Dae) Campus, Kalpakkam

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Dae) Campus, Kalpakkam FAUNAL DIVERSITY ASSESSMENT AT DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY (DAE) CAMPUS, KALPAKKAM K. K. Satpathy │ K. Jahir Hussain M. V. R. Prasad │ M. Selvanayagam Dr. BALDEV RAJ , FTWAS, FNAE, FNA, GOVRENMENT OF INDIA FASc., FNASc. DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH Distinguished Scientist & DIRECTOR KALPAKKAM- 603 102. TAMILNADU . FOREWORD We all are well conscious of our historic role in meeting the impending energy crunch that the nation is faced with and are also keen to play a major role in meeting this challenge. No growth in energy production can be sustainable unless matched by equally serious commitment to Ecology and environment. One area of genuine concern all over the globe to-day is environmental degradation and diminution of biological diversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of all animals, plants and microorganisms. It is an essential component of our planet not only because of its inherent aesthetic and ethical values but also due to the fact that mankind is dependent on other species for the maintenance of the biosphere and the supply of basic necessities, particularly food and health care. In other words, it is the world’s most fundamental capital stock. Unfortunately, this precious biodiversity is now being lost at an extremely rapid rate. Losses are especially higher in developing countries like ours. The biological diversity of the Indian subcontinent is one of the richest in the world owing to its vast geographic area, varied topography and climate, and the juxtaposition of several biogeographical regions. Our biotic resources are under increasing pressure due to over exploitation of plant and animal resources, changing land use, habitat loss and fragmentation, growing pollution of soil, water and air and the green house concerns. Nature distributes its valuable biodiversity unevenly across the earth’s surface. Lack of precise taxonomic data on biodiversity and its distribution is one of the major challenges in conservation planning. Institutional campuses that shelter native biodiversity within cities and towns are essentially ecological islands and needs sustainable management. IGCAR has taken an initiative to create data base on the faunal diversity of its 2500 acres DAE campus at Kalpakkam. In this endeavor, the efforts taken by Environmental & Industrial Safety Section, Safety Group, in collaboration with Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy, Loyola College are commendable. Preparation of a monograph is a stepping stone in increasing awareness about environment among the staff, students and other organization members in Kalpakkam campus. This awareness and a sense of providing joy shall trigger inner spirit of enhancement and conservation of environment. I believe this monograph would convey to all readers in brief, simple language, that a feeling of the importance and excitement of studying nature. Dr. K. Jahir Hussain, Dr. K.K. Satpathy, Dr. M. Selvanayagam and their team have carried out this valuable assignment with love, knowledge and commitment. They have come out with delightful photos and stimulating information. I sincerely hope that this monograph would serve as an appetizer for some of the young students to plunge into the exciting area of natural science. I earnestly urge the team to suggest dialectical measures in the final report for conservation & enchantment of biodiversity in this beautiful green campus of Kalpakkam, which is unique in the sense that all the three fissile isotopes Thorium, Uranium and Plutonium are harnessed for nuclear energy. (Dr. Baldev Raj) 2 PREFACE This monograph is a very humble contribution to complement the existing knowledge on faunal diversity. It is popular, informative monograph without being too much technical. This monograph is illustrated with color photograph of various animals encountered in the DAE campus, Kalpakkam in their natural habitat. This monograph is aimed at helping amateur naturalist for whom the photographs are a better companion to identify animals in the field. The analysis is largely descriptive and aims to provide a baseline data on biodiversity of selected groups. The primary output of the assessment is an inventory of birds, butterflies, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. It also sheds light on the extent and quality of the critical habitats that support the biodiversity on the Campus. An intensive study, which is to be followed, will identify important ecological indicators and its dynamics. These indicators are to be used as yardsticks for not only monitoring the health of the biodiversity on the Campus, but also for undertaking remedial measures for restoration and conservation. I hope this simple and easy guide book will enthuse many, particularly the students to take to study environmental science the emerging future for the planet. The idea for this book was crystallized by no other than Dr. Baldev Raj, Distinguish Scientist and Director, IGCAR, my guru and mentor who has been assiduously encouraging me and keeping track of the progress on day-to-day basis. He has been a constant source of inspiration for not only on this endeavor but also during other endeavors. I am indeed extremely grateful to him also for his encouraging and appreciative forward. I also thank our Group Director, Dr. P. Chellapandi, for his support and guidance. My sincere thanks are also due to Administrative Officer and Commandant CISF for facilitating the filed work. Dr. K. Jahir Hussain presently working as Visiting Scientist has prepared the text and has done outstanding job with high dedication and proficiency. He has taken all the pains and precautions to identify the species correctly. Shri. T. Ramesh JRF, has assisted Dr. Hussain during the field work. Both of them worked symbiotically in documenting this faunal diversity at DAE campus kalpakkam. Dr. M. Selvanayagam, Director, Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy, Loyola College, Chennai, has been kind enough to go through the book and provided necessary suggestions. Kalpakkam K. K. Satpathy 20.06.08 Head, Environmental & Industrial Safety Section, Safety Group, IGCAR 3 FAUNAL DIVERSITY ASSESSMENT AT DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY (DAE) CAMPUS, KALPAKKAM Introduction “Biodiversity”, the term and concept, has been a remarkable event in recent cultural evolution. Today it is one of the most commonly used expressions in biological science and has become a household word. The word ‘biodiversity’ was born during the National Forum of BioDiversity, held in Washington, D.C, on September 21-24, 1986. By 1992, as a key topic of Rio environmental summit meeting, biodiversity has moved to center stage as one of the central issues of scientific and political concern world-wide. It is defined as all hereditarily based variation at all levels of organization, from the gene within a single local population or species, to the species composing all or part of a local community, and finally to the communities themselves that compose of the living parts of the multifarious ecosystems of the world (definition by E.O. Willson). It is classified in three strata viz: local (alpha), comparative (beta) and collective or global (gama). Even though the word biodiversity is recent but the study of biological diversity can be traced back to the era of Aristotle. Unfortunately, this precious biodiversity is now being lost at an alarming rate especially at tropical region where biodiversity was very high. India is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of its vast array of biological diversity. The Western Ghats and North East India is recognized as biodiversity “hotspot”. It has been estimated that over 81,000 species of fauna and 47,000 species of flora are found in this country so far. The relationship between local communities and the biological diversity in India is a very intricate one, whereby two-thirds of our population are heavily dependent upon the biodiversity for their survival. The destruction of biodiversity signifies the destruction of people’s livelihoods and survival. At present, around the world, at least three species a day are being depleted. Among the larger animals in India, 79 species of mammals, 44 species of birds, 15 species of reptiles and many species of amphibians are declared threatened. Thus, the loss of even one species causes changes that are complex, unpredictable and incomprehensible (FAO, 1996: UNEP, 1995). India signed the Convention on Biological diversity on 5th June 1992, ratified it on 18th February 1994 and brought it into force on 19th May 1994. This convention provides a framework for the sustainable management and conservation of India's natural resources. Apart from many wildlife sanctuaries and bioreserves, campuses of educational and research institutes shelter native biodiversity that are essentially ecological islands in urban areas. Sustainable management of these ecological islands is the greatest challenge that currently faced by biodiversity conservationists. In order to recognize and conserve the species useful to human and ecosystem, their identification and taxonomic record are the most essential requirement. Keeping to the green tradition initiated by Dr. Homi Bhaba, Dr. Baldev Raj, Director, IGCAR, a natural lover, has initiated steps to record and conserve the biodiversity in the ~ 2500 acre DAE campus at Kalpakkam. This exercise assumes greater significance considering the fact that PFBR is under construction and a few more projects are to be located here. Thus, it is imperative to take stock of present biodiversity status for future impact studies. Moreover, the study would also be used for conservation and enhancement of faunal diversity. This report presents results and analysis of the faunal survey carried out during the last one year at the DAE campus Kalpakkam. The entire survey is prepared as a monograph with photograph and a brief characteristics of each species observed so far. The analysis is largely descriptive and the primary output of the assessment is inventory of birds, butterflies, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. The study also throws light on the extent and quality of the critical habitats that support the biodiversity in this campus.
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