J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.Suppl.22 on 1 June 1989. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. Special Supplement 1989:22-28

Clues to the mechanism underlying cell death in Parkinson's disease

P JENNER From the Parkinson's Disease Society Research Centre, University Department ofNeurology, Institute of Psychiatry and King's College Hospital Medical School, London UK

SUMMARY The primary pathological change in Parkinson's disease is the destruction of dopamine containing cells in the zona compacta of . The cause of nigral cell death and the underlying mechanism remains elusive. However, the discovery of the selective nigral MPTP and its ability to inhibit mitochondrial energy metabolism via its metabolite MPP+ and to generate superoxide radicals suggests processes by which nigral cell death might occur. Recent post- mortem evidence in tissue from patients dying with Parkinson's disease also suggests the occurrence of some on-going toxic mechanism. This may be a free radical process stimulated by an excess ofiron within subsantia nigra coupled to a generalised decrease in brain ferritin content. These data suggest altered iron handling occurs in Parkinson's disease which may lead to the generation of

toxic oxygen species such as superoxide radicals. There is also evidence for an inhibition ofProtected by copyright. mitochondrial function in the substantia nigra in patients with Parkinson's disease. So there may be a close association between the actions of the synthetic neurotoxin MPTP and the underlying cause of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. There are widespread pathological and biochemical However, MPTP does not provide an exact model changes in the brain ofpatients dying with Parkinson's of idiopathic Parkinson's disease since in general disease.'2 The primary alteration appears to be a loss neurotoxic effects are limited to substantia nigra and of dopamine containing cells in zona compacta of its corresponding losses of caudate- substantia nigra with a corresponding generalised loss dopamine content.78 Overall other neuronal systems of dopamine content throughout the forebrain. While do not appear to be involved and there is no the details of these changes are extensively documen- occurrence of Lewy bodies as a marker of the process ted3 there has been little evidence as to the underlying underlying idiopathic Parkinson's disease.'"'2 One cause of dopamine cell death or the mechanism by reason for the discrepancies between MPTP induced which dopamine cells degenerate. Many theories have and the idiopathic disease may relate to been advanced (for example, involvement of viruses, the age ofthe animals studied. In general, young adult aberrant metabolism of dopamine, involvement of primates are used in such experiments but where older neuromelanin) but none of these proven. More recen- animals have been employed the pathology has been http://jnnp.bmj.com/ tly interest has centred on the manner in which more extensive, involving also the locus coeruleus and endogenous or environmental toxins may be involved Lewy body like inclusions have been observed.'"'5 as a cause of Parkinson's disease. This stems from the However, MPTP has provided the most appropriate discovery of the selective nigral toxin, I-methyl-4- animal model of Parkinson's disease so far devised. It phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrdine (MPTP) which was has found use as a test-bed in which to evaluate novel found to induce persistent Parkinsonism in man and therapies for Parkinson's disease'"'9 and also to other primate species by destroying dopamine con- evaluate long-term complications of levodopa treat- taining cells within substantia nigra.' ment of Parkinson's disease.20'2 Similarly, MPTP on October 1, 2021 by guest. The discovery of MPTP provided a major impetus treated primates provide an ideal test-bed in which to for research into the cause of Parkinson's disease. evaluate the usefulness of the implantation of foetal nigral dopamine containing cells as a "cure" for Parkinson's disease.2223 However, it may be one other Address for reprint requests: Dr P Jenner, Department ofNeurology, aspect of the actions of MPTP which is the most Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK. important, namely the mechanism by which MPTP Accepted March 1989 kills nigral dopamine containing cells. This may 22 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.Suppl.22 on 1 June 1989. Downloaded from

Clues to the mechanism underlying dopamine cell death in Parkinson's disease 23 provide clues to the selective vulnerability of this cell free radicals. This was derived from the chemical group and to the pathological process underlying similarity between MPP+ and a paraquat, a known dopamine cell death in Parkinson's disease. redox cycler. Although MPP+ bears a striking chemical resemblance to paraquat, MPP+ is extremely Mechanism ofaction ofMPTP stable compared with paraquat and does not undergo Many important steps in the mechanism of action of single electron reduction to produce oxygen MPTP have been uncovered. Following the adminis- radicals.474 This is emphasised by the electrochemical tration ofMPTP to primates it was found that another potential of MPP+ of < 1-0 V which compared with substance, namely, l-methyl-4-phenyl-pyridinium paraquat makes it improbable that it will undergo species (MPP+), and not MPTP itself, accumulated bioreduction to stimulate toxic oxygen radical for- and persisted within the brain.2425 The reason for this mation.49 However, this conclusion presumes that it is became clear when it was discovered that MPTP was MPP+ alone which causes the neurotoxicity associated an unexpected substrate for MAO B2"2' So it appeared with MPTP administration. that MPP+ rather than MPTP might be the neurotoxic MPTP is converted to MPP+ in a two-stage reaction species. Indeed, MPP+ was actively accumulated by via the intermediate dihydropyridine derivative, since it is a substrate for MPDP+."52 This sequence ofevents gives more scope dopamine reuptake mechanisms29 and this accumula- for the production of oxygen species. Indeed, there is tion may be enhanced by an association with recent evidence that oxygen radicals may be involved neuromelanin.? MPTP neurotoxicity could be preven- in the toxicity of MPTP in a manner previously ted by prior treatment of animals with MAO B unsuspected. Thus, in aerobic mitochondrial prepara- inhibitors, such as deprenyl, or dopamine reuptake tions MPTP stimulated an electron spin resonance blockers, such as nomifensine.3"32 Also, MPP+ was (ESR) signal compatible with free radical formation.53 more toxic than MPTP itself in destroying dopamine This signal was prevented by inclusion of superoxide containing cells. Thus, intranigral infusions of MPP+, dismutase suggesting the generation of superoxide Protected by copyright. but not MPTP, destroyed nigral neurones in rats.33 radicals. The metabolism of MPTP appeared involved Similarly, intracerebroventricular injections of MPP+ since the ESR signal was prevented by the inclusion of destroyed nigral cells in the of mice.? In cell the MAO B inhibitor deprenyl but not by the MAO A culture MPP+ is toxic to mesencephalic cells.35 36 So all inhibitor clorgyline. In the absence of mitochondria this data led to the conclusion that it was MPP+ and neither of the MPTP metabolites, MPP+ or MPDP+, not MPTP that was responsible for the toxic actions alone produced an ESR signal. However, together observed. they caused a spectrum which increased in intensity These data did not, however, explain the mechanism with time. These data suggest a redox reaction occurs by which MPTP (or MPP+) killed dopamine contain- between MPP+ and MPDP+ to produce toxic oxygen ing cells. This issue was clarified with the discovery radicals and that these may be involved in the ability of that MPP+ induces oxidative stress owing to its ability MPTP to destroy nigral containing cells. Whether an to inhibit the oxidation ofmitochondrial NAD-linked action of MPTP based on superoxide formation is substrates.373' More specifically MPP+ inhibits mito- compatible with inhibition of mitochondrial function chondrial energy metabolism at the level of complex remains to be determined. I3. However, millimolar concentrations ofMPP+ were So the MPTP story reveals possible mechanisms by required in vitro to produce this effect and it was which nigral dopamine containing cells may be des- thought unlikely that these would be achieved in vivo. troyed. But what is its relevance to Parkinson's http://jnnp.bmj.com/ But MPP+ is actively accumulated by mitochondria disease? It may be that there is an MPTP like toxin such that 50-100 times the external concentration can involved as a cause of Parkinson's disease although at be achieved.A"2 So at present it is believed that MPP+ present this appears unlikely. On the other hand, it interferes with mitochondrial energy metabolism may be that the mechanism by which MPTP kills somewhere between NADH dehydrogenase and co- dopamine cells by interference with mitochondrial enzyme Q 10.43 Exactly how and where this occurs function or by superoxide formation may reflect a remains unknown. Nevertheless, its consequences can selective vulnerability of dopamine cells in substantia be observed in terms of depletion of cellular ATP, a nigra which is also apparent in idiopathic Parkinson's on October 1, 2021 by guest. decrease in reduced glutathione content, and altera- disease. So, are there any similarities between the tions in cellular calcium content."44" actions of MPTP and biochemical changes occurring in brain in Parkinson's disease itself? Free radical generation as a mechanism of MPTP toxicity Evidencefor a neurotoxic process occurring in brain in One basic mechanism initially proposed to explain the Parkinson's disease neurotoxic actions of MPP+ was the production of One approach to detecting a cause or mechanism J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.Suppl.22 on 1 June 1989. Downloaded from

24 Jenner underlying idiopathic Parkinson's disease is to Table 1 Polytmsaturatedfatty acid (PUFA) and basal examine post-mortem brain tissue. However, success MDA levels in the substantia nigra and cerebellum of depends partially on how cell death in Parkinson's Parkinsonian and control hwnan brains disease occurs. For example, if Parkinson's disease PUFA 's Basal MDA occurs as a result of some fault in utero or due to a (nmol linoleic levels (nmol Ratio basal acid/mg MDA/mg MDA/PUFA's single toxic insult during life then there might be no Brain region protein) protein) (x 10-3) indication ofa toxic process in the post-mortem tissues from patients at the end stage of their disease. Cerebellum Control (n = 13) 211 (11) 3-4 (0-4) 16-0(1.4) Nevertheless, we have examined some general Parkinsonian indicators of cellular toxicity in post-mortem tissues (n = 10) 186 (10) 4-2 (0 4) 21-0 (1-6) from patients dying with Parkinson's disease. Substantia nigra The tissues from these studies came from patients Control (n = 19) 298 (12) 2-0 (0.1) 7-0 (0;5) Parkinsonian with a history of idiopathic Parkinson's disease all of (n = 14) 254 (14)* 27 (03)* 11-2 (1-2)* whom received levodopa treatment up to the time of death and whose brain showed evidence of cell loss Values are expressed as means (SEM). *p < 0-05 compared with control tissue (Student's t test). Data taken from Dexter et al.' " and the presence of Lewy bodies in substantia nigra and a markedly decreased caudate dopamine content. toxin such as MPTP but so far none has been These tissues were matched with tissues from control identified. On the other hand, some endogenous agent patients of similar age who died from non- might act to stimulate free radical formation. In this neurological and non-psychiatric disorders and whose respect we decided to investigate the iron content of substantia nigra appeared normal in histological the Parkinsonian brain since iron is able to stimulate examination. The tissues were also matched for the oxygen radical formation.'5 Indeed, in 1968 Earle57 time between death and body refrigeration and the had suggested an increase in brain iron content in time between death and autopsy and subsequent Parkinson's disease using formalin fixed tissuesProtected by copyright. freezing of the brain material. examined by X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy. Initially, we assessed markers of lipid peroxidation The total iron content of the Parkinsonian brain as a non-specific index of cell death."' Two was measured compared with age-matched control parameters were studied, namely, the brain content of tissue using inductively coupled plasma spectros- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the substrate for copy.5859 This showed that within the substantia nigra lipid peroxidation, and the content of malondialde- as a whole and also within the zona compacta of hyde, a stable intermediate in the process of lipid substantia nigra there was a substantial increase in peroxidation (table 1). The PUFA content of substan- total iron content (fig). No increase in iron levels was tia nigra was reduced compared to levels found in found in any other brain area examined although there control brain tissue and this change was selective to was a reduction in iron content within the medial and substantia nigra since no difference in PUFA content lateral segments of the globus pallidus. So there was found in any other brain region examined. So it appeared to be a specific increase in iron within that appeared that perhaps increased degradation of area ofthe brain which is thought to bear the primary PUFAs was occurring in Parkinsonian nigra. This pathological change in Parkinson's disease. Recently, view was confirmed by the finding of an increased the finding of an increased iron content of substantia basal level of malondialdehyde in Parkinsonian sub- nigra in Parkinson's disease was confirmed by others.'

stantia nigra compared to control tissue which again At this point it should be noted that we also found a http://jnnp.bmj.com/ did not occur in any other brain region examined. large increase in the zinc content of substantia nigra These data suggest that even at the end stage of although this also occurred in caudate-putamen and Parkinson's disease there is evidence for some on- so was not therefore specifically related to path- going toxic process such as might occur due to free ological change. In addition, the copper content of radical attack. It should be noted that all the patients substantia nigra was reduced. There were no changes examined received levodopa until the time of death in the levels of manganese or lead in any of the brain and it cannot be excluded that the changes observed areas examined when compared to control tissues.

were not due to drug treatment. However, since Once again, the issue of drug treatment must be on October 1, 2021 by guest. levodopa accumulates in many brain regions it might considered as being relevant to the changes in brain be expected that similar changes would 'oe observed iron content. However, any effect of drug treatment elsewhere, particularly within the caudate-putamen would appear unlikely since the samples examined by where levodopa occurs in high amounts. Earle in 1968 were collected between 1867 and 1954, in If there is some on-going toxic process occurring other words prior to the levodopa era.57 within the Parkinsonian brain then what could be the One interpretation of the data so far would be that stimulating factor? It could be some environmental enhanced levels of iron within substantia nigra J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.Suppl.22 on 1 June 1989. Downloaded from

Clues to the mechanism underlying dopamine cell death in Parkinson's disease 25

Cortex consequence of the neurodegenerative process rather n=22 than a cause. For this reason, it is necessary to Caudate :22MMEMEEMMEMMMER-4 nucleus =23 determine whether the increase in iron is specific to n, Putamen (T) Parkinson's disease or whether it occurs in other neurodegenerative disease affecting basal ganglia. In Putamen (M) - _ N Parkinsonian brain tissue from patients dying with multiple system n Putamen (L) -1 I l: E] Control atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy the iron content of substantia nigra was also increased Globus Pal#M) -* __ _ ,. i=14 (unpublished data). However, in progressive supranu-

Globus Pal (LL, gn clear palsy there was a corresponding increase in the a-i=13 level of ferritin suggesting the physiological trigger to S nigra (T) .El 1=9 increased iron was intact. The ferritin content of brain PI S nigra (C) in multiple system atrophy remains to be measured. n=3 So, it may be that the alteration in iron handling as a Cerebellum n024 100 20 whole is specific to Parkinson's disease and that O 10000 20000 changes in physiological responses to altered iron nrnol iron/g dry weight of human brain levels contribute to the pathological changes occurring Fig Total levels ofiron (nmol/g dry weight) in in this disorder particularly within substantia nigra. Parkinsonian and age-matched control human necropsy brains. Values represent mean and I SEM.* p < 0 05 Altered mitochondrial function in idiopathic Parkin- compared with controls (Student's t test). Key: son's disease (C) = Compacta; (T) = Total; L = Lateral; The post mortem data presented above suggests that (M) = Medial. Takenfrom Dexter et al.5' there are reasons for believing an on-going toxic stimulate free radical formation leading to enhanced process may occur within the Parkinsonian brain. Protected by copyright. lipid peroxidation and accelerated dopamine cell However, what remains unresolved is whether there is death. However, not all forms of iron are potentially any link between the susceptibility of nigral dopamine toxic and it would be necessary for the increase in iron cells to the neurotoxic actions of MPTP and the to be present in a reactive form. Indeed, the brain pathological process occurring in idiopathic Parkin- protects itself against the toxic actions of iron by son's disease. It might be expected that if free radical incorporating it into ferritin. The normal formation was enhanced in Parkinson's disease this physiological response to an increase in iron is would be compensated for by alterations in protective stimulation of a specific m-RNA for ferritin forma- mechanisms. Alternatively, it might be that the protec- tion. However, surprisingly, in our studies there was tive systems in the substantia nigra fail. Indeed, small no increase in brain ferritin content in substantia decreases in the levels of glutathione peroxidase nigra, rather there was a generalised decrease in catalase and reduced glutathione have been found ferritin throughout the Parkinsonian brain when within Parkinsonian substantia nigra.62"5 However, compared with levels found in age-matched control superoxide dismutase (SOD) is ofparticular interest in tissues.6' These data suggest at least that there may be this respect since it occurs as two iso-enzymes, one of some subtle alteration in iron handling within the which is a copper-zinc dependent cytosolic form while brain in Parkinson's disease. the other-is the manganese dependent particulate form Another interpretation ofthe increased iron content largely associated with mitochondria. There are no http://jnnp.bmj.com/ ofsubstantia nigra in Parkinson's disease is that it is a differences in total SOD activity in substantia nigra and cerebellum and Parkinson's disease compared Table 2 Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in substantia with control subjects.'a Similarly, we found no nigra and cerebellum ofParkinsonian patients and normal difference in the activity of the cystolic form of SOD controls but there was an increase in the activity of the particulate form of SOD in Parkinsonian substantia U/g wet weight nigra, but not cerebellum, compared with control Brain Disease Total Cytosolic Particulate tissues. (At this point it should be noted that Matilla on October 1, 2021 by guest. area category n SOD SOD SOD and colleagues67 also recently reported an increase in SOD activity in substantia nigra in Parkinson's dis- Cerebellum Control 11 955 (19) 711(20) 127 (3) Parkinsonian 11 931 (32) 739 (15) 120(4) ease. However, the increase was apparent in the Substantia Control 11 1344 (23) 1079 (22) 169 (4) cytosolic form of the enzyme rather than in the nigra Parkinsonian 11 1393 (42) 1072 (34) 224 (14)* mitochondrial form. So although we are agreed that there an increase in SOD in Parkinson's Values are expressed as means (SEM). *p < 0-05 compared with. 'is- activity control tissues (Student's t test). Data from Saggu et al.66 - disease, there is a discrepancy as to which form-of the J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.52.Suppl.22 on 1 June 1989. Downloaded from

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