INTRODUCTION Hi, my name is Henry Olsen, and I’ve been teaching guitar professionally for the last three years! After a while, I got tired of showing people the “standard” way of reading chords and seeing them get totally overwhelmed with confusion. I decided it was time I put an end to this madness and develop an easy-to-read, clear, and simple chord book for beginners and advanced players to learn and look up new chords in. &BTZUPSFBE "MMUIFJNQPSUBOUDIPSET In the frst section of the book, I have included open chords 3FBMHVJUBSFYBNQMFT that any beginner guitarist needs to know in order to play all their favorite songs without any difcult barre chords! In the second section, I’ve added variations to those chords that make them sound a bit more colorful. These chords will come in very handy, and you will see them in TONS of modern songs. In the last section, I’ll be teaching you how to take just one chord and turn it into 12 chords just by sliding it up and down the neck of the guitar. I’ve watched many of my private students have a HUGE “ah-ha!” moment using this system, and I can’t wait to share it with you! My goal is to make the simplest and easiest to understand chord book you’ll ever fnd. Please send me an email at
[email protected] telling me what you think. I would love to hear from you! 01 How To Use This Book I´ve set up the book with pictures of a REAL guitar and me playing the chords.