Enhancing Wildlife and Biodiversity

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Enhancing Wildlife and Biodiversity Enhancing Wildlife and Biodiversity INTRODUCTION The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on wildlife habitats in agricultural environments and to outline practices that can be implemented to lower risks to these habitats. Farmers are biodiversity managers in that they produce living products such as crops and livestock in habitats and landscapes where wild animals and plants live. Developing a biodiversity management plan can help landowners identify sensitive areas of their farms which could benefit from changes in management. An ecosystem is most often defined as the interactions among the living and non-living parts of the DEFINITIONS environment in a particular area. Terms such as forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, and wetland ecosystem Biological diversity or biodiversity is a term that describes are commonly used. The term habitat is used to describe the variety and variability within and among living the biological and physical environment of a particular organisms and their relationship with each other and species (adapted from: Biodiversity in Agriculture: with their physical environment. It includes diversity Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Action Plan, 1997). within species (genetic diversity), between species (species diversity), and of ecosystems (ecosystem diversity). A wildlife habitat includes the area of land and/or water used by animal and plant species in order to survive and complete their life cycles. Habitats provide for vital Convention on Biological Diversity needs such as food, water, cover, and space, and allow for the reproduction and dispersal of species. Canada signed the Convention on Biological Diversity at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The objectives of the Convention are: BENEFITS OF BIODIVERSITY • the conservation of biological diversity; Biodiversity can be enhanced by managing habitats, • the sustainable use of biological resources; and benefiting the farm in many positive ways. For instance: • the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits that arise out of the use of genetic resources. • Soil organisms, bacteria and fungi break down organic matter which makes nutrients available Following ratification of the Convention, the Canadian for crops. Biodiversity Strategy was released in 1995. The Strategy addresses biodiversity issues in agriculture and directs • Contaminants found in the soil, air and water federal and provincial governments to: can be degraded through ecological processes which involve many organisms. • maintain the agricultural resource base through research, policy and program reform, • Certain insects ensure the pollination of a variety and economic incentives; of crops, such as blueberries and canola. • conserve biological resources through off-site facilities (e.g., seed and field gene banks); • Some birds and insects also ensure the biological • develop on-site conservation mechanisms for control of crop pests. wild relatives of crops, domesticated animals, • Greater biodiversity leads to lower variability and microbial organisms; and in standing crop production and improved • promote sustainable farm practices that are agricultural productivity. compatible with wildlife. • Water quality can be enhanced when natural vegetated Riparian buffer zones, when properly managed, play a vital role buffers are used to trap sediments and runoff. These in the protection of aquatic life by preventing sediments and natural areas are also wildlife habitat and contribute contaminants from entering watercourses. Trees also provide substantially to the biodiversity of the surrounding shade which helps control water temperature and the level of environment. oxygen in the water for fish. Banks along watercourses can be stabilized through proper establishment of a riparian buffer • Rotational grazing is beneficial to livestock because it zone which prevents the loss of land and habitats. can improve forage quality. This results in healthier cattle with more rapid weight gain. It can also provide better nesting cover habitat for birds. • Through photosynthesis, plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. This process also plays an important role in mitigating greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. • Various wildlife species provide genetic material for crop and animal breeding programs. • Biodiversity can improve our well-being. Many people find comfort in the presence of wildlife and healthy habitats. • Many recreational activities can take place such as hunting, fishing, hiking, and bird watching. • The aesthetic appearance of the farm and the property Various species of birds and insects found in riparian buffer zones can be enhanced where habitats are healthy. are beneficial to control crop pests. Riparian buffer zones also act as a corridor that links various habitats with one another, • Biodiversity can support the tourism industry of a region. allowing the movement and dispersal of wildlife and plant species. A riparian buffer should consist of three zones, and the width NUISANCE should ideally be a minimum of 30 metres (100 feet) for it to be beneficial to wildlife species. Agricultural producers sometimes associate biodiversity enhancement with an increase in nuisance animals. However, Each zone has the potential to be habitat for different species the presence of wildlife on the farm is not necessarily a nuisance. of wildlife. An animal only becomes a nuisance when it causes damage to crops, livestock, farm buildings, or other economic loss. When • The zone along the fields should be composed of perennial essential needs are not met in a natural habitat, some species grasses that filter sediments and contaminants in the will use other habitats (i.e. croplands) or attack livestock. runoff water (5 m). However, when natural habitats are healthy and all vital needs of wildlife can be met, conflicts can be greatly reduced. • The middle zone is composed of larger and deeper rooted trees and shrubs that filter the remaining surface runoff as well as shallow ground waters (20 m). WILDLIFE HABITATS • The zone adjacent to the watercourse consists of densely Habitat loss or alteration is common in agricultural environments rooted trees and shrubs well adapted to wet environments. and associated with a decline in wildlife species and biodiversity. Its role consists of stabilizing the bank (5 m). The conservation of habitats found on the farm, and the connection of these habitats with one another, is important to Riparian buffer zones in agricultural environments are frequently ensure the movement and survival of various species. Here are used to increase the land base for crop production or cattle some of the habitats usually found in agricultural environments grazing. With fewer trees and less vegetation to stabilize the that can be conserved or enhanced: area, bank erosion, sedimentation, and runoff may potentially affect water quality and aquatic life. Riparian buffer zones Riparian buffers zones are strips of land in permanent vegetation that border watercourses such as streams, rivers, and wetlands. These areas are a transition between terrestrial and aquatic habitats; therefore, they harbour a rich diversity of vegetation and wildlife. Wetlands natural woodlot and a plantation, is an important way to conserve and enhance biodiversity on the farm. A plan will ensure that Of all the different types of habitats, wetlands are one of the most wood harvesting is done in a way that sustains both the woodlot valuable and productive habitats. Whether it’s a bog, marsh, or and the species it supports. swamp, wetlands provide habitat for an array of wildlife species such as insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, waterfowl, In an agricultural landscape, it is not uncommon to see forest and mammals. fragmentation where woodlots are isolated from other habitats such as forests, riparian zones, wetlands, and so on. The presence of travel corridors is effective in maintaining biodiversity in the long term as it will allow the movement of animals from one habitat to the other, and provide shelter and food. Well-managed natural fence lines or windbreaks can serve the function of travel corridors, and are not only beneficial to biodiversity but also to agricultural lands. Their presence can help protect against soil erosion by wind and water. Windbreaks also support populations of natural enemies of pests and beneficial insects that can ensure pollination of various crops. The establishment and proper management of windbreaks on the farm can provide substantial wildlife habitat. Windbreaks provide shelter, food, travel paths, reproductive and nesting sites for wildlife. The biodiversity of wildlife in a windbreak is related to its width, diversity, and integration or connection to other habitats. Properly managed wetlands near the farm can contribute to the enhancement of biodiversity at the same time as they filter Furthermore, keeping stumps and dead trees in any type of and purify water. Wetlands can act as a sponge that stabilizes habitat can provide shelter for several species (e.g. woodpeckers, streambanks and shorelines, regulates water flow, and reduces squirrels) the risk of flooding. The restoration of in-filled or drained wetlands or the construction BENEFICIAL AGRICULTURAL of an artificial wetland to treat runoff water can benefit biodiversity as they can provide habitat for a rich diversity of fauna and MANAGEMENT PRACTICES flora species. Some agricultural management
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