Walsh Is Double Winner in FWAA Writing Contest September 2012 Christopher Walsh and Dave Matter Walsh
Walsh is double winner in FWAA writing contest September 2012 Christopher Walsh and Dave Matter Walsh. Vol. 50, No. 3 were the big winners in the 20th annual The other first-place winner was Joe FWAA Best Writing Contest. Rexrode for his Enterprise story in the Walsh, from BamaOnline.com, be- Lansing (Mich.) State Journal. The only came a rare two-time first-place winner in other double placer was Ivan Maisel of Inside this issue: the same year when he picked up top ESPN.com for second place in Column places in Game and Column categories. and honorable mention in Game. All the Matter, from the Columbia (Mo.) Daily writers will be honored at the annual Executive Director’s 2 Tribune, placed first in Feature and was FWAA Awards Breakfast Jan. 7 in South column second in the Game category behind Florida. GAME First Place —Christopher Walsh, BamaOnline.com Game winner: Second Place — Dave Matter, Columbia Daily Tribune Christopher Walsh, 3 Third Place— Pete Thamel, New York Times BamaOnline.com Honorable Mention — Andy Staples, SI.com; Ivan Maisel, ESPN.com; Chris To- masson, FOX Sports Florida Feature winner: FEATURE Dave Matter, Co- 5 First Place — Dave Matter, Columbia Daily Tribune lumbia Daily Trib- Second Place — Andrea Adelson, ESPN.com une Third Place — Teddy Greenstein, Chicago Tribune Honorable Mention — Brett McMurphy, CBSSports.com; Greg Barnes, InsideCaroli- na.com; Thayer Evans, FOXSports.com; Matt Fortuna, ESPN.com Column winner: Christopher Walsh, 8 COLUMN BamaOnline.com First Place — Christopher Walsh, BamaOnline.com Second
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