Securing world food Securi ng world food through... 1 Diversitied faming is the way.., 1 Editoial... 2 Young Farmers Program ... through Techoom endswith progrem ... 3 biotechnology Orientation m BARb CRGM... 4 BAR suppotts two postdoc... 5 La Tinidad veggie trading post... 5 DA, indigenMs people team up... 6 Banana wine, anyone?.,. 7 AVRDC visits promising vegetabte... I Lessons frcm Thailand agriculture... 10 Mindanao partners get witers'training ... '12

Biotechnology for Food Security and Alleviation: Opportunities and Challenges', on 7-9 November 2005 in Bangkok, Thailand. Among the main objectives of this meeting was to review and share country experiences regarding biotechnology's contribution to the economy, environment, and society. A critical component of the dialogue was the identification of gaps and needs in the policy and regulatory issues facing food security, sustainabilify, and bio- (L-R) ISAAA Director Randy Hautea, IRN Director-General Robert zeigte4 DA secretary safety. Domingo Panganiban, ICMSAT Director-General william Dar and BAR oIC Assistant In the dialogue, biotech is seen as a Director Teodoro Solsoloy. powerful tool for improving overall productivity, nutritional status, and reducing input costs for the resource poor farmers iotechnology or perspective, Agriculture Secretary Domingo especially with the rapid increase in biotech has been a F. Panganiban and Dr. Teodoro S. Solsoloy, population in the developing countries. The long debated issue among BAR OIC assistant director, attended the dialogue intended to make resolutions on the consumers all over the world. In the seminar on "High-level Policy Dialogue on see , biotech was earlier frowned 9 upon by some sectors of society since it is popularly equated to transgenic crops or what is widely known as genetically Diversified farming, the way to go-Eleazar modified organisms or GMO, believed to his is the essence ofBureau of Development Project" in promoting rural be harmful to humans. However, due to Agricultural Research (BAR) growth in the country. He mentioned the the economic improvement and benefits it Director Nicomedes P. Eleazar's timeliness and appropriateness of the brings to agriculture and the environment, speech during the "Competitive project considering the declining biotech products such as genetically Research Grants Manual Orientation" competitiveness of Philippine agriculture. modified (GM) crops start to gain held in City,9 December 2005. This project, according to him, does acceptance and recognition in the not In his message to the RIARC and only international trade. strengthen rural progress and RFRDC managers from Luzon empower our marginalized farmers, but it (Regions l, 2, 3, 4A, 4P, 5, High-level policy dialogue on and CAR) also encourages more investments biotechnology who attended the orientation, he particularly by the private sector. To attest to the benefits of stressed the importance of the He added that biological biotech to Philippine agriculture and gain "Diversified Farm Income and Market see 2 new knowledge from the intemational NOTES I I

A s tlrc year conrcs to att end, we A often reflect on what transpired I t during the previous months and Crossing the perltaps mull over the challenges tlmt lie alteadfor 2006. For us at BAR, we have technologicul divide seen a number of changes during the past ))ear We started the year with a by Alvin Bernardo V. Divinagracia new man at the lrclm of the agriculture andfisheries R&D management, an old guard of the Bureau as he has been with us for such a time. We have witnessed changes in the way we operate as a world so much. We live in a reality that and products for the sustainable use of consequence of a change in only a century ago was a dream and we our resource base. Yet, only afew ofthe organizational focus and resource owe this modernity through the world's farmers andfisherfolk are availabiliry. We entered into a new application of science in our lives. benefiting from this technology. a re na of t e c hnolo gy c omme rcialization In the present cofiert, farmers To get a glimpse on how to to improve the utilization of the fruits of andfisherfulk who learn these cross this technological divide, we are our i,tvestments in R&D. technologies faster will prospex featuring our DA Secretary and BAR Despite aII our efforts, one Through the years, this technological Assistant Director as they joined other thing rentains, which leaves us a bleary divide still remains, a reality in the fficials from Asian countries in a feeling of hangover after a whirlwihd country. : dialogtte to explore options in a^ddressing night of booze-we seem unable to So, where does the problem this issue. bridge the technological divide. This is lie? A classic example is biotechnology. As we reflect on the events of evident in the inability of otlr farmers For,so many years, i&has gained leaps 2005 and the ubiquitous technological andfisherfulkto readily access and and bounds in producing an array of divide, we are tempted to ask, what have I benefit from modern technologies profitable and safe agricultural done to help? I donT want to enter 2006 coming from our R&D system. products. The science behind it has and still face this same challenge. Tlte scientific revolution that reach perfection to the point that it Wshing you all the best of the started in the l6'h century changed the provided us with new tools, methods, coming year!!! 1

Diver sified...from psge I diversity in farming system is an important improves soil quality, reduces risk, and Eleazar hoped that through the diversified goal of our farmers as inputs become more in some instances, increases yields. farming project that BAR is supporting, the expensive and less available. Crop rotation Diversity in cropping is particularly Bureau is able to provide a good alternative or diversification plays a vital role in important from the pest control to the farmers in generating employment improving farm variety and minimizes the standpoint. Short rotation of crops with and in increasing their income. He added occurrence ofpests and diseases. It also a uniform genetic base is particularly that, R&D strategies should be premised on vulnerable to pest meeting the objectives of sustained pressures. employment and income generation for the | .. I jJil,[hsfi*"l Although small producers and transforming them into ignRn'*-i^ro-t p,6 Road i l- - -- I tttll [Ut(z ortiman. ouezon cip 1104 I beneficial, Eleazar a modern-technology and science-based .\, il 1 mentioned that crop entrelireneur. ;Editoriat direction: Alvin V. Divinagracia diversification is still BAR is conducting this orientation i ;Managing editor/Layout arlist: Rita T. dela Cruz i considered by farmers as activity on a zonal approach to brief RDE Staff writers: Maria Lizbeth Severa J. Barofia, Rita T. dela Cruz, jand Miko Jazmine J. Mojica a nonstandard. And implementing agencies about the '.Contributing writers; Marlowe U. Aquino, Ph.D, Carmela B. Brion, since most of them still Competitive Research Grant Manual E. Katrina lAngela Obnial, and H. Borromeo practice (CRGM) which will be the official guide 'iPrint manager: Ricardo G. Bernardo monocropping, of ;Circulation: Julia A. Lapitan and Victoria G. Ramos they have yet to develop BAR in reviewing, approving, and t.Editorial consultanf: Virginia A. Duldulao, Ph.D new management skills monitoring projects to be funded. :Adviser: Dir. Nicomedes P Eleazar, CESO lV to sustain diversity in The CRGM is one of the iFor subscription and questions, contact the: ;Applied Communication Section farming. Moreover, the significant outputs of the "Diversified Farm '3lF RDMIC Bldg., Visayas Ave.,cor. Eltiptical, Rd. Diliman, Q.C. 928- market for rotational Income and Market Development Project". i8505 local 2043 ior e-mail at [email protected] crops is perceived to be This manual guides R&D implementers in :.Note: Afticles contained in lhis publication may be used or repinted with identifuing areas or fields that can still be ';pemission frcm the editor. uncertain and risky. ln conclusion, improved. (Rita T. dela Cruz) 2 glRf-r,,,,ni.r. lYbunU armers rogram TechCom ends with program review and complements the NTGP planning

he National Technology Commercialization Program (NTCP) was launched on April fools day. The Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) organized a consultation-meeting of bright minds in the fields of social sciences, crops, livestock, fi sheries, and management to brainstorm a national technology commercialization program of the Department of Agriculture (DA). After eight months of conceptualization, preparation, consultations, meetings, and briefings regarding the program a Field visit to the Tamarind Scion Grove of the Agricultural Cotlege, the source of document was devrloped and quality tamarind planting material for the technology commercialization project in Region operational guidelines were j. In the photo are (L-R): Dr. Leopoldo Reyes, Dr Marlowe Aquino, Ms.Virginia Agcopra, established. and Dr Rudy Cosio. Within the eight-month period implementation, three technology fora were conducted he Bureau of Agricultural agribusiness and entrepreneurial skills of and participated in by members of Research (BAR) received young (ages ranging from 18-39) the DA National Research and shong support from the Office agricultural enthusiasts. Furthermore, the Development System in Agriculture of Senator Ramon Magsaysay, Jr. YFP will select agri-based project and Fisheries (NaRDSAF) through its Young Farmers Program proposals for funding from this group to including private companies, (YFP) in the implementation of the encourage them to bccome farmer farmer/fisherfolk groups and National Technology entrepreneurs. The financial support can organizations; two technology fairs Commercialization Program (NTCP). be from Php 50,000 to Php 300,000. and exhibitions for the regional Immediately after Senator Magsaysay's Initially, the YFP is coordinated padners and commitment and allocation of funds for by the Pampanga Agricultural College staffbureaus and attached the NTCP during the National Research (PAC) to jump start the sweet tamarind agencies of DA; evaluated Symposium in October 2005, the YFP commercialization, a project funded by l4 submitted project proposals; was tasked to complement the activities BAR. With the additional support to YFP, evaluated eight proposed projects of the NTCP. there is complementation, strong for funding; and conducted several By turning agriculture and partnership, and teamwork with young regional field visitations . In the fi sheries graduates into entrepreneurs farmer entrepreneurs as key players and process, BAR ananged and forged and viable partners in modernization, stakeholders. A program briefing at PAC agreements with intemational and the YFP is an answer to the decreasing was conducted by Mr. Larry Villanueva local organizations including the number of engaged in and Ms. Virgie Agcopra of the Office of Asian Vegetable Research and agriculture and fishery. The YFP Senator Ramon Magsaysay, Jr. Development Center (AVRDC) - encourages young agriculture and In 2006, the program will be a The World Vegetable Center for fishery graduates of state universities continuing activity of BAR and the Office vegeiable crop testing, evaluation and colleges (SUCs) to go into of Senator Ramon Magsaysay, Jr. It will and commercialization, the agribusiness. They should be nurtured target the young farmers of Cordillera, lntemational Crops Research to become entrepreneurs and strong particularly in Benguet, for the technology Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics partners in nation building. The commercialization of vegetable, root (ICRISAT) for sweet sorghum and program also provides an avenue for crops, and ornamental crops. (Marlowe U. see 12 the enhancement and development of Aquino, Ph.D.) see P hilippines... page 4 ! \r',..*.. l'l\1 i | ___,* :i j

I provides a brief overview of the Bureau of Orientation on BAR's CRGM Agricultural Research; section two describes the national RDE agenda and program for agriculture and fisheries while concludes in Baguio City section three discusses the RDE Grant System Implementing Guidelines. The last section includes the format and guidelines for project proposal preparation, *l e*:l**'S &t1{:Jttrj{{r *iii ril s application and approval process, and {s,it*.$,93396 *U{ *$ii* $t** rx**it$t monitoring and evaluation of on-going R&D projects. Conducting this series of orientation is a team headed by Dr. Carmencita V. Kagaoan, head of BAR's Programs Development Division (PDD). Her team is composed of stafffrom BAR and DA. Those from BAR include: Salvacion M. Ritual (PDD), Amadeo C. Macabeo (RCD), Dr. Andrea B. Agillon (RCD), Connie R. Fernando (PDD), Brenda Y. Bautista (PDD), Almira G. Magcawas (PDD), andAndressa D. Participants and CRGM team from BAR headed by Dr Carmencita V. Kagaoan (fifth-from Gutierrez (RCD) and those from DA are right, front row), head of the Programs Development Division, pose for a group photo Isidro Reyes and Adamar Astrada. Aside session after the workshop. from the contents of the manual, background of the DFIMD project was also presented during the orientation. t'f,-l he Bureau of Agriculrural managers from Regions 6, 7 and , , 8. The team plans to conduct Research (BAR) concluded the The CRGM contains the ' I another series of orientation on CRGM to fourth and last ofits series of implementing guidelines of the I State Colleges and Universities (SCUs) . orientation-workshops on the Competitive Farm Income and Market "Diversified next year. (Almira G. Magcawas) Research Grant Manual (CRGM) on 9 Development Project (DFIMDP)". This

. December 2005, El Cielito Inn, Baguio project aims to stimulate rural growth and City. The orientation workshop was for incomes of farmers by enhancing the r the Regional Integrated Agricultural competitiveness of Philippine agriculture La Trinidud...from psge I , Research Center (RIARC) and Regional and fisheries and through market-oriented , Fisheries Research and Development private sector-led investments. The post, results ofpesticide tests are not iCentei (RFRDC) managers of Luzon CRGM intends to strengthen the system released quickly due to lack of .(Regions 1,2,3,4a,4b, 5 and CAR). Also of coordination and monitoring and equipment for monitoring. : attending the activity were R&D staff of evaluation ofresearch projects in Horvever, explained BPI the Bureau of Postharvest Research and agriculture and fisheries. It provides the agriculture stafl, Ms. Divina Jose, "once Extension (BPRE). BAR Director guidelines, rules and procedures to access, BPI has identihed the farmers who are rNicomedes P. Eleazar, joined the team and use and implement the R&D projects. It selling vegetables with high amount of :delivered an inspirational message during also complements and enhances the pesticide, we usually call their attention ithe orientation. processes, procedures and operational and penalize them." She added that i Prior to this, BAR has already systems in bgenda setting, proposal farmers are slowly grasping the concept , tconducted the first three CRGM preparation and submission, evaluation, of integrated pest management (IPM). orientations. The first was attended by review, and monitoring of projects under The La Trinidad trading post iresearch chiefs from DA bureaus and the National R&D System for Agriculture was established in July 1984 as a iattached agencies and held during the and Fisheries (NaRDSAF) and in collaborative prclject between the ;National Research Symposium in Quezon accordance with the unified R&D Philippines and the United States of :City and the second, held in Davao City in implementation specified in the America. Three-fourths of the funding ;October 2005 was participated in by Agriculture and Fisheries Modemization came from the United States Aid for :RIARC and RFRDC managers from Act (AFMA). Intemational Development (USAID) and iRegions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, andARMM as The CRGM is a facilitating tool the rest came from the Philippine lrvell as representatives from BPI. The and a guide for project proponents as well govemment through the local third was held in Bohol in November and as evaluators of R&D projects. It consists government ofBenguet. (Angela E. iwas attended by RIARC and RFRDC ofthree sections. The first section Obnial)

4 gaR(-tr.onr.r. BAR supports two postdoc researches

B latocystis isolates from against golden kuholkill several species human and animal hosts". of fish and other organisms. Hence, the According to him, the study will seek a more effective information generated by molluscicide from Beauveria bassiana, this study will clarify the an entomopathogenic fungus used genetic diversity, presently as biocontrol agent against speciation, and host insects. specificity, if any, among Both scientists started the Blastocysrrs in the conducting their respective studies in Philippines. B lastocystis November at the UP-NSRI in IJP is a waterborne protozoan Diliman. They are expected to complete parasite of medical and their studies on or before November veterinary importance next year. The UP-NSRI serves as the which is not yet fully national center ofexcellence for the Dr. IVindell L. Rivera and Dr. Florecita S. De Guzman of UP- explored in the country. advancement, dissemination, NSPJ conduct experiments onfarm pests and parasites. and Moreover, there are no application of knowledge in Biology, reports conceming the Chemistry Environmental Sciences, he Bureau of Agncultural phylogenetic analysis of isolates in the Mathematics, and Meteorology/ Research (BAR) in Philippines. The sequence analysis will Oceanography. cooperation with the University help in understanding the transmission, BAR has been granting of the Philippines-Natural Sciences pathogenicity, and biological information fellowships to UP-NSRI for the past Research Institute (UP-NSRI) in about the organism. few years. Interested parties who want Diliman, recently awarded On the other hand, Dr. De to avail of BAR scholarship grants may the Senior Scientisr Fellowship Grant to Guzman, a professor of Chemistry also at contact Dr. Carmencita V. Kagaoan, two scientists, namely, Windell L. UP Diliman, conducts a study on Program Development Division (PDD) Rivera, Ph.D. and Florecita S. de "Molluscicidal Metabolites from head, Bureau of Agricultural Research, Guzman, Ph.D. Beauveria bassiana ". Dr. De Guzman Elliptical Rd., cor. Visayas Ave., Dr. Rivera, assistant professor states thatthe golden kuhol or golden Diliman, Quezon City, Tel. No. 928- of Microbiology at U? Diliman, apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, is a 8505. You may also access this website, conducts a study on, "Molecular and major pest of rice. The molluscicides . (Miko phylogenetic analysis of Philippine available in the market that are effective Jazmine J. Mojica) La Trinidad veggie trading post revisited

he establishment of the La mainly coming from stall rental and the idea ofputting up stalls to sell their Trinidad vegetable trading post in maintenance fee collection. produce at the post. Local o{Iicials the early '80s made the vegetable Before the peak of its popularity, needed to invite farmers and traders to industry in Benguet a very lucrative the trading post supplied nearby towns in sell their goods to encourage a free zone business and a dream come true for the Benguet and Divisoria in only. market. Eventually, it acquired collective local government of La Trinidad that From this barangay, vegetable vendors buy groups offarmers and traders, even direct supervises the vegetable venture. their stocks for the wet market. "The goal buyers, to support this type of market Farmers and traders traverse is to increase the market share of vegetables arrangement. Benguet roads to sell and buy produce coming from Benguet," explained Mr. Farmers were not organized at from the vegetable trading post, making Dominador S. Dungla, market inspector in the time when vegetables from Benguet Benguet vegetables more popular. The charge of the trading post. Time came when were slowly making way to the national produce does not only supply the northem even buyers from high-end supermarkets in market. Before the establishment of the part of the Philippines and the National NCR go directly to the trading post to buy post, farmers sell their vegetables to Capital Region (NCR) but reach as far as their supply of vegetables. traders at low prices since they did not Mindanao. Because of the influx of However, the vegetable trading have any access to the existing market trading in the province, it contributed post has not always been this way. At the price outside their areas. They market PSM annually to the municipal revenue, start, farmers and traders did not welcome see ln Trinidad, 8

aanC,n*u:.r,5 f. t. ,\ l'L l{ Fl

In Trini"dad...from page s DA, indigenous people their vegetables at roadsides to whoever buys them. Vegetable trimmings were strewn anywhere, team up for agribusiness beside and along the roads where tourists passed by. At the time, the

!;i;rq,iq: i#. x.$g+.iB*ir4!1a?iarv.1l local govemment saw these as problems that needed to be addressed. The trading post was also seen as a revenue making activity for La Trinidad. Local officials felt that Baguio City market could not accommodate the vegetables from all over Benguet. They decided that to save the vegetable industry in the province, farmers needed to be organized and work together to market their vegetables and demand a

l;,,..'. fairer price. "The peak of the vegetable W industry here in Benguet came after the July 1990 earthquake which devastated certain parts ofLuzon, even Baguio City," explained Mr. Dungla. Even after the earthquake, (third Panel of discussants ittclude RTD Carlos Mendoza from left), SMIARC Manager Alfredo farmers and traders from all over the Cayabyab (standing), BAR's Research Coordination Head Rolando Labios (secondfrom right), and country still bought vegetables datus dffirent tribes of Bagobo in Marahan, Marilog. from phoro by Ana Ruth Mercado directly from the trading post. The demand for vegetables went up, increasing farmers' produce and ow much can you earn from 300 IPs surrounding the research station. expanding their planting areas. Even farming a 467-hectare hilly Five datus from the tribe: Datus rice farmers in Benguet shifted to land? Lario, Dalisay, Ansudo, Monico, and vegetable growing, "We target at least P50. 000 - Masabanlay, spearheaded the program And the rest, they say, is P100, 000 per month," quips Mr. Noel launching together with SMIARC Manager history. Estellera, project leader of the newly Alfredo Cayabyab, BAR's Research To date, the Farmers established Departmbnt of Agriculture Coordination Head - Mr. Rolando Labios, the Federation of Benguet, an (DA) Research Satellite Station located at provincial agriculturist and several staff from organization of fanners and local the base of Mt Apo, Marilog District, the regional research station and BAR. officials in Benguet, tries to answer Davao City. In his welcome remarks, Mr. Labios issues that plague the vegetable industry in the province. The issue on The station will serve not only informed the audience that the station will importation of vegetables from China be for research, development, and become a venue to disseminate modem and and other countries which continue to extension but for agribusiness as well. manageable technologies that are appropriate "invade" NCR markets is one of the The vast hills of Marilog will have a to the region, with bio-organic fertilizer and most recent problems the Federation stock farm ofhorses, cows, sheeps, and composting as examples. tries to settle. At the same time, there goats. There will be areas planted to Mr. Labios emphasized that the are traders who take advantage of vegetables, objectives ofthe project will not be realized fruits, coffee, and vegetable farmers not selling their without the help the IPs. He further watermelon. Some plants of dragon fruits of produce at the trading post. already exist in the station. All the stressed that the tribe's indigenous "One of the more serious harvests will be sold at the bangkerohan, knowledge on farming shall be studied and problems that should be addressed is Davao's trading post and central market. will be treated with utmost respect. Some of the pesticide monitoring system of The station's target is to eam at least P50, the tribe's farming practices and rituals such Benguet vegetables," stressed Mr. 000/month from hilly land farming. as scattering sand to the area to drive away Dungla. Although the Bureau of Plant Several DA researchers and bad spirits, slaughtering chicken before Industry (BPI) - Baguio City field workers will be working with the planting, and gathering together to pray and conducts monthly monitoring of Matigsalog tribe, one of the indigenous ask for Almighty's guidance are tolerated. pesticide application in the trading people (IP) in the area. There are at least (Carmela B. Brion) see La 4

$aan@uor Banana wine, anyone? by KATRINA H. BORROMEO

Communication Assoc iatc International Network for the Improvemcnt of Banana and Plantain Asia Pacific Regional Officc [email protected]

"The illegality of 'gongo' study was conducted, banana chips surfaced production needs to be revised. The as the most marketable product. This livelihood of many small-scale rural product is processed in small scale by rural farmers depends on this wine," Mgenzi households and sold in the local market. Byabachewezi, one of the participants in "For the chips to penetrate into the export the workshop and technology fair market, aside from packaging, the addressed this concern during his nutritional quality must be improved, presentation of the status of banana especially if you want to export it to processing business and its support European countries where there are rigid environment in Tanzania. nuhitional requirements," advised Max Case studies, initiated by the Reynes, a food technologist of the Centre Intemational Network for the Improvement de coop6ration Internationale en Recherche of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP), with Agronomique pour le D6veloppement funding from the Common Fund for (CIRAD), France. Commodities and Rockefeller Foundation, According to Reynes, most were conducted in nine countries - Malawi, banana chips have oil content higher than Tanzania, Cameroon, Nigeria. Nicaragua, 0.5%. This can be decreased by choosing h anana wine is one of the latest Costa Rica, Philippines, Malaysia and India the right cooking material, limiting frying fi( pto..tted products of banana - with each country presenting the time and selecting appropriate varieties, -U to enter the market. Like any strengths and challenges ofthe different taking into account the asparagin content. new product, finding a niche market fypes ofbusinesses that process bananas In the Philippines, the Department for banana wine is a challenge-but and ofthe service providers that support ofTrade and Industry extends assistance to not in Malawi, where the large the processing businesses. small and medium enterprises of banana Catholic community has proven to be a India exhibited the rvidest range chips, not only by regulating the quality and very lucrative market. of products out of banana-banana paper, nutritional aspect, but also by promoting "After we processed the banana clothes, slippers, bags, baby food, puree, packaging technologies. The same is true in wine, we were thinking who would juice, wine, chips, banana halva, bajji, other countries. buy it, and then we observed that the figs-name it, and the product However, for products other than wine is used during Catholic mass, and development unit of the National Research chips, there is no defined marketing system so we thought, why not sell it to the Centre for Banana has tried producing it. and hence, product wastage is common. church people?" Victor Mshani, a "I was very impressed Handicrafts, for instance, are only banana researcher in Malawi shared with the innovative products from India", attractive to some tourists, but not among during the First Global Banana Uses commented one observer at the First the local people. A support service is thus Enterprise Workshop and Technology Banana Techno-fair held at the Cavite State needed for these businesses to flourish. Fair held recently in the Philippines. University in the Philippines. Brazil also Francois Mazaud of FAO Malawi is not alone, nor is it brought a lot of interesting products, presented another problem. He said that in unique. Elsewhere in Africa and in including pasta made from banana flour." most research institutions, for instance some parts of Asia and Latin America, The techno-fair showcased the unique Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 30% of the harvested banana fruits are products ofeach country and promoted only a very low percentage of the staffis squeezed to produce juice that can be information exchange among the countries. working on postharvest technologies, and taken fresh or fermented with sorghum therefore there is less assistance extended to flour to make banana beer and wine. In What happens next? processors. Tanzania, banana beer can be further Given the wide range of products Developing relevant, easily distilled into a liquor called 'gongo'. that could be produced out ofbananas, the understood and readily available 'Gongo'has a high demand, questions: "which products are marketable, information was seen as the key to solving unfortunately though, the governrnent who will produce these and for whom?" this problem. Infomration should be declared it illegal as it is perceived to quickly came to mind. published in a guide and in a website, and contain poisonous ingredients. In most countries where the case see next page...

BARC!&!&I 7 j grouped according to raw materials, AVRDC visits promising : type ofprocessing technology, new , product development, and support , services available. vegetable trial sites

, Other problems series of site visitations was i et the end of the In Cagayan de Oro, the third conducted from 12 18 I workshop, one question remains. - stop for the mission, the group visited the December 2005 with theAsian ; What will be the contribution of the trial site at the DA-Regional Field Unit Vegetable Research Development Center ; processing businesses to rural X- Northern Mindanao Integrated (AVRDC) ; development? - The World Vegetable Center Agriculture Research Center (AVRDC) i In India, a single small mission, led by Dr. George Kuo, (NOMIARC), in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. AVRDC plant physiologist , business is providing employment to and director for NOMIARC OIC Manager Constancio at least 3-4 persons in a village, with Intemational Cooperation, and DA-BAR Maghanoy was also one of the i each village having at least one National Technology Commercialization participants in the AVRDC training. The (NTCP) ibusiness unit. With more than 8000 Program Coordinator for Crops, seeds ofthe different vegetable crops i business units in over two states, Ms. Digla Sandoval. The four on-site were sown in "lukong" using banana testing of promising ', i banana chips business is the largest vegetable seedlings are leaves as individual cell/plug for each , employment provider in the being conducted at the Department of transplant. This practice is an innovation , processing business. Chips business Agriculture (DA) centers in Tiaong, in this site. : is also a source of income for Quezon; Los Baflos, Laguna; Cagayan de The last stop is Baguio City, i several other business Oro City; and Baguio City. where the mission visited DA-Cordillera j establishments like department The AVRDC mission was an Integrated Agricultural Research Center j stores, petty shops, sweet shops and offshoot of the two-weekAVRDC training (DA-CIARC), in Sto. Tomas, Baguio i bakeries. in Taiwan last September, where the City. The group was briefed by Dr. i Once a worker gets a few Philippine participants were expected to Magdalena Wanawan, DA-CIARC i years ofexperience, usually he starts conduct field trial of promising vegetable manager, on the different R&D programs i his own business and spreads out. varieties on tomato, eggplant, lettuce and and projects implemented by the center. pepper. "This is where the concept hot and sweet The group also visited the on- of business development comes in. The mission's first stop was at site trial done by Dr. Divina Jose, Bureau For a business to succeed, no matter Quezon Agricultural Experiment Station of Plant Industry (BPI)-Baguio National (QAES), how small it is, there has to be a in Tiaong, Quezon. This is a Crop Research and Development Center business plan," Martha Istambuli, a station of the Department ofAgriculture (BNCRDC) technical staffwho also business development specialist Regional Field Unit IVa (DA-RFU IVa) attended the AVRDC training. Dr. Jesus from Nigeria commented. Southem Tagalog Integrated Agriculfural Aspuria, BPI-BNCRDC head, explained A perishable highly fruit Research Center (STIARC). The group met that the station focuses on semi- like banana could be converted into with DA- Region IVA STIARC Head, Ms. temperate vegetables and fruits. shelf stable products and Digna Narvacan; QAES Research Outreach The four sites reported almost convenience foods such as chips and (ROS) Station Head, Dr. Concepcion Amat; 100% germination of the seeds except for wine through research and and QAES staff "The QAES site is the one line of tomato and sweet pepper development. With changing habits only one that conducted on-farm research which usually reached about 25-30%o and new trade regimen, market (among the four trial sites)," explained germination rate. All four sites also reach could be wide and open. By QAES senior technical staffDr. Estela reported healthy crops the promising increasing the processing of banana, of Tafro, who managed the site. vegetables. not only the postharvest losses can The group also visited DA-Bureau be reduced, but more so, revenue The AVRDC officials lauded of Plant Industry Baflos National and employment can be generated, @PI)-Los the successful trials conducted by the Crops Research and Development Center paving way to rural development. Philippine participants. The group also (NCRDC). One of BPI-LB staff, Ms. expressed its gratitude to DA-BAR as Eugenia M. Buctuanon, was one of the host in their Philippine visit. According The mission of thc INIBAP is to Philippine participants in the two-week to Dr. Kuo, "AVRDC aims to promote sustainably increase thc productivity of AVRDC training. BPI-Los Baflos vegetable growing in Asia that is why it banana and plantain grown on specializes on different varieties ofhigh establishes partnerships in vegetable smallholdings for domcstic consumption value crops, specifically lowland vegetables growing within the Asian region. (Angela and for local and cxport markets. INIBAP as explained by its station head, Mr. Dennis is a network of the Intemational Plant E. Obnial) Genctic Resourccs Institute (IPGRI), a Eusebio. Future Harvest centre.

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Securing...from page I

glaring technological divide that prevents commercialization of access of marginal farmers to modern relevant technologies such as biotech such as regulatory procedures, the Bt corn, rice enriched intellectual properry rights (IpR), with VtaminsA, E, iron, efficient marketing systems, and plant and zinc, delayed ripening of breeding capacity. mango, coconut with high The participants in the dialogue lauric acid, disease resistant included agriculture ministers/policy rice, and GM cotton, abaca, makers, research managers, members of banana, and sweet potatoes. international organizations, private sector He said that, "biotech is a and non-government organization (NGO) better option for agricultural representatives, and farmers from the development...and food Asia-Pacific region. The event was security and poverty divided into six sessions wherein the alleviation for a better following subject matters were quality of life". discussed: l) Status of agricultural The report -l&s# biotechnology; 2) Issues on biosafety, presented the current f bioethics, IPR, and regulatory measures; scenario of Bt corn 3) Ministerial round table on national commercialization in the developments; 4) Biotechnology for Philippines and the country's international public goods; 5) Globali experiences over the past regional partnership initiatives; and 6) few years regarding its Dr Teodoro Solsoloy presents a paper during the "High- Brainstorming on future strategies. implementation. It level Policy Dialogue in Bangkok, Thailand. particularly tackled the DA s Biotech: working its way in Philippine approval of the importation food security, poverfy alleviation, and agriculture and cultivation of Bt corn MON 810 in environmental stability; adoption of an In the report on the global 2002 and Bt corn impact studies on the integrated approach that covers not only status of GM crops made by the Food economy and society. Further, it research activities but also postharvest and Agriculture Organization (FAO) discussed the greenhouse cxperiments, and marketing development efforts or regional office for Asia and the Pacific field trials, and cultivation of Bt corn in policy framework that promotes impact; based in Bangkok, Thailand, the the farmers' fields, increase in Bt com and the development of a coordinating Philippines is recognized as production among the and the farmers' awareness of mechanism that facilitates dialogue 14 "mega biotech countries" which the technology. among stakeholders and donors for the produces at least 50,000 hectares ofGM development of the program. crops. The Philippines ranks l4th with International efforts to intensifu biotech APAARI was identified to take our 0.1 M ha corn production, in ofBt agriculture the lead in fostering partnerships in the China 5'h with its 3.7 ha .Bt The M of cotton high-level policy dialogue use ofbiotechnologies to find solutions and India 7'h with its 0.5 M ha of Bt was organized by. three intemational to the triple scourge ofpoverty, food cotton. organizations of which the Philippines is insecurity, and the degradation ofour During a the dialogue, Secretary member, namely, Food and Agriculture natural resource base. Panganiban presented a report on the Organization (FAO), Asia-Pacifi c It was also during this activity status of biotech in Philippine Association of Agricultural Research that the publication, "Commercial ization agriculture. Institutions (APAARI), and the Global of Bt corn in the Philippines: A status He reported Forum (GFAR). on the Department on Agricultural Research report," was launched through the Asia- of Agriculture's (DA) Biotech Program, The FAO recognizes that Pacific Consortium on Agricultural which provides "enhanced policy biotech could significantly contribute to Biotechnology (APCoAB). This environment for biotech applications in agricultural production but since it is a consortium is based in New Delhi, India. agriculture through an integrated big investment, it requires demand-driven Established in 2003, it "hamesses the approach on policy research and technologies and efficient priority setting benefits of agricultural biotechnology for advocacy, biotech research, institutional that should involve all stakeholders and human and animal welfare through the capacity enhancement, and public should consider national development application of latest scientifi c awareness". policies and market opportunities. technologies while safeguarding the Moreover, he identified the On the other hand, GFAR environment for the advancement of country's policies and regulations on pushes for the implementation of a global society in the Asia-Pacific region". (Miko biosafety as well as the development and partnership program (GPP) focused on Jazmine J. Moiica)

amCu**u9 l--Fl.\Fi;t,LFl rnq.__^-.1-.-._.. agriculture: A study visit 'bt RITAT DELA.CRUZ

h' t Pttrticipants.fiom Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Philippines posefor their ofJicial photo during the seminar cum study visit on "Rural ^.lgribusiness Development and Management" held at AIT Extension, Thailand. Mr Joell H. Lales (thirdfrom right, back row), Mr Jude Ray P. Lttgtna (second from right, back row), and Ms. Rita T. dela Cru: (second./rom right, front rcw) are the representatives from the Philippine.s.

or a country like the poverly and to address the production P. Laguna, and Rita T. dela Cruz, who Philippines. rvords like bottlenecks in agriculture including its recently attended a seminar cum study visit "povertv" and "agriculrure" inherent rmlnerabilities. The basic in Thailand, specifically on "Rural have become indistinguishable strategy is to develop hectares ofland for Agribusiness Development and because of their inevitable agribusiness and at the same tinre Management" from 2l November to 2 connections. Poverly is essentially a improve the emplo.vment rate in the December 2005. Participants were exposed r'.rral phenomenon where agriculture countrl'side. This is Goal i of the to various types ofagribusiness that can be serves as the economic base. And Department of Agnculrure's (DA) twin developed in the countryside so they can because agriculture plays a major role goals for development. make a critical analysis of their country's in the generation of incomes and At the Bureau of Agriculrural own development and management. employment in the countryside, the Research's (BAR) end. agnbusiness is Through this exposure, the participants advancement ofthis sector is essential pan of eighr-point research and to any antipoverry program ofthe is gained.a wider perspective on how to (R&D) government. However, agricultural development strateg)' under Dir. initiate similar programs in their own production still has to make an irnpact Nicomedes P. Eleazar's administration. countries. Other representatives came from on rural poverfy and agriculrural BAR supports R&D projects that have Bangladesh and Malaysia. productiviry improvements have to be direct bearing on the developnrent of Thailand like the Philippines is an sufficient to reduce prices of food at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) agriculrural country and the growth of its all levels. and more importantly, on the income- economy is greatly attributed to the With these initiatives, the generating capabilities of resource-poor effective management of agriculrure which govemment is injecting the farmers and fisherfolk. their government has given high priority. "agribusiness approach" to fast track But unlike the Philippines, the Thai not only rural development but also Learning from the Thais economy is self-suffrcient. Although the boost the overall growth of the "The Filipinos have a lot to learn Philippines has a higher average rice yield Philippine economy. A holistic from the Thais," is the general reaction of than Thailand (3.2MT/tra vs. 2.4MT/ha), its approach is needed to reduce rural three BAR staff, Joell H. Lales, Jude Ray please see nex.t pay. i.-t-AT'i-rIt E:.

Lessons...from page t0

rice postharvest losses reach as high as marketable product from 34Vowhile Thailand's is around l5 %. each village and The high postharvest losses incuned by ultimately gain the country is due mainly to inadequate international recognition equipment, infrastructure, and poor through its quality and postharvest handling practices. unique local characteristics. The Strategic approaches in rural Philippine government agribusiness could well be inspired Through visits to the fields the by the idea of the OTOP participants were subjected to a learning to promote its own local Mr. Joell Lales and Mr. Jude Ray Laguna of BAR presenting the environment where they could closely products since the action plan on Community-based Participatory Action Research observe the operations of various Philippines itself is a agribusinesses implemented both by the country rich with govemment and private sectors. The culture, tradition, and study tour also provided an opportunity natural resources. for the participants to exchange The BAR experiences on agribusiness development participants also learned and management, specifically in relation that production and to government policies and differOnt productivity agribusiness strategies and approaches. improvements will have For the participants, the to go hand-in-hand with ultimate goal of the visit is to leam the effective govemment strategic approaches used by the Thai policies and institutional government to initiate and promote small reforms to ensure that agribusiness. One ofthe resource production and persons, Dr. Boonjit Titapiwatanakun, efficiency gains will (R-L) associate professor at the Faculty of indeed result in Ms. Rita dela Cruz of BAR, Mr. Zainal Abidin bin Aala of Malaysia, Dr Sornthep Tumwasorn of Thailandb Kasetsart Business Administration, Kasetsart appropriate famrer and University, Mr. Jude Ray Laguna of BAR, and Mr Saleh Bin University, stressed that although consumer welfare Sums of Bangladesh during the site visit to OTOP One Stop participants nray not be able to fully benefits. Service in Chiang Mai, Thailand. copy what the Thais have done, at least, they maybe able to get basic ideas and Lessons learned j apply these in their own countries. He On a deeper perspective, the extension workers tell them to produce. j added that basically, Thailand is not three participants leamed the value of One of the speakers in the study visit i different from other Asian countries in adapting to great challenges. As emphasized in his lecture that we should i terms of land resource and weather emphasized in their recommendations, produce what is possible, not what is icondition. given today's budget constraint in the ideal. R&D should not just work closely After the two-week training, the government, like the philosophy of the with R&D institutions but with the local IBAR staff that joined the study tour Thais, it is high time that Filipinos become government units (LGUs) and private i concluded that expanding the production more proactive and depend less on the agribusiness ventures to create a total ibase must involve breaking away from govemment. The government is there to system notjust livelihoods but also a i the subsistence level of agriculture by I help and not provide for them forever. complete marketing channel for farm increasing and diversifying the i Over dependency and the inability to products. i marketable surplus of the farm to further sustain what has been started continue to In essence, what was learned ! increase price and quality be an undermining flaw in the system. during the study tour will be insuffrcient competitiveness of the agricultural I This is the reason why a lot of projects and futile if these important ideas are not i products. The Thais have set a good (particularly those initiated by the transformed into workable programs. As example on how to expand their I government) fail because there is no the great Henry Ward Beecher once said, lcountry's production base through the sustainability. "The ability to convert ideas to things is iimplementation of the "One Thmbon Meanwhile, in terms of the secret ofoutward success." i (village) One Product" or OTOP. This is agribusiness, customizing products to the The study visit was organized ithe govemrnent's initiative to strengthen tastes ofconsumers both local and abroad and facilitated by the Asian Institute of their grassroot economy through the just i has been a problem. Many farmers Technology (AIT') Extension based in promotion of one potential and produce what they think will sell or what Pathumthani, Thailand. I

"o*Crcr"u{ { Mindanao partners get writers' training

and former faculty member of the College of Development Communication, UPLB, on "Photography and photo composition", and Regional Technical Director Romy Palcon of the DA-Regional Field Unit-l I on "Disseminating R&D news through radio and television". The workshop focused on identification of Ms' Julia Lapitan of BAR (secondfrom left, back row) and resource speakers, Mr Rudy Fernandez (/ifth- events that make R&D news, left, row) and Mr. " from front Delfin Laforteza (sixth from left, front row) pose wirh the participants news gathering, clear and during the Mindanao Writers' Davao City. I effective writing, angling R&D newsfeatures, writing nformation officers of the Agricultural media news and features out ofresearch reports, Department of Agriculture's praciitioners were thd resource speakers editing and sharpening of news and Regional Integrated Agricultural for the different training modules. Mr. feature articles, disseminating R&D news Research Centers (DA-RIARCs) in Zacarias Sarian, editor of the Manila through radio and television, maintaining Mindanao were trained on research and Bulletin Agriculture Section, lectured working relationship with the media, and development news and features on "How to get R&D news and feafures getting R&D news and features writing. published", Mr. Rudy Femandez, a published. The workshop, sponsored by contributor for the Philippine Star, on The participants, expressed the Bureau of Agricultural Research, "Clear and effective writing" and gratitude to BAR for its initiative to was held at the Paterno's Restaurant editing and sharpening news and strengthen the DA family's capabitity in Conference Room in Davao City,7-9 features articles", Mr, Delfin Laforleza, knowledge management. (Maria Lizbeth December 2005, a freelance professional photographer Severa J. Barofia)

TechCom...from page 3 omamental crops, fisheries, and livestock. areas where technology commercialization Furthermore, pigeon pea testing, evaluation and trainings on technology is in full blast. This will give a berter commercialization; the Philippine assessment, packaging, promotion, chance to maintain strong partnership with Carabao Center (PCC) for its agribusiness and market development and people organizations and non-government reproduction technology using in-vitro communify development are all planned organizations. All these activities will production and embryo production for implementation. These trainings will strengthen the capabilify and capacity of be supported by techniques for water buffaloes, and the specific study visits to NaRDSAF member agencies as well as enhance learning Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC) and exposure to state-of- key players and stakeholders. (Marlowe U. for the commercialization of sweet the-art and up-to-date technologies in Aquino, Ph.D.) tamarind. The PCC and PAC projects, EEEETNEEEMENrcffiEreq&EE $ISE Effiq-EE*-*T supported by the Young Farmers Program (YFP) of the Office of Senator 1ilARG I Amndv Dilbh€rio..ltha Ramon Magsaysay, Jr. are implemented I gureaooiAsrcuraraesearcr RDM|CBldq vi$y.sAve. in Zambales and neighboring - provinces. E ;TiHHlTfi: "*- I In 2006, the NCTP and the PHTUPPTNES n YFP will be expanded to include I vegetables, plantation crops, rootcrops, I ! Entered as post I second crass mair at the euezon city centrar ofiice under permit no. 7s3-01 NcR ! &--nGEErf f, ECrr:EErnrnrrr--J