Minneopa State Park
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Birding at Minneopa State Park STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE The forested river corridors in the park are home to GEESE, SWANS, DUCKS PIGEONS AND DOVES Long-billed Dowitcher O O OSPREY FLYCATCHERS breeders such as Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, Ovenbird Snow Goose U U Rock Pigeon C C C American Woodcock U U U Osprey U U Great Crested Flycatcher C C C and occasionally rarer species such as Cerulean Warbler and Louisiana Waterthrush. Ross's Goose O O Mourning Dove C C C O Wilson's Snipe O O KITES, HAWKS, EAGLES Western Kingbird O O Greater White-fronted Goose U U CUCKOOS Spotted Sandpiper U U U Golden Eagle O O O Eastern Kingbird C C C A drive through the bison enclosure's prairie and shrublands Cackling Goose O U Yellow-billed Cuckoo U U U Solitary Sandpiper O O Northern Harrier U O U Olive-sided Flycatcher U R U may yield Orchard Orioles, Eastern Meadowlarks, Brown Thrashers, Bobolinks, and Grasshopper or Clay-colored Canada Goose C C C Black-billed Cuckoo U U U Lesser Yellowlegs O O Sharp-shinned Hawk U U O Eastern Wood-pewee C C C Sparrows. There are different birds with each season and Trumpeter Swan U O U O NIGHTJARS Willet O O Cooper's Hawk U U U O Yellow-bellied Flycatcher U U many reasons to come back again and again. Tundra Swan U U Common Nighthawk U U U Greater Yellowlegs O O Bald Eagle C C C C Acadian Flycatcher O O Wood Duck C C C Eastern Whip-poor-will O O O Wilson's Phalarope O O Red-shouldered Hawk O O O Alder Flycatcher U U Blue-winged Teal C C C SWIFTS Red-necked Phalarope O O Broad-winged Hawk U O U Willow Flycatcher U U U Key Northern Shoveler U U Chimney Swift C C C GULLS, TERNS Swainson's Hawk O O Least Flycatcher C O C Occurrence Gadwall U U HUMMINGBIRDS Bonaparte's Gull O O Red-tailed Hawk C C C C Eastern Phoebe C C C Sp - Spring (Mar—May) S - Summer (Jun—Jul) American Wigeon U U Ruby-throated Hummingbird C U C Franklin's Gull U C Rough-legged Hawk U U U SHRIKES F - Fall (Aug—Nov) Mallard C C C O RAILS, GALLINULES, COOTS Ring-billed Gull C U C TYPICAL OWLS Loggerhead Shrike O R O W - Winter (Dec—Feb) American Black Duck O O Virginia Rail O O O Herring Gull U U Eastern Screech Owl U U U U Northern Shrike U U U Abundance Northern Pintail U U Sora O O O Caspian Tern O O Great Horned Owl U U U U VIREOS C - Common (Present, relatively easy to find) Green-winged Teal U U American Coot O O Black Tern O R O Snowy Owl O Bell's Vireo O O U - Uncommon (Present, not certain to be seen) O - Occasional (Infrequent, may not return each year) Canvasback U U CRANES Common Tern O O Barred Owl U U U U Yellow-throated Vireo U U U R - Rare (Observed at least once, may not return) Redhead U U Sandhill Crane O O Forster's Tern O R O Long-eared Owl O O O O Blue-headed Vireo U U Ring-necked Duck U U PLOVERS Short-eared Owl O O Philadelphia Vireo U U Date: Enter the date you saw the bird. LOONS Greater Scaup O O Black-bellied Plover O O Common Loon O O Northern Saw-whet Owl O O O Warbling Vireo U U U Lesser Scaup U U American Golden-plover O O CORMORANTS KINGFISHERS Red-eyed Vireo C C C Bufflehead U U Killdeer C C C Double-crested Cormorant U O U Belted Kingfisher U U U O JAYS, MAGPIES, CROWS, RAVENS Bird Identification Tips Common Goldeneye U U O Semipalmated Plover O O PELICANS WOODPECKERS Blue Jay C C C C Hooded Merganser U U U SANDPIPERS AND ALLIES Red-headed Woodpecker U O U R American Crow C C C C When you observe a bird, make note of at least three American White Pelican U U U characteristics. Common Merganser U U O Upland Sandpiper O R O BITTERNS, HERONS, EGRETS, NIGHT-HERONS Red-bellied Woodpecker C C C C LARKS Red-breasted Merganser U U Hudsonian Godwit O American Bittern O O Yellow-bellied Sapsucker C O C R Horned Lark U R U R Location: Where did you see the bird? (water, forest, feeder, lower branch, tree trunk, etc.) Ruddy Duck U U Marbled Godwit O Least Bittern O O Downy Woodpecker C C C C MARTINS, SWALLOWS PARTRIDGE, PHEASANTS, GROUSE, TURKEYS Ruddy Turnstone O O Great Blue Heron U U U Hairy Woodpecker C C C C Bank Swallow U U U Body size and shape: Compare to a known bird. (smaller than a...bigger than a...plump like a...slender like a...) Look Gray Partridge O O O O Stilt Sandpiper O O Great Egret U U U Northern Flicker C C C U Tree Swallow C C C at tail, legs and bill. (long, short, thick, thin, curved, straight) Ring-necked Pheasant C C C C Sanderling O O Green Heron U U U Pileated Woodpecker U U U U Northern Rough-winged Swallow C C U Wild Turkey C C C C Dunlin O O Black-crowned Night-heron O O O FALCONS Purple Martin U R U Colors and markings: Look on wings, tail, back, belly, rump and head. (stripe above eye, white spot on tail, etc.) GREBES Baird's Sandpiper O O NEW WORLD VULTURES American Kestrel U U U O Barn Swallow C C C Pied-billed Grebe U O U Least Sandpiper O O Turkey Vulture C C C Merlin O O O Cliff Swallow U U U Sounds and movements: How do they act and sound? (travel alone or in groups, in-flight wing position - soaring, Horned Grebe O O White-rumped Sandpiper O O Peregrine Falcon O O O CHICKADEES, TITMICE flapping, flap and glide, etc.) Red-necked Grebe O O Pectoral Sandpiper O O Black-capped Chickadee C C C C Eared Grebe O O Semipalmated Sandpiper O O Western Grebe O O Short-billed Dowitcher O O STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE NUTHATCHES PIPITS BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES Black-throated Blue Warbler O O Red-breasted Nuthatch U U O American Pipit U U Yellow-headed Blackbird O R O Palm Warbler U U White-breasted Nuthatch C C C C FINCHES Bobolink C C C Pine Warbler O O CREEPERS House Finch C C C U Eastern Meadowlark C C C Yellow-rumped Warbler C C O Brown Creeper C C U Purple Finch U U U Western Meadowlark O O O Black-throated Green Warbler U U WRENS Common Redpoll O O O Orchard Oriole C C C Canada Warbler U U BIRD CHECKLIST House Wren C C C Red Crossbill O O O Baltimore Oriole C C C Wilson’s Warbler U U MINNEOPA STATE PARK Winter Wren U U White-winged Crossbill O O Red-winged Blackbird C C C TANAGERS, CARDINALS, GROSBEAKS Sedge Wren C C U Pine Siskin U U U Brown-headed Cowbird C C C Scarlet Tanager U U U Marsh Wren U O U American Goldfinch C C C C Rusty Blackbird U U Northern Cardinal C C C C Carolina Wren R R R LONGSPURS, SNOW BUNTINGS Brewer's Blackbird U U Rose-breasted Grosbeak C C C GNATCATCHERS Laplund Longspur O O O Common Grackle C C C Indigo Bunting C C U Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C C U Snow Bunting O O O WARBLERS Dickcissel U U U KINGLETS TOWHEES, SPARROWS Ovenbird C C C Golden-crowned Kinglet C C O Grasshopper Sparrow U U U Lousiana Waterthrush O O Ruby-crowned Kinglet C R C Lark Sparrow O O O Northern Waterthrush U U THRUSHES Chipping Sparrow C C C Golden-winged Warbler U U Eastern Bluebird C U C O Clay-colored Sparrow C C U Blue-winged Warbler U U U Townsend's Solitaire O Field Sparrow C C U Black-and-white Warbler C C Veery U R U Fox Sparrow C C R Prothonatary Warbler O O Gray-cheeked Thrush U U American Tree Sparrow C C C Tennessee Warbler C R C Swainson’s Thrush C C Dark-eyed Junco C C C Orange-crowned Warbler U U Hermit Thrush U U White-crowned Sparrow C C Nashville Warbler C C Wood Thrush U U U Harris’s Sparrow U U Conneticut Warbler U U American Robin C C C U White-throated Sparrow C C Mourning Warbler U U THRASHERS, MOCKINGBIRDS Vesper Sparrow U O U Kentucky Warbler R R Checklist created by Robert B. Janssen, Jerry Bonkoski and MNDNR. Data was gathered from MNDNR staff Gray Catbird C C C LeConte's Sparrow O O Common Yellowthroat C C C observations, public observations and Minnesota Brown Thrasher C C C Nelson's Sparrow O O American Redstart C C C Ornithologist’s Union records. Nomenclature and Northern Mockingbird O O O Henslow's Sparrow O O O Cape May Warbler U U organization of checklist based off of the Check-list of North American Birds (7th edition) as currently supplemented.