Continental Micronesia, Inc. 401(K) Savings Plan Summary Plan Description 2021
Continental Micronesia, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan Summary Plan Description 2021 Continental Micronesia, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan The Continental Micronesia, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan (the “Plan”)* is an important part of your retirement savings strategy. The Plan allows you to decide how much to contribute through payroll deductions on a pre-tax, Roth 401(k), and/or post-tax basis for federal income taxes (and, if applicable, state taxes, too). If you choose to save pre-tax, the money you save will reduce how much income tax you pay during the years you contribute. Depending upon your employee group, United Airlines, Inc. (the “Company,” “United Airlines” or “United”) may also make employer contributions to your Plan account based upon your eligible earnings. You decide how to invest your contributions and, if applicable, United’s contributions made to your Plan account. Income taxes on your pre-tax contributions, employer contributions, and any investment growth in your Plan account are deferred until you withdraw money from the Plan. The value of your account will depend on the amount of contributions you have made, the contributions from United, and how your investments have performed. This Summary Plan Description (“SPD”), which includes an Addendum for your employee group, reflects the Plan features as of January 1, 2021. This document is only a summary of the Plan. In the event of any conflict between this SPD and the terms of the Plan, the Plan document will govern. This document is also available to all participants electronically on the Plan’s website, ASC Trust (
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