PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS 6-15-2020 (Acquisition of 370 Brooksvale, Rear)

Good afternoon-

I’m writing as a Hamden resident to urge the Council to move forward with plans to secure the acreage currently owned by the Beers family.

I recognize these are challenging times for the town budget. But this is a rare opportunity to preserve open space adjacent to Brooksvale Park. Once passed, we won’t be able to get this land back.

Given the access to outside funds for this venture AND the number of people that showed up in support of this effort already, I’m surprised that the Council has delayed this action. In the meantime, the Beers family has had no choice but to put the property back on the market.

Please move this forward at the upcoming council meeting. We have no more time for delays. This is an opportunity our Town must not miss.


Chaucey Perreault

Brooksvale Ave


Hamden Town Council members,

Realizing whole heartedly that funds are scarce my request may therefore seem counterintuitive. However, an investment in our future, that the proposal to add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park affords, is worthy of this expenditure of $240,000. Brooksvale Park has proven time and time again to be a genuine asset to our town. My children and now even my grandchildren enjoy the variety of hiking hiking trails, the grandeur of this park, and just a close place to enjoy the outdoors. As the Covid-Pandemic has shown us, the value of open space and nature nearby is without question a very worthy asset. So please allow the funding to add this acreage and beautiful land to the Brooksvale Park. Vote yes!

I thank you for your time and patience.


Richard Kollet Belmont St Hamden, 06517-2809

To the Town Council,

I urge you to vote yes to approve State funds to add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park.

Michelle Palmeri James St., Hamden

Dear Mayor Leng and Councilors:

I am writing in strong support of the town's acquisition of 370 Brooksvale Avenue, the 40 acre 'Beers property' adjacent to Brooksvale Park.

Our family moved to Hamden 2 years ago. Of the many things we appreciate about our new community, easy access to amazing outdoor places is one of them. That we have an opportunity to add 40 acres is rare and extraordinary. With the owner's strong preference that their land remain open space, and the availability of state grants to significantly underwrite the purchase of the property, we hope you will vote In support of the purchase.

This purchase will be an important part of not just your legacy as an elected leader, but for generations not yet born who will enjoy the land. Thank you so much for your support!


David Radcliffe

Brooksvale Ave, Hamden, CT 06518

Dear Town Councilors and Mayor: I am writing in strong and hopeful support and anticipation of the Town's purchase of 370 Brooksvale Avenue - the 40 acres 'Beers Property'. I grew up here on Brooksvale Ave. in a house that my father built from scratch. Later, I moved around for work, living in various places around the country; I traveled (ALOT) for business - both national and international. After leaving my last job in New Jersey, I moved back to my childhood home here in Hamden to take care of my mom who had Alzheimer’s. When she died, I bought out my sister's interest in the house and property, and now it is mine! I grew up in these woods, and have a strong interest in keeping the remaining forest intact for both the animals and for us. It was in these woods that I found pussywillows and the amazing Ladyslippers. I learned about glacial erratics...we climbed up and down these huge lucky we were to grow up with all of this in our backyards. Now, I still rejoice in the variety of birds that visit my feeders; plus the rabbits, groundhogs, turkeys, turtles, snakes and yes - even the deer who munch in my gardens. It's most unfortunate that the paths these animals have used forever (for water, food, etc.) cross an increasingly busier and dangerous Brooksvale Avenue, while the fields and woods and open spaces seem to be disappearing due to the fragmentation that comes with development. I must add that when the Russo property (12 acres across the street from me) was auctioned off and sold to a developer, my heart sank because I realized that this street, its woods and fields, and the land itself was going to change irrevocably. I can't tell you how many times, when people ask me where I live, their eyes light up because Brooksvale Park is so valued and appreciated by so many. A park like ours, with its year-round activities to enjoy - to walk, hike, bird-watch, see farm animals up close, learn how maple syrup is made, picnic, play (sports and swings and so on for kids and adults alike) - all this is invaluable. And the more natural spaces we have, the more people will be able to truly value and to seek out open, untouched nature. Parcels the size of the Beers property rarely become available - and owners who have a strong preference that their land remain open space - are rare. Your leadership to add this property to our town's open space is an important investment for today and generations to come. I am hopeful that we can look forward to generations of learning and discovering the many bounties of nature, right outside our back door! Heartfelt thanks to each of you who have put your time and energy into taking advantage of a truly special opportunity... a jewel in our midst. I look forward to many more years of walking in "our" woods and savoring the natural world. Sincerely, Deborah Zale

To whom it may concern:

My name is Steven Fredericks and along with my wife and two young children, I have just moved back to Hamden 6 months ago. We purchased XXX Brooksvale Ave, Hamden, CT 06518. It has come to our attention that a 40 acre parcel is being sold across the street from us, next to Brooksvale Park and that the Town of Hamden was going to purchase this land for the purpose of adding it to the park.

As parents of two young children, we would love to see the space added to Brooksvale Park, instead of being sold to a private investor. One of the biggest reasons we moved back to Hamden, and chose this area was because of Brooksvale Park. This park will provide a wonderful place for our children to play and explore as they grow up. Should this land be sold privately and developed we fear this will create a great burden on the neighborhood and people living near it. This would also be a detriment to the park / wildlife. Please make the right decision and purchase this parcel of land using the State of CT open space grant. We fully support the purchase by the Town of Hamden to add to the park.

Thank you

-Steven Fredericks

To Whom It May Concern,

I live adjacent to Rocky Top property. As a member of the Rocky Top neighbors association, I am concerned about open space not only for recreation additionally for keeping a balance in the ecosystem for the animals and families.

I would rather the bobcat, bear, pine marten, the skunks walk through open space versus watching them from my deck or walking in my backyard.

If Hamden considers itself to be a family town then let’s also stand up for the animal families. We all need some place to celebrate Mother Earth. Let it be celebrated at Brooksvale not only as a return on investment but on a return on life!


Monica Grey-Childs

Nutmeg Hill Road

Hamden, CT 06514

Honorable Members, It has come to my attention that you will be voting tonight on the purchase of 370 Brooksvale Avenue. In a perfect world, there would be no discussion of the value of such a purchase. However, in our imperfect world, the Town of Hamden is beyond broke, owing more than one billion dollars. I gather that a generous individual has offered to loan the Town the money needed for the purchase. THIS SHOULD BE A HUGE RED FLAG. Would this loan be paid off BEFORE we start paying off the one billion plus dollars that we owe to banks and bond holders? Or would it be paid off AFTER all our debts to banks and bond holders have been paid off? At a minimum, the conditions of the loan need to be clarified and a legal opinion should be sought on the legality and wisdom of the Town borrowing from a private individual. Much as I regret opposing this purchase, I fear that we cannot always have what we want. In Hamden, in the past, we have spent far more on what we’ve wanted than we've ever been able to pay for. I urge you to be fiscally responsible, above all, and to reject the possibility of purchasing this property.

Ann M. Altman Blake Road.

To: Hamden Town Council

Re: Acquisition of Beers Property, 370 Brooksvale Avenue

Dear Council Members:

The New Haven Bird Club strongly urges the Town of Hamden to acquire the Beers property for public open space.

This 42-acre addition to Brooksvale Park will add significantly to what is, along with the adjoining Naugatuck State Forest, one of the largest contiguous wildlife parcels in the region. Large, unfragmented blocks of forest are crucial for the survival of many woodland bird species that are already in sharp decline.

Most of the purchase price of the land is already underwritten by a grant from the State— an OSWA grant, money set aside by statute that can only be used to protect open space in Connecticut. It’s Hamden’s turn to take advantage of these funds. The town will need to raise 1/3 of the purchase price or $240,000 soon or the OSWA money will go away. We understand that the Hamden Town Council will vote to approve or turn down the State funds this coming Monday, June 15.

Brooksvale is Hamden’s iconic town park—a place where our children play, where families and friends can hike while social distancing, where young people can hear peepers sing in springtime, see farm animals, and learn where our food comes from by seeing vegetables grow in the garden. Brooksvale is also a significant refuge for large numbers of field and woodland birds and animals that need this protection to thrive.

Hamden has just been handed a one-time opportunity to acquire open space, protect the watershed, and provide wildlife habitat. Our colleagues at the Hamden Land Conservation Trust stand ready to provide a chunk of Hamden’s share of the funding and to help raise additional funds. The New Haven Bird Club strongly supports the Town's taking advantage of this very significant open space opportunity.

DeWitt Allen President, New Haven Bird Club and resident, Town of Hamden

I would like to voice my support for the town of Hamden to follow through with the purchase of the property. Although I do not live in Hamden currently, I grew up there. The property in question belonged to my grandparents and then passed to my mother. It was the hope of my grandfather and then my mother that the property would be preserved as green space. I grew up exploring the woods and climbing the giant boulders hidden within, and have introduce my own children to the same beauties. My sisters and I want nothing more than to see this wonderful place maintained as green space.

Over the years, developers have approached my family about purchasing building lots as land. It was never considered, as money was not motivating anyone and it was against our family plan. Unfortunately though, at this point, my parents cannot continue to hold onto the property and take care of themselves comfortably as they age. If the town cannot follow through to match the grant money provided by the state, I fear that ultimately the land might not stay green. Please support the funds necessary to close this deal. The land is a treasure and the town will not have many opportunities like this again.

Thank you,

Eva Senzer Balazs

Definitely need to preserve all open space for our future.

Anita Annunziato Kirk Rd Hamden

Dear LC- please vote yes to accept the grant from the state. We need to preserve our open space because once it gone, it is gone forever.

Thank you.

Alison DeMaio Bear Path Rd Hamden

To the Esteemed Members of the Hamden Legislative Council,

I am writing today to voice my support for the town’s acquisition of 42 acres, to be added to Brooksvale Park. Hamden finds itself in an incredible position to ensure the permanent protection of this land, and is already 2/3 of the way towards the purchase price thanks to funding from the State of Connecticut’s Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition grant.

I’m hopeful that my testimony is not the only one you receive in favor of this acquisition. And if my guess is correct, other testimonies will recognize the natural beauty of the property, the expanded opportunities for recreation, or the many plants and animals that would be displaced or destroyed if the property were to be developed. I agree will all of these reasons for the park’s protection, but there is another factor you should also consider: the financial benefits of land conservation.

Simply put, conserving this property will save Hamden’s tax dollars.

Let's start with a common misconception: it is often assumed that new residential development increases a town’s tax base, and is therefore a smart financial decision. Unfortunately, this assumption does not factor in the additional costs of servicing that new residential development. For the sake of argument, lets' say that the 42 acres were developed, with each new house bringing in $10,000 in annual real estate taxes. Would that new revenue offset the cost of educating the children that live there? What about the sewer, roads, and emergency services? What about the other community services that the town provides? The answer is a resounding “NO”. Nearly 100 studies (source HERE) done across the United States, including a number done in Connecticut, have shown that for every $1 that new residential development brings in, it costs, on average, $1.16 for a town to service that new development. Towns lose an average of 16% on their “investment” in residential development. By just leaving the land as open space, the town can save money.

Now, let’s look at this another way: what happens to the value of the real estate surrounding open space? It turns out that property values that are directly adjacent to open space, like a passive-use park, are, on average, 20% higher than other similar real estate (source HERE). By developing these 42 acres, the town would be reducing the value of the adjacent homes and lowering their tax base. Again, by permanently protecting this property, Hamden will be saving money. The same report referenced above also mentions that ”77% of home buyers and shopper rated open space as either ‘essential’ or ‘very important”.

I understand that Hamden is in a challenging financial situation. I also understand that there are a myriad of issue facing the Legislative Council at this time. Yet purchasing this property remains a smart financial decision, and one that will save Hamden’s tax dollars in the not-so-long term. This opportunity will not come around again, and I urge you to move forward with the acquisition and permanent protection of this special piece of land.

Thank you for your consideration,

Aaron Lefland

Humiston Avenue, Hamden Hamden, as a result of a state grant application and approval, has a fabulous opportunity to expand Brooksvale Park. I urge you to wholeheartedly support the acquisition of this acreage. The additional acreage will enhance hiking and outdoor activities offered, increase wildlife habitat, and protect local water resources.

The park is one of our town’s treasures. It draws both visitors and new residents to our community. As a lifelong resident of the town, I support growing all the unique and wonderful aspects Hamden offers. At this historic moment, when safe outdoor spaces are more critical than ever before, we must not let this grant money pass us by! Please put your full support behind the acquisition of this property for the park.

Thank you, Rebecca Senzer Dunbar Hill Road Hamden

I fully support adding 42 acres to Brooksvale Park.

I frequently enjoy the park with my children, grandchild, friends and dog.

Ellen Amato So Brooksvale Rd Cheshire CT 06410


I have lived in Hamden for 34 years and raised three children here. Brooksvale park, with its petting zoo, fields, public spaces, and beautiful scenery, were an important part of our family’s experience of the town. Please support adding 42 more acres by securing state funding for this important resource.

Thank you.

Andy Wormser

Bedford Ave

Hamden, CT 06517

Dear Legislative Council,

I urge you to support funding for the acquisition of 42 acres to expand Brooksvale Park. The park is a beautiful, valuable public town resource, open to all, free of charge.

It may seem like spending at this time would be out of the question, but it would be foolish to lose OSWA funding. You have an opportunity to purchase land that will, for generations to come, protect our watershed, sequester carbon, clean our air, and provide a place where families, individuals and groups can go to recreate and learn in an open, natural setting. The health of our environment and the well-being of our citizens are worth every penny spent to expand Brooksvale Park. Please vote yes.

Kathleen Carlson

Hilltop Rd.

Dear Sir or Madame,

I am writing in support of the Hamden Land Trust to adopt the 40+ acres as part of Brooksvale Park. It will be a disservice to our future children to not take advantage of this opportunity.


Ellen Mulligan Bradley Avenue Hamden, Connecticut 06514

It’s Hamden’s iconic park—a place where our kids play, where families and friends can hike while social distancing, where our children can hear peepers sing in springtime, see farm animals, and learn where our food comes from by seeing vegetables grow in the garden. Hamden has just been handed a one-time opportunity to add 42 acres to it! Join your land trust and our friends and allies for a bigger, better Brooksvale! Most of the purchase price of the land is already underwritten by a grant from the State—an OSWA grant—money set aside by statute that can only be used to protect open space in Connecticut. It’s Hamden’s turn to take advantage of these funds. The town needs to raise 1/3 of the purchase price or $240,000 soon or the OSWA money goes away. Your Hamden Land Conservation Trust stands ready to provide a chunk of Hamden’s share and raise additional funds. Your Town Council will vote to approve or turn down the State funds next Monday, June 15 at 7pm. You know the HLCT. We’ve been here for 50 years. We are a small, all-volunteer group of dedicated individuals whose mission is to protect open space in the town of Hamden. This is the most significant open space opportunity to come along in Hamden in years. Won’t you help?

Kimberly DiGiovanni

Thornton Street

Hamden, CT 06517

To the Hamden Town Council

I am writing to express support for the Council to vote to accept the State OSWA grant to add 42 acres of open space to Brooksvale Park. The park is used by families from all across Hamden and is such a wonderful resource for our community. Thanks so much for all you do.

Peggy Myers Centerbrook Rd Hamden

Please accept this letter in support of the Beers Property Acquisition on behalf of the Mill River Watershed Association.

Thank you

Ron Walters

Fenwick St

West Haven CT 06516

Dear Hamden Council,

I am writing to add my name to those who favor the purchase of an additional 42 acres adjacent to our current Brooksvale Park. I heartily endorse this purchase. Many years ago my daughter and her 4-H Club had a Gymkana there, and Brooksavle Park was the perfect site for this horseback-riding event. Adding to this site for the enjoyment of all Hamden residents is a great idea.


Dolores M Gall Leeder Hill Drive, apt xxx Hamden, CT 06517



The Beers parcel is basically a 40 acre “in-holding” surrounded by Brooksvale Park (BP) on 3 sides. The border is very close to the Park’s Picnic Pavilion. Our newly designed trail system currently traverses around the perimeter of this parcel, and would be easily extended into this parcel.

The Land is in LEVEL A AQUIFER Sleeping Giant North, which is protecting the headwaters of our drinking source, the Mill River. The intact forest land of the Beers parcel helps create and filter the water in this aquifer. The more and higher quality water you start with, the better and less expensive the process is to get it to our homes and businesses. And the less chance of a dangerous drinking water situation such as in Flint Michigan. With the planet seemingly warming, good water sources may be diminishing in the future.

The currently forested Beers parcel helps to create a major “natural corridor.” As non-native invasive species seem to take over all our roadsides, undisturbed tracts of forestland are sustaining our native wildlife and keeping our ecosystems intact.

If the Beers parcel is sold privately and developed, the value of this land and what BP offers to our residents will be compromised. New potential negative uses such as increased ATV use and increased homeowner/ park border problems will occur. The Park’s 500 acres of land is managed 365 days a year, and an in-holding of new houses will make it harder to maintain a safe well-managed park.

Brooksvale Park is loved by MANY people. I see the value everyday on visitor’s faces, as families visit the barnyard, create birthday memories at the Veterans Hall or Picnic Pavilion, hike the new trail system, and learn about the natural world. The value seems to be increasing with the COVID crisis. The public seems more appreciative of having a managed and maintained place where they can get out of the house and safely recreate and experience a natural environment. It is restorative for the soul, and needed more than ever it seems.

Victor Shanok purchased and loved this land. He appreciated the value of being surrounded by nature. He ALWAYS INTENDED for this land to be retained as undeveloped land. When I became BP Ranger, he communicated his hope of his land one day becoming part of BP, so it would stay undeveloped forever. We have this opportunity today because his daughter Judy Beers knows how sincere he was in this hope. Judy---I know the last 3 years have gotten increasingly harder for you to keep Victor’s hope alive, and the hope of many open space supporters. Thank you!

I am thankful to CT DEEP for their vision and support to help fund this purchase. The opportunity of the State of CT to fund 2/3rds of the purchase will probably not be available again.

Lastly, if the Town decides to move ahead with this purchase, please know that the Town’s investment in Brooksvale Park will be maintained and managed to provide valuable services for our current and future generations.

Please contact me if you have any questions—Thank you!


Vincent Lavorgna, Brooksvale Park Ranger - Brooksvale Ave, Hamden, CT 06518

I am writing to the Hamden Town Council urging support for the Council to vote to accept the State OSWA grant to add 42 acres of open space to Brooksvale Park. Much of the money to buy the additional land will come from the state and from moneys raised by the Hamden Land Conservation Trust. I will contribute.

Ms. Toby Appel Harmon St. Hamden, CT 06517

To the Legislative Council,

My husband and I strongly support adding 42 acres to Brooksvale Park. We have been living, voting and paying taxes in Hamden for 34 years.

Janet Hooper Robert Skeeles Birchwood Drive

I am a resident of Brooksvale Ave. and want to express my complete support for the acquisition by the Town of the open space located at 370 Brooksvale Ave. This 42 acre parcel is in danger of being acquired by a commercial developer that will result in the loss of the natural beauty and wildlife habitat this property provides. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for this open space to be preserved for the use and enjoyment of future generations. I and my neighbors urgently request action by City officials to move this matter forward, time is of the essence. Thank you.

Bruce Sweyd Brooksvale Ave. Hamden, CT 06518.

Dear board members, I have been in Hamden most of my adult life and after retirement I have devoted my time and energy helping maintaining Brooksvale's trails as a member of friends of Brooksvale Park, Sleeping Giant Park Association and a Commisioner on the Farmington Canal Commision which I also devote my time walking and talking to people who use the canal.. This is a gem in the rough for all of our citizens. Many people are now visiting the park with family and are posting very positive remarks on Ct. Trail apps and Facebook. There are dedicated members who are on staff and volenteers like myself who see GREAT things for our park and the community that uses it for stress relief and to the familys who want to teach their children about their surrounding nature trails and native wildlife. At BROOKSVALE we have that opportunity to teach and promote our wonderful environment. The Eco system in this area is very important to the survival of our park and wildlife. We need to maintain a boarder or "buffer zone" around our perimeter of the park. Aquifers are VERY IMPORTANT to preserve especially in dry seasons. Please consider seriously your decision before even thinking about not obtaining this very important piece of buffer zone. Think of recreation and family enjoyment for generations to come at BROOKSVALE PARK.

Thank you for the time in reading my letter and the other letters of citizens who LOVE Brooksvale Park. It is a Diamond in the ROUGH and in the end will keep Hamden on the map as a "desired" area to live

Respectfully submitted

Jess Mallory

Old Coach Hwy.

Hamden Ct. 06518

FCC Commission member,

Friends of Brooksvale member,

Sleeping Giant State Park Assoc. member.

Dear Legislative Council

I'm pleased to add my support to the proposal to add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park. My family has enjoyed this park over the span of many years. The chance to benefit from public support to acquire this property, as money & impetus to protect open space disappears, presents an opportunity that should not be missed.

Acquiring this parcel of land is especially important because of the stream that it contains. This stream drains into the Mill River, the body of water that serves most of our town. Protecting the connected resources of land, water, & wildlife, & preserving them from "development" are actions that generations to come will appreciate.

Please approve the State funds that will make this acquisition possible.

Alice Kosowsky

Spring Garden St

Hamden CT 06517

Dear Council,

Please use town funds to get additional grant money to add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park.

Francis Miller Lansdowne Avenue

Hamden, CT 06517

I am writing to encourage the Council to move forward on the purchase of the Beers property and expand Brooksvale Park. As a resident of Hamden from 1987-2017 and as both a founding member and a past President of the Friends of Brooksvale Park, I have been involved with the property for decades and consider it one of the most important reasons to live in the Town. Even after moving away I continued a project I began over 10 years ago to design, clear, blaze and map 10 miles of trails throughout the Park, an effort completed this past summer. [See Map Below]. What I have witnessed since then is that Hamden’s citizens have literally voted with their feet! This spring when I returned with an Eagle Scout candidate to add signage with maps at key trail intersections, I found well worn paths where previously only I had walked. Hamdenites have enthusiastically embraced the opportunities afforded them by the Park and have quickly taken advantage of new resources as soon as they have become available. The addition of the Beers property provides us with the chance to further expand the trail system, a project I am more than happy to work on should this be realized.

As a wise person once told me, the reason open space is so special is because they don’t make it anymore. I therefore urge the Council to seize this unique opportunity to add to the enjoyment of our fellow townspeople as well as to the legacy we leave our descendants.

Steve Updegrove

Formerly of 199 Waite St., Hamden, CT

Currently of Three Corners Road, Guilford, CT


I was born in Hamden in 1981, moved away for college, and bought my first home, a condo, here in 2008. I then purchased a house with my husband in 2011, and we started our family here. We currently reside at xxxx West Woods Rd, 06518.

I strongly support adding acreage to Brooksvale Park. My two children and I have spent countless hours at Brooksvale due to our close proximity and have taken advantage of their many offerings over the years- from the Maple Sugaring in the Spring to the annual Fall Festival in September. We also love to go see the animals and explore the trails. Most recently, my youngest, now 6, is able to ride his bike with us on the Farmington Canal Trail, and we make a point to detour up to Brooksvale to say hello to the ponies.

Thank you for considering voting yes for this improvement to our town. The residents will certainly be grateful!

Theresa Allgood

I'm writing to urge the council to approve the funds for the additional acreage at Brooksvale Park. Since the funds have already been allocated and are available, I feel it is a no-brainer. Parks are one of the most precious parts of Hamden, and this opportunity to increase its acreage should not be passed up.

Thank you,

Susan Kulis

Johnson Rd., Hamden

Please vote yes to spend funds to add acreage to Btooksvale Park. As a long time resident of Hamden, Ct. my family has enjoyed spending time at Btooksvale when the children wete younger, and especially in these trying times, it is good to know children can still enjoy the outdoors.

Mrs. Roslyn Kosowsky

Bradley Road

Wood bridge, Ct. 06525

We are writing as Hamden citizens and taxpayers to inform you of our support of this amazing opportunity to add 42 acres to our beloved Brooksvale Park. Open space and room to roam are so important to physical and mental wellbeing.


Kelly Daniels Barbieri and Thomas J Barbieri

Dear Legislative Council Members,

The Friends and Members of Brooksvale Park urge you to approve purchasing the 42 acres of property adjacent to the park known as the Beers Property.

Parcels of land this size are rapidly being lost to development throughout New Haven County. Hamden has a chance to do the right thing by acquiring this land to benefit its present residents and future generations. Open Space, once sold for residential or commercial use, is gone forever. Purchasing and preserving this land is a must to retain the character of Hamden and prevent it from becoming yet another asphalt covered town.

Since 2003 Friends of Brooksvale Park, an organization made up of volunteers, has worked diligently to better the park and offer it’s visitors an experience like no other. Through education, volunteer opportunities and recreational activities, thousands of children and adult lives have been enriched. It’s not just about offering a workshop to learn all about Maple Sugaring or taking a walk in the woods, it’s about connecting people to nature and enabling them to take ownership and pride in protecting the land they live in.

You have surely seen in these past 4 months open space has become an essential asset. People have placed a high value on the opportunities afforded to them close to home or right in their own backyard so to speak. Being able to head to Brooksvale to visit the animals in the barnyard, take a walk with a friend or just take time out to destress and breathe has become vitally important to the wellbeing of us all. More than just Hamden residents head to Brooksvale to seek peace and space to move about freely. Since 1963 Brooksvale has been a place for Families, Scout Troops, Senior Citizens, Religious Organizations, Community Groups, Collegians, Professionals, Environmental Organizations, Athletes and Service Organizations to gather, learn, recreate and thrive. Lately, the park has been bursting at the seams!

We acknowledge the uncertain economic times we are in the midst of. But, we are not soothsayers who can predict where all of this is going to land. We still need to look forward and plan for the future with optimism and hope. We strongly feel purchasing the Beers Property to add on to the treasure that is Brooksvale Park, is certainly an investment worth making.


Gail Traester – Vice President

James Traester - Treasurer

Kate Saunders – Secretary

Pete Laffin – Membership

Kirsten Walker – Publicity Friends of Brooksvale Park, Inc.

C/O 156 Brooksvale Ave, Hamden CT 06518

To Whom It May Concern on the Town Council,

I am a 20 year old artist and student residing in Hamden. I live directly across the road from Brooksvale Park. I heard there is an opportunity on June 15th for the town council to vote on using State OSWA funds to protect 42 acres of land connected to the park.

For the people and living beings that depend on this park, I plead that you vote next Monday to keep this space open. This property houses important plants, wildlife, and groundwater resources which can’t be brought back once they are destroyed. Please understand that not voting to add this open space to Town holdings would mean you have eliminated a major opportunity to stay in line with the goal of the CT DEEP “Green Plan” to conserve 21% of Connecticut’s land base by 2023. According to the Green Plan, 104,100 acres of open space still needs protection. Just because our leadership at the Federal level is not interested in protecting the Earth doesn’t mean we can’t choose to do better.

In Gratitude and Joy,

Noah Radcliffe

Brooksvale Ave Hamden, CT 06518

Dear Council, I don't live in Hamden, but I'm real close in North Haven. In my days as a prosecutor, I regularly reviewed and signed warrants for the Hamden P.D., and I've been enjoying the town open spaces for more than 30 years. The opportunity to add 42 acres of open space to Brooksvale Park with the state footing 2/3 of the bill is too good to pass up. The Hamden Land Conservation Trust is likely to be able to raise most if not all of Hamden's portion. I would certainly contribute! Please vote to accept the state money. Jim Clark Hartley Street North Haven, CT 06473

Before the current pandemic I came to a town council meeting to support passionately the addition of acreage to Brooksvale park.

Since the pandemic, my husband and I have spent many happy hours hiking at Brooksvale. The magical bluebirds and salamanders. This is a once in a lifetime choice to improve our communities health and happiness. More than ever, people are understanding the importance of our parks.

These natural spaces contribute to clean drinking water and make living in Hamden a town to be proud of. I live in Mount Carmel and wild animals (last week a bear!) come in our backyard. Wildlife deserve to have an area undeveloped and free. oh please vote yes to buying this property! It is the right thing to do!

Christine Chromiak, Cannon St., Hamden

To the Hamden Town Council, I am writing to request you to approve the funding for the addition to Brooksvale Park. I know times are tough with everything going on but in the last few months all our parks have seen their highest use I've ever seen. People need open space now more than ever. With grants of close to a half million dollars it's something I'd hate to see the town pass up especially when those grants will probably not be available in the future. The cost per acre is a bargain. The costs to the town if developed will undoubtedly be much higher in infrastructure, schools, fire, police, and road maintenance not to mention that Brooksvale Ave which is already a cut through for much traffic will only be worse. Please approve this for the future of our town. Sincerely, Jim and Carol Zipp Hamden

We support the purchase of the 42 acres adjacent to Brooksvale Park by the Town. My wife and I are members of the Land Trust and pledge to make a substantial contribution ($1000) and to encourage others to assist in repaying the town. Richard and Sarah Jaynes Broken Arrow Rd Hamden, CT 06518

Please grant the fallocation needed to make this purchase happen. Our family has enjoued this park for years. It is tranquil, beautifully managed and a treasure for our community; a place where our kids play, where families and friends can hike while social distancing, where our children can hear peepers sing in springtime, see farm animals, and learn where our food comes from by seeing vegetables grow in the garden. Hamden has just been handed this one-time opportunity to acquire open space, protect the watershed and provide wildlife habitat will be lost forever. Vote yes!

Joni Beth Roderick

Cumpstone Dr.

Hamden, CT 06518

The Town has a wonderful opportunity to add to its open space by acquiring the property that has become available on Brooksvale Avenue. My understanding is that funds are available and opportunities like this don’t come often. Many of my neighbors take advantage of the recreational opportunities at the north end of town and this would add to the richness of what Hamden needs and would have to offer its residents.

Mark Senzer

Lansdowne Ave

Hamden 06517

Hamden Town Council:

I am writing in support of adding 42 acres to Brooksvale Park. I grew up in Hamden and have fond memories of birthday parties, cookouts, girl scout outings and hiking at Brooksvale Park as well as ice skating during the winter months. Adding this acreage will be an awesome asset to the park for residents and visitors to enjoy for years to come.

I grew up on Garvin Road until I graduated high school and my family moved to Florida. I currently work for Lee County Parks and Recreation department which includes a Conservation 20/20 program (acquiring/maintaining environmentally sensitive lands) and have been involved in the fiscal aspect of funding for land acquisitions through the Florida Land and Conservation Fund as well as other Florida agencies. I understand the importance of green space and making recreational opportunities available for the public, particularly during this COVID-19 pandemic.

I hope you will all consider voting in favor of the purchase of this additional acreage and provide funding for the 1/3 of the cost ($240,000) so as not to lose the state funding.

I visited Brooksvale Park with my two adult daughters a couple summers ago when I was visiting Hamden.

Thanking you in advance for your support. Cindy Mitar

Cindy CAMPOCHIARO Mitar former address:

Garvin Road

Hamden, CT 06518


As a resident at 481 Gaylord Mountain Road, I believe it is important to add the acreage available to Brooksvale Park. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Please help to preserve this precious open space.


Patricia Kennedy Gaylord Mountain Road Hamden

I encourage our Town legislators to vote YES to accept State funding to purchase land to expand Brooksvale Park. We need to continue to invest in and protect Hansen’s unique assets Of which Brooksvale Park is one.

Lisa M Hottin Choate Ave Hamden, CT 06518

I’m writing to support the purchase of the 42 acres for Brooksvale Park.

Thank you,

Justin Nolan West Shepard Ave

Please accept this email as my support for expanding Brookvale park as well as any other public spaces in Hamden. All open spaces in Hamden are precious

Pat Wynne Collins Street Hamden, CT. 06514

It’s Hamden’s iconic park—a place where our kids play, where families and friends can hike while social distancing, where our children can hear peepers sing in springtime, see farm animals, and learn where our food comes from by seeing vegetables grow in the garden. Hamden has just been handed a one- time opportunity to add 42 acres to it! Join your land trust and our friends and allies for a bigger, better Brooksvale!

Most of the purchase price of the land is already underwritten by a grant from the State—an OSWA grant—money set aside by statute that can only be used to protect open space in Connecticut. It’s Hamden’s turn to take advantage of these funds. The town needs to raise 1/3 of the purchase price or $240,000 soon or the OSWA money goes away. Your Hamden Land Conservation Trust stands ready to provide a chunk of Hamden’s share and raise additional funds. Your Town Council will vote to approve or turn down the State funds next Monday, June 15 at 7pm.

You know the HLCT. We’ve been here for 50 years. We are a small, all-volunteer group of dedicated individuals whose mission is to protect open space in the town of Hamden. This is the most significant open space opportunity to come along in Hamden in years. Won’t you help?

Sara MacDonough Civitello

Brooksvale Avenue

P.S. Thank you to Brad for his great work in our defense! ______

Dear Councilors,

My name is Sara MacDonough-Civitello, I live at 235 Brooksvale Avenue. I am writing to ask for your support in voting for Brooksvale to be sold to the town rather than sold for development.

As a new resident, I would be hypocritical to say no one should build and disrupt the land. However the property we built on did not disrupt or take away from the recreational offerings that the property in question has. Part of the reason we built here was because of the close proximity to such wonderful offerings of Brookvale Farm.

I grew up on 99 acres in Pennsylvania and our family donated some of the property for recreation for the town. It has had a signficant impact on the community, creating infinite opportunities for families to come together in a safe environment while being in nature.

If you vote for development you will affect far more people than just the residents of Brooksvale. You will affect those from the town who use Brooksvale park and trail system.

Many teens are often found on the trails, which I believe is critical in keeping them out of trouble.

I love this area and we built here because of the small close knit community feel. In a very short time, our neighborhood has bonded and we have the same concerns.

Please vote to keep the property in Brooksvale's possession. Please keep this beautiful space for our community and its families.

Sincerely, Sara MacDonough Civitello


Please consider adding the 42 acres next to Broolsvale Park to the land trust

I am a resident at xxx Gayloed Mountain Road

Thank you,

Ronald Hubbell

Gaylord Mountain Road

Please add these 42 acres to Brooksvale park.

Love this park and have spent many hours throughout my life visiting, hiking, skating and the Fall Festival is a must for me.

I grew up in Hamden and lived on Marne St.

Bought a home in North Haven but still go to Brooksvale regularly.

Eileen O'Neill

Westerly Rd

North Haven CT 06473

Please vote Yes on this issue.

Frances Thompson Franklin Road Hamden 06517

Please buy this land fir our extraordinary recreational reasouce.

Thank you David C. Gould Centerbrook Rd Hamden, CT 06518

Please do whatever is necessary to include this new acreage!


390 Pinehurst Lane; Pawleys Island, SC. Formerly of Windsor Road Hamden CT

For many years I lived on Squire Lane, in Hamden, behind Sleeping Giant State Park and so enjoyed many of the open space areas there - including Brooksvale. As an artist interested in natural science illustration, these areas of open space provide a wonderful array of subjects, besides providing a peaceful and restful experience. When my Utah family comes to visit, they often ask to hike and explore these areas - happy that we still have them in Connecticut and so nearby! Even though I am now located in nearby Wallingford, the open spaces of Hamden still beckon me to enjoy all they have to offer.

Mary Lou Cummings Simpson Village Center St. Apt. xx Wallingford, CT 06492

Dear fellow Hamdenites,

I am writing to urge the town's efforts to purchase 42 acres of undeveloped open space abutting Brooksvale Park. As our area continues to develop, acres and acres of woodlands and fields are being lost to suburban housing. The proposed preservation area would protect irreplaceable open space and protect innumerable assets, including habitat for birds and other wildlife, significant space for human recreation, and the benefits of trees, including absorbing water and preventing run off and sequestering carbon dioxide.

This is an opportunity to use state funds. I am confident that the town's share can be raised in an appeal to town citizens.

Thank you.

Richard Hasbany

Charlton Hill Road

Hamden 06518

Addition of 42 acres to Brooksvale Park

Hello, We would like you to vote YES on this matter. Thank you! Mr and Mrs Sanchez Greenes Ridge Rd Hamden CT 06514

Good morning,

Me name is Sarah Mulhall and I own 60 Gate Way in Hamden, CT. I urge you to please approve the State's OSWA grant, which would add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park.

Thank you,

Sarah Mulhall

I am Elizabeth Driebeek xxx Hillfield Rd Hamden CT 06518.

I am writing to support buying the beers property to round out that corner of Brooksvale Park. I was at the meeting where we actually could be together in the town Hall where the funds were laid out so perfectly but three people just didn’t understand and then it got tabled and now we’re stuck. It was described at that time that the funds were there please follow through. I hope that three months later those folks have been able to understand how the monies were going to work for this project. Let the Beers property become Brooksvale Park.

Thank you

Dear Council Members,

I support town acquisition of 370 Brooksvale Ave (rear) to add to Brooksvale Park, and to allow the Hamden Land Conservation Trust to preserve open space in the town of Hamden.

Since undeveloped properties adjacent to existing open space rarely come up for sale, and considering that Hamden will only have to provide 1/3 of the total purchase price, I support the use of bonding options to acquire this property.


Christina Crowder

Town Council,

Please vote "Yes" to add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park and support our green open spaces.

Judy and Bob Cuddihee Aspen Glen Drive Hamden, CT 06518

Dear Legislative Council members,

Please vote to approve the OSWA state grant money to support the purchase of 42 additional acres for Brooksvale Park. This is a one-in-a-life-time chance to preserve a significant number of acres for wildlife and Hamden's residents. Hamden's many parks and open spaces are among the town's greatest assets. In an area of the country that is highly-populated, we are fortunate to have such an amount of preserved space nearby. The Hamden Land Conservation Trust has committed to providing and raising additional necessary funds to support this land acquisition, and we hope the town will support this endeavor. Brooksvale Park is one of my family's favorite places to visit and the value of open space in our community is priceless.

Thank you,

Allison Wills

Dunbar Hill Road

Hamden, CT

To The Town Council of Hamden,

I am writing in support of the purchase of 42 acres of land to add to Brooksvale Park. As a Hamden resident for over 10 years and an upper Hamden resident for the past 7 years my family and I have always enjoyed visiting Brooksvale Park year round. My 3 year old twins love seeing the animals, climbing on the play structure and hiking on the trails. Last December I participated in the wreath making class at the park and I definitely plan to participate again this December. Adding 42 acres to Brooksvale Park will be a wonderful benefit to all Hamden residents and to those from surrounding towns who also love the park.

Sincerely, Emily and Nick Tuozzo Deer Hill Rd Hamden

Please vote yes on the purchase of this additional land as supported by the Hamden Conservation Land Trust.

Thank you, Kristin O. Johnson Leeder Hill Drive #xxx

For gods sake haven’t you all screwed the damn taxpayers enough? If it costs a grand after grants that’s a grand to much. Just get real and STOP THE DAMN SPENDING ! You are all such a disappointment GET REAL.

Al Lotto

To All of the town council members,

I am a resident of Hamden, residing at 265 Brooksvale Ave. I would like to express my complete support for the acquisition by the Town of Hamden for the property located at 370 Brooksvale Ave. This 42 acre parcel of land is in danger of being acquired by a commercial developer, and that will result in the loss of the natural beauty and wildlife habitat this property currently provides. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for this open space to be preserved for the use and enjoyment of future generations within the town of Hamden and it's surrounding towns and cities. I and my neighbors alike urgently request action to be taken by Hamden City officials to move this matter forward and to purchase the land at 370 Brooksvale Avenue. Time is of the essence. Thank you.


Angela Sweyd

Brooksvale Avenue, Hamden, CT.

Yes add 42 to Brooksvale

89 October hill rd.


I DO NOT support the purchase of the 42 acres near Brooksvale Park.

The irresponsible spending, the overall indebtedness of the town does not warrant additional purchases. It’s too bad, but those 42 acres do absolutely nothing for the taxpayers.

Until the debts are paid and taxes lowered....spend NOTHING!!!

Sharon Sargolini,

Birchwood Dr

(are you gonna help me pay my tax bill of nearly $18,000??).

Hamden Town Council:

We are writing to support the purchase of an additional 42 acres to expand Brooksvale Park. Most of the purchase price of the land is underwritten by an Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition (OSWA) grant from the State and the Hamden Land Conservation Trust has stepped up to provide a large portion of rest. What a great opportunity to significantly expand an active, ecologically important and dearly loved park at very little expense to the town. Hamden is fortunate to be able to take advantage of these funding mechanisms.

Brooksvale Park is a uniquely beautiful refuge in the town of Hamden, providing green space, watershed protection, wildlife habitat and community engagement. We urge the Town Council to vote YES to approve acceptance of state funding to expand Brooksvale Park.

Mary and Edward Emerson

Dunn Road

Hamden, CT 06518


Im writing to ask the Legislative Council to vote YES on the acquisition of 42 acres of land on Brooksvale Ave to be added to Brooksvale park.

My family and I are new residents of Brooksvale Ave and are at the park almost daily, hiking, picnicking, and visiting the farm. It is such a treasure for the town of Hamden, and having the opportunity to make it bigger and protect more of the land and animals the land supports, is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Please vote YES on the acquisition of the 42 acres on Brooksvale Ave!


Sefa Martinez-Brockman and the Brockman Family

Brooksvale Ave, Hamden

Support the Brooksvale Park Allocation

Carol Cangiano

Centerbrook Rd

Hamden, Ct

To whom it may concern,

Please approve funding for Brooksvale Park. As a child my family would play in this park and enjoyed the many wonders it has to offer. I continue to bring my niece to this park. Thank you.

Pat LaTerza Garfield Ave. North Haven

I support adding acreage to BrooksVale park. Please allow this to happen.

Thank you,

Lisa Minore

I am Maria Piasecki, my husband Michael and I received your email through friends of Hamden Plains. As a homeowners of xxx Blue Hills Avenue we agree that:

We therefore request that the Legislative Council schedule a full hearing with expert testimony from vendors, legal experts, state legislators, and the public at the soonest opportunity. Why has the Leng administration failed to bring this issue to the council already?

We ask the council to demand answers for why the Leng administration has frittered away three years rather than moving aggressively to pursue acquisition.

I support the acquisition of the property at 370 Brooksvale Avenue (the Beers property). It is a unique opportunity to expand Brooksvale Park which is one of Hamden’s nicest assets and an opportunity for the town to act as a responsible steward of our environment.

I’ve lived on Brooksvale Avenue for 68 years and have witnessed the steady loss of wooded and meadow areas all along the avenue. Watching the Russo property (325 Brooksvale) being cleared of every single tree after the land stood undeveloped for about 100 years made me heartsick. I don’t want to see the same thing happen to the Beers property

I’ve also seen a big increase in the number and varieties of wildlife that frequent my 6 acres. We can’t lose any more wooded habitat to development.

As far as the impact of open spaces on tax revenue, Public Act 490 points out the fact that although the residential sector generates tax revenue, studies show that residential areas use more tax revenue than they generate because of the services that sector requires. In my view leaving the Beers property as open space makes sense both environmentally and, in the long run, financially.

Carol Rosadfini Brooksvale Avenue Hamden


I believe it is vitally important to preserve open space in Hamden and also protect and expand the town’s distinctive resources, including Brooksvale Park. These assets distinguish Hamden from other towns and add immeasurably to our quality of life. They make Hamden a place people want to live and establish businesses, ultimately powering our economic vitality. I am personally prepared to help support this effort financially and believe that in partnership with the Hamden Land Trust, we can make this acquisition with a relatively small commitment from the town. Let’s not lose an opportunity to improve the town and protect our natural resources at a time when they are seriously imperiled. Thank you for your serious consideration of this important matter and please support acquiring this critical acreage.


Susan Etkind Gordon St.


We are requesting the Legislative council vote YES regarding the purchase of the additional 42 acres to expand Brooksvale Park.

Brooksvale Park is a Hamden treasure and one of the assets not only attracting new residents to our town but also reminding current residents of the beauty of our town. Purchasing the additional acreage is a smart way to ensure open space for the community.

This is a tough time for Hamden residents. Between the pandemic, the proposed increase in taxes and decrease in services and the recent uptick in crime we are looking for a bright spot. Expanding Brooksvale Park would be a gift to the residents. Please vote YES.

Best regards,

Joanne & Dennis Phelan Millis Street

Dear Council:

I support Hamden's purchasing the additional acres abutting Brooksvale Park as described by the Hamden Land Conservation Trust. I know this is a difficult time financially, but this cost is small in comparison to the budget problem and the benefit will continue for a great many future years.

Thank you for moving forward on this.

Ralph Jones

Mulberry Hill St

Hello. I’m writing to offer my support for the town purchasing the 42 acres proposed to add to Brooksvale park. I only offer this support because of the state money and Conservation organization’s willingness to support the town’s portion of the purchase price since the town can’t otherwise afford new opportunities like this. This is a great opportunity, supported by good partners that will add value to our towns res courses with minimal costs.

Sara Smiley Smith Wright Lane

Animal control facility

Besides cost of facility,must be manned 24 hours a day. North Haven has 3 full time animal control officers at facility 24 hours a day plus others to cover for regulars time off ,lot of

Money.can town afford this??

Ron Osokow

Please approve the OSWA grant funds so that Brooksvale Park may be enlarged. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make our jewel even better. Thank you for your consideration.

Sheryl and Steve Spector xxx Dunbar Hill Road

To Whom it May Concern,

Please add 42 acres to Brooksvale Park, one of my favorite places to go in town.


Valerie M.O'Connor Xxx Pembroke Road

Having lived across from Brooksvale Park for over 40 years, we greatly appreciate the diverse ways that it makes a unique contribution to the character of the town of Hamden. Over the course of those many years, we have encouraged the town to preserve the park as a rural nature preserve. An exceptional opportunity to further protect the park and watershed is presented by the sale of the land parcel at 370 Brooksvale Road, which abuts the park. As we understand it, an OSWA grant from the state, targeted to the protection of open space, is available to cover most of the purchase price of the 42 acres at that site. The remaining part of the purchase price, for which Hamden would be responsible, would be further reduced by a significant contribution from the Hamden Land Conservation Trust.

We encourage the Legislative Council to secure this parcel of land as a part of Brooksvale Park for future generations. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Donna and Nick Ornston xxx Brooksvale Ave.

I am writing to urge you to take advantage of the 42 acre parcel to add to Brooksvale Park. Given the contribution of the HLCT and the possible loss of the money from the state, this seems like the right thing to do at this time.

Thank you.

F. Michael Martucci xxx Mt Carmel Ave

Dear Legislative Council Members:

I usually like to be consistent in my opinions, but I find that the Brooksvale parcel purchase is a good idea, which I hope you will approve. Although I admit that Hamden has a tough financial situation right now, I think the Conservation and other civic groups will help with the cost of the purchase. We have to keep in mind that there are all sorts of other entities that might take the land off the tax rolls, so assuming that we are losing tax and therefore, this isn't a good purchase, doesn't hold water. Please consider this purchase and support such an effort. I think a lot of people are quite concerned that Hamden is developing every parcel of land and is not doing its best to conserve our open spaces.


Elaine Dove (speaking for myself) Santa Fe Ave

I’m writing to urge the legislative council to approve the funding for purchase of 42 acres of land adjacent to Brooksvale Park.

John Schmitz Xx MacArthur Drive

I want to voice my support for more acres for Brooksvale.

Thank you,

Amanda Brei-Moeller xx Dawes Ave

Legislative Council Members: Please vote YES to allocate monies for the additional 42 acres to Brooksvale Park. Most of the purchase price of the land is already underwritten by a grant from the State—an OSWA grant— money set aside by statute that can only be used to protect open space in Connecticut. It is Hamden’s turn to take advantage of these funds. The town needs to provide 1/3 of the cost or $240,000. It is my understanding that those funds have already been allocated.

Brooksvale is a wonderful and important Hamden resource. It provides Hamden with unique opportunities for recreation, nature access, learning opportunities, wildlife corridors and important groundwater protection. It is nicely connected to the Farmington Canal trail. Especially in times like now where Hamden's accessible outdoor space is more important than ever it provides families with outdoor space that may not be found at home.

Do the right thing. Open space is only open until it is acquired by someone for development.

Brenda Burt xxx Carmalt Road

Dear Legislative Council Members, Hamden Alliance for Trees strongly supports passage of this resolution to purchase an additional 42 acres for Brooksvale Park. With the reduction of federal funding to states to support life sustaining environmental protections, it is imperative that Hamden receives this state funding while it is still available, to save this important piece of property. According to the Hamden Land Conservation Trust website, this property is the home of a pristine stream, and lies in Aquifer Protection Zone A, with drainage to nearby Willow, Hickory and Jepp Brooks, which are tributaries to the Mill River and will connect to critically important wildlife corridors. The trees that will be protected will reap millions of dollars in benefits not only by fighting climate change, creating oxygen and cleaning our air but also by providing powerful water capturing and cleaning properties. According to American Forests, one of the nation’s oldest conservation organizations:

 Forests capture rain in the canopy and on the forest floor, reducing stormwater runoff and flooding.

 Healthy forested watersheds provide high-quality habitat for sensitive aquatic species.

 Forests help improve water quality by extracting pollutants through tree roots.

 More than half of U.S. drinking water originates in forests and

 a tree’s deep, strong root system protects against soil erosion due to heavy rain and flooding. The roots of healthy, mature trees do the best job of preventing soil erosion, whether the tree produces many smaller roots or a few larger tap roots.

Locally, #10 of Hamden’s Top 10 Action steps in our Plan of Conservation and Development is to: Develop strategies to protect and enhance Hamden’s tree canopy in order to reduce runoff volume, reduce erosion of soils and improve the water quality. Purchase of this land will significantly help to accomplish this action step. In addition, The #1 strategy to protect natural resources in our POCD includes: protecting watercourses, wetlands and vernal pools from the impact of development as well as preserving naturally vegetated buffers along watercourses, and reducing erosion and the resulting sedimentation. Purchase of this land is in perfect harmony with this top strategy.

If the POCD is truly meant to guide us to a more resilient future and not just be another report we throw on the bookshelf to lie ignored and forgotten, then this is the perfect opportunity to follow a primary call to action and a #1 strategy in the report and make them both happen at the lowest cost possible. Now is the time to prove that the investment of 1000s of hours and dollars in creating the POCD plan was more than just an exercise. HAT believes the environmental, psychological, social and ECONOMIC benefits of purchasing this land, overwhelmingly justifies this purchase and will be recognized and appreciated more and more as the climate crisis continues to unfold and residents become accustomed to the ongoing need for social distancing. We believe this purchase will reap immense rewards for generations. Please vote YES for this resolution. Thank you. Diane Hoffman Henry Dynia Ralph Jones Melinda Tuhus Dick Hasbany Susan Etkind For Hamden Alliance for Trees

I support purchase of 42 acres of land abutting Brooksvale Park for public use. Open land is one of Hamden’s most distinctive assets for recreation, but such land is also critical for public health and access to clean air and water for all citizens.

Please use State OSWA funds to prove Hamden’s commitment to being a “green” community. Open land goes hand-in-hand with environmentally and economically sustainable practices including affordable housing, promoting walkability and local recreational opportunites, investment and rehabilitation of in existing infrastructure and buildings (vs new development), and promoting transit- oriented neighborhoods and business districts

Leah Glaser xx Spring Glen Terrace

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a resident of the Mount Carmel section of town and am writing in to say I support the acquisition of the 42 acre parcel of land that is being considered as an addition to Brooksvale Park. There is nothing more valuable to future generations of Hamden residents than to have places of forest and recreation to enjoy and reconnect with our natural surroundings.

Please vote YES to approve this acquisition.

G. Neil Geist

Director at Large, SGPA xxx Briarcliff Rd,

Having said this multiple times, while I am very concerned about the bankruptcy Hamden faces and have advocated for a freeze in spending and raises, I support the Hamden Land Conservation Trust in the acquisition of 42 acres abutting Brooksvale for the following reasons: Hamden needs to take advantage of the state OSWA funds being offered to complete this Open Space preservation opportunity. Your land trust stands ready to provide a chunk of Hamdne’s share and raise additional funds. This is an invaluable opportunity for hikes, nature activities and recreation, stress, and anxiety relief and positive therapeutic effects on people and pets as well as provide educational opportunities for our schools. This will provide important groundwater resources, connect vital wildlife corridors, support our POCD as well as the CT DEEP “green plan”. We need to preserve green space as stewards of this earth so as NOT to destroy it forever. Imagine the possibilities if our town were not insolvent: the science department could write and create hands-on learning opportunities for teachers to implement in classrooms. This could provide the necessary hands-on fieldwork. Imagine running a shuttle to the park for residents on weekends. We could strive to work towards ideas such as these for our future. Town Charter, boards, and commissions: Finally, the preamble of the charter says this: “Hamden’s strength, inclusiveness, and innovation are the foundation of our community. To ensure our continued growth and that of future generations reap the rewards of our unique spirit, we embrace the provisions of this charter which is a blueprint for ethical, professional, and honest government.” This is clearly not the current situation and I ask you all to do better. In section 11-2 “Periodic Review of the Charter” No later than April of 2020, and no more than every 10 years thereafter, the council shall appoint a Charter Revision Commission, pursuant to the General Statutes.” I am advocating for this action to be taken immediately, as it is long overdue. This charter should be our guiding document. I have serious concerns regarding Section 7-1: General Requirements for Appointed Boards and Commissions, Section A. I am particularly concerned with the police commission and traffic authority of this town, neither of which has met since February. Also, there are no agenda, minutes, reports, or documentation of the “Police Chief Community Input & Transparency Committee”, and only two dates are listed from May and June of 2019. This was an incredibly tumultuous time in Hamden. I along with several others addressed this council about this issue in Hamden on February 3, 2020. Given the current state of our country and global concerns of systemic racism, I find your inaction both destructive and disrespectful to ALL of the constituents which you serve in your district or at-large. You represent all citizens, regardless of your party or personal/political agenda. I am asking this council to move our town into a government that focuses on viable solutions and implements transparent consistent communication according to the Town Charter as soon as possible.

Thank you for your service.

Respectfully, Karlen Meinsen xx Santa Fe Avenue

Dear Representatives,

Today, a vote on the acquisition of the 370 Brooksvale is scheduled. Since I wrote to you a few weeks ago, I have received more information about this transaction and I want to share with you my viewpoint as a homeowner in the West Woods neighborhood (See references).

A yes vote to purchase the property:

1. Benefits a few property owners (about 100) in the Brooksvale neighborhood of Northern Hamden. The quality of life remains the same or even increases their property values.

2. Removes the property parcel from the Grand List. Many other property owners in other districts would bear an additional property tax. However small, about 16,000 homeowners would be taxed more.

3. $250,000 of Hamden’s funds would be diverted to support a park for the wealthy neighborhood.

4. The current property owner can walk away from the property knowing that their land conservation goals are met.

5. Removes the property from future development.

A no vote benefits the community-at-large

1. Keeps the $250,000 in Hamden’s treasury. Funds that could be used for fixing broken neighborhoods in Southern Hamden. Neighborhoods where residences cannot walk their streets and shelter in their homes because of crime (Paradise Neighborhood Watch Group, 2020).

2. Development of the property site could possibly generate $10,000,000 in economic activity.

3. Become a source of property tax revenue that could be as much as a $17 decrease in property taxes per homeowner (There are about 16,000 homeowners in Hamden) after development.

4. Sends the Hamden Land Conservation Trust back to find another funding source and way to receive use of the 42 acre parcel.

5. The property owner can continue to seek a private sector buyer.

This property purchase does not serve the interests of the community-at-large, that is all districts. The purchase is a transfer of social and financial wealth to a wealthy neighborhood at the expense of southern Hamden neighborhoods where neighbors ask for and demand “Safe Streets and Safe Shopping”. The $250,000 should be used to take immediate action to mitigate the crime in southern Hamden.

I recommend that you vote NO for the purchase of 370 Brooksvale Road .

Sincerely, Ralph Fink xxxx Downs Road

Dear Hamden Town Council,

I would just like to take a brief moment of your time to explain my current position on the addition of another 42 acres to our amazing Brooksvale Park. I am aware that there will be an important vote this evening by the town council in regards to the purchase of the 42 acres that are available for purchase with the assistance of a State Provided OSWA Funds.

I actually own 2 properties in the town of Hamden currently, and my home here on Brooksvale Ave is my primary along with my growing family as we were drawn to this area due to that natural environment, Brooksvale Park, Farmington Canal, Farm Animals, and all the amazing activities that the park provides. As a dual tax payer in the town of Hamden, and also a Hamden Veteran Honored on the VA memorial in front of the middle school I would hope you will consider my opinion in regards to such an important matter for all the citizens of Hamden & it's visitors.

Since we have moved over to this home on Brooksvale Ave my family has thoroughly enjoyed the environment, nature, trails, streams, open fields, farm animals, and bike rides. I can tell you that soooo many people come to Brooksvale for all of the activities I have mentioned above, and the environment is always a positive one. My other home is located on the Pine Rock Park location of Hamden, and the environmental experience is tremendously different here than the experience we had over on that side of town. The biggest part of the decision we made to move over here was this beautiful, amazing park & it's provided activities for my growing family.

Ever since this Covid-19 pandemic has struck Connecticut, Brooksvale Park continued to provide a safe space for all families to come experience & enjoy the outdoors. I know for a fact my children have been out of school since I believe around the 12th of March, and go to enjoy some aspect of the park at least 3 times a week.

We have an incredible opportunity here to take advantage of State Funds being provided for the expansion of the Iconic Brooksvale Park, and to let it slip away from us would just be a lost opportunity. the town of Hamden always has put money into safety, education, and it's town provided activities.

If we let this opportunity pass us by we will be stuck with what alternative do we ask ourselves?

Another massive corporate company to come and buy the land so they can load it overboard with a bunch of Condos, Apartments, or low income housing.

This would destroy the natural environment that the town has, and continues to try & keep as we have all done our part to maintain this wonderful natural, tranquil, peaceful, fruitful environment.

These funds that are available won't be offered again, and we must realize that once we pass this chance up & leave the land open to a developing company we can't get those trees back, we can get the nature back, we can't get the streams back, we can't get the tranquility back that we have come to value so much especially during these trying times that we live in currently.

So I would ask you not only as a dual taxpayer to Hamden-not as an honored veteran by the town of Hamden, but as a father who wants the best future for his family for them to enjoy the best this town has to offer them with education, nature, and excitement.

Please vote yes this evening to appropriate funds on the land addition purchase for Brooksvale Park.

If we have learned anything over these last 4 months in regards to Brookvale Park-it's natural landscape, trails, and animals it has to be that it has provided relief, excitement, and stress release to all families during these fragile times.

The OSWA funds are there, we just need to do our part.

Thanks for your time,


Pedro Santiago & Family

Brooksvale Ave.

Once It's Gone, It's Gone Forever At the federal level, the current proposed federal budget will eliminate or virtually eliminate funding for a host of environmental programs and departments: the Land and Water Conservation Fund that promotes land conservation in Connecticut and around the country; the U.S. Forest Service; the Heritage Partnership Program that saves important natural, scenic, historic, cultural, and recreational resources; the National Wildlife Refuge Fund; and the Conservation Stewardship Program, as well as cut funding for federal land acquisition for the Interior and Agriculture departments by 92 percent.

At the same time, right here at home, we have the opportunity to enlarge our popular Brooksvale Park with a significant open space acquisition. Once open space is gone, it’s gone forever, which is why we ask that you support this initiative.

Glen Cummings

Good Evening, my name is April (Grandy) Parcesepe, xxx Thompson Street Unit 30H, East Haven, CT. 06513.

I have come to hear of a great opportunity being brought to you in regards to open space involving Brooksvale Recreation Park. My father, James Grandy, was the Park Ranger (Supervisor) for 35 years (1963-1998). My brothers, sisters and I were raised at the park and what a wonderful experience for all of us being able to say we grew up there. Helping my father with the animals, making sure the park was clean, helping people if they wanted to go hiking or camping or just walking around making sure everyone was enjoying their day! My fathers countless hours of hard work along with the many wonderful people he had on staff created various areas of the park still used by so many to this day! The park has received countless donations from various civic organizations in Town and their generosity has made the Park what it is today and what it will continue to be in the future. My friends have told me how much their children love going to Brooksvale to see the animals, go for a hike or enjoy the many activities the park plans throughout the year. They also tell me about the great work Ranger Lavorgna has done since my father.

I am writing to you today to in hopes you will consider this great opportunity, not only for the Town but for the people who visit the park and utilize all it has to offer.

Thank you for your time. Stay safe!

April (Grandy) Parcesepe

I am writing to express my support for the purchase of 42 acres adjacent to Brooksvale Park. This one time purchase takes advantage of available state funding and will secure a large parcel that is key to protecting the habitat of the region. This property has been recognized as a key parcel for nearly 20 years since it was identified for preservation by the Natural Resources and Open Space Commission of which I was a member and the State of Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection.

Purchase of this property, for which money has already been set aside, will prevent fragmentation of the forest which causes decline in forest health and a reduction in biodiversity. Purchase of this property will also protect important watershed land and is in keeping with the intent of the recently approved Plan of Conservation and Development.

Preserving open space has the long range benefit of avoiding future expenses, which is something Hamden sorely needs. Hundreds of units of residential housing have been built in Hamden over the past few years and our budget and mil rate have only increased. Please don't miss this opportunity to permanently protect this land. I urge you to use the funds set aside to purchase this property as an investment in the future of Hamden.

Thomas Parlapiano xx Ardmore Street

We support the Hamden Legislative Council passing such resolutions as are necessary to add the Beers property to Brooksvale Park.

Name Address 1. Gail Cameron 117 Squire Lane, Hamden, CT 06518 2. Robert Earley 29 Riverside Dr., Hamden CT 06518 3. Linda Elgart 3 Ingram St.,Hamden, CT 06517 4. Myer Elgart 3 Ingram St., Hamden, CT 06517 5. Alice Kosowsky 21 Spring Garden St, Hamden, CT 06817 6. James Penna, 23 Ingram Street, Hamden, CT 0651 7. Ruth Schuler 31 North Lake Drive, Hamden CT 06517 8. Richard Jaynes 13 Broken Arrow Rd, Hamden, CT 06518 9. Sarah Jaynes 13 Broken Arrow Rd, Hamden, CT 06518 10. Barbara Reck 200 Dessa Dr, Hamden, CT 06517 11. Margaret Rae 71 Ingram St., Hamden 06517 12. Halina P Platt 200 Leeder Hill Dr apt 522, Hamden, CT 06517 13. Thomas S Platt 200 Leeder Hill Dr apt 522, Hamden, CT 06517 14. Kevin R. Guernier 63 Park Road, Hamden CT 06517-3844 15. Jennifer Herdt 43 Woodlawn St., Hamden, CT 06517 16. Dorothy Eagan 14 Ralston Avenue, Hamden CT 06517 17. Ann Pari 39 Harrison Drive, Hamden. 06514 18. Kathleen Carlson 29 Hilltop Rd. Hamden, CT 06514 19. Rolfe Gjellstad 200 Leeder Hill Dr, Apt. 325, Hamden, CT 06517 20. Mary C Lee 115 Spring Garden St. Hamden, CT 21. Alan Malina 27 Eaton Woods Road, Hamden, CT 06518 22. Lisa Malina 27 Eaton Woods Road, Hamden, CT 06518 23. Therese Bennett 277 Magee Drive, Hamden, CT 06514 24. Marty Hartog 277 Magee Drive, Hamden, CT 06514 25. Jim Sirch 204 West Todd Street, Hamden, CT 06518 26. Willow Sirch 204 West Todd Street, Hamden, CT 06518 27. Jan L. Hagens 43 Woodlawn Street, Hamden, CT 06517 28. John Schaetzl Trails End 230 Six Rod Highway Hamden CT 06518 29. Maureen Schaetzl Trails End 230 Six Rod Highway Hamden CT 06518 30. Donald Strala 194 Centerbrook Rd, Hamden, CT 06518 31. Lizbeth C. O’Connor 16 Wiscasset Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518

32. Timothy Mack 24 Rainbow Court, Hamden, CT 06514 33. Roberta Mack 24 Rainbow Court, Hamden, CT 06514 34. Carol Zipp 400 Mount Sanford Rd, Hamden 06410 35. Jim Zipp 400 Mount Sanford Rd, Hamden 06418 36. Leon Fiftal 80 Briarcliff Road, Hamden, CT 06518-2533 37. Diane Scott 80 Briarcliff Rd, Hamden Ct 06518 38. Sarah Aldrich 45 Filbert Street, Hamden, CT 06517 39. Cornelie Forbush 22 Elihu St, Hamden, CT 06517 40. David W. Radcliffe 415 Brooksvale Ave., Hamden, CT 06518 41. Adrienne Burns 60 Wilmot Road, Hamden 06514 42. Christine Howe 66 Thomas Street, Hamden CT 06514 43. Ellen Cohn 883 Orange St, New Haven CT 06511 44. Rebecca Senzer 1133 Dunbar Hill Road, Hamden, CT 06514 45. Marietta Mattei 21 Garfield St, Hamden, CT 06514 46. Tom Brayman 23 Timberwood Trail, Hamden CT 06514 47. Alison DeMaio 70 Bear Path Rd. Hamden, CT 06517 48. Gwen Ann Meszaros 305 Thornton St. , Hamden, 06514 49. Daniel Barbiero 203 Indian Spring Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20901 50. Tracy Zarrillo 21 Manor St., Hamden, CT 06517 51. Sarah Whitson 5 Ingram St., Hamden, CT 06517 52. Aaron Lefland 40 Humiston Avenue, Hamden 53. Craig Repasz 18 Nutmeg Hill Road, Hamden, CT 06514 54. Sarah Smiley Smith 68 Wright Lane, Hamden, CT 06517 55. Florence McBride 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Apt. 2201, Hamden, CT 06517 56. J. Michael McBride 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Apt. 2201, Hamden, CT 06517 57. Eliza Caldwell 140 East Gate Land, Hamden, CT 06514 58. Betsy Gorman 270 Willow Street, Hamden, CT 06518 59. Elizabeth Driebeek 297 Hillfield Rd., Hamden, CT 06518 60. Brian Roach 9 Morris St., Hamden, CT 06517 61. Kathleen Keenan 9 Morris St., Hamden, CT 06517 62. Emily A. May 55 Treadwell St., Hamden, CT 06517 63. Jillian Bell 122 Augur Street, Hamden, CT 06517 64. Stephen A. Wood 122 Augur Street, Hamden, CT 06517 65. Agnes Orlowski 129 Knob Hill Dr., Hamden, CT 06518 66. David Axman 2260 Downs Road Hamden 67. Shari Switko Axman 2260 Downs Road Hamden 68. Jessica Mack 1904 Shepard Ave., Hamden, CT 06518 69. Ian Dudley 1904 Shepard Ave., Hamden, CT 06518 70. Nancy Abbey 26 Central Ave., Hamden, CT 06517