Extensions of Remarks E1229 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1229 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1229 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO CRAIG HOSPITAL collaboration and teamwork and for the spirit demonstrated the highest level of dedication to of inquiry among bed-side nurses as to what her community. She has emerged as one of HON. DIANA DeGETTE is best for patient care. Truly we, as residents the Valley’s most trusted names in news and OF COLORADO of the 1st Congressional District, are fortunate her contributions to the Valley’s broadcast in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES indeed to have an asset of such magnitude in dustry will never be forgotten. It is my sincere our community. hope that continued health, prosperity, and Thursday, June 7, 2007 Please join me in commending Craig Hos- success be with Nancy through all her future Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, I would pital for its 100 years of leadership in health endeavors. like to recognize the remarkable history and care and its invaluable service to our commu- f invaluable contributions of an extraordinary nity and our Nation. It is the commitment and hospital in the 1st Congressional District of dedication that Craig Hospital and members of HONORING THE LIFE OF RANDY Colorado. It is fitting that we recognize this its staff exhibit on a daily basis which contin- PRIDEAUX outstanding institution for its leadership in ually enhances our lives and builds a better health care and rehabilitation and for its en- future for all of our people. HON. PAUL RYAN during service to the people of our community f OF WISCONSIN and our Nation. It is to commend this distin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CELEBRATING THE 30TH ANNIVER- guished organization that I rise to honor the SARY OF NANCY OSBORNE’S Thursday, June 7, 2007 Craig Hospital on the occasion of its 100th An- SERVICE TO KFSN–TV ABC 30 Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Madam Speaker, I niversary, ‘‘Celebrating a Century of Rebuild- would like to pay tribute to the life of Randy ing Lives.’’ Prideaux, a civic-minded business leader and The growing importance of innovation in HON. JIM COSTA longtime resident of Union Grove, Wisconsin health care to our well being as a society and OF CALIFORNIA whose energetic commitment to his commu- our quality of life is well documented. Craig IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity touched countless lives. Randy died unex- Hospital is a powerful community of hope and Thursday, June 7, 2007 pectedly last week, sending waves of shock it provides people with new possibilities. Craig Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to and sorrow through Southeastern Wisconsin, has set the standard for quality patient out- celebrate and honor the distinguished career where he was well-known through his busi- comes. It is an internationally recognized lead- of Nancy Osborne, on the occasion of her ness and civic leadership. er in health care and has long been recog- 30th anniversary of being part of the KFSN– Randy worked his way up the ladder at nized as a premier national center of excel- TV ABC 30 family in California’s Central Val- Union Grove Lumber over nearly 40 years to lence in the specialties of rehabilitation and re- ley. become CEO of this local lumber and hard- search for patients with spinal cord injuries Nancy grew up on Army bases in the United ware business. He also served as a member and acquired brain injuries. States as well as Japan and Turkey. She of my Small Business Advisory Board, and I From its founding as the ‘‘Tent Colony of graduated from Las Cruces High School in am grateful that he took the time to share his Brotherly Love’’ in 1907 to the world class fa- New Mexico and attended New Mexico State expertise with us. He knew the challenges that cility we know today, Craig Hospital continues University for 3 years. In between a 5-year hi- small business owners face day in and day to be a beacon of hope and remains com- atus from college and motherhood, Nancy re- out, and his insights on issues from health mitted to the well being of its patients. Reha- located to Fresno, CA, in 1973. Upon settling care to tax policies were very helpful. If there bilitation is a process very different from tradi- in Fresno, she returned to college and grad- was one thing you could always count on, it tional medical care. It involves teaching pa- uated from Fresno State University with a was that Randy would tell you what he truly tients and families to care for themselves. It bachelors of arts degree in speech commu- thought, whether he agreed or disagreed with requires setting high expectations and hard nications in 1976. you. His candor and his dedication to doing work by patients to maximize neurological re- A year into graduate school at Fresno State, what is right for Union Grove will be sorely covery, restore functional abilities and make Nancy accepted a reporting job with KFSN–TV missed. the psychological adjustments needed to re- 30, the local ABC affiliate television station in Besides working to strengthen the commu- main as independent and productive as pos- Fresno, California and became one of only a nity as an employer and businessman, Randy sible. handful of women in the local broadcast indus- gave back in many other ways. Altogether, he Since 1956, Craig Hospital has treated more try. Nancy’s success continued as she joined served 20 years on the Village Board. He was than 25,500 patients—more spinal cord injury the anchor team at KFSN–TV in the fall of active in the Union Grove Lions Club and had patients than any other single facility in the 1977 and again in 1980 when she produced served two terms as president. He also served world. Last year, Craig treated patients from and anchored the Valley’s first locally pro- two terms as president of the Chamber of 48 states and for the past 18 years, it has duced news magazine show along with co-an- Commerce. been ranked among the Top Ten Rehabilita- choring the Action News Program. In his personal life, Randy was a devoted tion Hospitals by U.S. News and World Re- Nancy’s promising career with ABC 30 con- family man, who recently became a grand- port. Its spinal cord and traumatic brain injury tinued throughout the years and in 1996 she father. My thoughts and prayers are with his rehabilitation programs are designated by the accepted the challenge of joining the Action wife, children, granddaughter, mother, and U.S. National Institute on Disability Rehabilita- News Management team. While continuing her brother, and the many friends throughout Wis- tion and Research (NIDRR) as Model Systems coverage of the Valley’s political scene and consin who mourn his loss. Centers. Since 2006, Craig is the NIDRR Na- issues involving children and families, she was f tional Database and Statistical Center (HDSC) named Executive Producer—Special Projects, for the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems. a position which allowed her to play a key role HONORING JUDITH REED MEHAL Craig Hospital has burnished a reputation of in helping shape Action News around the compassion and legacy of care rivaled by very clock. HON. TOM DAVIS few. Patients have characterized Craig Hos- In January 2004, Nancy returned to report- OF VIRGINIA pital as ‘‘a miracle (that is) here for patient ing full time, bringing her experience and ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care, not for health care dollars;’’ as ‘‘phe- pertise to the expanding daily Action News nomenal at all they do for patients and fami- coverage. In addition to full-time reporting, Thursday, June 7, 2007 lies.’’ It comes as no surprise that Craig Hos- Nancy also co-anchors Action News Live at Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speak- pital has been awarded Magnet Designation— Five with Warren Armstrong. er, I rise today to honor Judith Mehal for over a national honor—by the American Nurses Through the 30 years of service and loyalty 28 years of dedicated service in the public Credentialing Center for its excellence in staff to KFSN–TV ABC 30, Nancy Osborne has education system. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\E11JN7.REC E11JN7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2007 Since graduating from the California Univer- because being Nick’s guest was to be envel- legislation, H.R. 1187, to expand the bound- sity of Pennsylvania with a degree in edu- oped by his warmth, sincerity and kindness. It aries of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell cation, Judith Mehal has continued to make a didn’t matter whether you were a Member of Bank National Marine Sanctuaries to include positive impact on students in Pennsylvania Congress, a U.S. Senator, the Mayor of St. the entire Sonoma and with the support of and Virginia school districts. Ms. Mehal began Paul, a carpenter, a teacher, or a truck driver, Representative MIKE THOMPSON and the teaching in the Penn Hills and South Alle- to Nick you were his guest. Everyone was Mendocino County board of supervisors, the gheny school districts of Pennsylvania, but treated special and with respect, and everyone southern Mendocino coast.
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