The weekly Walking for Health schemes in and Woking are hosted by Next Steps. These walks are part of the national Walking for WALKING Health scheme which aims to encourage people of all ages to take part in local walks led by trained volunteers. FOR

Next Steps is a depression support project run by local charity HEALTH CornerHouse. The walks scheme seeks to prevent low mood in the local population by promoting healthy exercise, and also provides valuable IN support to those using the depression support service, however the walks are open to anyone interested in improving their health and RUNNYMEDE making friends.

Walking for Health Welcome to our new host, Macmillan Cancer Support and the These weekly walks are free and aim to improve health, fitness and wellbeing. Ramblers, Britain’s walking charity. The Ramblers work hard to safeguard our footpaths and countryside which encourages people to Tuesday Afternoons start walking. Walks last approx. 1-2 hours No need to book. Just turn up.

For more information about the scheme please contact your Walking for Health Coordinator Lindsay on 07769 784716 or by email.

Please contact Lindsay during the week before the walk if you need a lift to the start. We will do our best to help, but unfortunately cannot guarantee that a lift will be available.

Working in Partnership with Runnymede Borough Council

Programme July - September 2012

[email protected] Weather Notes to Walkers

We aim to stick to the walks publicised but routes may be It is encouraging to see this fledgling group growing stronger and changed if weather conditions make paths unsuitable. that we are all enjoying each other’s company as well as the We walk come rain or shine but if extreme weather conditions walks. If you know of anyone who might benefit from these make it unsafe, then walks may be cancelled at short notice. healthy walks, please encourage them to come along. Also, remember to be welcoming to new walkers. If you are unsure whether a walk is going ahead, you can call 07769 784716 or 01483 757461 to check before you set out. If you are getting a ride, please be considerate and wipe off your muddy boots before entering someone else’s car.

We also have a Walking for Health scheme in Woking that meets Subscribe to our blog on Wednesdays at 10:45 for an 11:00 start. Please ask me for a programme. Sign up to our news blog to be kept up to date with walk infor- If anyone is interested in acting as either walk leader or back mation, news and photographs from the various walks. marker for any of this or next season’s walks please let me know. If you bring your pet on walks and wish to join us for refreshments, keep in mind that most establishments will not allow animals (except guide dogs) entry. Please be a responsible pet owner. Remember that even parked in the shade and with windows rolled down, vehicles can quickly reach fatal temperatures.

Don’t forget to bring a drink and Thanks, Lindsay waterproofs depending on the weather! Happy Walking! September Guide to our symbols

4th - A special walk from and Cooper’s Hill - 3.7 miles. This walk takes in several historic landmarks descending into Runnymede Meadows from Cooper’s Hill. Meet at the Cooper’s Hill public car park (OS map ref: 995719). A straightforward flat walk on easy terrain with few hazards and no stiles to

A slightly more challenging walk which may 11th - A walk from Tesco in along the canal path, around the fields and back the White Hart Pub. Meet by the cash point in the Tesco car include negotiating some tricky terrain but park at 1:15 for a 1:30 start. unlikely to prove too difficult for the average


These walks may involve a slightly more 18th - Chase, Timber Hill and Chaworth Copse Limited parking available at the small car park opposite Christ Church on the adventurous terrain and may take a little longer. A320/Guildford Road, Ottershaw KT16 0PB. Be careful turning into the car Make sure that you are reasonably fit and able to park as there is a sharp turn and the road is very busy. Signal to turn right as soon as you see the church on the left. Meet at 1:15 for a 1:30 start. keep up a moderate pace.

No dogs Refreshments 25th - A walk from Sainsbury’s, over , along the tow path by the river and back. Meet at Sainsbury’s car park outside RAVS allowed BEFORE the walk at 1:15 for a 1:30 start.

Possible charge Refreshments

October for parking EN-ROUTE

2nd - Special Walk A circular walk around Shepperton. Meet at the Manor Park car park, TW17 Restrooms Refreshments 9JT, east of Church Road 100 yards from the War Memorial roundabout. There is a small charge for this car park but you may find alternative parking available AFTER the walk in roads nearby. This walk takes in various points of interest including some lovely, old buildings. Meet in the car park at 1:15 for a 1:30 start.

Please note: Refreshments are to optional and are at the cost of the walker unless otherwise noted. July August

3rd - Special Walk 7th - A walk to this time taking a different route around Homewood Park Nature Trail and Botleys Mansion possibly with picnic tea the lake. This walk may take a little longer than the usual 1 & 1/2 hours, so depending on the weather. There is a car park off Stonehill Road near the please make sure you are fit enough to keep up a steady pace. If the weather Bournewood House. Meet at 1:15 for a 1:30 start. is fine, we may arrange a picnic tea. Park in the car park of the Wheatsheaf Pub, London Road, Virginia Water GU25 4QF or the public car park next door where there will be a charge. Meet at 1:15 for a 1:30 start.


10th - A walk from Sainsburys, Chertsey around the Old Town, along the river and meeting back at the café for tea and a chat. Meet outside RAVS in 14th - A walk around St. Anne’s Hill in Chertsey. This is a reasonably short the Sainsbury’s car park at 1:15 for 1:30 start. walk, but does involve a little climbing. We will finish with a drink at the Golden Grove Pub, KT16 9EN. Meet in the pub car park at 1:15 for a 1:30 start.

17th - A walk from Laleham along the Thames Path and back Meet in the car park of the Three Horseshoes Pub, Laleham TW18 1SQ at 1:15 for a 1:30 start. 21st - Canons and Cornmills A flat walk from Pyrford Lock. The route follows part of the River Wey Navigation, passes Pyrford Church, Pyrford Lock and Ockham Mill, and close to the ruins of Newark Priory. Meet at the Anchor Pub, GU23 6QW in the car park at 1:15 for a 1:30 start. Be aware the car park can get very full.

24th - A walk from Tesco in Addlestone to Wey Meadows and the riverside parks A gentle, flat walk. Meet at the cash machines in the Tesco car park at 1:15 for a 1:30 start.

28th - A walk from Ottershaw Memorial Fields This is a 4-mile walk and may take a little longer than our usual 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The walk takes us partly through the village of Ottershaw and through woodlands and public open spaces. Meet at the Ottershaw Memorial Fields car park, first car park on 31st - Chertsey Meads, Shepperton and Weybridge the left in Fox Hills Road. (OS map ref: 019642). Meet in the first car park on the Meads. This is situated at the end of Mead Lane, Chertsey (OS map ref: 055662). Meet at the car park at 1:15 for a 1:30 start.