Owner's Signature Required for Party by SCOTT BEARBY Owner/Manager Must Agree to Take News Staff Responsibility

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Owner's Signature Required for Party by SCOTT BEARBY Owner/Manager Must Agree to Take News Staff Responsibility ------------------------------ Dance studio - page 3 VOL XIX, NO. 33 tht· indqwndt·nt .,llllkllt nt·w,papn 'lT\ ing 1101n dame and 'aint mary·, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1984 Owner's signature required for party By SCOTT BEARBY owner/manager must agree to take News Staff responsibility. Residence halls seem to be taking a cautious attitude Planning for an off-campus event toward off-campus events. has become more complex of a as a "With all the inconsistencies result of a directive issued by the Of­ we're confused as to what's accep­ fice of Student Affairs. This directive table," said Alumni Hall president details a procedure in which Carl Whelahan. Alumni commis­ residence halls and social groups sioners are compensating by plan­ must obtain, in writing, an agree­ ning more in-hall events, as are most ment from the ownermanager of the other halls. establishment stating he will take re­ Although there have been some sponsibility for any mishap which off-campus activities, others have may take place on the premises. been cancelled. Lewis Hall can­ Under the agreement the celled a cruise, because there was owner/manager assumes responsi­ "not enough Interest," because alco­ bility for the supplying, providing, hol could not be t;erved to those un· distributing and selling of any alco­ der the legal drinking age, said Lewis hol present at the event; for provid­ President Debbie Doherty. ing bartenders at the event; and for Despite the new policy, hall com­ checking identification in order to missioners have not abandoned the monltor the consumption of alcohol idea of off-campus events. "The rules These fans walk by the Memorial Library's because of the weather and the direction of the in compliance with the Indiana Cri­ make It a bit more difficult, but we reflecting pool in the rain Saturday night after game. When the final gun went off the Irish were minal Law. The student organlzation still intend to have off-campus activi­ leaving tbe Notre Dame-Miamifootball game early down31-13. or residence hall is not to be respon­ ties, rules or no rules," said Fisher sible for the pre-sale oftickets which Hall Social Commissioner. Most hall are used for the purpose of buying commissioners still are looking off­ SMC foreign studies students must alcoholic beverages. campus for their formals. When questioned by the Hall Two locations of Notre Dame Presidents' Council two weeks ago, events expressed different views on combat shock upon return to U.S. Associate Vice President for the effect the policy will have on Residence Life Dr. John Goldrick them. Even before the policy was By JIM MONTGOMERY European gap. In Europe there is no Club. "A large group of people were Implied that the policy should not released Knollwood Country Club News Staff drinking age, a sharp contast with gathered who could share common interfere greatly with off-campus did not serve alcohol without Notre Dame and Saint Mary's where Interests and experiences," said events. He said he "couldn't see why proper identification; therefore, the Culture shock is a common expe­ parties with alcohol are not allowed Meyer, who described Oktoberfest they (owners) wouldn't agree (to new policy should pose "no prob­ rience for students returnlng from In dormitories. as "the epitome of a good time." taking responsibility)." lem," said Knollwood Food/ Bever­ Foreign Studies programs. "For me, that was the hardest ad­ Some disagree on this point, In­ age Manager Cindy Chapla. Re-adjusting to life on a relatively justment," said john Delaney, a These types of experiences are cluding Frank Laughlin, co-social On the other hand, Erskine confined campus, stricter academic member of the Ireland program. the best ways to adjust, according to commissioner of Holy Cross Hall. Country Club Manager jerry Shearer requirements and the difficulty of Despite the differences in those interviewed. According to According to Laughlin, it will be "a said the policy "would have an effect relating experiences to old friends academics and social life, most stu­ Meyer, the group Is "a marvelous lot tougher to hold off-campus on them," although he did not know are some of the problems a student dents adjust fairly quickly. Academi­ counseling service." events," because the to what extent. faces when returning from abroad. cally, students concentrate on their Generally, the students re-adjust goals. "They know that they have to after a short time, but their experi­ get back and focus on their majors," ences always stay with them. said to Dr. Peter Checca, counselor Charles Manatt visits South Bend For many students, the biggest for the Rome program. "No one has shock Is the Initial return to the come to me with a problem this United States. One's family provides year," he said. a partial cushion for this fi,rst shock. Support from other members of to give Mike Barnes endorsement "This first debriefing period with the the foreign studies group seems to family Is very Important," sald Mic­ be the most effective method for By MIRIAM HILL hel Marcy, director of the Angers, readjustment to campus life. "Being Staff Reporter France program. In that situation (a group of After generally adjusting to Amer­ Americans In another country), you Democratic National Chairman Ican culture, the student must read­ tend to forge pretty close Charles Manatt appeared at Demo­ just to life within the Notre friendships," said Delaney. cratic headquarters in South Bend Dame-Saint Mary's community in Generally, foreign studies groups Friday to endorse congressional particular. Students have to try to maintain their freindships after re­ candidate Mike Barnes. Barnes is get used to studying more since aca­ turnlng to the campus. Students can runnJngfor the House of Represen­ demic requirements are stricter In reminisce about their recent experi­ tatives in the third district. the United States. In France, there Is ence with others who have also "The candidacy of Mike Barnes just one final exam, instead of sys­ been overseas. is an important statement, because tematic testing throughout the se­ Those who have been abroad can he is a very well-qualified and ex­ mester. "This allowed the students be frustrated upon returning to perienced public servant, the type mort· time to travel," according to campus because of an inability to of young person who we like to see Marcy. communicate their experience. "I in service in Congress," Manatt Travel Is one of the most impor­ wanted to be sharing this with other said. tant aspects of foreign studies pro­ people, but they really didn't under­ Manatt criticized current repre­ grams, he added. stand," said Bridget Foley, a senior sentative John Hiler for refusing to The relative nearness of countries who spent a year in France. participate in the Midwest North­ in Europt· and an efficient transpor­ But even with the difficulty, it is east Caucus, a group in the House tation system afford students tre­ good for the returning students to of Representatives dedicated to mendous opportunities for travel. share experience with underclas­ promoting the economic develop­ "We got into the hahit of hopping on smen and encourage them to seek ment of the midwestern, middle Atlantic and northeastern states. APFlk Phoco a train every weekend for Paris or new experiences that the program Charles Manatt, Chairman of tbe Democratic National Commit­ In addition to endorsing Mike another t·ountry," commented Usa offers, said Marcy. He added, "It is tee, seen here at a 1982 press conference In Washington, D.C. visited Barnes, Manatt encouraged voters Meyer, a junior who studied in good for the juniors to talk about South Bend Friday to endorse Mike Barnes for congress. An~o~ers last year. "Within three or their experience." to watch the debates between Wal­ four hours you were totally im­ Several organized events have ter Mondale and Ronald Reagan. Mondalc six or seven points be­ vast command of the issues, of the mersed in another t·ulture. Now I'm been held to help any foreign stu­ By watching the debates, Manatt hind the president in states neces­ substance of this campaign, show thinking of how remote Notre dents who have difficulty re­ declared, "people will start think­ sary to win the electoral vote, his understanding of a plan both in Dame·Saint Mary's is." she said. adjusting to life on campus. In ing about issues of the economy, Manatt articulated his view that terms of assaulting the deficit, a.~ In addition to physical restraints, addition to meetings for each group jobs, deficits, and the presence of the debates could turn the tide of well as the whole wide range of returning students say that the social held by the individual programs and unfairness in the present adminis­ the campaign In favor of Mondale. educational issues, environmental armosphc:re hack on campus seems Career and Counseling, an Oktober­ tration." Manatt said that in the debate issues, social justice, and equal op­ t·spt•cially restrictive. The new alco­ fest was held this year for Foreign Citing recent polls which show Mondale "will have to show his portunlty for everyone." hol policy widens the South Bend- S'tudies students at Erskine Golf ----------------- The Observer Monday, October 8, 1984 - page 2 In Brief Cubs' bandwagon unloads Too many colleges are more interested in recruiting students than in counseling them properly, concluded the National College Counseling Project. Poor students are the most That gust of wind you felt last night was not some li~ely to receive bad advice, either from colleges themselves or in Dick Addis concoction. It used to be in the Chicago Cub their high schools.
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