2009 ANNUAL REPORT DIVERSE STRATEGIES, INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance 701 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. • Suite 700 • Washington, D.C. 20004-2694 (202) 737-5980 • (202) 478-5113 fax •
[email protected] • www.dmaa.org OFFICERS CHAIR Gordon K. Norman, MD, MBA Chief Innovation Officer, Health Improvement Alere CHAIR-ELECT Christopher Coloian Senior Vice President, Global Business Health Dialog TREASURER ABOUT DMAA: Rose Maljanian, RN, MBA President and CEO THE CARE CONTINUUM ALLIANCE Strategic Health Equations, LLC SECRETARY DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance convenes all stakeholders provid- Jerome V. Vaccaro, MD ing services along the care continuum toward the goal of population President and Chief Operating Officer APS Healthcare health improvement. These care continuum services include strategies, such as health and wellness promotion, disease management, and care CHAIR: GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Jan E. Berger, MD coordination. DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance promotes the role President and CEO of population health improvement in raising the quality of care, im- Health Intelligence Partners proving health outcomes and reducing preventable health care costs CHAIR: QUALITY & RESEARCH for individuals with chronic conditions and those at risk of developing Tehseen Salimi, MD, MHA VP, Customer Medical Synergies chronic conditions. DMAA activities in support of these efforts include Global Medical & Regulatory Affairs advocacy, original research and the promotion of best practices in care sanofi-aventis management. AT-LARGE Susan B. Riley DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance represents more than 200 cor- Tracey Moorhead porate and individual stakeholders—including wellness, disease and President & CEO, Ex Officio care management organizations, pharmaceutical manufacturers and benefits managers, health information technology innovators, biotech- nology innovators, employers, physicians, nurses and other health care DIRECTORS professionals, and researchers and academicians.