Borough of & Wigston

Directorate of Com m unity Services

Assessment of Broad Locations for Development

Directorate of Community Services Borough Council October 2009


Assessment of Broad Locations for Development

Introduction This document sets out the Council’s assessment of the areas for development or ‘Directions for Growth’ in the Borough. It considers which areas were considered to have potential and how a choice was made between these areas. Area B was chosen as the Council’s preferred choice for new development in the Borough and this report explains and justifies this choice.

Why just one area? The Council decided to search for one ‘Direction for Growth’ following the issues and Options Paper Consultation in July 2005 and the subsequent Preferred Options Paper in April 2006. It was decided that the strategy should favour the use of brownfield sites and the development of one large urban fringe site.

It was considered that by providing just one development area potential infrastructure benefits could be maximised. The resulting development would be more sustainable as more of the requisite services could be provided as part of the development reducing the need to travel.

How big was the ‘Direction of Growth’ assumed to be? It was assumed that this ‘Direction for Growth’ would need to provide for some 400- 500 homes along with associated infrastructure. This is in line with the Residential Land availability report 2005-6 which stated that:

‘it would seem likely that the Council will only need to make provision for 439 additional dwellings…. Over the balance of the plan period.’

The figures for housing required are derived from the Structure Plan (, and Structure Plan 1996 to 2016) and the subsequent housing provision requirements in the Regional Spatial Strategy – The East Midlands Regional Plan published in March 2009.

The areas of search are indicative areas. The circles should not be taken to be the exact area of search but the broader area under consideration. Their size is related to the area of search and is not prescriptive of the site of any eventual development.

Which areas were considered? Five potential locations were considered for the Direction of Growth. These are shown on the map below.

Area of search A – adjacent to the urban area south of South Wigston Area of search B - adjacent to the urban area south east of Wigston Area of search C - adjacent to the urban area south of Oadby Area of search D - adjacent to the urban area south east of Oadby Area of search E - adjacent to the urban area north east of Oadby


These areas were considered the most realistic areas for bringing forward development. Factors considered in this analysis included;

• Considering areas where expansion was possible; • Accessibility; and • Interest from developers/landowners/interests in the land;

Description of the Areas of Search

Area of search A – adjacent to the urban area south of South Wigston Area A lies South East of Pochins Bridge Road, South of the railway and across the Grand Union Canal. The River Sence lies south of the canal and parallel to it in this location. The valley of the Sence is dominated by flat low lying grassland that gradually falls from West to East. The area includes a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest along the canal. The (former) Local Plan allocated part of the area for housing and this area has been built up with the anticipated number of dwellings. Part of this allocation was not used but has been leased by the Council for retention as a wildlife conservation area. The canal in this vicinity is a designated conservation area. Much of the south of South Wigston falls within the functional flood plain.

Area of search B - adjacent to the urban area south east of Wigston Area B lies along Newton Lane to the South East of Wigston and East of Wigston Harcourt. The area is countryside in the saved Local Plan. The area stops short of the railway line to the South. The area lies within the Sence Valley which is characterised by its gently undulating ridges and furrows and its sporadic but dense patterns of vegetation. The geology of this area is a mix of ridges and valleys formed from boulder clay over lias clays and limestone. The site generally falls from the North East to the South West. Flood risk in this area is considered minimal.


Area of search C - adjacent to the urban area south of Oadby Area C lies East of Oadby South of Glen Road. Part of the area was designated as Green Wedge in the saved Local Plan. The land is also gently sloping and, mostly in arable farming. Flood risk is considered minimal. The site has direct access to the Glen Road (A6).

Area of search D - adjacent to the urban area south east of Oadby This area lies at the easternmost point of the Borough. It is mostly arable farmed and is designated as countryside in the saved Local Plan. It includes an area proposed for recreational use. There is, despite the height of the ground a risk of flooding because of the soil’s impermeability and a potential risk from surface water flooding.

Area of search E - adjacent to the urban area north east of Oadby This area sits to the North of the Borough, North of Manor Road and Manor Road Extension. Most of the area is South of Gartree Road. The narrow strip North of Gartree Road is Stoughton Farm Park – designated as an historic landscape. In the saved local plan the whole of this area is designated Green Wedge and much of it is an area proposed for leisure uses. Flood risk is considered low in this area because of the low water table.

When were the different areas of search for the Direction for Growth discounted?

Table 1 shows how the potential Directions for Growth were considered and the stages of consultation when they were discounted.

Stage of Issues Preferred Supplemental Draft Core Core Core and Options Issues and Strategy Strategy Strategy Options Paper Options (Regulation (October Paper (April Paper (June 25) 2009) (July 05) 2006) 07) (November 08) Options Options Sets out Five areas B C and E Area B is considered between that the identified for are taken taken new preferred assessment forward. forward. settlement/ strategy is ABCDE brownfield to allocate A and D are Areas C sites and brownfield discounted. and E are one large sites and discounted. urban ‘several fringe site/ larger brownfield urban sites only/ fringe urban sites’ fringe sites only

4 How and why were the different areas of search for the Direction for Growth discounted?

Following the consultation on the draft Core Strategy under new Regulation 25 (November 2008), a further assessment was made of the options for a Direction for Growth. This took account of comments received during the previous consultation, various evidence base studies and the Sustainability Appraisal. What follows is a summary of the key issues that were used to discount areas and identify the preferred Direction for Growth to be included in the submission Core Strategy. The areas that were discounted have been dealt with first followed by the chosen Area B.

Area A Area A was discounted at the outset from further consideration principally due to a large proportion of the area forming part of the functional floodplain of the River Sence. This is detailed in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2007) (Version 2). In addition, it is characterised by low permeability soils that are formed from a silty clay content. The low permeability and infiltration rates would mean that the likelihood of the site passing the Exception Test being low as levels of surface runoff would be high.

In the report it is highly recommended that, other than essential infrastructure and development that is water compatible, development should not be permitted in this Functional Floodplain. Because of the development restrictions recommended by the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment this area was not further consideration as an appropriate area for future growth.

Assessment Matrix The four remaining areas of search were reassessed using an assessment matrix based on the Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy to enable easier comparison between areas. Each area was measured against twenty-two Sustainability Appraisal objectives via a template which was populated with information from a variety of evidence sources (see Appendix 2). The same rating mechanism from Sustainability Appraisal was employed. From this assessment matrix it can be shown that four key positives, in terms of moving towards achievement of Sustainability Appraisal objectives, were attributed to Area B. These positive ratings were in regard to:

Objective 1 - To ensure the provision of decent and affordable housing that meets local needs and links into the provision of services Objective 3 - To provide better opportunities for people to access and understand local heritage and to participate in cultural and leisure activities Objective 17 - To develop a strong culture of enterprise and innovation whilst providing access to appropriate employment opportunities for the local population Objective 21 - To improve access to services for those without a car, disabled people, elderly people, ethnic minorities and deprived people by providing for everyday needs in each settlement

The other areas each scored only one positive rating apiece in relation to Objective 3. Negative ratings were also attributed to each area. Again Area B performed best albeit by a narrow margin scoring five negatives as opposed to seven for Area C, and 6 apiece for Areas D and E. It should be noted that many of the Sustainability Objectives attracted an unknown score as any impact would be dependent on how development was implemented in these areas.

5 Further evaluation of the areas was undertaken to back up the findings of the assessment matrix. This is detailed below.

Area C Area C was discounted from the list of sites for a potential Direction for Growth between the conclusion of the November 2008 Draft Core Strategy (Regulation 25) Consultation and the beginning of the October 2009 Submission Draft Core Strategy Consultation. Although Area C would support the growth of Oadby Town Centre, by promoting a direction for growth in this location, the Borough Council would be undermining the spatial objectives and overall strategy of the Core Strategy which is to promote Wigston as the main town within the Borough of Oadby and Wigston.

The May 2009 Assessment of Highways and Transportation Implications study that was commissioned jointly by Oadby and Wigston Borough Council and Council identified that Area C or B would be suitable for a direction of growth. The study reiterated that the A6 into Leicester City is more constrained in terms of both highway and public transport capacity compared to the A5199. However, the East Midlands Regional Plan advocates that Harborough District Council must locate some development on the edge of the Leicester Principal Urban Area and it is likely that this could be along the A6 adjoining Oadby. In addition, Harborough District is charged with allocating the bulk of its development needs within or adjacent to Market Harborough which due to the A6 being the main transport route to the City will give rise to additional capacity issues. Therefore, the implications of this, coupled with locating the direction for growth in Area C, would potentially put too much pressure on the A6 as a route into the City of Leicester.

Area D Area D was discounted from the list of sites for a potential direction for growth between the June 2007 Supplemental Issues and Options Paper and the November 2008 Draft Core Strategy (Regulation 25) version of the document. Area D was excluded because it was felt that it would be difficult to effectively relate future development in this area to existing development. Firstly development in this area would not be well related to the Borough’s largest retail/service centre namely Wigston town centre. The conclusions of the emerging Oadby and Wigston Town Centre Masterplans advocate support of Wigston as the Borough’s main retail and service centre to meet a range of local shopping and other essential community needs. The retail centre of Oadby is currently defined as a district centre although with aspirations to develop into a small town centre. Area D is closest to Oadby therefore significant development here would not be appropriately linked to the main town centre and could undermine the overall strategy for the regeneration of Wigston town centre.

Development in this area would also have a significant impact on existing transport routes which is evidenced in the Council’s Assessment of Highways and Transportation Implications for Oadby and Wigston Borough and Harborough District which was published in April 2009. Consideration was also given to the impact development here would have on the spatial strategy being developed by Harborough District which was the adjoining local planning authority. It was agreed that development here would have a significant impact on Harborough District Council’s ability to plan for their own development needs and in particular meeting their obligations in relation to the East Midlands Regional Plan.

Area E Area E was discounted from the list of sites for a potential Direction for Growth between the conclusion of the November 2008 Draft Core Strategy (Regulation 25) Consultation and the beginning of the October 2009 Submission Draft Core Strategy

6 Consultation. Area E was excluded because it was felt that it would be difficult to effectively relate future development in this area to existing development. Firstly development in this area would not be well related to either the main town centre of Wigston or the district centre of Oadby. A good locational relationship to a main retail/service centre is considered essential to the sustainability of any area of growth. Area E is also not near a main highway so there is limited transport infrastructure in place to accommodate significant growth in this area. Again this is a locational issue that would affect the sustainability of any development in this area.

There were other major reasons why Area E was considered unsuitable as a future area for growth. The area falls within the Oadby, Thurnby, Stoughton Green Wedge. Significant development in this area would impact greatly on the function of the Green Wedge and undermine the Council’s strategy for managing and enhancing its Green Wedges. Large scale development in this area would be unacceptable in landscape character terms due to the quality of the landscape in this area, in particular the potential for detriment to the historic landscape at Stoughton Park Farm and the high quality landscape to the north-east of the Borough Boundary. This is evidenced in the Landscape Character Assessment. Considerable growth in this area would need to encompass the areas of agricultural land and the University of Leicester playing fields part of which were created as a replacement to those lost through redevelopment.

Consideration was also given to the impact development here would have on the spatial strategy being developed by Harborough District which was the adjoining local planning authority. It was agreed that development here would have a significant impact on Harborough District Council’s ability to plan for their own development needs and in particular meeting their obligations in relation to the East Midlands Regional Plan.

Evidence in support of Preferred Direction for Growth

Area B Four of the areas have now been discounted based on evidence and Sustainability Appraisal objectives; leaving Area B the area South East of Wigston the Borough Council’s preferred choice for allocation as a Direction for Growth. It is this area which the Borough Council intends to take forward and promote as its favoured location for development.

This Direction for Growth to the South East of Wigston lies within a fifteen minute walk of Wigston Town Centre and, combined with the housing growth proposed for Wigston Town Centre itself within the Town Centre Masterplan, will directly contribute towards the Vision and Spatial Objectives for Wigston Town Centre and the Borough as a whole.

An Assessment of Highways and Transportation Implications for Oadby and Wigston Borough and Harborough District was published in April 2009 with the involvement of Leicestershire County Council, Leicester City Council and The Highways Agency. It identifies the Direction for Growth to the south east of Wigston as having the potential to accommodate growth without having significant negative impacts on the wider highway network.

The Assessment identified the following benefits of providing the Direction for Growth to the south east of Wigston:

7 • improvement to existing bus priority provision which is a key element of being able to provide competitive advantage over the car • direct access to University, Hospital, major education facilities and employment opportunities • direct links to the Borough’s largest centre (Wigston) with an associated higher level of local facilities. The provision of local services can help reduce the need to travel and the urban fringe areas of the Welford Road corridor are within comfortable walking and cycling distance of Wigston Town centre • the Borough’s only rail station is within relatively close proximity and readily accessible by cycle • additional traffic generation on to the Welford Road corridor does not impact the existing significant air quality issues concentrated on the London Road/A6 corridor although some impact on the Welford Road Air Quality Management Area would be generated

Conclusions Following consideration of consultation responses and the evidence base the Direction for Growth option that was determined as the most sustainable and best fit with the overall spatial strategy was reasoned to be Area B. Area B will be identified in the submission draft of the Core Strategy as the Borough’s choice for future growth should this be necessary.


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Appendix 1

Areas of Search - General Assessment of Environmental, Transport Infrastructure and Accessibility, Economic and Service and Other infrastructure factors

June 2007


Factor Area of Search A Landscape & Area of Local Landscape value Biodiversity Site of Importance for Nature Conservation Designations Other Green Crow Mill Picnic Area Infrastructure River Sence Grand Union Canal Conservation Areas & Grand Union Canal Listed Buildings Area of archaeological potential Ancient Monuments None Flood Risk Within Ea Indicative Flood Plain and had seen frequent incidences of flooding. Landform/Views Sence Valley – well vegetated railway embankment slopes define northern boundary of area. Relatively flat, low lying grassland meadows gradually fall east. The distinctive landscape of the river valley and canal are the main strengths of this area. Transport Networks Countesthorpe Road, Arriva Bus Services 47, 48, 49A and 85, Centre Bus Utility facilities Sewage works, Gassing site south of Harrison Close Nearest services South Wigston town centre, Parkland Primary School, South Wigston High School, South Leicestershire College Landfill sites Former landfill site to east of Landsdowne Grove

Factor Area of Search B Landscape & Site of Importance for Nature Conservation Biodiversity Regionally Important Geological Site Designations Other Green Countryside, Brocks Hill Country Park Infrastructure Conservation Areas & Area of archaeological potential Listed Buildings Ancient Monuments None Flood Risk None Landform/Views Oadby & Wigston Vales, Wigston East – gently undulating predominantly arable fields with dense field boundaries close to the urban edge becoming gappy and lower further into the countryside Transport Networks A5199, Newton Lane, Arriva Bus Service 49 Utility facilities None Nearest services Wigston town centre, The Meadow and Tythorn Field Primary Schools, Bushloe & Abington High Schools, Guthlaxton Community College, South Leicestershire College Landfill sites

Factor Area of Search C Landscape & Site of Importance for Nature Conservation Biodiversity Designations Other Green Brocks Hill Country Park Infrastructure Conservation Areas & Area of archaeological potential Listed Buildings Ancient Monuments None Flood Risk None Landform/Views Oadby & Wigston Vales, Wigston East – gently undulating predominantly arable fields with dense field boundaries close to the urban edge becoming gappy and lower further into the countryside. Transport Networks A6, Arriva Bus Service 31, 31A Utility facilities None Nearest services Oadby Town Centre, Sainsbury’s Supermarket on the A6, Glenmere Primary School, Brocks Hill Primary School, Gartree High School, Beauchamp Community College Landfill sites None

Factor Area of Search D Landscape & Site of Importance for Nature Conservation Biodiversity Green Wedge Designations Other Green Proposed Oadby Grange Country Park Infrastructure Conservation Areas & None Listed Buildings Ancient Monuments None Flood Risk None Landform/Views Oadby & Wigston Vales, Oadby Grange – arable fields with predominantly tall, strong field boundaries fall gradually southwards towards the Oadby Grange estate. Dramatic skies are a characteristic feature of this exposed sub-area. Transport Networks Gartree Road, Arriva Bus Service X3, 31, 31A Utility facilities None Nearest services Oadby Town Centre, Sainsbury’s Supermarket on A6, Woodland Grange and Brookside Primary Schools, Manor High School, Beauchamp Community College Landfill sites None

Factor Area of Search E Landscape & Historic Landscape at Stoughton Farm Park Biodiversity Site of Importance for Nature Conservation Designations Other Green University playing fields Infrastructure Conservation Areas & Area of archaeological potential Listed Buildings Ancient Monuments None Flood Risk None Landform/Views Oadby & Wigston Vales, Thurnby & Oadby green Wedge – An area of well-defined boundaries and strong rural character. Landscape of strong historical character with man remaining Roman and earlier features, historic field boundaries and footpaths. Important visually and as a transitional area between town and country. Transport Networks Gartree Road, Arriva Bus Service 80, 80A and safeguarded route of the Eastern District Distributor Road Utility facilities None Nearest services Oadby town centre, Brookside Primary School, Manor High School, Beauchamp Community College Landfill sites None

Appendix 2 Oadby and Wigston Core Strategy Areas of Search Assessment Matrix

The table below sets out the Assessment Matrix used to reassess the four remaining Areas of Search.


Option moving towards achievement of Option moving away from achievement of

Sustainability Appraisal objective Sustainability Appraisal objective ı ˆ

Unknown: depends on how option will be Neutral: no relationship with Sustainability

¯ implemented ˜ Appraisal objective

Sustainability Appraisal Option B - Adjacent to the urban Option C - Adjacent to the urban Option D - Adjacent to the urban Option E - Adjacent to the urban Objectives area south east of Wigston area south of Oadby area south east of Oadby area north east of Oadby Effect Comment Effect Comment Effect Comment Effect Comment 1. To ensure the Should land south east of Should land south of Oadby be Should land south east of Should land north east of provision of decent Wigston be developed for developed for housing, this Oadby be developed for Oadby be developed for and affordable housing, this would contribute would contribute towards the housing, this would contribute housing, this would contribute housing that towards the provision of provision of housing in the towards the provision of towards the provision of meets local needs housing in the Borough. Borough. Housing at this housing in the Borough. housing in the Borough. and links into the Housing at this location would location would link in to the Housing at this location would Housing at this location would provision of link in to the provision of provision of services in Oadby, link in to the provision of link in to the provision of services. services in Wigston, and there and there may be opportunities services in Oadby, and there services in Oadby, and there may be opportunities for the for the provision of new may be opportunities for the may be opportunities for the provision of new services as services as part of the provision of new services as provision of new services as part of the development. The development. The Strategic part of the development. This part of the development. The Strategic Housing Land Housing Land Availability area was not assessed in detail Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Assessment identified that the through the SHLAA process Availability Assessment identified that the site is site is ”suitable‘ when Policy is due to its current consideration identified that the site is ”suitable‘ when Policy is not not taken into account. The site under the Ecotown deemed not to be ”suitable‘ or ı taken into account; The site is ˆ is both ”achievable‘ and ˆ programme. The Strategy ˆ ”achievable‘ for development both ”achievable‘ and ”available‘. The site is within the Oadby and Wigston although land off Gartree ”available‘; The site is ”developable‘ but not Town Centre Masterplans is to Road is deemed ”available‘. ”developable‘ but not ”deliverable‘ within 5 years. The ensure that Wigston will be a Neither site is ”deliverable‘ or ”deliverable‘ within 5 years. The Strategy within the Oadby and stronger centre in terms of ”developable‘ with either Strategy within the Oadby and Wigston Town Centre national retailer representation policy ”on‘ or ”off‘. The Wigston Town Centre Masterplans is to ensure that and civic function in Strategy within the Oadby Masterplans and the spatial Wigston will be a stronger comparison to Oadby and and Wigston Town Centre objectives within the Core centre in terms of national South Wigston. Masterplans is to ensure that Strategy is to ensure that retailer representation and civic Wigston will be a stronger Wigston will be a stronger function in comparison to centre in terms of national centre in terms of national Oadby and South Wigston. retailer representation and retailer representation and civic civic function in comparison to function in comparison to Oadby and South Wigston Oadby and South Wigston.

2. To improve New development at this New development at this New development at this New development at this health and reduce location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to health inequalities healthcare facilities in Wigston. healthcare facilities in Oadby. healthcare facilities in Oadby. healthcare facilities in Oadby. by promoting However, the nearest However, the nearest The nearest healthcare facility The nearest healthcare facility healthy lifestyles, healthcare facility is located healthcare facility is located is located on Uplands Road on is located on Uplands Road on protecting health approx 2.4km north west. approx 0.8km north west. the eastern edge of Oadby. the eastern edge of Oadby, and providing Development will need to Development will need to Development will need to south of the proposed access to health ensure that the capacity of ensure that the capacity of ensure that the capacity of development location. services existing healthcare facilities is existing healthcare facilities is existing healthcare facilities is Development will need to ¯ adequate to cope with an ¯ adequate to cope with an ¯ adequate to cope with an ¯ ensure that the capacity of increased population. There increased population. There will increased population. There existing healthcare facilities is will be the opportunity for be the opportunity for provision will be the opportunity for adequate to cope with an provision of new healthcare of new healthcare facilities, provision of new healthcare increased population. There facilities, leisure services and leisure services and recreation facilities, leisure services and will be the opportunity for recreation space as part of the space as part of the recreation space as part of the provision of new healthcare development, which should be development, which should be development. facilities, leisure services and pursued pursued recreation space as part of the development 3. To provide New development at this New development at this New development at this New development at this better location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to opportunities for areas of local heritage, and areas of local heritage, and areas of local heritage, and areas of local heritage, and people to access cultural and leisure activities in cultural and leisure activities in cultural and leisure activities in cultural and leisure activities and understand Wigston. There would also be Oadby.There is the opportunity Oadby. There is the in Oadby. There is the local heritage and ı the opportunity for provision of ı for provision of new cultural ı opportunity for provision of ı opportunity for provision of to participate in new cultural and leisure and leisure facilities, and for new cultural and leisure new cultural and leisure cultural and leisure facilities, and for the provision the provision of recreation facilities, and for the provision facilities, and for the provision activities. of recreation space as part of space as part of development. of recreation space as part of of recreation space as part of the development. development. development. 4. To improve Need to ensure that Need to ensure that Need to ensure that Need to ensure that community safety, development is designed to development is designed to development is designed to development is designed to reduce anti-social reduce crime and the fear of reduce crime and the fear of reduce crime and the fear of reduce crime and the fear of behaviour and the ¯ crime. ¯ crime. ¯ crime. ¯ crime. fear of crime

5. To promote and Need to ensure that Need to ensure that Need to ensure that Need to ensure that support the developments meet the needs developments meet the needs developments meet the needs developments meet the needs empowerment of of the community and ensure of the community and ensure of the community and ensure of the community and ensure local communities opportunities are available for opportunities are available for opportunities are available for opportunities are available for in creating and consultation. County consultation. County consultation. County consultation. County implementing ¯ Infrastructure plan identified a ¯ Infrastructure plan identified a ¯ Infrastructure plan identified a ¯ Infrastructure plan identified solutions that need for additional community need for additional community need for additional community a need for additional meet their needs centre provision. centre provision. centre provision. community centre provision. focusing particularly on

young, elderly and deprived people. 6. To promote Need to ensure that Need to ensure that Need to ensure that Need to ensure that racial harmony and developments are designed to developments are designed to developments are designed to developments are designed to create cohesive ¯ ensure cohesive communities ¯ ensure cohesive communities ¯ ensure cohesive communities ¯ ensure cohesive communities communities. and promote racial harmony. and promote racial harmony. and promote racial harmony. and promote racial harmony. 7. To protect and Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location enhance the will result in the loss of will result in the loss of will result in the loss of will result in the loss of natural greenfield land, and may result greenfield land, and may result greenfield land, and may result greenfield land, and may environment in the loss of mature trees and in the loss of mature trees and in the loss of woodland, mature result in the loss of mature (species and hedgerows present. hedgerows present. trees and hedgerows present. trees and hedgerows present. habitats) whilst Development could therefore Development could therefore Development could therefore Development could therefore contributing to the have an effect upon the have an effect upon the species have an effect upon the have an effect upon the achievement of species and habitats associated and habitats associated with species and habitats associated species and habitats BAP targets. with the area. In addition, the area. In addition, with the area. Opportunities for associated with the area. development may impact upon development may impact upon habitat enhancement and / or Opportunities for habitat the Kilby Foxton Canal SSSI, the Lucas Marsh Local Nature creation should be sought enhancement and / or located south of the area. Reserve (LNR), located north where possible. The Phase 1 creation should be sought Opportunities for habitat east of the area. Opportunities Habitat Survey and Biodiversity where possible. The Phase 1 enhancement and / or creation for habitat enhancement and / Audit indicate that the Habitat Survey and should be sought where or creation should be sought landscape is predominantly Biodiversity Audit indicate that possible. The Phase 1 Habitat where possible. The Phase 1 arable with interconnecting part of this area is ˆ Survey and Biodiversity Audit ˆ Habitat Survey and Biodiversity ¯ hedgerows throughout the ¯ predominantly poor semi- indicate that the scale and Audit indicate that part of this area. Whilst hedgerows are not improved grassland, bordered spatial size of this area has the area is immediately adjacent to particularly species-rich, they by dense scrub potential to impact on the a large golf course which is do play a strategic role within landscape and biodiversity. The designated as a Site of the landscape for connectivity. area is made up of small fields, Importance for Nature There is some woodland and and these amount to a large Conservation. Therefore there small pockets os semi area of hedgerow and mature should be a buffer zone improved grassland throughout trees which have national between the boundary of the the site. biodiversity action plans. Two site and where any future of the fields immediately building begins. There are adjacent to the current urban hedgerows and two veteran boundaries are designated as a trees within the site and a Site of Importance for Nature small area of broad leaved Conservation, although it is woodland to the south believed that they may not be in favourable condition. 8. To preserve and Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location enhance the may have an effect upon two may have an effect upon four may have an effect upon may have an effect upon character, areas of archaeological areas of archaeological Stretton Magna Scheduled Scheduled Ancient appearance and ˆ potential located within the ˆ potential within the area. ˆ Ancient Monument located ˆ Monuments located in the setting of areas. Development could Development could have an within the area. Development area, in particular the Moated archaeological have an effect upon unknown effect upon unknown of the area may also have an Grange at Stoughton, which is sites, historic archaeological resources which archaeological resources which effect upon the setting of located within the area. An

buildings, may be present within this may be present within this London Rd / St Peters area of archaeological conservation location. Development may location. Development of the Conservation Area to the west potential and three listed areas, historic also have an effect upon the area may also have an effect of the area, and listed buildings buildings are also present parks and other setting of the Grand Union upon the setting of London west and north. within the area. Development cultural assets. Canal Conservation Area and Road / St Peters Conservation could have an effect upon the Kilby Bridge Signal Box Area and listed buildings to the unknown archaeological listed building, to the south. north. resources which may be present within this location. Development may also have an effect upon the setting of Oadby Hill Top and Oadby Court Conservation Area, and may have an effect upon the setting of listed buildings to the west. 9. To protect and Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location enhance the will involve development of will involve development of will involve development of will involve development of landscape and greenfield land on the edge of greenfield land on the edge of greenfield land on the edge of greenfield land on the edge of green spaces in Wigston and may have an Oadby and may have an Oadby and may have an Oadby and may have an the Borough and adverse effect upon the adverse effect upon the adverse effect upon the adverse effect upon the to provide landscape. Development landscape. This area currently landscape. Development landscape. This area currently opportunities for should, however, provide good incorporates a golf course, should, however, provide good incorporates playing fields, public access to access to the countryside for which may be lost as a result of access to the countryside for which may be lost as a result the countryside. future residents. The development. future residents. The of development. Development Landscape Character Development should, however, Landscape Character should, however, provide Assessment indicates that the provide good access to the Assessment indicates that the good access to the area falls into Landscape countryside for future area falls into Landscape countryside for future Character Type: A(v) Wigston residents. The Landscape Character Type: A(ii) Thurnby residents. The Landscape East. A distinctly rural Character Assessment indicates and Oadby Green Wedge which Character Assessment landscape comprising that the area falls into comprises and area of indicates that this are falls ˆ predominantly medium sized, ˆ Landscape Character Type: ˆ irregularly shaped fields which ˆ within Landscape Sub-Area A roughly rectangular, regular A(v) Wigston East. A distinctly are in agricultural use and form (iii): Oadby Grange. The arable fields with some pasture rural landscape comprising part of the University playing recommended landscape for sheep-grazing. Landform is predominantly medium sized, fields. Landscape Character objectives are to maintaining a series of undulating ridges roughly rectangular, regular Type: A(i) Stoughton also falls strong, tall field boundaries, and valleys of boulder clay over arable fields with some pasture within this area and comprises ponds, spinneys and other lias clays and limestones. The for sheep-grazing. Landform is the historic landscape of features of conservation borough boundary runs along a a series of undulating ridges Stoughton Farm Park which interest. Some remnant ridge ridge of high ground falling and valleys of boulder clay over creates a strong and distinctive and furrow has been eroded southwards to around 80m lias clays and limestones. The sense of place. County by woodland planting of the AOD south of the railway. borough boundary runs along a Infrastructure Plan identified a Oadby Grange Country Park. Between the borough boundary ridge of high ground falling need for additional County Infrastructure Plan and the Green Wedge, the land southwards to around 80m infrastructure in terms of identified a need for rises and falls to a further two AOD south of the railway. parks, open spaces and public additional infrastructure in water-courses. County Between the borough boundary realm , leisure and sports. terms of parks, open spaces Infrastructure Plan - need for and the Green Wedge, the land and public realm, leisure and

additional infrastructure in rises and falls to a further two sports. terms of parks, open spaces water-courses. County and public realm, leisure and Infrastructure Plan - need for sports additional infrastructure - parks, open spaces and public realm, leisure and sports. 10. To manage Development could impact on Development could impact on Development could impact on Development could impact on prudently water surface water and groundwater surface water and groundwater surface water and groundwater surface water and resources, improve (e.g. due to construction (e.g. due to construction (e.g. due to construction groundwater (e.g. due to water quality, related pollution incidents), in related pollution incidents). related pollution incidents), in construction related pollution protect the particular the Grand Union Development could also particular the River Sence, incidents). Development could floodplain and Canal and the River Sence, increase the overall volume of located south east of the area. also increase the overall protect against located south of the area. waste water created and Development could also volume of waste water flood risk. Development could also increase demand for water. increase the overall volume of created and increase demand increase the overall volume of Development of greenfield land waste water created and for water. Development of waste water created and may increase surface water increase demand for water. greenfield land may increase increase demand for water. run-off. Need to ensure that Development of greenfield land surface water run-off. Need to Development of greenfield land water use is managed may increase surface water ensure that water use is may increase surface water prudently and in accordance run-off. Need to ensure that managed prudently and in run-off. A Flood Risk with best practice guidelines. A water use is managed accordance with best practice Assessment will be required for Flood Risk Assessment will be prudently and in accordance guidelines. A Flood Risk sites greater than 1 hectare, to required for sites greater than with best practice guidelines. A Assessment will be required ¯ assess the potential impacts of ¯ 1 hectare, to assess the ¯ Flood Risk Assessment will be ¯ for sites greater than 1 any increase in surface water potential impacts of any required for sites greater than hectare, to assess the run-off and how this will be increase in surface water run- 1 hectare, to assess the potential impacts of any managed.Local soil and off and how this will be potential impacts of any increase in surface water run- geology types limit the managed.Local soil and increase in surface water run- off and how this will be effectiveness of infiltration geology types limit the off and how this will be managed.Local soil and methods. Conveyance methods effectiveness of infiltration managed. Local soil and geology types limit the such as swales, filter strips and methods. Conveyance methods geology types limit the effectiveness of infiltration filter drains should be such as swales, filter strips and effectiveness of infiltration methods. Conveyance considered alongside balancing filter drains should be methods. Conveyance methods methods such as swales, filter of flow within the on-site considered alongside balancing such as swales, filter strips and strips and filter drains should drainage system. A small part of flow within the on-site filter drains should be be considered alongside of this area is affected by a drainage system considered alongside balancing balancing of flow within the flood zone which has the of flow within the on-site on-site drainage system. potential to flood every 100 drainage system. years. 11. To improve air Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in quality particularly increased car use and increased car use and increased car use and increased car use and through reducing associated air pollutant associated air pollutant associated air pollutant associated air pollutant transport related emissions. However, should emissions. However, should emissions. However, should emissions. However, should pollutants. ¯ services and facilities be ¯ services and facilities be ¯ services and facilities be ¯ services and facilities be provided as part of provided as part of provided as part of provided as part of development, this may help to development, this may help to development, this may help to development, this may help to reduce private vehicle use. reduce private vehicle use. reduce private vehicle use. reduce private vehicle use.

There is a need to ensure the There is a need to ensure the There is a need to ensure the There is a need to ensure the provision of accessible provision of accessible public provision of public transport provision of accessible public transport services, footpaths transport services, footpaths services, footpaths and transport services, footpaths and cycleways, to encourage and cycleways to encourage cycleways, to encourage and cycleways, to encourage people to use sustainable people to use sustainable forms people to use sustainable people to use sustainable forms of transport as an of transport as an alternative to forms of transport as an forms of transport as an alternative to the private car. the private car. Air quality alternative to the private car. alternative to the private car. Air quality is not an issue at issues on the London Road/A6 Air quality issues on the Air quality is not an issue at this site. corridor could be exacerbated. London Road/A6 corridor could this site. be exacerbated 12. To manage Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location Development at this location prudently mineral will involve development of will involve development of will involve development of will involve development of resources and greenfield land. Development greenfield land. Development greenfield land. Development greenfield land. Development avoid / reduce the ˆ on greenfield land will carry an ˆ on greenfield land will carry an ˆ on greenfield land will carry an ˆ on greenfield land will carry pollution of land increased risk of pollution than increased risk of pollution than increased risk of pollution than an increased risk of pollution development on previously development on previously development on previously than development on developed land developed land. developed land. previously developed land. 13. To minimise Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in energy use and increased energy consumption. increased energy consumption. increased energy consumption. increased energy develop renewable Need to ensure that new Need to ensure that new Need to ensure that new consumption. Need to ensure energy resources. buildings are energy efficient buildings are energy efficient buildings are energy efficient that new buildings are energy ¯ and incorporate renewable ¯ and incorporate renewable ¯ and incorporate renewable ¯ efficient and incorporate energy into new developments. energy into new developments. energy into new developments. renewable energy into new Reference to Planning to Reference to Planning to Reference to Planning to developments. Reference to Climate Change study. Climate Change study. Climate Change study. Planning to Climate Change study. 14. To reduce Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in greenhouse gas increased car use and increased car use and increased car use and increased car use and emissions to associated air pollutant associated air pollutant associated air pollutant associated air pollutant mitigate the rate emissions. However, should emissions. However, should emissions. However, should emissions. However, should of climate change. services and facilities be services and facilities be services and facilities be services and facilities be provided as part of provided as part of provided as part of provided as part of development, this may help to development, this may help to development, this may help to development, this may help to reduce private vehicle use. reduce private vehicle use. reduce private vehicle use. reduce private vehicle use. There is a need to ensure the There is a need to ensure the There is a need to ensure the There is a need to ensure the ¯ provision of high quality public ¯ provision of high quality public ¯ provision of high quality public ¯ provision of high quality transport services, footpaths transport services, footpaths transport services, footpaths public transport services, and cycleways, both within the and cycleways, both within the and cycleways, both within the footpaths and cycleways, both site and to the surrounding site and to the surrounding site and to the surrounding within the site and to the area, to encourage people to area, to encourage people to area, to encourage people to surrounding area, to use sustainable forms of use sustainable forms of use sustainable forms of encourage people to use transport as an alternative to transport as an alternative to transport as an alternative to sustainable forms of transport the private car. the private car. the private car. as an alternative to the private car.

15. To involve There is a need to ensure that There is a need to ensure that There is a need to ensure that There is a need to ensure that people, through accessible public transport, accessible public transport, accessible public transport, accessible public transport, changes to lifestyle footpaths and cycleways are footpaths and cycleways are footpaths and cycleways are footpaths and cycleways are and at work, in provided as part of provided as part of provided as part of provided as part of preventing and development to encourage development to encourage development to encourage development to encourage minimising adverse people to use sustainable people to use sustainable forms people to use sustainable people to use sustainable local, regional and forms of transport as an of transport as an alternative to forms of transport as an forms of transport as an global alternative to the private car. the private car. Water alternative to the private car. alternative to the private car. environmental ¯ Water conservation measures, ¯ conservation measures, should ¯ Water conservation measures, ¯ Water conservation measures, impacts. should as rainwater / grey as rainwater / grey water should as rainwater / grey should as rainwater / grey water recycling schemes should recycling schemes should be water recycling schemes should water recycling schemes be provided as part of provided as part of be provided as part of should be provided as part of development. Accessible development. Accessible development. Accessible development. Accessible recycling and composting recycling and composting recycling and composting recycling and composting facilities should also be facilities should also be facilities should also be facilities should also be provided. provided. provided. provided. 16. To improve New development at this New development at this New development at this New development at this access to location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to education and education and training facilities education and training facilities education and training facilities education and training training for in Wigston. However, The in Oadby. Development will in Oadby. Development will facilities in Oadby. There is children, young nearest secondary school is need to ensure that the need to ensure that the one primary school located people, adult located approx 2.4km north capacity of existing schools is capacity of existing schools is within the locality of the learners, the west of the location. adequate to cope with an adequate to cope with an location. However, the unemployed, the Development will need to increased population. New increased population. New nearest secondary school is disabled and the ensure that the capacity of housing development may housing development may approx 1.6km south of the deprived. existing schools is adequate to require the provision of new require the provision of new location. Development will cope with an increased schools depending upon the schools depending upon the need to ensure that the population. New housing capacity of existing schools. capacity of existing schools. capacity of existing schools is development may require the County Infrastructure Plan County Infrastructure Plan adequate to cope with an provision of new schools identifies pressures upon identifies pressures upon increased population. New ¯ depending upon the capacity of ˆ schools in Oadby with approx ˆ schools in Oadby with approx ˆ housing development may existing schools. County 110 primary and 96 secondary 110 primary and 96 secondary require the provision of new Infrastructure Plan identifies places required suggesting places required suggesting schools depending upon the pressures upon schools in extensions to existing schools. extensions to existing schools. capacity of existing schools. Oadby with approx 110 primary It suggests less pressure in It suggests less pressure in County Infrastructure Plan and 96 secondary places Wigston and that schools are Wigston and that schools are identifies pressures upon required suggesting extensions better able to accommodate better able to accommodate schools in Oadby with approx to existing schools. It suggests additional growth additional growth 110 primary and 96 less pressure in Wigston and secondary places required that schools are better able to suggesting extensions to accommodate additional existing schools. It suggests growth less pressure in Wigston and that schools are better able to accommodate additional

growth 17. To develop a The Oadby and Wigston Retail The Oadby and Wigston Retail The Oadby and Wigston Retail The Oadby and Wigston Retail strong culture of Study indicated that Wigston Study indicated that Oadby Study indicated that Oadby Study indicated that Oadby enterprise and town centre is the largest in town centre is the second town centre is the second town centre is the second innovation whilst the Borough. The most recent largest of the Borough‘s largest of the Borough‘s largest of the Borough‘s providing access to survey of shop units in Wigston centres. The centre has a centres. The centre has a centres. The centre has a appropriate identifies a total of132 shop linear layout with the majority linear layout with the majority linear layout with the majority employment and service units. In total the of shops and services located of shops and services located of shops and services located opportunities for centre contains 28,767 sq m on Leicester Road and The on Leicester Road and The on Leicester Road and The the local gross (approximately 20,552 sq Parade. The most recent Parade. The most recent Parade. The most recent population. m net) of retail and service survey of shop units in Oadby survey of shop units in Oadby survey of shop units in Oadby floorspace. There is capacity identifies a total of 94 shop and identifies a total of 94 shop identifies a total of 94 shop for 11,768 sqm of additional service units. In total there is and service units. In total and service units. In total comparison floor space in 13,778 sq m gross there is 13,778 sq m gross there is 13,778 sq m gross Wigston town centre up until (approximately 10,223 sq m (approximately 10,223 sq m (approximately 10,223 sq m 2026. There is capacity for net) of retail and service net) of retail and service net) of retail and service 1,562 sqm of additional floorspace. There is capacity floorspace. There is capacity floorspace. There is capacity convenience floor space in for 4514 sqm of additional for 4514 sqm of additional for 4514 sqm of additional Wigston town centre up until comparison floor space in comparison floor space in comparison floor space in 2026. The Oadby and Wigston Oadby town centre up until Oadby town centre up until Oadby town centre up until Employment Land Study states 2026. There is capacity for 699 2026. There is capacity for 699 2026. There is capacity for ı that a substantial proportion of ¯ sqm of additional convenience ¯ sqm of additional convenience ¯ 699 sqm of additional employment land is severely floor space in Oadby town floor space in Oadby town convenience floor space in constrained and un- centre up until 2026 The centre up until 2026 The Oadby town centre up until developable. Hence realistically Oadby and Wigston Oadby and Wigston 2026 The Oadby and Wigston only 1.35 ha is truly available Employment Land Study states Employment Land Study states Employment Land Study for development. Employment that a substantial proportion of that a substantial proportion of states that a substantial areas are productive, although employment land is severely employment land is severely proportion of employment of average quality. Should land constrained and un- constrained and un- land is severely constrained south east of Wigston be developable. Hence realistically developable. Hence realistically and un-developable. Hence developed for mixed use only 1.35 ha is truly available only 1.35 ha is truly available realistically only 1.35 ha is schemes, including commercial for development. Should land for development. Should land truly available for / office / retail, this would south of Oadby be developed south east of Oadby be development. Should land contribute towards the for mixed use schemes, developed for mixed use north east of Oadby be provision of employment including commercial / office / schemes, including commercial developed for mixed use opportunities for local retail, this would contribute / office / retail, this would schemes, including communities. New towards the provision of contribute towards the commercial / office / retail, development at this location employment opportunities for provision of employment this would contribute towards would have access to local communities. opportunities for local the provision of employment employment in Oadby and communities. opportunities for local Wigston District and other communities. areas of Leicester. 18. To optimise This location would involve This location would involve This location would involve This location would involve the use of development of greenfield development of greenfield land, development of greenfield development of greenfield previously ˆ land, therefore development in ˆ therefore development in this ˆ land, therefore development in ˆ land, therefore development developed land, this area will not present area will not present this area will not present in this area will not present

buildings and opportunities for the re-use of opportunities for the re-use of opportunities for the re-use of opportunities for the re-use of existing previously developed land / previously developed land / previously developed land / previously developed land / infrastructure. buildings. buildings. buildings. buildings. 19. To promote The nature of the effect will be The nature of the effect will be The nature of the effect will be The nature of the effect will and ensure high dependant upon the type, scale dependant upon the type, scale dependant upon the type, scale be dependant upon the type, standards of and design of development. and design of development. and design of development. scale and design of sustainable design New buildings should seek to New buildings should seek to New buildings should seek to development. New buildings and construction ¯ achieve BREEAM/Code for ¯ achieve BREEAM/Code for ¯ achieve BREEAM/Code for ¯ should seek to achieve Sustainable Homes rating of Sustainable Homes rating of Sustainable Homes rating of BREEAM/Code for Sustainable Excellent / Level 3 (as Excellent / Level 3 (as Excellent / Level 3 (as Homes rating of Excellent / applicable). applicable). applicable). Level 3 (as applicable). 20. To minimise Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in Development may result in waste and to increased volumes of waste, increased volumes of waste, increased volumes of waste, increased volumes of waste, increase the re- both during construction and both during construction and both during construction and both during construction and use, recycling and operation. Opportunities for the operation. Opportunities for the operation. Opportunities for the operation. Opportunities for composting of re-use of construction waste re-use of construction waste re-use of construction waste the re-use of construction waste materials. should be sought wherever should be sought wherever should be sought wherever waste should be sought possible. Recycling facilities possible. Recycling facilities possible. Recycling facilities wherever possible. Recycling ¯ should be integrated into new ¯ should be integrated into new ¯ should be integrated into new ¯ facilities should be integrated development to encourage development to encourage development to encourage into new development to people to sort / recycle their people to sort / recycle their people to sort / recycle their encourage people to sort / waste. County Infrastructure waste. County Infrastructure waste. County Infrastructure recycle their waste. County Plan identified a need for Plan identified a need for Plan identified a need for Infrastructure Plan identified additional waste infrastructure. additional waste infrastructure additional waste infrastructure a need for additional waste infrastructure 21. To improve New development at this New development at this New development at this New development at this access to services location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to location would have access to for those without a services and facilities in services and facilities in Oadby. services and facilities in Oadby. services and facilities in car, disabled Wigston. However, there is a However, there is a need to However, there is a need to Oadby. However, there is a people, elderly need to ensure that accessible ensure that accessible public ensure that accessible public need to ensure that accessible people, ethnic public transport, footpaths and transport, footpaths and transport, footpaths and public transport, footpaths minorities and cycleways are provided to cycleways are provided to cycleways are provided to and cycleways are provided to deprived people by ensure good access for those ensure good access for those ensure good access for those ensure good access for those providing for without a car. There is the without a car. There is the without a car. There is the without a car. There is the everyday needs in opportunity for provision of opportunity for provision of opportunity for provision of opportunity for provision of each settlement ı new services and facilities as ¯ new services and facilities as ¯ new services and facilities as ¯ new services and facilities as part of the development, which part of the development, which part of the development, which part of the development, should be pursued. should be pursued. should be pursued. which should be pursued. This Development off the Welford Development off the A6 Development off the A6 location was not identified as Road corridor would have the corridor would have the corridor would have the having potential for growth in following benefits: Better following benefits; there is following benefits; there is the Assessment of Highways existing bus priority provision greater potential to introduce greater potential to introduce and Transportation which is a key element of being wider transport measures wider transport measures Implications. able to provide competitive which would benefit the PUA which would benefit the PUA advantage over the car; Direct and remove traffic from the and remove traffic from the access to University, Hospital, corridor, so providing capacity corridor, so providing capacity

major education facilities and to accommodate traffic to accommodate traffic employment opportunities; generated by new generated by new Direct links to the Borough‘s development; the localised development; the localised largest centre (Wigston) with highway impacts of highway impacts of an associated higher level of development of the scale development of the scale local facilities. The provision of required to meet Oadby and required to meet Oadby and local services can help reduce Wigston‘s RSS8 allocation are Wigston‘s RSS8 allocation are the need to travel and the likely to smaller in comparison likely to smaller in comparison urban fringe areas of the to development off the Welford to development off the Welford Welford Road corridor are Road corridor as the immediate Road corridor as the immediate within comfortable walking and highway network is less highway network is less cycling distance of Wigston constrained. However, the constrained. However, the Town centre. The Borough‘s corridor is significantly more corridor is significantly more only rail station is within constrained closer to the constrained closer to the relatively close proximity and centre, making provision of centre, making provision of readily accessible by cycle; physical capacity physical capacity Additional traffic generation on enhancements and bus priority enhancements and bus priority to the Welford Road corridor measures harder or without measures harder or without doesn‘t impact the existing acquisition of third party land; acquisition of third party land; significant air quality issues average journey speeds average journey speeds concentrated on the London predicted by the CLTM in 2016 predicted by the CLTM in 2016 Road / A6 corridor. However, and existing bus service levels and existing bus service levels some impact on the Welford are similar for the two are similar for the two Road AQMA area would be corridors, however, the effects corridors, however, the effects generated. This information is of additional traffic on the A6 of additional traffic on the A6 generated from the corridor are likely to result in corridor are likely to result in Assessment of Highways and greater adverse consequences greater adverse consequences Transportation Implications. as increased congestion as increased congestion impacts bus services which do impacts bus services which do not benefit from significant not benefit from significant priority provision and also priority provision and also impacts air quality in a impacts air quality in a currently declared AQMA. This currently declared AQMA. This information is generated from information is generated from the Assessment of Highways the Assessment of Highways and Transportation and Transportation Implications. Implications. 22. To encourage The nature of the effect will be The nature of the effect will be The nature of the effect will be The nature of the effect will and develop the dependant upon provision of dependant upon provision of dependant upon provision of be dependant upon provision use of public ¯ public transport, footpaths and ¯ public transport, footpaths and ¯ public transport, footpaths and ¯ of public transport, footpaths transport, cycling cycleways as part of cycleways as part of cycleways as part of and cycleways as part of and walking development. development. development. development.

Appendix 3

Local Development Framework Members Working Group

Thursday 2nd April 2009, 5.15pm – 6.30pm

The Committee Room, Council Offices, Wigston


1 Apologies

2 Minutes and Matters Arising

3 Core Strategy Progress

• Spatial Objectives

• Consultation Comments and Responses • Assessment of Broad Directions for Growth

• Transport Assessment • Affordable Housing Viability Assessment • HMA and Local Infrastructure Plan • Open Space Audit

• Structure of the Core Strategy Document

• Programme Officer

4 Local Development Scheme Update

5 Any Other Business

6 Date of Next Meeting

Summary of Main Reasons for selecting Location B – South East of Wigston as our Broad Direction of Growth

Wigston Town Centre • Supports our overall strategy and spatial objectives that Wigston is the Borough’s main town and a focus for regeneration • Wigston town centre has the greatest potential for additional growth • Wigston town centre masterplan will deliver this strategy (Note: the Oadby town centre masterplan will ensure continued regeneration of Oadby by developing a complementary role for the town)

Accessibility • Better existing bus priority along A5199 corridor compared to A6 corridor which is a key element of being able to provide competitive advantage over the car • Direct access to University, Hospital, major education facilities and employment opportunities • Direct links to the Borough’s largest centre (Wigston) with an associated higher level of local facilities • The urban fringe areas of the Welford Road corridor are within comfortable walking and cycling distance of Wigston Town centre • The Borough’s only rail station is within relatively close proximity and readily accessible by cycle • Additional traffic generation on to the Welford Road corridor doesn’t impact the existing significant air quality issues concentrated on the London Road/A6 corridor (however, some impact on the Welford Road AQMA area would be generated)

Educational Infrastructure • There is greater capacity in the existing schools and colleges in Wigston to accommodate growth • Closer to the improved facilities at South Leicestershire College in South Wigston that will be available from 2010 onwards

The Wider Context - Regional Plan and Pennbury • Adopted Regional Plan now requires a minimum of 40 dwellings per year on the edge of the Principal Urban Area in Harborough district. This could be as high as 174 dwellings per year depending of Harborough’s LDF Strategy. This could have a significant impact upon capacity of the Highway Network in Oadby • Pennbury would have a significant impact upon capacity of the Highway Network in Oadby • Given these wider issues in relation to the highway network in and around Oadby, when taking the Leicester Principal Urban Area as a whole (without taking into account administrative boundaries) development could be more appropriately accommodated adjacent to the PUA in Wigston without significantly adding to these highways issues.