E of U En and Chapter Loans an Delta Sigma Pi's Endowment CONSTRUCTIO by LIFE MEMBERS of 6T
OF DELTA SIGMA PI MARCH I 9 5 0 McFARLIN LIBRARY on the University of Tulsa campus is the study center on that campus. Our Beta Chi Chapter was installed there in 1948. THE INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY OF DELTA SIGMA PI Professional Commerce and Business Administration Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi was founded at.New York University, School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred ~oysello, ~arold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. Delta Siama Pi is a professional fratermty orgamzed to foster the study of business in uni v ersities~ to encourage scholarship, social ac~ivity and the associa tion of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the com· munity. The Central Office 222 W. Adams Street, Chicago 6, Illinois. Telephone: Randolph 6-6954 H. G. WRIGHT, GRAND SECRETARY-TREASURER .. .... J. D. THoMsoN, AssiSTANT GRAND SECRETARY-TREASURER The Grand Council Grand President: WALTER C. SEHM, Alpha Epsilon, Minnesota . ......... .. ............ 490 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul4, Minn. Grand Secretary-Treasurer: H. G. WRIGHT, Beta, Northwestern . ......... .. ..... ... 222 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, Ill. Eastern Region: J. HARRY FELTHAM, Chi, Johns Hopkins .. ......... ......... Robert Garrett & Sons, Baltimore 3, Md. Southeastern Region: H. CLYDE KITCHENS, Kappa, Georgia (Atlanta) ...... ............ 915 Rosedale Rd. N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Central Region: ]OHN F. MEE, Nu, Ohio State .......................... ..... ... Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Midwestern Region: HENRY C. LucAs, Alpha Delta, Nebraska .. .... .......... 1414 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
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