A Large Quantity of Bones, Jaws, and Teeth of Very Small Animals Still Remains to Be Determined
Downloaded from http://trngl.lyellcollection.org/ at University of California-San Diego on June 29, 2016 JOHN SMITH—ON CLEAVES COVE, DALRY. 309 Rat. Cat. A few bones. Dog. Small size, a few bones. Weasel. A few bones. Pheasant. A few bones. Partridge. A few bones. Duck. A few bones. Common fowl. A few bones. Goose. A few bones. Gallinaceous bird. BONES FROM MIDDLE DEPOSIT. Ox. {Bos longifrom). Very plentiful. A number of the ox bones have belonged to very smaU indi viduals. Calf. Frequent. Tine of horn and case of horn only. Both Bed Deer. specimens as implements. Very plentiful. The majority of the bones She&p. have belonged to the slender-legged variety. Goat. Few bones of the goat found. Pig. Numerous bones of pigs. Beaver. Left lower jaw only. Badger. Left humerus only. Cat. A few bones got. Hare. Left humerus only. Goose. Left ulna only. Cetacean (?). Right rib. A large quantity of bones, jaws, and teeth of very small animals still remains to be determined. No. XXXIII.—GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN THE PARISH OF EAST KILBRIDE, LANARKSHIRE.. BY ANDREW PATTON, Cor. Mem. WITH A LIST OF FOSSILS, COMPILED BY JAMES COUTTS. WITH TWO SECTIONS [PLATE XIII]. [Read 14th February, 1884.] THE slatyband ironstone, with its accompanying strata, is now the acknowledged base of the true coal measures, as given by Mr. Balph Moore, Government inspector, in his chart of the probable position of the minerals in the various coalfields of Scotland, where he states that it lies between 400 and 500 fathoms above the Crossbasket Downloaded from http://trngl.lyellcollection.org/ at University of Trans.
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