Chapter ?:5: Designing the Subtitle Learning Environment
Chapter ?:5: Designing the Subtitle Learning Environment Chapter 5: Designing the Learning Environment Guiding Principle: The Environment The Kindergarten environment allows complex, rich play to thrive. It is a warm and inviting place where children and adults inquire, learn, and co -construct together. Children’s natural curiosity and inquisitiveness are nurtured in learning environments that encourage active, explorative play and sustained peer interactions. The Kindergarten environment—including its physical, social, and organizational qualities, both indoors and outdoors—plays an integral role in children’s learning. Teachers create a multi-sensory, enabling “In order to act as an environment that supports emergent literacy educator for the child, and numeracy. They recognize children’s the environment has different learning styles and many ways of knowing. Children benefit from repeated to be flexible: it must opportunities to represent their ideas through undergo frequent playing with blocks, engaging in dramatic play, modification by the documenting, writing, painting, and drawing. children and the Children make choices and engage in play teachers in order to in a rich learning environment designed to extend and build upon their interests and the remain up-to-date and Kindergarten curricular goals. The environment responsive to their reflects the diversity of the children, their needs to be protagonists families, and their communities. Teachers value in constructing outdoor play, recognizing its potential for the their knowledge” highest level of development and learning in young children. (Gandini 177). Guiding Principle: The Schedule Kindergarten scheduling is responsive to children’s changing needs, allowing a developmentally appropriate curriculum to emerge over time. The daily Kindergarten schedule includes at least one hour of child-directed, adult-supported playtime to allow for deep and engaging play experiences.
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