Automated Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing ∗ Ali Mesbah Mukul R. Prasad Electrical and Computer Engineering Trusted Systems Innovation Group University of British Columbia Fujitsu Laboratories of America Vancouver, BC, Canada Sunnyvale, CA, USA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT web browsers render web content somewhat differently [18, With the advent of Web 2.0 applications and new browsers, 24, 25, 26]. However, the scope and impact of this problem the cross-browser compatibility issue is becoming increas- has been rapidly growing due to two, fairly recent trends. ingly important. Although the problem is widely recognized First, modern, rich-content web applications have a heavy among web developers, no systematic approach to tackle client-side behavioral footprint, i.e., they are designed to ex- it exists today. None of the current tools, which provide ecute significant elements of their behavior exclusively on the screenshots or emulation environments, specifies any notion client-side, typically within the web browser. Further, tech- of cross-browser compatibility, much less check it automat- nologies such as Ajax [12], Flash, and event-handling for ically. In this paper, we pose the problem of cross-browser dynamic HTML, which support this thick-client behavior, compatibility testing of modern web applications as a `func- are the very aspects in which web browsers differ. tional consistency' check of web application behavior across Second, recent years have seen an explosion in the num- different web browsers and present an automated solution ber of available web browsers. There are nearly 100 different for it. Our approach consists of (1) automatically analyzing web browsers available today [31].