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Marvel Universe Guardians Of Th e Galaxy: Cosmic Team-up (Paperback)

By Bill Mantlo, Joe Caramagna

Marvel Comics, United States, 2014. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New Book. It s all-ages adventure spotlighting Marvel s most cosmic movie stars, the Guardians of the Galaxy! When Michael Korvac escapes his alien abductors, he flees home to Earth and seeks the protecti on. For Earth s Mightiest Heroes, defending Korvac will mean battling the Guardians of the Galaxy - but why? The Korvac confusion continues as Spider-Man gets involved, traveling into deep space and teaming up with the Guardians to take on Korvac.and the alien ! Plus: and his agents of S.M.A.S.H. encounter the cosmic on a simulated paradise world.but can they ever escape it? And relive s classic debut, as the breakout big-screen star matches wily wits with the Hulk! COLLECTING: MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS EARTH S MIGHTIEST HEROES 18, MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 22, MARVEL UNIVERSE HULK: AGENTS OF S.M.A.S.H. 4, INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) 271.



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