Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Department of Computer Science Technical Reports Department of Computer Science 1980 Programming With Recursion Dirk Siefkes Report Number: 80-331 Siefkes, Dirk, "Programming With Recursion" (1980). Department of Computer Science Technical Reports. Paper 260. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cstech/260 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact
[email protected] for additional information. '. \ PI~Q(:[V\!'<lMTNr. 11'1'1'11 nr:CUI~SrON l1irk Siefke$* Tcchnische UniveTsit~t Berlin Inst. Soft\~are Theor. Informatik 1 Berlin 10, West Germany February, 1980 Purdue University Tech. Report CSD-TR 331 Abstract: Data structures defined as term algebras and programs built from recursive definitions complement each other. Computing in such surroundings guides us into Nriting simple programs Nith a clear semantics and performing a rigorous cost analysis on appropriate data structures. In this paper, we present a programming language so perceived, investigate some basic principles of cost analysis through it, and reflect on the meaning of programs and computing. -;;----- - -~~ Visiting at. the Computer Science Department of Purdue University with the help of a grant of the Stiftung Volksl.... agem.... erk. I am grateful for the support of both, ViV-Stiftung and Purdue. '1 1 CONTENTS O. Introduction I. 'llle formnlislIl REe Syntax and semantics of REC-programs; the formalisms REC(B) and RECS; recursive functions. REC l~ith VLI-r-t'iblcs. -2. Extensions and variations Abstract languages and compilers. REC over words as data structure; the formalisms REC\\'(q). REe for functions with variable I/O-dimension; the forma l:i sms VREC (B) .