Smith 1051.Pdf
ISSN 1936-5349 (print) ISSN 1936-5357 (online) HARVARD JOHN M. OLIN CENTER FOR LAW, ECONOMICS, AND BUSINESS EQUITY AS META-LAW Henry E. Smith Forthcoming in Yale Law Journal Discussion Paper No. 1051 12/2020 Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA 02138 This paper can be downloaded without charge from: The Harvard John M. Olin Discussion Paper Series: The Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection: EQUITY AS META-LAW Henry E. Smith* October 15, 2020 (forthcoming, Yale Law Journal) * Fessenden Professor of Law, HArvArd Law School. EmAil: I would Also like to thAnk Leigh Anenson, Benito ArruñAdA, Lisa Austin, ShyAm BAlgAnesh, Sam Bray, Yun-chien Chang, Eric Claeys, Bob Ellickson, Yuval Feldman, Andrew Gold, John Goldberg, John Golden, Erik Hovenkamp, Bruce Johnsen, Louis Kaplow, Andrew Kull, MichAel Kenneally, Dan KlermAn, Dennis Klimchuk, Andrew Kull, Bentley MAcLeod, Paul Miller, SusAn Morse, EduArdo PeñAlver, Mark RAmseyer, Emily Sherwin, Ted Sichelman, Steve Spitz, JAmes Stern, Alex Stremitzer, And Audiences At the ItAliAn Society of LAw And Economics, University of BolzAno, ItAly; the Workshop on Entrepreneurship And the LAw, BrighAm Young University LAw School; the AmericAn LAw And Economics Annual Meeting, Columbia Law School; the Fourth AnnuAl TriAngle Law And Economics Conference, Duke LAw School; the Robert A. Levy Fellows Workshop in LAw & Liberty, George MAson University School of LAw; the University of GeorgiA
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