#918, NOVEMBER 14, 2007

NIGHTSPOTS 5443 N. BROADWAY, #101, CHICAGO, IL 60640 773.871.7610, fax 773.871.7609 WWW.WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM [email protected] COVER PUBLISHER Tracy Baim ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky MANAGING EDITOR AJ DUBBZ AT SCARLET Kirk Williamson TEMPLATE DESIGN Brad Cawley PHOTOGRAPHY Mel Ferrand, PIX & DESIGN KIRK graysong, DJ Greg Haus, Kirk, Kizzy, Ryan Kolodziej, Steve Starr CAST OF CHAR- ACTERS Andrew Davis, Andrew Georgiou, graysong, Joan Jett-Blakk, Charlene Lichtenstein, David J. Magdziarz, Jennifer Parello, Randy Pubert, Lisa Rock INDEX ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Terri Klinsky, Suzanne Kraus, Kirk Williamson, Kathleen Ulm, Amy Matheny, Jerry Nunn, Cynthia Holmes, Terry Wiegel, Thomas OP ASTROLOGY 8 Koontz NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE RIVENDELL MEDIA (212) 242-6863 PROMOTIONS Kathleen Ulm DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright p HEY, I’M THAT GUY! 10 OFFICE Cynthia Holmes, Robb Olson, Amy Wooten CALENDAR EDITOR Amy Wooten DISTRIBUTION Ashina, Allan, Carol, Crystal, Dan, Ed, Jack, John, Maria INTERVIEW - RUPAUL 14 and Sue

THE SPREAD 20-21 Copyright 2007 Windy City Media Group/Lambda Publications Inc. All rights b reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, draw- INTERMISSION 26-27 ings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibil- ity may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and pho- tos sent to Nightspots/Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally CALENDAR 30-31 assigned for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and com- ment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and MAP 32-33 commentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Nightspots/Windy City Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of a person or organization in articles or advertising in Nightspots/Windy City WHAT’S UP? 36 Times is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage readers to support the advertisers : FROM THE BOOTH 38 who make this newspaper possible, Nightspots/Windy City Times cannot accept responsibility for advertising claims.

Plus we’ll welcome Terry Oldes, author of “Dancing With Tina – A Memoir of Crystal Meth”

CCUPID’SUPID’S TTREASURESREASURES 33519519 NN.. HHALSTEDALSTED 7773/348-388473/348-3884 110AM-12AM:0AM-12AM: Sun-ThSun-Th urs,urs, 110AM-1AM:0AM-1AM: FFri-Satri-Sat A Live & Silent Auction &Party featuring the talents & services of Sidetrack STAFF & friends together... to make a difference

$10 donation Sponsored Bar Light Bites Wed. Nov. 14 thanks to our • 7-9pm friends at Join us once again for this uniquely Sidetrack party as we raiseawareness&supportfor The Chicago Crystal Meth Initiative

Plus we’ll welcome Terry Oldes, author of “Dancing With Tina – A Memoir of Crystal Meth”


3519 N. HALSTED The Video Bar 3349 North Halsted 773/348-3884 Valet Parking Available 10AM-12AM: Sun-Th urs, 10AM-1AM: Fri-Sat www.SidetrackChicago.com OP outOUT in the stars IN THE STARS OP by The earth may shimmy hood and get very neighborly. especially if you don’t have to clean. charlene and shake but you LEO (JULY 24 - AUG. 23) Proud Lions easi- lichtenstein easily retain your ly sweep anyone they want right off their CAPRICORN (DEC. 23 - JAN. 20) Pink footing when Uranus feet. And they will have a wide choice of Caps are careful communicators but redirects. So don’t fear the heights. admirers from which to choose. Be dis- recent mistakes have made you a little Trip the light fantastic and show the cerning; your eyes are too big for your gun shy. Now, although you still experi- world how deft and graceful you are. stomach (among other things) and you ence a slip of the tongue, you know where Whoops!! become insatiable. This is bad? it goes and how to move it around. That makes you quite popular in certain cir- ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 20) Find out VIRGO (AUG. 24 - SEPT. 23) Have there cles. what is happening behind the scenes and been times when your expectations have put an end to any dissent. Proud Rams not been met? Or have your actions AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 - FEB. 19) Instead of not only see which way the wind blows, caused unintended reactions or overreac- squandering your hard earned dough on they create a windstorm all by them- tions? Step back and survey the land- some yeasty scheme, Aqueerians might selves. Does that mean you become a bit scape. Queer Virgins get things back on let it bake a while. Avoid risky ventures of a blowhard? Whatever turns ‘em on. track... if that is what they really want. and feast on your bread later in the holi- day season. Who knows who you may get TAURUS (APRIL 21 - MAY 21) Queer Bulls LIBRA (SEPT. 24 - OCT. 23) Things a rise out of later this year. are pushed and prodded into the crush of become more manageable on the job... or the herd. Rejoice, mingle and learn a few at least less surprising. No matter where PISCES (FEB. 20 - MARCH 20) Guppies things. Expand into areas where you you go, there is no escape from the salt cannot fade into the background, much demonstrate your talents. Of course if one mines, proud Libra... unless of course you as they may try. You are so bold now that of those talents is toenail clipping sculp- find a clever way of spreading the sugar you impress important folks. So forget ture, I would rethink it. around the senior staff. your shyness and find ways to make your presence known. It helps if you can make GEMINI (MAY 22 - JUNE 21) Pink Twins SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22) Recent your presents known. Hint, hint. find themselves leaving their career artistic attempts veered towards the radi- movement to the whims of fate. Why cal extremes... often with unexpected (c) 2007 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights allow others to dictate your direction, results. You now command the party Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. speed and progress? Harness your horse- scene instead of vice versa. And you power and take a giant step. No risk, no manage to enjoy it with a vengeance. Can’t get enough? Join the blog: thestarry- reward. No reward, no cushy retirement. That is exactly the way gay Scorps like it! eye.typepad.com/queer

CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 23) Venture Out SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 - DEC. 22) Get Lichtenstein’s “HerScopes: A Guide To and explore the world. Don’t snooze your back into the groove at home. There Astrology For Lesbians” is an international life away. Catch your extra z’s on a far- might be a few unanticipated projects sensation and has just “come out” in its 6th away beach with a zesty stranger. If floating around but at least you handle printing. Buy it and feel the vibration. money and time are tight, move your trav- them with flair and dispatch. In fact, you elling show to the immediate neighbor- might enjoy a bit of quiet domesticity...

www.womenandchildrenfirst.com 5233 N. Clark, 773-769-9299 8 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 S

p HEY, I’M THAT GUY FROMhey, i’m that guy THE from the magazineMAGAZINE by here’s no And a huge thanks to AJ Dubbz, stronger cock tape. She was pitch- pkirk T shame in who unwittingly posed for this ing a silver mesh tent over the williamson Scarlet, week’s cover shot. AJ will be spin- stripper at Hydrate this past Halsted’s new nightspot. Filling ning at Scarlet next Friday, Thursday. Guess you can’t keep a the former Gentry on Halsted November 23 and every other good cock down. space, Scarlet is brighter, breezier Friday following that. For more on Make sure to get to Hunters this and a fresh take on the cocktail Saturday night for the Breaking lounge scene. I just happened to 1 Down the Wall party, co-sponsored be lucky enough to be strolling by by TPAN and Nightspots. Help during their invite-only construc- break down that stupid wall of tion party. Still a finishing touch or silence, meet a nice fellow, no big two to be touched up, but by the whoop. time it opens this Thursday night, By the time you read this, you November 15, all we be ready for his oeuvre (and oeuvre and oeuvre) will most likely have already seen your eager livers. Hi to Paul and check out myspace.com/ajdubbz or the new Project Runway. And if Jeff and the whole staff. Welcome ajdubbz.com. you’ve recovered, I’ll see you at to the neighborhood! Teri Yaki must need some Crew next Wednesday!

1 Paul (center) and friends at Scarlet. pix by Kirk [email protected] fine shirts makep a B A D fine Briggs Austin Doherty, Jr.

man or woman CUSTOM CLOTHIERS Providing the finest in ON CALL custom shirts, outstanding fabrics, terrific workmanship and 312-643-8445 extraordinary attention to detail.

10 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 So George Ryan finally E went to prison?

Don’t worry George. Police backup is shortly behind.

MON TUES TUES Champions Avenue Tavern Jackhammer DECEMBER 3, 9:30pm-12:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 10pm-4am (773) 743-1797 (773) 975-7000 (773) 743-5772 TUES TUES WED WED Crew Gentry on State Victory Liquors The Copa 9pm-Midnight 9:30pm-1:30am 8:30pm-12:30am 9:30pm-1:30am (773) 784-CREW (312) 836-0933 (773) 348-5600 (312) 642-3449 WED WED WED Holiday Club Squeeze Inn @mosphere 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am November 28 - 8pm-12am (773) 348-9600 5642 W. 65th St. (773) 784-1100 THURS THURS THURS FRI Four Farthings The Closet Pap’s Tap Spyner’s 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am (773) 935-2060 (773) 477-8533 5532 S. Narragansett (773) 784-8719 FRI FRI SAT SAT Joe E’s Unforgettable Bobby Love’s Christina’s Catcher’s 11pm-3am 9:30pm-1:30am 10pm-2am 10:30pm-2:30am (773)283-3422 (773) 525-1200 (773) 463-1768 (773) 869-9411 SAT SAT SAT SAT Squeeze Inn Cary’s Coppolino’s Spyner’s 10pm-2am 10pm-2am 10:30pm-2:30am 9:30pm-2:30am (773) 585-6776 (773) 743-5737 (773) 735-8647 (773) 784-8719 SUN Star Gaze 8pm-12am (773) 561-7363 Be a friend... see myspace.com/creaoke for booking and hiring info: 773-539-5925 or [email protected] Berlin pix by Kirk

Crew pix by Kirk

12 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 THE WAIT IS OVER.



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#2%7s."ROADWAY WORLDSGREATESTBARCOM Nightspots’ Justin Boltz gets all up in RuPaul’s

You betta work... the streets? RuPaul returns to Jones. When I was 12 years old, I sent the only fan letter I’ve the big screen as a supermodel/secret agent who ever written to Tamara Dobson. goes undercover as a hooker in the Reeling Film Festival selection “Starrbooty”. The drag icon JB: You’ve got some crazy hair and get ups in this sat down and gave me the dish on his scandal- fi lm. Who put together the “Starrbooty” look and ous new fl ick as well the what inspired the birth what inspired it? of the fi erce crime fi ghting prostitute known as R: Well the look was inspired by the Mary Jane Girls. The ward- Starrbooty. robe represents all of my favorite looks that I’ve seen street hookers serving for the past 20 years. Justin Boltz: You’ve blown us away in Chi-town quite a few times; are you excited to be paying JB: Did director Mike Ruiz translate your vision of another visit to the Midwest? the characters and the story to the big screen the RuPaul: Chicago has always played a pivotal part in my way you had hoped? career and I am sincerely thankful and grateful to ChicagoChicago for R: Absolutely! Even more so. Mike is a true visionary. He’s that. When I plan my itinerary, it will always involve CChicago.hicag great to work with, loads of laughs and he ain’t bad on the eye either. JB:JB: How was Starrbooty born?born? JB: Give us a taste of this campy fl ick--what are R:R: 20 yyearsears aagogo I wanwantedt some of the outrageous, over-the-top scenes you to pay homage to fi lmed? one ofof my ffavoriteavori R: I loved being able to shoot off Michael Lucas’ 11-inch cock fi lmmakers,lmmakers, JJohno with a machine gun and turning a trick with a priest who gets Waters and aat off on smelling farts and, of course, the cock-and-ball torture the sasameme titime scene I did with Owen Hawk, just to name a few. taketake a ppageag fromfrom the JB: I know you have some hot cameos in the blaxploitia-blaxploit movie. Who are some of the faces that pop up tiontion fi llmsm during the fi lm? I loved R: Aside from our stars, Candis Cayne and Gus Maddox, we as a kid. have appearances by , Michael Lucas, Ari Gold, StarrbootyStarrbooty is Owen Hawk and the return of Lahoma Van Zandt. a charactercharacte thatthat ffeelseels vvery JB: Is there any man eye candy? Maybe some comfortablecomfortable in skin? both genres. R: The movie has everything I love about movies: gratuitous hair and make-up, inappropriate nudity and violence and JB:JB: I feefeell a ridiculous over-the-top dialogue. littlelittle Pam GrierGrie funkadelicfunkadelic iinn tthishi JB: Does Starrbooty come with an equally bootyli- fi lm. IIss tthathat cious soundtrack? whatwhat you R: Yes, and I think it’s my best work yet. I wrote all of the were ggoingoin songs on the soundtrack and even composed the score for the for?for? movie. Talk about your one-stop shopping. R:R: Absolutely.Absolutel RuPaul struts into Chicago this Wednesday, Nov. I’veI’ve alwaalwaysy 14 for the Midwestern premiere of “Starrbooty” loved the PPam at the Lakeshore Theatre. Want more booty? Then GrierGrier fi lmlmss bbut head to Circuit Thursday, Nov 15 at 10:30pm for I was comcompletelyplet the DVD signing. For more coverage and gossip moved by TamaraTama on the Reeling Film Festival and its stars check Dobson in CCleopatraleopa out JustinBoltz.ChicagoPride.com. photo by Mike Ruiz 14 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007

••• goings •••ON

Windy City Queercast’s Amy Matheny and Peter Mavrik headed north o’ the border for Toronto’s Halloweek festivities. ••• (TOP LEFT) Amy Matheny in front of the legendary Woody’s.

(TOP RIGHT) Peter Mavrik (L) can BEARly contain himself hanging out with Windy City Gay Idol 2007 Dan Kerry (R).

For more on their Canadian cavorting, check out www.WindyCityQueercast.com. pix by Peter Mavrik ••• ••• THE SMASH HIT MUSICAL COMEDY! NOW PLAYING! EXTENDED THRU JAN 6!

“++++“ “KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK!” —Time Out Chicago — Chicago Tribune “IT’S GOT SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!” —Chicago Sun Times


Spin pix by Kirk




5758 W. 65th Street Chicago, IL 60638 773.582.3510 www.innexilechicago.com Jackhammer pix by G. Thomas Ward

Flesh Hungry Dog Show On Thursdays, the strippers are so hot Hydrate pix by Kirk

even drag queens are sportin’ woodies

20 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 the SPREAD ...open wide...... the spread sponsored by bud light......

Scarlet pix by Kirk from the Construction Party (opening this week!)

3160 pix by Kirk

Cocktail pix by Kirk

Mary’s Attic pix by Kirk

24 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007

IIntermissionntermissPSMEion JEF 8FJSE WHEN HARRY MET IP www.cyriak.co.uk Cyriak is a UK cartoonist/illustrator who has a penchant for creating bizarre animations. His technique is clearly inspired by the Terry Gilliam animations that graced Monty Python's Flying Circus, but where Gilliam's creations were paper cutout, these are more of the photochop variety. Some really great stuff here, but if you look at just one check out "Moo." You'll never feel safe passing through Wisconsin again.

0111010101110101011010101101011010101101010101011100101010011110 3 ... 2 ... 1... DRAW! pencilsatdawn.wordpress.comp WWhile I'm on the cartoonists, it seems appropriate to direct you to the PPencils at Dawn blog. This blog is a duel between two cartoonists. A random wword generator selects a word, they each take a stab at creating a cartoon iinspired by it, then post their creations here for the world. There's no polling iin the traditional sense to pick the winner. People voice their opinions in the ccomments section. Hmmm, maybe you should check out item #4 below before yyou go voicing your choice here (or anywhere else online). 0111010101110101011010101101011010101101010101011100101010011110 BAD BOYS, BAD BOYS. WHATCHA GONNA DO? www.officer.com/videonetwork/index. jsp?showid=378811 This link takes you directly to a chase scene that's right out of a movie. The ending of it is pretty horrifying and, seems to me, a bit of an overreaction. The law and order types among you may disagree. If this doesn't give you enough jackboot thrills, then browse the rest of the videos which include quite a few that start with the word "Blackwater." 0111010101110101011010101101011010101101010101011100101010011110 I'M SORRY, I CAN'T TWAT HELP MYSELF. fffff.at/tourettes-machine Install damn the Firefox Tourette's-machine add on. It randomly throws a curse in bastard when you're typing in comment boxes. wank It mucks with piss Google penis search piss terms as well, and in general makes your life more colorful and interesting. ass I highly piss recommend installing it on your mother's computer. It honkey will make her day. I a wank promise. She'll giggle with delight. Stick with the honkey "moderate" whore version that shouts cunt out slut every three smut to five foreskin words. The extreme version throws in a profanity every motherfucker other whore word. 011101010111010100111010101101011010101101010101011101010101110 26 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 NIGHTSPOTS Intermission MAFIA: Special Guest: Twin Cities Gay Chorus ED Jon Lewis

WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My middle name (Clark) is a family name. – Jon Yes, everyone that was named before me. – graysong O’Creagh, an old family last name. – Creaoke My grandfather on my mother’s side, whose last name was Robertson. Also, I share ini- tials with my father (RLO). – Robb It was chosen because it’s “easy to spell.” – Amy

HAVE YOU EVER GONE BOWLING? Yes. I’m better after two beers, worse after four. – Jon Yes. – Pubert Yeah. I suck at it. – Kirk I haven’t. – Andrew Of course! It’s an excuse to get drunk and knock shit over! – Amy Yes, my parents forced me to participate in church youth group activities. That really paid off big for God. – graysong Bumper Bowling, Disco Bowling, Drunk Bowling. I get progressively worse as I get older. – Robb This is silly. Who hasn’t bowled? – Kathleen Of course. – Creaoke

SOMEONE VERY CLOSE TO YOU CON- FESSES TO A MURDER. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Depends on who they killed. – Jon, Amy Move away – Pubert Depends on who they killed--might turn ‘em in, might buy ‘em a drink. – graysong Be happy that I finally have someone to bond with over my unstoppable bloodlust. – Robb Cry. – Kirk Urge that person to confess. – Andrew pix by Kirk How close are they and what are the circum- stances? – Kathleen Blackmail them. – Creaoke

WILL THE CHILD-LABOR NEWS ABOUT THE GAP STOP YOU FROM SHOPPING THERE? I didn’t shop there in the first place. – Jon No. Won’t START me shopping there either. – Kirk I don’t shop there anyways. – Pubert Yeah, screw the Gap. I’m totally shopping at Old Navy from now on! – Robb Is there a sale? – Creaoke Because other countries are too stupid to pass comprehensive child labor laws? Bitch, please. – Amy No. I don’t shop there anyway..– graysong Do people still shop there? – Kathleen When did I START shopping there? – Andrew FAVORITE JODIE FOSTER MOVIE Taxi Driver. – Jon MAIN: Sidetrack should be known as Funkytown... Inside Man. – Andrew The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. INSET: ... because it’s Lipps Incorporated. – Creaoke, graysong Silence of the Lambs. – Kathleen, Amy, Robb Freaky Friday. – Kirk Home for the Holidays. – Pubert

Big Chicks $10 Pitchers of Blue Moon, $2.75 Rolling Bobby Love’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 am Rock, $4 Cosmos, Chicken specials night—$5 Bucks $2 Schnapps and Kool-Aid shots CALENDAR wing basket, $6 Chicken breast sandwich $5 Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, DJ Hale chickenburger Circuit 3rd week-Chix Mix women’s dance parties, Bobby Love’s $1 off domestic & draft, $1 Pucker. Last week-Urbano hip hop party w/ DJ Kenae WEDNESDAYS Bucks $2.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $2 Cocktail Spank--gorgeous go-go boys dance, DJ @mosphere Amy Armstrong and Freddie Allen, 9:30 Schnapps and Kool-Aid shots Freddie Bain, hosted by Chicago’s very own Cher p.m., $12 Stoli pitchers, $3 Bud Light drafts Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, all well and pints of Crew Crew Happy Hour 1/2 priced appetizers 4-6pm Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30pm, 12:30 am Miller Lite draft $1.50, DJ Hale (dine in only). VJ Tones at 8pm P.B.R. Cans $2.00, Berlin “Just Let Go...”– DJ Larissa brings her signa- Spyner’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Goose Island Honkers pints $3.50, Taco Salad $9, ture weekend sound to our mid-week dance party. Circuit La Noche Loca w/ DJ Fast Freddy or DJ Rock- Every 4th Friday is Frat Boy Friday, w/ Hot Jock Shayna X hosts. $3.25 Coronas. O-Mix, Miss Ketty’s show at 11 p.m., $8, $4 for Contest at 11:30 p.m., $300 first place prize, Big Chicks Euchre Club 7:30 p.m., $4 Stoli Martini $6 members Goose Honkers pints $3, sponsored by Nightspots Leinekugel Pitchers, $5 Quesadilla night (Chicken Cocktail Spank--go-go boys at 10 p.m., DJ Timmy Magazine or Veggie), $7 Steak Quesadilla (dine in only) Loop, hostess Lisa Lexus Eagle $2 house shots, caged dancers, clubroom open Bobby Love’s $1 off domestic, $1 Pucker, $3 Jäger Crew Labatt Blue bottles $3.75, Goose Island 312 at 11 p.m. w/Chaz shots pints $3.50, Super Deluxe Chili Mac served w side The Edge $12 cocktail pitchers, DJ Rockin’ RC, Go-go Bucks $2.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $2 of garlic bread $7, 3rd Thursday of the Guys 3 Fridays a month Schnapps and Kool-Aid shots month - Women Wanna Play - Berghoff bottles Gentry on Halsted DJ Dubbz spins house & garage Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, All import beers $2.50 Hamburger Mary’s $5 Fruit-Punch Teasers & Beer-O- (bottles & drafts) $3.50 Eagle $2 house shots, cigar smoker, free cigar w/ 1st Day special. Kitchen open till midnight. Circuit Salsa, Dance and Latin House with DJ Jungle drink purchase, club room open11 p.m. w/Chaz Hideaway Karaoke w/ Jason 8-11 p.m. downstairs, Jorge 9 p.m.-2 am, $3 Bacardi limon cocktails The Edge $2 domestic bottles, $5 Absolut martinis, Male dancers from Chicago Beef upstairs 11 p.m. Cocktail $6 Cosmopolitans free pool - 1 a.m., $1 Kool-Aid shots, $5 Jäger, $5 Long Crew Open for lunch 11:30am., Rolling Rock bottles Encompass Sexy strippers 11 p.m., 1/2 off all single- Islands $2.75, Blue Moon pints $3.50, Home made turkey shot drinks Hunters Video Dance Party, $2 Miller products, $4 burger and side $8.75, catch Project Runway Gentry on Halsted Pop Goes the Gio revue, $12 cover, DJ Dan Eagle $2 house shots, free pool, alternative music w/ domestic buckets Hydrate TPAN’s Positively Aware party 8-11 p.m. on Dan Gentry on State Live cabaret 2nd Friday of the month, Weekly DJs til 4 a.m., no Encompass Shot Night – $1 off any shot Hamburger Mary’s $5 Typhoon Mary teasers & Beer- cover til 12 a.m. Gentry on Halsted DJ Jim Dezutel, $ Miller lite, Long O-Day specials, kitchen open til 11 p.m. Inn Exile Here’s the Beef male dancers, 11 p.m. Islands, Jägers, $2 well & domestics Hideaway Male dancers from Chicago Beef upstairs Jackhammer Chicago Beef dancers 1-3 am, DJ Kevin Hamburger Mary’s $5 Pear-A-Dise teasers & 11 p.m. - 1 a.m., $10 Martinis - bartender’s choice Bernal spins, Barbie Doll hosts, Every first Fri. is Beer-O-Day specials, kitchen open til 11 p.m. Hunters Hunters Hunks 10:30 p.m., $2 import bottles, The Flesh Hungry Dog Show, $2 import bottles Hideaway $2 Domestic bottles, $1 Kool-Aid shots, $5 DJ Laura B Jeffrey Pub Guys All Night Out dance party, $3 cover Jäger, $5 Long Islands, Movie Nite downstairs Hydrate Hot Hydrate dancers, sponsored by Joie De Vine Effen Fridays, $5 Effen drinks Hunters $3.50 Smirnoff Martinis, $2 well, $1 drafts, Nightspots Magazine, DJ Greg Drescher, $3 Miller Man’s Country Live nude male stripper show $4.50 beeer pitchers, DJ Ron G Lite & MGD bottles, $5 specialty Martinis Maneuvers DJ Sit-n-Spin, dancing, jello shots, free Hydrate 1/2 price martinis, Hy-Drag Review 9:30 Jackhammer Buck Night—Domestic bottles $1 anonymous HIV testing 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. p.m., also DJ Laura B Jeffrey Pub no cover, free entry pass to first 35 Mary’s Attic DJ Shoshana at 9pm. $2 House Shots. Jackhammer $1 well drinks, $5 cover, DJ Oskar guests to be used Friday or Saturday No cover. Jeffrey Pub Game night—Bid Whist, spades, domi- Joie De Vine Thursday Night Flight Night, $10 wine & Rails Dance and drama each Fri. at The Prop House noes, darts, drink tickets for every winning hand cheese flights Roscoe’s $12 Stoli pink lemonade, Martinis, Joie De Vine Weisse Wednesday, $4 Hacker Pschorr Maneuvers Thirsty Thursdays w/ DJ Tipsy Kid, danc- Manhattans, $11 domestic draft pitchers, $13 Man’s Country Half price night: single room $10, ing and half price well, wine and schnapps, free import locker $7/8 hours anonymous HIV testing 9 p.m. - 12 midnight Sidetrack Showtunes 5-9 p.m., Best of Sidetrack 9 Mary’s Attic "Maryoke" $3 well drinks and Miller Lite Man’s Country Special Night, single room $12, locker p.m.-2 am draft. 8 p.m. door, no cover $8/8 hrs. Spin Shower Contest, 12 midnight Pie Hole All-You-Can-Shove night, $9.99 for all you Mary’s Attic Amy Armstrong’s “The Fu** It” show, 7 Spyner’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. can eat slices and a soda & 8:30 p.m., Terrible Muriel’s comedy improv at 10 Star Gaze Free salsa lessons with Angel from 9:30- Roscoe’s Whatever Wednesdays, $12 Cuervo mar- p.m. 10:30 p.m.. DJ plays salsa at 10:30 p.m. garita pitchers, $3 Bud & Bud Light bottles, $11 North End Pulse: space for Chgo’s HIV community to Temptations Women 4 Women Fridays—hot female domestic draft pitchers, $13 import pitchers, $5 relax and meet, in the back bar, sponsored by dancers, $3 body shots frozen drinks, free pool all day TPAN, 6-10 p.m.. Touché 1st week - MAFIA, 2nd week - Porn Star poker Scot’s $2 off all Cosmos Roscoe’s BINGO with Frida Lay & Honey West, $3 bot- party, 3rd week - Hot Ash Smoker / ONYX Club Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Classic tles of Miller Lite and MGD; $11 domestic draft night, Club Room open at 10 p.m. Sidetrack, 8 p.m.-2 am pitchers, $13 import Spin What the Fuck Wednesdays, $1 well drinks, $5 Scot’s $3.75 all drafts cover Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m.,Comedy SATURDAYS Star Gaze Pool Nite, $1 off imported beers Night videos 8 p.m.-2 am @mosphere Hot male dancers at 10:30 p.m., DJ Temptations Wild Wednesdays—$2 well, $2domestic, Star Gaze Cheap Booze Night — $2 Well, Timmy Loop, DJ Juno, hostess Anique free pool $2 Domestic bottles Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 am 3160 Paul Marinaro & Judy Roberts 9:30 p.m. Temptations Karaoke with Jboy, free pool, $2.50 well, Berlin Twisted: DJ’s Chester & Larissa push the limits Touché Bijou Night featuring hot classics and latest $2.50 Miller of sound & sensuality. $5 after 11:00pm / $7 after XXX videos, drawings for passes to Bijou Theater, 3160 Jen Porter, 9:30 p.m. 1:00am. $2 Rolling Rock bottles Touché Handballers Night - Club Room open at 10 Big Chicks Euchre Club 6 p.m., DJ and dancing 10 Victor Hotel DJs Pete Augusta and Dhanna, $5 Effen, p.m., midnight drawing for Slam Dunk lube p.m., no cover hosted by Bumpy and Danielle Bobby Love’s Featured artist nite, trivia shots & give- aways w/ DJ Tim FRIDAYS Bucks $2 Schnapps and Kool-Aid shots THURSDAYS @mosphere Hot male dancers at 10:30 p.m., DJ Eric Cell Block Open 2 p.m. w/ Scott, DJ Earl Pleasure @mosphere “Hot Mess” Thursdays with male Hall Circuit 1st week-Push with Circuit Mom dancers, $7 Bud Light pitchers, $5 martinis Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 am VCocktail Spank - go-go boys, DJ Matt Boss & DJ Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 am Berlin Cosmix: DJ Greg Haus serves up his unique Dhanna at 10 p.m. Berlin Elevated, DJ Heather Doble spins underground, mix of electro, progressive, and alternative dance Crew Shiner Bock pitchers $12.00, Buckets of Bud tech-house, & electro-house. Special guest DJ fea- music & video. $5 after 11:00 p.m. Select 5/$12.00, Steel City Wrap and choice of side ture sets every week. $2 PBRs. $3 cover after Big Chicks DJ and dancing 10 p.m., no cover, 1/3 lb $9.25, Open for brunch 11:00am till 1pm. VJ Jen 11:00 p.m. cheeseburger for $5, $3 basket of appetizers (zuc- spinning from 6-10pm. VJ Bobby Marley chini, mushroom, onion rings, poppers) 30 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 spins your favorites from old school to current, Hideaway Latin/Hip-Hop Nite w/ DJ Ruthless and Maneuvers Karaoke Mondays w/ Miss Bobbi 10pm till close. dancers by Chicago Beef upstairs, Bar Bitch Bingo Mary’s Attic Live soap opera “The Ville” at 8 p.m., Eagle $2 house shots, caged dancers, clubroom open 1st & 3rd Sundays 4-8 p.m. downstairs, $1 Kool- $10 at 12 a.m. w/Tim Aid shots, $5 Jäger, $5 Long Islands minibar Monday Munchies - food provided by Fire Fly The Edge DJ Pervy 10 p.m. Hunters Karaoke 7-11 p.m., Boys Night 11 p.m., $1 all night after 7:30pm sponsored by Ketel One and Encompass 1st Sat. of month – Show Nite, 3rd and drafts, $4 Martinis, DJ Lawrence K Red Bull 4th Sat. – Theme parties, call for details Hydrate Desperate Housewives at 8 p.m., DJ Chris Roscoe’s Music Showcase 9 p.m., Lotto Karaoke with Gentry on Halsted DJ Ira spins house, $3 Coronas Eterno 11:30 p.m. - 4 a.m. cash and prizes 9:30 p.m., $12 Stoli pink lemon- Hamburger Mary’s Serving Brunch till 3pm. $2 Inn Exile Karaoke by Mariah Productions ade pitchers, $3 Bud & Bud Light bottles, $11 mimosas, $5 slushies & Beer-O-Day special. Jackhammer $2 Bud, Bud Light domestic pitchers, $13 import pitchers, $5 frozen Kitchen open till midnight. Jeffrey Pub Ol’ Skool dance party, no cover drinks Hideaway 34 drink specials (one for every year Lakeview Broadcasting Co. Soundcheck, a queer Scot’s $2.75 all domestic bottles they’ve been open!) night with hot DJs weekly, 3542 N. Halsted St. Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Showtunes, Hunters Ascent Saturdays with DJ Laura B., $3.50 Manhandler Complementary buffet, 6 p.m. 8 p.m.-2 am Bacardi mixers, $4 cover Mary’s Attic Weird Sisters cabaret, 7 p.m., $10, then Touché Barstool Jocks - WWF wrestling & sports at 8 Hydrate DJ Ralphi Rosario 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. Bingo Karaoke at 9pm. $3 well drinks & Lite draft. p.m., free pizza Inn Exile VJ Brad Erickson $1 off slushies! No cover. Sponsored by Nightspots Jackhammer Chicago Beef dancers 1-3 am, DJ Kevin Magazine Bernal til 5 am minibar "INDULGE" Sundays : 8pm-2am : mighty TUESDAYS Jeffrey Pub Girls All Night Out dance party, $3 cover, drINks, amazINg music. House spun by: AJ Dubbz, @mosphere $1 well and Bud Light drafts show with host Indigo Blue Carla Starla, Todd Dockerty & Juno Arroway. No Berlin Cheap Ass Tuesdays: DJ Chester. $1 well cock- Manhandler Saturday afternoon movie cover. tails & PBRs. $5 cover. Man’s Country Live nude male stripper show Onyx Club nite @ CellBlock 5-9 p.m., 3rd Sun Big Chicks $5.50 Golden Margaritas, $4 Margaritas, Maneuvers DJ Sit-n-Spin, dancing, jello shots Roscoe’s “Male Call” hosted by Miss Foozie 5 p.m. $5 Chicken burger night, $3 Meatball Sandwiches Mary’s Attic DJ Plez at 9pm. $2 House Shots. No Long Island Iced Tea Pitchers for $12; $11 domes- (dine in only) cover. tic beer pitchers & $13 import Bobby Love’s $2 domestic, draft and well drinks. Rails Salvation Saturdays, Club XL, 766 W Jackson, Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Showtunes Bucks $2.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $2 10 p.m.-3 am, (708) 802-1705 4-9 p.m., best of the 60s-80s, 9 p.m.-2 am Schnapps and Kool-Aid shots Roscoe’s No cover before 10 p.m., $5 cover after 10 Star Gaze All sports shown on 6 ft. projection screen, Charlie’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. p.m., $12 Stoli lemonade pitchers, $11 domestic Karaoke w/ Creagh 7-11 p.m. Cocktail Spank--go-go boys at 10 p.m. DJ Michael draft pitchers, $13 import Temptations Sizzlin’ Sundays—karaoke w/ Serafini, Hostess Miss Foozie Sidetrack Sidetrack Classics 3-9 p.m., Best of Shanaynay, prizes every week, $2 well, $2 Miller, Crew Miller High Life bottles $2.75, Rogue Dead Guy Sidetrack 9 p.m.-3 am $5 pitchers Ale pints $3.50, BBQ Cream Chicken Wrap w/ Star Gaze DJ plays all mixes starting at 10 p.m. 3160 Marilyn B. performs choice of side $8.75, Man The Mic Karaoke with Temptations dance your ass off with DJ Ruthless Touché Open at noon, beer bust with Eio, free red Adam Leblanc from the band Sixteen Candles. 3160 Join Luther & Will for Sexy Senior Saturdays, 8 hots, $1.50 Bud & Bud Light drafts, movie night in 9pm to close. Great raffles all night long. p.m. - 2 a.m. club room at 10 p.m. The more you sing, the more you win. Touché Open 3 p.m., 1st week - Great Lakes Bears, Eagle $1 all top shelf cocktails, and draft beers, Weekly fetish parties @ 10 p.m. Club Room open clubroom open at 11p.m. w/Jim The Edge $1 drafts, 1/2 off mixed drinks, $4 domes- MONDAYS tic pitchers, DJ Puppy SUNDAYS 3160 Cabaret performances 9:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Encompass Beer buckets - 4 for $7(domestic only), @mosphere Supper and strippers—light buffet from The Anvil $1.50 drinks all day free pool 6-8 p.m., hot male dancers 10 p.m. Berlin D.I.Y.: Make requests from Berlin’s iPod or Funky Buddha Lounge Outdanced w/ hostesses Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 am, 2 for bring in your own. $2 PBRs & $3.25 Heinekens Jillian and Scott, cutting edge DJs and hot boys 1 admission with coupon available at Big Chicks $2 off all pitchers, $3.50 Mandarin and girls, DJ Jen Bootie, $1 shots, $3 imports, $6 www.thebatonshowlounge.com. Crushes, $1 1/4lb burgers, $5 Veggie Burgers Effen tinis, $9 Pop Pink champagne Berlin MODifyd, DJ Chester mixes alternative and (dine in only) Gentry on Halsted Tom Dziermago on piano, $3 pints pop. $2 Lites $3.25 Heinekens. 1st Sunday: Bucks $2.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $2 Gentry on State Musician showcase w/Beckie Menzie Madonna Madness w/ DJ Riley, Last Sunday: Prince Schnapps and Kool-Aid shots Hamburger Mary’s $5 Pretty-in-Pink Teasers & Beer- Night w/ DJ Samnation Charlie’s Bitch Bingo with Frida & Lauren, 11:30 p.m. O-Day special. Kitchen open till 11pm Big Chicks Free BBQ/inside picnic at 4:30 p.m., Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, $1 off Bud/Bud Hideaway Stoli S’Tuesdays - $3 shots, $4 mixed any $2.50 vodka lemonades Light bottles, free pizza, raffles flavor, $1 Kool-Aid shots, $5 Jäger, $5 Long Islands Bobby Love’s Open at noon with Connie Circuit Mondays with Mz. Ruffy, hosted by Mz. Ruff ‘n Hunters Retro Re-wind, $2 Miller bottles, $2 Mike’s Bucks Sunday cookout, $2 Schnapps and Kool-Aid Stuff, DJ Stoney Hard Lemonade, DJ Brad shots Cocktail Cocktails with bartenders Michael and Dion Hydrate Retro Flashback with $15 for an Absolut Charlie’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 7:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. Crew Berghoff bottles $2.50, Stella Artois pints $3.75 Martini and a manicure or a tarot reading, $4 Cell Block Open 2 p.m., $1.50 pints Miller Lite all day Half Price Chicken Wings six $2.75/twelve $4.25, Absolut cocktails, $3 Bud bottles, retro with DJ and night, DJs Freddie Bain and Chris Spinazzola Open for lunch 11:30am. 1/2 priced wings 5pm till Laura B Circuit Tardeada (T-Dance) w/ DJ Fast Freddy & DJ close. InnExile VJ Brad Alex Perez, Veronica Zaid’s show at 9 p.m., $8, $4 Dick’s RU Crazee Free pool Jackhammer Karaoke with Creagh 10 p.m.-4 am, for members Gentry on Halsted 1/2 off everything $2.50 well drinks Cocktail DJ Pete Augusta, go-go boys at 9 p.m. Gentry on State Cabaret Joie De Vine 2 For Tuesdays, Buy one get one free Crew Miller Lite pitchers $9.00, Beergarita/ Green Dolphin Street Boom Boom Room, Monday’s Mary’s Attic Retro Rewind 80's night. Half-price Sangria/Monsoon pitchers $12.00, Sam Adams hottest house since forever, 9 p.m. - 4 am, $5 after drinks all night! Open at 8pm, no cover. and Sam Lt bottles $3.75 Home made meatloaf 11 p.m. minibar Retro Rewind ‘80s night, 1/2 price drinks, no sandwich served with a side of Alpena's Heart Hamburger Mary’s $5 Mango-Tango Teasers & Beer- cover Attack Casserole. $9.75 O-Day special. Kitchen open till 11pm Roscoe’s Drag Race 2007 (the ultimate drag contest) Eagle Big screen movie 9 p.m. and 12 a.m., $2 house Hideaway Womyn’s Nite, $1 Kool-Aid shots, $5 Jäger, w/ Frida Lay. Cash prizes. $12 Absolut Mandrin shots $5 Long Islands Cosmopolitan pitchers, $11 domestic draft pitcher, The Edge Bingo 7-9 p.m., Karaoke 10 p.m., $4 Bloody Hunters Karaoke with DJ Glen, $2 Bud, $4 Absolut $13 import; $3 Miller Lite and MGD bottles Marys martinis Scot’s $2 off all Martinis Encompass Country nite – $4.75 Texas teas, $1 off Hydrate $1 drinks all night, no cover before 10 p.m. Sidetrack Retro videos 8 p.m.-2 am all tequilas Inn Exile VJ Brad, Queer as Folk 10 p.m. Star Gaze Dart nite, free pool Gentry on Halsted Pop Goes the Gio revue, $6 Jackhammer $2.50 well drinks Temptations Stud Puppy Tuesdays featuring Sarabia’s Martinis Kitty Moon Dyke Dive, featuring performances by dancers Gentry on State Becky Menzie open mike 9 p.m.-1 am local artists from 7 to 10, dancing and drinks by 3160 Geoffery Cuellar performs Hamburger Mary’s Serving Brunch till 3p.m. $2 DJ PJ and Lucky Kleen. $2 PBR, $3 Domestics, $4 Touché Hard Core Tuesdays, club room open at 10 mimosas, $5 Slushies & Beer-O-Day special Well. p.m NOVEMBER 14, 2007 Nightspots 31 Where My Bar At? if it ain’t here, it ain’t queer (get used to it!) BOYSTOWN 3733 N. Halsted St. 40. Spyners 59. Jeffery Pub 1. 3160 773-477-7999 4623 N. Western Ave. 7041 S. Jeffrey Ave. 3160 N. Clark St. 21. Roscoe’s 773-784-8719 773-363-8555 773-327-5969 3356 N. Halsted St. 41. Star Gaze www.Chicago3160.com 773-281-3355 5419 N. Clark St. CALUMET CITY 2. Berlin www.roscoes.com 773-561-7363 60. Dick’s R U Crazee 954 W. Belmont Ave. 11. Scarlet www.stargazechicago.com 48 154th St. 773-348-4975 3320 N. Halsted St. 42. T’s 708-868-6856 www.BerlinChicago.com 773-348-1053 5025 N. Clark St. www.dicksrucrazee.com 3. Bobby Love’s 22. Sidetrack 773-784-6000 61. John L’s Place 3729 N. Halsted St. 3349 N. Halsted St. www.tsbarchicago.com 335 154th Pl. 773-525-1200 773-477-9189 43. Touché 708-862-2386 www.bobbyloves.com www.sidetrackchicago.com 6412 N. Clark St. 62. DiChano’s 4. Bucks Saloon 23. Spin 773-465-7400 201 155th St. 3439 N. Halsted St. 800 W. Belmont Ave. www.touchechicago.com 708-801-9390 773-525-1125 773-327-7711 www.dichanos.net 5. Cell Block www.spin-nightclub.com DOWNTOWN 3702 N. Halsted St. 24. Steamworks (bath) 44. The Baton THE BURBS 773-665-8064 3248 N. Halsted St. 436 N. Clark St. 63. Hideaway www.cellblock-chicago.com 773-929-6081 312-644-5269 7301 W. Roosevelt Rd. 6. Charlie’s www.thebatonshowlounge.com Forest Park, IL 3726 N. Broadway Ave. 45. Club Reunion 708-771-4459 773-871-8887 ANDERSONVILLE 811 W. Lake St. www.hideawaynightclub.com www.charliesonline.com 26. @mosphere 312-943-5397 64. Hunters 7. Circuit 5355 N. Clark St. 46. Funky Buddha Lounge 1932 E. Higgins Rd. 3641 N. Halsted St. 773-784-1100 728 W. Grand Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 773-325-2233 www.atmospherebar.com 312-666-1695 847-439-8840 www.circuitclub.com 27. The Anvil www.FunkyBuddha.com www.huntersnightclubs.com 8. The Closet 1137 W. Granville Ave. 47. Generator 65. Maneuvers 3325 N Broadway Ave. 773-973-0006 306 N. Halsted St. 118 E. Jefferson St. 773-477-8533 28. Big Chicks 773-738-9971 Joliet, IL www.theclosetbar.com 5024 N. Sheridan Rd. 48. Gentry on State 815-727-7069 9. Cocktail 773-728-5511 440 N. State St. www.JolietManeuvers.com 3359 N. Halsted St. www.BigChicks.com 312-836-0933 66. Medusa Chicago 773-477-1420 30. Crew www.GentryofChicago.com 209 E. Chicago St. 10. FireFly 4804 N. Broadway Ave. 49. Second Story Bar Elgin, IL 3335 N. Halsted St. 773-784-CREW 157 E. Ohio St. 847-488-0320 773-525-2505 www.worldsgreatestbar.com 312-923-9356 68. Temptations 25. Halsted’s Bar & Grill 31. Eagle 10235 W. Grand Ave. 3441 N. Halsted St. 5015 N. Clark St. Franklin Park, IL 773-348-9696 773-728-0050 NEAR NORTH 847-455-0008 12. Hydrate www.ChicagoEagle.com 51. Crobar www.temptationsnightclub.com 3458 N. Halsted St. 32. El Gato Negro 1543 N. Kingsbury St. 69. Heroes Entertainment 773-975-9244 1461 Irving Park Rd. 312-266-1900 481 N. Schuyler Ave. www.hydratechicago.com 773-472-9353 52. Green Dolphin Street Kankakee, IL 13. Kit Kat 33. Hamburger Mary’s/Mary’s Attic 2200 N. Ashland Ave. 815-802-0437 3700 N. Halsted St. 5400 N. Clark St. www.music-101.com 773-525-1111 773-784-6969 53. Prop House INDIANA www.kitkatchicago.com www.hamburgermaryschicago.com 1675 N. Elston Ave. 70. Encompass 14. Little Jim’s 34. Jackhammer 773-486-2086 2415 Rush St. 3501 N. Halsted St. 6406 N. Clark St. Lake Station, IN 773-871-6116 773-743-5772 THE SOUTHSIDE 219-962-4640 15. Lakeview Broadcasting Co. www.jackhammer-chicago.com 54. Chesterfield Club www.encompassnightclub.net 3542 N. Halsted St. 35. Joie De Vine 1800 W. Pershing St. 773-857-2444 1744 W. Balmoral Ave. 773-376-9511 16. Lucky Horseshoe 773-989-6846 www.clubchesterfield.net 3169 N. Halsted St. 36. Lost & Found 55. Club Escape 773-404-3169 3058 W. Irving Park Rd. 1530 E. 75th St. 17. Manhandler 773-463-7599 773-667-6454 1948 N. Halsted St. 37. Man’s Country 56. The Edge 773-871-3339 5017 N. Clark St. (bath) 13126 S. Western Ave. 18. minibar/winebar 773-878-2069 Blue Island, IL 3341 N. Halsted St. 38. Scot’s 708-597-8379 773-871-MBAR 1829 W. Montrose Ave. www.theedgeblueisland.com www.minibarchicago.com 773-528-3253 57. Escapades 19. Neo www.scotsbarchicago.com 6301 S. Harlem Ave. 2350 N. Clark St. 39. SoFo 773-229-0686 773-528-2622 4923 N. Clark St. 58. InnExile www.planetearthchicago.com 773-784-7636 5758 W. 65th St. 773-582-3510 20. North End www.innexilechicago.com 32 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 To Elgin, IL 294 To Kenosha, WI 66 94 ELK GROVE VILLAGE Peterson CCHICAGOHICAGO 64 90 A O’Hare 90 Int’l Airport 190 Irving Park Rd.

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NOVEMBER 14, 2007 Nightspots 33 PROMALE! G Live, One-On-One Leave and Listen to Messages I B giveaway Just visit www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com and click on the Big Gay Giveaway button. Enter you choice for 1-800-PROMALECall now. Guys are waiting… “TOP 3 Gay Entertainers of 2007” 1-800-776-6253 or “TOP 3 Gay News Stories of 2007” $1.99/min. 18+ Discreetly billed to your Visa/MC download this issue at 1-900-825-4500 Give us your 3 answers and your full name and phone number. www.windycitymediagroup.com $1.49/min. 18+ Discreetly billed to your phone. $2 connect fee. © 2007 npp productions, reno, nv customer service (888) 283-3331


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d * . y Doble, Zebo and Lauren Flax St., tickets at 773-847-0305 (late night feature set at 2 or [email protected], a.m.). 954 W. Belmont, www. www.cerquarivera.org berlinchicago.com Facet’s Night at the Factory gala presents Gerber/Hart Library Opening of and kick off for a week-long exhibition honoring long-time Andy Warhol fi lm celebration. Make sure to hit these librarian Joseph P. Gregg on $150, Museum of Contempo- Nightspots-sponsored the 20th anniversary of his rary Art Warehouse, 1747 W. events! death. 1127 W. Granville Ave., Hubbard, 773-281-9075 or call 773-381-8030, www. www.facets.org/warholfactory- stripper gerberhart.org night for info thursdays Martyrs Sarah Bettens (alt rock Flaming Dames Burlesque star; formerly of K’s Choice). Review. Every Friday night with TeriYaki & Opening band: Dylan Rice through Jan. 4. 10:30 DJ Greg Drescher Band. 9 p.m., $12 cover, p.m., The Spot, 4437 N. 3855 N. Lincoln Ave., www. Broadway, $15, tickets at 10:30pm - 1:30am martyrslive.com www.nmtchicago.org or www. WedW Nov. 14 Reeling 2007 26th Chicago Les- goldstarevents.com CenterCen on Halsted Women bian & Gay International Film Hydrate Lube Wrestling (11 aand Money Matters: What’s Festival Bears + Furry After- p.m.) and Manny Lahman. YYour Credit Worth? 6-8 p.m., Party. 6:30 p.m. screening of 3458 N. Halsted, www.hydrat- every thursday at ddonations accepted, 3656 N. Bears at Leather Archives & echicago.com HHalsted St., www.centeron- Museum, 6418 N. Greenview Reeling 2007 26th Chicago Les- HYDRATE hhalsted.org Ave., after-party at house bian & Gay International Film ChiChicago Crystal Meth Initiative 5836, 5836 N. Glenwood, Festival Showtime’s Offi cial L TTogether ...to Make a Differ- www.reelingfestival.org for Word Party. See Itty Bitty Titty eence, a live and silent auction info, tickets Committee. See Sean Wiggins aand party. Also welcoming Temptations Karaoke with live. 7 p.m. screening at Film frat boy TTerry Oldes, author of Danc- J-Boy. Contest starts Nov. Row Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash fridays iing with Tina—A Memoir of 15. 10235 W. Grand Ave., Ave., after-party at Dragonfl y CCrystal Meth. 7-9 p.m., $10 Franklin Park Mandarin, 832 W. Randolph with the ddonation, Sidetrack, 3349 N. University of Chicago Lee St., www.reelingfestival.org HOT JOCK HHalsted St., www.sidetrackchi- Edelman (queer theory author) for info, tickets CONTEST ccago.com lecture, “Learning Nothing: Rep. Danny Davis Reception $300 1st Prize CreCrewe Catch season 4 of Project Bad Education.” 4:30 p.m., celebrating the introduction RRunway. 9 p.m., VJ Bobby sign up at 10:45pm Social Science Building, Room of the Quality of Life Instant MMarley follows the drama, 122, 1126 E. 59th St. Scratch Off Lottery game. contest at 11:30pm 44804 N. Broadway, www. Women & Children First 6:30-8:30 p.m., Garfi eld Park wworldsgreatestbar.com Bookstore Joanne Jacobson: Conservatory, RSVP at 773- friday, november 23 at EquEquality Illinois 2008 Justice The Hunger Artist: A Suburban 533-7520 ffor All Gala Table Captain Childhood. 7:30 p.m., 5233 N. SAGE Friday Night at the Movies. CREW eevent, fundraiser. 6-9 p.m., Clark St., 773-769-9299, www. 6:30-9:30 p.m., free, 3656 N. MMini Bar, 3341 N. Halsted St., womenandchildrenfi rst.com Halsted St., www.centeron- RRSVP at [email protected] or call halsted.org bingo 7773-477-7173, www.eqil.org Women & Children First karaoke HowHoward Brown Legal presenta- Fri Nov. 16 Bookstore LeAnne Howe: Miko ttions for LGBT community: Affi nity Music-N-Discussion Kings: An Indian Baseball featuring Nikki Patin & others. with lots of AAdoption and Custody. 6:30 Story. 7:30 p.m., 5233 N. pp.m., 4025 N. Sheridan Rd., Every third Friday. Doors 7 fun prizes Clark St., 773-769-9299, www. RRSVP at rsvp@howardbrown. p.m., show 8-10 p.m., 5650 womenandchildrenfi rst.com from oorg or call Hope at 773-388- South Woodlawn Avenue, Gar- Nightspots & 88906, www.howardbrown.org den Level, www.affi nity95.org Brown Elephant RReelingee 2007 26th Chicago Center on Halsted Sexual Ori- Sat Nov. 17 9pm LLesbian & Gay International entation and Gender Institute Affi nity Game Night 40+ event; FFilm Festival The Gendercator seminar: An Introduction Lez Chat. 7-9 p.m., 5650 every sunday at CControversy: Screening and to the Gottman Method of South Woodlawn Avenue, Gar- PPanel Discussion. 6 p.m., free, Relationship Therapy with den Level, www.affi nity95.org MARY’S ATTIC CCenter on Halsted, 3656 N. a Special Emphasis on Gay Brotherhood of the Phoenix HHalsted St., www.reelingfes- & Lesbian Issues. 9 a.m.- 1 This Chicago neo-pagan order ttival.org p.m., $75, $40 for graduate for GBT men who love men RReelingee 2007 26th Chicago students with ID, 3656 N. holds a religious celebration, LLesbian & Gay International Halsted St., 773-472-6469 Shadow Dance: A Celebration Film Festival Starrbooty + ext. 237 or sogi@centeronhal- of the Dark Tide. Workshop Karaoke After-Party. 8 p.m., sted.org 4-7 p.m., ritual 7:30-10 p.m., screening at Lakeshore The- Center on Halsted Alix 1900 W. Fulton St., www. ater, 3175 N. Broadway St., Olsen and Other Word Warriors brotherhoodofthephoenix.org, after-party at Goose Island perform words from Word 773-572-6600 Wrigleyville, 3535 N. Clark St., Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in Chicago Eagle Bears in the Bar, www.reelingfestival.org for the Spoken Word Revolution. a club night sponsored by info, tickets Reception 6:30 p.m., perfor- Bears Like Us. Free raffl es, free Women & Children First Book- mance 7 p.m., signing 8:30 food. 5015 N. Clark St. store Alaya Dawn Johnson: p.m., $10, 3656 N. Halsted Crew Catch the Ohio State vs. Racing the Dark. 7:30 p.m., St., www.centeronhalsted.org Michigan game. Wear your 5233 N. Clark St., 773-769- Chicago Eagle Underwear Party. team gear and if your team 9299, www.womenandchil- 5015 N. Clark St. wins, we’ll buy you a drink. drenfi rst.com Excalibur Nightclub Cerqua Bar opens at 10 a.m., kick off Rivera Dance Theatre’s Fall at 11 a.m., 4804 N. Broadway, Benefi t “Boogie Nights,” a www.worldsgreatestbar.com Thu Nov. 15 disco-themed event. 6:30 Extraordinary Lutheran Minis- Berlin Elevated. DJs Heather p.m., $50, 632 N. Dearborn tries The new group ordains 36 Nightspots NOVEMBER 14, 2007 its fi rst pastor as a challenge Glenwood Party is a new campaign to call 773-472-6469, ext. 160 to the “Refrain or Restraint” Reeling 2007 26th Chicago benefi t TPAN’s programs. 5 SpitFire Comedy Featuring policy regarding gay and les- Lesbian & Gay International p.m., Pepitone’s Restaurant, Fay Canale, Allison Leber, bian pastors. 2 p.m., open to Film 2 Minutes Later screening 5437 N. Broadway, www. Hattie Snider, Kristen Carney, public, Resurrection Lutheran and after-party. 9 p.m., Film theredparty.org Cameron Esposito and host Bill Church, 3309 N. Seminary Row Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash Windy City Gay Naturists M2M Cruz. 8 p.m., Apollo Theater Ave., www.elm.org Ave, after-party at River East group massage. 5 p.m., call Studio, 2540 N. Lincoln, $10, God-des & She performance. Art Center, 435 E. Illinois St., 773-764-1204 $7 with student ID, 773-935- 11 p.m., $10 advance, $15 www.reelingfestival.org for 6100 for tickets at door, limited capacity, info, tickets Heroes, 481 N. Schuyler Ave., Women & Children First Book- Mon Nov. 19 Kankakee, 815-802-0437 store Queer performance poet Center on Halsted Documentary: Wed Nov. 21 Hunters Nightclub TPAN and Alix Olsen reads from Word Pursuit of Equality. 7-9 p.m., Berlin Thanksgiving Eve Dance Nightspots’ Breaking Down the Warriors: 25 Women Leaders in $10, Hoover-Leppen Theater, Party. DJ Larissa. Host: Shayna Wall Party. Meet that special the Spoken Word Revolution. 3656 N. Halsted St., www. X. 954 W. Belmont, www. someone. DJ Ron G. and DJ 7:30 p.m., 5233 N. Clark St., centeronhalsted.org berlinchicago.com Lawrence K. 7-10 p.m. hosted 773-769-9299, www.wom- Center on Halsted First-Time Circuit Wild Wednesday dance bar 7-8 p.m., 1932 E. Higgins enandchildrenfi rst.com Home Buying workshop. 6-8 party. DJ Alex Perez. 9 p.m.-4 Rd., www.huntersnightclubs. p.m., donations accepted, a.m., 3641 N. Halsted St., com 3656 N. Halsted St., www. www.circuitclub.com Hydrate Joe Gauthreaux. 3458 Sun Nov. 18 centeronhalsted.org Crew $1 lite draft & $1 well N. Halsted, www.hydratechi- Broadway Youth Center 3rd Hard Rock Cafe Chicago drinks. 4804 N. Broadway, cago.com Annual Night of Fallen Stars, Exclusive party of Melissa’s www.worldsgreatestbar.com International Deaf Leather “31 an evening celebrating the new DVD The Awakening Live; Hunters Nightclub Feast Super Flavors of Sex” workshop and transgender community. 7 raffl e. 7:30 p.m. doors open, 8 Wednesday. DJ Ron G., lights tour of Leather Archives & Mu- p.m. after the Transgender Day p.m. premiere, 10 p.m. raffl e, by Dustin, dancers, adult seum. 7 p.m., $20 donation, of Remembrance Vigil, Center 63 W. Ontario, 312-943-2252, pornstar Ricky Sinz (showtime 6418 N. Greenview Ave., RSVP on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted, free, all ages, www.hardrock. 10:30 p.m.). Party starts 9 at www.wcrad.org www.howardbrown.org com p.m., $5 cover, 1932 E. Hig- Lesbian Community Care Proj- Hideaway Bitch B---Go. First The Heavy Divas Birthday gins Rd., www.huntersnight- ect Fall Brunch and live auc- and third Sundays. 6-8 p.m., Celebration featuring Chicago’s clubs.com tion. 11 a.m. VIP reception, 7301 W. Roosevelt Rd., For- leading entertainers and Oak Park Lesbian and Gay 12-3 p.m. fall brunch, Feast est Park special guests. Buffet, danc- Association Red, a weekly Restaurant, 1616 N. Damen Hydrate DJ Jeannette. 3458 N. ers, hosted by The Heavy Diva drop-in for les-bi women ages Ave., see www.lccp.org Halsted, www.hydratechicago. & Mz. Ruff ‘N Stuff. Featuring 16-26. Meets every Wednesday Live Oak Chicago Free Saturday com “The Warriors.” Showtime 12 night. 7:30-9:30 p.m., 947 series for gay men. This week: Illinois Gender Advocates Day a.m., $10 door, Circuit, 3641 Garfi eld, Oak Park, 708-386- Family: The One You Get and of Remembrance Vigil, in N. Halsted St., 773-640-0446 3463 or www.opalga.org the One You Create. How We memory of trans victims of Windy City Gay Naturists Defi ne and Relate to Family. hate crimes. 5 p.m., Center on Tue Nov. 20 Anniversary Party. Register 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., 1300 W. Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St. by Nov. 20 to attend. 7 p.m., Reeling 2007 26th Chicago Center on Halsted Saving and Touche, RSVP and details at Belmont Ave., Suite 402, RSVP Investing (for ages 21-30). required, call 773-880-1310 Lesbian & Gay International 312-494-2654, wcgn60660@ Film Festival Closing Night. Learn the basics. 6-8 p.m., aol.com ext. 86 or email mhodar@ donations accepted, 3656 N. liveoakchicago.com 6 p.m. pre-party at Chicago History Museum followed by Halsted St., www.centeron- Radio Arte Learn How to Love halsted.org Thu Nov. 22 Your Body workshop sponsored 7:30 p.m. screening of The Curiousity of Chance, then Sevices and Advocacy for GLBT Crew Open 11:30 a.m.. Celebrate by Affi nity, Amigas Latinas, Elders Gathering of Friends Thanksgiving at Crew; serving Howard Brown, LCCP. 1401 W. 9:30 p.m. after-party at Andy’s Jazz Club, 11 E. Hubbard, and Thanksgiving celebration with full menu and traditional 18th St., call 773-398-8546 SAGE and Horizon’s Youth favorites. 4804 N. Broadway, for info 9:30 p.m. after-party at www. reelingfestival.org for info, Program participants. 4:30-7 www.worldsgreatestbar.com Red Line Tap Emily White CD re- p.m., free, Center on Halsted, lease party. Bring fi ve friends tickets Test Positive Aware Network 3656 N. Halsted St., bring side and get a free copy of the new dish to share, RSVP requested, record. 9:30 p.m., 7006 N. Red Party kickoff. The Red

k.qqueerueer .nnewsews.ttalkal ly.ggossipossip ffreeree.wweeklyeek wwww.WindyCityQueercast.comww.WindyCityQueercast.com : fromFROM the booth THE BOOTH with Ink Storm G: That bartender lives in Chicago. P: You have it out for Cory. randy by Raging Stallion P: They are just staring at each G: This feels like a 20-hour video. pubert other. P: In reality it’s 2 hours and 40 G: It’s called cruising. minutes. : A man walks into a tattoo parlor P: Fucked on a barstool by the bar- G: How long was Titanic? Cause looking for a sleeve. tender, what a story that would be. this video is sinking. G: That hasn’t happened to you P: It’s too tedious. And there is a Pubert: Nice way to begin our video yet? bonus video? This is too long in about tattoos. P: Well, there’s still a few more the first place! Groeper: He’s dirty. Looks like he weeks in 2007! G: Ink Storm is only for die hard needs a bath. G: And a New Year’s resolution for tattoo fans. P: Is that Ant the comedienne? next year if not. G: Well, this doesn’t look like P: This is a long scene. Pubert: Tattooed thumb down the Celebrity Fit Club. G: Yeah, an hour and half and just throat. P: He has so many tattoos that it the third sex scene. Groeper: Thumb down the throat. looks like chest hair. P: They really take their time. G: He’s stumbling over his lines. Need more tattoos in your porn? Go P: Keep working with the script, Sleeping Beary wakes up from his to www.ragingstallion.com buddy. slumber with help from a friend. To read all about past articles G: Raging Stallion is not my From the Booth go to www.windyci- favorite studio. G: This is a little creepy. tymediagroup.com P: I like them because their videos P: Yeah, leave the hairy guy alone! are aggressive, a take charge kind G: Did he just wake up one morn- of company… ing and decide to get two cougar G: Speaking of aggressive, his jock tattoos on his ass? is ripped. P: This video needs P: Better wash it in Woolite! an editor. G: It goes on and on Next scene has someone getting a like a leather video. fire tattoo on his penis. P: He is rubbing his bald head on his ass. P: I have a low threshold for pain. Is that a turn on for G: No sanitary conditions here. Is people? this real or are they faking it? G: Could be hot. P: That’s one for the experts. He looks like he is definitely suffering. P: I luv Cory Koons’ I would be squirming. striped socks in the G: I would rather watch a guy get next scene. his penis pierced than get a tat- G: They are totally too. back in style! P: Well, this is hypnotizing in a P: He missed the way. trend the first time G: Everyone has a fetish. around. G: Cory is sweating A man walks into a bar to buy a too much. Must be drink. the drugs.

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