Latouche St Ct Redwood Barrington Loop Juneau St E 56th Ave 56th E

E 36th Ave 36th E Juneau St

E 35th Ave 35th E E 54th Ave 54th E E InternationalE Airport Rd Ingra St

Latouche St Karluk St Commerce St E 58th Ct 58th E Juneau St Ave 27th E

Karluk St Ave 28th E

E 26th Ave 26th E Ingra St

E 46th Ct 46th E

E 45th Ct 45th E

E 42nd Ave 42nd E E 50th Ave 50th E

Ingra St Old Seward Hwy

E 20th Ave 20th E 57thE Pl

Juneau St Juneau 20-J E 38th Ave 38th E E 17th Ave 17th E Dr Juneau

Ingra St Gambell St Dr Pearl

E 46th Ave 46th E

E Fireweed Ln Fireweed E

E 40 Ave 40 E 42nd Ave 42nd

E Benson Blvd Benson E Fairbanks St Hyder St Hyder St Gambell St

Gambell St Fairbanks St E 37th Ave 37th E

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Gambell St Fairbanks St

E 13th Ave 13th E Telephone Ave Telephone Eagle St

Fairbanks St Ave 34th E

Tyee Cir Tyee

Communications Ave Communications Togiak Cir Togiak

E 42nd Ave 42nd E Denali St

Fairbanks St Blvd Lights Northern E E 46th Pl46th E

Denali St 23-L Fairbanks St Eagle St Denali St Cordova St Cordova St

Cordova St

18-I E 56th Ave 56th E

Denali St Dr Franklin

E 14th Ave 14th E Eagle St Dr Egavik

A St

E 45th Ave 45th E

E 16th Ave 16th E

E 50th Ave 50th E E 48th Ave 48th E

E 12th Ave 12th E E Potter Dr

Cordova St E 15th Ter 15th E

Denali St Ave 24th E Cordova St

Barrow St Ave 53rd E

Calais Dr Calais

E 46th Ave 46th E

E 51st Ave 51st E

40th Ave 40th

E 54th Ave 54th E

E 26th Ave 26th E E 23rd Ave 23rd E

Koyuk Ave Koyuk B St E 47th Ave 47th E

Cordova St Ave 21st E Barrow St A St B St B St

Smith Dr W Dowling Rd Dowling W

Barrow St Way Sharrock Center Ct Center A St B St Ave 53rd W

Barrow St Ter 15th E

Glenview St W 38th Ave C St Ave 48th W

W Potter Dr W Tudor Rd Tudor W 17 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 74 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Bradley, Scott N. McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Clinton, Hillary Democrat Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Kaine, Tim Young, Don Republican De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 17 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Josephson, Andrew L. "Andy" Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Write-in Trump, Donald J. Republican Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted SAMPLENon Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian


PAGE 75 2016 REGION II House District 17 Andrew L. “Andy” Josephson, Democrat

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Internship (Sen. ); Legislative Aide (17th and 23rd Alaska Legislatures); public school teacher (Kuspuk School District, Kalskag); superior court judicial law clerk (4th and 3rd Judicial Districts, Fairbanks and Kenai); Assistant District Attorney, 1999-2001, Kotzebue); Associate Attorney (Law Offices of Dan Allan & Associates, and Law Offices of G.R. Eschbacher, 2003-2012); Adjunct Instructor of Constitutional Law, 2003-2008 (UAA).

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Backpacking, baseball, fishing, skiing, running/swimming.

STATEMENT: I am proud to be the only member of the Legislature spanning the last 4 years to have never missed a floor vote of any kind—ever! My attendance at committees is also exemplary.

I was a co-sponsor of 44 different bills and resolutions that have become law spanning the last two years. I supported good Republican legislation while fighting the majority’s bad legislation. Residence Address: 4859 Pavalof Street Anchorage, AK 99507 I have been a leader in the Legislature on the civil rights of same-sex individuals. I have also been a leading MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 230915 advocate and staunch supporter of the protection of Anchorage AK 99523-0915 wild animals, waters and lands. I championed the rights of victims of crime in the 2016 session. Finally, I was a E-MAIL: [email protected] leading supporter of Medicaid Expansion in Alaska and applaud the Governor’s receipt of expansion dollars. AGE: 52 I Will Continue to: PLACE OF BIRTH: Anchorage *Oppose the Pebble and Chuitna Mines. We should SPOUSE’S NAME: Donna not trade renewable resources for non-renewable resources, especially when local communities most Occupation: Attorney directly impacted by a project oppose it.

LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 52 years *Oppose Vouchers. We should not become islands unto ourselves. Our country was built on public education. It ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: should be about “We”, not about “I”. Anchorage: July, 1964-Present, except for: Juneau: (January-May of 1990, 2003, 2013-2016) *Oppose Changes to the Judiciary. We have the finest Lower Kalskag: (August, 1991-May, 1994) state court system in the country. It’s impartial and Fairbanks: (November, 1997-September, 1998) totally apolitical. Kenai: (September, 1998-June, 1999) Kotzebue: (December, 1999-May, 2001) *Support the Biggest Economic Project in Alaska History, the Large Diameter Natural Gas-line. EDUCATION: West High (1982); Whitman College (BA History, *Support the Full-Funding of Our Public Schools. 1986); UAA (Master of Arts in Teaching, 1992); Penn State-Dickinson School of Law (JD, 1997) *Support the Rights of Workers and the Dignity of Individuals. POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Municipal Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals, *Support a Comprehensive Fiscal Plan--I’m Willing to and Planning and Zoning Commission (2005-2008); Take Tough Votes and Not Dodge this Crisis! Alaska State House (2013-Present)

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Airport Heights Dr Wright St Loretta Ln Cir Clint Sunrise Dr Sunrise Brantley Pl

Garden St Roson Ct Dr Chuck Merle Cir

U A A Dr E 46th Ave 46th E

Alder Cir Alder Piper St Folker St Birchwood St Way Spirit

Debarr Rd Debarr Seawolf Dr Folker St Alder Dr Ct 44th E

Happy Ln Happy Vi St

E 18th Ave 18th E

E 42nd Ave 42nd E E 15th Ave 15th E

Alder Dr Ln Mallard

Gosling Cir Career Center Dr Ave 50th E

AlaskaRegional Dr

E 48th Ave 48th E Laurel St

Hickory Pl Loop Tahiti N Debarr Cir Laurel St

Aleutian St Providence Dr Providence W Campus Dr

Lovejoy Dr

Logan St Ave 52nd E

Winter Ridge Ct Ridge Winter

Misty Ct Porter Pl Ct 49th E

Toklat St 19-J E 16th Ave 16th E

Northrup Pl Lupin Pl Ct 54th E E 27th Ave 27th E Roger Dr E 17th Ave 17th E Talkeetna St

Lake Otis Pkwy Ct Homestead

Charter Cir Charter Maple Ave Maple Greenridge Cir Greenridge Sheldon Jackson St Young St Ct 47th E Blackstone Cir

Lake Otis Rd Vanderbilt Cir

Duke Dr Duke


Waldron Dr Waldron

Campbell Pl Campbell Emory St Emory Randolph St

Tudor HillsDr

Radiant Cir Radiant

E 24th Ave 24th E

E 37th Ave 37th E

E Tudor Rd Tudor E Crataegus Ave Crataegus

Yale Dr Dr Fordham Sorbus Way Dr Wickersham Knoll Cir

Daybreak Ct E 38th Ave 38th E Williams St Ct Salem

Morningtide Ct Morningtide Parkside Dr Sorbus Cir Little Tree St Columbia St Stanford Cir

Cliffside Dr Scott St Bartlett Dr Shepherdia Dr Seaforth Pl Drake Dr Dr Dimond Maplewood St Eastridge Dr N Salem Dr Salem N Trena St

Sitka St BurlingtonSt

Dartmouth Dr Ave 53rd E S Salem Dr Salem S E 20th Ave 20th E Mac Innes St

Stanford Dr Stanford Macinnes St Crestwood St Ave Northwestern Princeton Way Cache Dr

E 24th Ave 24th E Dixie Ct Larkspur St

Bannister Rd Bannister Madison Way Purdue St

E 41st Ct 41st E

E 40th Ct 40th E Galewood St Winterset Dr Cir Needle Shelikof St Merrill Field Dr Wentworth St Shelikof St Grape Pl Glenwood St Pavalof St Cottonwood St Wingate Cir Eau Claire Pl E 27th Ave 27th E Crescent Dr Kupreanof St E 26th Ave 26th E Locarno Dr

Cottonwood St Ct Chirikof Rakof Ave Rakof

Bannister Dr Brayton Dr Ave Alpenhorn

Orca Pl Pl Zarvis Becharof St

Orca St Dr Vassar Brayton Dr McHugh Ln McHugh Sprucewood St Homer Dr

Bennington Dr Bennington Cir Staubbach Frontage Rd

Redwood St Latouche St

St Gotthard Ave Gotthard St Matterhorn WayPl Geneva Nelchina St Redwood St

Crescent Ave Crescent Seward Hwy

Annapolis Dr Annapolis

E 17th Ave 17th E

E 19th Ave 19th E Homer Dr Lehigh Cir Lehigh

E 10th Ave 10th E Dr Helvetia

E 11th Ave 11th E Redwood Ct Redwood

E 16th Ter 16th E Rhone Cir Barrington Loop

Medfra St Latouche St Rhone St Juneau St

E 35th Ave 35th E

Elegante Ln Elegante Juneau St E 15th Ave 15th E

E 12th Ave 12th E Karluk St

Latouche St Ave 14th E Commerce St

Latouche St Karluk St

E 16th Ave 16th E E 27th Ave 27th E State Hwy 1

Juneau St Juneau St Ave 28th E E 26th Ave 26th E

Karluk St Ct 45th E

Ingra St Ct 46th E

E 50th Ave 50th E E 42nd Ave 42nd E

E 10th Ave 10th E Old Seward Hwy

Juneau St Ave 20th E Ingra St

E 38th Ave 38th E Juneau St Juneau

Juneau St Ave 40th E Tyonek Dr Dr Juneau New Seward Hwy

Ingra St Gambell St

E 40 Ave 40 E 42nd Ave 42nd Gambell St Hyder St Gambell St Fairbanks St Fairbanks St Fairbanks St

Hyder St Blvd Benson E Fairbanks St

E 37th Ave 37th E

E Fireweed Ln Fireweed E Fairbanks St Ave Telephone

Gambell St Ave 34th E Eagle St Eagle St

E International Airport Rd Airport International E Communications Ave Communications

E 21st Ave 21st E Fairbanks St

Togiak Cir Togiak

E Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern E E 42nd Ave 42nd E

E 33rd Ave 33rd E E 14th Ave 14th E

E 22nd Ave 22nd E

E 46th Pl46th E E 32nd Ave 32nd E

E 36th Ave 36th E Denali St Fairbanks St Eagle St Denali St Egavik Dr

Denali St Cordova St E 11th Ave 11th E Eagle St

Eagle St Ter 15th E

E 45th Ave 45th E

E 10th Ave 10th E

E 16th Ave 16th E

E 50th Ave 50th E

E 48th Ave 48th E

E 13th Ave 13th E E 12th Ave 12th E

E 24th Ave 24th E Cordova St

Cordova St Dr Calais

Denali St Barrow St

E 51st Ave 51st E

E 46th Ave 46th E

40th Ave 40th

E 23rd Ave 23rd E

Koyuk Ave Koyuk

E 47th Ave 47th E E 21st Ave 21st E A St Barrow St

Cordova St Smith Dr Sharrock Way Sharrock

Barrow St

E 26th Ave 26th E A St B St Dr Square Union Barrow St Ter 15th E

Glenview St

E 9th Ave 9th E

W 48th Ave 48th W W 34th Ave 34th W W 38th Ave Heintzleman Dr C St


W 31st Ave 31st W

W 32nd Ave 32nd W W International Airport Rd Airport International W

B St W 24th Pl

W 15th Ter 15th W W 22nd Ave 22nd W

W 23rd Ave 23rd W Credit Union Dr

Eide St Bus Park Blvd

40th Ave 40th W 20th Ave 20th W

W 13th Ave 13th W Eide St W 11th Ave 11th W D St Eide St

Eureka St Center Pt W 16th Ave 16th W D St Aurora Dr Eureka St W FireweedLn D St D St Clover Ln

Dawson St Bering St

W Benson Blvd Benson W

W 12th Ave 12th W W 15th Ter 15th W W W 24th Ave

E St Ave 36th W

Blueberry Rd W 42nd Ave 42nd W

Blueberry St Springer St Ave 40th W

F St Ct Vernon Mt Sesame St Sesame

F St Ave 46th W Arctic Blvd F St Bering St Ave 45th W 23-L

G Ct Ave 41st W W 17th Ave 17th W Kent St

G St Ave 15th W

W 22nd Ave 22nd W Idle Wheels Trailer Ct W 26th Ave 26th W


W 9th Ave 9th W W 21st Ave 21st W W 14th Ave 14th W W 18th Ave Indiana St Indiana St Shakespeare Cir

W 11th Ave 11th W N Star St H St St H Tonsina Pl

H St Canterbury Way

W 16th Ave 16th W N Star St

N Star St St Star N

W 20th Ave 20th W

Bunker St Cope St Dr Lancaster

I St Dr Westbury W 40th Ave 40th W

W 24th Ave 24th W L and L Trailer Ct Penguin St

N Star St Cope St

W 39th Ave 39th W W 32nd Ave 32nd W

K St Pl 29th W Gilmore Ct

W 26th Ave 26th W W 27th Ave 27th W

K St Ave Photo Dorbrandt St

W 25th Ave 25th W Cambridge Way

Dorbrandt St Wilson St

Potlatch Cir Dr Southampton

K St Ave 23rd W

W 30th Ave 30th W W 10th Ave 10th W

W 13th Ave 13th W Buckingham Way

Wilshire Ave Wilshire W 22nd Ave 22nd W W 16th Ave 16th W Dorbrandt St

Wilson St Harrison St W 19th Ave 19th W L St Ln Coffey Nottingham Way

Aviation Ave Spenard Rd Chugach Way

L St Wilshire St

Dahl Ln Dahl Ave 47th W

W 33rd Ave 33rd W

Minnesota Dr Minnesota Dr Oxford Inlet Pl Ln Coffey Garfield St Minnesota Dr Hillcrest Pl

W 38th Ave 38th W Garfield St

M St M St Pl 39th W

W 41st Ave 41st W M St Ave 46th W

M St Ave 40th W

Penguin Trailer Ct Trailer Penguin W 45th Ave 45th W

Hayes St Ave 44th W Hayes St N St Essex Cir N St Ave 12th W

Romig Pl Ave 31st W McCain Loop McCain

W 43rd Ave 43rd W

W 32nd Ave 32nd W

W 26th Ave 26th W

W 29th Ave 29th W

W 25th Ave 25th W

W 15th Ave 15th W

W 34th Ave 34th W

Overlook Pl O St Byp Minnesota

Virginia Ct Virginia W 35th Ave 35th W

W 16th Ave 16th W Culver Pl

Greenland Dr

Greenland Dr Dr Minnesota W 30th Ave 30th W Greenland Dr

O Pl Minnesota Dr Byp Minnesota

P St Dr Roosevelt Lois Dr P St Thru-Way Spenard Greenland Dr Harding Dr W 33rd Ave 33rd W Wyoming Dr R St R St

Wyoming Dr

Mc Kinley Ave Kinley Mc

Hidden Ln Ave 37th W Beech Ln Beech

Stolt Ln Stolt

W 14th Ave 14th W Oregon Dr Ave Cleveland Lois Dr Jefferson Ave Jefferson Taft St

S St Hillcrest Dr David Ln David

S St Ave 13th W Oregon Dr

W 32nd Ave 32nd W Harding Dr W 44th Pl

Lois Dr Van Buren St Jefferson Ave Jefferson

W Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern W

Lois Dr Ave 48th W W 47th Ave 47th W

Wiggins Scenic Way Taft Dr Doris Pl Rd Tudor W Doris Pl Arlington Dr Van Buren St U St Doris St

W 12th Ave 12th W Belmont Dr

W 46th Ave 46th W

Buccaneer Pl Buccaneer

Muriel Pl Willow Pl Woodland Dr Dr Roosevelt W 45th Ave 45th W Kirby Pl Kirby

Willow St Ave McKinley

Willow St Ave Cleveland

Fairweather Dr Fairweather Churchill Dr Churchill Wildwood Ln Ave Lincoln

Arlington DrN

Jefferson Ave Jefferson

W 29th Ave 29th W

Hialeah Dr Hialeah Willow Ln

W St Dr Belair Northwood Dr Anchorage Municipality

Woodland Park Dr Dr Carolina Esquire Dr Esquire Haru Ln Northwood St Ave 36th W Iowa Dr Castner Ln Iowa St McRae Rd

Forest Park Dr Forest Park Dr Park Forest Iowa St Iowa Dr

Arkansas Dr

Forest Park Dr Bob Atwood Cir Brookside Dr Dr Brookside Arkansas Dr

Arbor Cir Ct 44th W

W 43rd Ct 43rd W Grizzly Trailer Ct Ave Kershner

Atwood Dr Atwood la Honda Dr Abbey Ln Barbara Dr

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Arcadia Dr Barbara St Ave Melvin

Evangeline Ave Evangeline Forest Rd Rd Forest Klamath Dr

Mc Rae Rd W 32nd Ave 32nd W Kona Ln Kona E Turnagain Blvd

Iris Dr

Turnagain St Merrill Dr Tundra Ct Ln Falls Klamath Discovery Ct Discovery Rd Malibu

Iris St Aspen Dr Gillam Cir Gillam Borland Dr Loussac Dr Valleywood Dr

Klamath Dr

Bennett Ave Bennett

W 33rd Ave 33rd W

Will Rogers Pl Rogers Will

W 34th Ave 34th W

Lakeshore Dr Lakeshore

Arctic Cir Ave Post Wiley W 42nd Pl 42nd W Balchen Dr Ln Carroll

Lord Baranof Dr W 31st Ave 31st W W 30th Ave 30th W Tanglewood Dr

Captain Cook Dr Ave 35th W 21-K Crosson Dr Dr Spenard Lake

Crosson Cir Ave 43rd W

Brooke Dr

Marston Dr Marston Illiamna Ave Illiamna Wisconsin St St Elias Dr 18 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 77 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Bradley, Scott N. Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Clinton, Hillary Democrat Young, Don Republican Kaine, Tim Lindbeck, Steve Democrat De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 18 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Drummond, Harriet A. Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Gordon, Michael W. "Mike" Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray SAMPLEDemocrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican


PAGE 78 2016 REGION II House District 18 Harriet A. Drummond, Democrat

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Alaska State Legislature, House of Representatives, 2013-present Member, House Education Committee Member, House Community & Regional Affairs Committee Member, House Special Committee on Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Anchorage Municipal Assembly, 2008-2013, Chair 2009 Anchorage School Board 1994-2003, President 1998-1999

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Graphic Designer 1976-1981; printers, architecture firms, VECO Owner, Drummond Design, 1981-Present

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Member, Spenard Chamber of Commerce Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Parish Council, Treasurer North Star Community Council, Chair Federation of Community Councils, Chair North Star Elementary School PTA, President, Treasurer West High School PTSA, Eagles Cache School Store Manager Residence Address: 2139 Solstice Circle Anchorage, AK 99503 SPECIAL INTERESTS: Greek cooking, fishing, reading, enjoying Alaska’s beauty, MAILING ADDRESS: 2139 Solstice Circle visiting as many other Alaska communities as possible! Anchorage, AK 99503 STATEMENT: E-MAIL: [email protected] I have proven leadership experience and have been working hard to solve our serious fiscal issues. Website: My priorities are: AGE: 64 • Excellent schools: Education is a constitutional obligation of the state and the burden of funding shortfalls PLACE OF BIRTH: New York, NY must not be shifted onto local taxpayers. • Safe and vibrant neighborhoods: Support first SPOUSE’S NAME: Elstun Lauesen responders to keep our neighborhoods safe, provide opportunity to succeed, and justice for all. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Son Alexander, stepdaughters • Fair budget plan to erase Alaska’s deficit: I did not Rachel and Jenny kick the can down the road. The Republican majority that holds the gavels and controls the agenda refused Occupation: Graphic designer to consider any proposals other than cutting Permanent Fund Dividends and this is simply unfair to Alaskans. All LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 40 proposals deserve a full and fair public review. • Dignity for Seniors and the Disabled: We must take ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: care of our elders and care for the least among us. Anchorage since 1976 • Job training, strong university to strengthen Alaska’s economy EDUCATION: • We must end unaffordable subsidies to the UAA, graduate work, Public Administration, 2007 most profitable companies in the world. And I have Cornell University, Bachelor of Science, Design and consistently voted NO on state projects that we cannot Environmental Analysis, 1974 afford, don’t make sense and that my constituents find Bronx High School of Science, 1969 objectionable.

I’d be honored to serve you once again in the Alaska State House.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 79 2016 REGION II House District 18 Michael W. “Mike” Gordon, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: 1/3 Owner Bird House Bar, Bird Creek, 1967-1968; Founder, 1970, CEO, Chilkoot Charlie’s, sold to employees, 2015.

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Boy Scouts; Boys & Girls Clubs; Alaska Mental Health Association (Volunteer of the Year); Anchorage Opera; Holy Rosary Academy Capital Committee; past- president, active member Anchorage Rotary Club; New York Explorers Club; Honorary Member, Anchorage Fire Department, Local 1264; Spenard Community Council.

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Writing, mountain climbing, marathons, traveling, skiing, fishing, gardening, continuing education.

OTHER: Eagle scout, licensed pilot, deep water diver, completed fifteen marathons, climbed highest peak on six of seven continents, reached 27,500 feet on seventh, Mt. Everest—third attempt, age fifty.

STATEMENT: th The worst thing for any economy is uncertainty. Alaska Residence Address: 1058 West 25 Ave. needs to get off the royalty-based roller coaster and Anchorage, AK 99503 create stable, predictable budgetary process and

th attract new industries to the state with incentives. We MAILING ADDRESS: 1058 West 25 Ave. need to remove bureaucratic impediments to young Anchorage, AK 99503 Alaskans entering the small business marketplace.

E-MAIL: [email protected] Government needs further cutting. It has grown far beyond state revenue expectations. As a result some Website: are advocating more taxes. I am opposed to new taxes until we further cut government spending. AGE: 72 Start with the Governor’s fanciful gas line. A gas pipeline PLACE OF BIRTH: Fort Pierce, Florida will be built by private industry when engineering costs and economics coincide. The state has a long history SPOUSE’S NAME: Michelle of funding pie-in-the-sky schemes that have always failed and lost money. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Michele, Michael Health care costs are crushing Alaska families. We Occupation: Retired have the highest premiums in the nation and prices are projected to increase another 10%. We need LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: competitive bidding to bring costs down. 63 years (2-3 years in California, early 60s). A member of the National Rifle Association, I am a ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. I also Anchorage, 1953-2016. support strong local police and fire departments.

EDUCATION: Quality education is essential to Alaska’s growth and Anchorage High, graduated 1960; University of San development, but we spend more money per student Francisco, BA, Politics, 2011; Alaska Pacific University, that almost anywhere in the country and are not MA, Writing, 2014 getting commensurate results. We need to be more supportive of teachers’ needs, spend more money on POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: teachers and classrooms and less on administration. Anchorage City Council, Councilman; Anchorage Borough Assembly, Assemblyman; Alcoholic Beverage Alaska is not in decline—it needs a change in Control Board, Chairman leadership to generate economic revival.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Chapman Ct Chapman Pitsenbarger Ct Pitsenbarger Krane Dr

Falke Ct

Wilkins Ave Wilkins Citadel Ln Citadel

Mink Ave Mink Summit View St Donna Dr Donna

Lilas Pl Ave 11th E

E 10th Ave 10th E

E 31st Ave 31st E E 16th Ave 16th E

Colgate Dr Colgate Tulane St

E 9th Ave 9th E St Micheals St Baxter Rd E 8th Ave 8th E Beaver Pl Ave 32nd E Donington Dr Bentree Cir Ave Mink

Peppertree Cir Kara Sue Loop Kara

Habicht Ct Dr Kensington

Edward St Ln Dunbar Ambergate Dr Peppertree Loop Ave 6th E

Markstrom Dr Markstrom Mila St

Whispering Loop WhisperwoodParkDr Cir Atkinson

Towne Ct

Atkinson Dr Atkinson 27-N Glenn Hwy Glenn

Camrose Dr Camrose Davis Pl Davis Carnaby Way

Staedem Dr Atkinson Ave

E 21st Ave 21st E

Doncaster Dr Doncaster

Access Rd Access Dr Kepner Campbell Airstrip Rd

Gav Way Ln More

Camden Cir Camden Winding Way Winding Glenkerry Dr


Gainey Ct Ct Bench Wayne St Elmendorf Dr Elmendorf Dr Prosperity

Kerry Cir Cranberry Ave Cranberry

Birchwood Ave Birchwood Tamworth Cir

Elmwood Ave Elmwood Nunaka Dr Driftwood Ave Driftwood

Rafferty Ct Ave Fleetwood St Norman

Greenbriar Ave Greenbriar

Honeysuckle Ave Honeysuckle Provider Dr Provider E 12th Ave 12th E Clark St

Norman St Acheson Ln

Miley Dr Miley Gray Loop Gray

Newell St Ct 9th E E 10th Cir 10th E Collie Hill Way Fulton Dr Lochwood Cir Newell St Buckner Dr

Plymouth Dr

Jasper Ln Jasper

Craig Dr Craig Richardson Dr Richardson

Hupkins Dr Dr Radcliff Lee St Sapphire Loop Sapphire

E Anchorage Mobile Home Ct Ladd Ln

Twining Dr Twining Sterling Way

Brewster Dr Brewster Chilton Dr Alley Penn Cir Penn

College Dr College

Winslow Dr Winslow

Kennyhill Dr Kennyhill

Lucky Rd Lucky E 6th Ave 6th E Warren Dr Dr Perry

Bradford Dr Bradford Pembroke St

John Alden Dr Alden John Mullins Dr Mullins

Pilgrim Dr Pilgrim Maudest Pl

Rose St Alora Loop Dr Mayflower

Boniface Pkwy Frontage Rd Frontage Camelot Dr Camelot Ronny Pl

Farmer Pl Ave 26th E Boniface Rd Lily St

15-H Carroll Pl E 30th Ave 30th E

E 24th Ave 24th E Sunflower St Misty Fjords Misty Camelot Dr 16-H

Dirt Rd Dirt Caribou Hill Pl E 22nd Ave 22nd E

Izembek Cir Glacier St Rhyner Ct Rhyner

Lionheart Ct Lionheart

Caribou Ave Caribou

Chena Ave Chena Davis Hwy Davis Hidden Retreat Pl

Palmer Ct

Fireoved Dr Fireoved E 20th Ave 20th E

E 4th Ave 4th E Wesleyan Dr

Lionheart Dr Lionheart Taku Dr Taku Scorpio Cir Davis St

Dirt Rd Mills Dr

Stewart St

Snow Cir Snow

Kenai Ave Kenai Leah Ct Leah Easthaven Cir

Bunnell St Ave 5th E Nash Cir Chena Ave Chena

Pine Valley Ct Pine St Dirt Rd Pine St

Mellow Pl Pine St Klondike Ave Klondike

Vandenberg Ave Vandenberg Mc Carrey St Pine St McCarrey St S Pine St

San Antonio St Bliss St Ave 20th E

N Pine St S Bliss St

Reka Dr Reka

Bliss Dr Bliss

Camila Ct Camila

E 6th Ave 6th E Private Aly Private

N Bliss St Ct Klondike Lane St

E 8th Ave 8th E

Lane St Ave 7th E

E 9th Ave 9th E Malaspina Dr

Russian Jack Dr Jack Russian Reka Dr Reka N Lane St Lane Cir Shaw Cir

S Hoyt St

San Roberto Ave Roberto San Ames Ave Ames Bunn St Cir Dolina

Ray St

N Bunn St Hoyt St Cir Laura

Sunset Trailer Ct Trailer Sunset E 3rd Ave 3rd E Cir Sanya

Hoyt St Ave Ernesto San E 2nd Ave 2nd E

N Hoyt St Cir Tamarra

E 4th Ave 4th E Ross Ct Ross

Park St Klevin St

Park Ln Park

E 5th Ave 5th E

N Park St Ct Trailer Nugget Golden Cir Katrina Totem Trailer Ct Trailer Totem

Klevin St S Klevin St Ct Trailer Sunset Hoyt St Hoyt

McPhee Ave McPhee S Klevin St Cir Rudakof N Klevin St Flower St S Flower St S Flower St Bragaw Square Pl

Parsons Ave Parsons N Flower St Demeure Pl

E 2nd Ave 2nd E S Bragaw St Primerose Pl

Bragaw St San Clemente Dr Primrose St

N Bragaw St Norene St 17-I

Nichols St Ave 16th E Nichols St

Debarr Rd Debarr San Jeronimo Dr Jeronimo San

Irwin St Dr Northway Community Park Loop Park Community Valarian St Ave 19th E

Price St Arca Dr

E 20th Ave 20th E Alexander Ave Alexander

19-J E 18th Ave 18th E

Mountain View Dr View Mountain Wintergreen St E 6th Ave 6th E

Mumford St Columbine St Arca Dr E 17th Ave 17th E

Bailey Dr Taylor Cir Taylor

Mc Phee Ave Phee Mc Columbine St Taylor St Ct Jeanne

Rosemary St

Krista Cir Krista Rosemary St Peterkin Ave Peterkin Henrys Dr Henrys

Kids Ct Kids Kbl AptsLpKbl Karen Ct

Thompson Ave Thompson James Dr

Kings Court Trailer Ct Ct 19th E Kinnikinnick St Ct Cassius

Schodde St Thunderbird Pl Thunderbird

Bike Path Bike

Goose Lake Dr Park Lake Goose

Karen Dr Karen

Robin Dr Robin Airport Heights Dr U A A Dr Penland Pkwy Penland

Robin Ct

Richmond Ave Richmond Mountain View Dr View Mountain Garden St

Tarwater Ave Tarwater Meyer St

Rampart Dr Rampart

E 20th Ave 20th E

Sunrise Dr Sunrise

Alder Cir Alder E 15th Ave 15th E Birchwood St Stoddard Alder Dr

Alder Dr Ct Aspen Gosling Cir

AlaskaRegional Dr

Kuskokwim St

Porcupine Dr Porcupine Pease Ave Pease

Debarr Cir Cir Park Anchor

E 17th Ave 17th E Aleutian St

E 16th Ave 16th E Logan St Lovejoy Dr

N Reeve Blvd Reeve N Industrial Way Reeve Blvd Dr Commercial Porter Pl Toklat St

W Chipperfield Dr E 17th Ave 17th E 6th St 6th

Oak Dr Oak Northrup Pl

Talkeetna St Ave 27th E

Kenney Ave Kenney

Elmendorf Access Rd Access Elmendorf Charter Cir Charter

Lake Otis Rd Ave Maple E 4th Ave 4th E

Reeve Blvd Lake Otis Pkwy

N Post Rd Post N

Railroad Ave Railroad 2nd St 2nd Wrangell St

N Wrangell St

Wrangell St Ave 24th E Crataegus Ave Crataegus

Sorbus Way

Merrill Field Dr Field Merrill Daybreak Ct E 20th Ave 20th E

Gibson Ave Ct Morningtide Sorbus Cir Wrangell St Cliffside Dr YaleDr

Unga St Shepherdia Dr

State Hwy 1 Hwy State Spar Ave Spar Viking Dr Viking

Parkview Cir Parkview Maplewood St Eastridge Dr Tetlin St

Sitka St Parkside Dr E 4th Ave 4th E

5th St 5th Sitka St

Sitka St N Sitka St Ave 24th E

Bannister Rd Bannister

Sitka St Sitka 3rd St 3rd

Finletter Ave Ave 26th E Northwestern Ave Northwestern 5th St Galewood St Femoyer Ave

Concrete St 4th St 4th

Fairchild Ave Ave Railroad

E 27th Ave 27th E Ship Ave Ship 20-J Orca Pl

Orca St 3rd St McHugh Ln McHugh

Orca St Ave13thE Apricot St Apricot Orca St N Orca St

HollywoodDr Redwood St E 2nd Ave 2nd E Nelchina St


E 8th Ave 8th E E 17th Ave 17th E

Nelchina St Ave 19th E

E 1st Ave 1st E E 10th Ave 10th E

Medfra St Ter 16th E Latouche St Blvd Benson E

Eaker Ave Ave 15th E

Bullard Ave Bullard Medfra St Elegante Ln Elegante E 5th Ave 5th E Karluk St

Post Rd Ave 11th E Ivy St Ivy Karluk St

Latouche St Ave 14th E Latouche St Karluk St

Latouche St Ave 16th E

Latouche St Ave 12th E E 27th Ave 27th E

Juneau St Ave 28th E

E 26th Ave 26th E Richardson Vista Rd Vista Richardson 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

Karluk St Ave 9th E E 10th Ave 10th E E Bluff Dr Juneau St Ave 20th E Ingra St Bong Ave

E 4th Ave 4th E Juneau St E 3rd Ave 3rd E Tyonek Dr Dr Juneau Juneau St

Andrews Ave

E 2nd Ave 2nd E E 13th Ave 13th E Seward Hwy

Hollywood Dr Rd Whitney E New Seward Hwy

E 7th Ave 7th E Elm St Elm Ingra St Blvd Lights Northern E

Hyder St Gambell St

Blake Ave St Elm

Anchorage Municipality Ave 11th E Dogwood St Dogwood Hyder St

Hyder St Ave 14th E E Fireweed Ln Fireweed E

E Warehouse Ave Fairbanks St E 10th Ave 10th E

Arnold Ave Gambell St Ave 21st E

E 22nd Ave 22nd E E 12th Ave 12th E

Cedar St Cedar E 16th Ave 16th E

E 6th Ave 6th E Fairbanks St Arctic Warrior Dr Warrior Arctic Eagle St Birch St Birch Fairbanks St Fairbanks St Ave 24th E 19 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 81 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Bradley, Scott N. Young, Don Republican Clinton, Hillary Democrat Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Kaine, Tim McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District J Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Begich, Tom Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Write-in Trump, Donald J. Republican State Representative Pence, Michael R. District 19 (vote for one)

Write-in Tarr, Geran Democrat

United States Write-in Senator (vote for one)

Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe SAMPLELibertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated


PAGE 82 2016 REGION II Senate District J Tom Begich, Democrat

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Owner, Alaska Research Associates/TRG: 1983- 1999; CW Communications: 1999-present; Director, Scholarship Intern Fund: 1993-present; Government Affairs, Coalition for Education Equity: 2010-present; Director, Reclaiming Futures Anchorage: 2006-2009; Villages Services Director, Cook Inlet Tribal Council: 2002-2005; Restorative Justice Director, Alaska Native Justice Center: 2000-2002

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Anchorage Youth Development Coalition; Bartlett Democratic Club; NAACP; Alaska AFSCME Retirees, Chapter 52; American Federation of Musicians, Local 1000 AFL-CIO

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Music, writing, books, maps, travel

STATEMENT: Years of working in the fields of juvenile and restorative justice and in education have prepared me for being your State Senator. As an activist, a community organizer, and strategic consultant, I have spent a Residence Address: 1529 E lifetime working in difficult situations and helping bring Anchorage, AK people together to resolve community problems – like those facing us today. It is what I do best. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 140644 Anchorage, AK 99514 Our state is facing the most important crisis in its young history and we must re-commit to a strong education E-MAIL: [email protected] system, a sustainable budget, and a future full of opportunity for our children, families, and communities. Website: That means a vibrant economy, a sustainable use of resources, and schools where children thrive. I’ll work AGE: 55 to ensure that future.

SPOUSE’S NAME: Sarah Sledge Now is the time for making tough decisions, determining what level of government service we should provide Occupation: Strategic Consultant / Musician and a fair and equitable way to pay for it. This is not the time for sidestepping the hard choices. This is not LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 55 the time to leave Alaskans without hope.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Only with leaders willing to talk frankly about Anchorage: 1960-1984, 1986-1997, 2000-present; the difficulties we face and truthfully about the Juneau: 1985, 1997-2000 opportunities we have will Alaska move forward and create opportunities for all. EDUCATION: Bard College: 1980-1982, BA History; UAA/ACC: 1978- I can – and will – do that. With your support, I will be 1983, AA History, 1986, Education Coursework; University that leader. of Oxford: 1989-1990, Coursework in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics You can learn more about my positions on the issues – and a little more about me – on my web site: www. POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Chair, Alaska Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee: 1991-1995, 2001-2003, 2016, 21 year member; Alaska I’d appreciate your vote on November 8th. Community Justice Coordinator: 1997-2000; Anchorage Disproportionate Minority Contact Committee: 2005- 2011; Secondary Education Curriculum Committee: 1993-1994

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 83 2016 REGION II House District 19 Geran Tarr, Democrat

Policy Consultant, 2006-2011; Chief of Staff, , 2001-2006

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Anchorage Farmer’s Market, founding Board Member Alaska Women for Political Action Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Gardening, snowboarding, hiking, fishing, camping, subsistence harvesting, travel, volunteer work

OTHER: 2015 Council of State Governments Western Legislative Academy Class President 2013 AYEA Legislator of the Year 2012 Alaska Journal of Commerce Top 40 Under 40 2009 John Rader Award for Outstanding Contributions in Advocacy

STATEMENT: We live in a great area. Our neighborhoods are full of history, culture, and diversity. I am so honored to be your representative and to work alongside you to MAILING Address: PO Box 143141 improve our community. Anchorage, AK 99514 We have unprecedented challenges facing our state E-MAIL: [email protected] and I am working as hard as I can to keep our state moving towards a bright future. Decisions we make Website: today will set the course for our future.

AGE: 40 I am working for: • An economy that works for all Alaskans Occupation: University Faculty & Legislator • Responsible budgets that cut wasteful spending and maintain essential services LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 18 • An outstanding education system, from pre-K to technical training and college ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: • Public safety investments to improve Anchorage 1998-present neighborhood safety Juneau 2001-2006, 2013-2016 (part-time) As a member of the Resources and Health and EDUCATION: Social Services Committees I’ve been involved in key Masters, Public Administration, University of Alaska legislation, including oil and gas policy and Medicaid Anchorage expansion and reform. I’m proud to have worked to Bachelor of Science, Botany, Environmental Studies, improve each bill to make it the best bill possible. Women’s Studies, Ohio University I’ve worked successfully in a bipartisan way to POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: advance important legislation, focusing on economic Resources, Health and Social Services, Joint Armed development and efforts to address our chronically Services Committees, Member high rates of domestic violence and sexual assault. I Anchorage Women’s Commission, Vice-Chair/ led the charge for Erin’s Law, an important prevention Commissioner policy, to address our child sexual abuse rates in Women in Government, Alaska State Director Alaska that are six times the national average. We Airport Heights Community Council, past President have to do everything we can to end the very costly plague of abuse and addiction that is hurting all of us. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: University Faculty, Biology Department, UAA; Executive I’m working hard to earn your vote and ask for your Director, Alliance for Reproductive Justice; Public support.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 84 2016 REGION II Taylor St Columbine St Columbine St

Taylor St

Jeanne Ct Jeanne Rosemary St

Pease Ave Pease

Henrys Dr Henrys

Krista Cir Krista Luke Ave Luke

Mundy Ave Mundy 1st St Ct Kids 21st St Sunrise Dr 16th St

20th St 19th St Ave 17th E

James Ct James

Glenn Hwy Glenn AptsLpKbl

Pease Ave Pease Karen Dr Karen

Kinnikinnick St Ave 16th E

James Dr James Goose Lake Dr

Loring Ave Loring Mitchell Ave Ave Thompson E 18th Cir 18th E

Robin Dr Robin

2nd St 2nd

Lindbergh Ave Lindbergh Airport Heights Dr

Peterkin Ave Peterkin Kuter Ave Kuter 18th St Ave Tarwater

Metzger Ave Metzger Rd Debarr

Commercial Dr Commercial

Penland Pkwy Penland Garden St Mountain View Dr View Mountain

McGuire Ave McGuire Ave Richmond

Rampart Dr Rampart 17-I

Alder Cir Alder Arctic Warrior Dr Warrior Arctic Luke Ave Luke Birchwood St 17th St Stoddard Alder Dr

Lambert Ave Gosling Cir Kuter Ct Kuter 15th St

AlaskaRegional Dr

Porcupine Dr Porcupine Debarr Cir

Ash St Ave 17th E

Pease Ave Pease 6th St 6th 19-J Lovejoy Dr Reeve Blvd Industrial Way Porter Pl E 16th Ave 16th E Toklat St

24th St Kenney Ave Dr Oak Northrup Pl

W Chipperfield Dr Ave 17th E Talkeetna St

Elmendorf Access Rd Access Elmendorf Lake Otis Rd

Charter Cir Charter Maple Ave Maple

Johnson Ave Johnson Reeve Blvd Lake Otis Pkwy

5th St 5th Rd Post N

Jerstad Ave Jerstad

Railroad Ave Railroad

13th St 13th N Wrangell St

E 24th Ave 24th E

Eastridge Dr Eastridge Knoll Cir

State Hwy 1 Hwy State Gott Ave Gott Sorbus Way Wrangell St

Fighter Dr Fighter Unga St

Gibson Ave Cliffside Dr

Spar Ave Spar Viking Dr Viking

Merrill Field Dr Field Merrill Maplewood St

Tetlin St 9th St 9th

Sitka St Ave 20th E

Parkside Dr 2nd St 2nd Sitka St Crestwood St

Sitka St N Sitka St Blvd Lights Northern E E 24th Ave 24th E

Finletter Ave St Sitka Galewood St 3rd St 3rd

Femoyer Ave

Femoyer Ave Femoyer 14th St 14th

12th St Concrete St

4th St 4th

Airlifter Dr Airlifter Fairchild Ave

E 27th Ave 27th E

E 26th Ave 26th E Ship Ave Ship Orca Pl Bannister Dr

Orca St Sprucewood St 3rd St 15-H St Apricot N Orca St

Nelchina St Redwood St

E 2nd Ave 2nd E

E 14th Ave 14th E E 5th Ave 5th E

Nelchina St Ter 16th E

11th St 11th

E 17th Ave 17th E E 19th Ave 19th E

E 1st Ave 1st E Medfra St E 10th Ave 10th E

E 11th Ave 11th E Latouche St

Doolittle Ave St 8th Eaker Ave Medfra St

Bullard Ave Bullard Post Rd

Elegante Ln Elegante Ivy St Ivy Karluk St Latouche St St Karluk Latouche St

Doolittle Ave Latouche St

Latouche St Ave 16th E

E 15th Ave 15th E E 12th Ave 12th E

Juneau St Ave 27th E Karluk St Ave 28th E Dethlefsen Ave Karluk St Karluk St Ingra St

Richardson Vista Rd Juneau St

E 20th Ave 20th E

25th St 25th Juneau St Bong Ave Craw Ave Dr Juneau

Juneau St

Carswell Ave Carswell Seward Hwy

39th St 39th E Bluff Dr

Hollywood Dr Rd Whitney E

Andrews Ave Ingra St Ln Fireweed E

Burge Ave Burge Ave 2nd E E 7th Ave 7th E Blake Ave Hyder St Gambell St

Elm St Elm Hyder St Dogwood St Dogwood

Chenault Ave E Warehouse Ave Ave 3rd E

E 8th Ave 8th E Gambell St Fairbanks St

E 13th Ave 13th E

26th St 26th Ave 21st E

Cedar St Cedar Arnold Ave Ave 22nd E

Elder St Elder Eagle St Fighter Dr Fighter

Birch St Birch Fairbanks St

E 4th Ave 4th E

E 14th Ave 14th E

Sunset Dr Sunset

10th St 10th Denali St E 11th Ave 11th E Eagle St Ash Pl Ash Eagle St

Eagle St E 16th Ave 16th E

E 12th Ave 12th E Denali St Cordova St

E 15th Ter 15th E E 24th Ave 24th E E Loop Rd Loop E Denali St

Denali St

E 23rd Ave 23rd E

E 21st Ave 21st E

E Ship Creek Ave Creek Ship E

E 9th Ave 9th E Barrow St E 10th Ave 10th E

E 1st Ave 1st E Cordova St

N Cordova St Cordova N A St Barrow St Ter 15th E E 2nd Ct 2nd E Barrow St

Terminal Rd

E 8th Ave 8th E

E 7th Ave 7th E Bridgeway St E Harvard Ave Harvard E Ave 6th E E Manor Ave Manor E

E 1stAve Terminal Rd Terminal B St

B St Ter 15th W E Cook Ave Cook E B St Ave 20th W Bridge Eide St

Brown St Ave 13th W

Gull Ave Gull C St

W 11th Ave 11th W

C St Ave 16th W Tidewater Rd Tidewater N C St

D St Aurora Dr 18-I W Cook Ave Cook W Tidewater Rd Tidewater D St

D St

W 1st Ave 1st W Anchorage Port Rd Port Anchorage

E St Ter 15th W Blueberry Rd

W 6th Ave 6th W W Bluff Dr Bluff W

F St Ave 21st W W 3rd Ave 3rd W

W 12th Ave 12th W F St Ocean Dock Rd F St

F St G Ct

W 15th Ave 15th W W 20th Ave 20th W

G St Ave 17th W

Union Way

W 26th Ave 26th W W 22nd Ave 22nd W

W 4th Ave 4th W W 18th Ave

W 9th Ave 9th W Arctic Blvd W 7th Ave 7th W

W 11th Ave 11th W H St

W 8th Ave 8th W W 5th Ave 5th W H St Ave 14th W

W 16th Ave 16th W Bunker St Private Pass Private 20-J

W 2nd Ave 2nd W I St W 21st Ave 21st W K St W FireweedLn

K St Ave 26th W

W 25th Ave 25th W

K St Ave 13th W

W 23rd Ave 23rd W W 19th Ave 19th W

L St Ave 16th W

L St Ln Coffey Spenard Rd Inlet Pl Coastal Pl Hillcrest Pl M St M St Minnesota Dr

M St Ave 12th W M St Small Boat Launch Rd M St M St N St N St Aviation Ave

N St N St Ave 10th W W 26th Ave 26th W

Overlook Pl Ave 25th W O St Ave 23rd W

O St Ct Virginia Culver Pl

Hillcrest Dr Hillcrest

W 7th Ave 7th W O Pl Thru-Way Spenard Minnesota Dr P St P St

R St

Hidden Ln

W 15th Ave 15th W

W 14th Ave 14th W Stolt Ln Stolt

David Ln David S St W 13th Ave 13th W

Scenic Way Wiggins

U St Belmont Dr W 12th Ave 12th W

Wildwood Ln Hialeah Dr Hialeah

W St Dr Brooks Belair Dr Belair Esquire Dr Esquire

Forest Park Dr Forest Park Dr Park Forest

Forest Park Dr Atwood Dr Atwood

Arcadia Dr Evangeline Ave Evangeline

Loussac Dr

Arctic Cir Lord Baranof Dr

St Elias Dr

Marston Dr Marston McCollie Ave McCollie Turnagain Pkwy

Douglas Dr

Foraker Dr Illiamna Ave Illiamna

Anchorage Municipality McKenzie Dr W Marston Dr Marston W Tulik Dr

Petes Pl

Kissee Ct Kissee Katmai Cir Katmai

21-K Jeep Trl Jeep 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 8-D Matanuska-Susitna Borough Point MacKenzie 20 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 85 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Young, Don Republican Bradley, Scott N. Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Clinton, Hillary Democrat McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Kaine, Tim Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District J Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Begich, Tom Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Write-in Trump, Donald J. Republican State Representative Pence, Michael R. District 20 (vote for one)

Write-in Gara, Les S. Democrat

United States Write-in Senator (vote for one)

Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa SAMPLERepublican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated


PAGE 86 2016 REGION II House District 20 Les S. Gara, Democrat

Litigation; Judicial Law Clerk for Justice ; Legislator

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Prior practice as an Asst. Attorney General and attorney in private practice; currently part owner of Snow City Cafe, freelance outdoors and fishing writer.

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Life Member, Alaska Flyfishers Association; started foster care mentorship program now being run by Big Brothers Big Sisters; Founded FosterWear to get good clothing to foster youth; started Laptops For Foster Youth

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Fishing, hiking, rafting and canoeing, fly-tying

STATEMENT: I believe all people deserve opportunity, regardless of whether they are born with privilege. That means working hard for good schools, quality job training and college, and a strong economy so people can prosper.

Residence Address: 1242 W. 10th Ave I’d like to change the harmful practice in the Legislature Anchorage, AK 99501 of blocking good bills from a vote. As a Democrat, if I am in the majority, I will work to let important issues, MAILING ADDRESS: Alaskans for Les Gara like a needed, balanced fiscal plan receive debate and PO Box 202259 a vote on the floor, as bottling bills up in committee. Anchorage, AK 99520-2259 That practice stopped a good bill that would have protected spouses and children of slain Troopers, E-MAIL: [email protected] police and firefighters.

Website: We have to compromise on a fiscal plan so that the burden is shared fairly, and the wealthiest business AGE: 53 interests don’t keep prevailing when they say they don’t want to help. With a $3.5 billion deficit, Alaska PLACE OF BIRTH: New York City cannot afford hundreds of millions of dollars of oil company subsidies. We deserve a fair share for the oil SPOUSE’S NAME: Kelly all Alaskans own in common.

Occupation: Freelance Fishing/ Outdoors I also believe in cutting government waste and writer, part owner, Snow unaffordable projects. I voted against the expensive City Cafe, legislator Anchorage Legislative Office building, the $6 billion Susitna Dam and $2 billion Knik Arm Bridge (and LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 28 years related roads).

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: I have worked hard for a better economy, for seniors Fairbanks 1988-89; Anchorage 1989 - present and for the next generation. I’ve written or helped write successful foster care improvement legislation so EDUCATION: children have a better chance to succeed. Freeport High School, 1977-81; Boston University, 1981-1985 (B.A. Magna Cum Laude,); Harvard Law I believe in vibrant fishing, outdoor recreation and School 1985-1988 (J.D. With Honors) hunting opportunities.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: I’ll keep working hard for your interests. Alaska Asst. Attorney General, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 87 2016 REGION II Gambell St Gambell St Fairbanks St Dr Nathan Fairbanks St Fairbanks St King St Gambell St Laviento Dr Eagle St Eagle St

Jesters Pl E 77th Ave 77th E Denali St Ave 76th E

Lynwood Dr Lynwood

E 37th Ave 37th E

E 92nd Ave 92nd E

E 22nd Ave 22nd E

E 42nd Ave 42nd E

E 33rd Ave 33rd E E 34th Ave 34th E

Eagle St Pl46th E

Cordova St A St Lp

E 54th Ave 54th E

Cordova St Rd Dowling E Denali St Ave 87th W

Egavik Dr Egavik Cir Foxridge

Rainy Pl Ave 95th E

E 56th Ave 56th E E Tudor Rd Tudor E A St

E 36th Ave 36th E E Potter Dr C St Arctic Blvd

E 45th Ave 45th E Stormy Pl

E 16th Ave 16th E

E 48th Ave 48th E Foxridge Way Foxridge

E 24th Ave 24th E W 68th Ave 68th W

Calais Dr Calais B St

40th Ave 40th E 46th Ave 46th E

E Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern E A St

E 23rd Ave 23rd E Barrow St B St B St E 21st Ave 21st E

Vernon St Ave 92nd W

EFireweed Ln

EBenson Blvd A St

B St Rd Dowling W

Sharrock Way Sharrock

Branche Dr Ct 86th W

E 15th Ter 15th E W 91st Ave 91st W C St Mackay St Hart St Ave 96th W

Arctic Blvd Ave 87th W Topaz Pl B St Bus Park Blvd Eula St Colchis St Highlander Dr

W 24th Pl

Eide St Dr Union Credit Mike St Papago Pl el Paso Pl W 20th Ave 20th W Eide St D St Ave 32nd W

Eureka St W Potter Dr W 22nd Ave 22nd W Pt Center Stanley Dr Ange St W 76th Ave 76th W Linda Ln

Fairwood Cir

Dawson St Blueberry Rd Ave 34th W

Bering St Ave 58th W Opal Dr Opal

W FireweedLn

Cameo St Cameo

Crystal Dr Crystal

W 54th Ave 54th W W 53rd Ave 53rd W

Rovenna St Dr Garnet

W 71st Ave 71st W

W 74th Ave 74th W

W 70th Ave 70th W W 73rd Ave 73rd W

Blueberry St Ave 72nd W

W W 24th Ave

W 36th Ave 36th W

W 42nd Ave 42nd W Frank St

W 40th Ave 40th W

W International Airport Rd Airport International W W 77th Ave 77th W Joseph St Lars Cir Ave Artemus

G Ct Ave 75th W W 46th Ave 46th W

Kent St N Star St 23-L Carnelian St St Turquoise

Idle Wheels Trailer Ct Cheryl St Margaret Cir Ave 82nd W Mentra St W 58th Ave 58th W

Indiana St N Star St Cope St Cir Winners Ruby St W 57th Ave 57th W Barnett Dr Dr Demeter N Star St Pl Gem W 21st Ave 21st W Cope St Dorbrandt St Wade Cir

Chad St Ave 80th W

Penguin St Minnesota Dr 24-L W 20th Ave 20th W Cope St

W 22nd Ave 22nd W Dr Lancaster

W 78th Ave 78th W Beitinger Dr

W 73rd Cir 73rd W

Kirsten Cir Kirsten

Chugach Way Chugach W 72nd Cir 72nd W W 24th Ave 24th W

Cambridge Way Eielson St Dr Seafood 18-I Dorbrandt St Dorbrandt Runamuck Pl W 27th Ave 27th W Wilson St Eris Dr

W 26th Ave 26th W Laona Dr W 25th Ave 25th W W Dowling Rd Dowling W

20-J Harrison St

W 23rd Ave 23rd W Aviation Ave W 56th Ave Berry Patch Dr

Southampton Dr Southampton

Aphrodite Dr Dr Adonis W 99th Ave 99th W Hillcrest Pl Ave Ressel

Garfield St St Della

Oxford Dr Oxford Vernye Pl

W 39th Pl 39th W

Minerva Way Minerva W 41st Ave 41st W

N St Ave 47th W Hayes St Ave 46th W

W 45th Ave 45th W Minnesota Dr W 44th Ave 44th W

Country Woods Dr Woods Country

W 31st Ave 31st W

Bluegrass Cir Bluegrass

W 32nd Ave 32nd W W 26th Ave 26th W W 25th Ave 25th W

W 23rd Ave 23rd W Minnesota Byp W 34th Ave 34th W

W 80th Ave 80th W

Minnesota Dr Minnesota P St Greenland Dr Dr Greenbrook Ave 90th W

Minnesota Dr Ave 35th W Lois Dr

Spenard Thru-Way Spenard Victor Rd W 30th Ave 30th W

Harding Dr Mayfair Dr Dr Olympic Wyoming Dr Northwood Dr Ave 100th W

W Benson Blvd Benson W Northwood St W 33rd Ave 33rd W

Kently Ct Kently Canary Ct

W 15th Ave 15th W Lois Dr Taft St Dagan St

W 37th Ave 37th W Taft St Hillcrest Dr Oregon Dr Rd Spenard Jaguar Cir

W 56th Ave 56th W Eleusis Dr

Harding Dr Lotus Dr Lois Dr St Buren Van

W 32nd Ave 32nd W Doris Pl Juliana St Glen Haven Taft Dr Timothy St Ascot St Dr Flamingo


W 48th Ave 48th W

Tasha Dr Tasha

Lyvona Ln Lyvona Arlene Dr Doris St Rd Tudor W Kronos Dr Kronos Arlene St

W Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern W Carline Pl

Woodland Dr

Belmont Dr Belmont Arlene St Willow St Ave 46th W

Willow St Ave 45th W Honeysuckle St

W 47th Ave 47th W

Belair Dr Belair

Wildwood Ln Dr Hialeah

W St Dr Churchill Dr Roosevelt

Lincoln Ave Lincoln W 29th Ave 29th W Fairweather Dr Fairweather Woodland Park Dr Northwood Dr Ticonderoga PlTrenton Ln

Haru Ln Lance Cir Ruby Dr Ruby Esquire Dr Esquire Iowa St Iowa Dr Fenn St Roy St Forest Park Dr Iowa St Cir 71st W

McRae Rd

W 70th Cir 70th W Joy Cir Forest Park Dr Park Forest Wisteria St Pelican Dr S Frontage Rd

Arkansas Dr Cir Bentzen Smaldon St Kingfisher Dr Kingfisher

Forest Park Dr

Atwood Dr Atwood Barbara Dr Ct 44th W Cranberry St

la Honda Dr Barbara St Ave Kershner

Concord Ln Concord Melvin Ave Melvin

Arcadia Dr Arcadia Rd Forest Cranberry St

W 88th Ave 88th W

Pleasant Dr

Lakeside Dr Lakeside Strawberry Rd Strawberry

Draper Dr Ave 65th W Dewberry St

Mc Rae Rd Colonial Ct E Turnagain Blvd Dr Delta

Turnagain St Dr Lloyd

Iris Dr W Dimond Blvd Dimond W Malibu Rd Malibu

Holly Ln Holly Cordell Cir

Borland Dr N Frontage Rd Altoona Dr Jason Pl Aspen Dr

Linden Dr Linden

W 64th Ave 64th W Linden Dr

Loussac Dr Blackberry St Dr Shore N

Balchen Dr Balchen

Collins Way Dr Imlach Alamosa Dr W 69th Ave 69th W W 34th Ave 34th W

W 42nd Pl 42nd W Noble Cir

Wiley Post Ave Post Wiley Bearberry St

Lord Baranof Dr Ave 29th W

Crosson Dr Crosson Blackberry St Mere Cir W 35th Ave 35th W Lake Spenard Dr Spenard Lake

W 33rd Ave 33rd W Pl Windsor W 79th Ave 79th W St Elias Dr Wisconsin St Chevigny St

Knik Ave Knik Chevigny St

W 78th Ave 78th W

W 73rd Ave 73rd W

Marston Dr Marston Ave 64th W Molanary Dr

W 84th Ave 84th W

Turnagain Pkwy Ave 80th W

N Point Dr Point N

McCollie Ave McCollie Weimer St

W 74th Ave 74th W W 31st Ave 31st W

Douglas Dr Ave 30th W Lake Park Cir Service Rd W 82nd Ave 82nd W Orion Cir Orion High Pl Jewel Lake Rd

Foraker Dr W 67th Ave 67th W

Susitna Dr Ave 32nd W W 61st Ave 61st W

Brentwood Dr Hale Ct Dr Edinburgh

Mc Kenzie Dr Dr Andree

Sagan Cir Sagan Grissom Cir Grissom

McKenzie Dr Way Dr Milky Dawn Dr

W 89th Ct 89th W

Illiamna Ave Illiamna Tahoe Dr Tahoe W 40th Ave 40th W St Terrace Jewel Seppala Dr Seppala Thiel Cir Canal St Strathmore Dr McGill Way Terrace Dr Charlotte Pl

Scarlet Pl Beechcraft Dr

Leighton St Rd Access Airport

Cutty Sark St Terry St Dr Macalister W 44th Ave 44th W Petes Pl Bruce Ln Ave 43rd W Selkirk Dr Crawford St

W 27th Ave 27th W Aero Ave Caravelle Dr Caravelle

Carleton Ave Carleton Whitehall St Clay Products Dr Products Clay

Lawlor Cir Lawlor Delong Dr Delong

Kissee Ct Kissee Tall Spruce Dr Emerald St

Chilligan Dr Dr Aviation Dr Emerald Lear Ct Lear

Kissee Ct Kissee Ursa Cir Dr Cosmos

Westland Dr Westland 22-K Nova Cir Apron Rd Rd Guard Air

Sportsman Dr Woronzof Dr Woronzof

Hood Ct Hood Orbit Cir Jade St Galactica DrDr Orbit Romanzof Cir

Westwood Dr Westwood Kavik St

W 50th Ave 50th W

Byrd Ln Byrd Sundi Dr Sundi

Bridle Ln Ave 88th W

Retriever Cir Retriever Endicott St

W 84th Ave 84th W

Hunter Dr Hunter Endicott St

W 86th Ave 86th W

Raspberry Rd Raspberry Endicott St Old International Airport Rd Airport International Old Floatplane Dr Floatplane

Jones Ave Jones

Enstrom Cir Ln Jaclaire

Wilcox St Blvd Dimond W

Aircraft Dr Aircraft Vought St Bailey Dr Lakeshore Dr Lakeshore Seaview St Wandering Dr Ave 80th W Seacliff Plaza Pl S Tug Rd Tug S Seacliff St

W 72nd Ave 72nd W Sand Lake Rd

Satellite Dr S Airpark Dr

SkylarkAve Satellite Dr Dr Katahdin Snead St

S Airpark Pl Service Rd Service

Dehavilland Ave Dehavilland Kiliak Pl Westpark Dr

Tyre Dr Kenai Fjords Loop Kidron St Kidron CharlieYukon Loop

Kitlisa Dr

Sikorsky Ave Sikorsky Tarsus Dr

Hughes Ave Hughes N Tug Rd Dr Tanaina Park West Cir Postmark Dr Lucy St Anchorage Municipality

de Havilland Ave Havilland de Sommers Pl

Quiet Cir Quiet

Lowell Cir Lowell Rd Kincaid Sky Mountain Cir Mountain Sky Tay Ct Tay

Access Rd W 80th Ave 80th W

Serenity Cir Cir Heavenly

Ingram St Lockheed Ave Lockheed

Skyhills Dr Skyhills

Lauden Cir Lauden Boeing Ave Boeing

Keri Ct

Jodhpur St Access Road 2 Road Access Airport Access Rd

Point Woronzof Rd

Northern Lights Blvd

Access Road 1 Road Access Hutson Dr Hutson Antenna Complex Access Rd


W Perimeter Rd Perimeter W

W End Rd End W

Beer Can Lake Rd Lake Can Beer

Airport Maintenance Rd Maintenance Airport Airport Access Rd Access Airport 2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Matanuska-Susitna Borough 21 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 88 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Bradley, Scott N. McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Clinton, Hillary Democrat Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Kaine, Tim Young, Don Republican De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 21 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Stewart, Marilyn Republican Baraka, Ajamu Claman, Matt Democrat Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret SAMPLENon Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated


PAGE 89 2016 REGION II House District 21 Matt Claman, Democrat

Heritage Land Bank Advisory Commission (2005-2007), Chair (2006-2007)

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Counsel to the Firm, Lane Powell (2007-present) Owner, Claman Law Firm (1992-1993; 1996-2006) Law Clerk, Federal Judge Harry Lee Hudspeth (1987-1988)

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Board of Directors, Anchorage Rotary Club (2013-present) Served on the Board of five religious and non-profit organizations.

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, boating, bicycling, skiing, hiking, cooking, playing trumpet, running, woodworking, and photography.

OTHER: Came to Alaska at 21 to work in a mining camp. Construction worker, cook, telephone systems analyst, textile mill worker, mail clerk, and camp counselor.

STATEMENT: Alaskans want government that works with our families Residence Address: 3318 Illiamna Avenue and businesses to make sure Alaska is a great State to Anchorage, AK 99517 live, work, and raise a family. In my experience as State Representative, Acting Mayor, Assembly Member, E-MAIL: [email protected] community volunteer, husband, father, and son, I’ve learned that we’re at our best working together for Website: better government. Now, more than ever, we need a responsible action plan for Alaska. AGE: 57 Visiting with friends and neighbors, going door to door, PLACE OF BIRTH: Boston, Massachusetts I hear again and again that Alaskans want an end to partisan politics and want their elected representatives SPOUSE’S NAME: Lisa Rieger to put Alaska first. The people of West Anchorage want a trustworthy representative who shares their values CHILDREN’S NAMES: Maia, Benjamin and listens to their concerns.

Occupation: Attorney, Legislator, Wilderness Guide, Thomas Jefferson said it best: “Government is best Emergency Medical Technician which governs least.” As your elected representative, I will look to the Alaska Constitution because it reflects LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 28 the values we share: the right to equal opportunity, the right to privacy, the right to public education, the right ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: to be treated fairly, the right to impartial courts, and the Anchorage (1990-present) right to be secure in our homes and ourselves. Juneau (1988-1989) My priorities include: EDUCATION: University of Texas School of Law (JD, 1987) • Quality Education: Our Best Investment Colorado College (BA History, 1981) • Fiscal Responsibility: Living within Our Means National Outdoor Leadership School (1979) • Public Safety: Government’s First Priority

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: As your legislator, remembering Abraham Lincoln, I State House Representative (2014-present) pledge to make sure our government is “of the people, Acting Mayor, Anchorage (2009) by the people, and for the people.” Working together, Assembly Member, Anchorage (2007-2010), Chair (2008) Alaska’s best days are ahead! Board of Governors, Alaska Bar Association (2002-2008), President (2007-2008) I would be honored to have your vote.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 90 2016 REGION II House District 21 Marilyn Stewart, Republican

• President/CEO, Alaska Black Chamber of Commerce • Model UN Board, Anchorage Chapter • Anchorage Pioneer Foundation Board

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: • National Rifle Association • Mat-Su Valley Sportsmen

OTHER: • Grew up in the Deep South, student during school racial integration • Stationed in Alaska in 1981, and stayed ever since • Mother of two, grandmother of two • 2012 Ford Motor Company’s Freedom’s Sisters Award for community outreach, empowerment, and inspiration (previous recipients include Myrlie Evers- Williams, Barbara Jordan, and Rosa Parks)

STATEMENT: I’m running because I want Alaska to have the best, strongest future possible.

Ever since I arrived in Alaska as an Army soldier in 1981, Alaska has been my home. I’ve raised my kids here, and now my grandkids are growing up here too. My family Residence Address: 2861 W. Intl Airport Road – and yours – deserves a strong economy, the best Anchorage, AK 99502 education, and our wonderful Alaskan way of life.

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 92072 I’m running because Alaska needs common-sense Anchorage, AK 99509 leadership in our state government.

E-MAIL: [email protected] Right now, our state government is in crisis, and our legislature is locked in partisan gridlock. I offer a different Website: way. I have a history of working across party lines to achieve common-sense, effective solutions to our most LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 34 years challenging problems. With your support, I’ll put those skills to work serving you in Juneau. EDUCATION: 1979, Conecuh County High School I’m running because West Anchorage needs effective 1980, West Virginia Military School representation in Juneau. 1997-1998 Alaska Pacific University Leadership Course In West Anchorage, we share a lot of common values – MILITARY SERVICE: and I believe in those values. I believe in: Specialist, U.S. Army • Army Service Ribbon ■ a government that lives within its means, • Overseas Service Ribbon ■ having safe neighborhoods, • Letter of Commendation, Departments of Army and ■ supporting our Alaskan businesses – large and Air Force small, ■ responsibly developing our resources, POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: ■ honoring and supporting our veterans, and • Director, Office of Equal Opportunity/Federal Compliance ■ getting the best possible results for our education for Mayor Dan Sullivan dollar. • Small Business Development Program Manager, Alaska Department of Commerce Most of all, I believe in listening to my neighbors. • Deputy Director of Community Relations for Governor Murkowski As your representative, these are the principles I stand • Constituent Relations, and Community Relations for for. I’d be honored to have your support. Governor Knowles I want to hear from you! You can reach me on my cell phone BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: at 907-903-1846 or by email at friendsofmarilynstewart@ • First Executive Director, Bridge Builders of Anchorage Thank you very much!

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 91 2016 REGION II Mentra St Lazuli St Cheryl St

Mentra Ct Ruby St O'Malley Rd

Gem Pl Gem Demeter Dr Demeter

W 82nd Ave 82nd W Barnett Dr Jackson Dr

Mentra Cir Mentra Minnesota Nb on 100th Ramp W 75th Ave 75th W

Wade Cir Ave 77th W Bietinger Dr Portugal Pl

W 78th Ave 78th W Concord Hill Cir

W 80th Ave 80th W W 76th Ave 76th W W 73rd Cir 73rd W McCain Dr Chad St Cir 72nd W Minnesota Dr Beitinger Dr Hermes St

Runamuck Pl Adams Cir Adams

Berry Patch Dr Patch Berry Demeter Dr Eris Dr

W 104th Ave 104th W Adonis Dr Adonis 23-L Poseidon Dr

Aphrodite Dr Dr Ira Concord Hill Dr

Wakefield Cir Wakefield

Della St Della

Spartan Dr Spartan

Minerva Way Minerva

Minnesota Byp Strawberry Cottage Way Vernye Pl Cir Republic Bruce Ln Bruce Canton Loop Canton

Angela Pl Whitefish Cir Orchard Pl Orchard Rosebud Cir


Liberty Cir Liberty Tolsona Cir

Washington Cir Washington

Revere Cir Revere Patriot Cir Patriot

Greenhill Way St Victor

Terrebonne Loop Terrebonne Constitution St W 90th Ave 90th W

Chelatna Cir WashingtonAve Greenbrook Dr Greenbrook

W 80th Ave 80th W Olympic Dr Olympic Country Woods Dr Woods Country Victor Rd

Mayfair Dr Cir Harvest Maritime Loop

Duvoy Ct Duvoy Northwood Dr

Ariel Cir Northwood St Ct Kently Sea Parrott Cir

Banjo Cir Leander Cir

Northfleet Dr Northfleet Misty Meadows Dr Meadows Misty

Porsche St Loop Spindrift S View Dr View S Dagan St Ct Canary

Stern Cir

Jaguar Cir Cir Halfhitch

Flagship Cir

Woburn Cir Woburn

Eleusis Dr Dr Kathleen Greenbelt Dr Bearfoot Dr Lotus Dr Cir Benz

Ensign Dr Ensign Cutter Cir

Glen Haven Skiff Cir Sextant Cir Timothy St Timothy Juliana St

Timothy St Ascot St Ave 100th W Tasha Dr Tasha

Albatross Dr Albatross

Southport Dr Southport

Flamingo Dr Flamingo

Sundew Cir Sundew

Timothy Cir Timothy Kronos Dr Lyvona Ln Arlene Dr Curlew Cir Curlew

Brigantine Cir Brigantine Arlene St Cir Refuge

Carline Pl Clairborne Dr Beaumont Cir Beaumont Clairborne Cir Clairborne Arlene St

Opal Dr Opal Honeysuckle St

Arlene St Cir Solitude Pelican Ct

Eshamy Bay Dr

W 84th Ave 84th W Hamlet Cir Hamlet

W 72nd Ave 72nd W Berry Cir Dr Honeysuckle Opal Cir

Monmouth Ave Monmouth

W 91st Ave 91st W

W 71st Cir 71st W

Highgate Cir Highgate Cir Retreat

Rocky Bay Cir Bay Rocky

Fenn St Cir Woodstock Roy St

Seclusion Bay Dr

W 70th Cir 70th W W 69th Ct 69th W

Trenton Ln Ruby Dr Ruby

Wisteria St Wisteria Shaun Cir Dr Kingfisher

Lexington Cir Lexington Joy Cir Bayshore Dr Bayshore

Wisteria St Noblewood St Dr Pelican

Trilakes St

Rita Cir Rita

W 67th Ave 67th W Berryman Ln Berryman Cranberry St

Concord Ln Concord Marathon Cir Bettles Bay Loop Bay Bettles Cranberry St Cir Mast

Ashley Cir

W 69th Ave 69th W

Pleasant Dr Pleasant Cranberry St Dr Lakeside 24-L

Cranberry St Rd Strawberry

Mae Rene Cir Lloyd Dr Dr Bay Admiralty Delta Dr Delta

Draco Dr Draco Dewberry St

W Dimond Blvd Dimond W Cir Goodnews W 88th Ave 88th W Glenn Cir Ln Sitkalidik Shady Birch Pl Dewberry St

McHenry Cir Dana St

Holly Ln Holly

Cordell Cir Cir Kvichak N Shore Dr Shore N

21-K W 86th Ave 86th W Bobbie Cir Bobbie Perenosa Bay Dr

Jason Pl Ave 81st W

W 84th Ave 84th W

Arthur Ct Arthur Ave 83rd W Linden Dr Linden Linden Dr

Blackberry St Hooper Cir Hooper

Royal Ct Chiniak Bay Dr Alamosa Dr Hazen Cir

Perenosa Dr

W 79th Ave 79th W Mere Cir

Blackberry St Noble Cir Cir Kachemak

Bearberry St Windsor Pl Loop Bay Amber

Crystal St Kamishak Bay Cir

W 75th Ave 75th W W 82nd Ave 82nd W

Warfield Pl Huckleberry St Marmot Ct

Chevigny St Ave 78th W Perenosa Cir

W 73rd Ave 73rd W

W 80th Ave 80th W Golden St Cir Marmot

Dunkirk Dr Huckleberry Cir Huckleberry St Cir Bay Makushin

W 86th Ave 86th W N Point Dr Point N

Loganberry St Molanary Dr

W 74th Ave 74th W

Weimer St Cir Runestad Vancouver Cir Vancouver

Weimer Dr Service Rd Jewel Lake Rd Voyager Cir

Weimer Rd Weimer Lakehurst Dr

W 67th Ave 67th W Dundee Cir Easter Island Cir Island Easter

Sara Lynn Pl Lynn Sara

Pointe Resolution Dr Resolution Pointe Thurman Dr Thurman Brentwood Cir Elderberry St Pointe Cir Hale Ct Town and Country Pl

Lakehurst Cir Kylie Cir

Brentwood Dr Ct 89th W

del St Moorland St Kruger Dr Marquis Way Marquis

Fountain Dr Ct Lakeridge

Endeavor Cir Tahoe Dr Tahoe Dawn Dr Sue St

Terrace Dr Canal St Thiel Cir St Terrace Jewel

McGill Way Ave Lake W Charlotte Pl Cir Lake W Strathmore Dr Nordale St Lennox Dr Country Lake Dr Cutty Sark St

Jill Pl Cir Viscount Macalister Dr Cutty Sark St

Terry St Ave 72ndW

Kirkwall Cir Cir Bothwell

Crawford St Edinburgh Dr Edinburgh

Selkirk Dr Lawlor Cir Lawlor

Whitehall St Blvd Dimond W Elgin Cir

Tall Spruce Dr Emerald St Emerald Dr Sandy Beach DrBeach Sandy

Air Guard Rd Caravelle Dr Cir Cascade Sundi St Sportsman Dr 22-K

Hunter Dr Ave Topaz

Arnica Cir Arnica

Catkin Cir Catkin

Tanya Cir Tanya

Jade St Cir Carousel

W 80th Ave 80th W Byrd Ln Byrd Decoy Cir Dr Sundi Kavik St

Sundi Way

W 84th Ave 84th W

Raspberry Rd Raspberry

W 88th Ave 88th W 94th Ct 94th Hunter Cir Ave 86th W Endicott St Endicott St Labrador Cir Setter Dr Endicott St Jaclaire Ln

Wilcox St Shorecrest Dr Bailey Dr

Kincaid Rd Kincaid Seaview St Seacliff Plaza Pl Wandering Dr

Violet Dr Seacliff St

Seacliff Terrace Pl Terrace Seacliff

W 72nd Ave 72nd W W 73rd Ave 73rd W

Sand Lake Rd Ave 84th W


S Airpark Dr Airpark S Katahdin Dr Katahdin

S Airpark Pl Kenai Fjords Loop Fjords Kenai

Muirwood Dr Westpark Dr

Big Bend Loop

Flagstone Cir Flagstone Cobbler Dr Cobbler

Kiliak Pl Kidron St Kidron Snead St

Tyre Dr Yukon Charlie Loop Charlie Yukon

Kitlisa Dr

Tarsus Dr

Tanaina Dr Park West Cir

Tyre Cir Tyre Lucy St W 80th Ave 80th W

Anchorage Municipality Lost Lost Cir

Sommers Pl

Quiet Quiet Cir

Kincaid Rd Kincaid

Sky Mountain Cir Mountain Sky

Lowell Cir Lowell Tay Ct Tay

Lori Dr

Serenity Dr Heavenly Cir Heavenly

Serenity Cir

Ingram St Bluffwood Cir Bluffwood

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

Sky Cir Dr Skyhills Lauden Cir Lauden

Walker Cir Keri Ct Keri

Jodhpur St W Kendale Cir Kendale W

Beer Can Lake Rd 22 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 92 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Bradley, Scott N. Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Clinton, Hillary Democrat Young, Don Republican Kaine, Tim Lindbeck, Steve Democrat De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 22 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Darden, Dustin T. Alaskan Independence Baraka, Ajamu Vazquez, Liz Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Grenn, Jason S. Non Affiliated Pence, Michael R. Write-in

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. SAMPLENon Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat


PAGE 93 2016 REGION II House District 22 Jason S. Grenn, Non-Affiliated

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: President, Sand Lake Community Council

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Public Information Officer III - Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Marketing Director - Anchorage Concert Association Marketing Manager - Visit Anchorage

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Volunteer, ChangePoint Church Previous Board Member, New Hope on the Last Frontier Previous Board Member, American Marketing Association, Alaska Chapter Adopt-a-Park member, Anchorage Parks and Recreation

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Playing with our three children, long distance running, hiking, reading, cheering for the Seattle Seahawks

STATEMENT: I am a firm believer that Alaska’s best days are still ahead. Our state needs a spirit of optimism that is Residence Address: 4611 Caravelle Drive focused on refreshing ideas and solutions without Anchorage, AK 99502 party labels.

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 212802 Being a lifelong Alaskan, my wife and I chose to raise Anchorage, AK 99521 our family in the same Anchorage neighborhood in which I grew up. I want my children and my neighbors E-MAIL: [email protected] to have great opportunities and community like I had – and we can do that by directing our attention Website: to what is best for Alaska and working together. Without a sustainable long term plan, none of our AGE: 35 other Legislative priorities matter. We can’t improve our schools, safeguard our fisheries, develop other PLACE OF BIRTH: Anchorage, AK resources, or maintain our roads and bridges if we don’t stay solvent. If elected, my #1 commitment to my SPOUSE’S NAME: Jana Grenn constituents is that I will NOT prioritize my reelection over making the right decisions. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Atticus (Age 4), Vivienne (2), Truman (7 months) As a husband and father of three young children, it’s hard to put personal and professional goals on hold Occupation: Pick.Click.Give. Manager to serve in Juneau. But I will not sit idle while elected officials spend our savings, exhaust our options, LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: and harm our state. Though it might be tough, I am Lifelong Alaskan committed to a fiscal solution that creates long-term certainty and gives Alaskans reason to believe we’re ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: on the right track. Anchorage 1981-present My neighbors deserve to have a leader that listens EDUCATION: and works with them. You will not find anyone more Dimond High School, 1999 - Diploma passionate about my district, this State and our future. Northwest Nazarene University, 2003 - B.S. in Public Communication The Foraker Group / University of Alaska, 2011 - Certificate in Nonprofit Management

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 94 2016 REGION II House District 22 Liz Vazquez, Republican

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant Attorney General, State of Alaska Attorney Advisor, U.S. Department of the Treasury Administrative Law Judge, State of Alaska Commissioner, Anchorage Municipal Budget Commission Commissioner, Anchorage School Budget Advisory Commission Quality Assurance Coordinator, Alaska Dept. Of Health & Social Services Commissioner and Chair, Anchorage Equal Rights Commission


Service Organization(s) Membership: Anchorage Rotary

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Reading, skiing, boating.

OTHER: I am a former Administrative Law Judge, Assistant Attorney General, state prosecutor and commercial law Residence Address: 6910 Tanaina Drive Anchorage, AK 99502 litigator. I have also served on several city commissions and on the Chugach Electric Board of Directors. My husband and I have lived in Alaska for 33 years. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 190363 Anchorage, AK 99502 STATEMENT: While other candidates make promises, I have a proven Email: [email protected] record of leadership that benefits the community and saves money. As a freshman, I sponsored two bills that WEBSITE: were passed by the legislature, working with and gaining the support from both sides of the aisle. One bill makes AGE: 65 health care more accessible and affordable. The other bill provides more protection to victims of domestic violence PLACE OF BIRTH: New York, New York and lessens the financial burden of local governments. I also introduced several bills to reduce waste and SPOUSE’S NAME: Mark Davis inefficiencies in healthcare and more accountability in education. I have also co-sponsored bills to spur CHILDREN’S NAMES: Amelia Vazquez Davis investment and restructure state government. As co-chair of the House energy committee I have encouraged the Occupation: Attorney/Retired Administrative Law Judge, State of Alaska Railbelt utilities to work together to achieve efficiencies. With $12 billion in reserves at this time, it is important LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 33 ½ years not to panic but to work with others to achieve a fair and balanced budget, considering both expenditures ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage- 1983-present and revenues. It will be especially important to reduce waste and inefficiencies, and improve transparency as we consider possible new sources of revenues. EDUCATION: Cornell Law School, JD 77 Economic diversification, including resource National Judicial College, three national certifications development, and construction of infrastructure that (Mediation, Dispute Resolution and Administrative will help ensure future economic prosperity will need Litigation) 2010-2011 to be pursued. I will continue to work to have a more Alaska Pacific University, Two MBA’s (Finance and efficient, accountable, transparent and sustainable Health Care Administration) 2005-2006 state budget and government. I promise to continue to work hard for you.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 95 2016 REGION II Candywine Cir Candywine Freebird Cir Exeter Dr

Bragaw St Kiana Cir Elmore Rd Travis Cir St Winchester

S Bragaw St Winchester St

E 48th Ave 48th E

Elmore Rd Coventry Dr Ave 88th E

Laverne Pl Rendon Dr Dr David King Parkridge Cir Cir Raintree Bugle Ct Bravo Cir

Henderson Loop Ladasa Pl Kip Ct

E 67th Ave 67th E

E 66th Ave 66th E E 65th Ave 65th E Randamar Cir Randamar Sandy Pl E 64th Ave 64th E Miranda Dr Randamar Pl Sandy Pl Spruce Brook St

Florina St Sandy Cir

Dowling Rd Dowling Spruce St St Brook Little Residential Dr Residential Little Brook Cir Pinebrook Cir

Spruce St Florence Cir Little Creek Dr

Fergy Cir Fergy Stratton Cir St Rosalind Eileen Cir Lewis Pl Medellin Cir Dale St Lewis Pl Bulen Dr Solarset Cir Grumman St Doil Cir Baby Bear Dr Sabrina St

Travis Ln Travis Gordon St Snow View Dr View Snow Timberwolf Cir Cir South Biglerville Cir Roseland Loop

Piper St Doil Dr Kovey St CarriageDr

E 40th Ave 40th E Nadine Pl

E 43rd Ave 43rd E Norm Dr

Nadine St Swiss Pl Rd Abbott

Lark St Lark E 41st Ave 41st E Piper St Tiffany Ter North Cir Newt Dr Clogia Cir

Bass St Ave 80th E

Nadine St Shane Pl Atkins Pl Teshlar Dr Teshlar

E 46th Ave 46th E Sunchase St Dr Cove Rocky Genny Cir Marsha Loop Bell Pl

Wright St Mego St Loretta Ln Cir Hip Rose Ave 84th E

Pequod Cir

Raymond Dr Cir Bell

Clarbert Ct Clarbert

E 42nd Ave 42nd E Summer Sun Ct Sun Summer

Summer Wind Ct Wind Summer Crescent Hill Cir

Desiree Loop Ct Rives

Kimberlie Ct Kimberlie Tinian St Arlon St Arlon St

Folker St S Tahiti Loop Lake Otis Pkwy

Sentry Dr Dr Park Ridge

Vi St Dr Park Valley E 88th Ave 88th E

Laurel St Ave 85th E Happy Ln Happy Fiji St Golovin St

Guam Ave Guam Tonga St Obrien St

Hickory Pl Rd Tudor E Spruce Spruce Meadows Dr 26-M

Laurel St Ct Azurite Elim St E 86th Ct 86th E

Samoa St Yorktown Cir 25-M Wanigan St Dr Reliance

E 72nd Ave 72nd E Cinnabar Loop N Tahiti Loop Tahiti N

Zurich St Zurich Bern St Toloff St Colony Loop Colony

Toloff St Toloff Rio Grande Ave Grande Rio E 52nd Ave 52nd E Tuttle Pl

Winter Ridge Ct Ridge Winter Stella Pl

17-I Basel St

Lupin Pl Cir Bend Little Ct 84th E

E 79th Ave 79th E Dr Independence

Brigadier Dr Brigadier E 54th Ct 54th E Roger Dr Roger Hyatt St Dr Jamestown Young St Highlands Apts Flintlock St

E 47th Ct 47th E Quinhagak St E 73rd Ave 73rd E

E 63rd Ave 63rd E Vanguard Dr Hartzell Rd Hartzell Rd Pl Colony

Courage Dr

Dimond Hook Dr Hook Dimond Cannoneer Cir Cannoneer

Waldron Dr Waldron Dr Ivan Betula Dr Campbell Pl Campbell Oakwood Dr

Tudor Hills Ct Petersburg St Ave 68th E E 85th Ct 85th E

Askeland Dr Askeland

E 85th Ave 85th E E 75th Ave 75th E Lore Rd Lore Helgelien Loop

Tudor Hills Dr Hills Tudor Hartzell Rd Jacque Rd

Wickersham Dr Wickersham Little Tree St Burlwood Dr Corbin Dr Fyfe Cir Fyfe

Scott St Burlwood St Ave 74th E

E 66th Ave 66th E S Salem Dr Salem S Dow Pl Viburnum Dr Erin St BetulaCir

E57th Ave Erin Dr

E 64th Ave 64th E

Thuja Ave Thuja

Donna Dr Donna Dimond Dr Dimond

E 58th Ave 58th E Meadow St

Academy Dr Bartlett Dr Ave 84th E

Otis Pl Trena St Acres Dr Sunny

Gross Cir Cedrus Ct Sandlewood Pl Cornella Cir

Meadow St Meadow St Cir Jody

Macinnes St Ave 53rd E Windflower Cir Cir Ponds Brayton Dr

Moss Creek Ave Moss Creek Stanton Ave Stanton Rierie Dr Rierie New Seward Hwy

Cache Dr Larkspur St Rowan St Ashwood St State Hwy 1 Seward Hwy Dr Berry Thimble

Frontage Rd Alissa Cir

Allen Pl Cir Needle Brayton Dr Long St Winterset Dr Shelikof St Dr Homer Greenwood St Grape Pl Frontage Rd Driftwood St Grange Dr

Pavalof St Cir Surrey Briarwood St

Eau Claire Pl Short St AlpenhornAve

Kupreanof St Loop Morningside

Greenwood St Briarwood St Cir Fred

Frontage Rd Cir Jones William

Abbott Rd Abbott

Chirikof Ct Chirikof

E 72nd Ave 72nd E Rakof Ave Rakof Brayton Dr Ave 68th E Becharof St Ave 64th E Spring St

Rosewood St LingonBerry Ct Latouche St Ave 71st E

Homer Dr Spring Pl E 69th Ave 69th E

Latouche St Rosewood St Ave 70th E

E 66th Ave 66th E St Gotthard Ave Gotthard St Juneau St Ave 88th Nigh Rd

Helvetia Dr Ave 94th E

Homer Dr Barrington Loop Glade Pl E 56th Ave 56th E

Juneau St Ave 79th E

E Dowling Rd Dowling E

E 54th Ave 54th E

Sylvan Dr Sylvan

E 82nd Ave 82nd E

E 81st Ave 81st E

E Dimond Blvd Dimond E

E 78th Ave 78th E

Merlin Loop Merlin

E 76th Ave 76th E

E 58th Ct 58th E E 50th Ave 50th E

Ingra St Ave 64th E Dimond Center Dr

E 46th Ct 46th E

E 75th Ave 75th E

E 45th Ct 45th E Pl Libra

E 73rd Ave 73rd E E 72nd Ave 72nd E

Old Seward Hwy Ave 55th E E 74th Ave 74th E

Evander Dr Ave 100th E

Briar Loop Briar Briar Loop Briar Hampstead Dr

E 57th Pl 57th E Nathan Dr Fairweather Dr

Gambell St Dr Pearl Dimond D Cir Schoon St

E 40 Ave 40 E 76th Ct

42nd Ave 42nd

Fischer Ave Fischer Lynwood Dr Lynwood

Fairbanks St Ct 95th E

Fairbanks St Fairbanks St Laviento Dr King St Cir King

Calista Ct Calista

E 92nd Ave 92nd E Danner Ave Danner

Eagle St 77thE Ave

Lynnwood Dr Lynnwood Jesters Pl Tyee Cir Tyee Denali St Cir Jesters

Denali St Cir Togiak

Communications Ave Communications

E International Airport Rd Airport International E

E 46th Pl46th E E 54th Ave 54th E

Foxridge Cir Ave 87th W Cordova St A St Lp Blvd Dimond

Cordova St E 95th Ave 95th E

E 56th Ave 56th E Rainy Pl

Egavik Dr Egavik A St E 48th Ave 48th E

E 45th Ave 45th E E Potter Dr C St Arctic Blvd

Stormy Pl

Huntsman CirWay Foxridge

E 53rd Ave 53rd E E 51st Ave 51st E

E 46th Ave 46th E B St E 54th Ave 54th E A St Ave 50th E

B St B St W 92nd Ave 92nd W

W Dowling Rd Dowling W Vernon St

B St Dr Square Union Branche Dr

W 64th Ave 64th W

W 91st Ave 91st W W 96th Ave 96th W

C St Mackay St Hart St Ave 88th W

W 87th Ave 87th W W 48th Ave 48th W 18-I

W 86th Ct 86th W Topaz Pl W 38th Ave Bus Park Blvd Midland Pl

Eula St Highlander Dr Colchis St W 72nd Ave 72nd W

Credit Union Dr Mike St Cir Zircon

23-L el Paso Pl 40th Ave 40th

W Potter Dr Nielson Way

Eureka St Dr Summerset Aqua Marine Cir Aqua W 76th Ave 76th W Stanley Dr Ange St

Linda Ln Arctic Spur Rd Dr Dorian

W 58th Ave 58th W Fairwood Cir Opal Dr Opal

Bering St St Cameo

W 74th Ave 74th W

Crystal Dr Crystal

W 54th Ave 54th W

W 53rd Ave 53rd W

Garnet Dr Garnet

W 72nd Ave 72nd W W 71st Ave 71st W

Raymar Cir Raymar Rovenna St

W 73rd Ave 73rd W W 70th Ave 70th W

Oak Ridge Dr

W International Airport Rd Airport International W

W 42nd Ave 42nd W

Artemus Ave Artemus

W 66th Ct 66th W W 77th Ave 77th W

W 40th Ave 40th W Frank St

Arctic Blvd Ave 59th W

W 47th Ave 47th W W 75th Ave 75th W

W 46th Ave 46th W Rovenna St Carnelian St

Sesame St Sesame Joseph St Lars Cir

Turquoise St Turquoise W 41st Ave 41st W Kent St N Star St W 82nd Ave Mentra St

Idle Wheels Trailer Ct Cheryl St Ct 71st W Margaret Cir Lazuli St W 58th Ave 58th W

Indiana St Cir Winners

W 57th Ave 57th W W 56th Ave 56th W W 68thW Ct

N Star St Cope St Ruby St DemeterDr

24-L Gem Pl Gem W 79th Ave 79th W Dr Barnett

Mentra Cir Mentra Portugal Pl

Cope St Wade Cir Ave 80th W Bietinger Dr

Dorbrandt St Chad St Ave 77th W McCain Dr

Lancaster Dr Lancaster Ave 78th W

Chugach Way Chugach

Penguin St Cir 73rd W

Kirsten Cir Kirsten Westbury Dr Westbury

W 72nd Cir 72nd W Minnesota Dr

Gram Cir Gram Beitinger Dr

Gilmore Ct Seafood Dr Seafood

W 39th Ave 39th W Hermes St Cambridge Way Eielson St Wilson St Berry Patch Dr Runamuck Pl Laona Dr Rd Dowling W Eris Dr

Harrison St Dr Southampton W 56th Ave

Aphrodite Dr Dr Adonis

W 99th Ave 99th W

Ressel Ave Ressel Oxford Dr Oxford

Garfield St Garfield St St Della

Vernye Pl Dr Olympic

W 38th Ave 38th W Ln Bruce

W 39th Pl 39th W

Minerva Way Minerva W 41st Ave 41st W

Hayes St Ave 45th W

W 44th Ave 44th W Minnesota Dr Orchard Pl Orchard

McCain Loop Ave 40th W Essex Cir Liberty Cir Liberty Tolsona Cir


Minnesota Dr Minnesota Byp Greenhill Way

Greenbrook Dr Greenbrook Minnesota Dr Minnesota Ave 90th W Chelatna Cir

Greenland Dr Terrebonne Loop Lois Dr Byp Minnesota Victor Rd Harding Dr Dr Woods Country Wyoming Dr Mayfair Dr Northwood Dr Northwood St

Kently Ct Kently Banjo Cir Oregon Dr Lois Dr Taft St Porsche St Dagan St

Taft St Jaguar Cir Ct Canary W 56th Ave 56th W Eleusis Dr Greenbelt Dr Maritime Loop

Harding Dr Ave Hoteco W Lotus Dr

Van Buren St Dr Kathleen

Curlew Cir Curlew BearfootDr Dr Flamingo

Taft Dr Ave Jefferson Dr Kronos Juliana St W 48th Ave 48th W Timothy St Ascot St

Tasha Dr Tasha Dr Albatross

W Tudor Rd Tudor W W 100th Ave 100th W W 44th Ct 44th W Cir Timothy Lyvona Ln Arlene Dr

Woodland Dr Arlene St W 46th Ave 46th W

W 45th Ave 45th W Arlene St W 47th Ave 47th W Honeysuckle St

Northwood St Dr Opal

Lincoln Ave Lincoln

Aviation Ave Aviation Northwood Dr Jefferson Ave Jefferson Amanda Cir

Ticonderoga Pl Ave 88th W

Haru Ln Berry Cir Ave 84th W

Roosevelt Dr Roosevelt Lance Cir

Iowa Dr Cir 71st W Fenn St Roy St Highgate Cir Highgate

McRae Rd Kingfisher Dr Kingfisher

Spenard Rd Spenard Cir 70th W

W 36th Ave 36th W S Frontage Rd Trenton Ln Dr Ruby St Wisteria Joy Cir

Arkansas Dr Smaldon St Wisteria St Noblewood St

Lexington Cir Lexington

W 44th Ct 44th W

W 43rd Ct 43rd W Boom Cir Boom

Concord Ln Concord

Kershner Ave Kershner Cranberry St

Barbara Dr Ashley Cir

Melvin Ave Melvin

Bettles Bay Loop Bay Bettles Pleasant Dr Forest Rd Forest Lakeside Dr Forest Rd Cranberry St Rd Strawberry

Mc Rae Rd Cranberry Rd

Draco Dr Draco N Frontage Rd Dr Delta

E Turnagain Blvd Colonial Ct Dewberry St W Dimond Blvd Dimond W

Merrill Dr Iris Dr

Holly Ln Holly

Tundra Ct Rd Malibu W 80th Ave 80th W

Aspen Dr Altoona Dr

Borland Dr Dr Linden Jason Pl

W 81st Ave 81st W

W 64th Ave 64th W N Shore Dr Shore N Linden Dr Ave 86th W

Valleywood Dr Blackberry St Reed Ln Reed

Imlach Dr Imlach Ave 69th W

Balchen Dr Balchen Collins Way Anchorage Municipality

W 42nd Pl 42nd W

Kachemak Cir Kachemak

Wiley Post Ave Post Wiley Bennett Ave Bennett

Will Rogers Pl Rogers Will Bearberry St Noble Cir

Tanglewood Dr Blackberry St Windsor Pl Mere Cir W 79th Ave 79th W Lake Spenard Dr Spenard Lake Crystal St Wisconsin St Warfield Pl Ave 75th W Huckleberry St

Chevigny St Ave 78th W

Wispen Cir Golden St

Chevigny St St Huckleberry

Linden Cir Ave 73rd W

W 64th Ave 64th W

Dunkirk Dr N Point Dr Point N Chevigny Ct Chevigny Weimer St

Lake Park Cir W 74th Ave 74th W Loganberry St Cir Runestad

Service Rd Ave 84th W

Orion Cir Orion Bridget Dr Wiley Post Loop Post Wiley

High Pl Jewel Lake Rd 22-K

Sara Lynn Pl Lynn Sara Dundee Cir

W 82nd Ave 82nd W 74th Ct 74th

W 67th Ave 67th W

del St Dr Lakehurst Kylie Cir Andree Dr Andree Brentwood Dr

McKenzie Dr 21-K Dawn Dr

Marquis Way Marquis

W 89th Ct 89th W

Lakeway Dr Lakeway

Lakeridge Ct Lakeridge

Sue St Dr Tahoe W 40th Ave 40th W

W 72nd Ct 72nd W Canal St Thiel Cir St Terrace Jewel Terrace Dr Strathmore Dr McGill Way Nordale St W Lake Ave Lake W Lennox Dr

Beechcraft Dr Cutty Sark St Chaffee Cir Chaffee

Viscount Cir Viscount Airport Access Rd Access Airport

W 36th Ave 36th W W 42nd Ave 42nd W W 44th Ave 44th W W 43rd Ave 43rd W Terry St Aero Ave

Aero St Crawford St

W 37th Ave 37th W

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Pl Rutan

Caravelle Dr Caravelle

Selkirk Dr Selkirk S Tug Rd Tug S

Macalister Dr Dr Edinburgh Lawlor Cir Lawlor Whitehall St

Montrose Cir

W Dimond Blvd Dimond W Delong Dr Delong

Aviation Dr Aviation Emerald St

Lear Ct Lear Tall Spruce Dr Emerald St Cosmos Dr Cosmos Emerald Dr Emerald Silver Birch Dr Apron Rd Air Guard Rd Sundi St

Cascade Cir Cascade Sportsman Dr Sundi Dr Sundi

Orbit Cir Dr Hunter Jade St Raspberry Rd Raspberry

W 50th Ave 50th W Decoy Cir Kavik St Byrd Ln Byrd

S Aircraft Dr Ave 88th W Lakeshore Dr Sundi Dr Sundi Way

Hunter Cir Ave 87th W Endicott St Old International Airport Rd Airport International Old W 84th Ave 84th W

W 86th Ave 86th W Endicott St

Endicott St Floatplane Dr Floatplane Setter Dr Jaclaire Ln Enstrom Cir Aircraft Dr Wilcox St

Vought St Bailey Dr Shorecrest Dr W 80th Ave 80th W

Seaview St Seacliff Plaza Pl Kincaid Rd Kincaid 23 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 96 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Bradley, Scott N. Young, Don Republican Clinton, Hillary Democrat Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Kaine, Tim McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District L Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Johnson, Tom Non Affiliated Baraka, Ajamu McDonald, Forrest J. Democrat Trump, Donald J. Republican Von Imhof, Natasha A. Republican Pence, Michael R. Write-in State Representative Write-in District 23 (vote for one) United States Senator Tuck, Chris S. Democrat (vote for one) Huit, Timothy R. Republican Murkowski, Lisa Republican Write-in Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted SAMPLENon Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian


PAGE 97 2016 REGION II Senate District L Forrest J. McDonald, Democrat

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, fishing, hiking

STATEMENT: The politicians have failed Alaska. We cannot afford to continue to send the same people down to Juneau expecting different results. We need a leader-not another politician.

Living Within Our Means: I started working in a factory at 16, and by the time I returned from my first Afghanistan deployment I bought my first house with cash savings. I work hard and saved for everything I own, I don’t believe in personal debt. These are the values I will bring to Juneau.

Breaking the Partisan Gridlock: I will fight for what’s right for Alaska. No more politicians that conduct business behind closed doors!

Ending Wasteful Spending: The Legislature has been running the state paycheck to paycheck. It has been a disaster. When it comes to projects that benefit the Residence Address: 112 Sweetgale Court politicians’ close personal friends and family there is Anchorage AK 99518 never any shortage of money, but they are eager to cut funding to senior citizens and children. This must stop! MAILING ADDRESS: 112 Sweetgale Court Anchorage AK 99518 Protecting The Permanent Fund: My opponents are trying to take your PFD to pay off their special interest Email: [email protected] donors and maintain the status quo. I oppose all “PFD only” money grabs. WEBSITE: Jobs for Alaskans: I will work to create new jobs AGE: 29 by bringing new industry into Alaska and investing in education and job training. SPOUSE’S NAME: Jieun McDonald We can’t trust the same people that got us into this mess CHILDREN’S NAMES: Marin, Luna to get us out of it, we need new leadership in Juneau.

Occupation: Self Employed Veteran


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Seward and Moose Pass 1987-2005, Anchorage 2013- 2016

MILITARY SERVICE: 8 years in the Army including 2 years in Afghanistan, 3 years in Italy, 1 year in Korea, and 2 years in Fayetteville. Awards include the Bronze Star with Valor, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 98 2016 REGION II House District 23 Timothy R. Huit, Republican

STATEMENT: • Protect the Permanent Fund Dividend • Reduce government spending to 2011 levels • Promote sustainable resource development • Repeal parts of the SB91 criminal reform bill • Enact parts of the ISER budget reform proposal

Leading by example is the hallmark of a good leader. The attributes of honesty, integrity, and transparency come to mind in regards to good political leadership. If elected to State House, in District 23, of the State of Alaska, I will lead by the attributes I have outlined above. I will also listen, be inclusive, and make decisions by consensus. In regards to the people of Alaska, many feel disenfranchised by the current behavior of politicians and reject or avoid the process of voting and participating in governance. I hope by leading by example, I can increase participation, involvement, and commitment to good governance among the people of Alaska. I further hope under my tender, I can bring back true Alaskan values such as trust, vision, and foresight for the future. Alaskan Republican leaders like Wally Hickel, Jay Hammond, Residence Address: 1311 West 73rd and Ted Stevens come to mind when forming and Anchorage, AK 99518 achieving our goals for our future.

MAILING ADDRESS: 3705 Arctic Blvd. PMB 2642 Anchorage, AK 99503

Email: [email protected]


AGE: 55

PLACE OF BIRTH: Sacramento, California


Occupation: Small Business Owner


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Fairbanks 1968-72, 1974-77, Anchorage: 79-80, 83- 86, 92-2004, 2008-Present, Wasilla 2004-8, Kodiak 1988-89

EDUCATION: UAA, B.A. in Anthropology/Justice/Philosophy.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Delegate/Vice Chairman, District 14, State Republican Convention 2012, Chairman of District 14, 2012

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 99 2016 REGION II House District 23 Chris S. Tuck, Democrat

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship Training Trust, Board of Directors; Alaska Process Industry Careers Consortium, Board of Directors

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: National Rifle Association; Union Sportsman; University of Alaska Booster’s Caucus; Outdoor Heritage Caucus

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Alaskan People, Family, Volunteering in the Community, Skiing, Snowmachining, Fishing, Camping, Music, Dog Mushing

OTHER: 1999 Yukon River Championship Sled Dog Race – First Place; Boys & Girls Club Soccer Coach; Anchorage Youth Court; Habitat for Humanity; Proyecto Fe Guatemala Mission Trips

STATEMENT: As I go door-to-door talking with my neighbors, I notice families are concerned about the current direction of our state. Because of our fiscal crisis, I have seen many Residence Address: 8220 Barnett Drive #2 friends and neighbors leave the state because Alaska Anchorage, AK 99518 does not offer enough education or job opportunities.

MAILING ADDRESS: 8220 Barnett Drive #2 My experience brings a unique perspective on fiscal Anchorage, AK 99518 responsibility. We no longer have high oil prices to sustain our budgets. We need a long-term vision for E-MAIL: [email protected] the future of our resources, economy, and investments for the betterment of all Alaskans. Website: Alaska can be the place where ideas and innovations AGE: 50 flourish, education is of the highest quality, the economy thrives, and jobs are rewarding. PLACE OF BIRTH: Taft, CA To accomplish these goals, we need a higher education Devon Tuck, Penelope Tuck CHILDREN’S NAMES: system that supports this vision and nurtures growth. Every high school graduate should be able to fulfill Business Representative Occupation: their dreams within Alaska. Electrician Let’s do something about the “state” we are in. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 44 years Alaska is blessed with talented people and incredible

EDUCATION: natural resources. With your support, I will work hard Dimond High School; Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship to develop Alaska for Alaskans. Together, we can build Training Trust; National Training Institute, University of a brighter future. My only special interest is you! Tennessee I want to continue working for you as your representative. POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: State House – Four Terms, Minority Leader, Minority Whip Vote for State House. Legislative Committees: Energy; Economic Development, Trade and Tourism; Administrative Regulation Review; Rules; Legislative Ethics; Fiscal Policy Budget Subcommittees: Administration; Commerce, Community, and Economic Development; Revenue; Labor and Workforce Development

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Zelma Cir Donalds St Loc Lomon Ln

Dora Ave Dora E Klatt Rd Klatt E

Jerome St Kutcher Dr

Gunwale Ct Gunwale E 142nd Ave 142nd E

Jerome St Ave Cleo Loc Sault Ave Sault Loc

Dee Cir Dee

Ptarmigan Ter Ptarmigan

Matthews Dr Matthews

E 112th Ave 112th E

Twilight Ln Twilight

Leyden Rd Leyden

Furrow CreekRd McMahon Ave McMahon

Doroshin Ave Doroshin Eastwind Dr Shady Ln Akula Dr

Avion St Rd Dearmoun Snowshoe Ln

Avion St Mainsail Dr Ave Tieszen

Killey St Creek Rd Rabbit

Hines Cir Hines Taiga Dr Taiga Barr Rd Pintail St Ave Dora

Cange St

118th St 118th

Access Rd Access Tara Ln Tara

E 151st Ave 151st E Starboard Ln Starboard


Abbott Rd Abbott Seawind Dr

Lewis Pl Ct Beamreach E 112th Ave 112th E Wagner St Dr Staysail Wildien Dr

Livingston St Ave Flyway

Mission Cir Dr Spinnaker

Ebbtide Cir

Nugget Ln Nugget

Capstan Dr Capstan

Gander St 28-N

Westwind Dr Westwind Chenoweth St Chenoweth Woodway Cir Ave Mallard

Seafarer Loop Baywind Dr Baywind Cutwater Ct Cutwater Leeward Pl Leeward


Woodchase Cir Rd Huffman

Tulin Park Loop Park Tulin Lake Otis Pkwy

Rushwood Cir Rushwood Ave 144th E

Alderwood Loop Alderwood Kempton Hills Dr

Legacy Dr Legacy O'Malley Rd O'Malley

Mona Ave Mona Turnagain Bluff Way

Lake Otis Pkwy Summer Dr Cir Nancy Dylan Dr Dylan

Vern Dr Vern Specking Ave

Sunset Dr Dr Clements

Brandy Cir Brandy TradewindDr

Willene Dr Willene Specking Ave

Trisha Ave Trisha Winterchase Cir Winterchase

Rives Ct Sues Way Woodward Dr Woodward 26-M

Steeple Dr Steeple Hancock Ln

Sentry Dr Dr Snowbird Karen St

Valley Park Dr Park Valley

Polar Dr Polar SunviewDr

Ridgemont Dr Ridgemont

E Huffman Rd Huffman E

Forest Dr Forest Reader Rd Ave Chinook

Innes Cir Innes

Brandilyn Cir Brandilyn Chapel Dr

Reliance Dr Reliance Yorktown Cir Hancock Dr Ridge Park Dr Park Ridge

Hawkins Ln Seward Hwy Ave Jarvis

Gregory Rd Meander Dr Toloff St Toloff

25-M Estuary Cir Jarvi Dr Diggins Dr Gwenn Dr

Independence Dr Hamilton Dr Hamilton

Brandilyn St Brandilyn Gail St

Colony Loop Colony New Seward Hwy Circlewood Dr Flintlock St Jamestown Dr Brant Way George Bell Cir

Vanguard Dr Colony Pl Tanada Loop Ct Ben Old Seward Hwy Craig St Craig

Courage Dr

Cannoneer Cir Cannoneer Betula Dr Landmark St

Commodore Dr Ave Tammy Helen Dr Helen Helgelien Loop Hace St Chelea St Venus Way Elcadore Dr Elcadore Brandon St

BetulaCir Huffman Park Dr Cove Cir

Thuja Ave Thuja

Donna Dr Donna PyramidDr

Cedrus Ct Academy Dr State Hwy 1 Ave 112th E Brayton Dr Cir Jody

Back Rd Rd Cross

Cornelia St Silver Fox Ln

Labar St Labar Alissa Cir Dr Berry Thimble Reef Pl Long St Birch Trail Cir Industry Way Nora Dr

E Huffman Rd Huffman E Bay Cir S Center Dr St Oren

Grange Dr Daryl St

Surrey Cir Surrey Coral Ln

Short St Cir Aro

Morningside Loop Morningside Cir Joham

Bounty Dr Bounty Fred Cir Fred

Abbott Rd Abbott Gambell St

Harbor Cir Harbor

LingonBerry Ct

Center St Center

E 120th Ave 120th E Lighthouse Ct Lighthouse

Breakwater Cir Nigh Rd

Highland St Division St

Kayak Dr Kayak Olive Ln Olive Oceanview Dr

Olive Ln St Regon Clipper Clipper Ship Ct

Breeze Ct

E 104th Ave 104th E E 100th Ave 100th E

Dailey Ave Dailey Ocean Point Dr Point Ocean

High View Dr View High E Klatt Rd Klatt E

Fawn Ct Dr Mariner

Lang St Galleon Dr Johns Rd Nix Ct

23-L King St Lillian Ln

Botanical Cir Botanical

Pacific View Dr View Pacific

Pettis Rd Pettis Cordova St Ellen Ave Ave Bree Dave Ln Cir Marie Shelly Via Balboa

Timber Ln Timber Via Appia Langnes Ct Langnes

W 121st Ave 121st W

E 95th Ave 95th E

W 106th Ave 106th W

W 123rd Ave 123rd W

Peninsula Cir Peninsula W 104th Ave 104th W C St

Mary Ave

Arctic Blvd Bonnie Jean Ct C St Cir Orchid

W Klatt Rd Klatt W Timberlane Dr

Vernon St Ave 92nd W Huffman Rd Huffman

Arctic Blvd Ave 96th W Topaz Pl

Colchis St WoodmarPl Zircon Cir Zircon

Allison Cir Allison Hilltop Dr

Tower Rd W 100th Ave 100th W

Aqua Marine Cir Aqua Skyway Dr Cameo Ct Cameo

Dorian Dr Dorian Rovenna St Opal Dr Opal

Cameo St Cameo Toy Dr

Garnet Dr Garnet

W 97th Ave 97th W

Artemus Ave Artemus W 96th Ave 96th W

Carnelian St Puma Shore Dr

Woo Blvd Turquoise St Turquoise Juniper St W 99th Ave 99th W

Ruby St DemeterDr Anchorage Municipality

Gem Pl Gem Minnesota Dr Bietinger Dr Portugal Pl Beitinger Dr Concord Hill Dr


Lafayette Cir Lafayette Vashon Cir Vashon

Eris Dr Olympic Dr Rd Klatt W Portage Dr

Old KlattRd Adonis Dr Adonis Poseidon Dr Aphrodite Dr

Suncrest Dr

Della St Della

Vernye Pl Dr Spartan

Minerva Way Minerva

Whitefish Cir Whitefish Liberty Cir Liberty Casey Cusack Loop


24-L Victor St Victor StockdaleCir

Washington Ave Washington Constitution St

HanningBay Cir

W 90th Ave 90th W

Victor Rd Dr Olympic MarianBay Cir Faccio Dr Faccio Spyglass Cir Leary Bay Cir Ariel Cir

Leander Cir Northfleet Dr Northfleet Canary Ct Canary

Greenbelt Dr Maritime Loop Maritime

Glen Haven Discovery View Dr

Juliana St Cir Bow

Halfhitch Dr Halfhitch Ensign Dr Ensign

Arlene St Arlene Dr Dr Albatross Ave 100th W

Brigantine Cir Brigantine Diligence Cir

Southport Dr Southport

Eshamy Bay Dr Cir Solitude

Ketch Cir Ketch W 91st Ave 91st W Roy St Dr Bay Discovery

Joy Cir Pelican Dr

Noblewood St Seclusion Cove Dr

Cranberry St Dr Bayshore

Mast Cir Mast Seaport Cir Bettles Bay Loop Bay Bettles Lakeside Dr

Dewberry St

W Dimond Blvd Dimond W

Admiralty Bay Dr Bay Admiralty Bluff Creek Cir Creek Bluff

W 88th Ave 88th W Blackberry St Perenosa Dr

N Shore Dr Shore N Alitak Bay Cir Hooper Cir Hooper

Noble Cir Hazen Cir Kachemak Cir Kachemak

Amber Bay Loop Bay Amber

Marmot Cir Marmot

Chiniak Bay Dr Bay Chiniak N Point Dr Point N

Jewel Lake Rd

Vancouver Cir Vancouver Runestad Cir Runestad

Dundee Cir

Pointe Cir Lakehurst Dr Lakehurst Kylie Cir

Endeavor Cir

W 89th Ct 89th W

Tahoe Dr Tahoe Jewel Terrace St Terrace Jewel Strathmore Dr

Lennox Dr

Macalister Dr Macalister

Selkirk Dr Selkirk Edinburgh Dr Edinburgh

Montrose Cir

Emerald St Emerald St Emerald Dr Emerald

Jade St

Kavik St

Byrd Ln Byrd W 88th Ave 88th W

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

W 87th Ave 87th W Endicott St

Jaclaire Ln Jaclaire W Dimond Blvd Dimond W

Seacliff Plaza Pl

Sand Lake Rd 22-K

Snead St 24 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 101 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Young, Don Republican Bradley, Scott N. Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Clinton, Hillary Democrat McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Kaine, Tim Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District L Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green McDonald, Forrest J. Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Von Imhof, Natasha A. Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Johnson, Tom Non Affiliated Pence, Michael R. Write-in State Representative Write-in District 24 (vote for one) United States Senator Levi, Sue Democrat (vote for one) Kopp, Charles M. "Chuck" Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Write-in Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray SAMPLEDemocrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican


PAGE 102 2016 REGION II House District 24 Charles M. “Chuck” Kopp, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Reserve Officer, Anchorage Police Department 1986-1989 Police Officer, Kenai, Alaska, and Bristol Bay Borough, Alaska 1989-2009 Chief of Police, Kenai 2002-2008 Acting City Manager, Kenai 2005-2006 Chief of Staff, serving Alaska State Senators 2009-2016

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: LeeShore Center 2002-2008 Alaska Peace Officers Association 1993-2015 Kenai Peninsula Community Care Center 1995-2002

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Music, hiking, trail running, camping, hunting and fishing

OTHER: Alaska Peace Officer Association – Statewide “Member of the Year” 2001 Alaska Journal of Commerce “Top 40 under 40” 2004 Inductee, ASAA, Alaska High School Sports Hall of Fame 2006

Residence Address: 12010 Shore Circle STATEMENT: Anchorage, AK 99515 It is an honor to have served our state over the past 30 years as a police officer, police chief, city administrator, E-MAIL: [email protected] state board and commission member, and lead staff to two senators in the Alaska Legislature. My work Website: experience has given me the understanding to represent our beautiful South Anchorage District 24 in the State AGE: 51 House. I look forward to continuing the work of making our state a safer and more prosperous place to live. PLACE OF BIRTH: Anchorage, Alaska I strongly support our free market economy and limited SPOUSE’S NAME: Trish government, which encourages innovation and allows us the freedom to enjoy the fruits of our labor. I will CHILDREN’S NAMES: Chuck, Holly, Paul vigilantly guard the liberties we cherish, which did not come to us by accident. I will seek to understand Occupation: Public Safety, Retiree and carefully consider the consequences of issues before the Legislature, recognizing the significant LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 51 years responsibility to my constituents, their families and businesses, and our natural resources. EDUCATION: High School, Cook Inlet Academy, Soldotna 1979-1983 I am ever thankful to my parents and mentors who B.A. Justice, University of Alaska, Anchorage 1983-1987 taught me the valuable lessons of working together FBI National Academy, Marine Corps Base and encouraging one another through adversity, and Quantico 1996 to face fear with resolution and a quiet peace. My Public Administration, Graduate Course, public safety career continued this learning process. U of AK, Southeast 1999 I will be a strong advocate for quality education and POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: safe neighborhoods, spending discipline in all state Governor appointee to Chair Dept. of agencies, maintenance of roads and pedestrian safety Public Safety transition team 2006 paths, responsible resource development, and the Alaska Police Standards Council 2003-2007 protection of our Permanent Fund. Alaska Judicial Council 2007-2008 I believe my perspective and experience will enable me to be helpful to the legislative process, and that our best days are still ahead of us.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 103 2016 REGION II House District 24 Sue Levi, Democrat

Coordinator, Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) Economic Development

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Professional Assistant to a Registered Independent Investment Advisor

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Citizen’s Juvenile Justice Committee Commissioner, Urban Design Commission, Municipality of Anchorage Advisory Board Member, Minority/International Entrepreneurship Program, Alaska Pacific University Governor’s Rural Bulk Fuel Task Force Vice-President/Executive Board Member, Northeast Anchorage Community Council Board Member, Northeast Anchorage Community Center Board Member, Alaska Historical Publication Association Panel Member, ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 Judicial Panel Member, Probation/Parole Committee, ASEA Treasurer, Alaska Women for Political Action (AWPA)

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Traveling within Alaska, fishing, gardening and reading

Residence Address: 10651 Republic Circle STATEMENT: Anchorage, AK 99515 My experience in Alaska makes me uniquely qualified to represent Southwest Anchorage in the State House. I have a wide range of experience including the specifics MAILING ADDRESS: 10651 Republic Circle Anchorage, AK 99515 of how state agencies work day-to-day as well as the nuts-and-bolts of how the State budget is assembled. I have worked for years with the Department of Law and E-MAIL: [email protected] the Department of Corrections, developed rural energy programs, administered multi-million dollar housing funds Website: and made recommendations in court face-to-face with some of Alaska’s most violent criminals. I will be able to AGE: 65 “hit the ground running” when I am elected in November. My Ten Point Positions are PLACE OF BIRTH: Norfolk, VA

SPOUSE’S NAME: Steve Levi 1. The oil industry needs to pay its fair share. 2. Alaska needs a long term fiscal plan so we do Occupation: Professional Assistant to a not lurch from year to year trying to balance the Registered Financial Advisor budget. 3. Legislators have to reach across the aisle and LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 50 years pass the best possible legislation. 4. Alaska needs to develop a comprehensive ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: approach to education which includes both Juneau, 1966-1969; 1976-1980 reliable funding and quality program development. Fairbanks, 1969-1973 5. Alaska needs to accept federal Medicaid funding. Anchorage, 1980-present 6. Alaska needs to develop a statewide, workable health care approach that is fiscally reasonable EDUCATION: and affordable. Juneau-Douglas High School, 1966-1969 7. Alaska needs a mechanism to tax out-of-state UAF, 1969-1973 individuals and industries who make money here. 8. Alaska needs a unified, statewide approach to POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: mental health issues. Probation/Parole, Department of Corrections 9. Alaska needs to take a realistic approach to drug Alaska State Senate/Finance Committee Chair (Staff) addiction and treatment. Deputy Director, Division of Housing Assistance/Rural 10. Alaska needs to stop spending money suing the Housing Loan Program Federal government for purely political purposes. Special Assistant, Alaska Energy Authority I’m Working for YOU!

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Copper Dr Copper

Atelier Dr Atelier Haida Cir Haida

Teri Cir

Montagne Cir Montagne

Redtop Cir Redtop Sidorof Ln Sidorof

Hillhaven Cir Hillhaven Slalom Dr Slalom

14-G Prospect Dr Prospect

CampbellAirstrip Rd

Muir Ct Klutina Dr

Nordic St

Schuss Dr Schuss Red Ct Red

Pioneer Dr 28-N

White Dr

Majestic Dr Majestic Yukla Cir Zermatt Ave Zermatt

Pinnacle Cir Conifer St

Basher Dr

Resurrection Dr Resurrection

Tikishla St Dr Ponderosa Hampton Dr Hampton

Chaimi Loop Dr Orford Port Griffith St McCready Cir McCready

Lodge Pole Ct Pole Lodge Hillside Dr

Nettleton Dr

Regal Mountain Dr Mountain Regal

Scenic View Dr View Scenic

James Dr James

Muldoon Rd Muldoon Grover St

Grover Dr Newby Ave Newby Hilltop Ski Area Rd Area Ski Hilltop

Stamps Cir Stamps Curvi St Candace Cir Candace Madelynne Dr Irene Dr 27-N

Dorothy Dr

Lovitt Cir Lovitt Homestead Trl Ambler Cir

Patterson St

Louise Ct Louise

Jollipan Ct Jollipan

Paula Pl Paula

E 99th Ave 99th E Lisa Ct Lisa

Gemini Dr

Patterson St Patterson

Apollo Dr Apollo Lunar Dr Lunar

Chelsea Way

Shale Cir Shale

Main Tree Dr Tree Main

Lone Tree Dr Tree Lone Red TreeRed Cir

Hampton Dr Dr Hill Notting Spruce Knoll Cir KingstonCharing Dr Cross Cir Brien St

Baxter Rd

Campbell Airstrip Rd Airstrip Campbell

Barry Ave Barry Yukon Rd Yukon

Chisana Way Chisana Birch Rd

Kody Dr Kody

E 97th Ave 97th E

E 99th Ave 99th E E 98th Ave 98th E

Jennifer Cir Jennifer Ziemlak Dr Summit St 16-H Boniface Pkwy

Strutz Ave Cir Shaun Valley View Dr View Valley

Nickell Cir

Lynn Dr

E 42nd Ave 42nd E Hinkle Rd Hinkle

E41st Ave

Sharon St Sharon Military Rd Spring Hill Dr Checkmate Dr

Sahalee Dr

Zenith St Cir Spring Silver Science Center Dr Center Science Castle Ct Castle

Anchorage Municipality

E 43rd Ave 43rd E Wesleyan Dr Wesleyan Jupiter Dr

Rollins Dr Rollins Vance Dr Jupiter Dr Quasar Dr

Pluto Dr Carlson Rd

Solar Dr Zodiak Dr Zodiak

Elmore Rd Dr Mars Abbott Loop Rd

Blm Rd Blm Wellsley Ct Browning Dr 26-M Elmore Rd

Diplomacy Dr Diplomacy Craiger Ct Kailyard St

Dayton Dr

Geirinhas Pl Geirinhas Fox Lair Cir Lair Fox

Tudor Centre Dr Centre Tudor Iona Cir Candywine Cir Candywine

Freebird Cir Exeter Dr Loop Winchester Bragaw St Kiana Cir Truro Dr Coventry Dr

Winchester St St Winchester E 48th Ave 48th E

S Bragaw St 25-M

Elmore Rd Ave 88th E

Ambassador Dr Ambassador Laverne Pl Rendon Dr Dr David King

E 84th Ave 84th E Parkridge Cir Cir Raintree

Bugle Ct E 67th Ave 67th E

E 66th Ave 66th E Bravo Cir Cir Bethany E 65th Ave 65th E

E 64th Ave 64th E Henderson Loop Ladasa Pl Kip Ct Randamar Pl Cir Randamar Sandy Pl Miranda Dr Sandy Pl Spruce Brook St

Florina St Sandy Cir

Dowling Rd Dowling

Sharon Gagnon Ln Gagnon Sharon Residential Dr Residential Spruce St Little Brook CirSt Brook Little Pinebrook Cir

Providence E Lp Spruce St Florence Cir

Fergy Cir Fergy Stratton Cir St Rosalind Eileen Cir Lewis Pl Medellin Cir Rd Abbott Dale St Lewis Pl Bulen Dr Solarset Cir

Grumman St Doil Cir Baby Bear Dr Sabrina St Granite Pl

Travis Ln Travis Max Cir Max

Snow View Dr View Snow Timberwolf Cir Cir South Thorne Pl Biglerville Cir Roseland Loop Evans Cir Claridge Pl

Piper St Doil Dr Pebblebrook Cir

CarriageDr Kovey St

E 40th Ave 40th E Norm Dr E 84th Ave 84th E

Grey Wolf Cir Wolf Grey Swiss Pl Lark St Lark Nadine St

Cantonment Ct Ct Dane E 41st Ave 41st E Tiffany Ter Piper St Clogia Cir North Cir

Newt Dr Grey Wolf Cir Clairmont Cir Ave 85th E Cir Barney Nadine St Shane Pl Henry Cir

E 46th Ave 46th E Sunchase St Bass St Bell Pl Dr Cove Rocky Tondi Ln Pokey Cir

Mego St Sherri Lynn Pl Wright St Cir Hip Rose Loretta Ln Ave 80th E

Pequod Cir

Teshlar Dr Teshlar Bell Cir Bell

E 42nd Ave 42nd E Raymond Dr Bryant Cir

Summer Sun Ct Sun Summer E 68th Ave 68th E Midnight Sun Sun Ct Midnight Summer Wind Ct Wind Summer Desiree Loop Crescent Hill Cir

Tinian St Durenda Cir Lake Otis Pkwy

Kristen Kristen Cir E Tudor Rd Tudor E

E 51st Ave 51st E Arlon St Folker St S Tahiti Loop Camino Pl Arlon St

Sentry Dr

Vi St Ave 88th E E 85th Ave 85th E

Happy Ln Happy Fiji St Golovin St

Obrien St Dr Adobe Guam Ave Guam

Hickory Pl Laurel St Tonga St O'Brien St Ave 74th E

Spruce Spruce Meadows Dr

Spruce Park Spruce Azurite Ct Azurite E 63rd Ave 63rd E Elim St Laurel St Zurich St Ct 86th E Samoa St

Wanigan St E 72nd Ave 72nd E

N Tahiti Loop Tahiti N Cinnabar Loop

Zurich St Zurich Bern St Toloff St

Toloff St Toloff Rio Grande Ave Grande Rio

E 52nd Ave 52nd E Tuttle Pl Winter Ridge Ct Ridge Winter

Misty Ct Stella Pl

17-I Basel St E 74th Ave 74th E

Musket Ball Cir Ball Musket E 84th Ct 84th E

Lupin Pl Rd Lore

E 79th Ave 79th E

Brigadier Dr Brigadier E 54th Ct 54th E

Roger Dr Roger Highlands Apts Hyatt St

Young St Cherrywood Cir Petersburg St Flintlock St E 47th Ct 47th E Cir Greenridge Quinhagak St E 63rd Ave 63rd E Vanguard Dr

E 40th Ave 40th E McLin Cir Hartzell Rd

Hartzell Rd Courage Dr Dimond Hook Dr Hook Dimond Cannoneer Cir Cannoneer

Waldron Dr Waldron Dr Ivan Campbell Pl Campbell Oakwood Dr

Tudor Hills Ct Petersburg St Ct 85th E

Askeland Dr Askeland

E 85th Ave 85th E

E 75th Ave 75th E Tudor Hills Dr Hills Tudor

E 37th Ave 37th E Hartzell Rd Helgelien Loop E 38th Ave 38th E Dr Wickersham Little Tree St Burlwood Dr Corbin Dr Nancy St

Scott St Cir Fyfe

Burlwood St Ave 66th E S Salem Dr Salem S Erin St E57th Ave Dow Pl Viburnum Dr Erin Dr

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013

E 64th Ave 64th E Dimond Dr Dimond

E 58th Ave 58th E Meadow St

Johnson Dr Johnson

Sunny Acres Acres Dr Sunny Bartlett Dr Ave 84th E

Trena St Otis Pl Academy Dr

E 56th Ave 56th E Sandlewood Pl Gross Cir

N Salem Dr Salem N Meadow St Cornella Cir E Dowling Rd Dowling E

Mac Innes St Ave 53rd E

Macinnes St Windflower Cir Cir Ponds Brayton Dr

Moss Creek Ave Moss Creek

E 59th Ave 59th E Rierie Dr Rierie Cache Dr Larkspur St Rowan St Ashwood St New Seward Hwy

State Hwy 1 Loop Meadows Heather S

Frontage Rd Seward Hwy Alissa Cir

Needle Cir Needle Brayton Dr Long St Winterset Dr Shelikof St Dr Homer Shelikof St Frontage Rd Greenwood St Pavalof St Driftwood St

Briarwood St Short St AlpenhornAve

Kupreanof St Loop Morningside E 36th Ave 36th E

E 43rd Ct 43rd E Greenwood St

Crescent Dr Homer Dr

Abbott Rd Abbott

Chirikof Ct Chirikof

E 72nd Ave 72nd E Rakof Ave Rakof E 68th Ave 68th E

Brayton Dr Ave 64th E Becharof St Spring St

Latouche St Rosewood St Ave 71st E

Frontage Rd Old Seward Hwy E 69th Ave 69th E E Dimond Blvd Dimond E

Rosewood St Ave 70th E Gambell St

Barrington Loop Ave 66th E E 56th Ave 56th E

18-I Crescent Ave Crescent

Homer Dr Ave 54th E Juneau St 23-L 25 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 105 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Bradley, Scott N. McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Clinton, Hillary Democrat Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Kaine, Tim Young, Don Republican De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 25 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Higgins, Pat Democrat Baraka, Ajamu Millett, Charisse E. Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe SAMPLELibertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated


PAGE 106 2016 REGION II House District 25 Pat Higgins, Democrat

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Anchorage School Board, 2008-Present

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: HR Director: Valley Hospital, Humana Hospital, North Star H Hospital, SEARHC, Chugach Native Association, KANA ECP Concerns Coordinator: APSC HR Consultant: Girl Scouts of Alaska Corporate Compliance Officer: FNA and CRNA

Service Organization(s) Membership: Member: PTA (various schools), National School Board Association, Alaska School Board Association, Society of Human Resources Management member President, Friends of the Library Board member, Abbott Loop Community Council

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Fishing, camping, golf, education, problem solving, and change management

STATEMENT: I am running to bring change to Juneau. The current Residence Address: 9140 Granite Place leadership has failed us. They are unable to work together Anchorage, AK 99507 or budget responsibly. They are not putting Alaskans first.

MAILING ADDRESS: 9140 Granite Place The Legislature had EIGHT special sessions the last Anchorage, AK 99507 two years. They maintained funding for the lavish Anchorage Legislative Information Office (LIO) and Email: [email protected] mega projects while cutting the PFD to pay for special oil tax credits. Meanwhile, public education, public WEBSITE: safety, and other essential services have been cut. Seven billion dollars of our savings have disappeared AGE: 63 in two years to pay for deficits.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Jacinto City, Texas We need a long term plan that meets our obligations. Oil revenues can’t be counted on to solve this problem, SPOUSE’S NAME: Patti Higgins but we still have resources. Financial markets and oil Married 40 years companies are watching to see if Alaska can manage its financial affairs. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Gavin, Rachael, Tara The Permanent Fund was established for future Occupation: Consultant: HR Management generations when oil revenues decline. However, the and Corporate Compliance Permanent Fund Dividend represents a significant part Officer of Alaska’s economy and should not be cut unless it is part of a comprehensive financial plan fair to all Alaskans. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 33 years In the past I have successfully challenged the status ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: quo. During my eight years on the ASD School Board, Anchorage 1983-1986, 1987-Present; Juneau 1986-1987 graduation rates rose from close to 60% to over 80%, 25 years in District 25 dropout rates declined almost by half, and administration costs were cut every year. EDUCATION: BS Degree, LSU, Personnel Mgt major and Economics We can protect our economy with a responsible budget, minor fund essential services, and eliminate wasteful spending. Our economy and our children’s future are at stake. I would appreciate your vote in November. Thank you!

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 107 2016 REGION II House District 25 Charisse E. Millett, Republican

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Past Vice-President Abbott Loop Community Council, Anchorage School District Minority Education Concerns Advisory Committee, past member, Legislative Aide for Communications, Department of Administration, Past District 30 Republican Chair

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: The Alliance, Resource Development Council, Commonwealth North, National Rifle Association, Past Board Member of the Arctic Winter Games and the Kenai, Soldotna and Homer Chambers of Commerce

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Former Board member, American Red Cross of Alaska, Governor’s Council on Special Education and Disabilities

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Hunting, sport fishing, camping, boating, playing with and watching my two grandchildren grow

STATEMENT: As a lifelong Alaskan, I am committed to creating a prosperous and sustainable future for all Alaskans. My experience in the legislature combined with my private sector experience has given me the knowledge to and background to work on solutions to Alaska’s most pressing issues. I am willing to Residence Address: 8121 Pinebrook Circle listen and work hard for my constituents. Anchorage, AK 99507 Budget MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 230853 Anchorage, AK 99523 Creating a sustainable spending plan begins with reducing the size of state government, while protecting essential state E-MAIL: [email protected] services like education and public safety, and using our assets effectively. Website: Facebook: charissemillettforalaskastatehouse Education Twitter: @votemillett All students deserve a quality education and stability in the AGE: 52 classroom. We can do better as Alaskans to ensure effective instruction and support to our schools, so that education PLACE OF BIRTH: Juneau, AK funding goes further and students are prepared for college and vocational education. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Zachery, Ashley, Zane, grandmother to Helen (6) and Public Safety Hudson (2) I sponsored legislation to provide health coverage to the Occupation: surviving spouses and dependents of public safety personnel Airline employee/Management (1981-2005). Legislative/ that perished in the line of duty. This is the least we can do Administrative Staff (2005-2007), Commercial Fisher (1992- for the men and women who protect us. I’ve also worked to 2008), State Legislator (2009-current) provide effective solutions for underlying causes of crime, such as substance abuse and mental health. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 52 Energy ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Juneau (1964-1966) I have worked throughout my career to support energy solutions Fairbanks (1967-1969) for Alaska. We must continue to develop clean renewable Anchorage (1970-current) energy sources while boosting oil and gas production.

EDUCATION: Alaskans with Disabilities A.J. Dimond High School 1978-1981, High School Diploma University of Alaska Anchorage 1981-1983 I proudly serve on the Governor’s Council on Special Education and Disabilities. Protecting and encouraging the education and self-sufficiency of Alaskans with special needs has been a priority throughout my legislative career.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 108 2016 REGION II Galena Cir

Conifer St Rya St

Rya Rd Dr Midori

Cox Dr Cox

Ponderosa Dr Ponderosa

Elies Dr Elies Hill Dr Hill Cir

Terrace Dr Terrace

McLure Cir McLure Dr Circle

Our Own Ln Own Our

Hillside Way Hampton Cir Hampton Hideaway Lake Dr Lake Hideaway Park Dr Lamb Dr

Port Orford Dr Orford Port Hampton Dr Upper Huffman Rd Huffman Upper

Griffith St Old Rabbit CreekRd

Hillside Dr Tracy Way

Chalet Ct Chalet

Alps Ave Alps McCready Cir McCready Saunders Rd

Panorama Dr Ave Alatna Lodge Pole Ct Pole Lodge

Hillside Dr Rd Whist

Upper Omalley Rd Omalley Upper Beacon Hill Dr Hill Beacon Foster Rd

Nettleton Dr Ave Holman

Dearmoun Rd Dearmoun

Huffman Rd Huffman

S Park Dr Park S Buena Vista Dr

Sleeper Ave Sleeper

Northpark Dr Northpark Treeline Ct Treeline Rockridge Dr Lupine Rd Carita Ln Grover St Tree Top Ln

Grover Dr

Russell Cir

Hilltop Ski Area Rd Area Ski Hilltop Stamps Cir Stamps

Lake O the Hills Cir Hills the O Lake Rockridge Dr Curvi St Dr Scheben Von E Tree Dr Stony Brook Dr

E Tree Ct

Coughlan Way Cir Teresa

Candace Cir Candace Callaway Cir

Prism Cir Prism

Freitag Dr Freitag Sequoia Cir

Gunnison Dr Gunnison Crooked Tree Dr Dr Audubon

Lovitt Cir Lovitt Homestead Trl

Macbeth Dr Macbeth Mountain Lake Dr Lake Mountain Langman Cir

Algarin Cir Samuel Ct Samuel Louise Ct Louise

Double Tree Ct

Crooked Tree Cir Tree Crooked Mountain Pl

Round Tree Dr

Jollipan Ct Jollipan

Paula Pl Paula

E 99th Ave 99th E

Ridgecrest Dr Finch Ln Downey

Lisa Ct Lisa

Moose Rd Moose

Nenana Pl Pl Mountain

Wildwood Dr Cir Kinlien Tahoe Cir Main Tree Dr Tree Main Mael St Floral Ln

Lone Tree Dr Ave Grizzly

McLain Rd E 112th Ave 112th E Shale Cir Shale Alpine Dr Limestone Cir

Michigan Blvd Michigan Bunnyshoe Cir

Corner Tree Dr Tree Corner Dr Woodmont Ridgeview Dr Red TreeRed Cir

Gillette Dr Beverly Dr Spruce Knoll Cir Dr Finch Downey Craig Creek Cir Crestview Dr

Brien St Holden Dr Holden

O'Malley Rd O'Malley Griffin Rd

Kalgin Dr W Tree Dr Tree W

Alpine Woods Dr Bristol Dr

Huffman Rd Huffman

E Klatt Rd Klatt E

Barry Ave Barry Trappers Trail Rd Trail Trappers

Birch Rd

Moose Meadow Lane Cir Lane Meadow Moose

Craig Creek Ct Creek Craig

Raven Roost Cir Roost Raven

Naknek Ln Naknek

Yukon Rd Yukon

Orth Cir Orth

Chisana Way Chisana

Penny Cir Penny

Griffen Rd Griffen

Olympia Cir Olympia Fenwick Cir Fenwick

Luliad Cir Liberty Rd Ln Badger

Paddock Ln Milrob Ave Milrob Baronik St

E 97th Ave 97th E Schneiter Dr

Dalzell Cir Dalzell

Freedom Rd Dr Ridgeview

E 99th Ave 99th E

E 112th Ave 112th E E 98th Ave 98th E

Daisy Cir Totem Rd Groh St Heritage Rd Summit St Reata Dr Standers Cir

HeritageHeights Dr Evergreen St Evergreen Spada Cir Latta Cir Tracy Rd Ziemlak Dr

E 104th Ave 104th E Gamache Dr

Gamache Dr Gamache Griffen Rd Griffen 28-N

Vaquero Rd Shaun Cir Shaun

E 100th Ave 100th E

Country Club Ln Club Country

Klinger St Dr Spruce Whispering Heritage Heights Dr Cir Currin Strutz Ave Dr View Valley Bainbridge Rd Our Rd Nickell Cir Rd Klatt E

Our Rd

Lilac Cir Lilac

E 115th Ave 115th E Ridgewood Rd

Alpha Cir Alpha

Talus Dr Talus

Ridgewood Cir

Omega Cir Omega E 113th Ave 113th E

Car Lynn Cir Dr Lilac Spring Hill Dr Patro St

Jumar Rd Jumar Davis St E 112th Ave 112th E

Outcrop Ln Outcrop Shelburne Rd

Sahalee Dr

E 115th Ave 115th E

Shelburne Pl Shelburne E 113th Ave 113th E

Lipscomb St Wilderness Rd Cir McCabe

Silver Spring Cir Spring Silver E 101st Ave 101st E

Pacer Pl

E 135th Ave 135th E

Blue Heron Dr Heron Blue Wilderness Dr Wilderness Shiloh Rd Atherton Rd

Jupiter Dr Ave 100th E Trapline Cir Ave 136th E

Jupiter Dr Cir Peakview Carlson Rd Finley Cir Dr Firnline Shenandoah Pl Bearpaw St Carlson Rd Elmore Rd

Pluto Dr Cir Sunstone


Trapline Dr Trapline

E 102nd Ave 102nd E Taiga Ln Taiga Norak Pl

Lorraine St Solar Dr Abbott Loop Rd

Mars Dr Mars Abbott Loop Rd

Elmore Rd Rd Leyden

Browning Dr Rd Klatt E

Kutcher Dr E 112th Ave 112th E

Craiger Ct Jerome St Ave Doroshin

Kailyard St 26-M Akula Dr Cleo Ave Cleo

Anchorage Municipality

Dee Cir Dee Jerome St McMahon Ave McMahon

Cathedral Pl Furrow CreekRd Geirinhas Pl

Huffman Rd Huffman Eastwind Dr

Shady Ln Akula Dr Winchester Loop Winchester Avion St

E 86th Ave 86th E Avion St

Killey St Dr Mainsail Midvale Cir Midvale

Gibstay Cir

Taiga Dr Taiga

E 88th Ave 88th E King David Dr David King Barr Rd Rendon Dr Great Dane Cir Pintail St


Cange St Rd Access 118th St 118th

Tara Ln Tara

Spinnaker Dr Spinnaker

Seawind Cir Seawind

Lindsey Dr Lindsey Beamreach Ct Beamreach

Spruce Brook St Lewis Pl

Navrot Cir Wagner St Spruce St Cir Trent

Little Brook St Ave Flyway Little Brook Cir Livingston St

Mission Cir Ebbtide Cir Rosalind St Rd Abbott

Gander St Monterey Cir E 112th Ave 112th E

Hane St Ave Mallard

Granite Pl

Carter Cir Carter Woodway Cir Plymouth Cir Chesapeake Ave Chesapeake Leeward Pl Leeward

South Cir South Gordon St Dr Baywind Roseland Loop Woodchase Cir

Claridge Pl Windrush Cir

Nadine St Loop Park Tulin Cir Devin Swiss Pl Cir Rushwood Westwind Dr

North Cir Cir Meadowwood Merganser Ave Merganser

Alderwood Loop Alderwood Kempton Hills Dr

E Huffman Rd Huffman E Atkins Pl Cir Barney Rocky Cove Dr

Bell Pl Ave Mona Sean Cir Beluga Bay Cir Cir Jeff

Brook Hill Ct Cir Nancy

E 84th Ave 84th E

E 112th Ave 112th E Dylan Dr Dylan

Summer Dr Dr Vern

Summer Cir Summer

Laird Cir Laird TradewindDr

Seal Point Cir Cir Brandy

Wintercrest Cir Wintercrest

Bell Cir Bell Winterchase Cir Winterchase

Brook Hill Cir Ave Cleo E 110th St 110th E

Willene Dr Willene Dr Copperwood Trisha Ave Trisha Dr Legacy Lake Otis Pkwy Sebring Cir Woodward Dr SuesWay

Loren Cir Ridgemont Dr Ridgemont Arlon St Arlon St Dr Steeple

Silver Spruce Dr

Sentry Dr

Polar Dr Polar

E 88th Ave 88th E Dr Park Ridge E 85th Ave 85th E Dr Park Valley

Forest Dr Forest

Golovin St Rd Klatt E Mona Ave Mona High Point St Ave Chinook Meander Dr Reader Rd

E 86th Ct 86th E Tributary Cir Chapel Dr Elim St Yorktown Cir

Stonebridge Cir Kristie Cir Elmhurst Dr Wanigan St Dr Reliance Independence Dr Hawkins Ln

Wilma Ave Wilma Gregory Rd Toloff St Loop Colony Meander Cir

Toloff St Toloff Estuary Cir Stephenson St

Bates Cir Bates

Musket Ball Cir Ball Musket Diggins Dr

Brigadier Dr Brigadier

Circlewood Dr Independence Dr Independence AshleyCove Cir St Brandilyn Gail St

Flintlock St Brant Way Ben Ct Ben

Tanada Cir

Jamestown Dr Jamestown Tanada Loop

Vanguard Dr St Craig Courage Dr Pl Colony Hartzell Rd Cir Cannoneer Troy St

Hartzell Rd Hartzell Betula Dr Landmark St Ave Tammy

E Dimond Blvd Dimond E Commodore Dr Commodore

Helen Dr Helen Elcadore Dr Elcadore E 85th Ct 85th E Hace St

Hartzell Rd Helgelien Loop Jacque Rd Cara Loop Corbin Dr Hace St Chelea St Venus Way

Kruge Ave Kruge Jarvi Dr Olson Cir Olson

BetulaCir Brandon St

Erin St Erin Dr Ave Thuja

Cedrus Ct Huffman Park Dr Cove Cir

Webster Ln Webster Donna Dr Donna

Elcadore Cir Elcadore

Sunny Acres Acres Dr Sunny

Johnson Dr Johnson

Moss Creek Ave Creek Moss

PyramidDr Academy Dr Otis Pl Otis Gross Cir

Cornella Cir Cir Jody Back Rd Seward Hwy State Hwy 1 Brayton Dr Rd Cross Silver Fox Ln

Cornelia St Labar St Labar

New Seward Hwy Loop Meadows Heather S Thimble Berry Dr Berry Thimble Loop Knoll Birch

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Reef Pl Alissa Cir St Oren Nora Dr

Long St Rd Huffman E

Homer Dr Homer Rd Klatt E Balfour Ct Balfour Bay Cir S Center Dr

E 112th Ave 112th E Daryl St

Grange Dr Cir Maho Surrey Cir Surrey Dr Centre O'Malley

Coral Ln

Industry Way Cape Cir Joham Cir Joham Cir Aro

Short St Morningside Loop William Jones Cir Dr Bounty Fred Cir Fred

Golden Berry Ave Berry Golden High View Dr

Old Seward Hwy Gambell St

LingonBerry Ct

Harbor Cir Harbor

Gambell St Ave 120th E

Center St Center Cir Crows

24-L Cir Breakwater Lighthouse Ct Lighthouse

E Dimond Blvd Dimond E Gambell St

Regon St Regon

88th Ave 88th Bill St Bill

Nigh Rd St Jack Schooner Dr E 94th Ave 94th E

Division St Oceanview Dr E 104th Ave 104th E

E 100th Ave 100th E Highland St Dr Beachcomber Admiralty Pl 23-L Lucille Ln Olive Ln Mariner Dr

Tidepool Pl Clipper Ship Ct 26 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 109 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Bradley, Scott N. Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Clinton, Hillary Democrat Young, Don Republican Kaine, Tim Lindbeck, Steve Democrat De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Representative Johnson, Gary Libertarian District 26 Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Birch, Chris Republican Baraka, Ajamu Gillespie, David M. Democrat Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R.

Write-in United States Senator (vote for one)

Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa SAMPLERepublican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated


PAGE 110 2016 REGION II House District 26 Chris Birch, Republican

ValliVue Homeowner’s Association Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly 1984-1990

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Registered Civil Engineer, Alaska 1978-present VP Business Development, NANA 2007-2011 Principal-in-Charge, W.H. Pacific/ASCG 2005-2007 Senior Engineer, TNH Engineers 2004-2005 Manager-Engineering, Environment and Planning, Anchorage International Airport 1998-2004


Community Memberships and Interests:

Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Alaska State Chamber of Commerce Alaska Support Industry Alliance Commonwealth North Resource Development Council World Trade Center Alaska

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, community, hiking, fishing, camping, skiing & photography. Residence Address: 10005 Main Tree Drive Anchorage, AK 99507 STATEMENT: I love Alaska. Like many Alaskans our family history began MAILING ADDRESS: 9138 Arlon Street, Suite A3-143 here through the military with my father’s enlistment in the Anchorage, AK 99507-3876 US Marine Corps in 1943 and wartime service in the Alaska territory. My wife and partner Pam arrived in Alaska with her E-MAIL: [email protected] family in the early 1960’s with her father’s work as a Chevron distributor in Juneau and Fairbanks. Website: We raised two children in Fairbanks then Anchorage and they are now raising their children in Anchorage. AGE: 65 I was encouraged to run for the state legislature by friends, PLACE OF BIRTH: Sterling, Illinois family and neighbors concerned about the focus and engagement of our current representation. I welcome this SPOUSE’S NAME: Pam opportunity to represent our South Anchorage neighbors in Juneau and will not let you down. As an engineer with CHILDREN’S NAMES: Logan and Tali broad experience in both public and private sector business operations and management I am confident that we can do a Occupation: Engineer better job and I am prepared to offer the leadership, budget discipline and experience necessary. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 46 years Specific objectives include: ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1991-Present 1. Reduce state spending. Fairbanks 1968-1991 2. Provide a stable regulatory and tax environment for Chandalar Lake, Brooks Range 1959-1968-seasonally resource development. 3. Support a privately financed natural gas pipeline only EDUCATION: when commercially feasible. University of Alaska, M.S. Engineering Management 1975-1979 4. Refocus education funding; spend more on teachers/ University of Alaska, B.S. Mining Engineering 1968-1972 students; less on bloated administration. Lewis & Clark High School, Spokane, WA 1964-1968 I would appreciate your vote and welcome an opportunity to POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: represent our community in the state legislature. Please call Anchorage Municipal Assembly 2005-2014 or text me at 280-7537 or email at [email protected] if Chugach Electric Association 1997-2005 you have any questions or need a ride to the polls! Mid-Hillside Community Council Thanks, Chris

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 111 2016 REGION II House District 26 David M. Gillespie, Democrat

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Owner, Alaska Canine Services – 2000-2011

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Fishing, Camping, Hunting, Woodworking

STATEMENT: My strong sense of adventure brought me to Alaska during a time when a fiscal crisis was causing many others to leave this great state. Times were tough. People were losing their homes and were moving away because we simply did not have the job and economic opportunities for them and their families.

Now my grandchildren are growing up here in Alaska. What about the job and education opportunities for them? Our fiscal situation is jeopardizing their future.

Education is the foundation of our society. Without a good education, people cannot get jobs or start businesses to create more jobs. I am firmly committed to enhancing and improving our education system.

Residence Address: 2041 Brandilyn Street Now is the time to act. We cannot afford to elect another Anchorage, AK 99516 career politician looking for a job. The No Alaska Plan is unacceptable. The current legislature failed to plan MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 244085 and budget for uncertain times. Government is too Anchorage, AK 99524 large and we need to trim the fat.

Email: [email protected] I know the importance of working together and being responsible and accountable when making tough WEBSITE: decisions.

AGE: 62 Alaska has significant challenges, but we also have abundant natural resources as well as Alaskans who PLACE OF BIRTH: Tacoma, WA possess talent, initiative, and innovation. Together, we can get Alaska back on track. SPOUSE’S NAME: Anita Bates I’m running to make a difference and to create CHILDREN’S NAMES: David, Dirk, Emma opportunities for all Alaskans.

Occupation: Project Operations, Please vote for me, David Gillespie, for State House. Alaska Glazing, Inc.


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Dutch Harbor/Unalaska 1989-1996 Anchorage – 1996 to present

EDUCATION: Eaton High School, Eatonville, WA


The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 112 2016 REGION II 28-N 14-G

Kalmia Dr Middlerock Rd Middlerock

Kew Ct

Burning Bush Dr Bush Burning Nearpoint Dr Nearpoint Farpoint Dr

Midden Way Farpoint Cir Farpoint

Chenega Dr

Southwind Cir Southwind

Copper Dr Copper Haida Cir Haida Dr Atelier

Teri Cir

Montagne Cir Montagne Redtop Cir Redtop

Shamrock St CampbellAirstrip Rd

Klutina Dr

Muir Ct Muir Evergreen St Dr Steller Early View Dr Gayot Dr E View Dr Cherry St

Vincent St


Brookway Cir Brookway

Turf Ct Turf

Resurrection Dr Resurrection

Majestic Dr Cir Butte

Molly O Dr O Molly Popcary Dr Popcary

Farrow Cir Dr Brookridge

E 17th Ave 17th E

Rebel Ridge Dr Ridge Rebel Pussywillow St

Ridgeway Ave Ridgeway E 12th Ct 12th E

Autumn Ln

Westview Cir Westview Yukla Cir Ragged Top RaggedCirTop Valley St Roundtop Cir

Pinnacle Cir Byrne Dr Loop Sycamore

E 32nd Ave 32nd E Pioneer Dr Friendly Ln Dr Greendale Ave 20th E Basher Dr State St

Duncanshire Pl Ave Williwa

Little Dipper Ave Dipper Little

Boston St Carolyn Cir Ave Northwind

Parkway Dr Parkway Seclusion Dr

Halligan Dr Halligan

Brink Ct Brink

E 36th Ave 36th E

E 11th Ct 11th E Muldoon Rd

E 16th Ave 16th E Muldoon Cir Dr View Scenic

Old Muldoon Rd Muldoon Old

E 14th Ave 14th E E 12th Ct 12th E James Dr Dr Mountain Regal Kalgin St

EastbrookDr Robin St

E 32nd Ave 32nd E Island Dr Island Deborah Ln

Creekside Dr Kulik Cir Ct Tyone Patricia Ln EastbrookCir Upland Dr

Kodiak St Way Hennings Creekside Center Dr Laron Ln

Lake George Dr Hiland Dr Madelynne Dr Irene Dr

Dorothy Dr Diomede St Diomede Chandalar Dr Chandalar Sherrie St

E 22nd Ave Corridor Utility E 17th Ave 17th E

Patterson St Ln Ambler

E 21st Ave 21st E Paxson Dr Bike Path 27-N

Patterson St Saturn Cir Yorkshire Ln Yorkshire

Ryan Ct

Gemini Dr

Madelynne Way St Patterson Lunar Dr Lunar Banbury Dr Banbury

Ermine St Dr Laser

Potomac Dr Potomac Scarborough Dr Dr Apollo Tamir Ave Tamir

Marten St Brittany Dr

Cape Lisburne Loop Lisburne Cape

Sherwood Ave Sherwood

Otter St Brittany Pl

Foxhall Dr Foxhall Foothill Dr Foothill

Mink Ave Mink Turpin St Gloucester Pl Gloucester

Wolverine St Dr Hill Notting

Cimarron Cir Rosella St Kingston Dr

15-H Tolhurst Ct Tolhurst

Summit View St Ave 16th E Barclay Ct Barclay

Baxter Rd

Colgate Dr Colgate

E 31st Ave 31st E

Hampton Dr Hampton

E 35th Ave 35th E Village Pkwy Village St Micheals St Rd Airstrip Campbell Beaver Pl Donington Dr

Bentree Cir Ave 32nd E

Mink Ave Mink

E 41st Ct 41st E Eastwood Ct Eastwood Edward St MarshallDr

Mila St E Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern E

Atkinson Cir Atkinson

E 38th Ct 38th E

Atkinson Ave Dr Atkinson Kensington Dr Defiance St Camrose Dr Camrose

E 43rd Ave 43rd E Ambergate Dr Ambergate Glenn Don Dr

Ril Cir

Kepner Dr Kepner Ave 21st E

E 22nd Ave 22nd E

Glenkerry Dr Glenkerry Sylvia Dr Camden Cir Camden

Bench Ct Bench Ave 12th E

Prosperity Dr Prosperity Nunaka Dr Dr Elmendorf Norman St

Norman St JoliPl

Reflection Dr

Image Dr Image Sapin Ct Sapin Plymouth Dr Lee St

Miley Dr Miley Bryant Ridge Pl

Craig Dr Craig

Richardson Dr Richardson Lee St Riviera Way Riviera

Radcliff Dr

Kennyhill Dr Kennyhill College Dr College Penn Cir Penn

Debarr Rd Debarr Dr Twining

E 32nd Ave 32nd E

Perry Dr Perry Lynn Dr Bradford Dr Bradford

Mullins Dr Mullins Boniface Pkwy

Rose St Ave 42nd E

Gardner St Ave 40th E Lily St

Hinkle Rd Military Rd

EmmanuelAve Carroll Pl Ave 41st E

Checkmate Dr

Sunflower St St Leslie

Glacier St Ct Regis Sillary Cir Sillary 16-H

Knights Way E 26th Ave 26th E Anchorage Municipality

Castle Ct E 20th Ave 20th E

Briarcliff Dr Briarcliff

Newcomb Dr Newcomb 25-M Rollins Dr Rollins

Mills Dr Vance Dr Bryn Mawr Ct Mawr Bryn

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Wesleyan Dr Leah Ct Leah Easthaven Cir Blm Rd

Pine St Cir Nash Pine St Pine St Dr Center Science

Pine St

E Tudor Rd Tudor E

E 20th Ave 20th E

Reka Dr Reka Bliss Dr Bliss Dr Reka Elmore Rd

Abbott Loop Rd Red Hawk Cir

Diplomacy Dr Diplomacy

E 9th Ave 9th E S Hoyt St Dr Jack Russian Feather Pl San Roberto Ave Roberto San

Tudor Centre Dr Centre Tudor

Hoyt St Cir Dolina

Sanya Cir Sanya San Ernesto Ave Ernesto San

Bragaw St Rd Lore

Tamarra Cir Tamarra

E 72nd Ave 72nd E

E 68th Ave 68th E

Klevin St Ave 67th E E 66th Ave 66th E E 65th Ave 65th E S Bragaw St Ave 64th E Winchester St

Elmore Rd Ave 48th E 17-I Klevin St Cir Katrina

E 20th Ave 20th E Winchester St Ambassador Dr Ambassador Veco Dr Dowling Rd Henderson Loop 19-J 27 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 113 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated Bradley, Scott N. Young, Don Republican Clinton, Hillary Democrat Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Kaine, Tim McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District N Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Beltrami, Vince Non Affiliated Baraka, Ajamu Giessel, Catherine A. "Cathy" Republican Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R. State Representative District 27 (vote for one) Write-in United States Pruitt, Lance Republican Senator Crawford, Harry T. Jr. Democrat (vote for one) Write-in Metcalfe, Ray Democrat Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret SAMPLENon Affiliated Craig, Breck A. Non Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated


PAGE 114 2016 REGION II Senate District N Vince Beltrami, Non-Affiliated

• Medical Services Review Committee, member • Alaska Gasline (AGIA) Workforce Development Committee • Renewable Energy Fund Advisory Committee, chair • Oil & Gas Competitiveness Review Board, member

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: • Alaska Electrical Trust Funds, pension and health & welfare trustee • Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship, executive director, trustee • Alaska Building Trades Council, president • Alaska Health Care Apprenticeship Consortium, director • Anchorage Daily News, guest columnist

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: • Anchorage Chamber of Commerce • St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton Catholic church, parishioner and lector • Girl Scouts of Alaska, Brownie troop #609, leader

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Kids and grandkids, fly-fishing, collecting firearms, American muscle cars, videography, writing 10700 Prospect Drive Residence Address: STATEMENT: Anchorage, AK 99507 Why, friends ask, would I step back from a job I love and take time away from my family, whom I love even MAILING ADDRESS: 10700 Prospect Drive more, to help mend Alaska? Anchorage, AK 99507 Why? I care too much to watch the legislature’s Email: [email protected] reckless behavior. I’m standing up because it is time for a positive change, time to work together to solve WEBSITE: problems instead of avoiding fiscal reality.

AGE: 54 Alaska is facing a huge challenge. We need leaders who are not afraid to stand up and do what’s right. PLACE OF BIRTH: Glendale, CA Pretending our economy is stable is absurd, and magnifies the problem. SPOUSE’S NAME: Marja Beltrami We need a sustainable budget that allows our families CHILDREN’S NAMES: Thuy Vo, Mai Kacillas, Cody and neighborhoods to flourish; a diversified economy Beltrami, and three grandsons that doesn’t go into cardiac arrest when OPEC cuts the price of oil; a public education system with sufficient Occupation: President, Alaska AFL-CIO; and stable funding; and sound investment in sensible journeyman electrician infrastructure. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 28 years Fundamental to a thriving economy is your family’s economy. We need real jobs, with livable wages. I ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: know about creating jobs–I’ve spent my professional Anchorage, since 1988 life putting people to work. EDUCATION: At the heart of our problem are legislators who sidestep • St. Francis High School, La Canada, CA-1980 tough choices–and who don’t listen respectfully to you (and • Glendale College, CA, Associate of Arts-1983 me). That’s not me. I don’t step away from a challenge. I • University of Alaska Anchorage, BA, Journalism don’t tolerate bullying. I listen. As your Senator, count on & Communications-1991 me to put Alaska first, from fair compensation for our oil • Alaska Electrical Apprenticeship Trust, and gas to safeguarding our future. Journeyman Electrician-1996 I’m standing up for you. I respectfully ask for your vote POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: on November 8th. • Denali Commission, commissioner

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 115 2016 REGION II Senate District N Catherine A. “Cathy” Giessel, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: • Alaska Board of Nursing, 2003-10, 5 years as chair • National Council of State Boards of Nursing, board of directors • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Alaska representative • More on website

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: • Brother Francis Shelter clinic, healthcare volunteer • Christian Health Associates, Begich Middle School clinic volunteer • Pioneers of Alaska

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Grandchildren, cross country skiing, textile crafts

STATEMENT: I have prioritized and effectively worked toward: • Educated, Employed Alaskans • Economic Strength through Resource Development • Energy Development for Alaska

I continue to support balanced, funded budgets that pay for core services Alaskans need. This is urgent! Residence Address: 12701 Ridgewood Road Anchorage, AK 99516 As chair of Senate Resources, I led on critical resource topics – fishing/hunting access, oil taxes, natural gas development, MAILING ADDRESS: 12701 Ridgewood Road mining and tourism. Anchorage, AK 99516 Federal agencies continue to restrict our access to our lands. E-MAIL: [email protected] Those who oppose Alaskans’ access to our resources, and the good-paying jobs associated with them, don’t understand Website: the Alaskan spirit and way of life.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Fairbanks, Alaska I fought back against special interest groups who oppose development of our resources, energy and affordable healthcare. SPOUSE’S NAME: Richard I dug into reforming Medicaid, revising government funding and CHILDREN’S NAMES: Peter (wife-Taryl), Elisabeth, continuing to find ways to solve our healthcare and insurance David; 5 Alaska grandchildren cost crisis.

Occupation: Registered Nurse, Advanced Nurse Practitioner I worked with House and Senate colleagues, across party lines, for the benefit of you and our fellow Alaskans. I LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: Lifetime authored laws (passed unanimously) that ensure fairness in cancer treatment, open up income opportunities for people ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: experiencing disabilities, and require state agencies to Born/raised in Fairbanks become self-funding. Anchorage since 1974 District N since 1980 Dependable sources of energy are the key to our future, a diversified economy and more jobs. I worked with Southcentral EDUCATION: cities and boroughs to reopen the Agrium fertilizer plant that Lathrop High School, Fairbanks will provide hundreds of year-round jobs for working families, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Bachelors of Science in Nursing and will lower the cost of energy for folks in Anchorage. University of Alaska Anchorage, Masters of Science in Nursing There’s more urgent budget work to be done. I respectfully POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: ask for your vote, to continue working for you, our kids and • Senate Resources committee, Chair grandkids. • Alaska Arctic Policy Commission • Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission • More on website

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 116 2016 REGION II House District 27 Harry T. Crawford Jr., Democrat

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: State Representative 2001-2010 Past President and Secretary, Scenic Foothills Community Council

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Board Member, Chugach Electric 2011-Present Past Board Member, Renewable Energy Alaska Project Past Board Member, Executive Board, Iron Workers Local #751

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Spending time with my family, hunting, fishing, camping, traveling, meeting and talking with friends, and Cajun cooking.

STATEMENT: It’s time for a change.

Despite special session after special session, our legislature has proved unwilling to act on the critical issues facing Alaska. This inaction endangers our state’s future by putting our jobs, children’s futures, Residence Address: 4350 Butte Circle and PFDs in danger. Anchorage, AK 99504 During my ten years in the legislature (2001-2011), MAILING ADDRESS: 4350 Butte Circle we put billions of dollars into the state’s savings. Anchorage, AK 99504 A few years ago, Alaska had nearly $18 billion in savings – that’s now been spent down to a mere E-MAIL: [email protected] $3 billion, due to the legislature’s refusal to do its job. When that money is gone, essential infrastructure Website: and services will be slashed even more, and the Permanent Fund will no longer go to Alaska’s people. AGE: 64 There are those who believe we can cut our way to PLACE OF BIRTH: Shreveport, Louisiana prosperity – I disagree. Alaska’s economy must be grown, and our resources must be developed for SPOUSE’S NAME: Gwen Perry-Crawford the maximum benefit of all Alaskans. We must build our economy, get our gas to market, educate our CHILDREN’S NAMES: Beau, Clarissa, Andrew, children, and preserve the PFD for generations to and Trevor come.

Occupation: Retired Iron Worker During my time in the legislature, I worked with both parties to move Alaska forward. We worked to LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 39 years ensure Alaska’s future by balancing our current needs while investing in both Alaskans and infrastructure. I ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: jumpstarted the Fire Island Wind Project, passed an Anchorage 1981-Present Alcohol ID law which restricts repeat offenders from Valdez 1975-77, 1980 purchasing alcohol, passed multiple state-wide ballot initiatives, and put forward a constitutional amendment EDUCATION: to guarantee the PFD. C.E. Byrd High School (Shreveport, Louisiana) 1966-70, Louisiana State University 1970, 1977-81 Politicians like to talk; I like to get things done.

Respectfully, I ask for your vote.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 117 2016 REGION II House District 27 Lance Pruitt, Republican

Board of Scenic Foothills Community Council, Delegate to Federation of Community Councils, Member of School Budget Advisory Commission

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Small Business Owner; Past General Manager Sears Logistics, Manager FedEx Ground

Service Organization(s) Membership: NRA, Lifetime Member; Resource Development Council

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family, Skiing, Camping, Flying, History

OTHER: Top 40 Under 40 - Washington Post “The Fix”; Top 40 Under 40 - Anchorage Journal of Commerce; Henry Toll Fellow; Aspen Rodel Fellow

STATEMENT: Alaska has seen an incredible change over the last two years since we last found ourselves in an election season. During that time I have been working hard MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 210854 ensuring that your voice is heard in Juneau. Right now Anchorage, AK 99521 appropriate policies with a focus on long-term fiscal stability are essential for our future. Email: [email protected] State government is too large. My first four years WEBSITE: in office, I worked alongside my colleagues to slow the growth of government from its previous AGE: 35 levels of continued growth. This term, I sat on our Finance Committee and Chaired two Department PLACE OF BIRTH: Anchorage subcommittees that saw reductions of double digits with one seeing reductions over two years of over SPOUSE’S NAME: Mary Ann 50 percent. In total, our Unrestricted General Fund decreased substantially, but please be assured that CHILDREN’S NAMES: Jacob, Bryce even though we reduced spending over the last couple of years I understand we must do more. We need to Occupation: Businessman, Legislator restructure and rethink how we deliver government services, and I introduced legislation to do just that LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: and will continue pursuing those changes. Lifelong Alaskan and District 27 Resident Public Safety was also in the spotlight recently. I EDUCATION: fought hard for policies that would not put citizens Heritage High School, 1999 or our police officers in undue danger. One policy I University of Alaska Anchorage, 1999-2003, B.A. History succeeded in passing requires people on parole or Kaplan University, 2007-2009, Masters in Business probation that are ordered to refrain from alcohol get a Administration (MBA) red stripe on their license.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: There is more to do and as an experienced policymaker Alaska State House 2011-Present; House Majority with a proven track record fighting for you, I ask for Leader 2013-2014; Finance Member and Chair, DNR your VOTE this November to keep me fighting for you. DCCED subcommittees 2015-present; Chair, Council of State Governments West, Federal State Relations Committee; Past Co-Chair of Energy, Vice-Chair of Education and Transportation Committees, Executive

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 118 2016 REGION II 32-P 9-E Whittier

W Camp Rd Portage Pass Trl Pass Portage 12-F

Portage Glacier Hwy

Portage Glacier Rd

State Hwy 1

Seward Hwy

Seward Hwy Pack Trl Pack

28-N Alyeska Hwy Alyeska

Johnson Pass Trl 310

State Hwy 1 Hwy State

Seward Hwy Seward Lynx Creek Rd Creek Lynx

Pack Trl

Anchorage Municipality State Hwy 1 Hwy State 14-G

Nat For Dev Rd Fh14 State Park Rd Park State

Powerline Rd Sunrise

Boretide Rd

Nat For Dev Rd 901 Indian Rd Indian 29-O

Palmer Creek Rd Hope Hwy Hope

5th St Hope

Hope Hwy Canyon Rd 318 Trl Pass Resurrection

Canyon Rd Seward Anchorage Hwy

Kings Way Dr Glen Alps Rd

Canyon Rd Sidorof Ln Sidorof Ginami St Carl St Gull Rock Trl Cherry St Muldoon Rd Hillside Dr Clarks Rd

Basher Dr Hillside Way Spain Dr Glenn Hwy Glenn

Main Tree Dr Dr Heights Potter

Turpin St Rd Huffman Golden View Dr

2013 Proclamation House Districts House Proclamation 2013 Birch Rd

Dearmoun Rd Dearmoun

E 142nd Ave 142nd E

Provider Dr Provider Sahalee Dr Rd Creek Rabbit Virgo Ave Virgo Kenai Peninsula Borough

Debarr Rd Debarr Elmore Rd

E Northern Lights Blvd Lights Northern E E 147th Ave 147th E

27-N Abbott Loop Rd

O'Malley Rd O'Malley Cange St E 3rdAve E

E 8th Ave 8th E Piper St

McPhee Ave McPhee

Natl Forest Develop Road34Rd

Lore Rd Lore Abbott Rd Abbott

Peterkin Ave Peterkin Dr Polar E 84th Ave 84th E

E 15th Ave 15th E Lake Otis Pkwy Brayton Dr E 68th Ave 68th E New Seward Hwy

Homer Dr Old Seward Hwy

2nd St 2nd

9th St 9th E 20th Ave 20th E

Viking Dr Viking Ingra St Johns Rd

E Dowling Rd Dowling E King St

E 5th Ave 5th E

E Tudor Rd Tudor E E 36th Ave 36th E Denali St St C Mary Ave

A St A St B St 10th St 10th St B Arctic Blvd

EBluff Dr C St Hilltop Dr E St r D Toy I St Cope St Chad St Minnesota Dr 28 Military City Borough BoundaryWater Legend ´ Prepared by: Prepared House District Alaska Redistricting Board Redistricting Alaska

PAGE 119 2016 REGION II Instructions: To vote, completely fill in the oval next to your choice, like this:

United States President United States Vice President Representative (vote for one) (vote for one)

Castle, Darrell L. Alaska Constitution Young, Don Republican Bradley, Scott N. Lindbeck, Steve Democrat Clinton, Hillary Democrat McDermott, Jim C. Libertarian Kaine, Tim Souphanavong, Bernie Non Affiliated De La Fuente, Roque "Rocky" Non Affiliated Write-in Steinberg, Michael State Senator Johnson, Gary Libertarian District N Weld, Bill (vote for one)

Stein, Jill Green Giessel, Catherine A. "Cathy" Republican Baraka, Ajamu Beltrami, Vince Non Affiliated Trump, Donald J. Republican Write-in Pence, Michael R. State Representative District 28 (vote for one) Write-in United States Johnston, Jennifer B. Republican Senator Cote, Shirley A. Democrat (vote for one) Write-in Miller, Joe Libertarian Murkowski, Lisa Republican Stock, Margaret Non Affiliated Craig, Breck A. SAMPLENon Affiliated Gianoutsos, Ted Non Affiliated Metcalfe, Ray Democrat


PAGE 120 2016 REGION II House District 28 Shirley A. Coté, Democrat

University of Phoenix 2008-2011, Master of Management/ Public Administration

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Police Officer to Captain, Anchorage Police Department Chief of Police, Soldotna Police Department Interim Chief of Police, Nome Police Department Director, State of Alaska


Service Organization(s) Membership: Anchorage’s Promise: The Alliance for Youth Women Police of Alaska Fraternal Order of Alaska State Troopers International Association of Women Police FBI National Academy Associates International Association of Chiefs of Police Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police Alaska Peace Officer Association

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Spending time with my daughter, healthy living, traveling, Residence Address: 2900 Spinnaker Drive Anchorage, AK 99516 volunteering, reading, fishing, hiking, socializing

MAILING ADDRESS: 1120 Huffman Road STATEMENT: Suite 24-615 In 1976 I made one of the best decisions of my life – Anchorage, AK 99515 I moved to Alaska. I was hired by the Municipality of Anchorage and rose through the ranks from Patrol Officer to Captain. I retired to accept an appointment E-MAIL: [email protected] as Chief of Police in Soldotna. While I have served and protected our community, I have remained a political WEBSITE: outsider until now. AGE: 64 We know our State is facing difficult times. I’m confident we can lay the foundation for a bright and prosperous PLACE OF BIRTH: Highland Park, Michigan future if we put Alaskans ahead of political careers and hyper-partisanship. It is time for legislators to CHILDREN’S NAMES: Morgan Warner get together in the interest of Alaskans, not special interests, to negotiate and develop a fair, sustainable Occupation: Chief of Police, Retired and comprehensive fiscal plan to close the budget gap. I believe we must fix the oil tax subsidies and LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 40 years consider raising new revenues to achieve a fair and comprehensive fiscal plan. The Permanent Fund ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1976-1997 Dividend is not off the table, but is should be guarded Soldotna 1997-2009 so as not to detrimentally affect those who depend on Nome Winter 2004 it for essentials. Anchorage 2009-present I want to bring my hard earned knowledge and ethical leadership skills to Juneau to help bring us out of the EDUCATION: Eaton Rapids High School 1964-1970, Diploma crisis. Coming to the table to negotiate and compromise Lansing Community College 1970-1972, Liberal Arts is something I have accomplished throughout my Degree career, and it is crucial now in arriving at a sustainable Michigan State University 1972-1974, Bachelor of future. I will do what I have always done – work hard, Science Degree listen to all, deliberate in a just and fair way, and make good and timely decisions.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 121 2016 REGION II House District 28 Jennifer B. Johnston, Republican

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Founding Member of 49th State Angel Fund Network Outdoor Education – CITC and Migrant Education Owner/Operator of Alaska Gourmet Adventures Expedition Manager of Mount Vaughan Antarctic Expedition Issue Advocacy Manager for Alaska Support Industry Alliance Legislative Aide Owner/Operator of Cripple Creek Resort

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Anchorage Assembly (2008-2016) Past President and Board Member of the Alaska Municipal League Past Chair and Board Member of Chugach State Park Advisory Committee Past Chair and Board Member of Anchorage Center for Families Board Member of Education Matters and ARISE Climbed Denali with daughter Merrick as she became the youngest to summit Led a volunteer effort to promote Cross Country Skiing to the youth of the Arctic Northwest and Interior Alaska

Residence Address: 11090 Hideaway Lake Drive STATEMENT: Anchorage, AK 99507 My commitment to Alaska has grown over the years, as has my family. It’s been four decades since my MAILING ADDRESS: 11090 Hideaway Lake Drive husband Allan and I first arrived, and there are now Anchorage, AK 99507 three generations of Johnston enjoying everything our state has to offer. I know without a doubt that Alaska’s E-MAIL: [email protected] future is bright. Nine years ago I ran for the Anchorage Assembly because I felt that if I could be part of a team Website: that builds a sustainable budget in Alaska’s largest city, then it would be a start for a sustainable future AGE: 62 not just for my children and their families, but for all of Alaska’s children and their families. PLACE OF BIRTH: St. Johnsbury, Vermont As a strong team member on the Anchorage Assembly SPOUSE’S NAME: Allan R. Johnston during the fiscal crisis of 2009, I have a proven track record of developing sensible budgets. Using strategic CHILDREN’S NAMES: Lauchlin, Ross, and Merrick cuts that still allowed vital public services to continue serving Anchorage, the team flipped a growing deficit Occupation: Retired without adding undue burdens onto Anchorage taxpayers. As a result, the Municipality earned LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 40 years Standard & Poor’s AAA rating, further improving the community’s bonding capacity and financial reputation. ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Fairbanks, Alaska 1976-1988 We live in a resource-rich state with tremendous human Anchorage 1988-Current capital. There is no challenge too great for those who choose to call Alaska home. It is imperative that we EDUCATION: transition from reliance on one resource to pay our way Danville High School to a better model of community-driven economic self- Vassar College sufficiency. I’m confident that we can come together University of Vermont not only to face challenges looming over our state, but also that we will solve them together. POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Municipality of Anchorage Assembly Member 2008-2016

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 122 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1- 15PFVR An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend

Ballot Measure No. 1

This act would instruct the Division of Elections to register a qualified Alaskan to vote when applying for the permanent fund dividend (PFD). If a person registers to vote for the first time through a PFD application, the Division of Elections would compare the person's information to state records to ensure that the person is an eligible voter. The Division of Elections would let the citizen know if he or she has been added to the state registration list, or if the person's current voting address does not match the one provided on the PFD form. In that case, the person could change their voter registration address. The notice also would allow an applicant to request removal from the registration list. Thus, using the data from the PFD form, the Division of Elections would register a qualified Alaskan to vote unless he or she opts out. The notice would also allow a person to register with a political party. Voter information is already confidential under existing state law.

Should this initiative become law? YES NO Ballot Measure No. 2 Allow Debt for Postsecondary Student Loans Senate Joint Resolution No. 2

Ballot Measure No. 2

This amendment to Article IX, section 8 of the Alaska Constitution would expand the State's authority to incur debt by letting the State issue general obligation bonds backed by the state for postsecondary student loans.

Should this constitutional amendment be adopted? YES NO SAMPLE

PAGE 123 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend.

Ballot Language

Ballot Measure No. 1 – 15PFVR An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend.

This act would instruct the Division of Elections to register a qualified Alaskan to vote when applying for the permanent fund dividend (PFD). If a person registers to vote for the first time through a PFD application, the Division of Elections would compare the person’s informa- tion to state records to ensure that the person is an eligible voter. The Division of Elections would let the citizen know if he or she has been added to the state registration list, or if the person’s current voting address does not match the one provided on the PFD form. In that case, the person could change their voter registration address. The notice also would allow an applicant to request removal from the registration list. Thus, using the data from the PFD form, the Division of Elections would register a qualified Alaskan to vote unless he or she opts out. The notice would also allow a person to register with a political party. Voter infor- mation is already confidential under existing state law.

Should this initiative become law?

Yes No

Legislative Affairs Agency Summary

This Act creates another method for a person to register to vote. A person could register using a permanent fund dividend (PFD) application. The person would have to attest that the information on the person’s PFD form is true. Voter information on a PFD form would be provided to the Division of Elections. The division would check whether the person is eligible to vote. If the person is eligible, the person would be notified that the person will be registered to vote in this state. An out-of-state registration for the person would be canceled. The person has 30 days to respond to the notice and opt out. The Act provides that voter information on a PFD form would be as confidential as other voter information.

Statement of Costs

Estimate of Costs to the State of Alaska for the Voter Initiative Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote when Submitting a Permanent Fund Dividend Application

PAGE 124 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend.

Cost Summary

Agency Cost Office of the Lieutenant Governor $9,000 Office of the Lieutenant Governor – Division of Elections $931,300 Department of Revenue – Permanent Dividend Fund Division $2,585 TOTAL $942,885

Estimate of costs to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Division of Elections As required by AS 15.45.090(a)(3), the Alaska Office of the Lieutenant Governor has prepared the following statement of costs to implement the proposed ballot initiative. If approved, the initiative would take effect 90 days following election certification.

Office of the Lieutenant Governor Assuming the initiative is placed on the ballot, the minimum cost to conduct public hearings concerning the initiative in two communities in each of four judicial districts is estimated to be $9,000.

Lt. Governor’s Office – Estimate by Category Travel $ 9,000 Total $ 9,000

Estimated travel expenses include round-trip air transportation, per diem and other associated travel costs for the Lieutenant Governor and staff to travel to seven communities in Alaska: It is assumed one of the hearings would be in Anchorage which would not involve travel costs.

Division of Elections As required by AS 15.45.090(a)(3) and (4), the Division of Elections has prepared the following statement of costs to implement the proposed ballot initiative. The estimated cost to the Division of Elections associated with certification of the initiative application and review of the initiative petition, excluding legal costs to the state and the costs to the state of any challenge to the validity of the petition, is estimated to be $931,300. Recurring annual costs are estimated at approximately $300,000.

Division of Elections – Estimate by Category Personal Services: $130,000 Contractual Services: $801,300 TOTAL $931,300

Personal Services Ten temporary employees to process the voter notification cards and respond to questions. The recurring need to hire temporary workers will be on a year by year assessment. Estimated cost: $60,000

Certification of the initiative application and review of the initiative petition: $70,000

PAGE 125 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend.

Contractual Services The Division of Elections – The Voter Registration and Election Management System will require system configuration changes in order to comply with the requirements of the initiative. The cost estimate takes into consideration the limited timeframe to analyze the portions of the system that would need to be reconfigured if the initiative passes. This would be a one-time expense: $500,000

Costs for mailing notices to voters who are eligible but not registered, and those who are registered but have a different mailing address. This includes costs related to printing, postage and return mail service: $300,000

Printing of voter booklets: $1,300

Department of Revenue Permanent Dividend Fund Division As required by AS 15.45.090(a)(4), the Permanent Fund Dividend Division (PFDD) has prepared the following statement of cost to implement the proposed permanent fund dividend application and the registration of voters ballot initiative. The minimum cost to PFDD to implement this change is estimated to be $2,585.00.

The ballot initiative would amend AS 15.07.050(a) and register individuals to vote by completing a permanent fund dividend application under AS 43.23.015. The dividend application currently captures all but one of the required data elements outlined in AS 15.07.060(a)(1)-(4) and (7)-(9). The exception being, AS 15.07.060(a)(4), the applicant’s Alaska residence address. The dividend application requires both a mailing and physical address, but neither is required to be within the state of Alaska. Minimal application programming will be required to modify the application to include a physical address if it must be within Alaska.

In addition, a statement of notification will be incorporated into the permanent fund dividend application. The notification language will explicitly explain that by completing a permanent fund dividend application the applicant will simultaneously be registered to vote.

Although, the projected costs associated with this ballot initiative are relatively insignificant to PFDD, the impact on the volume of public contact is an unknown variable. An increase in non- permanent fund dividend inquires will directly affect the time PFDD technicians have to meet the program’s primary mission.

Permanent Dividend Fund Division – Estimate by Category 15 programming hours to modify PFD applications $679 15 programming hours to include additional Alaskan address data entry component $679 5 programing hours to create Elections file transfer report $227 Increase in application printing costs to include additional Alaska address field $1000 Total $2,585

PAGE 126 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend.

Full Text of Proposed Law

“An Act relating to the permanent fund dividend application and the registration of voters; and providing for an effective date.”


*Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a section to read:

FINDINGS AND INTENT. (a) The People of the State of Alaska find: (1) the cornerstone of American democracy is the right to vote; (2) the state should not introduce needless bureaucratic requirements that make it more difficult for qualified citizens to exercise their right to vote; (3) the State of Alaska currently requires individuals who wish to receive a permanent fund dividend to submit an annual application to the State; (4) PFD applicants who also wish to register to vote, or to update their voter registration, must submit information to the State a second time, using a different form; (5) the State can relieve qualified voters who apply for a PFD from the burden of having to complete additional paperwork; and (6) the State can use PFD-application data to ensure voter-registration data are current.

*Section 2. AS 15.07.050(a) is amended to read:

(a) Registration may be made (1) in person before a registration official or through a voter registration agency; (2) by another individual on behalf of the voter if the voter has executed a written general power of attorney or a written special power of attorney authorizing that other individual to register the voter; (3) by mail; [OR] (4) by facsimile transmission, scanning, or another method of electronic transmission that the director approves; or (5) by completing a permanent fund dividend application under AS 43.23.015.

*Sec. 3. AS 15.07.060(e) is amended to read:

(e) For an applicant requesting initial registration by mail, [OR] by facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the director under AS 15.07.050, or completing a permanent fund dividend application, the director shall verify the information provided in compliance with (a)(2) and (3) of this section through state agency records described in AS 15.07.055(e). If the applicant cannot comply with the requirement of (a)(2) of this section because the applicant has not been issued any of the listed numbers, the applicant may instead submit a copy of one of the following forms of identification: a driver’s license, state

The text of this bill is presented as submitted by petition sponsors.

PAGE 127 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend. identification card, current and valid photo identification, birth certificate, passport, or hunting or fishing license.

*Sec. 4. AS 15.07.070(f) is amended to read:

(f) Incomplete or inaccurate registration forms may not be accepted. A person who submitted an incomplete or inaccurate registration form may register by reexecuting and resubmitting a registration form in person, by mail, or by facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the director under AS 15.07.050. The requirements of (c) or (d) of this section apply to a registration form resubmitted under this subsection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an application made under AS 43.23.015 that contains the information required by AS 15.07.060(a)(1)-(4) and (7)­(9), and an attestation that such information is true, shall not be deemed an incomplete registration form, and shall be accepted in accordance with AS 15.07.070(i).

*Sec. 5. AS 15.07.070 is amended by adding a new subsection to read:

(i) The division shall register voters who submit an application to receive a permanent fund dividend in accordance with this subsection. (1) The division shall cooperate with the Department of Revenue under AS 43.23.016 to ensure that the permanent fund dividend application form furnished by the Department of Revenue under AS 43.23.015 allows an applicant, a person who is designated in a power of attorney to act on behalf of an applicant, or a person acting on behalf of a physically disabled applicant to submit voter registration information required under AS 15.07.060(a)(1)- (4) and (7)-(9), and an attestation that such information is true. The director may require proof of identification of the applicant, if not already in the Department of Revenue’s possession, as required by regulations adopted by the director under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act). (2) Upon receipt of the registration information, the director shall, as soon as practicable and in accordance with a schedule established by the director by rule, notify by U.S. mail, and any other means authorized by the director, each applicant not already registered to vote at the address provided in the applicant’s application (A) of the processes to (i) decline to be registered as a voter, (ii) maintain an existing voter registration, or be newly registered, at a valid place of residence not the provided in the applicant’s application, and (iii) adopt a political party affiliation; and (B) that failure to respond to the notification shall constitute the applicant’s consent to cancel any registration to vote in another jurisdiction. (3) If an applicant does not decline to be registered as a voter within 30 calendar days after the director issues the notification, the application under AS 43.23.015 will constitute a completed registration form. The name of the applicant shall be placed on the master

The text of this bill is presented as submitted by petition sponsors.

PAGE 128 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend. register if the director determines that the person is qualified to vote under AS 15.05.010, and the director shall forward to the applicant a registration card. If registration is denied, the applicant shall immediately be informed in writing that registration was denied and the reason for denial. (4) Any person who is not eligible to vote and who becomes registered under this provision through human or mechanical error shall not be found on that basis to have had the intent to unlawfully register to vote.

*Sec. 6. AS 43.23.015(b) is amended to read:

(b) The department shall prescribe and furnish an application form for claiming a permanent fund dividend. The application must include (1) notice of the penalties provided for under AS 43.23.035; (2) [AND CONTAIN] a statement of eligibility and a certification of residency; (3) the means for an applicant eligible to vote under AS 15.05, or a person authorized to act on behalf of the applicant, to furnish information required by AS 15.07.060(a)(1)-(4) and (7)-(9), and an attestation that such information is true.

*Sec. 7. AS 43.23.016 is repealed and reenacted to read:

Sec. 43.23.016. Voter registration. The commissioner shall establish by rule a schedule by which the commissioner will provide, and shall provide as soon as is practicable the director of elections with (a) electronic records from the permanent fund dividend applications of the information required by AS 15.07.060(a)(1)-(4) and (7)-(9), and the attestation that such information is true, for each permanent fund dividend applicant who (1) is a citizen of the United States, and (2) is at least 18 years of age or will be within 90 days of the date of the application, and (b) the mailing addresses for all permanent fund dividend applicants.

*Sec. 8. AS 43.23.017(a) is amended to read:

(a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, information [INFORMATION] on each permanent fund dividend application, except the applicant’s name, is confidential. The department may only release information that is confidential under this section (1) to a local, state, or federal government agency; (2) in compliance with a court order; (3) to the individual who or agency that files an application on behalf of another; (4) to a banking institution to verify the direct deposit of a permanent fund dividend or correct an error in that deposit; (5) as directed to do so by the applicant; [AND] (6) to a contractor who has a contract with a person entitled to obtain the information under (1) - (5) of this section to receive, store, or manage the information on

The text of this bill is presented as submitted by petition sponsors. PAGE 129 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend. that person’s behalf; a contractor receiving data under this paragraph may only use the data as directed by and for the purposes of the person entitled to obtain the information[.]; (7) to the division of elections, as required by AS 43.23.016.

*Sec. 9. AS 43.23.017 is amended by adding a new subsection to read:

(c) Information submitted on a permanent fund dividend application that is used for the purpose of registering an applicant to vote under AS 43.23.016 shall be kept confidential by the division of elections as provided in AS 15.07.195.

*Sec. 10. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to read:

It is the intention of the people of Alaska that, if any provision of this Act shall be held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall not be affected and shall be given effect to the fullest extent possible.

*Sec. 11. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to read:

This Act shall take effect 90 days after enactment.

The text of this bill is presented as submitted by petition sponsors.

PAGE 130 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend

Statement in Support

Every eligible citizen in Alaska should have an equal opportunity to have their voice heard in our democracy. By combining the secure PFD application process with voter registration, this proposition will help protect the fundamental right of every eligible Alaskan citizen to vote—whether they are a senior in Anchorage, an active duty member of the military deployed overseas, or an Alaska Native in a rural community.

PFD Voter Registration is a small common-sense update to Alaska’s elections process that streamlines government and saves taxpayer dollars by combining the annual PFD application with simultaneous voter registration. If it passes, the information submitted to the 2017 PFD application would also be sent to the Division of Elections. While the State processes your PFD, the Division of Elections will register eligible new voters and update the addresses of established voters. New voters will receive a notification in the mail to either declare a political affiliation or opt-out of the voter registration process.

The proposition would not alter or eliminate other forms of existing voter registration. Paper applications will still exist at the DMV or from voter registrars.

From a small change, our State can reap huge rewards. What are these benefits?

• We make government more efficient and save taxpayer dollars. Citizens can fill out one less government form, saving municipal clerks countless hours of manually inputting hand-written information for each voter. Meanwhile, the State saves money by printing and distributing less paper ballots. And, we stretch our resources by using the existing secure PFD application process. • The voter database becomes more accurate and secure. By using the PFD’s existing secure electronic verification system, this proposal will make sure that only eligible Alaska citizens are registered to vote. This reduces the possibility that those who are not legally allowed to participate in our elections process can take advantage of it. • Every eligible voter gets an equal opportunity to have their voice heard in our democracy. By voting YES we will protect the fundamental right of every eligible Alaskan citizen to vote and will ensure that those who find it a challenge to vote are able to participate fully in our democracy. This is especially important for Alaskans serving in the military, residents living in rural communities, and Alaska Natives. It’s estimated by the Division of Elections that approximately 70,000 eligible citizens living in Alaska could be registered to vote in just one year.

PFD Voter Registration is a simple update that makes voter registration more convenient for all Alaskans—be they Republican, Independent, or Democrat. Let’s make government more efficient. Let’s save taxpayer dollars. Let’s make sure every Alaskan has an opportunity to have their voice heard. Vote YES on the PFD Voter Registration proposition.

Kim Reitmeier: President, ANCSA Regional Association Aaron Schutt: CEO, Doyon Limited Tim Kascillas: US Army veteran, Student at UAA

The statement printed on this page is the opinion of the author(s) and is presented as submitted to the Division of Elections.

PAGE 131 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 1 An Act Allowing Qualified Individuals to Register to Vote When Applying for a Permanent Fund Dividend


After posting to the Alaska Online Public Notice System and solicitations, the Division of Elections did not receive a response for the Statement in Opposition for this ballot measure.

PAGE 132 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 2 – Constitutional Amendment Allow Debt for Postsecondary Student Loans

Ballot Language

Ballot Measure No. 2 Allow Debt for Postsecondary Student Loans Senate Joint Resolution No. 2

This amendment to Article IX, section 8 of the Alaska Constitution would expand the State’s authority to incur debt by letting the State issue general obligation bonds backed by the state for postsecondary student loans.

Should this constitutional amendment be adopted?

Yes No

Legislative Affairs Agency Summary

This measure would change the state constitution. This measure would allow the state to con- tract for state debt for postsecondary student loans. Current law only allows state debt for capital projects, housing loans for veterans, military defense, and other stated reasons. Current law requires state debt to be approved by law and the voters. This measure would require state debt for postsecondary student loans to be approved by law and the voters.

Full Text of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to contracting state debt for postsecondary student loans.


* Section 1. Article IX, sec. 8, Constitution of the State of Alaska, is amended to read: Section 8. State Debt. No state debt shall be contracted unless authorized by law for capital improvements, unless authorized by law for postsecondary student loans, or unless authorized by law for housing loans for veterans and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters of the State who vote on the question. The State may, as provided by law and without ratification, contract debt for the purpose of repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, defending the State in war, meeting natural disasters, or redeeming indebtedness outstanding at the time this constitution becomes effective.

* Sec. 2. The amendment proposed by this resolution shall be placed before the voters of the state at the next general election in conformity with art. XIII, sec. 1, Constitution of the State of Alaska, and the election laws of the state.

The text of this bill is presented as submitted by petition sponsors. PAGE 133 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 2 Allow Debt for Postsecondary Education

Statement in Support

Ballot Measure No. 2 will provide the opportunity to reduce interest rates for Alaska student loans with no cost to the State or taxpayers.

➢ With affordable financing for college and career training, more Alaskans can invest in the training essential to fill the high-skill, high-wage jobs of Alaska’s economy

➢ Ballot Measure No. 2 increases access to education and training, while helping minimize student debt

➢ Ballot Measure No. 2 has no projected costs to the State or taxpayers, and does not increase the state budget

This ballot measure adds education loan funding to other General Obligation debts already allowable under Alaska’s Constitution: capital projects and certain veteran’s housing projects. The resulting debt, and all operating costs, would be paid back as students repay their education loans.

The debt will be issued through the Alaska Student Loan Corporation (ASLC), which makes loans available to students at the lowest interest rates it can based on the bond market. For almost 30 years ASLC has issued and repaid more than $1.1 billion in bond debt. This ballot measure provides ASLC access to lower bond rates through the state’s General Obligation credit rating. Results are: 1) reduced interest rates for Alaska’s student loans; 2) increased options for eligibility criteria, making the loans available to more applicants; and 3) lower-interest student loan refinance programs.

Alaska’s students rely on Alaska’s loan programs. They are a critical component of the state’s workforce development pipeline and help build and maintain a healthy state economy. This measure is an opportunity to support Alaska’s future, at no cost to the State.

Senator Anna MacKinnon, Alaska State Legislature

The statement printed on this page is the opinion of the author(s) and is presented as submitted to the Division of Elections.

PAGE 134 2016 REGION II Ballot Measure No. 2 Allow Debt for Postsecondary Education

Statement in Opposition

After posting to the Alaska Online Public Notice System and solicitations, the Division of Elections did not receive a response for the Statement in Opposition for this ballot measure.

PAGE 135 2016 REGION II Judicial Retention Candidates

Vote! November 8

PAGE 136 2016 REGION II Supreme Court Judge White Shall Vanessa H. White be retained as judge of the superior court for six years?

Justice Bolger YES NO Shall Joel H. Bolger be retained as justice of the supreme court for ten years? Third Judicial District YES NO District Court

Justice Maassen Judge Dickson Shall Peter J. Maassen be retained as justice of the supreme court for Shall Leslie Dickson be retained as judge of the district court for four ten years? years? YES NO YES NO Court of Appeals Judge Hanley Shall J. Patrick Hanley be retained as judge of the district court for four years?

Judge Allard YES NO Shall Marjorie K. Allard be retained as judge of the court of appeals for eight years? Judge Henderson Shall Jennifer S. Henderson be retained as judge of the district court YES NO for four years? Third Judicial District YES NO Superior Court Judge Murphy Shall Margaret L. Murphy be retained as judge of the district court for Judge Aarseth four years? Shall Eric A. Aarseth be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

YES NO Judge Schally Shall Daniel Schally be retained as judge of the district court for four Judge Easter years? Shall Catherine M. Easter be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

YES NO Judge Swiderski Shall Alex M. Swiderski be retained as judge of the district court for Judge Kristiansen four years? Shall Kari Kristiansen be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

YES NO Judge Wallace Shall David R. Wallace be retained as judge of the district court for Judge Marston four years? Shall Erin B. Marston be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

YES NO Judge Washington Shall Pamela S. Washington be retained as judge of the district court Judge Moran for four years? Shall Anna M. Moran be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

YES NO Judge Zwink Shall David L. Zwink be retained as judge of the district court for four Judge Rindner years? Shall Mark Rindner be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? SAMPLEYES NO YES NO

Judge Saxby Shall Kevin M. Saxby be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

Judge Smith Shall Jack W. Smith be retained as judge of the superior court for six years? YES NO

PAGE 137 2016 REGION II Judges onJudges the Ballot on the Ballot: AlaskaAlaska Judicial Judicial Council Council Evaluation Evaluation and Recommendations and Recommendations

Why do judges appear on the ballot? The Alaska Constitution and state law requires all state judges to appear periodically on the ballot for

approval or disapproval by the voters. This power and duty of the people to vote whether to retain How are judges chosen in Alaska? judges is a critical part of Alaska’s judicial system. Under the Alaska Constitution, the selection of judges is a two-part process involving the Alaska What information is available about judges on Judicial Council and the governor. the ballot?

Voters often feel they do not have enough The Alaska Judicial Council is a non-partisan information to vote on judges. To help voters citizens’ commission. The Council reviews make informed votes, the Alaska Judicial Council applications of people who want to be judges and is required by law to evaluate the performance of nominates the best-qualified among them. The sitting judges who are up for retention, and to governor appoints a judge from the list of make this information available to voters. The nominees. Alaska Judicial Council publishes its information

in this Election Pamphlet, and on its web site at: Retention Election. After appointment, judges must appear on the ballot in order to remain judges. The framers of our constitution thus provided Alaskans with a non-partisan, merit- What judicial qualities did the Alaska Judicial based system of judicial selection, and a retention Council evaluate? election that ensures judges remain accountable to The Judicial Council evaluated judges’: the public.  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament and legal ability,  Ability to manage caseloads, and  Overall performance of their duties in and out of the courtroom, including judgment.

What are the Alaska Judicial Council recommendations for judges on the 2016 ballot?

The Judicial Council recommends a

“YES” vote on all judges standing for retention.

Please review the following pages for more details about the recommendation on each judge.

PAGE 138 2016 REGION II How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate the judges on the 2016 ballot?  Surveys: The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of Alaskans, including peace and probation officers, court employees, attorneys, jurors, and social services professionals.  Public Hearings & Public Comment: The Judicial Council received comments from the public at a statewide public hearing, received comments about judges on its web site, and accepted comments from the public.  Review of Other Information: The Judicial Council reviewed conflict of interest statements filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, and separate forms filed with the court system. It reviewed court personnel records. It researched whether any salary warrants were withheld for untimely decisions and whether any disciplinary matters came before the Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct. The Judicial Council analyzed the number of peremptory challenges filed against a judge, and the number of times the judge’s decisions were reversed on appeal.  Considered Judges’ Self-Assessments: The Judicial Council invited each judge to assess his or her own performance over his or her most recent term.  Questioned Attorneys with Recent Experience: The Council invited attorneys who had recently litigated a case before each judge to provide detailed observations about the judge’s Alaska Judicial Council Members performance in that case. Ken Kreitzer lives in Juneau. His background is What is the Alaska Judicial Council? in corrections and law enforcement.

 The Alaska Constitution sets the Judicial Aimee Oravec lives in Fairbanks. She is an Council membership: attorney who has practiced law since 1998. » Three members who are not attorneys are appointed by the governor and confirmed by a Dave Parker is a retired Anchorage police majority of each house of the Alaska officer, former teacher, and pastor. Legislature; James Torgerson » Three attorney are appointed by the Board of is an attorney from Governors of the Alaska Bar Association, an Anchorage in private practice. entity created and authorized by the Alaska Loretta Bullard lives in Nome. Her background Legislature; and is in corporate management at an ANCSA The Chief Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court » regional nonprofit. who serves as chair. (The Chief Justice does not vote unless his or her vote can affect an Galen Paine lives in Sitka. She is an attorney in outcome.) private practice.  The Constitution requires all appointments be made with “due consideration to area representation and without regard to political affiliation.”  Members serve staggered terms. They receive no financial compensation for their work other than reimbursement for travel expenses.

Go to for more information about the judges on the 2016 ballot.

PAGE 139 2016 REGION II Supreme Court Justice Joel H. Bolger

OTHER: Court System Committees: Current: Chair, Fairness, Diversity & Equality Committee Co-chair, Criminal Justice Working Group Past: Chair, Judicial Conference Planning Committee Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions Committee Appellate Rules Committee Three-Judge Sentencing Panel Alternate Child Support Review Committee Family Law Rules Committee Magistrate Training Judge

STATEMENT: It has been a great honor for me to serve as a judge for the past nineteen years. I will be very pleased if the voters allow me to continue this public service.

PLACE OF BIRTH: Carroll, Iowa

SPOUSE’S NAME: Cheryl Bolger


EDUCATION: University of Iowa B.S. Economics 1973-76; J.D. 1976-78

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Supreme Court Justice, Anchorage, 2013-present Court of Appeals Judge, Anchorage, 2008-2013 Superior Court Judge, Kodiak, 2003-2008 District Court Judge, Valdez, 1997-2003

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Jamin, Ebell, Bolger & Gentry, Kodiak and Seattle, 1982-97 Alaska Public Defender Agency, Barrow, 1981-82 Alaska Legal Services Corporation, Kodiak and Dillingham, 1978-81

Special Interests: Hiking, skiing, golf and music.

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Justice Joel H. Bolger, Alaska Supreme Court

The Judicial Council finds Justice Bolger to be Qualified and recommends that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate? • A citizens’ commission created by the The Judicial Council evaluated Justice Bolger’s: Alaska Constitution • Council members are volunteers appointed • Integrity, diligence, fairness, demeanor, and legal with due consideration for area ability, representation and without regard to political • Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation • Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of • Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Justice Bolger? Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans or criminal litigation involving the justice, APOC The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of and court system conflict of interest statements, Alaskans who had direct experience with Justice any disciplinary matters involving the judge, Bolger, including attorneys and court employees. whether Justice Bolger’s pay was withheld for Peace officers, social services professionals, and untimely decisions, and Justice Bolger’s jurors were not surveyed because they do not assessment of his own performance. appear before the Alaska Supreme Court. Asked Members of the Public Reviewed Documents The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of hearing on the performance of all judges and Justice Bolger’s performance, including any civil solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Justice Bolger?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor)

N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 240 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.6 Court 42 ------4.8 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.8 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Justice Bolger

PAGE 141 2016 REGION II Supreme Court Justice Peter J. Maassen

STATEMENT: I’m proud to be part of a court system that is dedicated to ensuring access to justice for all Alaskans, urban and rural. Like my colleagues, I try very hard to treat the kinds of cases we see regularly (such as child protection, employment, personal injury, domestic relations, and criminal cases) with the same care and deliberation with which we consider constitutional challenges of statewide interest. I am daily conscious of the privilege and responsibility I’ve been given. I look forward to continuing to serve the people of Alaska.

MAILING ADDRESS: 303 K Street Anchorage, AK 99501

AGE: 61

PLACE OF BIRTH: Shelby, Michigan

SPOUSE’S NAME: Kay E. Maassen Gouwens



EDUCATION: Hope College, BA 1977 University of Michigan Law School, 1980

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Supreme Court Justice, 2012-present

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Member, Alaska Bar Association Board of Governors, 2010-12 (treasurer and president-elect)

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Anchorage Youth Court Board of Directors, 2008-present

Special Interests: Outdoor adventure; bicycling and bike touring in Alaska and beyond; cross-country skiing; reading literature, history, and biography

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Justice Peter J. Maassen, Alaska Supreme Court

The Judicial Council finds Justice Maassen to be Qualified and recommends that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate? • A citizens’ commission created by the The Judicial Council evaluated Justice Maassen’s: Alaska Constitution • Council members are volunteers appointed • Integrity, diligence, fairness, demeanor, and legal with due consideration for area ability, representation and without regard to political • Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation • Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of • Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Justice Maassen? Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans civil or criminal litigation involving the justice, The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of APOC and court system conflict of interest Alaskans who had direct experience with Justice statements, any disciplinary matters involving the Maassen, including attorneys and court judge, whether Justice Maassen’s pay was employees. Peace officers, social services withheld for untimely decisions, and Justice professionals, and jurors were not surveyed Maassen’s assessment of his own performance. because they do not appear before the Alaska

Supreme. Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Reviewed Documents hearing on the performance of all judges and The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of solicited feedback on its website. Justice Maassen’s performance, including any

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Justice Maassen?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor)

N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 192 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.5 4.6 Court 26 ------4.8 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Justice Maassen

PAGE 143 2016 REGION II Court of Appeals Judge Marjorie K. Allard

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Associate, Richmond & Quinn, Anchorage, AK Staff Attorney, Northern California Innocence Project, Santa Clara Law School Instructor in Law, Stanford Law School

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Alaska Bar Association; Alaska Supreme Court Committee on Justice, Fairness, and Diversity; Judicial Conference Planning Committee; Alaska Hemophilia Association

Special Interests: Reading, hiking, and camping with my family

STATEMENT: It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Alaska as a judge on the Court of Appeals. The Alaska Court of Appeals is a high-volume criminal appellate court with a well-established tradition of analytical rigor and impartiality, and I have worked hard to continue those traditions and to meet the challenges of the increased caseload. I take my MAILING ADDRESS: Alaska Court of Appeals responsibilities as a judge on a multi-judge appellate 303 K Street court seriously and I strive to ensure that each case Anchorage, AK 99501 that comes before our court is decided fairly and expeditiously and in accordance with the Constitution AGE: 45 and the laws of our state.

SPOUSE’S NAME: Matthew Findley I have learned a tremendous amount since I was appointed and I am prepared to meet the challenges CHILDREN’S NAMES: William, Elizabeth that will face our court and our state in the upcoming years. I would be honored to continue my service on LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: the court and I hope that the people of Alaska vote to 14 years total retain me to continue this work.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage, 1999-2001; 2004 to present Fairbanks, Summer 2001

EDUCATION: New Trier High School, Winnetka, Illinois Canada Western High School, Calgary, Canada Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1993 B.A. Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, 1999 J.D.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Court of Appeals Judge, 2013-present Assistant Public Defender, Alaska Public Defender Agency, 2000-2001; 2006-2012 Assistant Public Advocate, Office of Public Advocacy, 2005-2006 Law Clerk, Chief Justice Warren Matthews, Alaska Supreme Court, 1999-2000

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.


Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Marjorie K. Allard, Alaska Court of Appeals

The Judicial Council finds Judge Allard to be Qualified and recommends that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate? • A citizens’ commission created by the The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Allard’s: Alaska Constitution • Council members are volunteers appointed • Integrity, diligence, fairness, demeanor, and legal with due consideration for area ability, representation and without regard to political • Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation • Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of • Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Allard? Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans criminal litigation involving the justice, APOC and The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of court system conflict of interest statements, any Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge disciplinary matters involving the judge, whether Allard, including attorneys and court employees. Judge Allard’s pay was withheld for untimely Peace officers, social services professionals, and decisions, and Judge Allard’s assessment of her jurors were not surveyed because they do not own performance. appear before the Alaska Court of Appeals. Asked Members of the Public Reviewed Documents The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of hearing on the performance of all judges and Judge Allard’s performance, including any civil or solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Allard?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor)

N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 97 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.4 4.5 Court 19 ------4.7 4.8 4.4 4.8 4.7 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Allard

PAGE 145 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Eric A. Aarseth, Third Judicial District

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: American Judicature Society, Alaska Bar Association

Special Interests: Family, Camping, Fishing, Hunting

STATEMENT: It is a privilege and an honor to serve the State of Alaska as an Anchorage Superior Court judge. For the last 11 years, I have presided over criminal, civil, family, probate, juvenile delinquency and child-in-need-of- aid cases. I work hard to prepare for each case, give each side a fair opportunity to present its side of the story, and render timely and just decisions. I respect the people who serve as jurors and I run my trials efficiently to minimize the impact to each juror’s other responsibilities. Many people come to court without an attorney and I am committed to providing them the same access to justice as those represented by an attorney. Integrity is a cornerstone of my profession and I strive to represent Alaska with honor. I diligently manage each case so there can be no question of my commitment to ensuring each person has a fair MAILING ADDRESS: Nesbett Courthouse opportunity to present his or her case and be heard. 825 West Fourth Avenue I have served the State of Alaska to the best of my Anchorage, AK 99501 ability and look forward to serving the state and its citizens in the future. AGE: 53




ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1991-present

EDUCATION: University of Minnesota - Institute of Technology (B.S. Geological Engineering 1986) William Mitchell College of Law (J.D. 1990)

MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Army (1991-1994), Captain; Army Achievement and National Defense Service Medals. Alaska Air National Guard (2003-present), Lieutenant Colonel; Air Force Meritorious Service x2, Air Force Commendation, Global War on Terror, Air Force Outstanding Unit x2, National Defense Service Medals.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Dillingham District Attorney (1994-1996) Anchorage Assistant District Attorney (1996-2002) Assistant Attorney General (2002-2006)

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 146 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Eric A. Aarseth, Anchorage Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Aarseth to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Aarseth’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Aarseth?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Aarseth, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Aarseth’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Aarseth’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Aarseth’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Aarseth?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 259 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.2

Peace Officers 32 ---- 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.2 Social Service 23 ---- 4.4 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.4 Professionals Jurors 42 ---- 4.9 ---- 5.0 ---- 4.9 Court 49 ---- 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.6 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Aarseth

PAGE 147 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Catherine M. Easter, Third Judicial District

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Alaska Bar Association Board Member Service High School Cross Country Running Booster Club

Special Interests: Family, Skiing, Hiking, Camping, Fishing

STATEMENT: It has been a privilege and honor to serve the people of Alaska as a Superior and District Court Judge. I strive to treat all litigants equally. I try to follow the law and to be fair and compassionate to all who appear before me.

I believe our courts should be accessible to all people, including those who represent themselves. I try to treat everyone who comes to court with patience and respect.

I hope to continue to serve the people of Alaska. If retained, I will continue to serve to the utmost of my ability.

MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501

Email: [email protected]

AGE: 58

PLACE OF BIRTH: Pasadena, California

SPOUSE’S NAME: Craig Howard

CHILDREN’S NAMES: Riley and Clare



EDUCATION: Sacred Heart Forest Ridge 1972-1976 Seattle University 1976-1980, BA French University of San Diego School of Law 1982-1985

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Superior Court Judge 2012-Present District Court Judge 2008-2012 Office of Public Advocacy 2007-2008 Alaska Public Defender Agency 1986-2007 Law Clerk, Judge Shortell 1985-1986

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 148 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Catherine M. Easter, Anchorage Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Easter to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Easter’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Easter?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Easter, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Easter’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Easter’s assessment of her own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Easter’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Easter?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 205 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.1 4.0 4.0

Peace Officers 28 ---- 4.5 4.7 4.8 4.5 4.6 Social Service 23 ---- 4.1 4.2 3.8 4.3 4.0 Professionals Jurors 82 ---- 4.9 ---- 5.0 ---- 4.9 Court 42 ---- 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.5 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Easter

PAGE 149 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Kari Kristiansen, Third Judicial District

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Family activities, traveling, walking

STATEMENT: It has been a privilege to serve my community as a Superior Court Judge for nearly ten years. In my opinion, the purpose of the court system is to resolve disputes fairly and promptly. A well-functioning court is responsive to the needs of everyone. As a judicial officer, I strive to treat all litigants equally. I try to be fair, compassionate, and practical in deciding the cases that come before me. I hope to continue to serve the people of Alaska in this capacity.

MAILING ADDRESS: 435 S. Denali Street Palmer, AK 99645

AGE: 52


SPOUSE’S NAME: John Darnall

CHILDREN’S NAMES: Christopher, Marianne, and Leif


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage, 1965-1989, 1997 to present

EDUCATION: East Anchorage High School, 1978-1982, diploma; Northwestern University, 1982-1986, B.S. electrical engineering; Willamette University College of Law, 1986-1989, J.D.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, City and County of Honolulu, 1989-1996; Assistant Attorney General, State of Alaska, 1999-2007; Superior Court Judge, 2007 to present

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Attorney, private practice in Anchorage, 1997-1999

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 150 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Kari Kristiansen, Palmer Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Kristiansen to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Kristiansen’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Kristiansen?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Kristiansen, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Kristiansen’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Kristiansen’s assessment of her own performance. Reviewed Documents The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of Asked Members of the Public Judge Kristiansen’s performance, including The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, hearing on the performance of all judges, and solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Kristiansen?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 161 3.6 3.7 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.7

Peace Officers 26 ---- 3.3 3.5 3.2 3.3 3.3 Social Service 10 ---- 3.3 3.9 3.4 3.7 3.4 Professionals Jurors 74 ---- 4.8 ---- 4.8 ---- 4.8 Court 32 ---- 3.9 4.2 3.7 4.2 4.0 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Kristiansen

PAGE 151 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Erin B. Marston, Third Judicial District

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Past board member of the West High Alumni Association; past member of Municipal Airports Aviation Advisory Commission; Iditarod Air Force; past board member of the Alaska Airmen’s Association

Special Interests: Flying

Other: Judicial member of the Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct; CINA Therapeutic Court; Early Resolution Program

STATEMENT: I was born and raised in Alaska and raised my family here. For twenty-seven years I represented Alaskans from all walks of life as an attorney in Anchorage. In 2012, I was appointed to the Superior Court bench in Anchorage. Since that time, I have diligently worked as a judge to ensure all people that come before the court are treated with respect and given a fair and meaningful opportunity to be heard. I believe in the MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue rule of law and understand that having an unbiased Anchorage, AK 99501 and impartial judiciary is essential to our system of justice. I strive to timely decide each case according AGE: 56 to the law. I am committed to being a prepared, patient and fair judge every day. PLACE OF BIRTH: Anchorage, Alaska It has been a privilege and an honor to serve the SPOUSE’S NAME: Cheri citizens of the State of Alaska as a Superior Court judge. If retained, I will continue to serve with integrity CHILDREN’S NAMES: Kyle and Brooke and to use all of my abilities and best efforts to be an impartial and diligent judge, a judge worthy of the trust LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 56 of the people. I ask that you vote to retain me as a judge of the Superior Court. ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1960 to present

EDUCATION: West Anchorage High School (1978); Colby College (1982, B.A. Political Science); University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law (1985, J.D.)

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant District Attorney (1987 to 1990) Superior Court Judge (December 2012 to Present)

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Law Office of Erin B. Marston (1985 to 1987); Stafford, Frey, Cooper & Stewart (1990 to 1991); Koval & Featherly, P.C. (1991 to 1994); Law Office of Marston & Cole, P.C. (1994 to 2012)

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 152 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Erin B. Marston, Anchorage Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Marston to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Marston’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Marston?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Marston, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Marston’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Marston’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Marston’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Marston?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 178 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.4

Peace Officers 5 ---- 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 4.0 Social Service 13 ---- 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.2 Professionals Jurors 73 ---- 5.0 ---- 5.0 ---- 4.9 Court 32 ---- 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.7 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Marston

PAGE 153 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Anna M. Moran, Third Judicial District

Judicial Education Committee 2013-present Three Judge Sentencing Panel, Alternate 2014-2016 Three Judge Sentencing Panel, Member 2016-present

Special Interests: Gardening, hiking, biking

STATEMENT: It has been my honor to serve the Kenai Peninsula and the State of Alaska as a Superior Court Judge since my appointment in 2007. For the past two- and-a-half years, I’ve had the privilege of serving the communities of Homer and Seward as the traveling Superior Court Judge.

I will continue to treat all people who appear in court with fairness, dignity and respect. I will work at all times to decide cases impartially and in a way that is consistent with the laws and the Constitution of the State of Alaska.

MAILING ADDRESS: 125 Trading Bay Drive Suite 100 Kenai, AK 99611

AGE: 64

PLACE OF BIRTH: Indianapolis, Indiana




ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Kodiak 1985-2005 Kenai 2005-present

EDUCATION: Indiana University, BA 1974 Lewis & Clark, Northwestern School of Law, JD 1978

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Magistrate/Judge 1987-2007 Superior Court Judge 2007-present

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Alaska Bar Association 1986-present Magistrate Training Judge 1996-2006 Alaska Children’s Rule Committee 2005-present Alaska Bar Association Disciplinary Committee 1990-1993 Court Improvement Program CINA 2012-present

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 154 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Anna M. Moran, Kenai Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Moran to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Moran’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Moran?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Moran, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Moran’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Moran’s assessment of her own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Moran’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Moran?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 119 3.6 3.8 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.7

Peace Officers 31 ---- 3.1 3.5 3.0 3.3 2.9 Social Service 10 ---- 4.5 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 Professionals Jurors 81 ---- 4.7 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.8 Court 30 ---- 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Moran

PAGE 155 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Mark Rindner, Third Judicial District

Vice-Chairman, Alaska Supreme Court Access to Civil Justice Subcommittee Member, Alaska Bar Association Educational Planning Committee

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Alaska Bar Association Anchorage Bar Association American Judicature Society

Special Interests: Duplicate Bridge, Fly Fishing, Cooking

STATEMENT: I have been honored to serve as a judge for over 15 years and I am still excited about the job. I am particularly interested in cases involving children and serve on two court committees that deal with improving the way the court handles Children in Need of Aid cases. One day a week I also act as a settlement judge for cases assigned to other judges. This work allows the public to more directly solve their own disputes.

MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue I believe that the law is held in trust for all people, not Anchorage, AK 99501 just the rich and powerful, and that justice should be the primary focus of our court system. I believe that Email: [email protected] all persons should have access to our courts, not just those who can afford a lawyer. I understand the legal AGE: 67 system is very expensive for most people and have worked to improve access to the courts for those who PLACE OF BIRTH: New York City cannot afford a lawyer. If retained, I will continue to work hard toward these goals. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Benjamin Rindner (36) Leah Brown (33)



EDUCATION: Westfield New Jersey High School 1964-1967 University of Pennsylvania, 1967-1971, B.A. (History) and M.S. Ed. (Counseling) University of California, Berkeley Law School, 1975-1978, J.D.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant U.S. Attorney, 1981-1984

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Co-chairman, CINA Court Improvement Committee Member, Alaska Supreme Court CINA/Delinquency Rules Committee

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 156 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Mark Rindner, Anchorage Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Rindner to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Rindner’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Rindner?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Rindner, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Rindner’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Rindner’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Rindner’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Rindner?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 261 4.4 4.1 4.4 3.8 4.3 4.2

Peace Officers 10 ---- 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.3 4.3 Social Service 22 ---- 4.2 4.3 3.7 4.1 4.1 Professionals Jurors 45 ---- 5.0 ---- 5.0 ---- 5.0 Court 33 ---- 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.5 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Rindner

PAGE 157 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Kevin M. Saxby, Third Judicial District

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Boy Scouts of America, Assistant Scoutmaster, 2006-2012

Special Interests: Outdoor activities, woodworking, leatherwork, home repair, reading, travel

OTHER: I worked construction and as a forester, logger and wildland firefighter before practicing law. Then, three years in private practice and 23 in the Alaska A.G.’s office. That last job required me to work with many in rural Alaska, which I loved. Now, I have done four years as a judge, one handling mostly divorces and three handling mostly criminal cases.

STATEMENT: Many of you have served on my juries. Thank you. Our justice system would founder without people like you who are willing to do the hard work necessary for jury service. I believe passionately in the basic fairness of our justice system, even though it is, of course, not MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue perfect. Judges play important roles in that system, too, Anchorage, AK 99501 as they decide, both before and during trial, what jurors should, in fairness, have presented to them based on Email: [email protected] the vast body of law laid down throughout our history. My four years as a judge have required me to learn and AGE: 59 apply a lot of new things. As I’ve gotten on step, things have generally gone more smoothly, but it’s obvious PLACE OF BIRTH: Hinsdale, IL there will always be more to learn. Your comments are always appreciated. I believe that all comments should SPOUSE’S NAME: Mei-Ching Saxby be reviewed, and even the most negative should cause self-examination. These retention elections are one CHILDREN’S NAMES: Jasmine M. Saxby of the few times judges get a general view as to how Nathan E. Saxby the public thinks they are doing. So, don’t hold back. Thanks again for your diligence and the work you have LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 30 and will put in as jurors.


EDUCATION: Lake Zurich High School, 1971-75, H.S. diploma Colorado State University, 1975-79, B.S. Forest Management University of Wyoming, 1983-86, J.D.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant Attorney General, Alaska 1989-2012

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Associate, Bradbury, Bliss & Riordan, 1986-89

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 158 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Kevin Saxby, Anchorage Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Saxby to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Saxby’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Saxby?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Saxby, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Saxby’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Saxby’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Saxby’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Saxby?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 114 3.6 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.0 3.8

Peace Officers 31 ---- 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.2 4.3

Jurors 77 ---- 4.9 ---- 5.0 ---- 4.9 Court 25 ---- 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.6 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Saxby

PAGE 159 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Jack W. Smith, Third Judicial District

Special Interests: Travel and handball.

OTHER: Currently enrolled in the University of Nevada Reno and the National Judicial College judicial studies doctoral program.

STATEMENT: I have appreciated the opportunity to serve the people of Alaska and look forward to continuing to do so, with your support.

MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501

Email: [email protected]

AGE: 66


SPOUSE’S NAME: Patricia A. Smith


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Chugiak 1994-1998 Kotzebue 1998-2000 Chugiak 2000-present

EDUCATION: U.S. Air Force Academy 1968-1972 Bachelor of Science; University of Southern California 1973-1975 Master of Science; University of Idaho 1976-1978 Juris Doctor; University of Nevada Reno and The National Judicial College 2003-2011 Master of Judicial Studies

MILITARY SERVICE: Air Force, 1972-1997, Colonel

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 160 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Jack Smith, Anchorage Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Smith to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Smith’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Smith?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Smith, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Smith’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Smith’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Smith’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Smith?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 138 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4

Peace Officers 45 ---- 4.3 4.5 4.2 4.4 4.3

Jurors 204 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 Court 23 ---- 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Smith

PAGE 161 2016 REGION II Superior Court Judge Vanessa H. White, Third Judicial District

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Attorney in private practice 1988-2007

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Soroptimists International of Anchorage Alaska Bar Association Lawyer’s Assistance Committee

STATEMENT: My work as a judge at the Palmer court has been the most rewarding experience in my career. In fact, the rewards come nearly every day. On Monday, I might No photo provided be helping a couple work through the break-up of their family in a respectful and child-centered way. On Tuesday, I might get to talk about the future with a young person who has been charged with a crime and watch that person begin to understand what it is going to take to turn his/her life around. Other days can include heartbreak for the people who come to court and for me, as well. Whether the day includes joy, despair, or perhaps a little of both, every moment that I have worked for this community has left me humbled by the responsibility my neighbors have vested in me. I hope I can continue to earn your trust and confidence. MAILING ADDRESS: 435 S. Denali Street Palmer, AK 99645 If I am retained, I will continue to work hard to manage the heavy caseload Palmer judges are assigned Email: [email protected] here in “the biggest little courthouse in Alaska.” I will focus on insuring that every person who comes to AGE: 60 my courtroom feels that I have listened and tried my best to make the right decisions about their lives, their PLACE OF BIRTH: Ft. Lewis, Washington family, and the Mat-Su Valley.

SPOUSE’S NAME: Michael D. White



ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage, May, 1988-November, 2014 Big Lake, November, 2014-Present

EDUCATION: 71st High School, Fayetteville, NC, Graduated May, 1974 St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Laurinburg, NC Sept, 1974-May, 1978 (took off several semesters to work for college tuition) Knox College, Galesburg, IL, Sept. 1978-May, 1981, BA cum laude University of Puget Sound School of Law, Aug., 1985-May, 1988, JD

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Superior Court Judge, Feb., 2007-Present

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 162 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Vanessa H. White, Palmer Superior Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge White to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge White’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge White?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, White, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge White’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). White’s assessment of her own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge White’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge White?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 163 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0

Peace Officers 33 ---- 3.9 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 Social Service 12 ---- 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.1 3.9 Professionals Jurors 74 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 Court 25 ---- 4.1 4.2 4.0 4.2 4.0 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge White

PAGE 163 2016 REGION II District Court Judge Leslie Dickson, Third Judicial District

Other: After working with victims of domestic violence, I decided to attend law school. After my clerkship, I worked as an Assistant District Attorney in Fairbanks, returning to Anchorage in 2000 to prosecute sex crimes. I took a position as an Assistant Public Advocate working with foster children as a Guardian ad Litem, and representing juvenile delinquents. I opened my own law office in 2010, doing criminal defense and adoptions. I was appointed to the District Court in 2012.

STATEMENT: I was raised in a military family, moving many times, including four years in London. I never lived near family growing up, so as an adult I had wide latitude in choosing where to make my home. When I came to work in Alaska, I knew this was where I was meant to be. Twenty-two years later, I’ve had the privilege to be a law clerk, a state prosecutor, a public advocate, and the owner of a solo practice—in addition to serving as both a juror and a judge. I have done trials from St. Paul to Delta Junction, always taking advantage AGE: 48 of opportunities to explore our great state. I have run the Mount Marathon race eleven times (and volunteer PLACE OF BIRTH: Fairborn, Ohio every year as well) and the Equinox Marathon a dozen times. LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 21 years I recognize someone’s “day in court” is difficult and ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: important. I listen to each case with fairness and Anchorage 1995-2000 patience, and treat each party with respect and dignity. Fairbanks 1996-2000 As many District Court litigants represent themselves, Anchorage 2000-present I try to explain my decisions in plain language and issue orders promptly, as I recognize litigating is a EDUCATION: challenge for everyone involved. I strive for efficiency Beavercreek High School; Ohio; 1985 as I understand and appreciate the sacrifices jurors Miami University; Ohio; B.A. 1989 make to serve. L.S.W.; Ohio; 1989-1992 Northeastern University Law School; Massachusetts; I understand the great honor it is to hold the position I J.D. 1995 do and hope the voters have confidence to allow me to continue. POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Law Clerk Anchorage Superior Court; 1995-1996 Assistant District Attorney; 1996-2003 Assistant Public Advocate; 2003-2010 District Court Judge; 2013-present

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Law Office of Leslie Dickson; 2010-2013

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Alaska Bar Association Founder Peak a Week hiking group 2000-present

Special Interests: Hiking, travel

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 164 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Leslie N. Dickson, Anchorage District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Dickson to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Dickson’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Dickson?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Dickson, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Dickson’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Dickson’s assessment of her own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Dickson’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Dickson?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 108 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.1 4.2

Peace Officers 27 ---- 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.7

Jurors 58 ---- 4.8 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.8 Court 36 ---- 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.3 4.4 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Dickson

PAGE 165 2016 REGION II District Court Judge J. Patrick Hanley, Third Judicial District


Special Interests: Family activities, biking, hiking, skiing, traveling, coaching youth hockey and baseball.

STATEMENT: My parents and four brothers and I moved to Anchorage in 1971 and Alaska has been home ever since. After graduating from college with a teaching degree, I taught children in the Western Alaska villages of Red Devil, Kwigillingok, and Quinhagak. I returned to school and earned my law degree. I then clerked for the Alaska Court of Appeals, and then worked as a prosecutor for the Municipality of Anchorage and the State of Alaska. Since 2005, I have served as a district court judge, with the exception of serving as a full time pro tem judge on the Alaska Court of Appeals for a little over a year from 2013 to 2014.

I believe the purpose of the court system is to serve the people by resolving disputes fairly and promptly. MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue My practice is to treat all people who appear in court Anchorage, AK 99501 with fairness, dignity, and respect. I am committed to honoring the time of jurors and providing access AGE: 50 to justice for all participants, including those without attorneys. I consider each case before me individually, PLACE OF BIRTH: Birmingham, Alabama carefully, and impartially, and try to issue decisions promptly. I strive to maintain the integrity that people SPOUSE’S NAME: Tracy are entitled to expect from judges and the court system.

CHILDREN’S NAMES: Jenna and Blake It has been an honor and a privilege to serve Alaskans as a district court judge in Anchorage. If retained, I LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 45 years commit to serving Alaskans as a judge to the utmost of my ability. ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1971-1988 Red Devil 1989 Kwigillingok 1989-1992 Quinhagak 1992-1993 Anchorage 1993 to present

EDUCATION: Dimond High School, Anchorage, Alaska 1980-1984 Northern Arizona University, 1984-1986 Pacific Lutheran University, 1986-1988, B.A.E. University of Utah College of Law, 1993-1996, J.D.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Public school teacher, 1989-1993 Law clerk for the Alaska Court of Appeals, 1996-1997 Assistant Anchorage Municipal Prosecutor, 1998-2000 Assistant District Attorney, 2000-2005 District Court Judge, 2005 to present Pro tem Court of Appeals Judge, 2013-2014

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 166 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge J. Patrick Hanley, Anchorage District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Hanley to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Hanley’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Hanley?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Hanley, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Hanley’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Hanley’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Hanley’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Hanley?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 148 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.6

Peace Officers 46 ---- 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.7

Jurors 13 ---- 4.8 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 Court 44 ---- 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.8 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Hanley

PAGE 167 2016 REGION II District Court Judge Jennifer S. Henderson, Third Judicial District

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: I have previously served as a founding member and Board member for Girls on the Run Serving Southcentral AK, an organization that works to educate and empower girls in elementary school through a running-based curriculum.

Special Interests: Running; biking; swimming; triathlons

STATEMENT: Since coming to Alaska in 2001, I have felt lucky to get to live and work in this amazing state. My work as an attorney in this state has exposed me to a variety of civil and criminal matters. While at the Anchorage District Attorney’s Office, I prosecuted cases in the misdemeanor, drug, and violent crimes units, before supervising the misdemeanor unit. Following that work, I practiced in civil litigation, defending parties in matters that ranged from personal injury to contract to intellectual property cases. This background in both criminal and civil litigation provided excellent preparation for my work as a district court judge, where MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue I have regularly presided over cases in both arenas. Anchorage, AK 99501 It has truly been an honor to be allowed to serve my Email: [email protected] community as a district court judge during the last three years. I have been repeatedly impressed by AGE: 40 the dedication of the Alaska Court System and its employees to making the system open, accessible, PLACE OF BIRTH: La Mesa, CA and fair for all litigants. I am also constantly mindful that the litigants coming before me in court are there SPOUSE’S NAME: Robert Edmond Henderson pursuing cases and/or defenses that are of the utmost importance in their lives, deserving of the Court’s time, CHILDREN’S NAMES: Robert Jackson Henderson attention, and respect. Every day, I strive to be fair, Chloe Ann Henderson impartial, and respectful to those appearing in my courtroom. I look forward to the opportunity to continue LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 14 serving the public in this manner.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 2001-2002 & 2003-2016

EDUCATION: West Hills High School - fall 1990-spring 1994 Claremont McKenna College - fall 1994-spring 1998; BA Yale Law School - fall 1998-spring 2001; JD

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Assistant District Attorney with the Anchorage District Attorney’s Office - 2003-2007 Associate at Farley & Graves, P.C. - 2007-2012 District Court Judge for State of Alaska, Third Judicial District - 2012-2016

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 168 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Jennifer Stuart Henderson, Anchorage District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Henderson to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Henderson’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Henderson?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Henderson, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Henderson’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Henderson’s assessment of her own performance. Reviewed Documents The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of Asked Members of the Public Judge Henderson’s performance, including The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, hearing on the performance of all judges, and solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Henderson?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 80 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.5

Peace Officers 22 ---- 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.7

Jurors 41 ---- 5.0 ---- 5.0 ---- 5.0 Court 33 ---- 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Henderson

PAGE 169 2016 REGION II District Court Judge Margaret L. Murphy, Third Judicial District

STATEMENT: It has been a privilege to serve as a district court judge. I would be honored to have the opportunity to continue this service.

MAILING ADDRESS: 3670 Lake Street, Bldg. A Homer, AK 99603

AGE: 60

PLACE OF BIRTH: Oakland, California


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Homer 2005 to present Aniak 1998 to 2000, 2002 to 2005 Bethel 2000 to 2002 Anchorage 1994 to 1998

EDUCATION: Valparaiso University School of Law 1984 to 1987 J.D. degree Valparaiso University 1974 to 1978 B.A. degree

MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Army, 1979 to 1983 and 1988 to 1994, Sergeant (1983), Captain (1994) Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal (2), National Defense Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 170 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Margaret L. Murphy, Homer District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Murphy to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Murphy’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Murphy?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Murphy, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Murphy’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Murphy’s assessment of her own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Murphy’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Murphy?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 73 3.7 3.7 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.7

Peace Officers 25 ---- 3.5 4.1 3.7 3.4 3.5 Social Service 6 ---- 3.2 3.3 3.7 2.8 3.2 Professionals Jurors 36 ---- 4.9 ---- 5.0 ---- 4.9 Court 18 ---- 3.8 3.9 3.8 4.1 4.0 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Murphy

PAGE 171 2016 REGION II District Court Judge Daniel Schally, Third Judicial District

STATEMENT: I have been privileged to serve as a judge in Alaska for over eleven years. During these years I have handled all types of cases in a wide variety of locations including Valdez, Glennallen, Cordova, Sand Point, Dillingham, and Nome. I work hard to provide all court participants with swift and impartial justice according to the Alaska and United States Constitutions and laws, and to treat all people with dignity, respect, and fairness. If retained, I will continue to strive to meet these goals.

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 127 Valdez, AK 99686

AGE: 48



ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Kodiak 1997-1998 Ketchikan 1998-2005 Valdez 2005-present

EDUCATION: University of Minnesota, B.A. 1990, J.D. (cum laude) 1997

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: District Court Judge Assistant District Attorney

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Alaska Bar Assn Admitted to practice in Alaska (state and federal), Washington, Minnesota

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Valdez Youth Court, volunteer instructor

Special Interests: Hiking, diving, kayaking, snow-shoeing, fishing, reading, and researching family history

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 172 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Daniel Schally, Valdez District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Schally to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Schally’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Schally?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Schally, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Schally’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Schally’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Schally’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Schally?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 94 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.3

Peace Officers 25 ---- 4.4 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.5 Social Service 5 ---- 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.8 Professionals Jurors 59 ---- 4.8 ---- 4.8 ---- 4.8 Court 18 ---- 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.5 4.3 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Schally

PAGE 173 2016 REGION II District Court Judge Alex M. Swiderski, Third Judicial District

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Private law practice in Anchorage 1977-1981; Discipline Hearing Committee, Alaska Bar Association 2002-2005; Magistrate training judge 2007-2014 Judicial conference planning committee 2005-2015; Criminal Rules Committee 2010-present

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: Great Land Trust Board of Directors 1998-2005; St. Benedict’s Parish

Special Interests: Family activities, skiing, biking, camping, reading

STATEMENT: It has been my privilege to serve the people of the State of Alaska as a District Court Judge for the last eleven years.

I do my best to treat everyone with dignity and respect, to decide cases fairly and promptly, and to uphold the constitution and laws of Alaska. I believe that a judge MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue should treat every case as unique and special, and Anchorage, AK 99501 give that case the judge’s most careful consideration.

Email: [email protected] In addition to my regular duties, I serve on the Criminal Rules Committee and the Anchorage Wellness Court. AGE: 69 I will be honored if the voters allow me to continue my PLACE OF BIRTH: Duluth, MN service to the State of Alaska.

SPOUSE’S NAME: Kathryn Swiderski

CHILDREN’S NAMES: Benjamin Swiderski Matthew Swiderski


ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1977-1987, 1991-present Palmer 1987-1991

EDUCATION: Morgan Park High School, Duluth, MN. 1965 Harvard University, A.B. 1969 Northeastern University, J.D. 1977

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant Public Defender 1981-1990; Assistant Attorney General, Oil Spill Litigation and Environmental Sections 1990-2005; District Court Judge 2005-present

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 174 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Alex M. Swiderski, Anchorage District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Swiderski to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Swiderski’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Swiderski?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Swiderski, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Swiderski’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Swiderski’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Swiderski’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Swiderski?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 137 4.0 4.0 4.3 3.9 4.1 4.0

Peace Officers 35 ---- 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.3

Jurors 74 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 Court 33 ---- 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.5 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Swiderski

PAGE 175 2016 REGION II District Court Judge David R. Wallace, Third Judicial District

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Law Clerk/Attorney, Wade & DeYoung, 1988-1989 Attorney, Private practice, 1989-1990 Attorney, LeGros Buchanan & Paul, 2001-2003 Attorney, Pentlarge Law Group, 2003-2009

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: ChangePoint Church Grace Christian School, School Board Member (2007-2013)

Special Interests: Family, golf, gardening, outdoor activities

STATEMENT: It has been my honor and privilege to serve the people of Anchorage and the State of Alaska as a district court judge since March 2009.

Serving as a district court judge, I understand that many people who appear in court are intimidated by the setting and are often embarrassed by the situation that brings them there. I strive to treat each person MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue who appears before me with respect and dignity. In Anchorage, AK 99501 addition, I explain my decisions so that there is a better understanding of the processes and outcomes. AGE: 55 In addition to my every day duties, I am the Deputy PLACE OF BIRTH: Anchorage, Alaska Presiding Judge for Anchorage District Court, I serve on the Statewide Civil Rules Committee, I serve on the SPOUSE’S NAME: Lisa S. Wallace Alaska Human Trafficking Working Group, and I am the Judge for the Anchorage Municipal Wellness Court LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 55 years and Veterans Court.

ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: If retained by the voting public, I will continue to decide Anchorage 1960-1990, 1996 (April) -present cases impartially, timely, and in a way that is consistent Juneau 1990 (January-May) with the Anchorage Municipal Code, State Laws, and Sitka 1990 (May)-1996 (April) the Constitution of the State of Alaska. I would be honored to continue serving the people of Anchorage EDUCATION: and the State of Alaska for the next four years. East High School (Anchorage, AK) 1974-1978—Diploma Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff, AZ) August 1978-December 1978 Green River Community College (Auburn, WA) January 1979-May 1981 Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ) August 1981- May 1983 Bachelor of Science, Political Science University of Arizona College of Law (Tucson, AZ) 1984-1987, Juris Doctorate

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Assistant District Attorney, Juneau, Sitka, Anchorage, 1990-2001 Anchorage District Court Judge, March 2009-present

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 176 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge David R. Wallace, Anchorage District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Wallace to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Wallace’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Wallace?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Wallace, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Wallace’s pay was withheld for social services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Wallace’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Wallace’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Wallace?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 115 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.5

Peace Officers 41 ---- 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7

Jurors 80 ---- 4.9 ---- 5.0 ---- 4.9 Court 41 ---- 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.6 4.6 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Wallace

PAGE 177 2016 REGION II District Court Judge Pamela S. Washington, Third Judicial District

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Criminal Defense, Gorton & Logue, 2004-2006 Private Practice, Law Office of Pamela D. Scott, 1994-2004

SERVICE ORGANIZATION(S) MEMBERSHIP: National Association of Women Judges American Judges Association Alaska Bar Association Fairness, Diversity & Equality Committee Alaska Committee to Prevent Underage Drinking Faith Christian Community

Special Interests: Grandsons Jeremiah & Christian, Biking, Cooking and Zumba, Mental Health Court, Color of Justice, Anchorage Youth Court, Last Wives’ Club

STATEMENT: It has been a privilege and honor to serve as District Court Judge. The people of Alaska deserve a judiciary that provides a fair and impartial forum for the resolution of their disputes according to the rule MAILING ADDRESS: 825 W. Fourth Avenue of law. I am committed to making sure people who Anchorage, AK 99501 appear before me are treated with respect, have their questions about the court process explained, and are Email: [email protected] given the opportunity to be heard and understood. I will be prepared, listen carefully to the facts and AGE: 54 circumstances of each case, apply the law fairly and impartially, and always do my best to make timely and PLACE OF BIRTH: New Orleans, Louisiana well-informed decisions.

SPOUSE’S NAME: Stephen Washington I thank Jurors who also serve the people of Alaska. Jurors fulfill a very important function in our legal CHILDREN’S NAMES: Tynicha, Audriana, Terrell system. I appreciate their time and service. When jurors are called to serve, I will do all that I can to LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 36 make sure my trials stay on schedule and proceed as efficiently as possible. ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: Anchorage 1992 to present, 1975-1976 I will continue to learn, stay abreast of changes in Chugiak 1976-1978 the law, and maintain the integrity of the judiciary. I Eagle River 1978-1980 welcome opportunities to educate the public and Wasilla 1984-1985, 1991-1992 encourage our youth to consider a career in the judiciary or other careers in the law. EDUCATION: Chugiak High School, 1976-1980 Thank you for this opportunity to serve. Northern Arizona University, B.A., 1980-1984 Arizona State University, J.D., 1988-1991

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Judge, Anchorage District Court, 2010 to present Judge Pro Tem, Anchorage Superior Court, October 2015 to present Assistant Municipal Prosecutor, 2006-2010 Law Clerk, Anchorage Superior Court, 1992-1993 Law Clerk, Alaska Public Defender Agency, 1991-1992

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 178 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge Pamela Scott Washington, Anchorage District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Washington to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain her in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Washington’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage her caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of her judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Washington?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Washington, including attorneys, peace and any disciplinary matters involving the judge, probation officers, court employees, jurors, and whether Judge Washington’s pay was withheld social services professionals (social workers and for untimely decisions, credit information, and guardians ad litem). Judge Washington’s assessment of her own performance. Reviewed Documents The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of Asked Members of the Public Judge Washington’s performance, including The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, hearing on the performance of all judges, and solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Washington?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 147 3.3 4.0 4.3 4.1 3.8 3.7

Peace Officers 29 ---- 4.0 4.1 4.1 3.9 4.1 Social Service 7 ---- 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.7 Professionals Jurors 37 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 Court 45 ---- 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.5 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Washington

PAGE 179 2016 REGION II District Court Judge David L. Zwink, Third Judicial District


Special Interests: Sports, Travel, Ski Club, Playing music, Reading

OTHER: It has been a great privilege to serve the Mat-Su community for more than 25 years. During my career, I have had the opportunity through teaching, coaching, and working with families to see how the court system can touch so many lives and really make a positive difference. I was also fortunate to be able to help establish the Mat-Su Youth Court, an organization that has guided many of our younger citizens by reinforcing in them the responsibility that they have for their conduct.

STATEMENT: A cherished friend and mentor once told me that a judge’s job is to listen. I took that to heart, and I strive to listen carefully to each person who enters my courtroom, treating them with dignity and respect. A MAILING ADDRESS: 435 S. Denali courtroom is not usually a pleasant place for litigants Palmer, AK 99645 to be. I try to be sure that the parties know that even if in the end I greatly disagree with their side, their views AGE: 60 were heard and their positions considered seriously with an open mind. PLACE OF BIRTH: Buffalo, N.Y. As I have friends whose families were healed through SPOUSE’S NAME: Kathleen ZinnerZwink participation in Therapeutic Courts, I am excited about the opportunity to work with this in the Palmer Court. CHILDREN’S NAMES: Benjamin, Andrew, Sara, Our existing Mental Health Community Resources and Ian, Stepchildren Program has assisted many people who were Mariah and Logan otherwise overlooked by the system. The chance to expand this to help people with substance abuse LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN ALASKA: 31 years problems beat their addictions and thus lessen the amount of burglaries and other property crimes in our ALASKAN COMMUNITIES LIVED IN: area is an effective way to be of even greater service -Anchorage 1985-86 to my community. -Wasilla 1986-present

EDUCATION: -Cardinal O’Hara HS, 1973 -Buffalo State College, Bachelor Degree in Secondary English Ed., 1978 -University of Oregon, Juris Doctor, 1985

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Magistrate/Master, 1990-2010 District Court Judge, 2010-Present

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Attorney, 1986-1990 Instructor, Business Law, Mat-Su College, 1989-2004

The views expressed in this statement are from the candidate and not endorsed by the Division of Elections. The text of this statement was provided and paid for by the candidate in accordance with AS 15.58.030 and 6 AAC 25.690.

PAGE 180 2016 REGION II Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation Judge David L. Zwink, Palmer District Court

The Judicial Council finds Judge Zwink to be Qualified and recommends unanimously that the public vote "YES" to retain him in office.

What qualities did the Alaska Judicial Council What is the Alaska Judicial Council? evaluate?  Commission created by the Alaska The Judicial Council evaluated Judge Zwink’s: Constitution  Council members are volunteers appointed  Integrity, diligence, impartiality, fairness, temperament, with due consideration for area and legal ability, representation and without regard to political  Ability to manage his caseload, and affiliation  Overall performance of his judicial duties in and out of  Alaska law requires the Judicial Council to the courtroom, including judgment. evaluate judges’ performance and authorizes it to recommend to voters For more information about all the judges standing for whether judges should be retained. retention, go to 

How did the Alaska Judicial Council evaluate Judge Zwink?

Surveyed Thousands of Alaskans appellate affirmance and reversal rates, any civil The Judicial Council surveyed thousands of or criminal litigation involving the judge, APOC Alaskans who had direct experience with Judge and court system conflict of interest statements, Zwink, including attorneys, peace and probation any disciplinary matters involving the judge, officers, court employees, jurors, and social whether Judge Zwink’s pay was withheld for services professionals (social workers and untimely decisions, credit information, and Judge guardians ad litem). Zwink’s assessment of his own performance.

Reviewed Documents Asked Members of the Public The Judicial Council reviewed many indicators of The Judicial Council hosted a statewide public Judge Zwink’s performance, including hearing on the performance of all judges, and peremptory challenge rates, recusal rates, solicited feedback on its website.

For more information go to

What were the survey ratings for Judge Zwink?

(Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Acceptable, 2 = Deficient, 1 = Poor) N Legal Ability Impartiality Integrity Temperament Diligence Overall

Attorneys 93 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.5

Peace Officers 36 3.4 3.7 3.4 3.7 3.5

Jurors 64 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.9 ---- 4.8 Court 27 ---- 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.5 Employees

Alaska Judicial Council Recommendation: Vote “Yes” to retain Judge Zwink

PAGE 181 2016 REGION II Supplemental Information

Alaska Public Offices Commission

Political Parties

Permanent Fund Corporation

Vote! November 8

PAGE 182 2016 REGION II Our mission is, “To encourage the public’s confidence in their elected and appointed officials by administering Alaska’s disclosure statutes and publishing financial information regarding the activities of election campaigns, public officials, lobbyists and lobbyist employers.”

What are the contribution limits?

From To Candidate To Group To Ballot To a Political Party and Non Group Entity Group

Authority AS 15.13.070 AS 15.13.070 AS 15.13.065(c) AS 15.13.070

Individual $500 $500 Unlimited $5,000 (AK resident)

Corporations, Prohibited Prohibited Unlimited Prohibited Business AS 15.13.074(f) AS 15.13.074(f) AS 15.13.074(f) Organizations, Unions

Group $1,000 $1,000 Unlimited $1,000 (based in Alaska)

Group Prohibited $1,000 Unlimited $1,000 (based outside Must first register with Must first register with Alaska) APOC; 90% of its APOC; 90% of its contributions must be from contributions must be from Alaska residents. Alaska residents.

Political Party Municipal $1,000 Unlimited Unlimited $5,000 House $10,000 Senate $15,000

Foreign Nationals Only holders of green cards who reside in the United States. AS 15.13.068.

A candidate or group may not accept cash contributions over $100 per contributor per calendar year.

For more information visit:

To search campaign disclosure reports go to:

Anchorage Office: 2221 E. Northern Lights BLVD #128, Anchorage, AK 99508 phone 907-276-4176

Juneau Office: 240 Main Street #500, Juneau, AK 99811 phone 907-465-4864

PAGE 183 2016 REGION II PAGE 184 2016 REGION II Why Vote Libertarian?

We Support: We Oppose:

* Balanced budgets * War without declaration * Limited Constitutional Government * Regulatory agencies writing law * Consumption tax to replace IRS * United Nations * States nullification * EPA overreach * Proven free market principles * TSA abuse, NDAA and Patriot Act * Expansion of private property because they are unconstitutional * Fully informed juries * Executive orders forcing law * Protection of the 2nd Amendment * Federal dominion * Restoration of the 4th amendment. * Special lists which undermine due process




As something that touches the life of nearly every APFC has built international credibility for its Alaskan, the Permanent Fund (Fund) holds a special strength and prudent investment decisions. The place in the culture and economy of our great U.S. Treasury considers APFC to be a shining state. November marks the 40th anniversary of the representation of the United States on the global historic 1976 vote by Alaskans to amend our state financial stage. Over the last 40 years, we have constitution and create the Fund, a vote showing invested in a variety of assets including stocks, foresight and commitment to the wellbeing and bonds, real estate, infrastructure, and private equity. benefit of all Alaskans. All investments must balance expected return with any risks that are undertaken, which APFC then After four years of careful consideration, in 1980 the diversifies to achieve a portfolio with a compelling State Legislature created the Alaska Permanent Fund overall risk-adjusted return. The investment strategies Corporation (APFC), with the sole purpose to invest of APFC have continued to adapt and develop over and manage the Fund. In honoring the Fund’s 40th the past four decades as global economies have anniversary, we are mindful of the sound management become more interdependent and our world evolves. of state resources – the fortitude – that has prepared us for this juncture in Alaska’s history. APFC has Born from our rich natural resources and developed worked diligently to maximize the value of the Fund through acumen and insight, the importance of the through prudent long-term investment and protection Fund has gone from conceptual to actual. Given of principal to produce income to benefit all current Alaska’s shifting economic climate, the Fund is now and future generations of Alaskans. The Fund has central to public dialogue about the composition of grown from the first deposit of oil revenues totaling state funding. The decisions that Alaskans face are by $734,000 to a value of just under $53 billion today. no means easy, and we are tremendously fortunate to have the Fund in existence, as both a renewable As the steward of Alaska’s largest public fund, APFC source of revenue and as a symbol of commitment to takes pride in openly sharing our progress. We have Alaskans’ long-term prosperity. a small team that accomplishes a diverse set of tasks, always with an eye for integrity and efficiency in Success in the current financial landscape requires fulfilling our mission to build wealth for Alaska. Our expertise, adaptability, and perseverance to identify talented staff often surpasses Wall Street investment and respond to opportunities and risks—APFC is firms in growing our assets while still making time prepared to meet the challenge. We look forward to to fish, climb mountains, and raise families—it’s the our continued service as investment manager of the Alaskan way. This year, APFC welcomed Angela Alaska Permanent Fund. Rodell as Chief Executive Officer, with more than 20 years of finance experience in both public and private Sincerely, sectors. Russell Read also joined the team as Chief Investment Officer (CIO), bringing experience as CIO of CalPERS and Gulf Investment Corporation along with a PhD in Political Economy from Stanford. William Moran

PAGE 188 2016 REGION II What is the Alaska Permanent Fund?

The Fund is an investment fund created through a Constitutional Amendment approved by Alaskans in 1976 as a way to save a portion of our oil revenues for the needs of future generations. It uses oil royalties to make investments in bonds, stocks, real estate, infrastructure, and private entities. The returns on these investments are used to grow and finance the Fund. Since 1983, the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Division has distributed a portion of the earnings to Alaskans annually in the form of a dividend.

Who manages the Fund?

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) is a team of highly skilled business professionals who manage the day-to-day operations of the Fund. APFC is overseen by a six-member Board of Trustees appointed by the governor and operates as one of the most cost-effective institutional investors in the nation.

What does the Fund mean to Alaska’s future?

In a state with primarily non-renewable resources, the Fund generates renewable revenue. In most years since its creation, the Fund has been the second-largest producer of state revenue, trailing only the oil industry.

The Fund is a progressive concept that provides a source of renewable revenue for Alaska; when oil and gas revenues are diminishing, the Fund is still growing. The Fund’s successful adaptation to the varied global economic climates fortifies its significance to the State’s future.

How does the Fund work? APFC FUND BALANCE BREAKDOWN as of 6/30/16 (in billions) The Fund is divided into two parts: Principal (non- spendable) and Earnings Reserve (spendable), both of which are fully invested. The Alaska Constitution Spendable | 8.6 articulates that the Principal shall only be used for Total | 52.8 income-producing investments. The Earnings Reserve account, established in Alaska Statutes, may be spent Nonspendable | 44.2 through appropriations passed by the Legislature.

How does the Fund grow?

The Fund has four sources of potential growth each year:

1. Royalties—the State Constitution directs that at least 25% of Alaska’s mineral royalties (primarily oil royalties) be deposited into the Fund.

2. Income—inflows from stock dividends, bond interest, and real estate rental fees.

3. Capital Gains—gain (or loss) on assets from the time they are purchased until either the most current date (unrealized) or when they are sold (realized).

4. Inflation Proofing—based on a statutory calculation and legislative appropriation.

PAGE 189 2016 REGION II BALANCE SHEET Year Ended June 30, As Of June 30* 2016 2015 Assets Cash and temporary investments $ 2,213,104,000 1,889,529,000 Receivables, prepaid expenses and other assets 456,509,000 622,817,000 Investments: Marketable debt securities 9,800,116,000 11,116,428,000 Preferred and common stock 20,938,177,000 20,895,990,000 Real estate 7,048,144,000 6,480,891,000 Real return — 2,190,503,000 Absolute return 5,495,915,000 3,140,575,000 Private equity 5,531,425,000 5,239,202,000 Infrastructure 1,760,701,000 1,494,454,000 Distressed debt and mezzanine debt 1,080,408,000 1,352,603,000 Emerging markets total opportunities — 580,508,000 Total investments 51,654,886,000 52,491,154,000 Securities lending collateral invested 1,022,362,000 896,616,000 Total assets $ 55,346,861,000 55,900,116,000

Liabilities Accounts payable $ 841,048,000 805,855,000 Income distributable to the State of Alaska 713,765,000 1,397,146,000 Securities lending collateral 1,022,362,000 896,616,000 Total liabilities 2,577,175,000 3,099,617,000 Fund balances Nonspendable: Permanent Fund corpus - contributions and appropriations 39,449,405,000 39,164,944,000 rNot in spendable form - unrealized appreciation on invested assets 4,750,261,000 6,473,149,000 Total nonspendable 44,199,666,000 45,638,093,000 Assigned for future appropriations: Realized earnings 7,649,016,000 6,146,515,000 Unrealized appreciation on invested assets 921,004,000 1,015,891,000 Total assigned 8,570,020,000 7,162,406,000 Total fund balances 52,769,686,000 52,800,499,000 Total liabilities and fund balances $ 55,346,861,000 55,900,116,000

*Due to the Election Pamphlet publication schedule, audited Fiscal Year 2016 figures were not available in time to be included. Data listed for Fiscal Year 2016See are accompanyingpreliminary. Final, notes audited to the data financial will be statements. available on September 27 at

How is the Fund invested?

Originally, the Fund was only invested in bonds. Now it is invested in all major asset classes, which earn income and can grow in value. By diversifying the Fund’s investments, the value of the Fund is better protected against global economic fluctuations. When one asset class has a down year, it is often balanced by good performance in other asset classes. In 2009, the Board of Trustees created risk-based categories to guide asset allocation. Although the underlying portfolio did not materially change, grouping investments by the economic conditions that affect them has allowed the staff and Trustees to better understand, predict, and position the Fund in the face of changing market conditions.

APFC TARGET ASSET ALLOCATION APFC TARGET ASSET ALLOCATION Traditional Asset Class Fiscal Year 2016 Economic Condition Fiscal Year 2016

Stocks | 36%

Cash and Bonds | 20% Company Exposure | 55% Real Estate | 12% Cash and Interest Rates | 6% Total | 100% Absolute Return | 11% Total | 100% Real Assets | 19% Private Equity | 6% Special Opportunities | 20% Infrastructure | 4%

Other | 11%


As Of June 30* 2016 2015 Revenues Interest $ 306,801,000 357,123,000 Dividends 526,482,000 550,297,000 Real estate and other income 360,982,000 240,672,000

Total interest, dividends, real estate and other income 1,194,265,000 1,148,092,000 Net increase (decrease) in the fair value of investments — Marketable debt securities 376,568,000 (258,979,000) Preferred and common stock (1,314,898,000) (300,910,000) Real estate 534,661,000 380,366,000 Real return — 63,787,000 Absolute return (57,333,000) 54,372,000 Private equity (35,017,000) 1,608,839,000 Infrastructure 274,766,000 53,817,000 Distressed debt and mezzanine debt (33,063,000) 36,261,000 Emerging markets total opportunities 15,029,000 (98,269,000) Foreign currency forward exchange contracts and futures (27,677,000) 118,978,000 Currency (414,985,000) (311,901,000) Total net increase in the fair value of investments (681,949,000) 1,346,361,000 Total revenues 512,316,000 2,494,453,000 Expenditures Operating expenditures (105,265,000) (101,933,000) Other Legislative appropriations (8,561,000) (8,558,000) Total expenditures (113,826,000) (110,491,000) Excess of revenues over expenditures 398,490,000 2,383,962,000 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in - dedicated State revenues 284,462,000 599,969,000 Transfers out - statutory and Legislative appropriations (713,765,000) (1,397,145,000) Net change in fund balances (30,813,000) 1,586,786,000 Fund balances Beginning of period 52,800,499,000 51,213,713,000 End of Period $ 52,769,686,000 52,800,499,000

*Due to the Election Pamphlet publication schedule, audited Fiscal Year 2016 figures were not available in time to be included. Data listed for Fiscal Year 2016 are preliminary. Final, audited data will be available on September 27 at


For answers to your questions about the Fund and for complete financial and investment information, please visit our website at

PAGE 191 2016 REGION II NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION STATE OF ALASKA US POSTAGE PAID Division of Elections PORTLAND, OR P.O. Box 110017 PERMIT #4818 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0017

TO LOCATE YOUR POLLING PLACE CALL: 1-888-383-8683 In Anchorage (907) 269-8683


Region I Elections Office Region II Elections Office (House Districts 29-36) (House Districts 7-8, 10-28) P.O. Box 110018 Anchorage Office Juneau, Alaska 99811-0018 2525 Gambell Street, Suite 100 Phone: (907) 465-3021 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2838 1-866-948-8683 Phone: (907) 522-8683 1-866-958-8683 Region III Elections Office (House Districts 1-6, 9) Matanuska-Susitna Elections Office 675 7th Avenue, Suite H-3 1700 E. Bogard Road, Suite B102 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701-4542 Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Phone: (907) 451-2835 Phone: (907) 373-8952 1-866-959-8683

Region IV Elections Office (House Districts 37-40) P.O. Box 577 Nome, Alaska 99762-0577 Phone: (907) 443-5285 1-866-953-8683