GREEN PEAS 2"39° Naval Outpost

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GREEN PEAS 2 'i TH U I^AY . JANUARY 19. 19M ,f1 M s n rE G N r\ Average .Daily Net Pre« R ub iKanrl^f^pr lEwttittg 1^^ vw the Weak Ended . The Weather . Jaa. Id, IMt FerwHt et IT. Si Weather Bni'iinn . Atty. John F. Shea has recov­ The Xkivenant League will meet U ia American Legkm band will 1 1 ,8 7 6 Meetly eloody wllh Httle change About Town ered from hla recent illness and tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the home of rehearae tomanrow night at 3 INVlSIBU AND REVUSIBU la temperatu* thin aftetMah, to­ has resumed work at Ms offics. ’ Mias.Esther Granetrom, SO Oak- o'clock at the post home. Naw fr*f thaAnAt night nod Sntnrday. -Lmr tonight wood Rd. The epeaker will be msmben are welcome. ICE CREEPERS ATTACHED •f ClteAatMa The young Adulta of the Eman­ Procaeda from the weekly aet- Mlse Martha White, whose topic ManchaUar^A, City of ViUaga C^harm le-SE high Saturday SS-SS. uel Luthenn C3iurch a n reminded back party of Anderaon Shea Aux­ will be “The Place of Sacred Music Dancing to the music of Dubai- of the akating party to be held to­ iliary, VfW, to be beld tomorrow in the Public Schools." Miss White do's orchestn .will bo enjoye«r Sat­ • we leplewe lieevy duty dippers ee helbw fediefi. morrow evening at Diamond Lake. night, will be donated to the Is music teacher In local elemen­ urday from 10 p.m. to. 1 a.m.' at • lee sketes slierpeiied M • level device. (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, jpONN., FRIDAY. JANUARY ip, 1958 (damUled Advertlelag en Png* 14) Cars will leave the church, at 7 Mile O’DImee. tary’ schools. the. Army and Navy Club, The o'clock. public is invited. The newly formed Young Adult Joseph C. Fulton, 113 W. Cen­ Those planning to attend the Club of South Methodiit Church ter St, la a patient at the Hart­ The deadline for getting tickets Wifcg Spouse Split will have a bOwJing party Satur­ ford Hospital. S A M T U L Y E S / Why Kiiehurst fasily, digested Girl Scout ermual dinner Tuesday for the SMFD Isdies’ n i^ t'S a tu r­ “ SHOE KEPAIBINO OF THE BBTTEB KIND" night at 6:30 at the South Meth­ day evening.; Intereited persona day night at 6:30 ht the Hlllentt 15 MAPLE ST.—A Few Stepa From Blahi Street an asked to meet at the church at By Uranium Atom odist Church are reminded that the Junior WBA meihbers will hojd is tonight at 6 o’clock. Tony Arrrnw From First Natloaal Parking Let pork helps keep you going strong! deadline for making reservationa 7:15. Information may be obtained their busineae Meeting tomorrow O'Bright's orchestra will play for if tomorrow. by calling the church office. at 6:30 p.m. at/tha Oimmlinity Y: dancing. ■ tik * all mMt. pork U om of our moat valuabit natural aourcaa L m Angolaa, Jan. 30 (PH -A o f oomplata protatn. many mlnerala and Uia B group o f vltamlni. WoiQaa won a divorca yoatorday Ifa an tdpaeially good aourca of B l, a vltamlp aaaantlal for aftar taaUfytog her hUaband'a f. growth, good appatlta, haalthy naraaa and normal dlgaatlon. hunt for uranium .caused a « r t i offart wondarful manu varlaty, too . bacon, aauaagt, chain reaction that Split tham m rortba, roMta, chopa and countlaaa other nourlahing, highly spw t. , ngoatlbla cuU your family will enjoy. Mrs. Katkerlna KeraalbUs, 37, said .her husband. Peter, 35. went H B L n YOU lUCaiST MANY INFECTIONS. Medical reaearch uranium 'hunting lost apring and ahowa tlwt aatiM plenty of complete. hlgh>quallty protein- -the she didn't see him until August kind you get In meat—not only halpa ahorten recovery Uma when when ha returned — empty you are aTck but leaaana the lOanger of compllcatlona. handed. - ' WHAT'S THE L A W t It'a a well*known law of aupply and When she gave him a choice - ' f ' - ,.f deanand that makea pork coat laaa In winter than In aummer. between further aeercblng or Thera la aimpiy more o f it—becauae moat piga are bom In Spring saving their marriage, Mrs. and come to market In laU Fall. You can aee how price alwaya KerosioUe teatiflad he replM , goea down when producUon goea up. “I know It'a out tbera somawhare The Jtmarican Meat Inatitute talla ua that the nutrlUonal and I’m going to kaep looking atatemanla made In thla advartlaement have been reviewed and and you or nobody claa la going Naval Outpost found eonatatent with current aclenUflc opinion by the Council to atop me." on Feoda and Nutrition o f the Ameiican Medical Aaaoclatlon. Plnchunit offers pork «t very low prices. Hen that wonderfuI-UsUns meat with its health* Wilson Saw nutriments is s real economy when it’s plentiful West Agree on Israel Censure r a n n n m S T ■ Membera o f UpHed Natidna Security Council 'ralae handa to vote In fevor of a reaolution yeater* Boston, Jan. 20 (/f)—A «hip crashed into the Texas Tower, day condemnlng^rael for ita Dec. 11 attack on Syria. Left to right: Ruaata'a Arkady Sobolev, Ridgway in radar “ island" 100 miles off Cape Cod, today, suffering seri- PORK ROAST lb. 39c Britain'a Sir ptbrson Dixon and Henry Cabot Lodge of the Uidted Statea. (AP WirephQto). Whole strip (about 10 lba.I Hava I or 10 chopa cut and balance A T H A L E ’ S oiw damage, but the tall trip^ structure was unscathed. Sued for roaattng. Agreem ent There were no casualties. The .ship waS’ the Military Sea Transport Service’s Sagitta, which had gone out to the tower riNEHURST PINEHURST la with fresh wateir and other supplies. She is a 269-foot, 6,202> SELF SERVE and M EAT DEPARTM ENT Nashville Rail Boss Los Angelas, Jsn. 20 (/P)— ton vessel. -?-------- " Defense Secrelsry Wilson While ecrvlqing the tower, her RIB PORK PORK CHOPS sAid today that he and Adm. starboard side crashed the struc­ o il at 40 Arthur W. Radford thought ture, tearing a hole in tanks In Democrat Asks Spurns NHRR Joh the Soglttd’a No. 2 hold, admit­ ROAST lb. 24c lb.5Ic Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway ting an , Inrush of water whi«di Every chop a lean canter cut FREE! 10 MINK STOLES In Fifth Day agreed to cuts in Army man- quickly .caused such a eevere 1 . Full Probe of RrQMdNyl that membera of iter crew atqod 1st and am^tanf'“1*‘Hi . .NMhviHe^ Tejtn. JajL JhjL-Ufahoato-------- ---- aauaage. Alao ItinJc aauaage from Handy, let Priae hot ahuiai* WortB $1,000 NCIi ^nibay, India, J«n, 20 ojf l^e i^ashville, (^attanooga ai\d St. Louis Railway, said to- r,ut e v i d e n 11 v Ridgway'fiR idsw i^ Leavee om Own Power ^riiik^Reiiiia*k IW apaghattl dlahaa. lOa PORTABLE —Looting and shooting con-, day he has turned down an offer to become president of the ‘ *^“‘**'*^ * Ybis pmautloh ifn v tx ' uimecei- o|dnipn8 changedJiter. ' tory os pumps too. control of the Thla waakand aava 10c Ib. on tinued unabated in riot-torn New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad at a salary of iPreildehi Misenhower h id stit Washington, Jon. 30 (J) Am . MIX-O-MATICS $75,000 a1 year.yeai Hackworth, head o(A : ...................... • • water and Uie Sagitta pr>ccoded Mansfield (D-Mont.) c ^ s d today PINEHUKST HUB8HLY MADE 0U)>FA8H10NED snd 1,000 other Bombay today for the fifth ed In \hat message that the Joint -foc-Booton- iindor her own -power at successive day. Left-Wing the NpASTL for the past IQ yaara.i Ghteft of 8taff nnaiilmoualy" tpv for a fult-sc«lsFeoiitN6W»8FT*^-’ SAUSAGE MEAT 49e priZes in the new M idbe bos notified the New Haven 5 knots. view of what li« doteribed aa Bee- proved reductions tn Army Capt. John J. Albers, U8N, who MISSISSIPPI B A C O N ......... ...................... Ib. 49e leaders of the demonstrators more more more State a o Unit strength in 1954-1955. Ridgway reUry of State Dullos’ “diplomacy Snow Crop O f The appealed in vain for an end to “I consider It an honor and a irvlsod its construction, after of tbe brink." then wps Army (^Icf of Staff, re< mg by radi< phone with the Chkken Breaats. lb. 89c Chicken Legs. lb. 79c Month Contest distinct compliment to be consid­ tiring lost June, In a speech prepared for th* the violence. tower said at the time of the ac­ FRYERS. FOWL, CAPONS rSOM MMIT TOUR The riotera, moatly o f the Mara- ered for a i^sition on the New Plans Censure Senate, he Mid Uits country muat Writing in the Saturday Bhrening cident the weather was "not bad, revlM lU foreign policy to moot a nciiitnii tha race, increaaingly vented Haven,” he said, “ but I have de­ BEEF IS JO N G ! Poet, Ridgway aatd he had “ moat the best In r,onthe.“ Soviet diplomatic offensive already their ire on Gujarati famlUea. cided, because of my interest In NMRJVP nriN Avnui treti We are featortog tw* favorite for year choeelng ef srieeted Nashville, that I do not wish my empbatlcolly not concurred" In the « sold the tower reported a In “high gear" or face the loos of HAMBURGER CAN BE DIFFERENT Many of the Gujoratia were fran­ For Governor corn-fed weateni beef. name presented to the board for program io.cut Army manpower.
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