X Does need its own Parish? g

Chorley Council has:received a recent request from a resident of Buckshaw Village for the creation 'of a Parish Council for the Buckshaw Village area. Currently, if you- are a Borough Council tax payer you are either part of Whittle-Ie-Woods Parish Council or Euxton Parish Council, paying an additional sum of money through your council tax to one of these parishes (eg: A council tax band D property in Euxton Parish pays £32.09 per year)

If you, live on Buckshaw and pay your council tax to Council you are not part of a parish and therefore do not pay any additional sum.

Chorley Borough Council has agreed to conduct a Community Governance Review for the Buckshaw area of Chorley Borough which is looking at whether current perishing arrangements best serve the local community or whether this should be changed. Full details can be found at www.democracy.chorley.gov.uk seerch for BuckshawParish.

~_ /~ What are our options? X

X Un-parish all or some of the parishes on Buckshaw: Chorley Council Tax payers stop paying an .additional sum to their respective parish council. No change to South Ribble Council Tax payers who are not currently part of a parish council.

X Create a new parish for Buckshaw: Remove Whittle-le-Woods parish and Euxton parish from Buckshaw and create Buckshaw parish with the additional sum paid to this new parish. The new Buckshaw parish would not include the whole of Buckshaw Village -South Ribble Council residents would not be included

X Keep it the same: Chorley Council Tax payers continue to pay an additional sum to their respective parish council; South Ribble Council Tax payers continue to pay nothing X Un-parish, revisit at later date if/when the boundary commission were to place the whole of Buckshaw village in either Chorley or South Ribble borough (should that be possible) X Anything else which comes out of the consultation and has enough suppor~ y ~ ~ Why are we asking you to complete this survey? By completing this questionnaire, you can ensure that residents on Buckshaw have the opportunity to contribute io this decision. The BVCA have collated a number of questions overleaf that are taken from the consultation document. As the community association on Buckshaw the BVCA have been asked to formulate a response to this consultation and we would like your responses to help formulate our response. If you would like to respond directly you can do so by emailing [email protected] by the 7~' April 2011..

~'( What a parish council will notaffect on Buckshaw ~ Buckshaw residents will continue to pay the £150pa management fee to RMG which who still provide maintenance of green areas, community centre, astro-turf and games area, children's play areas etc ~C The land is still privately owned; therefore the developers are still responsible for street lighting, highways maintenance etc (pending the possible adoption from the local authority). The parish council will not be responsible for these things. ~( Residents will continue to pay any ground rent or other management fees you may already pay X It would not create a single Buckshaw Village boundary. There would still be two borough councils; there would still be two police authorities; there would still be two MP's.

NB: To see what benefits there are to a parish council and the services they normally provide please visit www.euxtoncouncil.org.uk and www.chorley.gov.uk and search for Whittle Parish Council Yz~~ar Name FI I"St LI Il(' O~ f~(~(~ CCSS dCl(~ ~OStCOCrP, (Your survey will not be considered as valid by Chorley withaut these details)

If you prefer, you can complete this survey at wwvv.buckshaw.org. Alternatively you can post completed surveys at the Buckshaw Village Surgery, Hair on the Square, TESCO's or on Saturdays at the Community Centre (ask for the BVCA Survey Box)

* the following questions form part of Chorley Borough Council's consultation agenda document 1: Does Buckshaw Village already have a community identity of its own? Yes ~ Go to Q1 a No~ Go to Q2

1 a: If yes, who provides this sense of community on Buckshaw?

Parish Council ❑ BVCA ❑ Other ❑ please specify GO t0 QZ

2: Do you consider that removing the parishes from Buckshaw would be the right way forward? Yes ❑ Go to Q2a No~ Go to Q3

2a: If yes, is there already a viable alternative to the parish councils?

~eS ❑ (please specify No ~ Go to Q3

3: Do you think a parish council serving just the Chorley part of Buckshaw Village would operate effectively?

Yes ~ Go to Q4 No ~ Go to Q4

4: Do you think the creation of a Parish Council for the Chorley part of Buckshaw would impact the effectiveness of community organisations already serving Buckshaw Village?

Positively ❑ Negatively ~ Why? Go to Q5

5: Do you feel parish councils and other community organisations could work effectively together?

Yes ~ Go to Q6 No ~ Go to Q6

6: Are you happy that the Council has incurred costs in order to carry out this consultation? Yes ~ Go to Q7 No ~ Go to Q7

7: If a parish council is created, what should it be called? ~o tc~ Q8

*the following questions DO NOT form part of Chorley Borough CounciPs consultation agenda document 8: Please tick which BVCA events you have attended: ❑ Birthday Pub Quiz ~ St, George/Hero Event ~~s«~t~rf~❑ Easter Event ❑Car Boot Sale Farmers Market Halloween ❑ Christmas Panto ❑ Christmas Light Switch On c~omm~~,~~Y~e~«e> ❑ Go to Q9

9: Have you attender~ precious BVCA. Residents Meetings? Yes ~ No ~ ~fhank you for completing tkae survey.

We will keep residents updated on our website and at forthcoming resident meetings and will use the answers to help formulate the BVCA response to the Consultation • The BVCA: Your Village, Your Community, Your Association ! Buckshaw Villag e Comr--r~unit~ v Assaciation R~s~~~ns~ tv ~uc.ksll~w Cc~mmunifiy Governance Review

With reference to the Community Governance review of Buckshaw Village being undertaken by Chorley Borough Council, the Buckshaw Village Community Association (BVCA) is happy to provide a detailed response to the Community Governance review of the Chorley part of Buckshaw Village. Before detailing our response, we have first provided information about the BVCA and its activities and achievements to date.

Infar coon about the BVCA

The BVCA was formed in February 2008 by a group of residents living on Buckshaw Village. Its aim then and today, is to help create a strong sense of community for residents of the Village and significantly, to work with the many organisations who have interests on the Village to ensure that the best possible services, events and opportunities are made available.

With the many different boundaries that dissect Buckshaw Village and the resulting confusing mix of Councils, Councillors, management companies, developers and single interest groups, the BVCA take pride in being the only organisation that represents all residents on Buckshaw.

The BVCA Committee is open to Buckshaw Village residents and is currently set at twelve members (soon to increase to twenty). Committee members are voted for by residents via a constitutional process with re-election every three years. They volunteer their time, effort, and expertise for the benefit of their own Village and community.

As well as providing a series of community events designed to unite the Buckshaw Village community, the BVCA are also the only organisation that ensures issues on Buckshaw Village are addressed on behalf of residents. Ensuring an open dialogue with residents through regular consultation is a major objective of the BVCA and is achieved by liaising with the numerous organisations who have an interest in the Village; we then pass this information back to residents at community meetings, press releases, through newsletters, through our website www.buckshaw.org and other social media. We invite comments and suggestions to make sure we are working effectively on residents' behalf.

Key arganisations and groups we work closely with include:

X Buckshaw Village Management Company Limited (BVMCL): Company which owns and manages the facilities and land on Buckshaw Village X The Residential Management Group (RMG): Managing Agents for BVMCL facilities. RMG collect the f150/household management fee and maintain shared neighbourhood facilities on the Village e.g. Green Corridors, Parks, Community Centre and Sports Fields etc X Envirocare Environmental Services (Sub contractors for all ground maintenance) X Both Members of Parliament: Lindsay Hoyle for Chorley and Lorraine Fullbrook for South Ribble ~ The two Borough Councils (Chorley Council and &South Ribble Borough Council) X County Council X Both Police divisions (Leyland and Chorley; we also attend Police and Community Together (PACT) meetings X Diocese and the Trinity Buckshaw School: Hosted public consultations and work closely with school on community matters X The Buckshaw Village Surgery and Primary Care Trust: The BVCA represent the communities views for the new Health Centre and have helped grow the surgery's presence on the village X Eden Park Developments(Owners of the Commercial Quarter: Helping with public consultations) X All house developers: Barratt Homes, Redrow Homes, Rowland, Persimmon, Miller, David Wilson etc X Tesco Stores (as the key Community Group contact for the area and helped recruit for opening

i h~ BVC~...... Yr~ur Villc~~c~, Your Com►~nunity, Your Association ~ ~~~~~;~ ~ ~ The Hub at Buckshaw (Nursery and Swimming Academy): helping promote and recruit X Oakbridge Retirement Village (Holding separate community meetings for residents of the unit) X Local Businesses k Local Press

We also sit on various sub-committees as community representatives including:

X Buckshaw Village Community Centre Management Committee: Together with RMG managing promotion and facilities on behalf of residents ~ The Buckshaw Parkway Railway Steering Group: Resident representatives for the building of the long anticipated rail station X New Progress Housing Community Steering Group X Buckshaw Village Surgery Patient Group: Soon to be established; representing residents' views and helping with service provisions during build of new centre, working with Dr Muttumucara and his team. X. Buckshaw Village Management Group resident representatives

Significant achievements

In terms of community spirit and events the BVCA have (following a Village wide survey) organised and delivered a number of large community events which have had very large attendances (1000+) from Buckshaw Village and other local residents. These include:

Full day Christrnas Celebration

Pantomime, Santa's Grotto, Community Christmas tree light switch on, Christmas food and craft market and music concert) in December 2010

Quarterly Farmers Market

Two to date, September 2010, and March 2011): Supporting local produce and crafts - 40 stall holders visiting Buckshaw Village to provide a unique shopping experience.

Halloween Spooktacular

Buckshaw Community Centre was transformed into afamily-orientated haunted house, with games, owVhawk displays, a visit from the evil twin of Dr. Muttumacara - Dr Cuttu, haunted room and outdoor food market.

Buckshaw Celebrates Our Heroes Event

Hosted on St Georges day; an outdoor exhibition with over 30 groups, celebrating the armed forces and emergency services activities in April 2010.

Easter Event

Exclusive event held on Easter Sunday at local soft play centre in 2010 with over 200 families attending.

See Appendix D for more details on our events.

In terms of informing residents and representing their views, since 2009 we have hosted 10 residents' meeting and these have become a pivotal and very well attended calendar event for the community. Recent meetings have presented plans for the Buckshaw master plan, Buckshaw School, The Hub at Buckshaw, Commercial Quarter, Buckshaw Parkway, Buckshaw Village Health Centre, BAE systems group 1 land plans as well as hosting Local MP's and leading Councillors and developers to take Q&A's.

The &VCA.....,Your Village, Your- Community, Your Association ~ ~~~3,~~ ~~ In terms of assets and fundraising, despite any official funding, the BVCA have (through successful sponsorship, grants and fundraising purchased to date six community notice hoards (£1460 each) and three memorial benches. We have managed each event to ensure free access for Buckshaw Village residents, and are now financially secure.

See Appendix E for a copy of our constitution (changes to which will be ratified at our forthcoming AGM in April)

2(311 csnwards wil{ see us t~osting rrsore events, managing asset projects and delivering further enhancemenis for the cammunity. ~ wrE1 be a fully registered Charity in 2011.

The BVCA.,....Your Village, Your Com~~nunity, Your Association ~ ~~~~ ,{.~ '~ Residents Response via BVCA Parish Questionnaire

In order for the committee to ensure their views were fairly representing the prevailing viewpoints on the Village, we actively consulted residents via a survey which explained the proposal in simple terms and using the most relevant questions from the Terms of Reference document a simple questionnaire was also provided. A survey was made available on www.buckshaw.org and also posted in hard-copy to each of the 1700 occupied homes on Buckshaw Village. We also hosted the public consultation from Chorley Council at February's resident meeting, facilitating a Q&A session with the leader of Chorley Council and Council representatives. Finally, we posted information about the plans on all notice boards, social media and via face-to-face conversations at the Farmers' market event on 6`~' March 2011 .

A copy of the questionnaire can be found in Appendix A. 92 residents responded to the questionnaire and their individual responses along with comments can be found in Appendix B.

Finally Appendix C provides minutes from February's resident meeting.

Below is a summary of the responses from the survey.

1 : Does Buckshaw Village already have a community identity of its owi~?

■ ■Yes N o


The BVCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association X F~~;~Je i 1 a: If yes, who provides this sense of comil~unity o~i Bucl

1 1% ■BVCA 3 3% Forum 5 ■Residents 6%

2 Community Centre 2% Buckshaw Church

2: Do you consider that removing the Parishes from Buckshaw would be the right way forward?

■Yes ■N o

The BVCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association X P~~ge s 2a: If yes, is there already a viable alternative to the Parish Councils?

■ ■Yes N o











0 BVCn RMG MGT Co No Parish Single Parish Forums Council

The BVCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association X ~ag~ v 3: Do you think a parish council servii-~g just the Chorley part of Buckshaw Village would operate effectively?

■Yes ■N o

4: Do you think the creation of a Parish Council for the Chorley part of Buckshaw would impact the effectiveness of community organisations already serving Buckshaw Village?

■ Positively ■Negatively

The BVCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association x ~1ge ~ 37

50% Division BVCA impacts Beaurocracy More Expense Too Many Cooks Conflict of Misc interest

Why Positive?

Own Identity More Involvment lake Control More Accessahle More Focused

The BVCA...... Your Village, Your- Community, Your Association X Page s 5: Do you feel Parish Councils and otheo- comi~~~a~~ity organisatioi~5 co~~lc~ work effectively together?

■ ■Yes N o

6: Are you happy that the Council has incurred costs in order to carry o~_at this consultation?

■ ■Yes N o

The BVCA...... Youi~ Village, Your Community, Your Association X r~~~yc ~3 'ACA Res~►or~se The residents' responses give a clear message and the BVCA's response is informed by these indicators.

The BVCA is pleased to have been asked to provide an official response to the consultation as the in-situ community group on Buckshaw. Our responses to the key questions raised in the Terms of Reference follow.

Qtl~S$it7~3 Are the ern aged t~r~~s~:ales wit ~r~ the Review ap rc~~sr~ate?

The BVCA believe that the timescales were appropriate for stage one as they allowed enough time for a significant resident consultation. We were able to hold a consultation meeting during our resident's meeting on 24'h February 2010 and have had a reasonable time frame to develop a residents survey and consider our response.

C~UE'5~iUCt should ~r~y bodies flr organisations be added to the ~or~sultees lis~~d i An e r2?

As the community organisation, the BVCA represents all residents of Buckshaw Village however, there are a number of other niche community organisations that could be considered, namely Buckshaw Village Church &the Buckshaw Village Youth Association.

As reflected in a resident's question at our most recent community meeting, tax-payers want to be assured that this review has incurred minimal costs. Residents who responded to the survey were not as happy, with 55%being unhappy that costs have been incurred. The BVCA believe it to be correct that this democratic process be fulfilled and is accepting of the reasonable costs involved.

We do however feel that without BVCA involvement, the majority of Buckshaw Village residents would not be aware of this review.

Understandably Chorley Council have carried this review out, and concentrated on the Chorley section of Buckshaw Village only. South Ribble residents would have been unaware of the process despite impacts to their Village (particularly in relation to the management charge). It was for this reason that we initiated a larger consultation process with the BVCA Parish Questionnaire which provided a sanitised version of the Terms of Reference questions. We also published the community governance information on the BVCA notice boards and gave over a large proportion of February's resident meeting to the topic. We have also published the links to the consultation on our website www.buckshaw.org and other social media. The BVCA feel that this has brought all Buckshaw Village residents into the process.

~lf~Stitt3tl ~,r~ these ap r~pr~ t~ rye ~zr~s of the ~urre ~ aid forecasted electarate for the CGR are~.~

To the best of our knowledge the forecasted electorate figures are appropriate; however, the very nature of Buckshaw Village is changeable whilst building continues. Developers are continually changing the number and type of dwellings being built on Buckshaw Village as the demands of the homebuyers market alters. It is likely that this will need reviewing over time to reflect the changing face of Buckshaw Village. l he E3VC,A.,....YaurVlllage, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~~;~ ~c~ R"+

The BVCA strongly believe that there is a shared community identity for the whole of Buckshaw Village; 98% of all questionnaire respondents agree. Residents identify with the Village and despite the multiple boundaries that exist they and we view Buckshaw Village as a single entity. Our own BVCA motto demonstrates our commitment to this: 'Your Village, Your Community, Your Association'.

We feel the BVCA have been integral in helping create this shared identity, this being essentially why we exist.

Since its inception over three years ago, the volunteers and committee members of the BVCA have worked tirelessly toward nurturing this growing sense of community to include the whole of Buckshaw Village regardless of which part of the Village residents may live. It has been, and in some cases continues to be, an ongoing struggle to encourage this with the multiple boundaries that exist, be they Borough, County wards, different Parishes, Constituency or Police. This segregation of the different parts of the Village results in a very confusing landscape. Residents can find it particularly frustrating when decisions for one part of the Village are made in splendid isolation, never factoring the Village as a whole. Daily practicalities are also frustrating to residents with postcodes and telephone area codes differing from house to house on the same street, and being unable to vote in polling stations on the Village due to being in a different Borough Ward.

The BVCA have navigated this difficult and confusing landscape and have made excellent headway in establishing Buckshaw Village as one entity. We are delighted that 98% of respondents agree that Buckshaw Village has a distinctive identity of its own. The survey has provided us with statistical facts which would back up the anecdotal evidence which is often shared with us at the many community events the BVCA facilitate for the community. 89% of respondents believe that the BVCA provide the Village with its community identity and of the remaining 11 %, not a single respondent felt that this was provided by the Parish Councils.

tI~S~Ui1 (~} ~lov~r is t ~ demonstrated ire tie prevision of cflr~ uni#.y aid ne~~ bourho~d facilities ors ucksl~a~ Vi sage?

With regards the provision of neighbourhood facilities: All homes on Buckshaw Village are subject to an annual £150 management estate fee that is collected by RMG, the appointed managing agents. This estate charge is spent by RMG on behalf of residents to maintain the shared community areas and green corridors, including the childrens' parks, shared green areas, Community Centre, mixed use games area and the astroturf facilities. A recent management plan consultation has indicated that there are no plans for Local Authority adoption of these areas, and therefore the BVMCL is in place for the foreseeable future. Significantly, the f150 estate charge is the ONLY common contribution that every Buckshaw Village household pays.

RMG and BVMCL are therefore the key provider of community and neighbourhood facilities for Buckshaw Village. Prior to the BVCA coming into existence, relations with RMG and the MCL were extremely fractious, with many residents unsure about why they seemed to be paying multiple bills for essentially the same service. Over time, the BVCA has managed to completely change residents understanding of the importance of the management charge, and relations with RMG have been revolutionised for the better.

The BVCA have facilitated an excellent working relationship and partnership with RMG which began with in-depth information sharing with residents on what the management fee covers. The BVCA worked with RMG to change the welcome pack information that residences receive, and to introduce a Service Level Agreement for Village repairs and faults. This shared community understanding now means that the management fee is viewed by residents as a fee for the provision of services within their community.

The BVCA...... Yc~ur Village, Your Comeunity, Your Association ~~}4~~<-~ ~ ~ Chorley Council are aware of the negative community feeling towards the management fee pre-2008 due to the volume of complaints received at that time. They are also aware of the change in attitudes towards both the management fee and RMG as a result of the close working relationship between RMG and the BVCA. We believe this has vastly improved both the provision of community facilities and therefore community spirit, but has also helped protect the financial future of the Village, with residents now willing to pay the fee (one twelfth of the annual council taxes). We now have a mutually beneficial relationship with RMG and are very pleased that 10%of questionnaire respondents have identified RMG as a viable alternative to the Parish Councils.

Moving forward, the BVCA is now an official partner for the management of the community facilities on the Village ensuring residents are prominent in the decisions affecting their community. Furthermore, the BVCA have also fund raised, gathered donations and generated enough income to provide neighbourhood facilities of our own, including memorial benches, notice boards and interactive communication means i.e. www.buckshaw.org and other social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook.

With regards to community events, as outlined in the opening of this response, the BVCA provide regular large scale events for Buckshaw Village residents and the wider community such as Farmers' markets, Christmas celebrations and all other events etc.

Please see appendix D for details of events from 2010 for further evidence.

~LlLS~i(3C1 ~3 Da }you think Parisi Cca cil ser~ir~g just part cif the B cksha i11a~e developimen~ v~a~~d o~aerat~ effe~;tti~rely?

The resident's view as collected from the BVCA Parish Questionnaire is very clear on this matter;

x 83% of residents thought it would not operate effectively 85%said that introducinga Parish Council serving just part of Buckshaw Village would have a NEGATIVE effect on existing community arrangement. ~ 58% of respondents who thought it would negatively impact specified that this would 'split' the Village

As identified in previous areas, residents already have a strong sense of belonging to Buckshaw Village, and are keen to protect this single Village identity. Comments collected from the survey can be seen in Appendix 2, but one which highlights the strong feelings against having a Chorley Parish created is as follows:

Parish Cocmcil only serving part of this community will not be able to act effectively and not in the best interest ofall who live in Buckshaw. BVC.9 currently does an exceptionaljob of bringing community together with the management company

Furthermore, the BVCA believe that a Parish covering only part of the Village could not operate effectively. The practicalities of collecting and spending this money are fraught with difficulty due to the ownership of the grounds and facilities being with the Buckshaw Management Company. The current arrangement is far from ideal (with only a little amount of money collected by Euxton and Whittle Parishes actually being spent on Buckshaw Village), however, this merely demonstrates that it is not necessary for residents to be in a Parish to enjoy the services normally provided by one. The Buckshaw Village management company arrangements provide for both South Ribble and Chorley residents, and the creation of a Chorley Parish (with precept) would simply mean the Parish would not need to spend the tax on the Village, or in worse case scenarios, be specifically restricted from doing so.

~UBS`~figtl 7 Do you feel that the ~ropos~d bc~ nd~ries v~ould be a~prc~priate for a nevi Parish Councw ~r v~hat alter a. i~~ boundaries shau~d b~ cr~nsiderec~?

The BVCA...... Your Village, Yaur Community, Your Association ~~~~,~;~_ ~2 The BVCA want to have a shared, single, Village identity and are not opposed in principle to a Parish on Buckshaw being created at a more appropriate time: As one resident explained:

'tl~e more layers they put in, the more removed you feel from the community

The BVCA echo the comments made at the recent residents' meeting that until the overall borough and constituency boundaries are reviewed by the boundary commission, and Buckshaw Village be placed either entirely within South Ribble or Chorley, that it would not be appropriate for alternative boundaries to be considered at this time. In our response to Question 11 we set out what we feel is the most sensible decision at this point.

{~U~S~Mt7tl $ Mova~ would the creatian of a Parish Council for the Chorley part of Buckshav~r Village impact on tie efferfiiver~ess of commur~~ty organisations serving the area? Could the organisat~or~s ~r efF~ctively together?

In order to continue our primary function of working constructively with other organisations for the benefit of residents and the community, the BVCA would always seek to work with any other entity which represents and/or works with or on behalf of the community on Buckshaw Village.

However it could impact our effectiveness in a number of ways:

X Creating another artificial boundary would undermine previous hard work and could introduce conflict between a 'Chorley' Buckshaw Village and the other half of Buckshaw Village. ~ Duplication of effort; the services provided by a Parish may already be offered by BVCA and/or RMG ~ As stated in the BVCA constitution, the BVCA is a committee consisting of residents as we feel they are best placed to make decisions that directly impact their Village. Parish Councils elect individuals who live within three miles of the Parish and this may affect the decisions made on behalf of residents X Should the BVCA exist and a Parish come into creation there could be conflict should they disagree There are only so many people in any community that are prepared to volunteer, therefore if a Parish is created the BVCA may lose committee members and become less effective OR the Parish would not attract enough members and be less effective

With specific focus on the last point above: the BVCA feel that one possible scenario should the Parish be created would be for the same volunteers to dedicate their time with one organisation. Residents at the recent resident meeting in February spoke with us and the Council representatives who attended to suggest that the BVCA should receive the backing of the community should they wish it, and indeed there was support in the room for the precept to be provided to the BVCA. Whilst this is flattering to hear, the BVCA would find it hard to justify taxing residents to provide the same service they receive today for free. A Parish working alongside the BVCA would therefore receive direct funding, undermining all of our efforts and would in our view be difficult for residents to support.

{~UE'SflUfl ~ ~1hat are your views on the name and style of a new Parish Council for Buckshavv Village and the names cif ~rard~ v~ithin the Parish Co~anci!?

As a group, the BVCA do not feel that naming a Parish that residents do not support is worthy of too much effort. Resident responses from the BVCA Parish Questionnaire also reflect this as 46%also declined to answer this question. The answers that were gathered also highlight residential confusion as most residents elected to call the Parish The Buckshaw Vi//age Parish Council despite it not covering the whole of Buckshaw Village. The responses can be seen in Appendix 2.

TEie BVCA...... YoL~r Village, Your Community, Your Association ~r}a~~ ~:~ •!

f ~ R


The BVCA do not think that a parish council should be created for only the Chorley part of Buckshaw Village. If a Parish Council were created, perhaps the councillor allocation ought to proportionally reflect the growing committee size of the BVCA. In three years we have expanded committee numbers from an initial 10 to 20 and are continuing to gather momentum. The largest objection the BVCA has to Parish Council membership would be the three mile radius qualification for councillors. There are many unique elements to Buckshaw Village, and we would question the validity of decision making powers being held by those who are not directly impacted by Parish decisions.

Do yc~ consider ghat un-p ish~r~~ the area off' Bic Shaw Village under review weld be ~~ right r~ra~ Fc~r ar ? If so, rr~h ~ are the alternative cc~mm r~ity governance arra ~eme~~s i dace?

The BVCA believe that this would the best outcome for the current Buckshaw Village residents. We believe that Chorley Council should strongly consider the unusual step of un-parishing the area of Buckshaw Village under review. 78% of resident respondents from the survey agree with this. There was also strong support for this option at the recent residents' meeting.

We feel there are a number of compelling reasons for this option.

X Buckshaw Village is a unique development and already has the Buckshaw Village Management Company (BVMCL) X RMG as the managing agents provide a fully transparent service, which is fully auditable and is ultimately being managed on behalf of residents. X There is a well established and very strong Community Association in place (ourselves, the BVCA) delivering neighbourhood provisions, facilities and community events X The current precept arrangements that Buckshaw Village residents residing within current Parish boundaries have contributed have not been spent on Buckshaw Village as it is not straight forward how or why the money should be spent due to the unique nature of the development; many of the neighbourhood provisions are already in place X It is wholly inappropriate to collect a precept when resident consensus is that there is no need to spend it on Buckshaw Village X This is an excellent opportunity to introduce a status quo on the Village meaning that no Buckshaw Village household pays a Parish precept X The current Parish arrangements are confusing, the proposal to create another parish for Buckshaw Village will add to that confusion ~ Should a single borough boundary be arrived at by the boundary commission in the future, then introducing a single parish at that point will be much less complicated with effectively a blank canvas in place X Un-Parishing Buckshaw Village will allow Whittle-le-Woods and Euxton Parish to concentrate wholly on their respective Villages X The community governance review has highlighted this as a possible solution, and un-Parishing has received an overwhelming amount of support from Buckshaw Village residents; we feel this is significant, considering that the request to establish a Buckshaw Parish was suggested by only one resident.

Regardless of the strengths and/or weaknesses of any Parish Council operating today, we feel the introduction of a newly formed Parish would struggle to gain support from residents now that the possibilities to remove some of the confusion (and unfair precepts for some residents) have been highlighted.

The BVC~...... Yc~L~r Villa~~, Your Community, Your Association x~~a~;~ i~ u~~stic~n 11 (Pt 2} f soy v~r at are t. Iterr~ative community ~or~err~ance arran~emer~~s in place?

As previously referenced from a financial and asset management point of view, Buckshaw Village already has robust and effective Community governance in place. The BVMCL is financially independent and solvent, and through the managing agents (RMG) they are already working in active partnership with the BVCA. The decision to work with the BVCA was not taken lightly by the MCL, with the Directorship (Red row and Barratt Homes) having spent a significant period of time assessing the professionalism of robustness of our organisations. As the Village progresses there are many options available to the management company. These include:

X Appointing resident directors to sit on the Management Company and retaining the private ownership. ~ Handing over to a newly established Parish covering the whole of Buckshaw Village X Full Local Authority adoption without an individual Buckshaw Village management fund

The BVCA already contribute significantly to community governance and are well established within Buckshaw Village. We have a good reputation, are constitution governed and a transparent organisation soon to seek charitable status. We are not politically affiliated and are made up of 100%committee drawn wholly from residents. Both Labour and Conservative political parties have championed the co-operative approach/big society, actively encouraging local groups to take responsibilities within their communities and we feel we are blue print for such groups.

As suggested by a resident at our most recent community meeting, the BVCA are the modern alternative to a Parish Council; view we share.

U~'S~iOfl ~ ~ The Cnunci invites carnments an consequentia0 arrangement

At our February resident meeting, there were two alternative proposals raised which we feel is our duty to suggest.

1: To simultaneously commence a South Ribble Community Governance review with a mind to create a South Ribble Parish Council on Buckshaw

2: To provide the current Parish precepts to the BVCA

Our response to point two is covered in our response to Question 8.

With regards the creation of a South Ribble Parish, we feel this would only worsen the issues that have been extensively covered above. Whilst it would introduce a status quo (with regards to everyone being parish covered, and precepts applying, it would create a direct divide to services that are currently limited to Council Tax collections. Any benefits achieved by creating a South Ribble Parish could be achieved through the removal of the Chorley Parishes.

I lice C~VCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association ~f~~~;4, t conclusion

The BVCA are not entirely against the notion of a Buckshaw Village Parish Council at some point in the future. With reference to the current confusing Criss-cross of boundaries affecting the Village, we feel it would be irresponsible and unhelpful to introduce further confusion for Buckshaw Village businesses, organisations and more importantly, the residents.

To the contrary, we strongly believe this Community Governance review is a fantastic opportunity for Chorley Council to respond to the overwhelming requests from residents (through this consultation and the historical demands made in previous years) to introduce a status quo on the Village by un parishing Buckshaw Village. This would, we hope bring residents one step closer to being within the same boundaries. In the absence of this utopian result, it would certainly remove the disparity today with precepts and parishes. The residents already feel that there is a distinct and shared community on Buckshaw Village; we would urge consideration into the fact that removing one of the many boundaries that exist today would bring us step closer to solidifying this.

With the current economic climate being so difficult, Buckshaw Village residents are already paying more than other Chorley Borough Council taxpayers when factoring the additional £150 per annum service charge. The removal of precepts from residents in Chorley would be a welcome move, especially as there would be a zero percent impact on community facilities and spirit.

We hope we have provided compelling evidence in our response that the BVCA are already providing residents with comprehensive community activities and representations. We are very proud of our work and are entirely dedicated to making Buckshaw Village residents with the absolute best community spirit that we can generate.

We have excellent relationships with all the many organisations that have interests on Buckshaw Village, and have become a recognised and pivotal organisation in our own right. Chorley Council are no strangers to the BVCA and we would welcome the public message that would be sent out should Buckshaw Village be recognised as already having a robust community governance in place (without the need for a Parish to be created).

In closing therefore, we would ask Chorley Council to un-parish areas of Buckshaw Village currently in Euxton Parish Council, and Whittle Le Woods Parish Council, and leave these areas un-parished with a mind to revisiting the Community Governance of the area following the Boundary Commission's review in the future. We would ask Chorley Council to make this decision confident in the abilities of the BVCA working in partnership with the Buckshaw Village Management Company and RMG. We would also ask Chorley Council to continue to support the current arrangements that residents have clearly identified as their preference, and by working with the BVCA help us continue to foster the existing community spirit on the Village, that we and others have worked so hard to achieve.

1~liE BVC:A...... Yo~ar Village, Your Community, Your Association ~~a~;e ~E> ~, ~

Appendix A BVCA Resident Survey and Informafiion Leaflet (Does Buckshaw Village need its own Parish?)

Pages 18 &19


Full responses.xlsx Page 20 — 40

Appendix L: Minutes from i ent Meeting (24`x' February 1)

Page 41 - ~~)

Appc~i~dix D: ~A Evenfis 201 D xtracts from BVCA Christmas Community Magazine)

Page' 5U - 55

~ ~ i' • BVCA Constifiufiion 2011 (Version 4: April 2011)

Page 56 - 65

i lice E3Vt`A.,..,.Your Vill~ye, Your Community, Your Association X~~~~~;~ t 7 f~~.~~~~~~~ix 1

I~+~es~ ~~~~s a~ ~l l ~~ e ~~ed its c~~o~ Per ~h ~ ~( ~.,~~_.~ ~~hort~~,~ Covnci3 has recrreved a necen# request from a resident taf $uc# taw Yi~le~e for t1~ cre:,stion ~f a Perish Csaurtcil for the HuckshaYV b~iilage ~resa_ CurrenHy, if you are a Chor~eq 8wo~,~ Gouncs[ tax pa}~r you ~e eitl~er part of '41'iraEtJe-ie-b'vaods Parisi ~fluncil or Euac#csn Pmrish ~un~ci9, paying an additional suns ~f money througkt yrour i1 tax to one of #hem parislms #eg: A council tax ~iartd C1 ~sroperLV in EuxEon ~'an~is pays ~~~.f}'~ pier ~!ar)

If v~u ~i~~e o~n Buci tavr and pny= ~=acar ~ou~il kaY #0 5ouih itibhCe Czsvncil y,'oea ire not part of a push and therefcne do sae ~y,~,~- ~a~~o.,~t ~,m.

~harley~ Borauglr Gsurtcit has agreed #r canducE a ~ammur~ity Goti~emnnce Revsev,~ far 4he Bucksh~ti+.~ are~~ of Ghartey $oratvg~t avhich is los~king at aa~heth~r ~urcent perisiung arrangerr~nfs nest seat=e the 1oca1 ~aa~nnlunity +~ whether i~tis s~nauid be changcsd. fu61 details pan b~ fond at uvww_rlemacxacy_dsorfeY-~sr.'.adt searcfi fug Buotahaw Parafi.

,~. iP~l'ha~ are~ca~r opt~ons~' ~(. ~ Ura- ar~sh aCl ~r so~t~ae ~f the parishes ~r~ Busks air€: ~ a~~~ c~~~ -r~.Y ~~e~ ~~ ~y~ng an a~di~sorsa3 sum t~ their resppcti~~ ps~r~sFs ~ncii. 3~io ehartige to Sovth FCihb~e [ouncit i~tr payers wim nre nat csurerKly part of a parr comrtc6l.

X. ~f~cl~~'' c"t t1G'W ~3zi~I5~1 ~C11' B't1'G~tS~lc'i~JV: Rem~»e §Ath i~ie-Ee~Vrtrnods parish and fuatmn Faarish firm Burk~a~~~ anii ueafie Huckshau parish ~stith the adriitional' sum paid to tfiis ri2w ~arish~ e nrn~ Bttcc}~sttax• ~aars~h ~~xould ncrt include the v fsai~ of li~x~shaa=•'a`fllaga • xouifi Ribble Caunciffi reudeMS wxau3d nat ~,e nr#udeci

~~~~3 t~ 1~~'t~ Sc1~~£'~ Ch~rle~f Cauncii Fax pa~~ers ~cantinue zo pia}~ sn ocidiiionsi wm to tiaeir ¢especuve parish rouncii; mouth ~C~bk~lc ~ounci! Tax: Fra+~~ers continue to pau ruath ~g

~. ~'tt-garish, r~a,~i~6~ at ~at~r date fj~?I~en e k~uncf~ry ~gmt issi~t iver~ to pace the whc~Ce cif ~iucksi~ar~° ~.~illa i~ either ~taariey +ar Sauth ~ii6~bl~ ~rsrougba f~tould tha# ~ ~3ossit~[e) ~ r~~~ytl~~r~g ~ls~ vvl~ Bch Lorries c~uC of t ~ cvnsultat~on anc3 has ~~oug~a supp~o VVt~y are w~ asking you ~ complete this ~urv~y? ~

$y crirrt~aleting this c~uestionna~r~~ y~~u can ensure lhatr res~id+~mts are ~cickshazr haw~e the appor3wnity to c~e#n6ute ha this decasi+~n. The $VGA have ccr)igted a numiser of qusstians €overleaf that arm ta{;en frnna the consuFtation ciocumetek As ~e r ommuni~y association ors ~~rckshatw~ the $4'CA have been as 3 fa formukatc a response to then corrsu~atian and w~e wdu~ li~:e yocrr respoa~vez to heip iorn~ufate cur response. !f b eta ti~a1d like #a respond d3rectiv you can do sc b~~ ernaili~ cs+~od.ru~epCgeho►6eY-~cn,°.~ h}'fhe „'Apri! 2~1't.

1Nt~at a garish ciwncEl will cx~ Br~r,~csha~w J'\ ,►~at~ifect k Buckshaw resffc~nts ui~6 continue #ra p~~ the £~ ~Opn mmnagemerot fee #~ R{vtG wfiich t~.ha sill pcoL~ir~e ~aintenanc~e of preen arera~, camrr3uni#~° cea~tre, ~s~rn-turf ~~ad gmnaes ~rea~, c1~i6~eaa's ploy areas eic R: The [rind is sti11 pra~•a#eEy~ of+.o~et9: th~refvre k e des~elca~ers are still re~portsibal~ far street 1~ghting, hi~rvay~s maintenance etc (penr3ing the p~as~i~Ie ado Eit~n front thae ~ac~t €~k~~h€~rit~'). The ps~ish cou~►c l wi11 rte be r~sp+~saF~l~ far these #h6n~.. ti Residents ~n~i l ct~nta~nue to pay any gresund rent ~r oiler n~an~gem~nt fees }rots ~ata~~ air~ad7' pe}' 7t Ct ruould ncrt create a sira~te B~cks~z~ti~: V ilag~ 1~~auct nry~.'~h~e^ ~. €ct sill fie two ds~rough t~►~cit~, there ak'Qitl{9 SC~11 bE ['~A'O ~}C?19Cf att~11UF'i~lES; ~Il~e '~1^Dtfltj Skfl~ P1E t'~YtY 141~'S.

N8: T~ see lvhat isene~its #here ate to a parish aounei) and the sen~ices Ehe}~ nonna[l3 pro}•ede please vis+E ~.vw;v.euxtoncouncil.org:ul: snd s4~+v.~.choeley.gcay.~&and searc#i #~ Ltrh[tt~e Fari~i ~ourpcil

The BVCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~;e ~~~ 1`~ur `~art~~ First Lire ~€.Address aarc[ ~~Ycade 4F~..m.ywai.s.x.~,:.a.,.a,.,,uab .,-M~II„eu~a.e:a.~

6f ~~ret prefea~, f~ou can resmplQEe thBs sur~y~e; ~t ►'uuRrvm.l~rrc{~Fyavw~.aeg. :~Itexna#ivelp` ~'au c<~ ask ~smplekeri sur•~~}s at tExe ~ucksha~w•'4`illaga StzrgeFy~e Hare rn tk~e SSquar+~, ~ESCCs'z aar oer Snt:urda~s at the mn~un[tt° ~enlre (as:~: Fc+r tEroe $"~'C61 Surwe~}r Qcrr~a

~ i7oe~ B~actuha~n~ ~'~~lage alreac9+~ h~+t~ a +e~omm~ity identidy of it's c~wn? ~'es ~ Go tcsC?1a No~ Co En ~`?

~ ~: I# ~+es, whir pr4r.%ades ~ s~anss of ~sismutsit~ arcs Bs~tsf~aw?

Psr~sh; G.ca~ancif ~ E$1r'~i# ~ G~thex pkru:pec-~.~ ~Ci t€? f~t'

~i, i)c~ y~aa~ ~s~sicfer that re~rnv rtg the parishes trnro~t Bucks~s~v w+~3ak![~+e the right wuy f+3rvvard~ 's`es~ G~ to G~~a ~Jc~~ Go 80 ~1.-3

?$: ~f des, ~ there eirea~ a. v6sb6e alterrwatiwe to !t4~e parish council?

~4`~5 ~ ;~e,ue :p~tcic~ 7 ~0 ~uD E:ti b~:i

~: L7~a ~r~ €h6't1c a parish ~€surxiE s~e~vring jtest Ehe ~ron~le~r part of 8~a~rshaw ~W'illage wtsu~d operate ~e~ctiuef}ra 'Y~s ~o tr~ C.~-# F1tt ~ ~~ tQ

~; ~3cr y~au th+nk '#fie ta'eatitan ~rf s P~r~h C~t~ii fcra' the G'worlee}rr part o~ Brackshaw ~r4`c~ld impact #f'te e4fe~vertess €sF ctsnt[~tunity nsa4iss~s ~rea~y setwi~rg ~tcckshaw Vii[age?

Ps~si~i~~Q[y~ ~ hegativeC~ ~ 1~h+hy'? Go ias ~5

~: ~?a vc~u feel ~aar6~h cc>r~n~i~ ark crther ~mm~nity c~an~sat~u►s ~oetld w!~c eifeciivefy ~ethei~ 1 es~ Ga Eo ~tfi Nei~ Co to Q6

Vii', .~~ ~*caa~ hePP}r tha# e Caun~i~ has ncuRed ccs~ts ra arde~ to wry os~ ~ oonsarftefaon?

'i~s ~ ~o tcx ~' h~lt~ ~ ~o ~Cr Q,'

~_ ~f a parish caura~i~ is crea#ed, what s3ic~u3d it be calEecl? ~i~ t+~ t~8

h.ra~any y~r;a,. no »ire ~~..~ ate;., a,.~~ ~,.,~:r.~x~„ ~,aa .~,e

$: ~f~ease tick€ wt~i~Jh B'ti' evens ~ynu eve attended: ❑ irkhda~~ Pui~ ~QseF~ ~ ~. ~~rge,+Fisrc~ Errnt ~a.n~, 'fasEee E~~e~t ❑far Boat Safe~ Earue~ers .1~1ar1:+Pt Fialto:~reen ~ C=:f~ristrrtas F"nnta~ Ct~ristrt~a~ L~g{~t~rs~~iYch ~3n ;c..~.,ne ~w[~ ~Ci kt] C

~. Have rrc~~ attended pr ows BVL~R ~esi~lents I~ee#ir~gs3 'Yes~ No ❑ Th~r~s }raw fob compl~ng the Esrey.

Vu's rv[k~ F9 Ek'35{f2~25 i1~8fi'~ t3Pti 6t3r 1R''~EbSl~f BF~d 8E ~'t]~+aQR't[Cl~ C~5~Ci1$ EtIS£~I11~S 9~d 1° 911 1~ ~£ ~1fSiN2f5 tsa hip frar elate td~e BV~:A ~espc~r~ tb tf~ Ge~resutEetion e B4+'CA: Your Village, dour Corr~munity, ~'a~r Association

l~he 6VC`A.,....Ye~ur~ Villane, Your Comri~unity, Your Associafiion ~~}~~~;~~ ~

i~~~r-~ epc~r~s~~ ~9:? ~ar~-~I~~ec~ Surr~+~}~)

~: I3~es Bu~ksha~r ~'€~sge a~read~+ ~S~ve a cr~~mur►it}r identity c>f its x~wn?

`~ s_ [£fires, wFaa pr~ar~i~)es this ser~s~e of €omm tp+ o►e ~ w? RPSpzsnses ~5 ~L`~~: $.~ d$~;V k~esidear~s: 513°,='oV ~o~xamuraity Gen6re: 3 f3°,6) ~oruan: ~ i,2`~p Bxiclshaw Churc3r: 1 i1,~'l

~" ~ L)ca ~S+~c vcaraside~ ~aat rernu~~ving the parishes from Bu~cic~r~~+r tvt~uid be fhe raft ~rray~ fafwwerd?

~'~: t,'S°'el t~lt3: ZU iZgek

28. (f y es, is There afreaci~y a va~b4e a~temativg ~ the vista ~t~a~P Fvespa~ses 75

~`e~: 53 f83~o1 hdi3: 'I3 {1.~3ot

$~'C/~t: ~? d~+6°~.} I~i~~iG:' 11f}°s~) '*la Perista: a ~~F',bl ~our~cil~ s is°o) ~~gk ~o~t~any~: ~$ 16'ro1 Sn$le Parish: 2 ~34+o-P Faru+~5: 1 dt"oi

~: ~5cr ~vu €~aiath~ s~ parish cnurtcil serving jus# ft~e ~1ey peat of 8uc~ash~ t~i91 wc~u~d aperate e~fect~vety;

~': fya }~~su thank the ca~ea2ican caf a Parish G~ncil far the C~ro~iey dart of B~ci~e~w o~~@d impact. ihe~ etfec# ueau~s of ~om~'twrttt~% eugar~isatio~s already setvIng B e v Vilf~ge? Responses 85 Pasti~:et4~: '13(15'b hie~Ee~,ely: ?2 ($~°kl

~; L3v ys~u reel ~aarish cr~unc~Es ~nc~ ~#fier c~r~nwrtiiv e~rganasaiic~s r~uid + effectivefy 6og~tCser~ Resprans~es SS

~; ,~~ }~4i# h8~3~3}t 4hH$~i C:OIN~CY~ h8S IT{C[IR~d COS'CS ti t3iCd2'F #~.t CB~PJ~ Old ~Ik~ CW15'~I$84t?E7?' a~er'fli1t35£'.5 ~$ YES:. '}l~ t'~.340} ~Q:: ~~ ~J J-0s`C~.

U:: ~I~'HS~ ~1C~€ 1h!~'k[~',~'E ~kft EV~[1~S ~4Jt9 ~'it~u~ t4'~Et'F4~2S~=

~I!'thea'a'Y' PLat]~~+iElz~ '9 St.. G~r~r~era Evend_ ~ I Easter Evenk: "t$ Gar Bost aalP: 7~ F~rxners hNar~:~t: 6'' }iallnve~ea~: ~-~ ~~tristtnas, Pantm_ a~ Ghrist~t~a: Light 5w~ teh Gr,: 5'

'~; Have you attended prevamus B4' Res~d~nts ee#ia~gs? 'fes~ 6th

~1~he BVCA...... Your Village, Your' Community, Your Association ~~}a;e >.c~ id name address postcode ql qla g1a_text

1 uernsey Avenue PR77AH Yes BVCA

2 aker Close PR776X Yes BVCA

3 ayflowerCrescent PR77BF Ves BVCA

4 Ingham Ave PR77~L Yes BVCA

5 eavers Court PR77A5 Yes BVCA

6 ighland Drive PR7 7AD Ves BVCA

7 altby Square PR7 7GN Yes Buckshaw Forums

8 arine Crescent PR77AN Yes The People

9 erthshire grove pr77ae Yes Buckshaw Village forum


11 ancashire Drive PR77B1 No

12 MayFlower Crescent PR77BF Yes BVCA I

13 Holland Nouse Way PR7 7D5 Yes BVCA ~~

14 guernsey ave pr77ah Yes BVCA

15 pennymoor Close PR77GL Ves BVCA

16 rthshire Grove PR77AE Yes BVCA

17 nderton Crescent PR7788 Yes BVCA

18 Guernsey Ave PR77AG Yes BVCA

19 Aycliffe Drive PR77GD Yes BVCA

20 Bishoptan Crescent PR7 7GA Yes BVCA

21 obinson Close PR7 7DZ Yes BVCA

22 Howwah Court PR77AX Yes 6VCA

23 Waltham Road PR77EE Yes BVCA

24 annah Court PR77AR Yes BVCA

-i-he BVC:A.,....Your VillagE~, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~;;E~ ~~~ id name address postcode q2 q2a g2a_text

uernsey PR7 7AH Yes Yes no parish 1 ~.,Stuart Knowles Avenue

~~~haw manages to keep going wfthouta ded(wted Parish Counctl's input. The little 2 ham ker Close PR778X Ves Yes fundingfacilities that we do benefit from are negligible.

3 ~nn ,_ ayflower Crescent PR77BF Yes Yes Management Company working with BVCA and others

4 ngham Ave PR7 7DL Yes Yes The BVCA

5 eavers Court PR7 7A5 Yes No

6 ighland Drive PR7 7A~ ves Yes BVCA

7 akby Square PR77GN Yes Yes Buckshaw Forums

8 arine Crescent PR77AN Yes Yes We already paylntoAMG Mt them do what they are paid to do.

RMG managing the main[ainence of the village and BVCA providing community activities at the 9 rthshire grove pr7 Tae Yes Yes Community Centre.

10 NGS CLOSE PR778N No I We already pay council tax to Chorley Council, we should not come under any Parish Precept, as we ', 11 ncashire Drive PR7 781 Yes Yes pay full Coundl7ax to Chorley and a Management Fee to RMG already, I would not wish to pay the Parish Precept that I currently pay, nor start to pay a Pari

12 ayFlowerCrescent PR778F Yes Yes Buckshaw Village CommunRy Association

13 olland House Way PR7 7DS Yes No

14 uernsey ave pr77ah Yes No

15 nt ennymoorCbse PR77GL Yes No

In terms of maintenance of the local environment, we already pay a maintenance cha,ge-to the 16 rthshire Grove PR7 7AE Yes Yes Runshaw Management Company for the upkeep and admintst2t(on of the communal facilRies is Buckshaw Village. In terms ofcommun i[y sptrtt, then the BVCA are alrea

17 Berton Crescent PR7786 Yes Yes BVCA and Management Company

18 ernsey Ave PR7 7AG No

19 cliffe Drive PR77GD Yes Yes BVCA

20 tlena ishopton Crescent PR77GA Yes Yes

21 sty Mdn binson Close PR77DZ Yes Yes BVCA

22 owwah Court PR7 7AX Yes No

23 altham Road PR7 7EE Yes Yes BVCA

24 annah Court PR77AX Yes No

The BVCA...... Your Vi!la~e, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~;~ '?2 id name address postcode q3 q4 g4_text

1 _ uernsey Avenue PR7 7AH No Negatively would introduce yet anotherelement of confusion in the unique situation that exists within Buckshaw

Another layer of politicalbureaucracy in Buckshaw would create uncertainty into what roles each group should aker Close PR778X No Negatively 2 take.

3 ayflower Crescent PR77BF No Negatively Parish would receive funding but only support half the village

4 ngham Ave PR7 7Dl No Negatively BVCA funding methods would be bst

5 1;$AlI1p 0&od1 Weavers Court PR77A5 Yes Positively More involvement

6 ,;Philip Walibank ighland Drive PR7 7AD No Negatively This would be divisive

7 Cheryl Hawkins altby Square PR7 7GN No n/a to q3, Q4 & QS -don't think parish is needed

S 43tephen Dobinsorrt arine Crescent PR77AN No Negatively lust another body who will expect paying but do nothing forthe residents

9 EGheryl ledward-lee: erthshire grove pr77ae No Negatively dividing the village and confusing for residents. I~

10 ~,(~SHWORTM INGS CLOSE PR778N Yes Positively

am not willing to pay in addition to the current rate of Council Taz to Chorley, and do not wish to create 11 ;Glynn Sheridan ancashire Drive PR7 7B1 No another Parish Precept in addition tothe RMG fee, also why do we need another Parish when we have a fully functional Chorley Council who should b

Duplication of efforts - BVCA already run plenty of events and represent community. Also, proposals would 12 ayflower Crescent PRA 78F No Negatively only represent part of 6uckshaw.

13 olland House Way PR7 7DS No Negatively Just no need for them, more beurocracy

14 uemsey ave pr77ah Ves PosRively we need ourown Identity

15 ennymoor Close PR7 7GL No Negatively It would be devisive

Having multiple organisations could potentialty create conflicts and wouldin my opinion introduce unnecessary 16 erthshire Grove PR77AE No Negatively bureaucracy

17 '6`_ nderton Crescent PR7788 No Negatively Duplication and confusion

18 uemsey Ave PR7 7A6 No Negatively

19 ~^g..~~ll~llfillf~,-; ,.. diffe Drive PR77G0 No Negatively Conflict of interest

20 shopton Crescent PR7 7GA No

21 ~c obinson Close PR7 7DZ No Negatively Create a divide

22 owwah Court PR7 7AX No

23 ~[tW,9lundey:%k altham Road PR7 7EE No Negatively Too many fingers in the pie

24 annah Court PR7 7AX No Negatively It wouldn't serve al6of Buckshaw

~i~he [3V(~A...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association X~'~~~;~ '? 3 id name address postcode q5 q6 q7

I uernsey AVe nue PR77AH No No another waste of money

"The 8uckshaw Parish Council Representing Just the Bits Sttuated in Chorley and Not the Bits Situated 2 aker Ciose PR77B% Ves No in South Ribble" or a€oe8PCR1B5CNB5SR5€m for short.

3 ayflower Crescent PR778F No Chorley Buckshaw Parish

4 ngham Ave PR7 7DL No No Chodey 8uckshaw Parish Council

5 /Phil ' eavers Court PR7 7A5 Yes No Buckshaw Village Parish

6 ;Philip Wail -- ighland Drive 7R7 7AD Yes Yes Buckshaw

7 :Cheryl HaW - altby Square PR7 7GN Yes n/a

8 Stephen Do- arine Crescent PR77AN No No

9 .Cheryl Ledward-lee _~ ~~~erthshire grove pr7 Tae Yes No Buckshaw Village Parish Council ~~ i,


If a new Parish be created (heaven forbid) then it should be called Buckshaw Village Parish, but in 11 ,Glynn Sheridan __~ ancashire Drive PR7 781 No Yes reality i would just like Chodey Council to remove the existing Parish and not create another, Chorley Council will generate a great amount of Tax revenue

12 ,kygni Hann ~ ayFlower Crescent PR7 78f No No Chorley 8uckshaw Parish to make R clear that it dcesnY cover the whole of Buckshaw

13 1l~sRenshaw~~~ -,: _, Holland House Way PR7 7D5 No Yes

lA guernsey ave pr77ah Yes Yes south buckshaw

15 fan Kent pennymoor Close PR7 7GL Yes Yes Buckshaw Village Parish Council

lb tkfjis Dias erthshire Grove PR7 7AE No No Buckshaw Village

17 ,Heather Green nderton Crescent Pft7 788 No Yes Buckshaw

18 ~IIDr Yeomen ~_ uernsey Ave PR7 7AG No Yes wF>

19 €fteather Brown -- - ycliffe Drive PR77GD No Yes Buckshaw Parish Council

20 n Alkna;,. ishopton Crescent PR7 7GA No

21 ~Cirsty Mdntosh obinson dose PR77D2 No

22 Spencer owwah Court PR77A%

23 Andrew Bluodel~ .1~Waitham Road PR7 7EE No No Buckshaw Village

24 ~'}Pe7.. Spencer annah Court PR77AX No No Buckshaw

r.<~aaraeasrz ~ .. ... »:si:

TI~~ C3VCA...... Yc~ur Village, Your Community, Your Association ~~3~~~~ '~~ id name address postcode birthday hero easter carboot farmers hal~oween panto light q9

1 rf - uemsey Avenue PR77AH Yes Yes Yes Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes

2 ;James Aker Close PR77B% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 ;9rian Hann ayflowerCrescent PR778F Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

4 rk Darnell - ngham Ave PR77DL Yes Ves Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes Yes

5 Philip Dixon' eavers Court PR7 7A5 NO

6 IYip Wallba" ighland Drive PR7 7AD Ves Yes Yes

7 fLheryl Hawkins altby Square PR77GN Yes NO

8 ;SSephen Do6ineon,> arine Crescent PR77AN Yes Yes Yes Ves

9 :Cheryl Ledward-le erthshire grove pr77ae Yes Yes

10 NGS CLOSE PR77BN Yes Yes No

11 ancasltire Drive PR7781 Yes Yes Yes Yes

12 ayflower Crescent PR778F Yes Yes Yes Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes Yes

13 ,Holland House Way PR7 7D5 Yes Yes No

14 uernsey ave pr77ah Yes Yes Yes No

15 ennymoor Close PR7 7GL Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes

16 erthshire Grove PR7 7AE

17 ~MeatherGreen ~-, nderton Descent PR77BB Yes Yes No

18 dfP~or Yeoman,x uemsey Ave PR7 7AG Yes Yes Ves Yes f~

19 Brown` ydiffe Drive PR77GD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

20 ishapton Crescent PR77GA Yes Yes

21 binson Close PR7 7DZ Yes Yes Yes No

22 owwah Court PR77AX No

23 altham Road PR7 7EE Yes Yes Yes Yes No

24 annah.Court PR77AX No

I~I~e 6VCA.,....Yc~ur Villay~~, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~;~ 2~ id name address postcode q1 q1a g1a_text

25 rgyll Avenue PR7 7H8 Yes BVCA

26 roadstone drive PR7 7BE Yes BVCA

27 rgyll Avenue PR77H8 Yes BVCA

28 he Court PR7 7EH Yes BVCA

29 therland Place PR7 7DP Yes BVCA

30 idgewater Drive PR7 7EU Yes BVCA

31 ridgewater Drive PR7 7EU Yes BVCA

32 ighland Drive PR77AD Yes BVCA

33 he Court PR77EH Yes BVCA

34 uernsey Avenue PR77AG Yes BVCA

35 ishoptan Crescent PR7 7GA Yes 6VCA

36 ain Street PR77AQ Yes BVCA

37 pennymaor Close PR77GL Yes BVCA

38 pennymoor dose PR77GL Yes BVCA i

39 usliers Close PR778T No

40 urham Orive PR7 7AW Ves BVCA

41 nderton Crescent PR7 7BA Yes BVCA Buchshaw Village Church


43 Hannah Court PR7 7AX Yes BVCA


45 aftham Rd PR77EE Yes BVCA



Tl~e Bl/CA...... YourVilhge, You~~ Community, Your Association ~~~~~;~ '?f~ id name address postcode q2 q2a g2a_text

25 rgyll Avenue PR77H8 Yes Yes One parish

26 Broadstone Drive PR7 78E Yes Yes BVCA

27 Argyll Avenue PR7 7H6 Yes Yes One parish

28 The Court PR77EH No No

29 Sutherland Place PR7 7DP Yes Yes BVCA

30 Bridgewater Drive PR77EU Yes No

31 Bridgewater Orive PR77EU Yes No

32 Highland Drive PR7 7AD Yes Yes BVCA ',

33 The COUrt PR77EH No No

34 Guernsey Arenue PR7 7AG Yes No

35 Bishopton Crescent PR7 7GA Yes Yes Ezisting council and BVCA

36 Main Street PR7 7A4 Yes Yes No parish council, they don't do much anyway

37 Spennymoor Close PR77GL Yes Yes BVCA

38 Spennymoorcbse PR77GL No

39 Fusliers Close PR7 7BT No No

40 Durham Orive PR7 7AW Yes No

41 rirt5!NSYdofis. Anderton Crescent PR778A No


43 ichelle Wade Hannah Court PR7 7AX Yes Yes Personally for myself 1 don't see any benefit of paying towards ft, being single


45 altham Rd PR77EE No

46 T .` 081NSONLLOSE PR77DZ Yes Yes BVCA

47 ,_ __, ROSY AVE PR77DR Yes Yes BVCA

i f1c~ BVCA...... Yo~~r Village, Your Community, Your Association ~~a~;~ 2i id name address postcode q3 q4 g4_text

25 rgyll Avenue PR77H8 Yes Negatively best to have just one

26 oadstone Drive PR7 78E No Negatively Resident meetings include whole of Buckshaw - parish should be whole part Buckshaw Village

27 rgyll Avenue PR77H8 No Negatively better with one

28 he COUrt Pft77EH Yes Poskively

29 utherland Place PR77DP No Negatively

30 ddgewatef Drive PR77EU No Negatively Only mver550%

31 idgewater Drive PR7 7EU No Negatively Only covers 50°h I

32 ighland Drive PR77AD No Negatively SplR the interest/conflict '.

33 _. he Court PR77EH Yes Positively

34 uernsey Avenue PR77AG Yes Positively

35 shopton Crescent PR7 7GA No

36 ain Street PR7 7A4 No Negatively Creates a divide between residents

37 ennymoor Close PR7 7Gl No Negatively Too much shared ground already

38 nnymoorcbse PR77GL No Negatively Would createarift between boundaries

39 sliers Gose PR778T No Negatively

40 urham Drive PR77AW No Negatively ftwouid split the village•'please do not change until6oundary changes complete then review•'

41 nderton Crescent PR7 78A No Negatively Divisive split between roles -South Ribble residents "ignored"

42 RGYLL AVENUE PR7 7H8 No Negatively Divides the village but no worse than current 3 way spilt of parish coundis

Why do we need two sets of people making decisions about the community and I'm sure It would only confuse 43 annah Court PR7 7AX No Negatively matters and the cos[ incurred in consuking people should be Charged to the person /team of people who asked the question


45 altliam Rd PR77EE No Negatively CONFLICT OF INTEREST



The BVCA...... You~~ Village, Your Commur7ity, Your Association ~~a~~ '?€~ id name address postcode q5 q6 q7

25 - rgyll Avenue PR77HB Yes No Buckshaw Village

26 roadstone give PR7 78E No Yes

27 Argyll Avenue PR7 7HB Yes No Buckshaw Parish

28 he Court PR77EH Yes Yes

29 Sutherland Place PR77DP No No

30 ridgewater Drive PR7 7EU Yes Yes Buckshaw Village

31 Bridgewater Drive PR7 7EU Yes Yes Buckshaw village

32 Highland Drive PR77AD Yes No Buckshaw parish

33 he Court PR77EH Yes Yes

34 uemsey Avenue PR77AG Yes Yes Buckshaw

35 ishopton Crescent PR7 7GA No

36 Main Street PR7 7AQ Yes Yes Shouldn't be created until BV is one entRy

37 pennymoor Close PR77GL No Yes N/A

38 Spennymoor dose PR7 7GL Yes Yes Buckshaw Village Parish Council

39 Fusliers Close PR77BT No No

40 ~,J Mutsom. Durham Drive PR7 7AW Ves Yes Buckshaw Palish Counc(I

41 ~' Nerina Harborne Anderton Crescent PR7 7BA Yes Yes Buckshaw Village Parish Council

42 `.':PHILIP ASHTON RGYLL AVENUE PR77H8 Yes Yes Buckshaw Partsh.Council

43 ~ Michelle Wade Hannah Court PR77AX No No N/A


45 lan Kendall Waltham Rd PR7 TEE Yes Yes BUCKSHAW VILLAGE



~~Th~ BVCA...... Your Vill~~ge~, Your Comri~unity, Your Associafiion ~~~~~~ '~E~ id name address postcode birthday hero easter carboot farmers halloween panto light q9

25 rgyll Avenue PR7 7HB Yes Yes

26 roadstone Drive PR7 7BE Yes Yes Yes Yes

27 Argyll Avenue PR7 7HB Yes Yes

28 he Court PR77EH Yes Yes Yes

29 utherland Place PR7 7DP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

30 idgewater Drive Pft7 7EU Yes Yes Yes

31 ridgewater Drive PR7 7EU Yes Ves Yes

32 ighland Drive Pft7 7AD No

33 he Court PR7 7EH Yes Yes Yes

34 uernsey Avenue PR7 7AG Yes Yes

35 ishopton Crescent PR7 7GA Yes Yes

36 ain Street PR7 7AQ Yes Yes Yes Ves

37 pennymoor Close PR77GL Yes Yes Yes

38 pennymoor close PR7 7GL Yes Yes Yes

39 Fusliers Close PR776T Yes Yes No

40 urham Drive PR7 7AW Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

41 nderton Crescent PR77BA Yes Yes Yes Yes


43 Michelle Wade""""`~T~ Hannah Court PR77AX Yes No


45 4{2n Kendall _2~Wakham Rd PR77EE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


47 ~ OBY AVE PR77DR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Thc~ BVt~A...... Your Vill~~~e, Your Community, Your A~sociafiion ~~~t~~;4~ ~~c~ id name address postcode ql q1a g1a_text

48 Buchanan Court PR77AZ Yes BVCA

49 ve &Marie Atherton ighland Dr PR7 7AD Yes BVCA Community Hall & BVCA

50 ~arie Athe ighland Dr PR77AD Yes BVCA Community Hall&BVCA

51 ~'~y., 4Bridgewater Dr PR77EU Yes BVCA

52 Perthshire pr7 Tae Ves AVCA

53 annah Court PR7 7AX Yes BVCA

54 uthedand Place PR7 7DP Ves BVfA

55 May(IOwer Crescent PR7 7BF Yes BVCA

56 ayflower Cres PR778F Yes BVCA

57 Baker Cl PR77BX Yes BVCA

58 aker Close PR778X Yes BVCA

59 Cordwainers Court PR7 Yes BVCA

60 Cordwainers Crt PR7 Vez BVCA

61 ne Hall > ridgewater Or Pp77EU Yes BVCA

62 Crompton Walk PR77ER Yes BVCA

63 ycliffe D~ PR7 7GD Yes BVCA

64 .flip _ ridgewater Dr P(i7 7EU Yes BVCA and residents ~~~~

65 ~(vloorhous8~ urham Dr PR77AY Yes Community Centre


67 ,Jlictoria Hargreaves obinson Cl PR7 7DZ Yes BVCA 'F'

68 kola McAf erthshire Gr PR77AE Yes BVCA ~`

69 erthshire Grove PR77AE Yes BVCA

70 ~etal@ Mo olland House Way PR7 7DS Yes BVCA

T{~E~ BVCA...... Your Village, Your' Community, Your Association X~~~~e ~~t id name address postcode q2 q2a g2a_text

48 phen Muir ~ uchanan Court PR7 7AZ Yes Yes Any services provided a parish council are already being paid for through RMG.

49 l~eve &Marie Atherton ighland Dr PR7 7AD No f

50 ~e &Marie A[he ighland-0r PR7 7AD No

51 ridgewater Dr PR77EU Yes Ves BVCA

52 k Maher erthshire pr7 Tae Yes Yes Oimid Council & BVCA

53 ~3n Riches annah Court PR77AX No

54 ma Davis therland Place PR7 7DP No

55 ~4uart Kilmartin Mayflower Crescent PR7 78F Yes Yes RMG & BVCA & Chorley Council


56 I[a~ladine ayflower Cres PR77BF Yes Yes BVCA Chorley/South Ribble '~,,

57 aker Cl PR778x Yes Yes BVCA

58 aker Close PR7 78X Yes Yes bvca

59 e ordwainers Court PR7 Yes Yes bvw

fi0 ~ ~ ordwainers Crt PR7 Yes Yes BVCA

61 ridgewater Dr PR77EU Yes Yes BVCA

62 rompton Walk PRJ 7ER Yes Yes bvw

63 awn longworth ~- ycliffe Dr PR7 7GD Yes Yes

64 n Hall Bridgewater Dr PR7 7EU Yes Yes BVCA

65 oorhouse 95I7'urham Or PR7 7AY No


67 binson Cl PR7 7DZ Yes Yes RMG

68 .Nicola MCAiosh `5 erthshire Gr PR77AE Yes Yes BVCA

69 ~AMc4i' erthshire Grove PR77AE Yes Yes BVCA

70 .Natalie Moffat (land NOUSe Way PR7 7DS Yes Yes BVCA

The E3VCA.,....Y~ur Villa~,e, Your Community, Your Association ~~x~~~;~_ :~2 id name address postcode q3 q4 g4_text

48 I~ourt PR77AZ No Negatively 4~~

More opportunities for procrastination, debate, discussion -less bureaucracy needed. Use web/blogs to raise PR7 7AD Yes Negatively 49 ~j. Highland Dr issues

More opportunities for procrastination, debate, discussion -less bureaucracy needed. Use web/blogs to raise 50 ighland Dr PR7 7AD Yes Negatively issues

51 ridgewater Dr PR7 7EU No Negatively

This creates a third tier of local government,emphasises the Chorley vs. SRBC'split' and will possibly duplicate 52 erthshire pr7 Tae No Negatively BVCA activities?

53 Hannah Court PR77AH Yes Positively

54 therland Place PR77DP No Positively Maybe have more comrol '..

55 ayflower Crescent PR7 7BF No Negatively Buckshaw Village should be as onel

56 _ ayflower Cres Pft7 78F No Negatively Divide The Village

57 - aker Cl PR77BX No Negatively

58 aker Close PR770J( No Negatively

59 - ordwainers Court PR7 No Negatively SpIR Village in two

60 ordwainers Crt PR7 No Negatively Sepera[e Village Into two

61 e~dl! Bridgewater Dr PR7 7EU Yes Positively Mare local, more accessible, easier to contact and intune wdh the area

62 Crompton Walk PR7 7ER No Negatively Too much happening at once

63 ~~`GIarRLp Aydiffe Dr PR7 76D No Negatively Divide the village

64 ridgewater Dr PR7 7EU Yes Positively It would be more accountable/easier accessible to residents

65 urham Dr PR7 7AY No Positively

66 UERNSEY AVE PR7 7AH No NegatNeiy BVCA already does a good job

67 obinson CI PR7 7DZ No Negatively Too many - BVCA are good at what they do

68 erthshire Gr PR7 7AE No ?!!??

69 ~ifl5h'-°--:._,..- erthshire Grove PR7 7AE No Negatively Confusion overtwo groups/conflict

70 lolland House Way PR77D5 Yes Negatively

~17~~ BVC~.,....Your Village, Your Com~~nunity, Your Association ~~'~~~;~ _3.~ id name address postcode q5 q6 q7

48 uchanan Court PR77AZ No Yes

49 ighland Dr PR7 7AD Yes No No additional parish council needed

50 ighland Dr PR7 7AD Yes No No additional parish council needed

51 ridgewater Dr PR7 7EU No No

52 Perthshire pr7 Tae Ves Yes not relevant as i would prefer if the parish countlls were removed

53 nnah Court PR7 7Ax Yes Yes Buckshaw Village Parish Council

54 utherland Place PR7 7~P Yes No TAe Parish of 8uckshaw Village

55 ayflower Cresce nt PR77BF No No N/a

56 MayOower Cres PR7 78f No No Another Was[e of Public Money

57 aker Cl PR77BX No No n/a ~'~, ii

58 Baker Close PR7 7B% No No

59 Cordwainers Court PR7 Yes No BUCKSHAW PARISH

60 Cardwainers Crt PR7 Yes No BUCKSHAW PARISH

61 ridgewater Dr PR7 7EU Yes Yes Something related to the name of the village

62 Crompton Walk PR77ER No No n/a

63 .Dawn longwort ydiffe Dr PR7 7G0 Yes No

64 hall ~ ridgewa[er Dr PR7 7EU Yes Yes Something related to the name of[he village

65 ~orhouse urham Dr PR7 7AY Yes No ?

66 Ines UEflNSEV AYE PR7 7AH No No

67 rgreaves Robinson Cl PR77DZ No No n/a

68 .NicoW McAinshi erthshlre Gr PR7 7AE Ves No BUCKSHAW VILLAGE

69 R McAinsh erthshire Grove PR7 7AE No Ves BUCKSHAW PAflISH COUNCIL

70 olland House Way PR7 7D5 No No

T h~ C~~ICA.,..,.Your Village, Yaur~ Community, Your Association ~~~~~~;~ :~~~ id name address postcode birthday hero easter carboot farmers halloween panto light q9

48 Buchanan Court PR7 7AZ Yes Yes No

Yes Yes 49 e .Highland Dr PR77AD Ves Yes ~

50 ighla~d Dr PR7 7AD Yes Yes Yes Yes

51 ridgewater Dr PR77EU Yes Yes Yes

52 erthshire pr7 Tae No

53 Hannah Court PR77AX No

54 utherland Place PR7 7DP Ves Yes Yes Yes No

55 Mayflower Crescent PR7 7BF Yes Yes Yes

56 ayflowerCres PR778f Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

57 aker Cl PR7 7BX Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

58 aker Close PR7 78X Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

59 Cordwainers Cowt PR7 Yes Yes Yes Yes

60 Cordwainers Crt PR7 Ves Yes Yes Ves

61 Bridgewater Dr PR77EU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes No 62 ~.-~un118aWn;: Crompton Walk PR77ER Yes

63 ,Dawn Longworth ydiffe Dr PR7 7GD Yes Yes Yes Yes

64 ~lyllr.~... ridgewater Dr PR7 7EU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

65 `.,~~ Durham Dr PR77AY Yes Yes

66 GUERNSEY AVE PR7 7AH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No 67 `:Victoria obinson Cl PR77DZ des Yes

68 tlicola M ~ Perthshire Gr PR7 7AE Yes Yes Yes Yes ~'

69 ~ A McAinsh _... ,,, :.. .Perthshire Grove PR7 7AE Yes Yes Yes Yes

70 Natalie tvtoffaS Holland House Way PR7 7DS Yes Yes Yes Yes Ves t

The BVCA...... Your Village, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~~ ~~~~ id name address postcode ql q1a gla_text

71 olland house way pr7 Ids Yes BVCA

72 binson Cl PR77DZ Yes BVCA

73 8roadstone DrWe Pft7 7BE Ves 6VCA Residents

74 Broadstone Dr PR778E Ves BVCA

75 orset Dr PR7 7DN Yes BVCA

76 ilverstone Street PR77EB Yes BVCA

77 egiment Dr PR77BL Yes BVCA

78 ancashire Dr PR7 7B1 Ves BVCA

79 Gary Roby Ave PR77DR Ves BVCA


81 ~mes Hodgin Spennymoor Close PR77GL Yes BVCA

82 ahham Rd 7P77EE Yes BVCA

83 ayflowerCrescent PR77BF Yes BVCA

84 Main Street, Buckshaw ~,~~ ~~~ Yes BVCA Village, Chorley

85 Summerfield Walk PR7 7EX Yes 6VCA

S6 thedand Place PR77DV Yes BVCA

87 isopton Crescent PR77GA Yes BVCA

88 eavers Court GR77AS Yes BVCA

89 Durham Drive PR77AY Yes BVCA

90 arine Crescent PR77AP Yes BVCA

91 oole Avenue PR77FP Yes BVCA

92 oole Avenue PR77FP Yes BVCA

l~i~c~ E~VC:.A...... Yc~ur Village, Your Community, Your Association X~~~~e 3t~ id name address postcode q2 q2a g2a_text

71 olland house way pr7 Ids Yes Yes BVCA

72 Robinson Cl PR7 70Z Ves Yes RMG

73 Broadstone Drive PR7 78E No

74 roadstone Dr PR7 78E No

75 Dorset Dr PR77DN Yes Yes BVCA

76 Silverstone Street PR7 7EB Yes Yes BVCA

77 egiment Dr PR7 78L Yes Yes BVCA

78 Lancashire Dr PR7 781 Yes Yes BVCA

79 Roby AVe PR77DR Yes Yes BVCA


IIl lames HOdgin nnymoor Close PR77GL Yes Yes BVCA

8% SaIJy Wyk altham Rd PR77EE Yes Yes BVCA

83 G1(f k3ash(orth ayFlowerCrescent PR778F Yes Yes BVCA

x~ ain Street, Buckshaw pR7 78Z Yes Yes create our own or have none ge, Chorley

85 1Lkfre Salters-_..;,' ummerfield Walk PR77EX Yes Yes BVCA

86 uthedand Place PR77DP Ves Yes Buckshaw Village

87 _ sopton Crescent PR77GA Yes Yes BVCA

88 eavefS Court PR77AS Ves Ves BVCA

89 ~erty urham Drive PR77AY No

90 arine Crescent PR77AP Yes Yes BVCA &maintenance charge

91 ~9~i~ah Kettleband~ Dole Avenue PR77FP Yes YES BVCA

92 ~Liui Ket[ Poole Avenue PR77FP Yei YES BVCA

Thc~ BVCA...... Yaur Village, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~;e 3i id name address postcode q3 q4 g4_text

71 ~~cott Moffat holland house way pr7Ids Yes Negatively y:x

72 _ tey Robinson CI PR7 7D2 No NegatWely BVCA already does a good job

73 Sroadstone Drive PR7 78E No Negatively Not sure what additional value it would bring

74 ¢ Monk Broadstone Dr PR7 78E No Negatively

75 - Claire Jackwn Dorset Dr PR7 7DN No Negatively Unless the whole of Buckshaw is under one Parish

76 ;.,¢Miller Silverstone Street PR77EB No Negatively '~.i

77 Regiment Dr PR7 7BL No Negatively '~"r,~ee Unsworth

78 ~pania 5tr - ncashire Dr PR7 781 No Negatively Additional Cost

79 46ary DAMES oby Ave PR77DR No It'll make no difference


81 ennymoorCbse PR77GL No Negatively It would split the village

82 attham Rd PR77EE No Negativety k would create a divide In the comminity

Because you would be segregating the village forthose that live in South Ribble which in my opinon would case S3 ayflower Crescent PR7 76F No Negatively — a huge divide in the village

ain Street, A focussed interest on all our residents with a view to assessing our immediate environment can only he a good 84 ~clntosh pR7 762 Yes Positively uckshaw Village, Chorley thing.

85 mmerfield Walk PR7 7EX No Negatively There is no need and would cause an unnecessary split to the village.

86 utherland Place PR77DP No Negatively Should be treated asawhole for all Buckshaw Residents

87 jMr Charnley '^ ~ isopton Crescent PR77GA No Negatively We need Buckshaw[0 6e united

88 ~~becca Nutter.? avers Court PR77AS No Negativety Competftfon between the two'sldes'

I am wandering whether this has something m do with parish boundaries for schools? Happy with BVCA 89 ~(ty urham Drive PR77AY No Negatively information -why pay?

90 ~""'~• arine Crescent PR77AP No Negatively Needs already meet

91 ,~8~~$nd ~ ` °7Ppole Avenue PR77FP NO Negatively Create a Division

92 oole Avenue PR77FP NO Negatively Create a Division

~C he 6VCA.,....Your Villa~,e, Your Community, Your Association ~~a~;~ :3~ id name address postcode q5 q6 q7

71 Scott Moffat holland house way pr7 Ids No No ~.

72 ~~ean Holt F - o6inson Cl PR770Z No No


74 ~;.(ii MOnk .r. ads[one Dr PR77BE No No

75 .~Gaire Jackson _ Dorset Dr PR77DN Yes Yes Buckshaw

76 :355 Miller ilverstone Street PR77E8 No No

77 flee Unsworth egiment Dr PR7 78L No Yes

78 Lancashire Dr PR7 781 Yes Yes Don't Know

Idiots went backon their word and against the will of the majority to set this parish up -this is what 79 ~W. Roby Ave PR7 7DR Ves No think this parish should be called so everyone knows what has happened everytime the group is ~~}9~ ~ announced


81 ~,_~mesHt pennymoor Close PR77GL Yes Yes Buckshaw Village PC

82 IF/ Wi aRham Rd PR77EE Yes Yes BVCA Council

83 ~Giff Bashforth Mayflower Crescent PR7 7BF No No a Parish Council should not be created

84 ain Street, pR778Z Yes Yes Buckshaw Village Parish Council c Shaw Village, Chorley

85 ~{L'Iiire Sakers _ Summertield Walk PR77EX No Yes Buckshaw Village Parish Council

86 (Ef~1Mx ful thedand Place PR77DG Yes No Buckshaw Village

87 ,Mr Chamley - isopton Crescent PR77GA Yes No

88 eavers Court PR77AS Yes No

89 rUoherty ~ urham Drive PR77AY No Ves N/A

90 ~pby Hafdy -..: - .. _ arine Crescent PR77AP Yes No

91 Sarah Kettleband ~'L Poole Avenue PR77FP No VES Buckshaw Parish Council

92 ~IaimKettleband - -., oole Avenue PR77PP No YES Buckshaw Parish COUncll

~1 he BVCA...... Yo~ar Villa~;E~, Your Community, Your Association ~~~~~;~~ ~f~ id name address postcode birthday hero easter carboot farmers halloween panto light q9

71 holla nd house way pr7 Ids Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes

72 obinson CI PR7 JD2 Yes Yes No

73 roadstone Drive PR77BE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

74 roadstone Dr PR778E Yes Yes Yes No

75 '. orset Or PR7 7DN Yes Yes Yes Yes

7[ S Miller .., ilverstone Street PR7 7E8 Yes Yes Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

77 orth , egiment Dr PR7 7BL Yes Yes Ves

78 - ;. ncashire Dr PR7 ~BJ Yes No

79 oby Ave PR77DR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

80 NCERS CLOSE PR77D1 Yes Ves Yes Yes Yes

81 ennymoor Close PR77GL Ves Yes Yes Yes

82 ~i«,id~iWle ~. aRham Rd PR77EE Yes Yes Yes Yes

83 h- ayflower Crescent PR77BF Yes Yes Yes Yes

84 ain Street, 8uckshaw pR7 7BZ Yes Yes Yes No _ - ~ - - - ,Chodey

85 Ite ummerfield Walk PR77EH Yes Yes Yes Ves Yes Yes

86 utherlandPiace PR77DP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

87 isopton Crescent PR77GA Yes Ves Yes

88 eavers Court PR77AS No

89 f~Qohe urham Drive PR77AY Yes Ves Yes

90 9b~;Mardy.- arine Crescent PR77AP Yes No

91 ~(ettieband ole Avenue PR77FP Ves Yes

92 oole Avenue PR77FP Yes Yes

i h~ 6VCA...... Your Village, Your Comr~nuriity, Your Association ~~~~~~~ ~o