The Boston Police Patrolmen's Association
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Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. PRST STD Racial profiling form: 9-11 Shetland Street U.S. POSTAGE Boston, Massachusetts 02119 PAID WESTBORO, MA explain this one to me again?… PERMIT NO. 100 Racists make racist form to accuse police of …racism… By James Carnell, Pax Editor any of us will remember the book “Catch 22” or George Orwell’s famous book M“1984” from our high school reading lists. Both books dealt with the insanity of various rules and regulations which contradicted themselves and meant the exact opposite of what they purported to be. They could not, however, have predicted the insanity that is the BPD’s racial profiling form. (continued on page A10) Nation’s First Police Department • Established 1854 Volume 42, Number 2 • March/April 2012 PAXCENTURIONPAXCENTURION Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. Boston Emergency Medical Technicians NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS Commissioner Davis cancels Not aware of speech after morale problems? BPPA threatens picket “…The administration is not aware of By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor ommissioner Ed Davis recently canceled his much ballyhooed speech about “the morale problems within the ranks of Cfuture of the department” which was originally scheduled for March 29th at the Boston patrol officers. That is not something Teacher’s Union Hall after the BPPA voted unanimously to picket the speech. According to the BPD’s media relations department “the department was unaware of we believe to be the case….” any morale problems within the patrol force. We do not believe this to be the case….” – BPD media relations spokesperson, Boston Herald, March 28th, 2012 And they actually issued a press release claiming that the speech was canceled due to By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor Did you speak up, Commissioner? Did the “scheduling concerns and logistical considerations”. If the term “untruthfulness” means an you believe that quote in response Mayor? Higher education is worthless to anything, this has to be the penultimate definition. As you know, the BPD has recently to a Boston Herald article about the re- even bother attaining. We simply want to been on a mission to fire officers for alleged untruthfulness. Only Jay Carney in the C cent decision to picket the Commissioner’s be treated like a firefighter, who now makes White House’s press office is more capable of bold-faced lying, spinning, and utter much-touted speech about the future of the up to $16,000 more a year than a cop with a bullshit than the BPD’s press office who shill for the Commissioner. department? (It was canceled due to “logisti- Master’s degree. The speech was canceled because the PC did not want the embarrassment of having cal issues and scheduling problems”. If you How about the massive rise in the cost rank-and-file patrol officers picketing the dear leader’s speech. He also recently told BPPA believe that one, the Broadway Bridge is for of our health insurance coverage, removing president Tom Nee that he was unaware of any morale problems and that the Mayor was sale- cheap and for cash. I currently own it.) more money from our take-home pay? “upset and angry” that such an article had appeared in the Herald. (Geez, that’s too bad. Seriously, this quote shows you just how How about the punitive transfers and His hurt feelings are our major concern here at the BPPA…) out-of-touch Headquarters is with the troops re-assignments that were recently instituted What it does show our members is just how totally out-of-touch headquarters is with in the field. They are blissfully unaware of against officers who had the audacity to use the officers who answer the calls and take the punishment from the public and the media. the crap that you, the patrol officer, has put a contractually-guaranteed benefit on Super They seem to think that handing out little ribbons and trinkets will pay the bills of our up with for years. Want me to start a list of Bowl Sunday? As you know, an officers’ members. They have deluded themselves into thinking that the patrol force believes their morale problems for you, Commissioner?... personal day is his/her choice, not yours. BS and will march like North Korean soldiers to their drumbeat. News flash: Commis- How about a contract that’s been expired Whether an officer chooses to use February sioner Davis: we don’t. Morale sucks, and the troops in the field are sick of being abused for almost two years and is about to enter its 5th, July 4th, Christmas day or the last Sunday and denigrated by headquarters, City Hall, and your allies in the media. If you don’t like third year? How about the prospect of more in August during the Caribbean festival is it and don’t want to believe it, that’s too bad…. years of “0%” raises? immaterial. These transfers were a childish How about a worthless educational in- exercise in power and control by egomani- centive formerly known as the Quinn bill? acs. We have been without a contract for Many of us accepted years of zero percent almost two years. Could you kindly respect raises in exchange for the luxury of attending at least our expired one?.... college, paying tuition and earning a degree, How about the recent firing of Officer Da- only to see it decimated by Governor Patrick. (continued on page A15) The advertisers of the Pax Centurion do not neces- sarily endorse the opinions of the Pax Centurion/ Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association. The advertisers are in support of the BPPA Scholar- ship Fund and every patrolmen who risks his or her life to protect and serve the community. Officers loyal to the Commissioner march to hear his speech. Nation’s First Police Department From the President: Thomas J. Nee PAX Unity & Strength Here we go again have heard the disappointment and mount- our management, CENTURION Iing frustration from virtually everyone. (the people that don’t CENTURION Over the course of the last two years the even know that there is a morale problem), BPPA Bargaining Committee has attended have they stood up for us, are they afraid to about 50 plus formal and informal sessions afraid to speak up on our behalf or do they with the City’s bargaining representatives believe that the service that their employees and innumerable other meetings and conver- produce is not worthy of the same financial Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. sations with others in the hope of producing a considerations as the fire service. How Boston Emergency Medical Technicians resolution. I want you to know that through- are we to supposed to maintain our level out this process that the bargaining committee of commitment to them when there is no 9-11 Shetland Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02119 has operated in the best interest of the mem- reciprocity? NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS Phone: 617-989-BPPA (2772) bers knowing It reminds Fax: 617-989-2779 full well what Like most of you I’m perplexed by me of the is expected of event that oc- Union Printworks the city’s attitude toward the BPPA them and what curred some Volume 42, No. 2 • Readership 125,000 • March/April 2012 they are tasked membership, over the past two years time ago to do. the City has continuously stated that when one of BOARD OF EDITORS There is no they were apprehensive and even our brothers Thomas J. Nee, President James Carnell, Managing Editor secret here; reluctant at the table because of their was getting Ronald MacGillivray, Vice President everyone in financial exposure with regards to the raked over Patrick M. Rose, Secretary Mark Bruno, Pat Rose, Boston knows the coals by David Fitzgerald, Treasurer Assistant Managing Editors litigation involving the Quinn Bill. That that there is excuse is behind us now and it’s be- the media EMS Officers NO way that about using a our member- yond time the city recognize its re- tactic trained James Orsino, President John Bilotas, Secretary ship will seri- Robert Morley, Vice President Anthony O’Brien, Treasurer sponsibility to the BPPA membership. to him in the Len Shubitowski, Chief Steward ously consider Boston Po- a contract that causes their base wage and lice Academy when arresting a violent felon BPPA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pensionable income to be inferior to the who refused to be handcuffed. The only one AREA A AREA B AREA C firefighters. And only those who have actu- who spoke on his behalf and defended him Brian Reaney • John Bates David Fitzgerald Mark Bruno • Chuck Kelley ally served on the bargaining committee was the BPPA! Jimmy Carnell • Michael Leary Steve Parham Robert Young • Paul Chevrette now and in the past can truly explain to you Political correctness and what things William Cullinane • Bob Luongo Vinnie Stephens Sean Sullivan • Jimmy LaCroix Richard Estrella • Matthew Carey just how difficult (almost painful) contract LOOK like should not be the litmus test in AREA E Patrick McDonough AREA F negotiations with the City of Boston can be. determining what is right and what is wrong! Paul Nee • Lawrence Calderone IDENT. UNIT • Michael Griffin AREA D Gerald Rautenberg DRUG UNIT • Paul Quinn Like most of you I’m perplexed by the The City Bargaining Team as well as the Robert Butler Arthur McCarthy • Angel Figueroa YVSF • Emanuel Canuto Greg Lynch • Tom Barrett James Morrissey • Chris Morgan Robert Griffin city’s attitude toward the BPPA membership, management of the Boston Police Depart- Christopher Broderick Daniel Byrne over the past two years the City has continu- ment should acknowledge and embrace that James Clark Henry Pereira TURRET RADIO SHOP John Conway • Curtis Carroll ously stated that they were apprehensive and concept! In the meantime we expect the city M.O.P.