Miners Back Lawn Mower, 64F-3660
W - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Sept. 3. 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER LOOK FOR THE STARS... ★ Session not needed, Botticello furnishes Little glory, less pay Some clouds tonight; town lawmakers say his ‘pepper primer’ for scholastic coach no change Thursday Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 15 ... page 2 BPBoarTrs;; W’r<»orrjfL'-p<b'sSi', better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ★ difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, ^ 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. jF ___ iEanrteatrr Bpralfi Be Neat Keepsake Quilts ........ ‘ Manchester, Conn. — A City ot Village Charm Wednesday. Sept. 4, 1985 — Single copy: 25C UNITED STATES DEMNTMENT OF JUSTICE Immismio'' *"<1 Nsturallullon S«r>lc* BUSINESS & SERVICE Notice Is hereby given that on July 31,19S5, at Greenwich, Connecticut, one 1970 Ford, Custom, Pick-up, Green, VIN: -W- F10GEJ137J4 was seized at the weigh station of the Green wich Toll House of route 1-9, as a result of the alleged use In the commission of a violation of SU.S.C. 1324(a). Said seized mPAMTiND/ ISolBUILDHIBr^ lerardi conveyance has been determined to be sublectto forfeiture Rand plunges I^ P A P E R I N B ^I^CDNTRACTlNfi pursuant to B U.S.C. 1324(b) and 8 C.F.R. 274. Any person clolming to be the owner ol sold seized conveyance who Forrond Remodeling — wishes to obtain a ludlclol determination of forfeiture must Odd lobi, trucking^ Bookkeeping— Let me do Painting ond Poserhano- rile with the Regional Commissioner, Immigration and Na your light bookkeeping- Ing Exterior and Inte Coblnets, roofing, gut to leave turalization Service, a claim and post a cost bond of 8250.00, Hoffi* fdpotrt.
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