VOL. 97 NO. 6 15 MAR 2016 WHERE CURIOSITY HAS TAKEN US Building Better Climate Models No Tolerance for Sexual Harassment Cheers, Yawns for Planet Nine Have an Idea or Topic to Present at the Fall Meeting? Submit a Session Proposal Deadline: 20 April, 11:59 P.M. EDT You must be current in your 2016 membership dues in order to propose a session. fallmeeting.agu.org Earth & Space Science News Contents 15 MARCH 2016 PROJECT UPDATE VOLUME 97, ISSUE 6 22 Better Tools to Build Better Climate Models A Department of Energy collaboration aims to make climate model development faster and more efficient by creating a prototype of a system for testing model components. OPINION 9 Steps to Building a No-Tolerance Culture for Sexual Harassment AGU can lead the way in building an environment where sexual and other types of harassment have no place. 16 AGU NEWS COVER 2017 Fall Meeting 26 to Go to New Orleans, 2018 to Washington, D. C. Where Curiosity Has Taken Us AGU opts to relocate its 26,000-plus- attendee meeting from San Francisco for The Curiosity rover, one of NASA’s flagship missions, analyzes 2 years to avoid detrimental impacts from Martian geology, geochemistry, climatology, and radiation to assess extensive construction at the convention whether Mars could have supported microbial life. center. Earth & Space Science News Eos.org // 1 Contents DEPARTMENTS Editor in Chief Barbara T. Richman: AGU, Washington, D. C., USA; eos_
[email protected] Editors Christina M. S. Cohen Wendy S. Gordon Carol A. Stein California Institute Ecologia Consulting, Department of Earth and of Technology, Pasadena, Austin, Texas, USA; Environmental Sciences, Calif., USA; wendy@ecologiaconsulting University of Illinois at cohen@srl .caltech.edu .com Chicago, Chicago, Ill., USA;
[email protected] José D.