To Reduce Veterans'
.;. .. -^.,'"?.v .: ■. ’ . , rDAlISkSBGCLAiak^ Wtti'orflMriiii^. iiM ' - ■■ '.•** ■'■ ’5 i2 7 5 ' '■ Blember of ^ Apdlt Bqreaa •t CXrealattoas. .VUr toalj^'iM I f*-> VOL. LH., NO. 137. (Claulfied Atfv’trt&lni'ion Fage 13); MANCHESTER, MARCH 10, 1933. ; FbuRTEENPAG^ i - ; “ODD MONET SMILINGLY CONFIDENT OF'THE FUTURE CHECKS TO BE CASHED HERE I ■ ^ ^ •I'J.'.ViO.jJ.'t' TO REDUCE VETERANS’ Load'Banks Remam Qosed b ce p t For Authorized Text o f Rposevelt*s Transaetioiis — Stores 4 . ■ ' Booor Cbeney Pay Drafts. e oh Wuhington, March 10.—(AP)—^collapse of our banking'structure. .Ifaacbeiter’s two banks today, The tract of President Rooeevflt’s It has accentuated toe stagnation like an others throughout the Unit economy message follows: of toe economic life of our people. ed States, continued to observe an The Nation is deeply gratified by It ,has added to toe ranks of toe Emergency Action For Balandng Bodget Most Be T d t^ toe immtti' te response jglten yiaa- indefinite banking holiday in accor uoteoployed. Our government’s terday by toe Congress to toe ne- house is not in order and_for many dance with a new proclamation issu cteklty for drastic action to restore rcaabOB, no effective action has He AssertS’— To Preserve Basic Security o f Nation *1 ed by President Franklin D. Roose and Improve our banking system, been taken to restore it to order. velt late last night. When they will A Uhe necessity existe with re Upon toe.unimpaired,credit of toe Most Be Fair To Not Only the Few But the Many,” l b be open is impossible to say.
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