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Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

John Sˇ edy´, Vasileios Bekiaris, and Carl F. Ware

Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Infectious and Inflammatory Disease Center, Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 Correspondence: [email protected]

The tumor necrosis factor superfamily (TNFSF) and its corresponding receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) form communication pathways required for developmental, homeostatic, and stimulus-responsive processes in vivo. Although this receptor–ligand system operates between many different cell types and organ systems, many of these play specific roles in immune system function. The TNFSF and TNFRSF proteins lymphotoxins, LIGHT (homologous to lymphotoxins, exhibits inducible expression, and competes with HSV gly- coprotein D for herpes virus entry mediator [HVEM], a receptor expressed by T lympho- cytes), lymphotoxin-b receptor (LT-bR), and HVEM are used by embryonic and adult innate lymphocytes to promote the development and homeostasis of lymphoid organs. Lymphotoxin-expressing innate-acting B cells construct microenvironments in lymphoid organs that restrict pathogen spread and initiate interferon defenses. Recent results illustrate how the communication networks formed among these cytokines and the coreceptors B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) and CD160 both inhibit and activate innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), innate gd T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. Understanding the role of TNFSF/ TNFRSF and interacting proteins in innate cells will likely reveal avenues for future thera- peutics for human disease.

he tumor necrosis factor superfamily nity and inflammation. In particular, we focus T(TNFSF) and its corresponding receptor on recent results that illustrate the key roles of superfamily (TNFRSF) mediate developmental, these cytokines in the ability of both conven- homeostatic, and stimulus-responsive processes tional innate lymphoid cells, such as natural kill- in many organ systems (Locksley et al. 2001; er (NK) cells, and unconventional innate-acting Wiens and Glenney 2011). The ligands and cells, such as B lymphocytes and gd T cells, to receptors in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) initiate and attenuate inflammation. superfamilies form communication pathways TNF is well known as a critical factor in elic- between many different cell types (Ware 2005). iting rapid inflammatory events acting through The focus of this review is on the lymphotoxin two distinct receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2 (for and LIGHT (TNFSF-14)-related subset of review, see Walczak 2011). In general, ligation TNFSF, their interacting receptors, and in their of these receptors results in activation of cas- roles as effectors and regulators of innate immu- pases, E3:ubiquitin ligases, or both. Death do-

Editor: Ruslan M. Medzhitov Additional Perspectives on Innate Immunity and Inflammation available at Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016279 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2015;7:a016279

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main containing receptors, such as TNFR1, (or coreceptors), creating a network for cellular recruit caspase 8, whereas lymphotoxin-b re- communication (Kaye 2008; Cai and Freeman ceptor (LT-bR) forms an E3 ligase liberating 2009; Murphy and Murphy 2010; Ware and Sˇedy´ the nuclear factor k--chain-enhancer of ac- 2011). The cellular ligands for HVEM come tivated B-cell (NF-kB)-inducing serine kinase from two distinct families: the TNF-related cy- (NIK) from ubiquitination and degradation tokines LIGHT (TNFSF14) and lymphotoxin-a (Sanjo et al. 2010). LT-bR signaling plays a key (LT-a) (Mauri et al. 1998), and the Ig super- role in lymphoid organogenesis and homeosta- family members B and T lymphocyte attenua- sis of lymphoid tissue microarchitecture. Her- tor (BTLA) (Sˇedy´ et al. 2005) and CD160 (Cai pes virus entry mediator (HVEM), TNFRSF14 et al. 2008). The cross-utilization of ligands by acts as a molecular switch between proinflam- HVEM, the LT-b receptor, and the two receptors matory and inhibitory signaling by serving as for TNF (Fig. 1) create a network of signaling both ligand and receptor for multiple ligands systems that together form a broader network

Lymphoid cell




Figure 1. The lymphotoxin LIGHT-related network. The diagram depicts the binding interactions between cytokines and receptors related to lymphotoxins. The arrows define the specificity of the ligand–receptor interactions. Arrowheads define the directionality of signaling, with dual arrowheads defining bidirectional signaling. The TNF-related ligands include TNF-a,LT-a,LT-a1b2, and LIGHT (TNFSF14) and are shown as trimers in their membrane-bound form and expressed in lymphoid cells. Their cognate receptors, TNFRI, TNFRII, LT-bR, and HVEM (TNFRSF14), are expressed in stromal and myeloid cells. Decoy receptor-3 is secreted and also binds and TL1A (TNFSF25) (not shown). HVEM binds the Ig superfamily members BTLA and CD160, which form bidirectional-signaling pathways. BTLA and HVEM are coexpressed in lymphocytes forming acomplex in cis. Not shown in this diagram are herpesvirus proteins gDand UL144 that signal via HVEM or BTLA. DcR3, decoy receptor 3. (From Bjordahl et al. 2013; reprinted, with permission, from Elsevier # 2013.)

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TNFSF in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

of pathways regulating inflammation, and in- cently appreciated family of lymphocytes that nate and adaptive immune responses (Ware are collectively known as innate lymphoid cells 2005; Sˇedy´ et al. 2008; Ware and Sˇedy´ 2011). (ILCs) (Fig. 2). ILCs have been categorized into The critical issue currently being addressed is three main groups depending on their func- interpreting these molecular pathways with tional capacity. Thus, there are group 1 ILCs physiological processes, particularly in the con- that secrete mainly IFN-g (ILC1), group 2 text of host defense. The recent examples we pro- ILCs that specialize in the production of type vide in this review hopefully help address how 2 cytokines, such as IL-5 and IL-13 (ILC2), and to interpret inflammatory models to aid in de- group 3 ILCs, which primarily produce IL-17 signing new approaches to alter real-world dis- and IL-22 (ILC3) (Spits et al. 2013). LTi cells ease processes in patients. have been classified as ILC3 because they express IL-22 within the embryo and share a common progenitor that depends on constitutive expres- LT-ab AND TNFR-DEPENDENT IMMUNITY sion of the transcription factor retinoid-related IN INNATE LYMPHOID CELLS orphan receptor gt(RORgt) (Sawa et al. 2010; Peripheral lymphoid organs form during em- Vonarbourg et al. 2010). ILCs play very impor- bryonic development requiring lymphoid tissue tant roles in many inflammatory and infectious inducer cells (LTi) that engage stromal organiz- responses (reviewed elsewhere, see Bernink et al. ing cells. Although often thought of as the crit- 2013). Interestingly, it appears that LT-ab and ical sites for generating adaptive immune re- LT- a are also important for the function of ILC3 sponses, the spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyer’s by regulating the IL-22-dependent clearance patches also serve to centralize innate defenses, of intestinal bacterial infections (Wang et al. particularly the initial type 1 interferon (IFN-I) 2010) and inducing immunoglobulin A (IgA) response tovirus infections (see below). LT-ab– production (Kruglov et al. 2013). LT- bR signaling is the key pathway in the forma- In addition to LT-ab, LTi, and ILC (partic- tion of lymph nodes and Peyer’s patches. The ularly ILC1 and ILC3) express high levels of LT- ab that activates stromal cell LT-bR to initi- an array of TNFSF ligands including but not ate lymph node (LN) development is expressed limited to TNF-a, LIGHT (TNFSF14), OX40- in LTi cells, a highly specialized type of hema- ligand (TNFSF4), CD30-ligand (TNFSF8), topoietic cell (Mebius et al. 1997; Cupedo et al. RANK (TNFSF11a), RANK-ligand (TNFSF11), 2009). Embryonic LTicells originate in the fetal and receptors including HVEM, TNFR2 (TNF liver and respond to CXCL13 to migrate to the RSF1B), and death receptor (DR) 3 (TNFRSF nascent lymphoid tissues (van de Pavert et al. 25) (Kim et al. 2003, 2006b). With the exception 2009). LTi lack LT-ab before entry into newly of CD30-ligand and the provision of survival formed LN, but express surface LT-a1b2onac- signals to NK cells during viral infection (Be- tivation through receptor activator of NF-kB kiaris et al. 2009), the individual contribution (RANK) (TNFRSF11a) by its ligand (Vondenh- of each receptor or ligand in ILC-driven innate off et al. 2009). Following the expression of immune responses has not been formally ad- LT- a1b2, lymphoid tissue formation initiates. dressed. However, given their shared signaling Expression of LT-a1b2 by LTi is also induced properties with LT-ab, TNF, and LIGHT may and sustained by IL-7 (Yoshida et al. 2002), contribute compensatory mechanisms for ILC whereas stromal cell-produced chemokines function during immune development and in- recruit additional LTi in a feed-forward loop. fection. Successful completion of the lymphoid develop- ILC are not the only lymphocytes that have mental program in rodents is largely concluded been linked with TNFR-driven innate immuni- during the first week of neonatal life (Nolte et al. ty. There are at least two subpopulations of gd 2003). T cells that have lost T-cell-receptor responsive- Although unique during embryonic life, in ness, yet display bona fide innate functionality the adult, LTi cells constitute a subset of a re- (Wencker et al. 2014). These two gd T-cell sub-

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Group 1 ILC Group 2 ILC Group 3 ILC γδ T cells NK cells

RORγt RORα T-bet/Eomes T-bet GATA3 RORγt RORγt T-bet Id2 E4BP4 (RORγt)

IFN-γ IL-5/13 IL-17/22 IL-17/22 IFN-γ IFN-γ/cytotoxicity LT-αβ LT-αβ LT-αβ LT-αβ LT-αβ TNF CD27 TNF TNF TNF HVEM HVEM HVEM HVEM LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT OX40L? OX40L CD30 CD30 CD30L? CD30L CD27 (in T-bet+)

Figure 2. TNFRSF proteins associated with innate cells. Groups 1, 2, and 3 ILC, gd T cells, and NK cells are displayed showing the transcription factors required for specific differentiation of each innate lineage (within the cell). Differentiation of ILC and gd T cells is discussed within the text. NK cell differentiation has been shown to depend on a number of factors including both the T-box factors T-bet and Eomes, the basic leucine zipper factor E4BP4, and the E repressor Id2 for maintenance of mature NK cells (Boos et al. 2007; Gascoyne et al. 2009; Kamizono et al. 2009; Gordon et al. 2012). Cytokine production and effector function are displayed directly below the cells, and the TNFRSF and TNFSF proteins discussed are shown at the bottom.

sets can be broadly identified by the expression of mature splenic organization and homeosta- of the TNFRSF CD27 as CD27þIFN-gþ and sis is initially dependent on embryonic LTicells, CD272IL-17þ (Ribot et al. 2009). Embryonic whereas B lymphocytes provide homeostatic thymic signaling from CD27 and LT-bR in the signals at later times (Cyster 2003). In contrast, stromal cells have been shown to regulate the innate lymphocytes continue to provide key balanced development of IFN-g- versus IL-17- homeostatic signals via the LT-ab–LT-bR path- producing gd T cells (Silva-Santos et al. 2005; way in lymph nodes. The LT-ab–LT-bR system Ribot et al. 2009), whereas LT-bR is critical for plays multiple roles in forming and maintaining the full maturation and activation of CD272IL- the microarchitecture providing key differenti- 17þ gd T cells (Powolny-Budnicka et al. 2011). ation signals to stromal cells (Cyster 2003), sub- It is likely that the LT-bR requirement is indirect sets of dendritic cells (DC) (CD11chiCD82) because LT-bR expression is restricted to stro- (Kabashima et al. 2005; De Trez et al. 2008), mal or cells of myeloid lineage (Murphy et al. follicular dendritic cells (Endres et al. 1999), 1998). Furthermore, CD30 has also been shown and marginal sinus macrophages (Kraal and to provide survival and activation signals to gd Mebius 2006). In addition to regulating anti- T cells at mucosal sites (Sun et al. 2013). viral responses via type I IFN, engagement of In humans, we recently reported the pres- the LT-bR on the embryonic lymphoid tissue ence of a CD4þCD32 innate-like T cells that are stromal cells initiates a signaling cascade that characterized by high levels of constitutive TNF promotes the differentiation of these cells into and inducible surface LT-ab that are prevalent a specialized population known as stromal or- in the blood of rheumatoid arthritis patients ganizer cells (White et al. 2007). Stromal orga- (Bekiaris et al. 2013b). The functional role of nizing cellsthen expressthe homeostaticchemo- TNF and LT-ab in CD4þCD32 innate T cells kines CXCL13, CCL19, and CCL21 (Dejardin has not been elucidated. et al. 2002) that will attract B and T lymphocytes Although not required for the formation after birth and organize them into their distinct of the spleen, the LT-ab–LT-bR pathway pro- T-cell zones and B follicles the regions found vides key signals that drive the maturation of the in mature lymph nodes. In addition, stromal spleen and its microarchitecture. Maintenance organizing cells express the cytokine interleukin

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TNFSF in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

(IL)-7, which is the major survival factor for alleling viral expression, yet is independent naı¨ve lymphocytes within the developing and of TLR signaling (Schneider et al. 2008). In con- mature lymphoid organ (Link et al. 2007; Meier trast, LT-bR signaling in DC produces IFN-b at et al. 2007). Recent work has shown that within levels reflecting homeostasis (Summers deLuca lymph nodes the specific progenitor to stromal et al. 2011). Thus, communication between in- organizing cell is a preadipocyte, which differ- nate B cells and stromal cells initiates and ampli- entiates using an LT-bR-dependent mechanism fies the earliest IFN-I response to mouse CMV (Benezech et al. 2012). infection (Fig. 3) (Schneider et al. 2008). Infection with VSV differs from CMVin that macrophages are the primary target following INNATE B CELLS AND SENTINEL PATHOGEN subcutaneous infection and macrophages pro- PERMISSIVE CELLS vide the source of IFN-I. Innate B cells via LT- The sinuses in the spleen and lymph nodes pro- ab–LT-bR pathway differentiate CD169þ sub- vide the essential filtering mechanism that cap- capsular macrophages into a permissive state ture blood- and lymph-borne pathogens (Junt for VSV replication. In macrophages, the per- et al. 2008). Within these structures, the sinus- missive state of these cells is controlled by lining macrophages in the spleen and lymph Usp18, which encodes an ISG-15 deconjugating nodes are critically important for capturing enzyme that also restricts IFN-I receptor sig- pathogens. Their differentiation requires B-cell naling, destabilizing the effects of IFN-I (Kim expression of LT-ab to produce the initial wave et al. 2006a, 2008). The Usp18 gene is needed of type 1 interferons (IFN-I including both to mount an effective adaptive (antibody) re- IFN-b and IFN-a). Studies of two distinct vi- sponse to VSV (Honke et al. 2012). ruses in their natural hosts, mouse cytomegalo- The consequences of infection are severe virus (CMV) a b-herpesvirus with a large DNA when the LT-IFN axis fails to function. In the genome (Schneider et al. 2008) and vesicular absence of LT-bR signaling, IFN-I production stomatitis virus (VSV), a Rhabdovirus with a and VSV replication in lymph nodes is blocked; small RNA genome (Moseman et al. 2012) re- however, neurons innervating the nodes be- vealed the innate role of B cells in providing LT- come a virus target leading to spread of virus ab that drives the initial IFN-I response. Mice to the central nervous system with ensuing par- deficient in Lt-b, specifically in B cells fail to alytic disease. In contrast, CMV replicates in produce IFN-I in response to CMV or VSV in- the absence of IFN-I or LT-bR signaling with fection. The “innateness” of B cells in IFN-I- disastrous consequences for lymphoid tissues, mediated defense against VSV was clearly de- causing a massive apoptosis of T and B cells in fined using the DHLMP2A mice (Casola et al. the absence of direct infection (splenic necro- 2004). Activating signals from the herpesvirus sis). IFN-I is a key factor in promoting T- and LMP2A gene retain B cells and have normal B-cell viability during antigen challenge (Mar- lymphoid tissue architecture, yet are devoid of rack et al. 1999) indicating that the LT-IFN axis surface or secreted antibodies. promotes adaptive defenses. The initial IFN-Idefense to CMVoccurs rap- The conceptual outcome of these results idly, peaking within 8–12 h after infection and suggests that the LT-IFN axis creates a restricted accounts for .80% of the IFN-I in the circula- microenvironment containing sentinel patho- tion. Mouse CMV infects the CCL21 expressing gen permissive cells located in the sinuses of LT- bR-dependent stromal cells in the splenic lymphoid organs as the first line of innate de- marginal sinus and T-cell zone (Benedict et al. fense to viral pathogens (Fig. 3) (Khanna and 2006). IFN-I production requires active signal- Lefrancois 2012; Ware and Benedict 2012). The ing by the LT-bR within these infected cells LT- bR system controls expression of CXCL13 (Banks et al. 2005). IFN-I induction measured and CCL21 that position CD169þ macrophages as IFN-b or IFN-a mRNA increases by several within lymph node and splenic microenviron- ordersofmagnitudeinLT-bRþ stromalcellspar- ment. The membrane-anchored position of the

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CMV IL-7 Stromal TFH B cell


B cell B cell LTαβ Mac VSV LTβR


Figure 3. Innate B cells and sentinel pathogen permissive cells. Innate B cells in lymphoid organs express the LT- ab that specifically engages the LT-bR expressed in lymphoid tissue stromal cells and myeloid lineage cells including marginal sinus macrophages. LT-ab signals differentiate stromal cells macrophages into sentinel IFN- I producing cells and allow virus production. The B cell to stromal cell interaction creates microenvironments of lymphocytes through secretion of chemokines and IL-7. CMV infects stromal cells in the splenic marginal sinus from which IFN-I is rapidly expressed and secreted. B-cell expression of LT-ab is also required for the differ- entiation and recruitment of Siglec1-expressing macrophages in lymph organs. Usp18 creates a permissive state for virus replication in macrophages. Vesicularstomatitis virus (VSV) infects macrophages inducing production of IFN-I. Virus replication and progeny are produced (red arrows) in the permissive stromal cells or CD169þ macrophages. IFN-ab protects uninfected cells in the surrounding microenvironment. High virus production allows antigen-specific B cells to capture antigen, migrate, and engage T follicular helper (TFH) cells for anti- body production. Mac, macrophage.

LT- ab complex indicates that only those mac- sinus-lining macrophages and the LT-IFN axis rophages in cell contact with innate B cells will suggesting a broader host defense strategy. It is differentiate into a permissive state, and, conse- not surprising then that some successful patho- quently, creating a restricted microenvironment gens have evolved strategies to evade these path- for pathogen replication. Usp18 is an example of ways (Sˇedy´ et al. 2008). a gene that induces unresponsiveness to IFN-I signaling, thus restricting virus replication in ROLE OF THE HVEM-BTLA-CD160 SYSTEM the sinus-lining macrophages. It is not clear IN INNATE IMMUNITY whether this mechanism operates in stromal cells. This IFN-I unresponsive state allows for HVEM is one of the most evolutionary con- high virus replication and, thus, antigen produc- served TNFRSF members with orthologs ex- tion in a restricted microenvironment. High pressed in many species including humans antigen concentration would promote efficient and lamprey (Guo et al. 2009). Diverse binding B-cell recognition for transport to follicular re- modalities of HVEM with LIGHT, LT-a3, and gions to generate high affinityantibody respons- the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily members es. Additionally, it is predicted that IFN-I resis- BTLA and CD160 in trans and in cis have opened tant mutations would not be selected during up the TNFR signaling pathways to further reg- the initial rounds of virus replication. Addi- ulation and unique immunological properties. tional pathogens show strong dependence on HVEM was originally identified as an entry re-

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TNFSF in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

ceptor for herpes simplex virus and is a widely HVEM was also identified as a ligand for expressed in hematopoietic cells and in epithe- CD160, a glycosylphosphoinosiol (GPI)-linked lia cells, and binds the inducible TNF family receptor expressed at low levels in many cells members LT-a3 and LIGHT (Murphy et al. and showing greater expression in NK cells 2006; Ware and Sˇedy´ 2011). (Cai et al. 2008; Le Bouteiller et al. 2011). BTLA is an inhibitory receptor that binds CD160 has been shown to interact MHC-I pro- HVEM at a distinct surface from TNF ligands teins in mouse and human, including HLA-C through its Ig domain, resulting in bidirectional (Le Bouteiller et al. 2002; Maeda et al. 2005). signaling in cells expressing both proteins (Sˇedy´ HLA-C binds CD160 in NK cells to activate cy- etal.2005; Cheunget al.2009;MurphyandMur- tolysis, and the expression of IFN-g, TNF-a, phy 2010). BTLA was originally identified as a and IL-6 (Le Bouteiller et al. 2002; Barakonyi Th1-specific transcript, but is expressed in many et al. 2004). CD160 may function as a costimu- cells in the immune system including B cells, latory receptor in the absence of CD28 on T cells ab and gd T cells,NK cells, DC, and macrophag- to activate PI3K signaling (Nikolova et al. 2002; es (Watanabe et al. 2003; Murphy and Murphy Rabot et al. 2007). The mechanism of GPI- 2010; Bekiaris et al. 2013a; Sˇedy´ et al. 2013). linked CD160 signaling is unclear, although it HVEM activates BTLA resulting in phosphory- may transmit signals with cell surface–associat- lation of its cytoplasmic domain and recruit- ed CD2 in NK cells (Rabot et al. 2006). Addi- ment of the Src homology-2 (SH2) containing tionally, in CD4þ T cells, CD160 was shown to phosphatase (SHP)-1 and 2 to its carboxy-ter- inhibit T-cell activation in response to HVEM minal motif (Watanabe et al. 2003; Sˇedy´ et al. ligation (Cai et al. 2008). In contrast, activated 2005). The hematopoietic and epithelial cell– NK cells can express an alternate spliced form of specific SHP-1 protein functions predominantly CD160 that encodes a transmembrane domain to dephosphorylate tyrosine within activated ki- and cytoplasmic tail. This form of CD160 co- nases or adaptor proteins, thus limiting signal stimulates protein kinase B (PKB; AKT) and transduction pathways (Van Vactor et al. 1998; extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) sig- Pao et al. 2007). In contrast, a major function of naling in response to HVEM activation. the more ubiquitously expressed SHP-2 protein is to activate RAS/mitogen-activated protein CD160 AND BTLA CONTROL OF NK-CELL kinase (MAPK) signaling, although SHP-2 has ANTIVIRAL ACTIVATION been associated with activation of several inhib- itory receptors (Tiganis and Bennett 2007). Di- NK cells mediate clearance of infected cells rect targets of BTLA-associated SHP-1 and -2 largely through the secretion of inflammatory phosphatase activity are thought to include the cytokines, such as TNF-a or IFN-g, or through CD3z chain in T cells and Syk in B cells (Wu et al. direct lysis of infected cells (Vivier et al. 2011). 2007; Vendel et al. 2009), but little is known Many pathogens that establish chronic or latent about BTLA signaling in other cell subsets. A infections use a variety of immunoregulatory peptide derived from an additional tyrosine- mechanisms to evade initial clearance by innate containing motif within the BTLA cytoplasmic effector cells, such as NK cells (Lanier 2008). tail could recruit growth factor receptor bound- The role of HVEM as a receptor for HSV raised 2(Grb2)andthep85regulatorysubunitofphos- the possibility that viruses may alter the activi- phoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K), although a func- ty of HVEM or its ligands during infection as tion of these associations has not been ascribed an immunoregulatory mechanism. We previ- in vivo (Gavrieli and Murphy 2006). HVEM and ously showed that human CMVexpresses a viral LIGHTareeachexpressedonavarietyofcelltypes mimic of HVEM (orf UL144) that binds and includingTcells,DC,macrophages,andNKcells, activates BTLA to inhibit T-cell proliferation and activation of HVEM by LIGHT or BTLA (Benedict et al. 1999; Cheung et al. 2005). We leads to NF-kB-driven gene activation and in- and others found that the orf UL144 protein flammatory signaling (Murphy et al. 2006). could not bind LT-a3 or LIGHT, likely be-

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cause of its limited domain structure (Benedict binds and down-regulates expression of two et al. 1999; Poole et al. 2006). However, we also apoptotic TNF receptors (DR4 and 5) in infect- found that the orf UL144 protein could not bind ed cells (Smith et al. 2013). CD160, which binds an overlapping site on HVEM costimulation of NK cells is greatest HVEM with BTLA (Kojima et al. 2011; Sˇedy´ in donors that had not been previously infected et al. 2013). HVEM binding to CD160 enhanced with human CMV. In CMV seropositive in- NK-cell activation in response to CMV and co- dividuals, an NKG2Cþ population of NK cells stimulated NK cytolytic function and cytokine expands that is suggested to acquire memory release, whereas NK lines expressing high levels cell properties and, thus, may be less reliant on of BTLA had reduced cytolytic function. costimulatory signals (Lopez-Verges et al. 2011; Together, these data showed that BTLA and Foley et al. 2012a,b; Muntasell et al. 2013). We CD160 counter-regulate NK-cell activation in did not detect differences in CD160 expression response to HVEM binding (Fig. 4). Expression between NKG2Cþ or NKG2C2 cells. Thus, the of BTLA following NKG2D stimulation likely response of NKG2C2 cells to HVEM may re- serves to limit CD160 costimulatory signals as flect a requirement for CD160 signaling to ini- a means to shut down activation (Sˇedy´ et al. tiate transcriptional programs already active in 2013). The expression of a BTLA-binding pro- NKG2Cþ cells. Activating NKG2C and inhibi- tein in CMV that avoids CD160 activation may tory NKG2A receptors bind to human leukocyte have evolved to promote infection by selectively antigen (HLA)-E, which presents leader pep- engaging inhibitory pathways and tip the bal- tides from MHC class I. In accordance with ance in favor of reduced NK-cell activation. As the missing-self hypothesis of NK-cell activa- an additional measure against NK killing, CMV tion, the absence of NKG2A inhibitory signal- expresses a second protein, orf UL141, which ing through SHP-1 allows for NK activation. The role for lower affinity interactions between NKG2C and HLA-E-peptide complexes is less NK cells clear, although it has been proposed that a sta- ble complex of HLA-E with a CMV nonamer HVEM HVEM peptide from the orf UL40 protein may acti- CD160 BTLA vate NKG2C (Heatley et al. 2013; Muntasell et al. 2013). Intriguingly, HLA-E polymorphisms Lck 1 have been associated with the development of SHP-1 psoriasis lesions and decreased frequencies of AKT SHP-2 NKG2Cþ NK cells (Batista et al. 2013; Patel et 2 ERK 3 al. 2013; Zeng et al. 2013). Future studies will be required to clarify how these receptors are IFN-γ involved in the development of disease. TNF-α BTLA INHIBITION OF gd T-CELL NK receptor/type I interferon/IL-2 activated HOMEOSTASIS AND ACTIVATION Cytolytic function Production of IFN-γ and TNF-α We and others recently observed the inhibitory effect of BTLA in innate gd T cells (Bekiaris et al. Figure 4. Dual regulation of NK-cell activation by 2013a; Gertner-Dardenne et al. 2013). Mice de- CD160 and BTLA. (1) NK cells are activated by NK ficient in BTLA had significantly increased IL- receptors (e.g., NKG2D), and cytokine receptors 17-producing RORgtþCD272 gd T cells that (e.g., IL-2, type I interferon), to signal through the ERK and Akt pathways; (2) CD160 costimulates ERK are implicated in autoimmune diseases (Sutton and Akt activation, enhancing NK cell effector func- et al. 2012; Ribot and Silva-Santos 2013). Addi- tion; and (3) BTLA inhibits NK-cell activation result- tionally, we found that BTLA deficiency con- ing in reduced target cell lysis. ferred a competitive advantage to gd T cells in

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TNFSF in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

mixed bone marrow chimera. gd T-cell homeo- γδ T cells static expansion was previously shown to be de- IL-7 pendent on common g chain signaling through BTLA HVEM IL-7 and IL-15 (Baccala et al. 2005). BTLA-de- IL-7R ficient gd T cells also show increased IL-17 and JAK1 3 SHP-1 TNF-a production in response to IL-7. Togeth- STAT5 er these data indicate that BTLA may directly STAT3 SHP-2 regulate cytokine signals in innate cells. SHP-1 12 has been shown to regulate signaling of several cytokines, including those using the common g chain, whereas Janus kinase (JAK) and sig- nal transducer and activator of transcription IL-17 (STAT) proteins have been described as sub- TNF strates for both SHP-1 and SHP-2 (Rakesh and IL-7 activated Agrawal 2005; Pao et al. 2007; Tiganis and Ben- Homeostatic proliferation α nett 2007). Recently, SHP-1 was reported to lim- Production of IL-17 and TNF- Expression of surface BTLA it TH17 development through inhibition of IL- 21 signaling, and T-cell homeostasis through Figure 5. BTLA regulation of IL-7 responses in gd T inhibition of IL-4 (Mauldin et al. 2012; Johnson cells. (1) IL-7 binding to IL-7 receptor activates JAK1 et al. 2013). Notably, it is unclear how SHP inducing STAT3 and STAT5 activation and nuclear phosphatases are recruited to cytokine recep- localization; (2) IL-7 signaling in part drives homeo- static proliferation of gd T cells (and ILC), IL-17 and tors, or whether BTLA participates in recruit- 2 ment to receptors. We observed induction of TNF-a expression in CD27 gd T cells, and increased levels of surface BTLA in gd T cells (and ILC); and (3) BTLA expression in response to IL-7 signaling, BTLA expression inhibits IL-7 responses in gd T cells. providing a mechanism through which cyto- kine signals can be regulated (Fig. 5). This cyto- kine signaling circuit was also present in ILC3, ing downstream from the type I IFN receptor is which also gained a competitive advantage by not required for the development of psoriasis BTLA deficiency in mixed bone marrow recon- or the activation of IL-17-producing gd T cells stitution experiments, and which also induced (Walter et al. 2013; Wohn et al. 2013). Because BTLA expression. Thus, in ILC and gd T cells, of the importance of BTLA in inhibiting IL-7 is regulated by negative feedback through CD272IL-17þ gd T-cell responses and the key BTLA. role of innate IL-17 during bacterial infection, it Using the Aldara/Imiquimod (IMQ) would make evolutionary sense to maintain low cream–induced psoriasis model (van der Fits levels of BTLA at steady state. In this regard, we et al. 2009), we further show the necessity of show that RORgt repressed BTLA transcription BTLA to suppress skin inflammation by regu- through direct binding to the Btla promoter lating gd T-cell expansion and cytokine secre- (Bekiaris et al. 2013a). tion. IMQ cream–induced psoriasis is strongly In humans, proliferation of gd T cells ex- dependent on skin resident nonlymphoid cells pressing Vg9- and Vd2-encoding T-cell recep- (Cai et al. 2011) and is largely TLR7-dependent, tors was reduced by HVEM binding to BTLA, although it may also induce TLR7-independent and enhanced by antibodies or decoy receptors inflammation (Pantelyushin et al. 2012; Walter that blocked the HVEM-BTLA interaction et al. 2013). Whether BTLA or other inhibitory (Gertner-Dardenne et al. 2013). Vg9Vd2þ T receptors act very early to suppress TLR signal- cells are the predominant population of gd T ing in the skin is currently unknown. Interest- cells circulating within human blood, and have ingly, whereas IMQ can induce IFN-ab in a potent cytolytic activity against a wide variety of TLR7/MyD88-dependent mechanism (Hemmi tumors and infected cells (Caccamo et al. 2010; et al. 2002), it was recently shown that signal- Kalyan and Kabelitz 2013). Although the cog-

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nate receptor for Vg9Vd2þ T cells remains diffuse large B-cell lymphoma contain deletions unclear, they are activated by nonpeptide phos- in the gene-encoding HVEM (TNFRSF14), and phorylated isoprenoid pathway metabolites are associated with worse prognosis (Cheung whose presentation is facilitated by stress-in- et al. 2010; Launay et al. 2012; Lohr et al. 2012; duced proteins and CD277 (Harly et al. 2012). Bjordahl et al. 2013; Martin-Guerrero et al. Recently, much attention has been focused on 2013). We previously argued that TNFRSF14 evaluating the effectiveness of phosphoantigens deletions may be acquired in more aggressive or activated Vg9Vd2þ T cells as anticancer ther- tumors as an adaptation to prevent NK cell co- apies (reviewed in Caccamo et al. 2010). Block- stimulation through CD160 (Sˇedy´ et al. 2013). ing the BTLA-HVEM interaction has been pro- CD160 is also present in human gd T cells, and posedasafurthermeasuretoenhanceantitumor identifies the recently characterized lytic ILC1 responses of Vg9Vd2þ T cells (Lopez 2013). population, although it is not clear how this receptor signals in these cells (Maiza et al. 1993; Fuchs et al. 2013). Another possible selec- LT-bR LIGHT HVEM-BTLA COUNTER- tive pressure for follicular lymphoma to delete REGULATION OF DC HOMEOSTASIS TNFRSF14isto prevent interactions withBTLA- The role of TNFRSF in balancing DC homeo- expressing TFH cells (Chtanova et al. 2004; stasis is well documented. In this regard, LT-bR Nurieva et al. 2008; M’Hidi et al. 2009). Follicu- is necessary for the proliferation of lymphoid lar lymphomas containing a higher content of 2 tissue resident CD8 DC (Kabashima et al. T cells with TFH markers are associated with in- 2005). In contrast, although mice deficient in creased survival (Byers et al. 2008; Carreras et al. LT- bR have reduced numbers of CD82 DCs, 2009; Pangault et al. 2010). Further studies will their numbers in BTLA- or HVEM-deficient be required to determine the relative con- animals show the opposite phenotype, with sig- tributions of innate and adaptive compartments nificantly increased CD82 DC (De Trez et al. in shaping the tumor microenvironment and 2008), suggesting that ITIM-dependent signals the development of more aggressive tumors. suppress the impact of the LT-bRpathwayto BTLA has also been shown to control in- balance DC homeostasis. Similarly, recent data flammation induced by a number of infections have shown that along with Notch2, LT-bR in- in mice including malaria and listeria (Lepenies structs the normal development of tissue resi- et al. 2007; Sun et al. 2009). In humans, in- dent and migratory intestinal DC subsets (Sat- creased expression of BTLA in lymphocytes is pathy et al. 2013). Moreover, BTLA expression associated with the presence of chronic infec- in DC and macrophages is necessary to sup- tions, such as cytomegalovirus and hepatitis B press LPS-induced TNF and IL-12 production, (Serriari et al. 2010; Cai et al. 2013). In contrast, and prevent endotoxin shock (Kobayashi et al. decreased BTLA expression in lymphocytes is 2013). The importance of BTLA in DC biology observed during infection with human immu- has been recently reemphasized by the discovery nodeficiency virus, possibly owing to regulation that it is one of the most highly expressed by type I interferon (Xu et al. 2009; Zhang et al. in mouse and human CD103þCD11b2 DC 2011; Boliar et al. 2012; Larsson et al. 2013). (Watchmaker et al. 2014). The HVEM-BTLA-CD160 signaling complex is also critical for the innate immune properties of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. Thus, ASSOCIATION OF HVEM NETWORK following bacterial infection CD160 in intraepi- WITH DISEASE thelial lymphocytes engages HVEM on the ep- Awide varietyof tumors express HVEM and, thus, ithelium to increase levels of the IL-22 receptor have the potential to inhibit the proliferation and initiate a STAT3-dependent pathway neces- of Vg9Vd2þ T cells. Interestingly, several groups sary for clearing the infection (Shui et al. 2012). have reported that a high percentage of adult Whether these are CD160-expressing ILC1 (see onset and pediatric follicular lymphoma and above) remains to be determined.

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TNFSF in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

Table 1. Gene polymorphisms or altered cellular expression of HVEM, LIGHT, BTLA, and CD160 in human disease Human disease

Pathogen Gene Autoimmunity Cancer responses Other TNFRSF14 Asthma (Jung et al. 2003) Follicular lymphoma CMV (Cheung Atherosclerosis (Lee (HVEM) Dermatitis (Jung et al. (Cheung et al. 2010; et al. 2005) et al. 2001) 2003) Launay et al. 2012) Obesity (Bassols et al. Rheumatoid arthritis (Jung 2010) et al. 2003; Raychaudhuri et al. 2008; Perdigones et al. 2010; Shang et al. 2012a; Herraez et al. 2013) Multiple sclerosis (Blanco- Kelly et al. 2011) Ulcerative colitis (Anderson et al. 2011; Jostins et al. 2012) Celiac disease (Dubois et al. 2010) TNFSF14 Multiple sclerosis (Sawcer Melanoma (Mortarini Hepatitis C Obesity (Bassols et al. (LIGHT) et al. 2011) et al. 2005) (Celik et al. 2010) Rheumatoid arthritis (Celik Breast cancer (Gantsev 2009) Atherosclerosis et al. 2009) et al. 2013) (Scholz et al. 2005) Dermatitis (Kotani et al. Vascular dementia 2012) (Kong et al. 2008) Stroke (Liu et al. 2008) Ulcerative interstitial cystitis (Ogawa et al. 2010) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Aebischer et al. 2012) Sickle cell disease (Garrido et al. 2012) BTLA Rheumatoid arthritis (Lin Breast cancer (Fu et al. HIV (Zhang et al. 2006; Oki et al. 2011; 2009) et al. 2011) Shang et al. 2012a,b) Chronic lymphocytic CMV (Cheung leukemia (CLL)/ et al. 2005; small lymphocytic Serriari et al. lymphoma (M’Hidi 2010) et al. 2009) CD160 Dermatitis (Abecassis et al. CLL/hairy cell HIV (Peretz Paroxysmal nocturnal 2007) leukemia/mantle cell et al. 2012) hemoglobinuria lymphoma (Farren (Giustiniani et al. et al. 2011) 2012)

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The prevention of autoimmune recognition and Jean Perkins Family Foundation for sup- is thought to be controlled by lymphocyte in- port. hibitory receptors, such as CTLA4, PD-1, BTLA, and their ligands (Watanabe and Naka- REFERENCES jima 2012). BTLA has been shown to be impor- tant in regulating autoimmunity in several dis- Abecassis S, Giustiniani J, Meyer N, Schiavon V,Ortonne N, ease models, such as experimental autoimmune Campillo JA, Bagot M, Bensussan A. 2007. Identification of a novel CD160þ CD4þ T-lymphocyte subset in the encephalitis, autoimmune cardiomyopathy, skin: A possible role for CD160 in skin inflammation. J dermatitis, and airway hypersensitivity (Wata- Invest Dermatol 127: 1161–1166. nabe et al. 2003; Tao et al. 2005; Deppong et al. Aebischer J, Moumen A, Sazdovitch V, Seilhean D, Mei- þ ninger V, Raoul C. 2012. Elevated levels of IFN-g and 2006; Bekiaris et al. 2013a). In a model of CD4 LIGHT in the spinal cord of patients with sporadic amyo- T-cell-driven colitis, HVEM expression in re- trophic lateral sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 19: 752–759, e745– cipient animals lacking T or B cells was shown 756. to prevent the development of disease (Stein- Anderson CA, Boucher G, Lees CW, Franke A, D’Amato M, Taylor KD, Lee JC, Goyette P, Imielinski M, Latiano A, berg et al. 2008). A SNP in the human BTLA et al. 2011. Meta-analysis identifies 29 additional ulcera- locus is associated with rheumatoid arthritis tive colitis risk loci, increasing the number of confirmed (RA) (Table 1) (Lin et al. 2006; Oki et al. associations to 47. Nat Genet 43: 246–252. 2011). SNPs in TNFRSF14 have also been as- Baccala R, Witherden D, Gonzalez-Quintial R, Dummer W, Surh CD, Havran WL, Theofilopoulos AN. 2005. gd sociated with RA as well as multiple sclerosis, T cell homeostasis is controlled by IL-7 and IL-15 togeth- ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease, possibly er with subset-specific factors. J Immunol 174: 4606– owing to the role of HVEM as a focal point of 4612. Banks TA, Rickert S, Benedict CA, Ma L, Ko M, Meier J, Ha network interactions (Raychaudhuri et al. 2008; W,Schneider K, Granger SW,Turovskaya O, et al. 2005. A Dubois et al. 2010; Perdigones et al. 2010; An- lymphotoxin-IFN-b axis essential for lymphocyte sur- derson et al. 2011; Blanco-Kelly et al. 2011; Jos- vival revealed during cytomegalovirus infection. J Immu- tins et al. 2012; Herraez et al. 2013). nol 174: 7217–7225. Barakonyi A, Rabot M, Marie-Cardine A, Aguerre-Girr M, Polgar B, Schiavon V, Bensussan A, Le Bouteiller P.2004. Cutting edge: Engagement of CD160 by its HLA-C phys- CONCLUDING REMARKS iological ligand triggers a unique cytokine profile secre- tion in the cytotoxic peripheral blood NK cell subset. J The association of innate cells in diseased tis- Immunol 173: 5349–5354. sues and their role in promoting inflamma- Bassols J, Moreno JM, Ortega F, Ricart W, Fernandez-Real tion in autoimmune disease is well established. JM. 2010. Characterization of herpes virus entry media- Blockade of TNF has proven effective in clinical tor as a factor linked to obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring) 18: 239–246. settings of inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis Batista MD, Ho EL, Kuebler PJ, Milush JM, Lanier LL, Kallas psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases), al- EG, York VA, Chang D, Liao W, Unemori P, et al. 2013. though significant subsets of patients are refrac- Skewed distribution of natural killer cells in psoriasis skin tory to treatment with TNF inhibitors, and in lesions. Exp Dermatol 22: 64–66. Bekiaris V, Gaspal F, McConnell FM, Kim MY, Withers DR, some diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), TNF in- Sweet C, Anderson G, Lane PJ. 2009. NK cells protect hibitors are contraindicated. One must consider secondary lymphoid tissue from cytomegalovirus via a whether other pathways are active in these pa- CD30-dependent mechanism. Eur J Immunol 39: 2800– 2808. thologies, and indeed whether these pathologies Bekiaris V, Sˇedy´ JR, Macauley MG, Rhode-Kurnow A, Ware may arise from alterations in inhibitory signal- CF. 2013a. The inhibitory receptor BTLA controls gd T ing pathways that may, at least in part, be be- cell homeostasis and inflammatory responses. Immunity cause of defects in innate cell function. 12: 1082–1094. Bekiaris V, Sˇedy´ JR, Rossetti M, Spreafico R, Sharma S, Rhode-Kurnow A, Ware BC, Huang N, Macauley MG, Norris PS, et al. 2013b. Human CD4þCD3– innate-like ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T cells provide a source of TNF and lymphotoxin-ab and are elevated in rheumatoid arthritis. J Immunol The authors thank Lisa Marie Bellovich for fig- 191: 4611–4618. ures and editing and the National Institutes of Benedict C, Butrovich K, Lurain N, Corbeil J, Rooney I, Health (AI-033068, AI48073, and CA164679) Schenider P, Tschopp J, Ware C. 1999. Cutting Edge: A

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TNFSF in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

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Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily in Innate Immunity and Inflammation

John Sedý, Vasileios Bekiaris and Carl F. Ware

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016279 originally published online December 18, 2014

Subject Collection Innate Immunity and Inflammation

Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells in Health and The Chemokine System in Innate Immunity Disease Caroline L. Sokol and Andrew D. Luster Brian S. Kim and David Artis Inflammation and the Blood Microvascular Microbial Sensing by Toll-Like Receptors and System Intracellular Nucleic Acid Sensors Jordan S. Pober and William C. Sessa Surya Pandey, Taro Kawai and Shizuo Akira Sinusoidal Immunity: Macrophages at the Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily in Innate Lymphohematopoietic Interface Immunity and Inflammation Siamon Gordon, Annette Plüddemann and John Sedý, Vasileios Bekiaris and Carl F. Ware Subhankar Mukhopadhyay Allergic Inflammation−−Innately Homeostatic Emerging Principles Governing Signal Laurence E. Cheng and Richard M. Locksley Transduction by Pattern-Recognition Receptors Jonathan C. Kagan and Gregory M. Barton Approaching the Next Revolution? Evolutionary Lipid Mediators in the Resolution of Inflammation Integration of Neural and Immune Pathogen Charles N. Serhan, Nan Chiang, Jesmond Dalli, et Sensing and Response al. Kevin J. Tracey Inflammasomes Transcriptional Control of Inflammatory Marcel R. de Zoete, Noah W. Palm, Shu Zhu, et al. Responses Stephen T. Smale and Gioacchino Natoli IL-6 in Inflammation, Immunity, and Disease DNA Degradation and Its Defects Toshio Tanaka, Masashi Narazaki and Tadamitsu Kohki Kawane, Kou Motani and Shigekazu Nagata Kishimoto

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