Copyrighted Material
Index Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) format, Symbols and Numerics 394–395 @font, CSS3, 295–297 AdWords (Google), 726 3D (three-dimensional) transforms, aggregators, feed, 658 CSS3, 281, 297 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and 365 project blogs, 770–772 XML), 461–462 960 grid, 70–76 Akismet plug-in, 664 alert popup, JavaScript, 472–475 Align attribute, CSS, 163 A Alt attribute, CSS, 163 alt text, 639, 699 <a> tag, HTML, 162, 168 Amazon website, 492 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format, Analytics (Google). See Google 394–395 Analytics absolute links, 162 anchor points, 222 absolute position Divs (AP Divs), animation, 420, 429–431, 445. See also Dreamweaver, 304 JavaScript accessibility attributes, Dreamweaver, AP Divs (absolute position Divs), 212–213 Dreamweaver, 304 accountants, 32 apps. See also mobile pages ACID Pro program, 394 Dreamweaver CS6, 534 action, HTML form, 545 Highslide, 501–505 ActionScript, 417 mobile pages, 508–509 Active Server Pages (ASP), 132–133, professional, for generating 566–567 JavaScript, 492 Add Media dialog box, WordPress, versus websites, 125 640, 644 WOW slider, 498–501 address element, HTML5, 191–192 architecture, website, 65 Address Verifi cation Service (AVS), 678 <article> element, HTML5, 179, 186 AddThis service, 659 artwork, optimizing, 371–375 Adobe Audition application, 400 ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) fi le, 101 Adobe Bridge, 379–380 <aside> element, HTML5, 179, 186–188 Adobe BrowserLab, 167, 233 ASP (Active Server Pages), 132–133, Adobe Customer ShowcaseCOPYRIGHTED website, 323 566–567 MATERIAL Adobe Dreamweaver. See assessing resources. See resources, Dreamweaver assessing Adobe Edge, 445, 463 Assets folder, 370 Adobe Fireworks. See Fireworks Assets panel, Dreamweaver, 744 Adobe Illustrator, 27, 70–71 asymmetric page design, 77–79 Adobe Kuler, 100–101 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Adobe Kuler website, 328, 336 (AJAX), 461–462 Adobe Media Encoder, 403, 406–408, 410 Atom feed, blog, 655 Adobe PhoneGap, 125, 534, 538 Attach External Style Sheet dialog box, Adobe Photoshop.
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